09-04-91 v TREE CONSERVATION BOARD Minutes of Meeting of September 4, 1991 The regular meeting of the Board was held on September 4, 1991 in the Commission Chambers, City Hall. The following were in attendance: Carolyn Woods, Chairman John Weldon, Jr. Sandra Sheppard Jim Pelkey Dezmond Waters George Worley, Designee Carl Walker, Coordinator Visitors: Murray & Betty Graham, Property Owners The meeting was called to order by Carolyn Woods at 7:30 pm. The first order of business was consideration of the Application for Tree Removal on property described as Lot #44, Unit #1, Selva Norte. Mr. & Mrs. Graham, owners of the property were present to answer any questions by the Board. After discussion, a motion was made by Sandra Sheppard to accept the Application, as presented, with proper notations as to the barricading of trees not to be removed from the Lot. Jim Pelkey seconded and the motion unanimously passed. Jim Pelkey asked that he be allowed to present an Application for Tree Removal at Lot #19, Beachside Court. The Application and related plans had been filed after the Agenda had been prepared and distributed. Jim also declared a conflict of interest due to his being the builder on the property. After discussion, John Weldon moved that the application be accepted as submitted; Dezmond Waters seconded. There was additional discussion and the motion passed by a 4-1 vote ( S. Sheppard against) . George Worley advised that there were no new developments to report on the construction site at Lot #35, Selva Linkside, and that no further landscaping had taken place. The item will continue to be placed on the Agenda. John Weldon advised that he had visited the Tiffany by the Sea develop- ment since the last meeting and was discouraged with the construction there and the resultant modifications and removal of the natural dunes. It was brought up that the City Commission had previously approved the location as a Quality Contract Development. As a result, there was some discussion as to whether or not the Board had jurisdiction for trees to be removed from the property. Sandra Sheppard asked that George bring a copy of the Contract to the next meeting. John Weldon also requested that the Board be advised when any building construction began. The Minutes of the last Meeting were reviewed and a motion made by John Weldon that they be accepted as written. Sandra Sheppard seconded and the motion unanimously passed. Sandra Sheppard brought up the subject of replacement members for the Board, pointing out that two Board appointments will expire at the end of January, 1992 and that another Board member had declared himself as a candidate for City Commission and, if elected, could no longer serve on the Board. Carl Walker pointed out that the current Ordinance allowed for Board members to seek reappointment for a second consecutive term. With no further business before the Board, Carolyn Woods adjourned the meeting at 8:15 am. Respect ully submit ,- 4116- ezmā€¢ d -paters Secretary - 2 -