10-06-42 v MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL SITTING AS AN EQUALIZATION BOARD OF OCTOBER 6. 1942 at 8 P. M. AT THE TOWN HPLL pursuant to Droner advertisement and postings this meeting was called to order by the President : The following members were pressent : H. C. Isaacs E. L. Chiasson James A . Cranford Beale Travis and the Mayor. No written complaints were on hand. No property owner appeared in person. There being no complaints es to the assessments for the year 1942 , the meeting adjourned. J14°)°"1--- 401 1(1 President Atlantic Beech Town Council Attes i�� Town--Clerk MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TOWN COUNCIL 41/ HELD AT THE TONN HALL AT 8 P. M. OCTOBER 6, 1942. This meeting was advertised in advance , four times in the Jacksonville Journal and by postings by the Town Clerk et three places in the Town. Present: Henry G. Isaacs E. L. Chiasson James A. Cranford Beale Travis , Councilmen and Mayor Rosborough. The meeting was called to order by the President and all matters except discussion of the budget were dispensed with. Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson , seconded by Mr. Travis the following budget was adopted for 1942-43. ESTIMATED EXPENSES OFFICE & ADMINISTRATIVE Salary of Supervisor 2700.00 '- Office 700.00 ;:Office Help 600.00 Printing & Stationery 150.00 -//✓ Town Hall Incidentals 100.00 d `✓ All Insurance 500.00 J// Judges Salary 1O per month) 120.00i' Attorney ' s Salary 500.00 ti Debt Service ( Incinerator) 1000.00 `Y Mortgages , Notes and Interest 1000.00 ' v Fire Protection 150.00 ✓ Street Lights 348.00 v / Court Decree & Interest 540.00 , Attorney Fees due & Payable 1000.00 V GARBAGE , STREETS & PARKS Driver 1300.00 ' Assistant Driver 900.00 / Gasoline & Oil 200.00,E Repairs & Replacements 250.00 ./ Extra Labor 900.00 ✓ ' POLICE & PUBLIC SAFETY ✓ Salary of Marshal 2100.00 Repairs & Replacements 100.00 ✓ Traffic Signs 50.00 4 ./ Life Savings 100.00 /✓ Radio Service 360.004/V Gasoline & Oil 300.00 +' Jail 300.00 4✓ Contingent 3904.79 19, 472.79 ESTIMATED REVENUE Cross Assessed Valuation 1 ,390375.00 Net after Homestead Valuation 1 ,032061 .00 Revenue from Tax levy of 15 mills 154HO. d1 Delinquent taxes 500.00 Penalties 200.00 !I) Fines & Forfeitures 900.00 Licenses 700.00 Building Fees 50.00 Saltair Neter 80.00 Franchise Tax 600.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Bank Balance 761 . 88 19,472. 79 Note : Contingent Provides for Delinquency At this juncture the meeting recessed and went into seshion as an Equalization Board, to hear complaints of tax payers in regard to assessments on property for the year 1942. Following the meeting of the Eaualizetion Board the Council resumed session. The question of millage was discussed at length. A11 members expressed regret at the fact that it would be necessary to find new methods of raising revenue or else raise the millage; that due to the loss of revenue from miscellaneous sources; that it is absolutely necessary to raise all salaries in order to be able to keep help; th' t thsre is a decree of court in the Oltrogge case to be raid and that there is an attorney' s fee in the long drawn out Seawall Account suit against W. H. Adams , et al , which must be raid partially from general funds since the oenalties involved were not enough to cover this cost and that there re- mains $1 ,000. due on the Incinerator account which must be naid at an early date (Note : this indebtedness is the balance due on the Construction of a Garbage Incinerator, the balance having already been naid in ,revious years , orginelly set un on a bond issue which was declared invalid. ) After long discussion and final agreement en Ordinance to approve and adopt the Tax Assessment Foll for the year 1942 , and determine and fix the rate of taxation and make the annual Tax Levy of the year 1942 , was introduced by Mr. Cranford who moved its passage on First reading. Mr. Travis seconded the motion and it was unanimously passed. Mr. Cranford then moved the ressage of this ordinance on seconded reading. The motion was seconded by Mr. Travis and the Ordinance was passed on seconded reading. Mr. Travis moved the meeting adjourn , his motion was se- conded by Mr. Chiesson , and the meeting adjourned. • i r President Atlantic each Town Council Attes X/ To • Cleric