08-05-291� I (I � wurT uA � nEE'?"IPT'.x 03' ;.';iii 0'';t+ 0 O;TdG1 OF e tiTJG`?.`i`i' J' ;h, 1929 All members present. ,'he Council met at the 'lwvn Hall on _i; rst 5, 1929, all nerhbe-rs being present. On e;amination of the proof of publication. 'of the notice of the cor_TOletion of the p'reliminar%y tax assessment roll Of the 'i0 ;711 of Atlantic ;each, florida for the year 1929, as 'le Same appears in the minitites Of :1=;117 31, 1929, it ap %?earing from the pr0of of publication that Said notic0 imt— pu.olishod in the -.7a C;.S011V 7.110 JOU,ri1a1, a. news- a?.)er nu li Shed lit tt10 :1t Of TaC'.iSOfiViIle, 1huvll Cointy, t'lorida, `lour 1times beuinnln� on tide 20th, day of July, 1:129, t0 ,vit, on J?zly 20th, 22nd, 24th, and- instead of forr consecutive days as ref -irec by the 011arter.I Upon the advice of the attorney it v-Tas considered that all ,0-rotests f*1ed- in accordance with said notice be considered as properly before the '_ov.r21 Ciouac`l, "o-at t'riat in Order to fully comply with the terms of the charter, a. Sec077.d notice be given and that tae same be posted in the "o- -n1 gall and nt two other »ublie places in said to,. -m, to -wit, at t%1e Post Uffice and- the d.1'i:g store ii1 � Atlantic peach, ;'lorida, said notice to read as °011ow9, to- vvit: � 0710 oh coh:_P, 1011 01; ..I.;iIT v T1 X ASSESSL ' rE HL" ioTL 02 T 'O "r i OF 6., T ,N"13 BE AC,' ,,i , L01,'1D /! L'01 4 THE 'ZFAr. 1929 • YOi? are hereby notified that the Preliminary Tax Assessment ';':ll of the of Atlantic aach, 21orida, for the � year 1929, has been completed and submitted to a.,nd approved by the 13onneil. All persons desiring to ' ave corrections thereof made, ,vhetr,er in the listing, ValAation of -- onerty or '. Otner':'d1Se, are reanired on Or before the 19th day of .�ln'-1'.St, A.D. 1929, :at eight o'clock P.I. , to file with the ?ova- _ax t.ssessor Hof the o,.m of >>tlantio reach their petitions to the ''o?rn Co, "'ncil i of said ''o r.2, setting -'orth their objections to the said of assessment and the corrections that thev desire mn8.e. The Ta;rn Council urill Meet at the oe7n "all in the Io:rn of tlantic beach, `lorida, On the 19th day of in nst, A.D. 1929, at eight o'clock ., for the pa-rpose o2 equalizing said assessments and makin; pro;oer corrections therein. x111 nersans ua "na shall file aetitions as aforesaid aill be given ',he op;oortunity to be heard at said meet ins. f r ovrfa ^le5k of the 'Tw. ^rn of atlantic -each Florida. R Official Seal a Posted August 6th, 7.929 it Is the ]barter of the To,ia did not regl;.ire pizblicati0n of said notice in a nerisn—her published. in :'n G aval Ol1nty IiIOriaa it vas ordered that publication be dispensed wita. i �'f