11-07-274~ Regular :'=eetin; of .'atlantic 3eaeh Toren Co~aricil i~~ovember 7, 1927 I?ia~ror Sugg and. all members present. ... I;iin::tes of °ormer meet inns dispensed crith as clerY. ~S :a _ absent. Yiatter of ~Oit~r i:;arshall ta'r>en .tip and on motion of ::r. i~IcOullough, seconded. by Thom,son, rr. '°~ucker elected m8rshall "ia~^ "~0'11Od O S2x mont'1S trial. 7Owrllrig ~;nd Gavagan agree to thrown hire all business possible and. the to,-gym :gka-rantees him X150.00 per month on this basis. =i?~parently all the tova-n vrill , have to do w~~ill be approxim2tely ~~5.C0 i.o ;;50.00 per month. 3tallin;s 'vas a~rthorized to try and settle rs~ith limes ~II;Zion on their bill of '275.16 contracted b~ old co~,ncil. St being apparent twat a 50o reduction rni~ht be obtained. Clarson rent item came up =gain :with Olarson present. ~.. i :ie agreed to acee»~ -,~~00.00 on to^an hall and release as of 2~0-•. 1, 192'7. Treasure's, Csbo-rne instructed to r~atr Kira :`;is100.00 on ;' aceourt. The lease on the marshalls home to xer^ain in "o-rce. '?arts and -sepal's bill o~f ~3urti~rell brotor Oo. presented and approved :°o-r ~Jtx~trileYlt. '.:':pis item ~xmannted to .1.46. i,otion ' bra G'3~ and second_~ br Thompson. Frill o-~ Eds Gaxa~~e resilzsed on gro~:lzds of no good hav- ing been to t-rucl~ bT theirs renairi_l~. T!;.otian, Th.or~1-y~son, seco.~d.ed ~o•^re . ":dams bill for light and t=rates ordered pr;id. 1:f~tion by Stallings .nd second by 'i'hompson. s3.mount for ioum [all, p5.00 imornt jail, ;54.50 ~~~ fl letter received and read born Ca.1. Stolbrand--under date of 11~6f27, callin attention niti 'nr~ving been granted judgment: vs '^ov~n o l,tlantic }?eac'n for services xend.erea_. ``>his violates :pis agreement writh <,tto-rne,J7 Odor, and :rayon uneg and same arras ?! referred to S~ia;nor Diu g to act on. ~~ Sl'..g ~:s bill Cav erln.~-T-T, ?lU."l C1'1~IEB 0:~ ~IIe~'7 t:l:lL 4?SSe9S?;:CIIt bO0r: ~. Ordered p.~1d i,~iOt1On, ~t all In s, SECand bra "a Ol]7QSOn. .arFit. (>18 .50. '. ,~ ' ~ Sug-s bill fc-r g=as anr', oil on city t'^uc:; orderred »~~id. j `otion bar ~t•.llin;s 2nd sec and 'az; ''hosr»son. .>mt. '"29.0. Osborne re»orted bank balance as o' the 11~7~27, ~, amO:lnt lrig tO ='312 e/'J~ IeSS C't].eC.'> tO vlarS021 a? ,`>1~0.00. ~' The"re be ln.~ nO f'u.rt:?er b;1Sif~ eSS C0?;12C 11 aQ.jOArned i:nt 11 i nc-xY, r;.eetir~g. i l.etia~; ;lerl. 6 n p a~+ {- President of o.;nc~l t j1 , ~:. i.,.. 'r L f ~~ i ~i I. } j, h.:.