04-23-97 v .4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING APRIL 23, 1997 A regular meeting of the Board was held Wednesday, April 23, 1997 in the Adele Grage Community Center Meeting Room at 7:19PM. Present were: Mary McGee Dezmond Waters, Chairperson Barbara Hopson Mark Beckenbach The Board reviewed minutes of the last regular meeting and Barbara Hopson made a motion to approved them as written. Dezmond seconded and the motion carried. Barbara informed the Board that some work is going on in Howell Park. The Public Works Department is doing a survey, to enlarge the banks for drainage. According to Barbara, the ponds will be combined and many trees will be removed. Barbara walked through the Park with the Mayor and he is very concern and will speak with the Engineer about the project. Instead of widening the banks, it was mentioned that putting in a bulkhead would work better. Barbara will keep the Board informed. The Parks& Recreation Director informed the Board that Jacksonville Transportation Authority is looking for some property to build a drainage pond. The property JTA is looking at is Tresca. Barbara made a motion that if the City Commission support the ISTEA funds the Board would support the commission's resolution. Dezmond seconded and motion carried. Budget Implementation * Recommend the relocation of Public Works and convert the building into a recreation complex, along with the adjacent land. * Signage for Park linkage. * A kiosk in Russell Park. * Purchase of land (next to Donner Park, Jordan Park and the Tresca Property) * Additional Personnel (Tutor, Volunteer coordinator, Activities Coordinator) Agenda Items * Update on the Tresca Property, Howell Park, Bull Park and the Bicycle Trail. * Summer Meetings * National Trails Day National Trails Day is Saturday, June 7 and Patricia would like to put on a trail walk. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING MAY 7, 1997 A special meeting of the Board was held Wednesday, May 7, 1997 in the Commission Chamber at 7:20PM. Patricia Goelz called this meeting to discuss National Trails Day, which is Saturday, June 7. Present were: Ed Waters Patricia Goelz Barbara Hopson Dezmond Waters Scott Debuty Mary McGee Suzanne Shaughnessy, Commission Liaison Timmy Johnson, Staff Liaison Patricia began the discussion by explaining that National Trails Day is Saturday, June 7 and it is a connection between people and trails. Patricia purposes and would like the Board's support with putting together a walk to the City's Parks. The walk will start in Russell Park at 8:30AM and go from park to park, beginning in Russell across to Howell to Bull to the Ocean to Jordan Park to Donner Park and return to Russell Park. Patricia has discussed this event with David Thompson, Public Safety Director, and as far as he can tell everything seems fine. The Police Department will help cross Mayport Road. Water and bananas will be set up un Russell and Jordan Park. Each Board member is required to make three signs concerning a designed Park. Patricia will mark the trail. Barbara will handle publicity. Dezmond will contact Publix for water and bananas. The Board will hold a dry run Saturday, May 17. Ed Waters will provide a City map, showing where the Parks are.