08-08-44 v VINUTES OF A S"ECII.L '.`ESTI TG OF THE ATLAmTIC 3EPCH TO.7N COUNCIL HELD _AUGUST 8th, 1944 et 8: 45 P.M. AT THE TOWN HALL TO CANVAS THE RETURNS ^F THE GEN-PAL ELECTION. Thu meeting wen celled to order by the Preaidunt End the fol- lowing annwered the roll cull : E. L. Chiennon J. A . CrE,nford , Boole Trevin , G. L. Fonborough, Vayor end C. C. Howell , Jr. Town At' orney. T?Ae follo:v ng F'enolution wan introduced by Ur . Crr_+rifurd , recorded by Mr. Trovin : RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The In oectorn and the Clerk of the General Election held in Atlantic Bench, on August 8th , A. D. 1944 , for the purpose of electing e Mayor or and Five Councilmen , cenvanned the votes cast end did make due returns bf the race in nords and figurer an follow: CERTIFICATE OF RESULT OF GENEFI L ELECTION OF THE TC4vN OF ATLANTIC BEACH , HELD ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 8th , 1944 , FOR THE PUT-0SE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FIVE COUNCILMEN. TO THE TOWN COUNCIL TO1'T OF ATLANTIC BEICH DUVAL COUNTY FLOL,IDA We , the undern'fined, being the In-pectora end C1 eik uopointed to conduct the Genere:l Election in the Town of Atlt nt'c Lech, on Tuesday , August 8th, 1944 , for the ourocoe of electing a Mayor and five Councilmen, hereby certify thbt re conducted soil elect:' on on acid (lute, end counted the bellot.a cost fur tnd tg_linnt the cendidetea whose r_emen are printed on the be+llotn and find the result- to be ur follows: the number of qu`:lified raters, occordinE ' o the Peg'stret_on Dook,7VAS--- 142 The number of such quL.lified vutern who peri:icipeted in ,=aid election, and Y ho cant ballets in nu 'd elect ' on, ,"'AS 102 Thu nuibea' of Fallotn cant for G. L. Rosborou h for V yor , VAS 81 The number of Pallotn cent for June ,Vright for VJ yob•, NAS 1 The number of Ballots cast for Mrn. C.F.Vilcox for Payor, VAS 2 The number of Bnllot:s cant for C. D. Towers for Mayor, WAS 1 The number of Rellots cost for George Bull for Councilmen , ,VAS 46 Thu number of BalIotn cent for E. L. Chiesson for Councilm_tn, ''AS 80 The number of Ballots cent for J. A. Croonford for Councilmen, WAS 91 The number of Ballot, cont for Alfred B. ; vin for Councilman, 7AS 49 Thu number f Eu,llotn cent fur Don. E. Goodling fur Councilarr n, :!AS SO The number of Pellote c*nt for F. L. Jones for Councilrr..n , ;','AS 75 The number of 3zllotn cast for (leo. W. Shearon_ for Councilmen, NAS 29 The number of Bit1lotn cent for Bele Trevin for Councilmen, WAS F9 One Ballot wag thrown out. in IN WITNESS 'WHEREOF , we heeo executed this cer• ; ificrt.e this the 81-h day of II, ,tgunt, A. D. 1944. ( Signed) Grace L. I-a^c.- Clerk. (Signed) Adele 2. Grego , Inspector. ( Signed) A. S. Berleck, Innpector. It in hero ' th untnixoui.ly voted thet Raid returns be accepted et re- ported. Pc it further resolved, and it in h ruby found e.nd detert,ined by �-'he Tof,n Council of Atl r_tic Beach, acting In the capacity of . t canvass'ng board, that a Lajority of the uclified voter.; , riho participated in az+id General Election cot their votes in favor of the above cc ndidaten as follows. FOR !PAYOR G. L. Fonborough 81 FOR eCUN ILMEN J. A. Cranford 21 E. L. Chiasson 80 F. L. Jones 75 Don E . Goodling 50 tale Trtvin 59 and it if further found and determined that the above neced ce.cididaten are elected to serve for the next two yenrn. Yr. Crcnford move,: thea '-he Treasurer 's Resort for the Lor.th of July be approved find ordered filed . Thio motion Was sec_,nded by ►'r. Travis and tll rembero present voted "YES" . There being no further busncs: fur cor-lecratinn , the rectir_E adjourned. amp•P--„mq 1 ' F. L. Chiasron, president. At , / / /if i .:hn C • . 4 MINUTE 37 i:"'FTING 7' TILE NENLY ELECTED TO,lh COJNCIL OF THE TONN OF ATLJ'.NTIC BEACH , HELD AT THE TO :N Ht.LL IUG1 ST 5th, 1944 1 T 9 ..:. The followir_g sere sworn into office by the Clerk: VAYOR G. L. Eoaborou?h COUNCILMEN J. A. Crt,r_ford E. L. ChiesP-on end Berle Travis The other two newly elected nemibcra, 7. L. Jones r_.r.d Don E. Coodling, :rune not present. By notion of lir. Cranford, -econded ry Mr. Travis, R. L. Chiceson was ner,ed Acting President _f the Town Covnc il. There be'r ; no further buainecs for conriderei:ion, i=he Lee-cir;g adjourned. vanim • E. L. Chia^son , Acting Pre- 'dont . Wert' Are Town Cler • . I