08-02-89BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE MINUTES The Atlantic Beach Beautification Committee met on Wednesday, August 2, 19$9 at 7:30 P.M., in the City Hall Commission Chambers, Atlantic Beach. The meeting was called to order by chairman Jody Ford who opened the meeting by introducing the new part time coordinator for the committee, Mr. Carl Walker. The Keep America Beautiful Program was then talked about including the application that needs to be completed and sent in to their headquarters so that the committee can officially be members. It was mentioned that members needed to select three persons to represent the three sub committees which are Civic, Government and Industry. The committee proceeded to discuss the Charette that is to take place Saturday, August 12th at City Hall. It will start at 9 am and continue throughout the day. Carolyn Woods began to explain to some of the other members the steps of the Charette which you follow and the plans. Jody Ford then questioned what the length of time would be to implement the program. Jody Ford then began to talk about the existing sign ordinance and distributed copies to members for their review. She suggested they read the ordinance and understand it, and to circle what they felt needed to be changed or to add anything they felt should be added. They discussed a sign that had been up for over a year and is eight times the legal size according to the ordinance. Mayor Gulliford assured the members the city was going to follow through with better code enforcement and get tough on citizens that refuse to conform to the codes set. He also read from the ordinance book and verified that fines could be set for violators. Jody Ford brought up the idea of Atlantic Beach starting a Yard of The Month Program, and asked members what they thought about it. They voted to go ahead and discussed what the program would consist of. Mayor Gulliford suggested it be put in the Atlantic Beach Newsletter, to make the citizens aware of the new program. Jody Ford & Mayor Gulliford agreed that it would be sometime in September before the program could be started. Robert Wilkins again brought up the subject of the problems on .the 18th & 19th street accesses. He said the drinking and litter problem was getting out of hand and that the Police Department needed to be made more aware of the problems. Jody Ford reminded everyone of the Charette to take place Saturday,August 12, at 9:00 A.M. and emphasized the importance of everyone's attendance. With no further discussion the meeting was adjourned at 9:15.