05-13-41 v MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TONN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 P. M. , MAY 13 , 1941 . The Clerk celled the roll and the following members answered present: H. G. Isaacs, Fred C. Allen Harcourt Bull, Jr. E. L. Chiasson J. C. Cutler. The Mayor , Mr . G. L. Rosborough, was also present . The Clerk read the minutes of the Pegular Monthly Meet- ing of April 8th, 1941 , which were approved as read. Mr. Cranford , Town Treasurer , submitted his usual month- ly financial report, which upon motion of Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Cutler, was approved end ordered filed. The monthly bills were discussed. Upon motion of Mr. Allen, seconded by Mr. Bull , the Clerk was directed to communicate with Mr. Howell , Town Attorney, calling his atten- tion to his letter of February 24, 1941 , in which he , Mr. Howell , quoted the approximate cost of Court Reporter trans- cript of the record in the Adams tax suit , and ask that he clarify the charges subm° tted in a bill by the Court Reporters. The bill was passed to a later date. Upon motion of Mr. Allen, seconded by Yr. Bull , the following bills were approved and ordered paid: Financial News 8.50 Gulf Life Insurance Co. ( interest) 15.00 Southern Bell Telephone Co. 8.15 Mason Lumber Company 1 .25 Pablo Garage 9.15 Quinn R. Barton, Inc. 14.45 The Texas Company 62.66 Pasco ' s Garage 2.00 Duval Motor Co. 10.68 Nilkerson-Martin Co. 2.70 Consolidated Automotive Co. 8.67 Arnold Printing end Label Co. 13.00 Stoddard' s Neptune Garage 1 .00 H. and N. B. Drew Company 7.70 The City of Jacksonville 12.86 Atlantic National Bank (Ins) 62.62 $230.39 An Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Declaration and Abatement of Nuisances of Certain Houses, Nalks, Sidewalks, or Other Structures, in the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida , and Imposing in This Behalf Certain Penalties" was called up for third and final reading. The Ordinance was read and thereupon Mr. Bull moved its passage on third and final reading, which motion was seconded by Mr. Outler. The Ordinance passed by a unanimous vote. The Fuel Gas Ordinance was referred back to the Laws and Rules Committee for further work. Upon motion of Mr. Chiasson, seconded by Mr. Bull, en Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE Establishing Street Numbering 41, Districts and Systems in the Town of Atlantic Beach; Imposing Certain Duties on the Building Inspector ; Regulating Assignment, Placement and Maintenance of Street Numbers on Buildings within the Town; Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof; end Repeal- ing Ordinance No. 16-A and Other Ordinances in Conflict Herewith" was placed on third and final reading. After third reading, Mr. Bull moved its final passage , Mr. Chiasson seconded the motion and the vote for passage was es follows : For: E. L. Chiasson, Hercourt Bull , Jr. , Fred C. Allen. Against: H. G. Isaacs, J. C. Outler. The Ordinance restricting the running et large of dogs and other animals was referred to the Laws end Pules Committee for further work. The collection of garbage outside the Town was thoroughly discussed. The City Supervisor stated that gar- bage fees for collection outside the Town had not been quite sufficient to cover the cost. He also stated that only a few unearned fees would remain on June 15 , 1941 . Thereupon, Mr. Chiasson moved that due to the fact that ' he present arrangement is a losing one, that the service be discontinued as of June 15 , 1941 , that the Clerk be directed to write all of those persons who will have an unearned balance as of June 15th a letter returning the unearned balance and explaining to them that the service will be discontinued on that date. The motion was seconded by Mr. Outler . The motion was adopted by the votes of Messrs. Cutler, Chiasson and Isaacs, Councilmen Allen and Bull present end not voting. It was unanimously agreed to start roping off the bath- ing beach for the same hours followed in 1940 on June 1st. The City Supervisor was authorized to purchase what- ever shell the County does not need out of the barge that was used for the shoulders on Sherry Drive. The matter of speed laws was discussed and speed signs on Beach Avenue end the Beach, setting the speed at fifteen (15) miles per hour was approved with certain limitations es to arrests at this speed, the Mayor, Police Committee, Town Marshal and City Supervisor to work out the system for nutting signs on the Beech. The Clerk read a letter signed by Mrs . Bull for the Ribaut Nomen' s Club, thanking the Town for the palms supplied for the Chamber of Commerce Building at Jacksonville Beach. The Clerk read a letter from the Town Attorney report- ing tte status of the suits - Oltrogge-Vs the Town, Town Vs 1. H. Adams, et al , and N. H. Adams Vs. C. P . Frazier, Tax Collector. The application of Frank Mente for permission to drill an artesian well on his Lot 3 , Block 11 was approved on the grounds that there is no fire protection available in this locality. The permit was granted for a three inch well and not a two inch well as requested and with further understanding thet it is to be fitted with proper connections and valves to permit a fire engine to reach it. Upon motion of Mr. Bull , seconded by :r. Chiasson , en Ordinance entitled , "AN ORDINANCE Affecting the Sinking of Nells in the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida" , was unanimously passed on first reeding. Mr. Bull moved and Mr. Chiesson seconded the motion that this Ordinance be passed on second reading. It was unanimously passed on second reading. The Clerk was instructed to write the Neptune Land • Com-)any another letter calling attention to their delinquent taxes, stating that such letter is written on instructions of the Town Council . The following motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Chicasson was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TWIN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH that it do, and hereby does , direct and authorize C . R. Frazier, Town Clerk of the Town of Atlantic Beach , to deliver to C. C. Howell , Jr. , Town Attorney, for suit , copies of the assess- ment roll thereof, the assessments, both Regular tax and Sea- wall assessments on Lots 1 , 2, 3 , 5 and 6 in Block 49, Lots 1 , 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 50 , Lots 4, 10, 11 , 12 , 13 and 14 in Block 53 , Lot 6 in Block 59, Lots 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 7 , 8 and 10 in Block 60, Lots 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 and 16 in Block 63 and Lot 6 in Block 64, property of Satchwell and Joseph. The Mayor explained in reference to the collaboration of Jacksonville Beach, Neptune, City of Jacksonville, Duval County and the Town in reference to the installation of traffic lights at First end Third Streets on Atlantic Boulevard. He told of the agreement at two meetings es to the part each of these sub-divisions would take in the matter. Upon motion of `"r. Allen, seconded by Mr. Bull , the action agreed to by which the Town of Atlantic Beach would pay up to one-third of the cost of the lights ( one-third to be paid by Neptune end one-third by Duval County) , the installation and future maintenance to be undertaken by the city of Jackson- ville Beach and the current to be supplied by the City of Jacksonville , was ratified end approved. The F'uggestion of the President that the Town assist in ground work at Fletcher High School was referred to the City Supervisor to be handled in the usual manner for projects of this type. There being no further business for consideration, the meeting was adjourned . , Preside Atlantic Beach Town Council { 'AO"' Attest: `_ ' / 40. wn = k •