01-04-26 v3 n2INIITES of the meeting of the Town Council of the TCPVN OF ATL.4PdTIC BB'ACH, FLA. , at the Town Hall, AtlanticBeach, Fla., on II Jan. 4, 1926. Regular meeting of Council. Fresent: All members. is fvlinutes of preceding meeting read and approved. Committee or Electric Lighting reported progress. r,. Committee on Jail reported that arrangements had been made to house any prisoners that were brought there. YJir. Judy and P,4r. Fairchild of the Salt Air Corporation were present and informed the Council that there had bean arranged for them a bond issue for street paving with certain parties and asked.' the Council to pass the requisite re"solutions_anthorizing the issue. After much discussion, the matter was laid over for furbher consideration and action, if such should be deemed expedient. Itwas moved, seconded and adopted that b'Lessrs. YYiason, Pritchard and Horne be appointed a Committee to interview the Board oP County Commissioners in the matter of road and road paving so P, far as the interests of the Town Were concerned.The President of the Council was directed take up the questions of lregi~ tration, tax assessment and drainage with counsel.dir. Bell brought up the subject of the creation of a drainage district for the drainage of the Town North of the Plaza by and through Sherman Creek. Deferred for consideration in the near ',future. P1Sr. Bell also asked that some building restrictions, at least so 'far as stipulated in the deeds to property, be provided for.P, Deferred for future action.Iii There being no further business before the 'Council, motion to adjourn was"made and carried.Sd) Vasa E. Stolbrand j 9ttest: Ci y C erk j i is f i! f ji l