11-11-27.. ~~ R~ ' ~ ~~ ~,, ;: ];.eetin or i'o~-rn Co„Heil os: itla~~tic 3eae'a, :~~ia. ~~~oY~ember 11, 2927 ill meMbe-rs present bnt 3orne. Stallin;s re-no-rts _vrog.ress on li~.es ~`nion old bill. narwald makes -report on °,aste-r anal lisht fra,nc~?isa as submitted by i:-r, i>`itc;°~ell of Chica.o, ~?esolutiori d-ra<rn u-n and ol_e'^ed. <:ioved by ~;HT anal seconded b=; G3,~. :3ttaci.ed hereto. :atte-t o" ne`,r tax roll tar~en un amounting to apnroxirnatelti 880, 621.0. ;"otion to accept by >ar'.'rald, seco..d, LTil. Ordered aavertised in Ti~aes Union as -;der lava. t'r., =eGullou~n slraears in .:r. ''?ileox as ',ax assessor. Council Votes to made ~r, Ootton ?)enut~ ^ax C:ollector "or 90 d€ags on a salar;~ o X50.00 ~~er month. Ir_otion b5T g^. second by Ba r?va l''... i'; a;rgT ~;l'. ~'gS ~. 7.'~13n vOtB O ~~ t'1an's:S :''Or a00d 'a70r1: d.onB On ',^. a]:ln~. :.~ ''ax .^'.oll :'.ssessments o r sear 1927. ~~~QZ;.i1C it adio':.rn ed '..i:l `,; 1.1 71e~t re:;ula-l i"eOt lCi,.°e ?-res. Ce~mcil i ~, i. I ~: {{`~.. i ~Ule:^t _3 3 F.. - '~