03-15-43 v MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 7:30 P.M. , MARCH 15 , 1943. SPursuant to the following notice : Mr. G. L. Aosborough, "ayor Mr. E. L. Chiasson Mr. Beale Travis Mr. James A. Cranford Mr. S. S. Jacobs Mr. C. R. Frazier Gentlemen: You and each of you are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the Atlantic Beech Town Council at 7:30 p.m. , ! arch 15th, at which time the following matters will be given consideration: 1. Transportstion in the town. 2. Such other routine matters as may be brought to the attention 411 of the council for consideration. Sincerely, HGI :px H. G. Issacs Pres. , Town Council The following members were present: H. G. Issaca E. L. Chiasson James A. Cranford Mayor G. L. Rosborough Reading of the minutes of the regular monthly meeting of March 2nd was postponed to the next regular monthly meeting. The President of the Council explained to the other members and to the citizens present the purpose of the meeting and the :question of transportation in the town was then thor- oughly discussed. It was a con-census of opinion of all present that the town should secure or provide some method of transoortation within the town and to Jacksonville Beach, if possible , and that such transport' ion should be secured at the earliest possible date. It was pointed out that there is no transportation within the town and that the wives and families of many service men are greatly inconvienced because of this lack of transportation. by unanimous consent the President of the uouncil was authorized end requested to ennoint a committee to call upon the officials of the Beach Bus Line and offer th-m the op- portunity to install a shuttle system. The President appointed the Mayor , Colonel William E . 410 Murray, Retired, and Al Davis on this committee. -2- The 2- The chairman also requested, on the recommendation of the Mayor thst Colonel Murray immediately contact Colonel Shepherd, Commanding Officer of the Atlantic Beach Army Camp and explain the situation to Colonel Shepherd and ask the cooper^tion of the Army in this matter in as much as many of the Army personnel are concerned. There being no further business for consideration, the meeting adjourned. qjt0.0.1 - President Atlantic Beach Town Council Attest: ✓ / ° r0 ;