09-13-95BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE Minutes of Meeting of September 13, 1995 The regular meeting was held on Wednesday, September 13, in the Conference Room. Present were: Jack Robbins, Chairman, Chuck Pendleton, Bruce Tusher, Barbara Bonner, June Morris, Brenda tdray, Rick Bell, Barbara Hopson, Joanna Fletcher, Carl Walker, Coordinator, and Ron Schie.bler, City Gardener. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 PM by Jack Robbins. 'I'Yre rninutes of the last meeting were reviewed and a motion made by Barbara Borrner to approve them, as written. Bruce Tusher secoxided and the motion passed. Bruce acid Jack brought tyre Committee up to date on th.e plans for the forthcoming "Fall Bright Spots Tour". They had made a "tour" of various parts of the City to clroose yards for the categories listed as well as additional ones which they felt were outstanding or worthy of recognition. Bruce distributed copies of fl„vers about the event and asked that members get them posted in local businesses, churches, etc. and pass them out in their neighborhoods. An additional article about the evert will also be placed in the local newspapers. Jack further advised that certificates. will be send to each participant following the event. A list of the addresses was given to Car]. to find out the owners names and telephone num- bers so t.hai; Jack & Bruce can contact the owners for permis- sion to take part in the tour. Brenda Wray gave the status on her efforts far the Atlantic Blvd. median adoption program. Of the existing 11 medians, a total of 8-9 have now been committed, including the 2 which have already been. landscaped. So far, $4000.00 has been col- lected and deposited, including the most recent contribution, a $1,OOU check from Sandy Forsyth of Aqua East. Ron advised on the progress being made at the median site locations and what the tentative timetable was for the land- scaping efforts. Joanna Fletcher reported that she had been irr contact; with "Greensca.pe" who was planning to undertake a proposal for a grant which would add palm trees and other plantings far additional enhancements to the medians. The gr.arrt proposal i.s due in February of 1996 and the actual planting would not commence until the winter of 1997. The next topic of discussion was on the subject of the "Holi- '- day Luminary Niglrt" . Joanna Fletcher, event chairperson, discussed some of the plans, which included the purchase of the kit material. from RAP, as was done last year. There was ~'"~'" further discussion on the date (or dates) and it was finally agreed to Yrold the event on Sunday, December 17. The sale of the kits will. take place on Saturday, December 9 in Jack Rus- sell Park. Also, it was decided that kits could be sold and orders could be taken for additional kits at the Christmas Tree Lighting for the City on Thursday, December 7. It was suggested that the Committee could use luminaries around the City I-Ia1J_ building at both the City Tree Lighting and again on December 1.7. Ai'ter considerable discussion, it was agreed t;o order 700 kits, June Morris and Barbara Hopson volunteered to help Joanna on the subcommittee. Barbara Hopson distributed printed material on Aquifers and water supplies, pointing out int;e resting or pertinent facts irons the m~.terial. She stressed the insportance of our con- serving on the dwindling water reserves and compliance with mandates of. the water management district. Chuck Pendleton reported that the J. F. Kennedy aircraft car- rier was due at Mayport on September 22 and as a part of the celebration of its arrival, a clean-up of Mayport Road was planned for September 16. He also advised that. an open house was to be held at Fleet Landing's crew center for assisted living on Sunday, October 1. There was no further business acrd tyre meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM. - 2 -