08-06-28 _ + ~! ii (; ,~ ,; ~~ T'~Ieetin; o- 'o=rTn Council, Atlantic ';each, 'la. .;~~ust 6, 1928 ~, ~~~eetinr called to o-rdex 8 rn. b~ president of auneil. ,'~i05e PreSeilt i%re'1P.9 :Lre ~•CvL:110U~h, !'r• ~=IOrnG' £:Zld ! i ihCi?t'?:iOn 4 1'_ne minutes o° the r"e~ vin„ of s~aecial meet in o_~ Jul,a 24, 1928 v~aere -read ~ ~u .adopted.. I hette?^ from tre .",oastal nighwa~ ,asxi. was read and ordered. "i1ed, `ette-r (rota ur. i'erd.tze -requestin>v that iris taxes ;_o-r ' 1926 be reduced to conlorm xwit'? the tr=.xes levieri in 1:;27, on motion cleri> inst~^ueted to noti;iJ hire that it -:Jas too late for 'rim or a.n,r- ' one else to file claim :^o~s radlxetio:¢ in 13:6 taxes, ho~,~~eve-r, if he would pa?,- his taxes be."ore tine ::":first o e^~tember t'lat tine tovm of ?tlantic 3each =,voa;.ld. v±~ave ali ?v~raalt,y ch:.~ges. <"~ bill eras •~resented for has and oil for the '_orrn 'ri:_Cii fOr L"^0 0''1t nS O:L _ii~$.)T. June r..n C7. c'121?7 and It y"7$ti "1B4.0T"t'6C': t0 the ~halrman 01' tae P~1naZ1Ce ~OtD7Ritt @e and the Cier$ VJaS 1.n St r:-CtEd' to issue .warrant ,~s soon as the `,`airman o'' !'inance':)ormmittee ori's' the i:~ill. fill :from the :~nr;!ell rotor Co. fo-r reaairs to the i lo~rrn ^a~ck to the amount o£ ~a92.26 was :?resented and the Clerk ' instructed to defer action anu issue ;aaxrant ~:nti.l t'ne 'Povrn i•re~isurer cheeY,ed a?? and 'oa.nd out ii tiaese -re~~.^,rs had beon paid ' for. i?e-:nla-r rnoced and seeor~ded tha'a a committee oe a~?_poo-r~t- ed to secti.re a place to hold eleat9.on of ~'or~r_n 0rficers, i'r.~ i Thompson rand ilr. :2. 'r`:. Sug~• were anpoir?ted to secure a suitaole _ place. i'ne ~°ollo=rrir v,~e-re an,?ointed to act as clerx> and ~~ inspecto-rs of the election; P. ~d. Collins, clerk, ,,. i+i. Suaa and '' i:-r. Spinner ins,?ectors. , ?t this time ..-r.. l,_c?uaid, Pres. of t:'~e E3arnett i"atl. ';; '3ank of ~acksonvil7.e, 'la. nreser.ted a =.~ar-rant fo-r. the arnonnt of 1510. drawl by '._, Stolbrand, former clergy o" the to,~ _`c-r his ~, ;, sa~arr up to ,2up-ust 10, 1920, at this time Cc1Stolbran~d r,~ade a claim ?or 682.00 on a jud_~;r.?ent that he brad seer..red against the ';town for his services and as this suit vyas filed after Col ~tolb-rarid had. alread;~ paid himself o"i:c and ~~fte-r a:aothe-r a~arrrznt i.or ~ "%144.00 i:ad been issued in part Aoa~n-nent o:' the "510.00 t'ne Council! offered ^ol Stolbrand the balance due which ,=could be ~~3b6.00 and interest at ei*ht per cent, this eras declined b? Col. Stolbrazd ann. t'nere bein;, no urthe-r but~iness 'to coar!e be:FOre the Council it vans adjourned to >?eet -sn~;ust 1Jth, in special session. i f! i C 1 erk ~~ , Pres. Council