03-16-92 v TREE CONSERVATION HOARD Minutes of Meeting of March 16, 1992 The Board met for its regular meeting on Monday, March 16, in the Commission Chambers of City Hall. Present were: Carolyn Woods, Chairman Hope Van Nortwick Tom Frohne John Weldon, Jr. Jim Pelkey Carl Walker, Coordinator George Worley, Designee Guests: Dr. & Mrs. William Lynagh, Dave Willis The Meeting was called to order at 7:35 pm. The first application was for tree removal on property at Lot # 16, Unit # 1, Oceanwalk. Dr. & Mrs. Lynagh, prospective owners, and Mr. Willis, builder, were present. Discussion took place, largely concerning a 36" oak located near the mid-point of the property which was to be removed as well as 21 palms and 1 magnolia. Dr. Lynagh brought up that the plans had been presented to the Oceanwalk Home Owners Assoc. on two occasions or more due to some question on the placement of the house on the lot. Considerable discussion took place and options which would allow the tree to remain were pointed out, including a re- design of the house plan. The Board and the potential owners could riot reach an agreement. Hope Van Nortwick moved that the application be denied. Tom Frohne seconded and discus- sion again took place. The vote was called and the motion was defeated 2-3 (Jim Pelkey, John Weldon, Carolyn Woods, against ) . John Weldon moved that the plans be approved with the addition of 6 - 4" DEH hardwood trees to be planted as replacements and that a l l efforts be made to save remaining trees on the lot. The mot- ion was seconded by Jim Pelkey and passed unanimously. Jim Pelkey, as builder, declared a conflict on interest on the next application for property at Lot #19, Unit #3, Ocean- walk. The plans for that property call for removal of 12 total trees (4 palms, 6 oaks, and 2 magnolia trees) . Discus- sion iscus- sion took place, and Mr. Pe l key agreed to replace 5-4" trees. John Weldon made a motion to approve the plans with the addi- tion of 5-4" hardwood trees to be replaced, on locations of the property of the owner' s choice. Tom Frohne seconded; the motion unanimously passed. George Worley advised the Board that Don Wolfson' s request to appear had been withdrawn from the agenda, as well as the request by the owner to again review the plans for Lot #3, Unit #3, Oceanwalk. George reported his findings of the violation of the condit- ions of the application for Lot # 71, Selva Linkside. No re- placement trees had been added in the front yard, as required by the approval of the Board. John Weldon moved to assess the owner with a fine of $500. 00 for non-compliance, al lowing 30 days to comply. Tom Frohne seconded; the motion passed unanimously. George will handle notification to the owner. In other business, the Board discussed the following; chang- ing the cut-off date on applications to allow more time for the Board to make on-site property inspections; uniformity in the marking of trees to be removed; and notification to in- terested parties of applications to be considered at Board meetings. After review of the Minutes of the last meeting, Tom Frohne moved to accept them, as written. The motion passed, fol- lowing a second made by Hope Van Nortwick. With no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Carolyn at 9:30 pm. Resp f !1 y`\ s nu -tted, Joh eldon, Jr. Seer ary - 2 -