06-15-92 v TREE CONSERVATION BOARD Minutes of Meeting of June 15, 1992 The Board met for its regular meeting on Monday, June 15, in the Commission Chambers, City Hall. Present were: Carolyn Woods, Chairman John Weldon, Jr. Jim Pelkey Hope Van Nortwick Thomas Frohne George Worley, Designee Carl Walker, Coordinator Guests: David Willis, Jeffrey Zammit, Jerome Sternberg The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Carolyn Woods, Chairman. The first application for consideration was for property de- scribed as Lot # 82, Selva Norte, Unit # 2. Mr. Willis, the developer, was present to discuss the plans/application with the Board. Discussion took place regarding moving the house on the property and/or altering the location or shape of the proposed swimming pool in order to preserve a 16" tree, de- scribed as a Florida elm. Tom Frohne made a motion to accept the plans as submitted, with the exception of saving tree # 52 as shown on the tree survey ( a 16" Fla. elm) , with some latitude toward saving tree # 17, tree # 20 and tree # 23 ( all palms) . John Weldon seconded; the motion passed unanimously. Jeffrey Zammit of Centex Builders was present for the review of the next four applications, all with locations in Selva Linkside. Mr. Zammit explained the reasons why it was nec- essary to "de-muck" and refill Lots # 8 and # 9 because of their low elevations. Mr. Sternberg, owner of a residence on Lot # 10, also commented as to this condition. Following discussion, John Weldon moved to accept the pro- posal on Lot # 8 as presented, with the exception that a 13" live oak in the northwest portion of the property be saved and that the exception would not affect the replace- ment trees shown on the application. The motion was seconded by Hope Van Nortwick and unanimously passed. John Weldon made a subsequent motion to accept the plans for Lot # 9, as pre- sented. Torn Frohne seconded; the motion unanimously passed. After discussion of plans for Lot # 25, Hope Van Nortwick moved to accept the proposal with the exception that 2 hard- wood trees with a minimum of a 3" diameter each, be replaced on the lot, at locations of the owner' s discretion. There was no second and Hope amended the motion changing only the diameter of the replacement trees from 3" to 4". Tom Frohne seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The application for Lot # 51, Selva Linkside, was reviewed and the Board expressed concern with the preservation of a 8" wild cherry tree in the back of the lot. After it was determined that the footprint of the house could not be moved without losing additional trees, John Weldon moved to accept the proposal as submitted with the exception that the de- veloper be required to plant 4 hardwood trees each with a 4" diameter, 3 of which may be placed on the lot at locations of the owner' s discretion, and 1 planted to the west of the dwelling. Hope Van Nortwick seconded and the motion passed by a unanimously vote. Under old business. John Weldon reported that he not yet had the opportunity to review the proposed amendment to the Tree Ordinance but would make an effort to accomplish this prior to the next meeting. Members were reminded that this month has five Mondays so the next meeting will be held in three weeks, or July 6. After reviewing the minutes of the last meeting, John Weldon moved to accept them, as written. Tom Frohne seconded and the motion unanimously passed. There was no further business and Carolyn Woods adjourned the meeting at 8:45 pm. P.espe tfIsubmitted, Joh We don, Jr. Seer a y J - 2 -