Agenda Item 7AAGENDA ITEM # 7A MAY 23, 2011 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE 20 -11 -110: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2010 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2011. DATE: May 16, 2011 SUBMITTED BY: David E. Thomp4n A stant City Manager BACKGROUND: Three (3) amendments are included in the attached Ordinance No. 20 -11 -110. Each one is explained briefly in this report, and more detailed staff reports are included in the agenda package. 1. The competitive bids for the Tideviews Preserve Dock/Boardwalk Extension and Kayak/Canoe Launch/Landing came in over budget. The proposed ordinance will transfer $72,000 from the General Fund into the Convention Development Tax Fund to enable the City to award a construction contract for this project. 2. The Police Department is requesting a transfer of $2,000 of Project Generated Income (forfeiture money) into the Police Operating Expense account where it will be spent on surveillance equipment. 3. As a result of the reduction in Community Development Block Grant Funding for this fiscal year, the proposed ordinance reduces the Capital Outlay Account for Park and Recreation by $18,517. BUDGET: The proposed budget amendment recognizes changes to the 2010 -11 budget that are recommended by staff. ATTACHMENTS: ORDINANCE NUMBER 20 -11 -110 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance Number 20 -11 -110 CITY MANAGER APPRO AGENDA ITEM # 7A MAY 23, 2011 ORDINANCE NO. 20-11-110 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2010 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2011. WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach requires that the City Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers at the fund level, and WHEREAS, the City has received bids for the dock extension at Tideviews Park in excess of the available funds. The City staff recommends transferring excess fund balance from the General Fund to the project in the current year and then reimbursing the General Fund with Convention Development Tax Funds to be budgeted in the 2012 Annual Budget. Temporarily borrowing the funds will enable the project to proceed timely in order to meet the grant deadline of completion by the end of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS, the City has acquired confiscated funds in the amount of $2,000 that requires City Commission approval and an appropriation to spend. This ordinance creates a budget for those funds, and WHEREAS, the City has received notification that Congress has reduced the funding for C.D.B.G. programs for the current year. The Parks and Recreation Improvements budget is being reduced by $18,517. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that; 1. The Fiscal Year 2010/2011 Budget to be amended as follows: GENERAL FUND Expenses: Transfer to Convention Development Tax Fund $72,000 Fund Balance: CONVENTION DEVELOPMENT TAX FUND Revenues Transfer from General Fund <$72,000> $72,000 Expenses: Parks and Recreation Capital Outlay — Tideviews Dock Extension $72,000 Fund Balance: $0 AGENDA ITEM # 7A MAY 23, 2011 FLORIDA CONTRABAND FORFEITURE FUND Expenses: Police Department Operating Expenses — surveillance equipment $2,000 Fund Balance: <$2,000> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND Revenues: Grant Proceeds <$18,517> Expenses: Parks and Recreation Capital Outlay — Park Improvements <$18,517> Fund Balance $0 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Passed by the City Commission on first reading this day of May, 2011. Passed by the City Commission on second and final reading this day of June, 2011. Mike Borno,Mayor / Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: ATTEST: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire, City Attorney Donna L. Bartle, CMC, City Clerk