10-11-95BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE t~iinutes of Meeting of October I1, 1995 The regular meeting was held on Wednesday, October 11, in the Conference Room. Present were: Jack }7,obbins, Chairman, Chuck Pendleton, Bruce `Pusher, Barbara Bonner, June Morris, Rick Bell, Barbara Hopson, Commissioner Suzanne Shaughnessy, Carl Walker, Coordinator, and Ron Sc,hi.ebler, Gity Gardener. The meetarig was caJ.led to order at 7:35 PM by Jack Robbins. A motion was made }~,y Bar.bara Hopson to approve the minutes of the last meeting, a.s read. Bruce TLisher seconded; the motion passed. Bruce reported on the "Fall Bright Spots Tour" held on Octo- ber 6 and 7. lie advised that a total of 95 maps were taken, including 20 people who took a bus tour from Fleet Landing. Copies of the ar. tac_les in the local necaspal~ers were passed around and Car]_ wall send letters of appreciation to the med:i.a for the coverage given. Carl was also asked to secure more permanent signs which could be used - and reused - for future such events. Certificates were made for all of the participating properties and will be sent to the owners. Bruce also advised that he had maintained a file which would be helpful to people working on the ne,~t "Bright Spots" tour, tentatively scheduled for next spring. Chock reported that a total. of 16 persons had toured Fleet; Landing, a considerable increase fro-n the event held in the spring of '94. It was agreed by.all that the event had been successful and Bruce was thanked by Jack axed the members far his efforts. In the absence of Brenda Wray to report on the Atlantic Blvd. median project, Carl advised that AquaEast has donated $1,000 for a median and that he had been contacted by GEICO Ins. who was interested in adapting another. Ron has completed one of the medians, and work will begin shortly on another. Ron has also been working witYz Tuc}cer Rental toward an "in-kind" con- tribution of their equipment to assist in the median prepara- tion prior to planting. Carl reported on the final budget for the fiscal year '95- '96, advising that the total allocated figure for beautifi- cation is $71,999. This is a considerable increase from any previous year's budget. It includes $25,000 for beach access or street end improvements, some of which will be the instal- lation of water by our Public Works department. Commissioner Shaughnessy explained that this money was diverted from funds proposed for improvements in Howell Park. The park improve- ments were reduced in scope. She also brought out that an additional $10,000 had been approved by the Commission for the construction of a handicapped beach access. Discussion followed on various aspects of the handicapped access and Jack appointed Barbara Bonner and June Morris to meet with resident Charles Hatchell who had previously obtained infor- mation on the building of this type of access. A report will be made at the next meeting. Joanna Fletcher was not present to report on the "Holiday Luminary" event and it was decided that the sub-committee, chaired by Joanna, would meet prior to the November meeting so that plans can be finalized. Cart will contact Joanna so that plans can be made for the meeting to take place. Under new business, the forthcoming "Arbor Day" celebration was discussed grid Jack stressed the need of members to vol- unteer to work on that project since it will be held in Janu- ary of '96. Barbara Hopson, June, and Bruce agreed to help in the planning of it and Carl will coordinate their efforts. This topic will be further discussed at the November meeting. Also, Jack wants to discuss the mission statement and task assignments for 1996 at the next meeting. Suzanne Shaughnessy distributed copies of correspondence from DOT regarding the availability of a matching grant program. "' An informal meeting to be held on that subject on November 1 at 2 PM by DOT. Before closing the i~teeting, Jack thanked all members for past efforts and support and encouraged all present to work toward expanding the committee membership in the coming year. There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM. - 2 -