05-24-89BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES The Atlantic Beach Beautification Committee met on Wednesday May 24, 1989 at 7x30 P.M.in the City Commission Meeting Room, City Hall, Atlantic Beach, Florida. Attending were Mayor William Gulliford, City Manager Richard Fellows, Chairman Jody Ford, Chris Blanchard, Phil Corp, Betty Carey, Carolyn Woods, Dezmond Waters, Joanna Fletcher and Recording Secretary Georgia Horn. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Ford who asked if anyone had any questions or comments from the last meeting minutes. She said she had spoken to the Jacksonville Keep America Beautiful Representative Joyce Dyro. She pointed out suggestions made by Ms. Dyro in reference to choosing the three representatives for the program. They also talked about hiring persons who would be interested in serving on the committee who are orientated in a special field that would benefit the committee. Mayor Gulliford suggested that an ad be placed in The Beaches Leader to advertise for a person interested in working part time 20 hours a week to coordinate for the Beautification Committee. He said the person selected should have a background in public contact and also in fund solicitation. The Mayor and committee members then exchanged names of some persons who they felt would be appropriate as representatives. Commissioner Glenn Edwards name was mentioned as well as Mr. John Weldon Sr. Chairman Ford then discussed recycling and whether or not the funds made from it could be applied to The Beautification Committee. Mayor Gulliford said that funds would be available from recycling and discussed how we might use these funds. Jody Ford also asked about the funds that the Chamber had available for planting trees & landscaping. Dezmond Waters said they needed to decide what trees they would like and request for the money for the program. At this time, Mayor Gulliford said he felt it was very important for Committee Members to decide on a project and to proceed with it so that people in Atlantic Beach will be aware of the committee and what we want to accomplish. He also mentioned how we would be able to budget money for the committees and he would check into that. BEAUTIFICATION MINUTES ~~. PAGE 2 Jody Ford asked if there was any old business-before she turned the floor over to Carolyn Woods for discussions about the A.S.L.A. and the sub committees. With no further discussion, Carolyn said the first priority for the Charette would be a simple project such as planting flowers etc. She said it was best to start small but to make an impact that people would notice. She then said she felt that the second priority needed to be medians and to ask some businesses to help out in cleaning up their areas. It was also mentioned that the person hired could solicit help from these businesses. The members then discussed what type plants, flowers & trees they wanted for Atlantic Beach and what type image they wanted such as a soft look, palm trees, etc. Carolyn then explained what steps needed to be taken and started to prioritized them. The .number one project was to do a highly visible project that the committee could do as a whole, and second was the medians and street scape elements. Entrances into the city were also talked about including Royal Palms, Sherry Drive & Mayport Road. The third concern was the street element on Mayport Road along with Levy, Plaza, Jackson and Church. Mayor Gulliford told members to decide what areas were top priority and to call Georgia Horn with what they felt was the important area and let her know so that a list could be made Carolyn Woods said she felt that Atlantic Blvd. was a high visible priority and that area needed to be on the top of the list and Dezmond Waters said he felt that Ocean Blvd. should also be added. Chairman Ford then mentioned trying to remove the portable signs .that were in violation. She said she felt the signs had gotten out of hand and it had become an eye sore. Mayor Gulliford suggested she address a letter to Rene Angers, the Code Enforcement Officer, so she could check to make sure they were licensed and not in violation. The main concern was the number of signs on Mayport Road. At this time Mayor Gulliford asked for the members to ask businesses to adopt a block. Chairman Ford said she would adopt the first block on Levy Road South and provide the trees also.. The City Manager said before any thing was done that we would need to get in touch with the D.O.T. to obtain permission. BEAUTIFICATION MINUTES PAGE 3 The fourth concern was beach accesses which they felt needed the most attention. They were Atlantic Blvd. in front of the Sea Turtle, 7th Street Access, 15th Street Ramp and the rest of the front accesses. The fifth item was Parks & Public facilities. All agreed that there was work needed at all locations. Mayor Gulliford then mentioned that there would be an appreciation dinner for all committee members that would be held at Selva Marina Country Club on June 22 and he would provide more information at the next meeting.The June 10th meeting was mentioned and Chairman Ford told everyone that she would get with them to see how many would be attending. With no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.