07-16-41 v MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH TONN COUNCIL HELD AT THE TO4N HALL AT 7: 30 P.M. JULY 16 , 1941. This meeting was called pursuant to the following notice from the 'resident of the Town Council : "TO : G. L. Posborough , Mayor, Harcourt Bull, Jr. , Fred C . Allen, F. L. Chiasson, J. C . Cutler, Councilmen end C. Frazier, Town Clerk. You, and each of you are hereby nPtified. of, and respectfully urged to be present at a special meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida , to be held at the Town Hall in said Town et 7:30 P.M. , the 16th day of July, 1941 , for the purpose of: Placing Ordinance No. 65 , Entitled, "AN ORDINANCE CAILING a Referendum Election for the Approval end Ratification or the Dis- approval and Rejection by the Pualifi ed Electors of the Town of Atlantic Be=- ch, Duval County, Florida , of House Bill No. 1508 Laws of Florida , regular session of 1941 , entitled "AN /CT (A) to amend Section 14 of Chapter 13907 , Laws of Florida , Special lets of 1929, Entitled, 'AN ACT to Fix the Territorial Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, to Provide for Its Government and Pre- scribe Its Jurisdiction and Powers, ' By Enlarging the Powers of the Town Council of said Town with Regard to Neter Supply Systems , rdvertising, Expenditures for Public Health Projects, Building Codes, Garbage Collection and Fees, and Control Over Privately owned Public Utilities; (B) to Amend Section 27 of Said C',anter 13907, by Femiving the Therein Imposed Restriction upon the Total Tax I.evyabl. upon any Property in any one Year; (c) to Amend Section 35 of said Chapter 13907 by Conferring upon the Said Town Council Traffic Supervisory Powers Over Certain State and County Roads; and (D) to Amend Section 39 of said Chanter 13907 by Removing the Therein Imposed Bonded Debt Limit; and to Provide for a Referendum on said Act." , on Thrd and Final Reading and for final passage , and for the purpose of completing all other arrangements as are required by law for the holding of a Snecial Feferendum Election on August 21 , 1941. Dated at Atlantic Beach, Florida , this 10th day of July, 1941. Signed: H. G. Isaacs President Atyenti.c Beach Town Council" . 1 The Clerk called the roll and the follosing members answered present: Fred C. Allen, Harcourt Bull, Jr . , E. L. Chesson, H. G. Isaacs, J. C. Cutler. The Mayor, G. L. Rosborou,;h and Town Attorney, C. C. Howell , Jr. , were also present . `r. Isaacs , the President of the Council called the meeting to Order. Upon motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Yr. Chlasson, the reading of the minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of July 8th was postponed until the Regular 'Monthly Meeting in August. 411 Upon Motion of Mr. Cutler, seconded by Mr. Ch; asson, en Ordinance entitled, "AN OFDIN_' ECE Calling a Referendum Election for the Approval end ratification or the Disapproval end Rejec- tion by the Quelifi_ed Elector of the Town of Atlantic Beach, Duval County, Florida , of House rill No. 1508, Laws of Florida , regular session of 1941, entitled "AN ACT (A) to Amend Section 14 of Chapter 13907 , Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1929, entitled; 'AN ACT to Fix the Territorial Limits of the Town of Atlantic Beach, to Provide for Its Government and Prescribe Its Jurisdiction and Posers, ' 1 -,nl-rging the Powers of the Town Council of Said Town with Regard to ,later 3unnly Systems, Advertising, Expenditure: for Public Health Projects, Building Codes, Garbage Collection and Fees , end Control Over 'rivate- ly Owned Public Utilities; (3) to Amend Section 27 of Said Chanter 13907, by Removing the Therein Imposed Restriction upon the Total Tax Levyable upon any Pronerty in Any One Year; (C ) To Amend Section 35 of said Chapter 13907 by Conferring upon the Said Town Council Traffic Supervisory Powers Over Certain State and County roads ; and (D) to Amend Section 39 of said Chapter 13907 by Femoving the Therein Imposed Bonded Debt Limit; and to Provide for a 'eferendur_ on said Act." , was placed on Third and Final Reading. The Clerk Rend the Ordinance and thereupon : r. Outler roved that this Ordinance be passed on Third and Final Reading. This motion was seconded by lir. Chiasson -=nd the vote was es follows: For: Fred C. Allen Harcourt Pull, Jr. , - �:. L. Chi esson, H. G. Isaacs, J. C . Outler Against: None. Upon motion, duly seconded, Inez Dobbins wAs annointed Deputy Clerk, acting under the Supervision of the Town Clerk. There being no further business for consideration , the greeting was adjourned. esid t , Atlanta c Beach Town Council. Attest' AO , Ton Cl