06-05-00 v MINUTES OF 11111 TREE CONSERVATION BOARD June 5, 2000 A regular meeting of the Tree Conservation Board was held Monday, June 5, 2000, in the City Hall Commission Chambers. Present were Mae Jones, Chairperson, Richard Bell, Camille Hunter, Judith Jacobson and Staff Members Don Ford and Susan Dunham. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mae Jones at 7:35 p.m. 2. Recognition of Visitors None. Camille Hunter moved that the Habitat applications be added to the Agenda and that the applications be first on the agenda. Richard Bell seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 3. Approval of Minutes of Meeting of May 15, 2000 Camille Hunter moved that the Minutes of May 15, 2000 be amended and the sentence"Eloise Koerber informed the Board that Bernie Showers has expressed an interest in becoming a Tree Conservation Board member."be changed to read"Judith Jacobson informed the Board that Bernie Showers has in the past expressed an interest in becoming a Tree Conservation Board member." Judith Jacobson seconded and the motion carried. 4.A. Old Business/Tree Removal Applications • 1. None. 5.A. New Business/Tree Removal Applications 1. Review of Jacksonville Transportation Authority Flyover Project/Retention Pond. This item was moved to the end of New Business. 2. Lot 1, Donner's Replat, 1800 Block of Francis Street: Mr. Craig Burkhart introduced himself as the representative of Beaches Habitat. Mr. Burkhart represents agenda item numbers 5.A.2 through 5.A.7. Mr. Burkhart advised the Board that no protected trees are being removed from the lot to build this house. Richard Bell moved that we approve the application since there are no trees coming out and the Building Official issue a permit to proceed. Camille Hunter seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 3. Lot 2, Donner's Replat, 1800 Block of Francis Street: Mr. Burkhart advised they were requesting removal of a 24"pine. Judith Jacobson moved that the application for Lot 2 be approved as submitted with 24"of protected pine being removed, being replaced by a total of 16" of oak to mitigate the removed hardwood and that the Building Official be directed to issue a permit. Richard Bell seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 4. Lot 3, Donner's Replat, 1800 Block of Francis Street: Mr. Burkhart advised that they were going to move the building footprint to within five feet of the side yard to ensure that the three large pines survive. Richard Bell moved that we approve the application for the removal of 26" and 9"of protected pine to be mitigated with a 13"pine and an 18"pine and that the Building Official issue a permit. Camille Hunter seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 5. Lot 4, Donner's Replat, 1800 Block of Francis Street: Mr. Burkhart informed the Board that he moved the parking to the back of the lot to save all the trees in the front of the lot. Camille Hunter moved that the application for Lot 4 be approved as submitted with no mitigation required • and that the Building Official issue a permit. Judith Jacobson seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Minutes of Tree Conservation Board June 5, 2000 Page 2 1111 6. Lot 5, Donner's Replat, 1800 Block of Francis Street: Mr. Burkhart stated that when they stake the lot to build the home, if the cluster of trees in the back is in danger, he has the ability to move the home to save the cluster of trees. Judith Jacobson moved that the application for Lot 5 be approved as submitted with no mitigation required and that the Building Official issue a permit. Camille Hunter seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. 7. Lot 6, Donner's Replat, 1800 Block of Francis Street: Mr. Burkhart mentioned that he tried to save the 22"cedar but was unable to due to its location. Richard Bell moved that we accept the application for the removal of 22"of hardwood to be mitigated with 9"of hardwood and 9"of oak and that the Building Official issue a permit. Judith Jacobson seconded the motion,which passed unanimously. The Board members thanked Mr. Burkhart for the accuracy of the applications and the effort put into saving trees on these lots. 1. Review of Jacksonville Transportation Authority Flyover Project/Retention Pond: Mr. Roger Sharp introduced himself as Deputy Director of Engineering, Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Mr. Sharp stated that this is the final permit needed to build the interchange ramps. The contractor is ready to begin work. Richard Bell advised Mr. Sharp that there are numerous protected trees on the lot that are not indicated on the survey. In addition, Mae Jones informed Mr. Sharp that the print is so small on the survey that she is not able to read the measurements of the trees. Mae Jones also stated she is concerned that some very significant trees are being removed to allow for Pond"C"and asked if there is another area to locate the pond with less significant trees. Mr. Sharp explained that the location of the retention pond is determined by . hydraulics--they have to be able to get the water from the interchange and associated roadways to the pond and from the pond to the discharge area. Board members suggested alternative locations but Mr. Sharp stated that any modifications at this point in time would cause significant hardship since they are ready to begin construction. Mae Jones stated that these plans should have come to the Tree Conservation Board earlier for input, not at the point in time when construction is to begin. Mae Jones requested that Jacksonville Transportation Authority attempt to find an alternative location for the retention pond so that no significant trees need to be removed. Mr. Sharp stated that if they have to alter their plans,they will lose their option with the current contractor and will have to re-bid it at an estimated cost in excess of half a million dollars. This would cause serious financial consequences to the Jacksonville Transportation Authority. Mae Jones stated that there is a serious consequence to the community for proceeding at this point. Richard Bell moved that we defer this application until we have legible plans and a complete survey. Camille Hunter seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The Board held a discussion and decided that the Board would write a letter to the City Commission regarding their review of the Jacksonville Transportation Authority Flyover project application and their concerns regarding the significant trees JTA plans to remove. 6. Reports and Announcements Camille Hunter discussed with the Board the mortality rate of pine trees on construction sites. Staff Member Don Ford discussed establishing a budget for the Tree Conservation Board. Mae Jones and Camille Hunter will not be able to attend the June 19 meeting. Therefore,the Board decided to move the June 19 meeting to June 26, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. • Minutes of Tree Conservation Board June 5, 2000 Page 3 III 7. Adjournment There .• g no other business before the Board,the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. 441P A A 441111111 Vcha I e11,r ecretary III •