07-11-45 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, WEDNESDAY, 8 P.M. , JULY 11, 1945. Present : James A. Cranford, Prenidcr+t E .L. Chiannoi Beale Travis E .L. Jones Don E. Goodling, Couecilrron and G.L. Rosiorough, Mayor C .R. Frazier, Town Supervinor Adele S. Grego , Town Clerk James A. Cranford, President called the raoeting to order, having been postponed from July 3rd, 1945. Minutes of the last mooting were read and approved. C.R. Frazier reported that the Board of Appraisers on the. Hotel Road would not meet until some definite ,lord has been received as to the actio,' of the County Budget Com- mittee. He also advised that the stops on the street-ends have been fihishod with a few minor additions. The sign directing traffic to colored beach hue been ordered but not received. Mr. Travis reported that he mould see Mr . Jarboe regarding the bill for fire servicas. Upon motion of E.L. Chiasson, seconded by Beale Travis the Treasurer' s Report wan approved as read. Upon notion of E.L. Chianson , seconded by E .L. Jones the following bills were api roved for payment : City of Jaekeenville Beach( Radio) $ 30.00 Yrs. O.P. Likins ( garage) 5.00 B .B. McCormick & Sons 301.20 R.A. Burke , Signs 23.90 Bill's Garage 2.29 Janes Service Station 4. 75 • R.E. Wilkerson & Cp. . 2.95 H. & V.B. Drew Co .(Lieense Forms) 9.72 C.C. Howell, Jr. . . . . ; .. 15.00 ?aura Eauip. Con 12.04 Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel . Co 5. 89 Sou. Bell Tel. & Tel . Co. (Ueelth .Unit) . . . 3.54 Texas Company 91. 47 Shell Oil Company 26.60 Porter' s Service Station 14.25 Mason Lubber Co. ( Steps ,Roping, etc ) 127. 80 Penney' s (Flag material) 5.90 682.30 Upon motion of E .L . Chiasson seconded by Don Goodling bill for painting the police car in the amount of $65.00 wan approved for payment when received. Travis presented to the Council the matter of "Waterworks" , which was diseussed and upon motion of E.L . Chiasson seconded by Beale Travis the mutter was referred to the Public Works Comimiytcee, Mr. E.L. Jones, Chairman , who are to report back to council . S Upon motion of F.L. Jones, seconded by Don Goodling an Ordinance "Changing the name of Atlanta Street to Ahern Street" was passed on first readin7. Ur+r►n motion of Beale Travis, seconded by E:L. Chiasson, it was parsed on second reading. upon motion of Beale Travis , seconded by E.L. Chiasson the following Resolution relative to payment of E. G. Roche plumbing bill on the DeCottes property was passed: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: WHEREAS The Mayor and Town Council did, at the regular meeting held at the Town Hall on April 3rd,1945, pursuant to the provisions of Ord}nanee #71, find that an unsanitary con- dition existed on Part of Lot 1, Block 20 , the property of the Estate of jars. Goo. A. DeCottes, Louisa Deeottes, executrix, by virtue of an overflowing septic tank, and WHEREAS, the said Mayor and Toun Council did in ac- cordance with th4 said Ordinance order and direct the Town Clerk to give legal notice to the said Louisa Decottes of such insanitary condition; that said condition be remedic4 within ten days or the Town would procure the necessary rem- edy and charge the cost thereof to the said property, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk, acting in accordance with the said directive, did on April 4, 1945 give notice to the said Louisa Deeottes, and WHEREAS, the notice and order was not complied with within ten days, and WHEREAS, the Town Supervisor and Town Varsha1 _caused the said condition to be remedied by then and there directing that E.G. Roche , a licensed plumbing contractor to make the necessary repairs, and WHEREAS, the said E.G. Roche did make the needed repairs and has tendered the Town a bill in the amount of $3.7.00 which is hereto attached and made a part of this resolution, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL, that the said bill be paid and that the said sum of $37.00 be and i,t is- hereby declared a valid assessment against the said property, and that the .said Louisa DeCottes be pre- sented with a statement of the assosseient extending the time for pay to sixty (60) days from this date without interest and should the assessment remain unpaid after sixty(60) days that interest at t'hc rate of six (6) percent :oer annum shall thereafter be charged. A letter was read from C .C. Howell, Jr. wherein he tendered hie resignation as Town Attorney effective August 1st, 1945. Upon motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by I .L. Chiasson this resignation was accepted with regrets and tksu the Town Clerk be directed to write Mr. Hewell expressing the Town' s appreciation Of the efficient manner and prompt attention he has always given the Town 's affairs. Mr. Cranford asked the Laws and Pules Committee to consider and report to the Council their recommendation for a new attorney. Upon motion of E.L. Jones, seconded by Peale Travis the Council authorized the Tax Collector to issue e license to Joe Costello , plumbing contractor, without .ci-purge under old-age exemp- tion. xemp- tion. The monthly report of C .F. Frazier, Town Sunervisor was road and filed: his report covered: (A) Steps cost about $.17. per step. All street-ends have been mucked, but not planted, nor all cleaned. 1'iscellancous. (B) An estimate of Finances for balance of year. . ( C) A Statement in reference to the Waterworks situation. This was turned over to the Public Works Committee. ( D) A statement regarding the Garbage Collections for North Atlantic Beach relative to new legislation giving Duval County right to grant franchises for collection of gar- bage outside veunicioal liwits. It wan the consensus of to of the Council that they did not: want/have anyth' n ; to do with collection of !arbage for the north-end, and did not want to make any move towards getting a franchise for sar^e. Mr. Jones was asked to see Mr. Sollee ralative to raking a survey on the proposed Hotel Reservation Toad . The Council gave their approval of ?'r. Frazier' s using George Frazier to operate the power mower or on any other work where needed. Vrs. Benner appeared on behalf of the Little Theatre , giv- ing a brief history of the organization, and asking the Council to take an add in their orogram to be used in August. Upon motion of F.L. Jones, seconded by non Goodling approval was given for a $10. ad. Mr. J . ". Petty j ohn and Captain C . Hamby of the }'.ayport Telephone Company appeared before the Council With a request that they be given a franchise for that territory west bf the hammock section. After considerable discussion, it was decided that a copy of the Southern Bell Tel . P< Tel . Co. franchise would have to be studied, to decide whether exclusive , etc. andno action could be taken at present. Upon motion of T.L. Jones the reefing adjourned. ,,e -c,---/ '-:---Ant4i-- 1110 OF III Ore,,A. Cr' ifo ,'�j sident Attest : d CCC , g' . /eit't—il---r--- Adele Grage , Town Clerk