07-26-33 v SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF ATLANTIC BEACH, JULY 26, 1933, HELD AT THE TOWN HALL AT 8 O' CLOCK, P . b PRESENT: Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr., J. M. Bradfield, Geo. B. Stallings. The meeting was called to order to Mr. Lawrence K. Tucker, Jr. , Chairman. Upon motion of Yr Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, the reading of the minutes of the meeting of July 10th, was waived. The following resolution was introduced by Mr. Brad- field, `seconded by Mr. Stallings, put and carried, viz:- A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NECESSITY OF CONSTRUCTING A SEAWALL IN THE- TOWN OFATLANTIC BEACH; .DESIGNATING THE PORTIONS OF THE SHORE LINE TO BE PROTECTED; WHAT PORTTION OR PART OF THE COST THEREOF IS TO BE RAISED BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY; THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID ASSESSMENTS SHALL BE LIADE; WHEN SAID ASSESSMENTS ARE TO BE PAID AND WHAT PART OF THE TOTAL COST OF THE 'PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT SHALL BE PAID FRO.. AD VALOREM TAXES TO BE LEVIED AGAINST ALL OF THE TAXABLE PROPERTY IN THE MUNICIPALITY, PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 16311, ACTS OF 1933, WHEREAS, at certain seasons of the year, ocean tides and high winds of great proportions do great damage to existing seawalls in the Town of Atlantic Beach sand damage private and public property, and it is necessary to construct a seawall and tp issue bonds for such purpose; and, WHEREAS, the Town has heretofore had prepared plans and specifications; and an estimate of the cost of the proposed improvements, and the same are now on file with the Town Clerk, open to public inspection; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council of the Town of Atlantic Beach, that the portion of the shore line to be protected by seawalls shall begin. at the . Southern boundary of the Town of Atlantic Beach, and shall extend Northerly to the Northern boundary of Atlantic Beach, excepting therefrom; Ttivo hundred (200) feet in Block fifty-one (51) , lying immediately South of Thirteenth Street, according to Plat recorded in Plat Book 6, page 1, of the. Duval County Public Records, Be it further resolved that from. the estimate of cost now on file, it is hereby determined. that 1150,000.00 is neces- sary for the pro 'osed improvement, and bonds in such amount should be issued. Be it further resolved that the abutting property will be specially benefited to the extent of 83 of the total cost of the said seawall, and that 83% of the total cost of 111- the proposed improvement shall be raised by special assess- ments against such abutting property, which is hereby de- clared to specially benefit to that extent. The said special assessments against the said abutting property for the per- centage hereby determined to be borne by the abutting prop- erty, shall be pro-rated according to the frontage of the re- spective properties specially benefited by the said improve- • ments. Said assessments shall be divided into twenty equal in- stallments, and one of such annual_ir#tallment s shall be paid annually on the 1st day of July of each year. EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That 17j; of the total cost of the proposed improvement shall be paid from ad valorem taxes to •be •levied against all the taxable property in the minicipality. Ee it further resolved that in determining the por- tion of the cost of the proposed improvement to be paid by ad valorem taxes levied upon all of the ta4able property in the municipality, there has been included in such portion the cost of remps or .runways where public streets enter upon the beach. An ORDIEATICE providing for the construction of Seawalls; Authorizing the issuance of bonds for tha t pur- pose; authorizing and providing for special assessments against abutting property to pay a portion of the cost of seawalls and authorizing special ad valorem taxes to pay for a portion of the cost thereof, or the bonds issued for that purpose; andother matters in connection therewithor re- lating thereto; ras introduced by Mr. Bradfield, seconded by Mr. Stallings and read and passed on the first reading. A motion was made by Mr. St-llings, seconded by Yr. Bradfield put and carried that the firm of Hills and. Young- berg, having submitted the proposal of such firm for all en- gineering services for the proposed seawall and runways as authorized by proceedings of the Town Council by motion duly made and unanimously adopted, the Mayor and President of the Council are hereby authorizedto execute an agreement whereby the Town shall pay to said engineering firm, 5% of the total sum paid to the contractor for the completion of the proposed improvements, provided that such improvements are completed. In the e ent that the said improvements should not be authorized at the election to be held August 31, 1(" 3, or should not be cons ;ructed for any cause whatsoever, then, The Town shall be liable to the said firm only for the sum of $150.00 (one hundred and fifty dollars) iin.ediate payment of which last named sum is hereby authorized; it being un- derstood that if the said proposed improvements are completed, the said sum of one hundred and fifty dollars 0150.00) paid hereunder to the said firm, shall be deducted from the 5% au- thorized to be paid hereunder to said firm. There being no further business for consideration, upon motion put and carried, the meeting adjourned. A Correct: 46 orw,s,? /e Chairman. Attest : oury C1 0, k. 110