02-07-96 v -• n Park and Recreation Meeting Adele Grage Community Center February 7, 1996 A meeting was held at 10 : 00 a.m. at he Community Center on February 7, 1996. The meeting had been called by Timmy Johnson to discuss plans for Howell Park. Present were: Timmy Johnson, Patricia Goelz, and Barbara Hopson. Timmy Johnson presented a map with overlays and discussed repairs, improvements, equipment replacements , and approximate cost. The following plan was presented:Howell Park will remain a passive nature park,with emphasis on preserving and promoting native plants and encouraging wildlife habitats. The north entrance to the park located on Sherry Drive will be closed. The most northern trail will be closed and the area allowed to return to natural growth.The rest of the trails will be improved by either mulching them,or covering them with raised walks . The bridges will be repaired and ramps instead of steps installed. Benches will be replaced,and picnic tables added in key area. The west entrance located on Seminole Road will be enlarged to make the park more visible from the road. It will also be moved further south on Seminole Road. Signs will be erected at three entrances and made more prominent. Fitness stations would be improved. In general the plan was approved by those present with the following additions and concerns: 1 . The signs for the parks should be thoroughly discussed and planned by the Park and Recreation Board. Color, design and size should be considered. The signs should be blending in with other signs already in existence in the city, i .e. welcoming signs,existing park signs, and other city signs. 2. Educational kiosks need to be added which should reflect expert knowledge of fauna, flora, and ecological systems present and at work in the park. Patricia Goelz and Barbara Hopson volunteered to locate appropriate personnel . 3. A meeting with Alan Sowder will be set up to discuss the "clearing" of Seminole entrance, placement of picnic tables, and materials used for "mulching" and filling trails. Concern was expressed by Barbara Hopson concerning fill dirt being used to fill trails. Tim Johnson will arrange the meeting. 4 . Arrangements will be made to identify plants in the park. Botanical names and facts about the plants will be supplied by Olive Bruggenman. Tim Johnson will get in touch with Mrs. Bruggeman concerning this project. 5. Atlantic Beach Elementary School will be approached regarding getting students involved in planting plants (native only) in the park. 2 6 . Materials used to stabilize trails and their effect on the park and surrounding areas must be discussed with experts . 7. The boundaries of the park will be established and property owners bordering the park informed of the boundaries . Encroachment on park property for private use must be discouraged. 8. Ditch and pond erosion must be addressed. 9. Only native plants must be planted in the park, and a plan devised to increase wildlife habitat. cpy: Mayor Lyman T. Fletcher Jim Jarboe, City Manager