07-08-29I L; ~ L Pi ~ i ,. V. ~ i. f T~ ~l t'~ili I.!i ~~ si!i3 i' II l', x C:i' 20',~:,n Co~ncil o.' .ztlantic ~2ac'r_, i'lorid.a JA1`J 3t7~ 3:00 ?.?:`. resent: _' Jer_ s en ~~ . 3. StallinUs "s. iilarm~son in tilt; ehir. ^~ ~ -:eeti~'~, c=aped for -cur>»se o." ap?oin~in; t~•r2e in.;neetors "o -r S~necial ~:^arter I~7 ^e':ion to be rxeld July 9`?l, 19?9. ~,o se-rve i11St 2ad0]: ~reQrg2 .ii. f', ~i Y'TOll, :rn. +~e Si:g~ and .f1i~C gilt GTCAa"L%91t, appointed pit i3egul~r I{eetin" <7u1j7 1, 1929 anal -,:.nom could not seTVe. On motion dial=7 riad2 by +~=T. '3a-r~r?ald and seconded b r ~:`:_ . 8taliings t:^e yo7_lq:?iny persons ~~JeTe a~~~oi ted: T;~rs, tllice ':i. 1;!~:ilar~ to serve in place of Geo. a?. Carroll. '-1• 1 aizlkS t0 SeY'Ve list 'OlaC2 O1'.!m. L•5'P,_~ ~'• 17.C2 J2nSen t0 serve in glace of 'Tince~lt 0:°onar;ral_t. On motion by ~r. P_a-rtJaid and s2oordec b?= S:•r. Stallins bill of Cha1~:.ers J. '3orne ''or "96.00 for ~xauling, to Acting and placing s',xell On i2a C11 aV2nu2 V:~aS 0"_^dBlEd X0`-31 d_ "~;J1 ti^.0"I2t t18 r2S°'lVatl On $S t0 1,-rs ~Orrxe Cal. Si n ln,? t.:9R2S t0 be 'r,0.id bT,T t'?e an dala?T ,here being n0 :iuTti:e'T btzSineSS i,Q COMe i}E"y^OTe tYte 7!12 et1;~ 1t tr ~:is ordered ad.onrned until Tr_esdazr Ili ~nt, July 9t:a, 1929. C l g -r'Y. -