08-11-26 vi M ieetin~ held '?assn ';';.::all ~-=a~ 13t~. ~6.1: eetin~ called to order by ''=•~PVOr '.obe-rt E. Sing. 1I10s8 7:OSent Cilalife"rS ~%• ~0r:1e, 3 r.._"C'%~11110i:_~~1y 'a~e0. ~. vta11 L'1?'E, .. ~~Y"r"I£ila.., ~:Y'. ri'10 P.1n,`70n bei7i~ Otit 0"~ t~16 :ilt?j On 1,vaeation, not bein, on hand, i~ , Toe i'`a;~o-r s•a;or.e i:n the cou_•.ciir;en that ~=rere rresent. i.I:otion no.]_.i"`-r. C.nal~ers D 'io-r_~e beingio~.ina'.ed for ?resident of t; he .^, itp council.n motion and vote he -rags declared- unanir.~ orzsl,/ elected.i.<r. ~- ~~3• i.~C.r)Z2110A~12 b81n ~ nOml.riated 'fOrV.-S. CIt'V COAn C11 "v1.4`- 1u U.T2arilm0A51;5% ej.CCt ed. .T:lotioni~o 4,i On motion and vote °. C. Collins, ~;-~ointed Cle'r'gy o_' t'ie Council. p otion TTo a, ghat Glerk crap on :;_r Stoll brand taiso ','-r' dens en and secure a]_l records belongin to t'r_e to :•n of 2tlantic '~eaeh.. also 211 frznds. TSotion Tdo.d~ 12at C6Tfim1tt0E 'Oe an??b ~;y~~@.d`P DY'a:Ct Y`A105 Of "OrOCed;,lr0 Or p~~handl;ng ~:usiness. T.. i~•"CCu110ug'2 ,.. 'ae0. ~. *%taliln`?Sy `1~:; 1]".'.B rS 1J. 30rn8, "i "^?~Olnt ed. ISOt10n,1 O.b. rat Cier'_ notifz~ the l'lo-rida -fational oanr; that officers of tlantic Eeaeh nad beenehan~ed, anal that the Town Council `.r~ou. ld notiF~ teem b~ a later dzate vino ?•aonid be autrzo-^ized. to sign crec~ L~.oticn .?Q, o Tnat Co~cil adourn until7. next raeetin~, srnich tans set °orSe-^,t Gth;. 1i i ud) Chalrzers i3. "dome (Sd) ~, C. Colli.:~ s To°.~nz Cler~~. arcs. j i• ~ ..i