08-19-29:'eetin~ o"_" iPP_'o~~In `~o;:a~cil of atlantic peach, '~'lo-rid~x !iu~ust 1.9th, ?_329 i. ,. £3:00 F?, ia~. i ; I 1 i Present, 1. 3. "'homeson !i ~. B. Stallings absent C. ~. relot Peter Jensen i ?arsuant tc the s.~ournment of the meet in„ o.F ~~~wzlzst 5, 1929 and t0 t'fle ~~OStedriot ].Ce In re,r rd t0 t~:e EaME, t'_e 90i1nC"i.'1 IYle t 8t ~. r Otiv':1 -::811 on ~il1 ~l'..St 19, l9 N':~, ?t el. ~~lt 0}CIOCk :?. '.' ! i ii A request from '~::ger,e Sale in re:rard to reduction o:' .taxes v~ras received anal ordered :Filed. J 'l. ndOY!i, t%1 ~; 8ttor-n e~ ~0r the %0"-nC1i, l^I8S Ui1~.'`J1P. t0 be -Or°SCnt and it ,-fas deemed ad~Tisable fo:r the "o~;izcil to r:eet ^t sizc'r: time as 'r.~e could be =~rese'^t, ana it ap~~earin~ fuel t~.o re,ala-r T".Petl'1~ O_' t''1 G' ;~Ot..^,C11 `iVOtl ~_(~.. be .~^; e??t@; ?'~Jer :',, x_923, .%'t11CR 'r'~:!rxS ~ ;BbOP 78 V, It 'TfBS ~'^erefOre ordered rt G_^.e .4G'Bt li1_~ ;~.d ~0ii.l:i t0 .f7.8nt emb er ~, Z.:~~~), 2t L'].?}1t O~ClO^' ~. ~..., £?:^. iJ. t1e ^le rt~_ i/a S I directed. to noti-f~ ail mewbers ~~ the Jo~aneil to t:~ai, e~~ect, at vzchich tir.2e all r.~atters -~ertainin to taxes before the :ounci_1 !' sho~zld be amasses anon. ~'^,.E rB bein, Y10 i:rti.E :C b',1S 1n6SS t0 C01;'.:e be"fore i;.1e ~;: Ol<nCi J_I"1 @'~^. lt~ ufas nvoved, and. seeond.e8_ to adjour.~ ,.nti1 '~lae next meetii~o. Tom Clerk i i ~~ j SS Y ,..'~, $Y'~i'~,5 Fr j e.. ~~ i ,. f l ~. f. {Le Collorain bills urere ~o-reserted nd rderec~k paid: :?• _s ~^.l: oli :~£3S ii~^. C'~- Oll ?'L!. ~. 0f1Ci :~Ot SIlOL D:1~t:; 1'?/ i0T' LL'>tlantic `:hell .",o. one li~hte-r load. o:' shell 2G0 i-d_s ~' X1.1,5 or `23G.OC r,~iP; o.a ?eco,:,~t - - - - - - - - - - - ICG.OG ~~ 'r. '. ~re~r Oo. o °_'ice sko,>li es to . _;ust 1st - - - ?9.<'7 `ire-re beixi~ no Lurt:nCr business to eo::~e be~a-re tre Meetinf the rneetin, Baas aajou_~.^_etl_. i' ' OLrr17 ,i l e r; i i ~ , i y I i i i i i ~i ~ ~ , 4: r12 r2Ca i12 :it O~i' -.11~~2:18 .~'i~1.E ':7135 tl ^c~ CO:^..Si dE'~E(1. `~:1 ("A It '%trBS jl o-rdered_ that 'nis as5ess,ae:nt be _ed::eod -ro-z )5O.0C to `-~zO.UUi ner ~' ~cr2. i '.'12 01l Ot'11C1~ r2SOll;.t1011 ':'IAS ui7S=~117101;:5~,~ c3. (}_O'Ot2C'i.: ?~ ,f`,; RF.'~;).>7, A~.l 1°2'71:.eS 6 i•,EY'Et0:i=0rE S111J1"::ittECY 'l^;t' 70rS0^S (eS7.r:lri~:~: t0 ':iA.V2 CO1°"leC`ui077S P.?A (12 ia. t'.^_P. `nr Gl lli~i l;^.:','L'V t31X `+S:icSST1 G-''Llt iOZ. ~. O1~ ti?e ':~O1r31 0~ !i%1[-111 t ~0 ~OrO CP .I°0:^ tit ,3 Ts n.`1"l l'.'ti .), Vd't7c ~l.?r ltl ~1S'71Y1 c, Vdli,8t i0fl Or ?>r 0"O P''u:7 C:" O'i.''t@f1.T1ct-'.,~!"7 G.. '.'1,'r8t..v.:: Y!i`:d@ VCi"OF11.11 O'r ~Jy 7e v1t 1.011 t~5 ._^0~:.-,'l»1fEC1 bTT i:.^C 0 !:1 ..; ryn rtui", Xi1VE3 b0c.T1 C:~;~?! ' i C0;1S1(:_erECi., 11:1('7 I: _hE `.~_'0 vTIl ^i 017P.C l~. it `]S u7et 11Y1G ~'.`it F3S 9-3:1 e~',1All'Gi;3~ ~. "OOn. SCE Had ':125 Sty ~T1' 1Z2C_ t':~2 .?SS2SSS:18'.^_tS IOr 'i. le ?%E A.T lt.-'i ~<i nd 'f1AS COri"CC'G@4 t'1E S .7!10, 2i7Q %1r~16 7';.F1 C~.° Si,',CQ C''1rl.l;:}2S l:i ti'..?.~i:E3ti6T1,°, O:C ~. liStl;.:t~ Or i""~.8 n"__^0 °rt;. flS 7'tt7;}T '(%e 7i @C C:.C. 591 i"~7 1S ti1@r@":40T8 "i+7~ ,1T.:;~,~ t Yk?, t t ne `'O 7c1 ~'ciX -_SSeSSO"L' S}lAj l tJ?_">v tVdO Ci.'."Jl1C:~t2 GO~Ll :Jie to ~i'C'.',{ '_'0.115 P?S COixe Ct e}L O;y t.8 10;?i1 "Oi»[1C it Rif C?, t~10 SA'!ie fl.re •..•2="el)ti 1 '.O?~t @.CL Ana ~~"f;^OVE(a. i)',~ t.^c "_O-.'1 ~0:".,C l.i :=zs COf -ivCt2'~.~, tiP}17.0:1 ' S'2?11 St Zli C% ~ S t~1e ASSESS"~?.OYlt C~.' t'nC t£1:,~n tJZ.e Y3="O'02'_^t }~i li;. S<1 J-(i t0''7R'~ I i~^@r2i.'.',J OT1 t'fLE :~Ol'_YiC 1_i COY1S 1. ci-ClBd_ 1'f1 E~yU.C1l J.t12S ~i1G. 7.1<3: ].1'1„ nCl~l,'.Str`!.ea. '; S. AS t0 G_;ii 21yL'_G'Llt tfl'r`.25 '.~w^7.Or t''+C t'1v 70:3,r 1. :3~3, Y3Y1d ~°..'tC-r "~ti )_l :%1SC1TT»'yS~~Si Oil, t1e :~O~l liXR:(1`° 05011;,"u10P 'Tr F1S :'191.11..".10::S1y :?Q.O ?t OCR _ ~.~u Vii, bg tte .:o-rr.1 i"cr>=ncil o:_ ~~e :o,~n o~ l~tl~lritic :~gT?C''l, t1`rlt t~12 1a:3 ~7F37. Gt, tflrCeS ?J;"10~^ 'i,0 t'_/1C?P.~^.':C a.JG S'^.T11~. l; E' rBQ.TCeCi, t0 t'?e Si z31'~nAt1011 O' S17C1 '~JY'O-nert;J ~°,S tn,@ SAfie <<^n;00Efl'l.S Oa the `?ax aeess;aent roll ''.o;c the rear. ~.9~s9, bat ,?,•o rnil_la "2 :;1=.11 :7Qt b2 81'. eCt0C1 '.:?y t}1.1.5 TeSOIi: "i,1011, 9:i^~'_ SiH?.1., bE C$~.CU~.1t E; d- oyn tae valwation ;?ereb~ <^,~-r~rosed. "'31~ T^ :~",' _T-s'~, t ,,%'~s~ thr7t t:2e "o;'Tn C`erl~ A~;~i:lish notice or the '7ocap12tio~~ o.' *n~ _A:?r .Q.ssesslaey t ~'ol~ .''or the -~ea'r 19:39 ;and 0=~ t'fle `ldll).S `Li 2.^t O~~ U~.2i 1"1."17.0Y1t t'3 `Y2S ttre6 tialc.i 1''1 i;''1 c^ '_tYfOS 1 .''f110X1 3Y1 ('l. `_„('i l'C@ 'G 7."'::e^a 1'<1 t'l1E J;Cx~SOP.V ]. ~..l f; JOl%"Il 9a.=, 12'n7f7.'.;fl'>Er ~'. r`i.''.11.5:^2~i_ 171 tPC ~St;J O:L JT:1 C.t.',.~, O:iV 1~.iC, '~i.1V2~. ~'iOU..-~.7.tV, _'~lOrid €7• i3'orrrs o-y 'Oti e2s Jolarnal - ~ - i Dates. e,!Jtemib2r 21st, A?.~. 1929 I oan ~[.3ell ^orrn %lexr~ Anc. '_~x ~~:;:°ic _o ":3~; Col12c°.,Q:r o:' tine "o rn1 o tlantic '~' ;~eac1~, ~~loridA i lirG'S iTnlon i• :`u ~.71~~4 L (~ G '!~ ~t ~.: ~, m n ..j(' C n.i-= n!~ n? ~'+ ^ n ma TrnYn ~ ~r TTT ~'.. d.1V r~,~ -VL=l 11Y ~l. 1.71 1..1:11iU ~ {..1J .~.V :. L~ _._.J_L.11-LV ~L~Vw , lio~.~1 _Ji> T?otice _s he-reoy ~iv2~ t%~_at t'rle `io,r,.7 Coiallcil o~ tae ~ i0','~7':'a. O:L ri'lil:uitl.C 3('£:3C1, ''.1.O`l iQa, ;~iAS COr`1'CCt CC]. All l:'IE(y izalitieS A:1 d- ,:P?'. ~.2 TeA°0!12'f;;.2 a.G ?;;;~ti:;eGt `~S t0 ue C:irii22 Ei1t taF ES 0-" Li1° ~ 0`, R1 9~ o~ ~tlantle, 3eaeh, .:lorida, A:nc~ the sage maybe pA,Table ti~~t~ort ir;tere5t to `e"o'be:c 1st, A?.D. 19?9, a:, ~, P~OtCe O° n07.~1~12 11011 O n7G v^SSES:S?'.:C'.^.t O.!_Z 0-r t?2 }'~'~~i '~..!' '~i Ti.TilV~' i~ ;}a_if'~i :.{, r'1 or7.G'~_A w ?IOti CE iS }12 rE0'~;1V e11 ~}1~t t^.2 €3X kSS2SSir C:t ;.Oll O f' t";ze t0'i1,!1 O:F h~~~.^~ `~Tr`i n~ ° i i' -~~y <.T'!ll,'~ SOT t''?C VBe Y' ~.~i ",~',s hflS `fJe2P 'tip _ I Br:iG` 1,AUJ„ T 9 . CO;P.'07.2t ed Bad 'ri0s bEea. 'OIAt )_i1 t0 t`.^,.C 71 ;z1 Pi.S Ci G~, G- }.0•'0 v±2r: 'iOr ' CO11 eCl; i0S1, x.1i. tB:ieS are a0'.J diA@ <,aa ~2~?Z'rJl2 t311Ci. Y1£; Z7 '(J2 1J =?7.1 v~ltho»zt intex2st to Cetob2~ 1st A.D. x:329. ^oe,m lerl~ `a~u :'<lx Of;.'.icio U'ax Col] odor o.' the ?o=sn o:' 1tlartt'ic'