07-12-44 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MON'ITLY MEETING OF TH7 ATLANTIC BEACH TO 7N COUNCIL HELD JULY 12th, 1244 AT 8 P.M. AT THE TONN HALL. Present: E. L. Chiasson, J. A. Cranford, Beale Travis , E. L. Jones , S. S. Jacobs and C . C . Horell , Jr. Town Attorney . The regular monthly meeting was scheduled for July 4th, but because of being a holiday and a lack of quorum, the meeting was adjourned from day to day . Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr.Jones , the min- utes of the regular meeting of Juno 6th were approved as read. An unsigned Treasurer' s Report aa:, submitted and read by the Chairman of the Finance Commttee, wh' ch report was ordered approved and filed when signed by the Treasurer. Upon motion of Mr. Travis , seconded by Mr. Jacobs, the Chairman of the Finance Committee was directed to purchase 7/8ths Bonds in an amount up to t6 ,000.00 from the surplus funds in the sea- wall account. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Travis, all bills, except the bill for $125 .40, submitted by the City of Jacksonville were approved and ordered paid , which are as follows: City of Jacksonville Beach $30.00 Southern Bell Tui. & Te1 .Co. (Health Unit )- 3 .39 Do. (June arid July-Phone 37) 11 .23 J. P. 3r:aoks - - 2 .50 W. D. Dickinson' s Hardware Co. 25 .00 H. & N. B. Drew Company 9. 71 T. P. Janes - - - - - - 3 .42 R. E. Wilkerson F& Company 2 .75 C. C.Howell , Jr. 10.00 R. A. Burke , Signs 18.50 E. G. Roche , 5. 45 Pablo Garage 21 . 45 "uinn R. Barton Company .64 Mason Lumber & Supoly 18.37 The Texas Company 91 .76 Total-x$,.254. 17 The Clerk read a letter from the Town Attorney rendering a decision in the matter of on appropriation to the Teen Town Club in the amount of $250.00, which opinion stated that the Town Council has legal authority to make such appropriation. The Clerk was so in- structed to advise the Teen Town Club and to further advise the Teen Town Club that the balance of P150.00 can be paid upon the request of the Club if and when funds are available . The matter of gates and fences across the Atlantic Boule- vard runway was thoroughly discussed. The Clerk advised that the Lo- cal Defense Council approved of the removal; that this approval was endorsed by General Albert H. Blanding, Coordinating Director, that the County came down to remove the gates but were stooped by the Coast Guard and the Army; that Major Robert r, . Delany, having to do with matters of this sort , asked that the gates be left up until he could secure a ruling from his superior officer; that Manor Delany promised that until such a time as the matter would be finally disposed of, both gates would be kept open from sunrise to sunset at all times . The Clerk advised and the Town Marshal substantiated his statement that on several occasions recently, the south gate had rem. ined closed all day and that the north gate had not: been opened until after 8 o' - clock in the morning. Furthermore , on numerous occasions, the gates were not closed at night at 11 and indicating that the gates are not necessary . The Clerk way instructed to take the matter up further and ask that the gates be removed. The matter of an ovcroll Committee composed of two members from each of the three Town Councils of the Beaches was thoroughly discussed. The President of the Town Council exslained in reference to a report submitted by Planner George Simons, Jr. to the Beaches Chamber of Commerce on this date ond in view of all of the matters con- tained in this re :ort , it was decided it weuld probably be best to await furtheraction by the Planning Committee before tuki rg up the matter of this overall Committee : that the Community would 'be ' brought together for the time being through the medium of public meetings to be held in refc_ence to Mr. Simons' re .�ort ; that the At- lantic Beach Town Council is still strongly of the opinion that further steps should be taken on the part of the three Municipalities and directed the Clerk to advise the other Town Councils that while it is the suggestion of the Atlantic Beach Town Council that action be de- ferred for the time being , that it is not the recommendation of the Atlantic Beach Town Council to drop the plan altogether. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford , seconded by Mr. Jones , the fol- lowing Resolution was unanimously adopted: "A RESOLUTION Granting unto Motor Transit Company a corpor- ation, a permit to operate motor passenger busses for hire within the cor ;orate limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County , Florida, WHEREAS, Motor Transit Company, a corporation , has applied to the Town of Atlantic Beach , Duval County, Florida , for a permit to operate motor passenger busses for hire over the streets and public ways of the said Town: and, WHEREAS, it is the conviction of the Town Council of said Tow. that such operation, subject to the conditions and within the limitations hereinafter defined and imposed, would be beneficial to the said Town, and should be encouraged; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the said Town Council of the said Town of Atlantic Beach that: 1 . The said applicnti on is granted; and the said Motor Transit Company , a coreor.. tion, hereinafter culled he "Company, " for the period of time herein specified, end subject to and by com- pliance with all the terms and provisions hereof , sh- 11 be permitted to operate its motor passenger busses for hire in, throughout , over , and upon the public avenues, woys ,streets , and thoroughfares of said Town of Atlantic Beach, hereinafter called the "Town." C. Neither the issuance of this permit by the Town, its acceptance by the Company, nor the latter 's full or limited use of any of the Town' s streets or thoroughfa:. es hereunder , shell , for any pur- pose , by any person, or under any circumstances whatsoever, be regarded as either establishing, or tending to establish, in favor of the Com- pany , and against the Town, any right , title , interest , claim, demand , ownership, or easement , in or with respect to the whole or any part of any street, avenue , way, or thoroughfare in the Town. 3. This permit is personal to the Company: it is non-assign- able by it to any third party or successor in interest: is term noble at any time at the pleasure of the Torn upon 30 days written notice , and with or without cause ; is valid for one calendar year from the date of its acceptance by the Company in the manner hereinafter provided; may , upon written application of the Company filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town at le. st 30 days in advance of the expirat' on date hereof, be renewed by the Town In its discretion; and will not operate to preclude thegranting of a motor bus, taxi , or other trans- portation franchise by the Town to the Company at any subseauent time. 4. Acceptance of this permit by the Company shall be effected and evidenced in the following armor: Immediately upon the passage of this Resolution the said Town Clerk shall transmit a true Lnd correct certified copy hereof to the Company; and the Company shall affix to said co y, the following endorsement: "Accepted ths day of , 1944. MOTOR TRANSIT COV-ANY, a cur oration, By Its Vice President and 411 General Manager . " The Company shall then forthwith return said copy, so endorsed, to the said Town Clerk; who shell promptly file the same; among the current public records of the Town. Accepted this day of , 1944. MOTOR TRANDIT COMPANY, a corporation, By Its Vice President und General Manager. " The Clerk was directed to put up a sign in the 15th Street area notifying the public that picnicking and changing of clothes is prohibited. Upon motion of Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr. Jones , on Ordi- nance "prohibiting undressing of bathers and picknicking upon the ocean beach within the limits of the Town of Atlantic Beech, Florida, and pro- viding penalties for the violation thereof" was passed upon first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, this ordinance was passed on second reading. Upon motion of Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr. Jones, an ordi - nance "regulating the existence of conditions which are or may become unsanitary and hazardous to the health of the community within the lim- its of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Florida , and providing penalties for the violat'_on thereof" was passed on first reading. Upon motion of Mr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Cranford, this ordinance was passed on second reading. A further discussion was had in reference to the road and street conditions in the Town . There being no further business - for consideration, the meet- ing adjourned. EA.x,_ hiasson , President. AtteI/:? :, Town C erk