General Employees Pension Board Minutes 6-28-11 v CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION FUND GENERAL EMPLOYEES' PENSION BOARD SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES JUNE 28, 2011 1. The City of Atlantic Beach General Employees' Pension Board Special Meeting was called to order at 3:24 PM. The members in attendance were trustees: Jeri Benjamin, Harry McNally and Alan Gleit. Bob Sternfeld and Erika Hall were absent. Also in attendance were Nelson Van Liere, Pension Plan Administrator; Scott Christiansen of Christiansen & Dehner, P.A., Pension Board Attorney; and Susan Gorman, disability pension applicant. 2. Scott Christiansen, Pension Board Attorney discussed the: provisions of a disability retirement, applicant's employment with the City & independent medical examination. The provisions are to establish total and permanent disability; the applicant must be unable to perform any duties of the City. A few of the exclusionary factors were also reviewed. The applicant's employment with the City was discussed as well as whether the requirement for an independent medical examination (IME) in the ordinance can be decided by the Board. 3. Ms. Susan Gorman then addressed the Board briefly. 4. The Board Chair Person, Jeri Benjamin asked the Board to discuss four items the: ordinance requiring an independent medical examination, approval of the disability, percentage to be paid based on years of service and determination of the last day on payroll with the City. A motion was made by Jeri Benjamin to waive the IME, there was no second. Alan Gleit made a motion to use Dr. Simmons examination as the IME, seconded by Harry McNally, and the motion was unanimously approved. Alan Gleit made a motion to approve the disability application as no exclusionary provisions applied, seconded by Harry McNally, and the motion was unanimously approved. A motion was made by Jeri Benjamin to approve the pension benefit based on years of service with no reduction for age, seconded by Harry McNally, and the motion was unanimously approved. 5. No New Business. 6. Adjourn — the motion was made by Jeri Benjamin & the meeting was I . • journed at 3:48 PM. Harry McNally Alan Gleit Vice Chair Secretary •