12-15-27 c .`eetn oP To`T^~ ^,ol~•~cil, w':tlantic `'each, r'la, ``ecerrber 15, 1927 :".11 members presewzt but ;Tonne. ~ette-r -nom 3. `;iorne under date o' the 12~7f27, read as'~ir.~; _"or adjustrr,ent o:n his~t~xes on all lots i;~ ':?locks 1-2-3. i'hiS sJa5 dl Sa1106;red by Ui1£i'nirIlOi;. V(J te. _:ot ].O:Q by 7t>~l lii7~.ci, second by 3ar•~/alc!.. Preset tax -roll as submitted ac^e~rted. b;r unanir.:o",rs vot'e. i::otion by "', z~ r:ald and second by i`hom_nson. '_~. '''hOmpsOnletter re~ara~n,g Street FJQTii T2$C_ an1_ discl.ssed. <''e -:''O110i^71n ~' 'tJ 1115 0"1~l erect. £3i1 (% +p'~~1"OVed "Or ^H 7lerit ~ Shell -~ror.~ Toiv~ 3eI1 99 ;yards :':'75y' 74.2r~ ~1ex l.eelino 24-' L'a Ts _,'' `2.50 6=.?; C=as F~ Oi7. 5 ~Jeaks ~o I2f1b~27 JO<12 uegaL add to Ti,~es IInion 16.00 1":e l:ay Or ti1aE 7.n St rt,Cted t0 CCnler ldi th State ~021rd Oi health in -re~zard to I.~osquito Contxol. On motion o:~ 3a'rY~~ald and second by ~ihozn~~son it 'r~-zs agreed to run tax add. t hrou~'r_ December 31, 1927, ""ais t,;as run ever of%.e-r day= in both the Jolz:^nal and ^imes ~7nion, The add 'read as "ollo~as:- the tax books are no:/ o-~en dai7.y at :u~~s Store, '~atl.~~nt~_c Beac"_~.. 2;~ discolznt allot~ed on all ta:x_es ;paid berore :Tan 1, 1922, ~:alre checr.s payable to i~.V.Osbo-rne, T.C. Counei7,. then ad~onrnect until next meeting Jan. 3, 1928,; GBS F-reside_zt of Council i M ":