12-28-43 v MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TO VN COUNCIL HELD AT THE ^'O4N HALL AT 8 P. M. DECEMBER 28, 1943. Pursant to a call by the Fresident the Town Council met in special -eosion with the following present: H. G. Isaacs E. L. Chiasson J . A. Ci unf ord Beale Travis , G. L. Rosborough, Mayor and C. C. Howell, Jr. , Town Attorney. The meeting was called to ordr by Mr. Isaacs and by unanimous -'-,,oaent the minutes of the last meeting were not reed . A discussion was had in reference to the tentative proposal submitted by the Adams interests to sc^.1 the water system outside the .'.otel to the Town. After full discussion, there being many angles to the proposition not satisfactory to the Council , Mr. Travis moved, which motion was seconded by Mr. Cranford, th^t the Public 'Works Comm ttee confer further ""itis Gerry Adams in reference to their proposal cnd that the Committee make further investigation end report their findings to the Pegular Monthly Meeting on January 4, 1944, Carried. An Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINhi uE ".fixing, Imposing, and Levying a Reasonable Garbage Collection Fee Upon Every Owner, Lessee , Permittee , or Agent in Charge of any Property, Serviced by the rarbage Collection Force of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida; and Prescribing Civil Remedies for the Celinquency of Any Such Fee,"was rloccd on Third and Final Reading. Upon motion of Mr. Travis, seconded by Mr. Chiason, the ordinance was amended by changing the fee to be charged "Private Living Units" from $15.00 per year 0, to t13. 5C and that a discount of 10% be inserted Under Sub-section 0, Section 3" . The T)rdinance , as amended, was then unanimously passed. An Ordiance entitled "AN ORDINANCE rtegulating the Disposal of Garbage 'Within the Town Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County Florida; and Prescribing Penalties for its Violation" , was placed on third and final reeding. The Ordinance was passed on Third and Final Reading. Upon motion of Ur. Chiasson , seconded by "r. Travis a motion extending the discount and delinquent date on garbage collection fees to Feb . 1 , 1944, it having been shown th^t because of the --,oris attached to the preparation of a roll together with bills and the ;:.filing out of bills 4s rleater than it will be in future years, was unanimously adopted. Upon motion of .'r. Cranford, seconded by Mr. Chiasson, the Town Clerk and President were authorized / / //// and directed to thaw a ,warrant on the Special Assessment and Interest account in she ^um of 4r 3,000. transferring this emount to e Savings Account in the line of the Town of Atlr=.n±ic. 7each , to re left there until needed for enplicntton to payment of either interest or retirement f-)f The Clerk advised that the mortgage held by the 77'-1f Life Insurance Co. , on the Town Park, had been paid in full and that the Town is now in possession of e properly recorded Satisfaction of Mortgage. Nir. Isaacs tendered his resignation 17 e member of the Town Council , giving es his reason for resigning the fact that his present occupation requires, end will continue to require thea he travel most of the time and that he will not be able to attend Council meetings in the coming months. He expressed his regret. Mr. Chiesson, the Vice President, took the choir. Upon motion of Travis, seconded by . r. Cranford, ire following resolution was unanimously adopted: RESOLUTION 'WHEREAS, H . C. Isaacs-, a member ber of the Atlantic beech Town Council for the pest three years, has found It necessary to resign es a member of the seid Town . countll , nod WHEREAS, the Town Council , hes viewed this regignation ,wtIth e greet dcel of prejudice, prejudice born of the knowledge of the loss to the Payers of he 'Town and to the official family should it be accepted, end WHEREAS, it appears that there is no other wey out ,in spite of the reluctance of every member to do so,but to accept DLP. lances resignation, NOW Trn2,REFOZE t3E IT RESOLVLD BY THE idkYOR TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ATLANTIC LEACH, !� FLORIDA That the resignetion . of Henry G. Isaacs es e member of the Atlantic i aeil "'o,n Council be hereby accepted. Mr Crenford then moved the appointment of E. L. Jones as Councilmen to fill out Mr. Isencs unexpired term. :r. Jones was unanimously elected. Mr . Chiesson that pieced Kr. Cranford in nomination for Vice President for the belence of the year. He vies elected . Mr. Chiesson explained in regard to Planning Board Matters, both es to the Town's Planning Board end the Board created et the instance of the Chamber of Cor.�merce. `!'here being no further b,_•si nese for considers- tion , the meeting adjourned. 411 Ai President Atte y��