06-20-27__ __._ __ -~ k ~?e~nlar eeting of '_'o~;rn owncii "atlantic !`'esic'n ~r,"ozdag :lure 2~tn, 1927. i y, t" 1 f walled to order at 3 _ bsr vice-President o° ^.oU:neil,i ;'r. ~c.;ullou;h. ?.11 rzembers :~aere -orbsent exce-~_t t:~~ o;°~ae end ."-r. '-,ham'oson. ,` Seseral bills °,'rere rresented ancL recerrad to :Fin^rcc .committee, e°'L:Ia Y' ^:04 ~;d a;:xd Sv'C O;iu eO'_ tf_lt ''t? '.~:.'0 L'1 01 .. :la rt lC "e~e^ Hold a s.~ecial election. to vote on the ratter o~ ,?.tl,~~ntic ii C't1 CYl. beC 0:17."1' a p::ri, 07'. ~~fl CiiS OnV 1110 .yea C'f1 a°, Oi18 OI tti1@ ,:;p-r rJ ~ll y"t!S i ' flS Her ,ti^.B ~)i 11 'k~r~SSe~A ~:)'~ file ~°.te G'~l.".l~tti:re. i7d It '1:i1flTi 1L'l O1,S1Tj' ~?S52d £l.:!1. a. ti;8 ~::ite O' r~i.l~T 1?tn Set 0'l t'/7.8 el eCti Or. 1 +; 1 he C.1 e-r_~c l':~$S ii'ISt'l "LG red t0 OOSt 1i0t 1C c'.S 0% t'^i G' e18Ct i0'll 1YI t'rtreg pr02;i1neRt ?~leiCes. :zl.SO t0 laVB ?Jrv';On red find ?;Tlnt ed 6ill:il.- i cient amount o^ ballots to be used ,~~ those :rno care to vote on this iss,~e. On. motion and, vote President of Co~ar~cil eras instruetec~ I to ap~noint three inspectors and ore cla-rk to hflve cha:re o;° t .e rolls on t%?i s dates motion carried. .9et'in~; president o" ~ouneil `?;0'701rt ed =eteT ~e'IISG'ri Sam 'i0;:0, and ~:~. L. 1 ~';~5.?S 1n S'~e Ct OrS i atlci 1e'a7is 7o'me as eler'.L. I.io4ed that ;text .neetin~ be held_ oz1 :Tu1,y ' 5t ~, ins'~eacl. of t~ze 4t'r_ ~,dhich is a le x°.31 h.olidav. Tle're bein no ~urt'~ler '~~usires 4oullcil adjo-:..rned. ti ;: