11-14-28yip (~ (R 4i ~, 63 i;?eeting of To~rrn o:P ~tlantie Beach, 'la. .doveanber 14, 1923 (Special r=eeting. Present Chras. E. i'elot, iarl Ii. Thompson, and ,x. B. Stallir~;s. i!ieetng called to order by P~(r. Chas. i:. Felot, chairman of Council. "t.ea3:ing o~ minutes of last meetinU ais-nensed with. I~ir. Pelot stating that this ,:.eetin: t~ras called for »u-rpose oz going over :and ?rising on t'ne ~prelirrinary assessrlent ro11 0:~ Toa~'n of =atlantic Beacb for ;~ea-r 1928 and setting a date a»on vrr'r_ich the council shall meet and sit as an e<3ualization board to hear all corri»laints that r:,atr ba filed c^rith thy tor~rn clers> :as to an T oi' said »:celirninary assessments. The followin;~ -resolution ~~zhich was offered by E.'d.Thorr-,son and. i'seconded bTr G.B.'-.tailings u~ras adopted b,y unanimous vote of t'r.ose "preeerit ; 3esolved, 'inat the follo~"ring notice he »ublished twice in the r'lorida Tirnes Jnion, a ne;~rspnpe-r published in the City oz" Jae?>so:nville, beio?^e the 26tH., da~~ of I+`ovelber, I~..~. 19M£i. TO "'1_~ TrYP~`l~Ji~'S Oi~' T;ai'~ TC',v'Di Or' ATL.9NTTC '3t"..AC.i: t1;, (~~~otice is :Hereby ^o.rn of ",ti~a~tic the Tax t9ssessor !for inspection e< '': and si:t ?.I;?. , to given that the Preliminary Assessment 1~oi1 of-the Beam has been eornnlet ed and is on file tiri tY? and ~'ovrn Clerk at the Toy;°.m :loll and frill be open 3ch day e_~cent Sund,~y bet~~aeen the Hours of fozzr and including the 26th, day of I'ovember, :`>.7.19?II. the Town Council vaill meet at ,the Toz,m~Iial1 on Novomber 26th,1928 at eight o`clocr P.IT. to hear all coranlaints that mray be filed `;vrith tna Town Clerk as to any of said assessments, .xnd uJill also hear orally any complaints urhich rna*,r be made, and after giving alll persons ar, oroportunity to be heard still e^ualize and correct the assessments as tae,y appea:c on the Prelirain.=,rTr !issessrnent poll. ~; ~~ i. .7o'xrrl i.. Bell '~ Town Clerk There help; no fart;ler business, meetin4; adjoaarned. (`ad} Jno. PJf. Bell '^ormn Clerk i i