5-31-11 CULTURAL ARTS and RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Meeting Minutes Tuesday, May 31, 2011 Adele Grage Cultural Center 6:00 p.m. Present: Lori Gaglione (chair), Meade Coplan, Cris Garrard, Jolyn Johnson, Tammy Lally, Jeff Wight with Timmy Johnson (City liaison) and Karen Kempf (recording). Excused: Carolyn McCarthy, Lynne, Roskein, Hollie McMillan 1. Call to order - Chair Gaglione called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes - The committee reviewed the minutes from the April 26, 2011 meeting. Tammy moved to approve the minutes as written. Meade seconded the motion and the minutes were unanimously approved. 3. Ongoing Business a. Events, Updates, Reports i. Mid -Week Market- Jeff reported that the Mid -Week Market was going well with 5 vendors. Vendors include organic blueberries, soap, dog treats. He estimates 75 regular customers each week. ii. Songwriters' & Acoustic Night- turn -out for the Songwriters' Concert continues to be a full house and the Acoustic Night has approximately 100 people attending in May. iii. Arts in the Park survey - Jolyn asked to table the survey report until next meeting. iv. Public Art- Jolyn reported that the first of the public art projects will start in June with the new bathroom building at Donner Park. Artist Ginifer Brinkley will work with some of the after school program children to complete a flower design. v. Teen Council -Timmy reported that the Teen Council will be offering "Chess Mania" at Adele Grage Community Center on June 11. Meade offered to assist. vi. Civics - Meade has set a new date for the Civics Challenge, June 28. She needs 25 people to sign -up to make it viable. New press release and flyers will need to go out by the City. vii. Budget - Tim reported that Jim has removed the Teen Council funds from the budget recommendation to the City Commission. If Teen Council needs funding they are to go to the City Commission with their request. viii. Chess Board proposal - Timmy is waiting to hear from Sarah before the proposal goes on the City Commission agenda. 4. New Business a. Expiring Committee Appointments -Jeff, Lori, and Carolyn will continue on the committee but Meade will be retiring at the end of June. Interviews will be held to fill the vacancy with a new committee member in July. 5. Other Agenda Items /Announcements a. Jeff would like to add a 5K run to the MarshFest He suggested that the city have 1st Place Sports handle the registration and publicity. Timmy will check regarding this arrangement and will also speak with the MarshFest Committee to see if they want to add a 5K run to the day's events. b. Next meeting - Tuesday, June 28, 2011 6. Adjournment - With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. 110 Ate . App-A.A, _ 1 it Lori Gag io r e Date