12-31-28_ r -- _ - ~~ P,,. ~. ~r ~,~ .. .... M,. .7..„ ., n.'~: jj ~~ i n- T^ ^ti i cri n ~Tn f1 : ~n iT p ~.- ~I SP~~IAL i.c_,~1P~~ 0~~ iQ :° G~TJT~t~ Oz+" yl~~u._I 3t~v~, x ~~,.,. ~: ~~VL,::~Ji3 oI, 1y28 A P.r.esent; Chas. I:. ~ei.ot ~.'. V!. Bar-~~1a7.d ". $. Stalii.n.;s i=mutes o" t'^e last neetin~ rvcre read sn~. a~~~roved. ~ihe hatter o' Fincrin:7 a suitab7,e location -Ocx* the '~ocm .`fall ea:°!e 1Z?1 %eT d7.SC17.S:: ].011, aI7. 1'1Er:~11 erE ''^.aV:1n.?~" inVeSt 7.aat ed several i' Y?OSS1 ble l0eat l,onS aS -[?Cr T•-'l. 1'~e.OtS $u';eSti O:~i at Ti'':e rleet ln, held :;over;:ber. 5, 192. l£t 01° a t'r.10 roA~f1 disei:ssion Oi' the matter l.t ti'raS d.ee ided to rake . t'le ieilo~::ring ~~ro~~osition to :-_. 3. ~. Su 'o~° the purchase of t~tie buildln .":0 ;^ne'rly USed as .ar G'sta7,rai7t. T.iO i:.i 0n Isla d(' b~ +~"1". z,tallinos and seconded bzr Toir. Ba-r~.rald. ~i,ote letter. Dec. ~l, 1028 ,7ac'_~sonville, Florida ."tlantie "eaen, ~'la Dear Oi-r. Sug : - alt a s~leeial msetinrz of t:ne Counsel held this aan, I arras authorised and inst-r.,;Rctec'r to transmit to you the 'ol~o:~ri:ng propo.~ition: yhe Cit~r oL t'tlantic peach =.raill oz~rei:ase from you outri~~kit hour building located on the "?esterly end o= Tots ~ and 5, dock v6 at and _°or the sum of :seven iunc_-rad and `iit~_T ))ollars (t'a"7t0.U0) eo:~ltinent ~~aon t;1e iollo:rring: 1. 'JOU are to -dace t.e roof in ~>,ood tenantable condition; ~ ~~ 2. "'ou are to er_ter into a lease v~it;n the 'io~~sn of ?~tiantic Peach leasin them t'ne ''leste-rlyr o5 £eet o:" i:ots 4 and. 5, ~~lock 36 _~or a z~eriod oP three {3) z-ears and t11e lovrn is to nay sor such -rental the taxes on these t«?olots -~4 and 5) not to exceed ~lo0.C0 ;•~e-r hear; .3. 1'011 are not to blzild anythin; bet~rreen the present building an~~. the Ocean ~rithin ;"ortST (40) Peet o: the -^resea building and are not to obstr.~,.ct the ~,asterly vie,.a to'.=ta-rd t:~^ Qcean; 4. 't the end o° the lease ~?e'riod. the vo~,znsel ':ri1l '. Bete"lrilne ViY18t In ttlelr OY'lni.0i1 i.S t]':e v<lue J" the buildln ~' and any improvements t'as:t~~ they mi.~ght add and you ~,vill be allo~med tine -privilege of nure':lasin~; t7?is '»:ildin:; snd file im~-rove~nents '' at Such 'n "r1Ce and 7.n tY1e eV en):; that ??OU d_0 not detern ine t0 'OL'.rChaSe '~!~l.ttl7.n ten (10) days ai t8r file ;07."1Ce i.S ?].Ve11, then the to~:an sha11 "nave the -^rivile;e of reoving she buildir o-r dish?osi:~:- of it to sorneone else on tine oon~>_ition t'.~iat it be moved ir:~mediatel;~r. In the :"orrlal lease to be drama in t'r_e eve:lt you accept the above, there rlay be inserted the n'rohibition asainst the Io'rrn putting any zurt;le-r building on the Iesased ground, leaving the extra space io-r ;p arkin^ pur)loses. G; ~ Yours very truly, ~~ d' Signed: Jno it;. 3e11 Tomrn Clerk u