09-07-43 v ii' "TES OF TT E P1-',GULA7 l'ONTFIv VE7TTNC OF mHE ATTAT7TC TrACH TOMN CO"NCIL HELD AT mu.7 TOM H' LL iT 8 ". v. Sente,-her 7 , 1947. Pre=ent: H. G. -111,CR Jere= A . Crnnford Berle mrevis E. L. Chieon S. S. Jecob= vgyer G. I . Posborouph The meeting,' wes c-lled ft ordnr by u. G. I=een = , "re=irent. ..--- The rinLtes of -17.'e repul -r --Inthly n' et ' nx of Auru=t 3 , were read Pnd with c •rrections end eddit' or= e ,hroved . rr. Oren- ford rclnrtinr on hth-lr nf the Town Trersurer, who stmted thet e chtc', -Par 07000.00 hed been .rarwerded t ' the ".F.C. in rn effort ta •retire seven =erwoll hond= . The check wn= re- turned by P. F. C. with t e inforretion that the b ,ndx l''.?4j been said to e broker in urlende rrd in torn ell but the is=ue due October 1 , 1246 hed beer rtld tn the Gulf Life In . Co. of Jmck_ sonville , Fle . Vr. Cranford Ifni-n(1 th-t he hnd en--nnted witl"?\)% the br ''-nr= ond thet they }' 'dsteted to hir thet they wole dell / 4the seven bends due October 1 , '146 , to the Town -t her nlun -t- /2 prertiur , Mnd - ,ved thet the Council euth - rine the rnfiret--e-t '-' 04' 1 he l46 i== r ,n thi = he=1 -. Er. Chiom=nn =rcle ,- d +he gntiool q ond it wr = on- introu=ly =dolted. I The nue-z4 ,m ,4' —mvmtrf tl *1,e cii-y of 7.51.entrIlle 7poch of 4:30.00 her - '-r nnl ' ce nrd ' t eervicem 'IPS di =cu==ed . mhe President renarted t - t 1- ' •-• -rt'-er hnd been con=idered by .T 'r_ nville Beech oficielr , nr ' thet o,re ediustr-ents weild be -nde . By ore-i -los ce-c--, the - - --nr we no ==ed to e fot 're dote. In the eb=ence of the mew- Treasurer , the et-nir ,*,1 of' the Finance Cormittee reharfnd ti-e cn=h - ..-1-- rencral flr' l e.t en- oroxirettly ,I,F60.20 with ehorn- i ,-ntelv 69000.00 in the meew-ll fund. The Trer=urers report will he filed with the TlIn Clerk - 10ACri!' ex- ct f' 're . After dl-c --C_ -:r irking inti con=i -lerntinn ho=rible receipt= before the trx roll hrepered in October end in order to rev ell outstendirr b: 11 = rnd reel- the /1011(i-oils it enheernd thnt it would be nece==ary for the Town to brrrnw =rt rni-ny. Ulan ret' -:n tf Vr. Crenfard, seconded by vr. Tecobs , the Pr,..aidert of the Town Council end the 'tmin Clerk were authorized 1 to barrow from the Pesch Benk 'NT' mnre other n1,- in fluv71 Courty , S R,'ITI of roney ni- exccedinr $1000. . U 'on mat' nn of 44p. Crenf)rd , sectr4,!..d h,, rf:IURTIff13311 , the 7 folloenn resslutinn we= utnenim -)u-ily ndonted : BE IT --S-)T1TED av TuE TO7N COUNCTL "7 r' T° 711 OP ATITTC P-ACH , FLOFID.A : " Ne , the Town Council nf the Town of 4tlent ' e leech , Florid- , do hereby trolint nerry C. Iseec= end. C. F. Frrzier, resnIc+ively the urn=ident nr the m'offn Council end 4-hm Town Cler' --r the =nid Town, cur joint ottor-n-= -rnr nr end in our n- -e end =teed , to jointly end in their nns )ective Orr' e!' 161 cepecitie= , drew , in end endorse hromis=ory rites; end to wive dere-d nnt• ce , -rd notice nf hrote=t of e1 -uch rtes. 01.Vinm end rrr-tirr unto nur 'mid e 'rforn-us full newer end eutl/nrity to do end nerforr ell end every act end t' / nw Nbl'1-, v r renoi = ' 1-e nece==ery er pruner t- be d 1-e in end ehout the nreri=e= , es fully to all intents end nurhoses , es we , retina In en rroreorteoffi- 0 einl corcty, Prio 't r'ir cou' d do; hereby retifu' nr end confirr- inp ell Lhnt our laid ettorney= =h-• 11 lewfullv ti-o, tr ceu=e to be dore by v' rtue herof. " .••I•••••. Tilton t^e n 1tI on of t'r. Chia nnn , ncconded bo ►'r. Trevi- , the fol l owi n!. re ,tsluti ire wro, ,rmnir,ouslv edooi-ed : "Be it resolved by i-he Va,Tor and Town Caunc ' l of the Town of Atlar'tic Beech , Fl pride that t''e Town Clerk end Tex Collector he and he Io hereby directed to refune to i onus ,core tier two retoi l liquor llcence. in the Town of Atlantic Heech, one oaf t eoe to be re=crved for the Hotel rencrv: t' nn , and t'.,e other to be issued to er, no.oroi- .r it tte buolne.'o oect' on ^nci on atlentiC Houlever-l . Be it furt'•-er relolved that this directive shall_ remei_n In full effect for e per' -,`j of two orer.s fro.-- 'lc ober 1 , l 000. n By unen i] iou,a vote , the e ?orooriet• on of 450.00 ed c of tole ,Autruot 3rd meet' no tnd ordered oeid n the o ,rchmne o' ' pull- motor by Jacksonville Beach '11te,n. roeinded. Further dincunni on oeo had 1r ref—once to the o4i ni-er•once of I ife Cruarc;=. Upon ^otion of Vr. Cranford , nccor,dec; by Yr. Jecoh'; , floe followinw bills were eoorovoc1 encs ordered ooid. if end when f''nd:3 are evaITable : The Texas Co. 4 .50 Jhell Oil Cm. 25 .50 D1c'kin.- n ' s Hardware 24 .00 loon Enui nolent CO. 20. 80 T. Harley DeLech F.00 H. E. patten, Plumber 11 . 90 Vason I ueber t Supply Co. 121 .61 • City of Jocks-rvIlle 11 . 96 S'heroen Concrete Ripe Co. - . 20 Hall Lyrnch i`oter•, '-Thn5 n5 Jones Stendard Oil Station / nom ^o Southern Hell Tel . F. Tel . - t Sout ern '1c11 Tel . '• Tel . --wealth Clinic Verlloc ")erv' ce Motion dincunni on 'wen ' rd i n reference to ni-reef- renoi ro and re- ooir:- to the Town Pall . The City Sulerv5nor +adv' ped thet ell theoe netters were nro=re-- ' no :,l owlo. The r'rel Inir ery tex roll for t-toe oe<. r l2,07 woo '-hen oubni tted • to the Counc 'l . upon rot-ion or ''r. Cronfor.? , oeconrlea by Vn. Trevi , the follt'F:i.n_ • re olut-ion wen adopted : PESOIUTTON: ttp'lrovi ntc 1--•e Prel i ,-.i nmrir Tax A :3nennr•...nt Emil for the yeer 1943: 4H7-7r•.3', '+-,:c Town '''ex A 3Senor ,_,,,, o C nw )l e ted the ^rel l of nary A •n,r,eoo- rent Poll of the Town of Atlantic Beech , Fl or_da for the year 1943, and hen nubs,' fi-eco- tie oeoe +. 7) '-t'e Toon Counci 1 , gerd iF" - AS, it so ,eero thot ell 'sr -• ..ori-•, , real cr.d oernon,.l , i_ r the the Town of _Atlentic Reech , '=ubiect to tr+xati_ on h been too e—oed on -'=lid TtX .Asoeion:eiit Roil , en_ the T+ex Ac eo rent Poll is in due form. THEPEPOPE 97 TT r7SOI VED S' TIT*, Trl:Y', OOIJN?CTI_ of the Town of At- , lnotie t- lan_tie Peach , Florida , thet the p=aid t'reli-finery Tnx Aoocoorent Poll he , end the nar°e in , hereby sonroved. HE IT FUrT 'ET KESO177'L i-' t the Town Cleric oh,ll noot o;- t',e mourn Hell and et two other Pfuhl is olecen ' r the mown end n' all elno ce- uoe to be nubl i obeci civilly for four CnnneCut-ive in e new- -,ever publ l ohed in the City of Jec'c5•onv' l l e , Puvel County , Rl ori do , notice thot -i'i d A =se^ r-ent Poll hes been o b: i Cc'T t e the TIwn Council and f..poroved and elnsr re^uiri ne ell noroorn desiri. n ' to hove corr•oc- tionc thereof.. node , w' ether ' n the 1 nti n , vrluet' n -.r• nr^oerty or tt'er'.vi oe , i-o file wi'-h the Town TRX l ooe o oor on or before the 20th dev of Sc lte Rher , 1r17 mi- 8 v. , their , of-i ti on i- , the Town u Juncil oettinr forth their ob iecti •gin to i roll end the correct' en they desire rode , end el.00 t'net on th tdov of "e ate ber , 1 °,43 of 8 P. V. t'-e Town Counc' 1 ,.,i l 1 meet Ai- 1-1,,. Toon Pall for the ourno-e or e''orll 7i nrr oei.d 0- -o---- -to .1 proncr eorrect' on t}herein. Upon roti en of '"r. Crrnford, seennd-1 h 1'r. Chi Pt7iSen , the Town Clerk we, directed to post the fsl 1 mwi nr noi-1 (•e Pt the Town Hell , wind tt two ether nubile niece- in the mown , r.nd to cruse the :;rid net, ee to he nubli ,hed fnur ennnecutive days in r J ek- envi 11.e Duvrl Caun tt F1-riela newnn*per: NOTICE OF COl:?i.''T T.ON OF PFELT INTAFY TAY I SSFSSVT7T POLI Or THF TO,:N OF aTLA"TIC 97AC'T, FLOEIrk , FOr ., ' �r,� 1943 : "To 'YP0i IT lAY C )NCPPN : You are erehy notified th :t the 'Treliminery Tex Assessment Roll for the Town of Atlantic Fieech Florid. , for the year 1943 , hes been completed and submitted to and eporoved b.- the mown Council_ . All persors desirinrr to have corrections made thereof , whet' er in 1 i nti nr, velua+ti sn of nr-;- perty sr otherwise , Pre renuired on or before the 20th dmv -f September A . D. , 1943 st 8 D. V. is file with. the Town TPx A sse--nr of the Town of Atlantic Retch , Their ohieci-ions is the Crici assessments and correction they desire rade. The mown Council will meet et the Town H,11 in the Town of Atlantic Beech, Florida , en the 20th dray of September, 1943 r't 8 P. i%. for the purpose of equalizing ;:acid esnessarer to end eek_ ins nro'er correction therein. :All oersens who shell file neti- tions as aforesrgid will be riven the annsri-uni ty to be heerd et said xectin,_. C. P. Frrzier, mown Clerk end Tex Collector rnr t ,e Town of Atl. ntic Beach , Florida. ." The cue=tion sf the reintenence of e I_irrrry in +-r,a c, tv of Jaekscnville Beech wee. discussed , endthe schen oaf the Chairrlon of the L,i !e nee Corri_ttee ' n rdvi si np Jmek nnvil_1e Beech city Officials t' athe Tvwn of atlantic Beach would nst participate In the r_ei nten^nee. ! f this T ibrery wPs unenimeusly approved. A di scug.si nn we,s had '.n reference to the manner of enforce- ment of Arm rerrultt' ens in the restrictedzones ;alone. the beech. mrevis exnlair_ed dist whet hmonened when he wes ordered frer, hig front ?card en the ocean front, whet incidents were cited when citizens were ordered to story nf their front trerdr= after r=undown 'and were ,rohibi t.ed fr-r, leevi np thieir hnr-e= '� , the front doer. Yr. Dr.ughty Towers nr+id e visit to the Ceuneil Buri rrr this discussion , end ex-gall-ed. 're of the 1erm1 aspect~ ef the order. Then the 1`- y,F explri ned that he had tarred to General Loup i s about the matter, end (e'nere.l Door's head expressed hi s epprsval of the order end the menner of enflrcer-e-t. The Chair then oppni nteri m cerri tree consi sl-inr of the Vapor Vr. Chim^son, Vr. Trevi s, enc? the City Superevissr, to meet with Captain .1ikrins mf the Arm 4 : 15 F. v. Wcd.nesdny , Sentemher 8, 1943 , to further discuss the metter. There being no further business for dons' .erati 'he meet- ing w s ed ; ° urned. 'resic - Atlentle 3e ch Town Connell A recd- , 7,440eff n Clerk