02-16-27~-~ is w `. ~ ! -_ 1'I1TU=',fu~ '~~~ SPA IiL ~ ~ 1Y fjlli `~ ll.~ r,~Q',,'17 ti vi?T:fir 1L 3,SI,>> 'i~;Di2Utii:Y iuth, 1927. Pursuant to a resalution passed at the last renlar r.~eetin 'r_eld 'eorua'r~3 '7th, the ?resident o~ the Coincil called a special n:eetina to b2 held tais date, dne notice o£ same, in aCa aZ'daY1Ce VJ1 tit the ;.ales O ~t YriS vO~.~Y!C1,1, is a~%in~ been ll;.ri71.~`,~'fr(3d each memoer. Present: :~11 i<'-ember^s. 'line rneetin,; r-fas opened I,ram:ntl~r at ei~nt P.i~,«, the President of t'°•~e ~ann.cil presdin~_r.> < 1`:`.r. i;ari haL~ip Sa:'1, v'1:a1rPl::i1 ~`. Om1:1. Pt.'Ol i.C 't'Br?%.S r8~3d t0 to Counefl a proposed se's of specizications .°r'n_icr: vaera s?.:u..?i'vted o-.? his committees several r_io-r chan_;es in tree s-?ecisieations ~=ere unanimonslsr a~;reed upon. It ?,vas moved b?~ P;?r. ;?ar:aa7-d, duly seco:aded by i~-r. Stallings and carried, that bids-also oe received at the dext regular meeting ~'or one carload o:P o~~ster sb.ell. dir. 1'hornpson moved that the program :::°or irnp-rovements~as ~~er attached schecule ineludin~ improvements on l~trn, Street betvaeen '?each Ave, a::?d t?~e Ocean '3esch includi:ag r1;r_rvai%; 3eac'rr ..ave. betaveen 11th and. 1Stz Sts., Cantinantal .',ve. oet,Freen 11tH and 12th Streets and 2nd Street ber~~~feen Oontinental Plvd. and East Coast Drive, inelud-ino approaches cues ??. R, crossin ue adopted an:~_ brat sealed bids oe secured. ia-r doing this aeforir; oils to be in the Hands o the Chairman Comm. Pnolic ':'Ys. bii ei;ht ? T'. Feb-raary 21st and. at t?re nett re,;;ula-r meetinY t~Jhieh takes -place s'eb. ~l contracts to oe avaarded to the 1o~;~~est bidder or bidders. ?ors: to be ~ommenced r~;it:yin Tart;-eight hours ester COritr%iCt i.~, let. i,Oti0Y1 6~.r•?S SeC Onded.b~7 is :r. ~._cCulla:z;h «nd :, t;nanimousl-~r carried. the President requested <<11 members o~ the Council azd, t'r_s IJiaSTor to notiip all cont-racto-rs rrrhom rni„ht be interested in submitting bids on the above rti<ork. ~ F:-s. Stallings moved that SECOSTD S~'RI;"i:T from Fast <Ooast Drive to S: Er~~t" ?:)~I?T~ and that S EP.%Y D_.IVE to the PI,.iZA and i also East Coast ?)-rive iron. 10th to 12t'r. treat be cleared, waded and shelled to a <~idt;h o.' 1F feet and that t:.e ;: hairr.?an Cor-nm. y'nblic '•~or'>s be inst-!~~acted and ar;thori zed to secrre bids ;Jith this in vieG~. T;iO~IC?V ~raas seconded bV ~':r. Barrrald and being :art tivas unanimously carried., i'here 'oeing n•o "art per business to come before tsie ::,rooting anon motion d_ul;,r made and. seconded, fire r.^.eetin;~ ad_ournec;_.•, (Sd) P. C. Collins '' Clerk '; ~: l f~ u ~, (Sd) Chalme-rs D. Horne P-res Oo~zneil