03-02-43 vMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TCWN HALL AT 7:30 P. M. MARCH 2, 1943. Present : H. G. Isaacs Beale Travis J.A . Cranford S. S. Jacobs Mayor G.L. Rosborough , and Town Attorney, C.C. Howell , Jr. The Clerk read the minutes of the Regular Monthly meeting of the Council on February 2 , 1943 , which were approved as read. At this point regular business was suspended in order that members of the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle could present a resolution adopted by that body in reference to the naming of the Town Park. Mrs. C .P. Nilcox introduced Mrs. E.L. Jones who was present to act for Mrs . Brooke G. White , Jr. , the President. Mrs. Jones explained the purpose of the resolution and then introduced Mrs. C.P. Wilcox who reviewed the building of the park and gave a sketch of the life of Richard 3u11 , late Lieutenant j .g.) of the Navy, who lost his life in action in the Pacific . She then presented the following resolu- tion: WHEREAS, Mrs. Harcourt Bull has. been iden- ttfied with the atlantic Beach Park since its inception, having furnished muck and native material and having served as Beautification Chairman when it was landscaped. And Whereas , there is now a vacant chair in t ,e home and a void in the heart of this member by the supreme sacrifice of a son, Lt. (j. g. ) Richard Bull , in the defense of our country. And Whereas, Lt. ( j .g.) Bull , one of Florida 's most gallant aviators, went down with his ship under circumstances that caused the United States Navy to posthumously make him the high- est award , NOW, be it RESOLVED that it is the sense of this meeting that it would be most fitting and a privilege for this organization and the Town of Atlantic Beach to also honor and nay tribute to the memory of Lt. ( j .g. ) Bull by naming the Atlantic Beach Park the 'Richard 3ull Park' as a permanent memorial . Be it further RESOLVED that the President of the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle be asked to app int a committee to furnish the Atlantic Beach Town Council a copy of this resolution and petition that honorable body to o'ficially name the park ' The Richard Bull Parke . The above resolution was unanimously carried at the January meeting of the Atlantic Beach Garden Circle and the President , Yrs. Brooke G. White ,Jr. appointed a committee composed of Mrs. C.P. Wilcox, Mrs. Earl H. Thompson, Mrs. Edgar Jones, and Mrs. Henry V. Grage to present the matter to the Town Council . " Mr. Cranford moved that in accordance with the request contained in the resolution that the Town Park be named "Richard Bull Memorial Park" . The motion was seconded by Mr. Jacobs and the motion was unani - mously carried. Mr. Vickers, the Town Treasurer, submitted his usual monthly financial report which was approved and ordered filed. Upon motion of Mr. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Jacobs , the following bills were approved and ordered paid: T. P. Janes 50 Guinn R. Barton 2.61 R .E . Wilkerson & Co. 1 . 75 Consolidated AutomItive Co. 1 .74 Beach Printing Co. 14.75 Southern Bell Tel. & Tel . Co. 6.52 Southern " Health Unit)3.39 Bill 's Garage 7.20 Mason Lumber Co. 7.59 The Texas Co. ( Dec . & Jan. ) 64.57 The Texas Co. ( 1-invoice from Nov.) 3.00 Shell Oil Co. 15.37 Neptune Voluntary Fire Dept. 25.00 Atlantic Nat 'l . Benk (Ifts) 43.71 City of Jacksonville Beach ( Radio) 30.00 Mr. Cranford then moved that the amount of 98. 88 , representing cash outlay by the Town Attorney in the Grice case be approved and ordered paid and that the fee of 4350 be passed to a leter date . The motion was seconded by Mr. Travis and adopted. The proposal for a change in the Town ' s Charter was discussed. By unanimous consent the matter was passed to the next term of State Legislature . The President reported in reference to the proposal td operate the minature train as shuttle transportation between the Beaches, that the proposal had evidently been blocked before the OPA by the Motor Transit Co. The President introduced Capt. Geo. Garcia , commander of the Home Guard Unit of the Beaches Defense Council . Capt. Garzia explained that the Home Guard had no direct authority to carry weapons and asked that the Town of Atlantic Beach swear in all the members as special police . The matter was thoroughly discussed, and referred to the Mayor for consideration, the chair appointing Mr. Travis , Mr. Cranford and Mr. Jacobs as a committee to advise with the Mayor on the matter. Later in the meeting the above matter was dis- cussed, and it was the opinion of the Mayor , concurred in by the whole membership present , that, because of several reasons , the request would not be granted at this time. Chief among these reasons was the opinion of the Town Attorney that such action would place responsibility on the Town for the acts of these special police officers; that being true, the members of the Home Guard are not residdnts of the Town and therefore ars; not taxpayers in the Town and do not hold, as a general rule , the same interest in the welfare of the Town as would a resident of the Town , that there is a large contingent of Auxil- liary Police who are taxpayers and residents of the Town111thatmaybecalledonatanytimetoserveinanemergen- cg ;and, furthermore , the Town does not own the public utilities in the Town and that the need for guard duty is less in Atlantic Beach than in the other Beach cities. The Mayor is to write a letter to Capt. Garcia accordingly. The City Supervisor advised that he is convert- ing one of the tennis courts in the Park into a small playground placing therein some swings, seesaws, etc. already in possession of the Town and that the cost of this would be nominal . Mr. Jacobs brought up the matter of the Army Blackout regulations in this area. He explained that he makes many trips to Miami and that the area south to Miami is not under nearly so rigid restrictions. The Mayor was requested to confer with the Army offi- cials in reference to this situation and in an effort to have the more liberal regulations made to cover the Town of Atlantic Beach. There being no further business for consider- ation , the meeting adjourned. 95r/ Presiders Atlantic Beach Town Council Attest: Town ' e r k-