01-04-44 v MINUTES OF T E REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TO Vi' COUNCIL HELD JANUARY 4 , 1944 at 8 n. M. AT -HE TONN HALL. Preceni- : E. I . Chi_accon J . L . Cranford and E. L. Jonee, who was duly ?worn in ac a new Councilman to take the olece vacated by Henry G. Iceacc, resigned . Upon motion of !!1 . Jones , seconded by ''r. Cranford, the minute.-; sof the regular monthly meeting of Dec . 7 , 1_943 were approved an read. Upon motion of "r. Jones , ecu. onded by Mr. Canford , the minutes of '-he Special Meeting of Dec , 28 , 1943 , were a 'oroved an read. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford , seconded by Mr. Jones=, the Tree.aurerc reoort was a ,oroved ,when duly signed , end ordered filed. Upon motion of ''r. Cre.nford , seconded by Mr. Jones , the fo low'. n , bille were a oroved and ordered paid : Southern Bell Tel & Tel Co. - - -5.92 S. B. Hubbard C 7.50 C . C . Howell , Jr. , 10.00 E. A. :_ertin Seed Co. , 2.25 W. D. Dickinson Hardware Co. - - ----- - - -3.00 Atlantic Beach Holding Co. 10. "`0 The Texas Co. 48.15 Sherman Concrete "iee Co. 8 .10 Duval Motoe Co. 2 . 44 Swap Shop 2.50 Clifford !'eyne Garricon Co . 105.22 200.08 A fu cher diecucci_on was hid In reference to the Adman propoce.l to cell the weterworkc system to the Town . Mr. Chiannon to confer with E. G. Ademc . Yr . Chiennon, the President , named E. I . Cones en Chairman of the Public Xorkc Comittee and ec e member of the Police Committee . The City Sueervi_ 2or wan ins'-rusted to contact J . T. McCormick further in reference to ctepc at the Seawall. Alco , planes foe rebuilding of woods is to be oreoered end submitted to T. U. B. . in en e+fort to determine whether or not meterielc would be available . The City Suoervinor was directed to have a .tr-et light installed et Eeet Coact Drive end Atlantic Boulevard. and then if conditions caused by cervi.ce men waiting for buc,cee is not remedied Chet he , the City Suoervicor, take the matter up with Co mender Sanders . There being no further bueine?c for consideration , the meetin ; adjourned. eas....ma. Ogg -w.110 4Ir 1 . mm. ec'Son , President A'i:t e n k