12-01-89r F- is ::. sue'.'-.~..,_ .- SEE OVERSIZE DRAWING(S) .~.~~ ms Dfm~tiaa od b~ xoM~r+ ~. 69/ z/1~31tl0 S2133NIJN3 aNV S1~311H~~Id 3lld 'oN 30Vd '~-el'1Itl130 2I33dHS^NdJO1^13?Id ~o ~~ o ,6S'2t2 0 ,tio,to,lo5 a ~~ , go~g F~ z ~ 7 ~ a~`~ ~~=~ w N~~ ~ ,~ , ~~~7 ,Z~'2t2 M,45,65,101'1 ~ ~~ro ~~ I \ /~ and~~~(I l k l l~ ~ I ~I l x ~ l~l S J 3 51 a: ,g1 5'L Jd~ ,5Z'%b .9Z'~4 ,G4 ,54 ,Sb ~Sb_ ~ .-..awl,-~~-,r.~~rr-a~r,N, yiv Iho,.e~~lr~ ~.~ •~ _---~ w~ f in ~'~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ I ~,~ I ~ ! ~ .n I ,~~ ~ NI .~ -' \ I N I ~.N c!1 1 I ~ I ((1 I d- ~ ~ ~ I /`~,52,°Jl,oo fV 6951 COI I!+dy pano~ddy ~^/~ ,aol avae ~"lonl~5 ~. ;. 2 Approved April 10, IyN9 SEMIuOL~ I'oAD Imo' 2/v/ IJ oo°I~'25'w N i Icy ~ I ~T~~ I I~ ---- ~~ - - ~~ ~ ~ ' ~~ W I ~~-- ~~ w E•v~ I ~~ N i ~ ~ -~ 201 :- _ -- -- - I ro I i ~, ~--_~ ~_ G9 cM~GMO~I I fTIR ~ 45 45 45' N ryry R- , y~ /~ I\ /I I'~ /I I~~ Ixl ~~(I I / \ I ~~/ \\~ I/ \ I ~I I AlOI°59'53'W or 272.50' ~~ ~~ ~I ~~ ' _~~ ~'-- ' ~ i~> ~ ~ th Z I \ o ~----~ s ~ I~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~'- a I ~' i~~ I u!. cv ~ ~ ~~ - J - m $o' _ 2 ~~ - _ ~ ~' . I~ I " i ~ I ~~ N ~ , HESS. Ef_iCE`-h Ar 1171 L. ~ti~ ~c ~ I \ / ~ ~ ~ / I l i ~ I '~ I 272.42' AKEL~LOGANOSHAFER ARCHITECTS nNO ENGINEERS 15 ~v_r ~S ~ ~ tJ~ /~ D L I k _'- d~wln ,\ I 5 \ No ~ ~ E v ~m~ n v=i o ' ~ c L v ~ •, r `~ p D ~ I cm y w ~9nr 5~ob >o _ -, . v ~N GETAIL: PAGE No. a ~._ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN CITY COMMIS^uION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITENs Awendwent to Contract Quality Dwelopaent - OCEAN TERRACE SUBMITTED BY: Rene' Angers, Cowwunity Developwent Coordinator DATE: Drcewber 6, 1989 BACKOROUNDs On April 30, 1989 The City Cowslssion approved Ordinance No. 90-89-139, accepting and approving the land developwent plan and propoesl for Ocean Terrsee, s fourteen unit single fawily developwent consisting of six ocean front lot^ and eight interior lots. The developers have proposed tro changes to the original plans - 1) A reduction in density Eros fourteen lots to trelvr lots; six ocean front and six interior. This rill alloy sn increase in the deptA of the ocean £ront lots of approxiwately 15' and sn increase in the ridtA of the interior lots of approxiwately 30'. 2> That the northern extension of Ocean Trrreee Court terwlnate near the southern boundary of Lot 5 rather than extend through to Lot 4. Lots 4 and 5 ere under a single ovnrrahlp and plena are for one hone str addling the fro lots. They feel less pavesent rould be sore sesthatically pleasing. That the City Cowwission approve Lhe •wended plan, subiect to the developer providing the city • guarantee that lots 4 end S are to be cosbined for construction of one unit, or that he provide us rith • bond for the cost of construction of the northerly extension of Ousn Terrace Court until lots 4 and 5 •re developed. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Revised Site Plsn Dated Novrwbrr 30, 1989 REVIEMED BY CITY Copy of NANAGERs Current P an -- ~ -~aR~~7c~ ______ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ Yxecutivo Summary O!L-life OLilitiN mequlred by fleet Laadihq P.V.D. Hackorou-mod: The Haskell Company, developers of Fleet landing, have proposed replacing the Pairvrays Villa lilt station end eonstruOting a new force min through SelvB Marina Bolt course to the wastewater treatment plant to handle their expected sewage. However, the pump station location and force min routing ie the some as planned by the city in their wastewater consolidation plan. later construction Dy the City would be either more costly or not possible as planned sue to unsvailability of land and restricted alignment within easements. Proooaad eoaoromieer Basked construct the vet roll and force mina nor of a size that rill serve both Fleet Landing's present and the City's future Heads. Atlantic Beech rould partioipats with soae toot ehnring. Opinion of Project Cost and DSstributlon Haskell City Estimtsd jtaB os Lost Total 1. pump etetion a. 12'x 25' wetwell $380,000 $180,000 b. 2 pumps,piping,Cntrls 60,000 20,000 BO,000 c. 30'x 2d' pumphouse 40,000 d0,000 d. standby generator 60,000 60,000 2. Forae lain a. Dual 12" force min $133,000 $172,000 $264,000 b. tandscapirry E salve (all Haskell) e. Connection to wNTP (all Haskell) A. All Haskell design to meet City of Atlantic Beach approval B. Force gain construction to have City of Atlantic Beach tull- lims resident observation, paid by xaskell Henetitm Offered DL. Haskell 1. Addition of Fleet Landing to City of Atlantic Beach Benefitm enA Aasiatence Offered by City 1. Aid in obtaining necessary utility eaeaments frog 6elva Marina. 2. City rill be applicant on FDER i HESD utility peraits. ~. City rill assist rith procurrinq permits. 4. Vpon satisfactory construction coapletion, City rill assum perpetual responsibility end Cost Of the operation and mintanance of Fleet Iandinq's oft-site utilities. 5. City is allocating capacity in EPA and FDER permitted rnstewater treatment facility. From Andy May, Gee and Jensen 12/8/89 .~, STATE OF FLORIDA Depaneretd Health b Rehabilitative Services Duval CaeV PaWk Heelfi p~vbiaa 616 ^eM BudJ. 86eet DWrid rv J"bO°"o°. Fbride 308 July 17, 1939 '~ :i ~. JUL ~ : RECD Fla Asphalt 1701 Blooding Blvd. Middleburg, Florida 32068 Re: Cypress Cove ~' S 1. Lot 135 z. Lac u 3. Got 154 4. Lot 8E 5. Lot 145 !lain Clearance 1689 - fd5 -212.5 (Ppa se: 2 Door Sir: Becteriologicel results indicate that tl1e above referenced ®in exteraion has been disinfected. Accordingly, clearance of Chia estenaion ie granted. lfiie aztenaion does not include arty Pact of the diatritwtion eyet® not prwiously cleared vhid~ mat be cleared in incrmenta of appm:ioately one tlwueand (1,000) feet. 'fiia clearance does not oorotituta any authorization to put Chia project in aerviee. Completion certificatim by the engineer of record will be required befon Chia office will authorize vac. Very truly yours, P. R. Moureau, Engineer SAlIITARY EMGI11®tII7G DIYLSIC1l7 PRM/ab a: ~JoM B.MVye, P.E., Ritherd P.Claraon i Aeaociatea 1643 Naldo Ave. Jacksonville, Florida 32207 ~,~.. __. ~~i~ State d Florida Department d Environmental Regulation Request for Letter of Release to Place Water Supply System into Service t. caroral tntorrneAion Name d Protect: Cvoresa Co a Unit Five (phase '[MO) _ Portdl Na 16892125 Date d Nuance Ibv 9, 1989 Q SyYerrr arrrpbletl ro Me lull extern d me epprdetl plerrs ^ Peraeey cm+deted ro Me ettlenl naetl heran II. Engineer's CarMiwtion Tnrs rs to cMev mat the proleot nas Veen wbsteMiely comdeetl m axortlerce with eooraee daps anC foeoiliC2~ Iroru. «Mat Me ocneuons noted on me anaened rewrtl drawrrgs wA rot prevem Me sysem tram funanmrrp m wrrr OlarKe wnn retluiremerns d Cnrlder 77555. Fiaitla Atlmnatralno Code (F.A.C.), when properly oDMNetl era main .,* Wnltl. Fanner. irre system nas pdaed Me pressor!' era EaGMridopiCN Idle Mal were C«rtllrcMd in ertOrdance wltrl .,*^ AWVJA 50ndartls Tnrs cerlilicalion s pled upon onsne d.Mervalitln d earrstrudion, acfietlded antl oondrx:letl 6Y rtre a bl a project represeMatne antler my Wrecl t,UDervraron. Spnalu w sect 643 Naldo Avenue ckwrrvllle Fl. 32207 Name and Atltlresa (904) 396-2623 T@leprgrro Na 91. AxapWlp CY Utah)!' Tne auEjea gsern hes been aecepbd ror opsrNion and rtauaerrurx 'm rase d weer draribrnion sywm « user mrn erolrnron Siprwure Dale Name and Tak f: ~1 m re+~ r+.rr~oer nw r ~+ As+~vu~ L. rrefe••IOnel Lw9lweer qeq/.bred 1• fbrlp (rher• rgrlrsd \f Chgler Ulr f.5.) ee to Dp ntlow ewd Melwbwewe• Newel Ible H to errtlfr Ihet the oVeretlon end ulnt •n ent• unuel fer lMee •°td/reef /eellit H• hu bun yreyered or e.ed ned br q. or br Indleldud (e) wder q •uperrlel on. end lint the ra 1• rueaneb b ee•urence. /n q PreferelonA Judgee u.t. I bel Ure feclllllee, Then Proper if ulntelned end op •rete0 In eeeord erc• dlh lhN •umd. will (unel lon •s inl •nJed. Slgnel ur• sf Cnglneor Nre (PI•a• l7pe) Ilerld• bglrlrel lon No. i Lwpenr Na• Crrp enr addree• (alr r• Seel) ~ Uel as bleybon• No. D. Dprel Nw ud Nelwlenewe• llrlher-l7 Appfeelwq Csnweetlene 1 tartfr7 that eonneetimr(e) to lbe •utawet •r freflll7 uh lch re oiler •t• and ylnl ela her• be •n toopleted le our uli• hcl len. Signets Uel •s I. Nr• end Iltl• (plsne l7p•)t - Cecil enf Nrws GI1Y l)F AIIANfIC BFACN -_ gmtr •wn P.O. &AC 25 A'MMTC l1EA(}i FilJRIA4 32233 Lraau.p Jrlr n, uu rw• 7 pr ) A, dppllert •t q-erst/aw ew/ Ndebeern 11rGerltq (1f dl /frrewt ItN drylleertl 1 egrae to eper •t• Nd ulnl eln Ih• fet11111N In eeeerdMe• rllh tM prerl+l ene •f Chy- ler ID1, flerld• Sblube, end eppU wbl• to le• of the dep errant. 1 •Ileet lMl N epyrepr le~• eperH Isn end ulnlenene• wenuel ewd reeer/ Qalnq• for lM •rei er •r• •- wlle-1• NI Ieee1N •1, S lgned, NNa Nd Itl 1• (p lau• Irpe)[ Deter Cwpenf rMel CI1Y OF A1IANCIC BF?CFI ANreeel P.O. BWI 25 A'RANI'IC BFACji, F717RIDA 32233 INsphen• Me.l (904) 246-2766 8. prafaselenal [walnut fiagUUrad In f1rrlN (.hen rq.lyd -f Cbptar 17-r f.f.) .. b Yeebuler llol lllr 1 nrt lff Chet the project AN b.u eoaplelad erblNll.l l) In aeeaf bne• rllh tha ep- prored pUne Nd apetificel lene, er thet Ou lellN^ rl li not pro wnl the geUa frN l unet lonlnq In ergll enu with IM requinunl• ei f.A.C. ^rl• 17-{, whee pnperlr Mer- •led end ulnt •Ined. IMU Nler•Inet Un• hu• been bp. e0 pen a-e ll• oburret ton of eenelruet ion, ~eterardwrt~eet cdndretad Of ea or br • project npnunt etlre under ry dt- nel wpen le ton, far lh• pwrpoes of Oat erelnlnq if iM rock pneuded In errpllene• •ith plena end •Peelfleal ton.. 1 further ee rl Ur tlul ntrrd dr ulnq• fe[ tM flellltle• Mr• been rerlued br a •r by Indiridu •1(e) under q direct eupen lelan, for esrpleluo• Nd •4quec r. and her• •u prerlded to the pereft Ge. 1 /rrlber tertlff Chet tM [•eeN nq den (r a cub utlel brLtlen• net •d chase. .IWIn H. Moye, P. E. 36131 qwd ur• of . IOe Mue /Nue• lr-eI flexll• bald retlen Me. Clersoli G ASS_oc18CeH, IrM. ( CNpN/MNa 1643 Neldo Ave. CrpNf dNnu (a•ffle SNI) -er•awonvilj,e„ Fl 'c~~lF Data lelgbaa Ne. (904) 396-2623 [lfeeliv )r if 11, Iggl ppe t.! ) DEPARTMENT OF ENYIf1UNMENTAL REGULAI-ION NOfl 11IEAST DISTRICT d ~~ F. !y Ir: NS/t'IlU1W 5JM/ [ •. CCCCI s~~,Fl oaaartc YASrswtss colJ.ccrtor/rsuwlsslos srarws curlPtcnrlar or COIfL8r108 0- CoasraDCrln Caaatruction !eerie tlo.: CS16-165371 Wtad: Nar o[ Mojeet• _ CYPRESS CDVE - l2iIT FIVE IFHASE 14A) lau,~wur re:In1YJ 1:flrrl[ 5lf11 IMn [IM1511 Ile. n1511MF1 wuw:le Wre of Ollner• RBJ M£I fXIiPANY pear of dui8r ea{iaeer ead Ploride reeiatratlal amber (i[ different troy o8ieeer •i8r- ir8 eertificat iou): SA4E Nero of tna[reat plaot to retaira rarteratac: BIXXnPffi; WpSjIIipTEl;_1RFAIPETTf FACILITY Date(a) of connsctioa to a:iacia8 mater or craatrat plot: ]2/89 SuEatantiat deviat ioaa [ror the approved playa aad apeeifieitiooa (atue6 ndditioael aheet• if required): NCf1E DfJt Iorr 17-1.205(8) Ltbetlr• Jrl- 7l, 1987 hq 1 of 3 ^ ~-.. scssou~s or vlwuse DBVELOPER• IdIJ MEf ~~~ PROJECT NAHE• ~~ COVE -WIT FIVE (E11A.SE TtJD) CONTRACTOR• FI~DA ASPFWLT OONIRACIING, INC. Materiel Deaeription Quantity (Ft. or eaeA) Coet (Ft. or eeeh) Total Coetalled SANITARY SEWER: 10" MAIN 535 FEEI 23.8318/ft. ;12 750.00 8" MAIN 1,190.6 FEEI 13.4386/ft. ;16,000.00 M4NHDLES 9 1,277.7778 Pesch ;11,500.00 SERVICES 57 226.3158 each ;12,900.00 TOTAL SANITARY SFIJFR - - 53 1 WATER DIS1itIBU1'ION: 8" MAIN 1,320 13.1818/£1. ;17,400.00 4" MAIN 500 4.40/ft. ; 2,200.00 FIRE HYORANIS 2 ~ S,15G.00 each ; 2,300.00 SERVICES 57 177.193 each ;10,100.00 IIITAL W1TER DISTRIBUCICN - - 32 000. TOTAL SANITARY 56iFlt AND WATER DIS1RIBlITI - ;85 150.00 Florida Asphalt Contracting,lnc. i. O. !OX 4W 1 MIDDLE6lIR0, FLORIDA 71206! 1 PHONE pOt) M2~6466 MTEs November 24, 1989 PROJECC: Cypress Cove Unit 5, Phase 2 FROM: F1orlda Asphalt Contracting, Inc. P.0. Box 459 Niddlebuzg, Florida 32068 T0: City of Atlantic Heach P.O. Hrnc 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 1t:e undersigned warrants all its cork.performed in connection with the above project to be free from all defects in material and wrksenship for a period of ore year fram the above date. and agrees to remedy all defects arising within that period at _ Its e~ense. The term "defects" shall not he construed as embracing damage arising from misuse, negligence. Acts of God, normal rear and tear. Sincerely, FIARIOA ASPHALT OONfRACfING, INC. BY: Rick Jo - TITLE:Project er ornca r"o"a aw-aau RICHARD P. CLARSON AND AS60CIATES INC. '. FNaNEUS - :ANO wavErons le4i NALDO AVENUE . JALEEONVILLL R.p11DA ]t307 December 4, 1989 City oP Atlantic Beach Post Office Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 31B.1ECi: ClPRESS OOiB - OlfTf PI9E (PH1SB YW) Gentlemen: On behalf of the New Het Company, developer oP the above subject residential development, the folla+ing docmnents are attarlled: t) Contractor's utility canstructlon warranty. 2) One print and a reproducible mylar drawing ead: of the "As-Built" Nater b Sanitary Sewer Systems. 3) Schedule of Values for the Mater b Sanitary Sewer Syst emv. 4) D.E.R. Certificate oP Completion Por the Sanitary Sewer System. 5) D.E.R. Certificate of Camplet ion for the Mater System. 6) Department of Health bacteriological clearance letter for the Mater System. Me respectfully request approval and acceptance by the City oP Atlantic Beach for the Mater Distribution System and Sanitary Sewer Collection System within Cypress Cove Unit Five (Phase Swo). If there are any questions, do not hesitate to call. Yery truly yours. ~y~ ~~~~ Ma N. Haddock iINH/sc Attachments cc: J.D. Heed, Jr. New Met Company r cfn or enalenc E[A® clrr oarasEla ~rnc ' s:en esoQ AGdmA I'IBfI: Acceptance of Cypress Cove Unit V Phase II foz CSty min[enence. SU9Q'f'f® N!: Berry E. McNally pAlg; Deceaber 8, 1989 ga(=(~op~; All Saepeetlone love been mde and all necessary papetvork turned in. T.V. loge for saver systn turned Snto the appropriate departmnt. EEO~ATIDt•: Acceptance of aubdlvieion for eater and sewer mintenmce. ~Tfµ9E~f5: Contractor's utility consiruetioa warranty, Schedule - of Values of Water a~ Sanitary Sewer 8ye[em, D.E.E. Ceztlffestlon of Co~pletlon £or the Water Syetes, end peparemnt of 8ealth bacteriological clearance letter for the Water Syate~. /~(~ ~y ~ 1EtII6W® 1S CI2! MNAGQ: l% F7 ~y w~•s~{~~~~//~~~~ i CC3~. Ar~A lr~ ~D: `1 D ~.. ' THE BEACHES OF ~a~~- ornille CHAMBER OF COMMERCE A depaetmem d the dadamilk Chem4r November 29, 1989 Mr. Kim Leinbaugh City Manager City of Atlantic Beach P.O. Sox 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear M.r. Leinbaugh: t'.~_:~~ L:~ - ~'17~ At our Aquatics Committee meeting on November 8, 1989, it was recortonended that we consolidate the funds that have been donated toward the Feasibility Study, especially the funds donated by Councilman Jim Jarboe of the City of Jacksonville. This is to request that you communicate with Councilman Jarboe and coordinate transferring his donation of 57,500 to the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida. Due to the nature of his donation these funds need to be transferred as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Toni Bonfifi Chairman Aquatic Concnittee TB/bc P. O. Horc SW27 413 Poblo Aaenue Jsckeonville Beach, Florida 17450 I9fMl T,19~3E% FAX (9041 TA3501G FIl NID\tiFI1RTQMR k. ~"~- t. CIiS OP ATLARfIC BFAC9 CI74 CONlQSSION !!ffi87INC SSAPP BEPOBT AGRmA IT@1: Beaches World Class Aquatic Center SDHIIIT® BY: Diane St. Lauren[ DAYC: December 7, 1989 The pcrpose is for coordination and informatlon. We have asked represents[ ives promoting the Beaches World Class Aquatic Center co be present to answer questions concerning the same. Also, ve have been asked [o take custody of funds donated by the City of Jacksonville. YCCQl~A7I09: N/A AT'rAC840aI5: Leccer from Tonic Bonfili BEVIPi1® D7 CI1T NAYAGP3: ~~i /~`LJi3~--J/__'' U.C. Ac®e Iraq xD: ~ .~. e r E 5 i~ _ '- -._ Chapter 23 VEG ETATION• Art, I. In (:assts(, 44 231-2315 Art. IL Trees. 4423Iti-233s Art. III. Accumulation of Weeds, 46 2336-23-00 ARTICLE 1. IN GENERAL Secs. 241-2315. Reserved. ARTICLE II. TREES Sec. 2316. Building official-Jurisdiction and supervision. The building oRcial shall have exclusive jurisdiction and supervision over all provisions of this article except as otherwise provided by this Cede. (Cede 1970, 4 26.1-ll Sec. 2317. Same-Authority regarding supervision of work, under permits. The building oRcisl shall have the authority and it shall be his duty to supervise all work dune under a permit issued in accordance with the terms of this article. (Code 1970, 4 26.1-21 Sec. 23-18. Permits for removal of trees. No person shall remove a tree from public or private property that has a trunk of mote then six l61 inches in diameter as measured within three (31 feet of the ground unless a permit is issued by the official for such removal. If a tree with a trunk exceeding six I6) inches in diameter is located within the required building restriction lines, it may be removed without a permit. (Code 1970, 4 26.1-31 Sec. 2319. Damage or destruMios. No perwn shall damage, cut, carve, injure the bark or cause or permit any wire, chain or other choke to be installed around the circumference of a tree, or allow any gaseous, liquid or solid substance which is harmful [o trees to come in contact with any tree that would ultimately cause its destruction. (Code 1970, £26.14) Saes. 23.20-2335. Reserved. •Cross refemnce-Streets, sidewalks and other public places, Ch. 19. 1351 NUISANCES 4 12-3 hearing before that body to show that [he conditimt dos rut mns[itute a public nusance. At the hearing, [he city and [he property owner and,'or cecupant may introduce such evidence as deemed necessary. fU If within fifteen 115) days alter mailing, serving or posting of the notice, no hearing has been requested, and the condition dexribed in the notice has not been remedied, the city manager shall cause the condition to be remedied by the city at the expense of the property owner and/or occupant. If a hearing has been held and has concluded adversely to the property owner and/or occupant, the city manager or his designee may cause the condition [o be remedied Dy the city nt the expense o(the property owner andiur occupant unless thu city commission otherwise directs. idl After causing the conditmn to be remedied, [he city manager or his designee shall certify to the director of finance the expense incurred in remedying the condition, whereupon [he expense plus a charge equal [o one hundred 1100) percent of the expense [u cover city administrative expenses, plus advertising cost, shell become payable within thirty (301 days, after whi<h a special assessment lien and charge will be made upon the property which shall be payable with interest a[ the rate of ten UO) percent per annum from the date of the certification until paid. The lien shall be enforceable in the same manner as a tax lien in favor o(:he city and muy be satisfied at any time by payment thereof including accrued interest. Notice of the lien may be filed in the office o(the city clerk. (Ord. No. 55-8220, 4 2, 3-22-821 Sec. 12-3. Penalty for violation o(chapter. Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, on conviction,be tined not less then filly dollars 1$50.001 and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). If any such person shall continue a nuisance after being fined for the same, a new cause of action shall immediately accrue against the person, subjecting the offender to a like penalty ns aforesaid. Alter Che rendition u(each fine, the continuance of the nuisance shall be deemed a new cause of action. (Ord. No. 55-8220, § 3, 322-821 IThe next page is 787) 737 !e 4 12d ATI.AN'1'IC BEAC}I GOLF: vehicle, icebox, reGigrrator, stove, glass, Luildiug material, bwldiug rubbish, ur similar items. IB) 7b allow, suffer or permit any bwlJing or structure wLicL, by act of Cud, fire, dt¢uy or other cause which may Lecume structurally duugrrous, wtsule, dilapidated, unsam nary, or vermin inlested to create a hazard to the health m' solely of the oecupunts ar the public. lcl For any person W dixharge water from a watersuurce heat pump onto a public street or storm drainage system unless such dixharge is approved by the city. (Ord. No. 558'1-20, § 1, 3~2'~~821 Sec. 12.2. Notices, hearings, abatement oC conditions. WI Whenever it is made to appear w the city manager attar investigation that any acts, occurrences or conditions pruhibiu:d by section 121 have happened or exist within the city, the city manager may, by order in writing, direct any nuisance affecting the sanitary condi~ Lion of the city or the public health of the city to be abated. The ardor shall be served upon the owner ur occupant or person having the care or custody of the particular property involved, if he is found upon the premises or within the city, or sLull be delivered by mail, return receipt reyuestrd. In any case where the ewneq occupant or custodian cannot b.: found within the city, alter reasonable and diligent iryuiry, and whereby the mail is unable to Le delivered, the order shall be pmWd in a conspicuous place upon the premises. The order shall be worded in the manner similar W the following: "Uur records indicate that you are the ownensl and/or ceeupuntls) oC the list lowing property in the City o(Atlan[ic Beach, Flurid'u:lUexription of prupertyl. Investigation of [his property dixloxs and 1 hm•e found and dotermincd that a puLlic nuisance exists thereon so us to constitute a violation of Section 121 u( the Code of the City of Atlantic 3each, anJ that (lexriVtion of the conditions which place the property in violationl. "You are hereby notified that unless the condition above dexribed is remedied within fifteen (151 days from the dale hereof, the city will remedy this condition at a cost of the work plus a charge equal to 300° of the cost of the work to cm•er City administrative expenses, which will be assesxd the property owner or oecupant. 1(no[ paid within thirty (301 days after receipt o(Lilling, the invoice amount plus advertising costs, will be posted as a lien on the property. "Within fifteen l15) days from the date hereof, you may make written reyuest W the city commission of the City o(Atlantic Beach for a hearing before that body, for the purpose of showing that the above listed condition does not constitute a public nuisance. City o(Atlantic Beach City hfanager" (b) Within fdWen 1151 days after the mailing, serving or posting of notice Whim, the owner antbbr occupant of the property may make written reyuest to the city commission for a 7;111 Chapter 1L' NUISANCk:5• Sec. ]&1. Enumeration. (al It shall bo unlawful for any perwn, natural ur corporate, to du, per(urm, have, allow, suffer ur permit unY act, oecw'rena or cmtditiun within the city which coneLtutes a danger ous, umafe, dilapidated or wuanitary condition, which may be injurious to the health and welFb:ing of the community. !bl It is hereby dcaared to be a nuisance, the enumerations ul which m'e merely indica~ [ions of the w[ure and type of acts, occurrences and conditions, and shall not 1><deemed [u be exclusive: 111 For any person [o cause or allow any animal caeca ur any ^0.h ur substance to Lc collected, deposited, ur to remain in any place to the detriment of public health; l'?) Fur any permm to throw, deposit or discharge iota or suffer w Ix collected, deposited ur remain in any street, alley or ulhor public place, ur in any hoax, building, premises, xwer, ur guttnq any filth, garbage, noxious substance, or any waste paper, rags, ur any rubbish of any kind; (31 For any person to allow, sufftr ur permit nny' lot ur premixes, common or place of mry kind whatsoever to become neglected so as to become a detriment to public health by weeds 6~owing thereon, or 6y depositing of rubbish ui mty kind which ntay be injurious to the health and wcll~bcing of the cuuununity; f4) To -allow, suffer a' permit any stagnant water to accumulate ur stand upon the surface of [hr 6TUUnd or upon ur within any roceptucle or structure deposited ur erased, either above or Carlow Chu ground, without exercising ntressary precautions to proven[ the propogation of mosquitoes therein; (5) For any person to keep, herd, and feed any animals, such tai hogs, horxs, chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs in any manner which may be injurious to the health and well-being uC any person due to noxious odors, noise, etc. 16) Any attraction which may prove detrimental W any human being, whether in a building, on the premises of a building, or upon an unoccupied lot. This includes eny abandoned wells, shalli, basements, excavations, uhandoned refrigerators and motor vehicles, or any structurally unsound fences or structures, ur any lumbeq debris ur vege[stion, which may prove a hazard for inyuisi[ivu minors. 17) For any person, either as the owner or occupant of a building, structure, or property to utilize the premises of the property fur the op:n storage of any abandoned motor •Cross references-Nuisance animals, 4 4-F; noise, Ch. 11; abandoned, wrecked, junked, inoperable, etc., vehicles, 4 '~ 1 ~'L4. State law re[ertnces-AGutement of nuisances by injunctmn, F.S. 4 GU.US; nuisances injurious to health, F.S. Ch. 3tlF; public nuisances. F.S. Ch. NY3. 735 CITY OF 4 rftla.rtc'e ~eae! - ~laaida _- t~ . ____. _ -___ i:60CEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BO%25 ~' A'fI.ANTIC BEACH, fLORD)A 92233 TELEPHONE. 1904124921% December 7, 1989 AWARDS COMMITTEE MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1989. 9:00 AM The Awards Committee me[ on Wednesday, December 6, 1989, at 9:00 AM, to receive bids advertised as Bid No. 8990-2, Video Surveillance Kit for [he Police Department. Present were Commissioner Glenn Edwards, Chairman, City Manager Kim Leinbach, Police Chief David Thompson, Oe[ective Robert Jackson, Finance Director Rarry Royal, and Purchasing Agent Joan LaVake. Tvo bids were received as follows: BIDDER NAME PRICE Surveillance Specialty Services, Inc. $6,459.00 7acksonv ills, Florida M3 Media Consultants Port Charlotte, Florida 3,027.00 After a review of the bids, which included a de[e rmina[ion [hat despite Che vide difference i-~: prices bid, the two companies were bidding the same equipment, and that this equipment me[ bid spec if Stations, the Committee) voted co recommend to the Ci[y Commission chat it accept the bid of M Media Consultants ae the lowest responsible bid, and make the award accordingly in [he amount of $3,027.00. Joan LaVake Purchasing Agent 5A ~.. '. a` .. cltf oY extaarlc grace f:I1R Co1~QSSI011 l~ETIaG STArP BEPOBT eG6HDe IT01: New City Hall SBaeITf® BY: Harry E. Royal M7B: December 7, 198S aeQGROOaD: The architects have completed [heir drawings and bid ~. specifications and are ready to proceed with the bidding ~ '. process for this project. The architect will bring a final copy of the specifications and bid documents to the co®lssion meeting an Monday night. iaCa!!®ATI011: To authorize the architect co advertise for bids for the construction of the nev city hall in coordination with [he appropriate city staff. A17AC90~Yf5: None YErIOi® 6Y CITY NAaeGP3: . ecnme ITEM po: yA ;~. 4 2464 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE 8se. 3484 Varianeea. To rcquert a variance from the reguletioae contained in this chapter, because there are s q. prsaiul diRcultiee or unnecessary hardships in carrying out the sari<t letter d this chapter, . ~~ applications can be obtained from the sdminietrative oRciel under the following conditioru: (I) If the applicant ie other then all the ownere of the particular property, written coruent signed by all owner of the pnrtieuler real property shell be atfaebed. (2j An application for env v;viance shall he submitted, containing a complete legal '. descripGOn of the premix, .+ for which the variance is requested. The application shall -~ be accompanied by paymont of the ulfmi.d filing far us .et by the city commission and , a survey or plot diagram imlicaln..; u~lhacks and pn qm.,•d construction. f2) The adminiatrstive o(fici:d shall refer the request to the hued of adjustment. In considering all proposed e:viatinns of this chapter. the board of adjustment shall, before making any finding in a specific case, tint determine that Che proposed - verietion will cwt constitute any change in the districts shown on the toning map and will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or materially ~ ~~ inttease the congestion in public streets, or increase the public danger d fire and safety, or materially diminish or impair established property veluu within the surrounding area, or in any other respect impair the public health, safety, morale end - general welfare. _ (O The board dadjustment will fix a reasonable time for the hearing dappeds or caber matter referred to it and shell hold a public hearing nn each such appeal or matter referred W it with Jue public notice. ~ - (6) AL the hearing, any party may appear in person or h~~ represented by an agent or attorney. Where there are prat irnl dilBcultiee or unnrassary hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this chapter, appeals Ln the board may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any d,•partment of the ciq~ :~ffeded by any decision d the - administrative official. (81 itan application is disapproved by the board of adjustment, thereafter the board shall take no further action nn another application for suhsLmtially the same proposal on . ~_ the same premiees until after twelve 112) months from th~~ date d such lest disapproval. (Ord. No. 9tl 2874, 421111, C, 31. 7~25~82; Urd. No. 90~85~97, § ~. 1.11-861 Bee. 2468. BnBding permits. (e) No F~iilding permit shall 6e issued for any structure or use on a lot, pfd, Met, pawl or subdivisi~ n which: fD Dor+ not abut on a public strruf or easement, dedica!ed and accepted by the city commission; (2) Da.: not have elertrical servicr.:~pproved mnitery sewer and potable water systems installed; and BafP Ma s 1428 9 24.252 ATLAK'1'IC BEACH CODE Slreef fYp Local: Without curb and gutter With curb and gutter Culde-oars and loop streets not exn~ed~ iag 1500 feet in length: Without curb and gutter With curb and gutter Alley: Commercial Residential Right-u(--way Pacing width in (ref in feet gp 20 50 24 F',~ I 20 50 'l0 ao 20 12 10 The developer .hall not be required to pave or dedicate an arterial street. Additional right-o(- wey may be acquired by the city trl promote public eatery and convenience, or to ensure adequate seas, circulation and perking in high density residential, commerri: I or industrial area. Whore :~ subdivision abuts or contains en ezisting street ofinadequate righLOf-way width, addilimtal rightof-way in confarmm~ce with the elwve standards shall V,e required for new subdivisions. (i) Dtad-rod etretfn Dead<nd streets, designed to ba su p^rmanently, shell be prohibited euept when designed m mlde-ears. The streets are limited m one thousand 13,0001 feet in length; however, the city may approve. dde-sea a(grealor Irnglhs, where dm !o topob'raphic conditions, design consideration of numiler of lots to be Inratl'd on the same.:: ;?eater length may he deemed necessary. Culdo-secc shell be provide,: nt the dosed end ~ith a circular dedicated area with a diameter gaol less than one hundn•d (1(101 feel at th~ property line. The city may permit a "Y" or "T' deaq:n o(Proper size G.r vrhicular turnann .d. Temporary tttt'tterounds shell be provided aends of streets which an pl:mned to be exten rd in the later etagen of the subdivision. SY (7 Street names and hoax number.;. Scree[ names and house numbers ~ :JI conform to the street naming and hoax numbering plan of the city-. Yrw street names call not dupli- eate, or closely approximate phmreticallr, in spelling or 6r use u( alternate nixes such as 'gene". "way". "drive", "mart", "even ue' or "street' ,the names o(existim; -treat-, except that a tcew street that u an exteNion nl' nr in alignment with an existing strc~ shall hear the sane male as that borne by the ezisting street. The administrative oRcial ~ dl, within ten (101 days o(condilionel approval q[thr preliminary plat, assign or cocoa assi~ meet of house numbers on all Iota. (Ord. No. 90-H2~74. 4 2(pV, E, 2), 7-26-A. Sec. 24.253. Easemeob. (a) Ufil:'•rx Easements ecrtre Im ~r centered nn rear or side lot lines> JI be Vrovided for utilities •.t'here necessary. shall L~ It least fdleen 1151 feet wide and sl: II extend from street W street. 1480 ~. i aI: ~. i <`- ZONING ,\NU SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 4 24-252 d. A written design recommendation for base course design prepared by a recog- nized soil [eating Ixlwratoq~. Said design r«ommendation shall be submitted prior to the commencement of any street or drainage ronxtruction. (Ord. No. 9082.74, i 2(1V, E, 1?, 7.26-821 Sec. 84-864. &reete. (e) Concept and prinrip/rs. The character, width, grade and 1«ation of all streets end bridges shat I conform to the standards of [his division and shall be considered in their relation to eziating and planned streets, to topographical rnnditiors, W public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land served by the streets. N) Arrangement of streets. The arrangement of aireels in a subdivision shall: (1) Conform with oRcial plans and maps of the city: f2) Be integra4d with the street system and provide (or the continuatn,n or appropriate proiaction of ezisting principal streets in the surtounding area; f31 Be such that the nse of I«al streets by through traRc is diacnuragwl; and (O Provide two l2) separate and rem,.te entrances to the subdivision, unless other provi- simm. each as easements, are mode (or emergency ingress, and provided that such entrances will not edvercely aRnct the overall street system. (U Arms fu paced public s-frrrts myaired Every lot or unit within a subdivision shall have approc;:d access to a paved street dedicated to public use which has been atrepted and maintained by the city unless the lots or units are within a planned unit development. (dl Resvre svips prohibited. Resen~r strips controlling access to streets shall he prohib- ited except where their control is placed in the city. le) Street jogs Street jogs with center line oRcets o(Iess than one hundred filly (150! fret shall be avoided, ezcept where topographical conditions make this provision impractical. (U /nfenecfions of right angles Slreeta shall be laid out so ae to intersect u nearly u passible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street et leas then a sixty (fi0) degree angle. ' (g) Property fines rounded al inlersecfiona Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a radius of twenty 120) feet or a greater radius where required by the city. The rity may permit comparable cutoRe or chords in place of rounded cornea. fh) Minimum righEof-way and pacing tuidfha Street minimum righUOf--way end paving widths shall be as follows, unless otherwise indicated or required by law: Righbofuray Pacing midlh Street hPe in feet in fret Major collecor 64 34 Minor collector 60 24 1479 ., I:` ~1 i; jli PACE TWO l1INUTES 11AY 27, 1986 . Race io[ of sealed bids for sand Fence-continued .e fo 11ov1ng bids were received and opened: l.Seott Barnet[, Atlantic Beach Insurance furnished 2610' sand fence $!3,572.00 2.Cer~rge P. Coyle b Sons, Jacksonville 2150' of 2' fence and 450' of 4' fence $ 5,575.00 Insurance furnished BSd tabulation attached hereto and mde a part hereof. R R t t t * * * * * * * # * * # # * k * * lotion: Refer bids to Committee to report back a[ the nett meeting. No discussion before the vole. HOClOn carried unanimously. Mayor Novell appointed Commissioner Norris and the City Hanager to serve on the Committee. # # * # * t * # * * * t * t t # * # # * t * t ! t t t t t [O diSCU6S Mrs. Eilera co®ented since the renouriehment of [he beach, the high tide no longer kept the beach clean and is vas very apparent no one va cleaning up after the dogs. She scared it vas her opinion [he beach va now a health hazard. The comment va9 mde the city had tried over the years just about every conceivable Cype of control on [he beach, but apparently nothing worked. Commissioner Morris asked if a ban had ever been plated for no dogs on the beach during ter [a1n months and the Hay replied in the negative. Discussion followed. Motion: Direct the CS[y Attorney [o prepare an Ordinance banning dogs and other anim is from [he beach from Hay 1 to October 1 of each year. No discussion before the vote. lotion carried unanimously. * f # # ! ! ! R t t t ! R ! # a ! ! ! * ! ! * ! t * t * t (b) Mr. Mike Birmingham, representing the Aa uacic Gardens Civic Msoelatlon to discuss the extenalon of Cu [lees Drive Mr. Birmingham advised he vas representing 170 new homes on Aquatic Drive and caked for clarlflca[Son on whether the city intended to keel cutlass Drive closed when it vas extended. The Mayor explained Cutlass +as being extended primrl3y for emergency use Eor Fire trucks, etc. for [he omen benefit. It vas not determined rhe[her [hey would chair it or use a locked gate and ecergency vehicles furnished a key. Nr. Birmingham van told to contact the City Manager for further informatic NAME OF COMMITS. M S V Y V N 1 Cook x Edwards x Cull iford x x Norris x x Novell x r Cook x Edwards a Gulliford x x Morris x x Novell x In closing it is my sfcere hope that [he elected and appointed city officials will consider i[ [heir duty as ve 11 as their responsibility [o provide for the safety and ve lfate of all of its' citizens and remove [he gate structure from Cutlass Drive. Considering that all the Public Safety and Public Norks officials feel that the gate is a hinderance I hope you will realize that this not a letter written for the sake of complaining but is written as a request for help. Sometimes i[ is necessary for [he government [o act on behalf of Che citizens [o protect them from themselves, I believe Chis is cne of [hose times. Respe~ull ' ~~ ~ d ~/J 588 Aquatic Drive, Atlantic Beach r: ~ ,t~- S 4: ~_ <. ~~: 'i--'>lt~t .. 1. _.. t Despite the opposition of the Public Safety Departments to Che gales presence they say [ha[ [hey are povezle ss [o have the gate removed, as i[ is the responsibility of the Public Works Department. 1'he Director of Public Works claims he and his department are equally powerless [o remove [he gace, even though they would rather see the gate structure removed as yell, because the previous City Manager and Ci[y Commissioners requested the ins [a llation of same. Leaving [he gate in place is not a guaran[eetha[ Che Public Safely officials can access [he gate. When the gate has been left open for repairs and ma in[enance [o he done in [he area private citizens in [he subdivision have placed their own chains and locks on [he gate. These same people have never provided a key [o any of the Public Safely Departments for [heir access. I do no[ think [hat [he city officials, as homeowners and family members, would want to wait for the Fire Department [o search through all of [heir keys and then stop and unlock [he gate while your home burned. Nor do I believe that you would van[ to stand by as a family members life hangs in [he balance and [he rescue team vas unable to reach you quickly enough because someone in [he subdivision had placed [heir own lock on [he gate, I know I don'[. In researching this matter through [he public records of Allan tic Beach I have come across information that would appear to po inC ou: [hat Che gate in question vas placed illegaly by the city. According [o [he City of Atlantic Beach Zoning and Subd is ions Regulations, Sec. 24-252. STREETS paragraph b, number 4, i[ shall " Provide [vo (2) seperate and remote en[erances to the subdivision, unless other provisions, such as easements, are made for emergency ingress, and provided [hat such entrances will no[ adversely affect the overall street system.". With [he gate in place there is but one (1) entrance to the subdivision, and there are no easements for emergency ingress. IC is obvious [ha[ [he city had the best interests of its' citizens in mind when making the above a requirement and when [hey ex[endd Cutlass Drive. To have a road with no access does not make sense aC all. I have also checked with [he Building and Zoning Department and have been advised [ha[ [here vas never a variance to the above section issued in this matter. The road is not a dead-end, as ev idenctd by city maps shoving this [o be a [htu road, which would be prohibited by [he city except when dealgned as a cul-de-sac, Set. 24-252. STREETS, paragraph (i), and [he road does not qualify as a cul-de-sac as i[ exists. ~. .. .~z::±.• .... December 5, 1989 .:. Kim Leinbaug:~. :.: ty Manager .-.~~ancic Beach ::ay t...a P~f~^ ~E~ 7 i~R9 ..: _:mtic Beach, slorGdc I am writing [he off lc ials of Atlantic Beach because I feel [ha[ [he city is denying my Family and I [he same privileges affo*_ded other residents of the community. Those privileges of adequate and timely police, fire, and rescue service protection. The problem is [he locked gate across Cutlass Drive, between the Aquatic Gardens subdivision and [he Royal Palms subdivision. This gate vas installed in July 1986 at the direction of the previous City Manager in response to one individual [hat spoke [o [he City Commission on May 27, 1986. The individual claimed to represent 130 homes on Aquatic Drive ([his individual vas no[ elected or appointed to ac[ on behalf of all residents in [his subdivision). He appeared [o ask [he city's intentions regarding Cutlass Drive. The mayor explained [ha[ [he road vas being extended primarily for emergency use for the benef is of the homeowners. The individual vas told [o contact Che Ci[y Manager for further information. I have not been able to locate any other public records of any meetings involving [he closing of Cutlass Drive, vh ich would have required a variance hearing before the variance could have been issued. Until recently I had only considered [he closed road an inconvenience. But when my wife required emergency rescue services the fact chat many valuable seconds and minutes are lost because the emergency vehicles are nc[ able able [o take the most direct route I felt it vas time [o ask the [icy co intervene for the ve lfare of its' citizens. Aquatic Gardens is a multi-family development of attached, frame, quad-plexes and as such will require [he quickest response time possible from [he Public Safety Departments in time of need. My home in particular is located farthest from [he ingress/egress off Atlantic Blvd., but is less than 200 feet from [he Cutlass Drive extension. According [o [he police, fire, and rescue officials I have spoken to [he extension offers [he quickest, most direct route for servicing the entire subdivision. In fat[ both [he police and fire/rescue officials have said [ha[ [he fenced blockade is a major hlnderance co [heir response time and [hey would a!.so ve lcome the complete removal of the gate structure. ATLANTIC OCEAN ~'-_ ~~ sc.JS iu ~W WO F\ _ t ~ i `ry - ..w.. ~ `` •ur~. ~ ~ -.,~ a i+ 3 i ` ~ 1 (Y .~ __` ; .. ~ - _i I ~« ,~ . _ _ -- - -- l V C ~`7 .. ,,, ; i ~ q a. P +;.,,. ~•. ~d ~.r.,.a - % ~9 : + _ '. .... - . ; ~ ~~ w~s'r a i ~s,_ :. ^ W w y". v5 /OH ~ t i~ (fir (/ ~~)~ ~r5 ~ ~~7t' L W T O h 2 '- '^ W ti / r ~/ \` r \~ t `(. ~~~i ~Zj ! Y ~ r t ; U t ~ i - } ;. i i~ ~~*/ O it ~._ problem in getting the permiu necessary to put on the 'Light Pamde'. He said ve would have to get the ones needed to go thru Jacksonville sepemtely. Enclosed you will please find a map of our proposed "Light Pnmde route. We em planning to leave from Hnnnn Perk et 6]5 to 6.30 pm taking a route down AlA to Atlantic Blvd= to Monument Rd_ -- to 9A North k295 -- to 95 South - to Forsyth St- which ever road would be best to cross over to Bay St.- to Wnter St. -to Mnin St. Bridge - to 1st exit nccross bridge -down rand by Gulf Life Building be River Walk -- down Hendricks Ave. - to Street that gets you to Beach Blvd. - to AlA - to Rnmada Resort. Please send me the required forms thnt ve need to fill out to get our permits for this parade. We have n 3rd party Linbility htsurnnce eovemge of One Million Ibllars which the Risk Management division, for the City of Jacksonville, said was sufficient. We npprecinte your assistance and hope you can eapediate this matter wham nt all possible. It takes us !~ days to get our Certificate of Insurance back from National Hend Quarters. Thanking you in advance, - ~7 Betty J Jay ~'~ ~ GOLD Betty J. Smley 1X101 Duval Road ,)acksorrvie, Florida 32218 WINC ROAD RIDERS ASSOC. - F AREAAREP. WOHN D. SMILEYIJ Kim Leinbach /City Manager P.O. Bos 25 Atlantic Bench, Florida 32233 Dear Mr. Leinbech, ~'I Gold Wing Road Riders Assn. ChaDler F1J 11701 Dural RoaE John d Belly Smiley Jxkwnvilk, FL 32218 Area Reprasenulives Ibal ]d49rd] I am an officer with the Gold Wing Rond Riders Association. We are n family of mnttue motorcycle riders rind owners of the big Honda touring motorcycles called 'Gold Wings . Our Association puts on nn annual event known as -Florida Wing Gathering'. And for 1990 our local chapter is sponsoring the event in Jacksonville. Our host hotel is the Ramada Resort at Jeeksonvtlle Bench One of the events we are ptnnnmg is n 'Light Pnrnde' on Friday Night March 30, 199D. Alight Parade is nn evening Parade of all of these beautiful fulldress motorcycles (ranging in value from 53,000. to 525,000.) with all of the estrn lights their owners have installed on them (mainly for snfetys sake to be osier to see nt night) traveling in n staggard formation. It is truly n awesome site ! I am vary proud of my Association. By having this Light Parade , I hops to show some of Jacksonvilles rendents what Gold Wings are end shop~w that motorcyclists are regular, everyday people. We want to e better image of motorcylist, sad this is one way to do it. I rim also very proud of Jacksonville rind I want to show off some of it by having all of these out-af-town guests see some of Jacksonville's impressive sites st night. Sites like the Dames Foist Bridge, Prime Osborn Convention Center, The Landing, Our River Front (with all of the beautiful new buildtngs downtown) while erosnng Main Street Badge, Frtendslup Park and The River Walk to say the least. When we had our first meeting about this event, Chief of Police Brown was in attendance nt the Ramada Resort. He told us there should be no 11301 DUVA9040 768--9957 L. 32219 pcn "~_ s ,.,,, ~. ~I`1C8II ~~ CTO86 Mr. Kie 0. Letnbach City wnz9er, City of Atlantic &acA 716 Ocean Blvd. p.0. Box 25 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Gear Mr. Letnbach, STATION MANAGER, AMERICAN RED CROSS NAVAL Si AfION M.IYPJRT, FL 32228~029d 4 Decenber 1989 Dursuant to our conrersatton on Xoreaber 29th tw following inforaution is Dre- sented: The Awerfcan Iled Lross wyport office hopes to sponsor the 2nd annual benefit circus in Atlantic Beath, featurf ng Franzen Brotaers LS rcus. wttnee per- forwnnces will De given wrch 24 and 26 at 2:00 and 6:30 p.a, on the tot owned by Jacksonrf lie Shipyards on wyport Road between V 6th antl w 4th Streets. Our first circus was held on ADril 9th this year and was very successful. Both perforwances were well attended and there were ro Orobleais of any kind. In addition to tae coney that was raised for the Aaerican lied Cross re feel tw[ people really enyoyed the shows. Yritten perei ssion frow your office wind be aDprecia[ed. Sincerely, a~~a ~~ Bernard C. Bolstad Station wnager Aaerican Red Lross NS wyport, it 32228-0291 Tel. 216-5261 or 246-1395 3A ;a ?C_3ca,. ~- ~: ~-: , page Five Mirwtes of meetiTg of the (•oamittee of the Whole Deoad:er d, 1989 elimimting excavation costa in the future. 13e said the city wns also asking Fleet Ia:di:g to Mild a lift statim near the water Plant, or to ~~ the preeert lift station to aomooodate their Projat aM also to nest future needs. Ne presented the Nminafcn rdth a tent°tive budget for the city's portion of the protect for their review and said a further meeting had been Planned with the Pleet Ia+dLg repreaentativr~. (i~llibocd aoncuooed the Christmas tree lighti+5 i^° w~itth sctnol r2~oruaes a:d bard and chrz+ch d:oira in Emasell Park an ltursday, Deoeober 7 at 6:00 PM, whidi he hoped mould beo® a traditional event. - There being no furt}wr discussion, the meeting was adjau~red at 8:55 PM. William I. ((#illiford ~Yor/yrwn4At.n Officer ATTEST: Mmueen Ring. City Clerk Page Four Mirwtes of meet; ~, o£ Camnittee of the whole Deoelsber 4, 1989 Dr. Berson also eapitasized the experience aid expertise of their fizm. He gave exanPles of other similaz projects which axe either order wnstructim or have been conQLated std said they have many repeat clients vAtidt suggests satisfied customers. He said they axe a full service cznpany, including aurveyixg std architectural, std would rot need to soh-contract wt atry of those services. lfiey strive to provide quality work. c^~^+n";Doer 1Ucker. asked abort a Jasper Project and Dr. Benson said there had been a delay due to pexmitttng, but the project had been completed within budget. On inquiry fray Mayor Gullifoxd te4ardi+g whether the available lard would be adequate for future expanei.ar, Dr. Benson said the paoposal. Presented would provide 5.0 !I~ which world fit m the available land. Sf stricter treatoent was requited in the future, Dr. Bensm felt the lard the city owned on the west side of the existLg plant would be sufficient but they had not reviewed that in detail. After the interviews the Mayor called afive-mirnrte recess. The tweeting wag again ca]_led to order std Cmmissiarr Cook i„mm,i „~ in what order the three firms had bean ranked by the oarmittee. Cammissiorer Fkhrards said Gee a Jenson had been ranked first, Camp, Dresser a Mcxee seeord, and Flood Engineers third. CoieS~ir~r Cook noued thrt the (Yty Ootasim zeiteaate the xeoossrandation of the oasitbee sad initiate nemtiarir..e nth the tuber are raolsad f1.rm. me totim was ®mrded by Oc'dssio'rr Bllraxds std was aamtirroasly apfsoved. Mayor (,Ullifoxd said he felt more inforned abort the project std felt better about voting m the matter. He said Gee 6 Jenaon's presentation was attstatrtive and specific. Catmissimes Cook agreed with the Mayor and said he was glad the Casnissien had oaducted the interviews and hoped they would follow this procedure Sn the future. 'Rlc ~tY Moag~' reported he had been working with Fleet Iatditg to negotiate an azrartgemPrt for the installation of force rein whidr would be tntdtally bereficiaito both Fleet Iatdug and the city. Be asked Dun Ford to report m the matter. Dan Ford said the Fleet larding Project had Alarmed to lay an 8" foz'ee main slag the west side of Selva Marine golf otxrrse to the sewer plant. 1Wo of the mma..; os interviewed this evenitg had px'opoaed to ;mart a city force main in the same location. He said he had approached Pleet lardlrg sad requested that they install dual fume mains whicfi would Provide for the city's future use and Pleet lardug's preset user thus Page 1}uee Minutes of meetvg of Cattmittee of the Whole December 4, 1989 control if teceasary, and Mr. May said this should be the alternative the city should cvteider most closely. Mr. Anpetltrout said the regional fozce train had been designed to be expanded thrau)h ttodifioation of the oontmis on each of the purpitg stations, thus for an expetxliture of appxoxittately ;100,000, the reguized capacity mould be amatmtodated. Catmissioner Cook ircptined regarding the future plans for the Bumateer plant and Mr. Atmelttrcut said flw from the Hnmaneet plant would be rerouted to the Atlantic Beach plant and ultimately the tw plants wtxild be ocnaolidated with the usable parts of m a.,mr salvaged for use where possible. Ccmnissianer Cook also ittquited about the lard which would have to be purchased to am®oodate alternative [io. 1 std was advised it was approximately ate std me-half lots. Mayor tltlliford asked whether the available lard would be sufficient to Beet futttze reeds aid Mr. Armgttrout said he felt they could tteet the needs of the City std provide a very flexible design with a mi..;..m, Of land acquisition. Ere also said a ®etitg with representatives of DER, Hio-lTVirotmental Services, std the St. Johns River Wate[ Matugematt would be advisable before deciding which alterative to use. Be said 6.5 ~ had been projected as a *~; .s....n..t at mtPlete build art capacity. Mayor GYlliford asked abort sludge ooopostirg std Dr. Mllton of Cee i Jenson said while sludge ontpos*1M was most dssireble, the proposed 503 rule set very strict limits an petals. to the point where ro one mold nest those rules. Eiowever, it ie to be expected this rule will be substantially revised. Rm Dttgaid of Ylcad introdttoed the tp®bers of their Project team and outlined their areas of e~ertise and responsibilities. Be gave a brief synopsis of Flood Engiteers and their experience an other similar projects. He intrcdttced Dr. Ran Htateon wtto addressed the Pro]~t under consideration. Dr. Benson said the project would consist of replacing the Buccaneer plant with a ptaQitg statim and force main to being the wastewater to the AtlantSc Beach plain. He pveaented an illustration of the atrrettt Atlattti.c Beads wastewater Lreatttent plant aldg with the proposed expansion. He said the proposed expaneirn Provided for en ecvtomiral Plant whidt wtxAd be easy to operate std would have 5.0 MGU capacity and mold be oonstntcted without ittterfericg with the operation of the existing Plant. 11fe plan would place blowers std outer like unite together in are location in an effort to control odor std raise and to provide for more flexibility in operation, Page 'lwo Minutes of "_'tirg of Canmittee of the Whole Deomter 4, 1989 it was net only the riot, Wt the obligation of the manias>.on to fitd art as mtch as possible about the project and the conpatties imrolved before taking action the the matter. 'The Sntervicws by the caomission were in ro way intended to question the decision of the ~ittee. Bill A>ffittrout of Gee and Jertom addressed the onaaission on behalf of their crnpany. [ie introduced the ttanbers of his firm who mould )x; workircT on the project. Ete said they had spant mneiderable time reviewing the site std talkitg tv city staff. Fle said interim capacity would reed to be provided for the euccateer district since that plant had reached capacity. Ta accomplish this they would propose to shift s®e capacity fras Buccareer to Atlantic Heac3t plant. 1ltis, in turn, would necessitate the need to move rapidly with the expansion of Atlantic I;earh in order to a~msa~date mnr:rn•;.~ growth. He said it was important tv select a process aid design a facility that could be modified emttomically in the future to meet future e£fluant *e~,;+~^ts which may 6e maldated. In doing this, C~ 6 Jenson mould try to hold the line on cost as much as possible. 'ltie 9nith aid Gillespie study estimated over 3. MGD would be needed by 1992, a'd Mr. Azmentmut said are priority would be collection system modifications in the it District aId the interim impxovasentts to the Buccarees plant so it could contilNe to be used for the tract several Years. Be said it would be nteoessazy to work with the city's financial advisor to decide on the best netlwd o£ £irencitg the project std appropriate phases of construction. Andy May explained Gee 6 Jenson would propose to redirect the flaw fzom an area in the I~lozth Atlantic Beach. Ocean Walk, std Cautyards area, to the Atlantic Beach plant std constrnx:t a stew pumping slat;,., at Tiffany by the Sea. using maps he attuned proposed force main istaovaoatts a~ zeplacenatts whidt would follow the shortest possible route, representing the most savings to the city. Be Aem+~g**ated plans for three alternate plans for the extension to the Atlantic Beath p1aM. The first alternative would allow the most flexilility for expansion to rtset sty future treatmant +e~"~~~ts std ;.told ~^^+p the purchase o£ a tasall piece of land alxtttitg the city property. The secud alternative world allw expansion of .75 Hm over the atrxatt rsquireoarts std would propose to oarvert the e..: ~; ~+ Davw plantt to an acerbic digester, thus, ei; m;.v,r;.g appmcimately 510,000 per year in maintemnoe costs. The third alternative was s;m;nar to the system wrrattly used by the city and would allow for flexibility in operation. It could be oonstmcled in two phases with the first phase providLg 1.2 !1';D rapacity. Sludge dewatering mould be in an enclosed facility with odor ~:> ~m1v2HS CP a MES'fII1G OF 4~ aolearls ~ '~ W~a Cp A'H~8Q7C H®ICB C11Y CCIlQBS>xi1 BBD AT 7:00 HM CW lQDAY, C~®t {, 1989 AY 0114 HAIL. 'line meeting was called to orciez by Mayor Gul]Sford. Present in addition to the Mayor, were Cam:isaianers CUOk, Fd+azda, 1Lcker and Weldon. Also present were City Manager Leinbacfi and City Clerk Icing. The meeting was held for the purpose of Sntcrviewintg representatives of three engineering fires who l:ad sutmitted proposals for engineering services in oorm:ection with the possible consolidation of the Buccaneer and Atlantic Beach wastewater treatment systeas. 'fie three firms interviewed were as follows: 7:00 FM Caap, Dresser, i MrAee 7:30 1M Gee i Jenson Engineers 8:00 1M Flood FYginaers lli~aLl Nt:ibe of Qap, Oreaeer i MdSee gave a brief outline of the ca:parny's history aid technical experience in the field of er:vlmmental Planning. He introducrd the m~ers of the project team and gave a brief summary of the experience arcl responsibilities of each. Mr. White presented a list of similar projects his firm was either workilg on or had zernMly canpleted. He said his firm was a full service fins and would not subcontract out anry of the work. Mayor Qnlliford inquired whether Mr. White felt the lard available at the Atlantic Beach site would be sufficient for the proposed expansion, and also for future needs in the event the present system would riot Weer :core stringent criteria for wastewater r.~~,~..r which may be mandated by the state. Mr. White said it would be their tape that the planet would he constructed is suds a way as to allow for modification in the event upgrading to AW1' Was required. C®sissionrr Weldon asked tow the proposed expansion would a££ect the residents living in close proximity to the plant and Mr. White said the design would address odor and mice control which he felt could be kept to acceptable levels. Camissiarrr Weldon also inquired unto the advisability of pumping the flow frao the w•^^a^m* plant to the Atlantic Beadt plant and Mr. White explained t:e did rot feel this would preset a pmblea. Wtwn asked what savings would be realized t11xo:~ ocnsolidation, Mr. white explained the tulle of the savings would be in the mst of plant operatim. He presernted two alternative layout plans whidn illustrated the proposed extension to the existing plant. After the caalusion of the interview with Crop, Dresser 6 M:yfee, Cam:ission:er Caok irquined whether the intervesws try the o®ission represented a departure Eras the procedure previously used for selectim of cospati.es far professional services on orb. city projects. Camdsairner 1Udcer responded that same the Professimal Services Caaaittee was formed in 1987, the top three or so m:panies had been interviewed by the ooomissian. Mayor (irlliford said in view of the magnitude of the project ard the lame capital outlay involved, he felt e C ~... . _ rTC£ NIME !@1[77ES NWF?8ER 27, 1989 8 City Mm~er A~atte and/or mrreepmderne Tbe City Manager reported the Notiae to Proceed art the Section H project was sirynd today. Q~.aia~er Cook tested he had received a telephone call from Mrs. Michael J. Bayer, 1773 Park Terrace Past, relative to the procedures used in recent city appointments. He suggested the city establish a procedure which would be need consistently for suds future appoi:vtnents a:d requested that this be the subject of distvssion at the ProP~d ~ setting sessions. He also suggested the question of the eligibility of city oom~issia:ers to seek other e:Qloy:mnt within the city be further reviewed. Ooissinrer 1hd:er inked for volunteers to serve on *he Census Complete Cau:t Cassittee. She said she hoped an organizatimal meeting of that oonmi.ttee could be held u Deoembex. n.r~ir,..i said ease of the ordinances presented to the City ssion recently called for a reductSon in density and be asked the Ci cy Attorney to review aId define "da:sity." He also i:dicated he had received a letter Eras Cwrtir:vMal Cablevision relative to changes in progxassirg and iapzwing the service. There being no further business to care before the Ce®isaion, the Mayor declazed the meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. Willsam 1. caffliford Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk NAME dF COMQNLS. M 5 V Y V N F,. - PAGE FSGH!' M1NViFS NWE7~ER 27, 1989 Mr. Spellings said these was to drainage syetan in that axes std their proposal was to prepare construction plans and specifications for drainage which it was hoped would tie into a large DOT drainage ditch. Ibtitn: 11utw^•c se avhrttm of cmtratt rith rtr..w.t ty artd Nidrer for engineering services in canectton vlth drainage design services is the Bdgar/Geo%9e~7aris Stcaet area in an ateotzrt mt m etroead i5,000.00. subject to xeviev of the proposal by ffie (sty Attairrtey ' No discussion before the wte. TTte motion carded unattimously. G. CttsittBe rec®adMirn to setaia m~cteerirq fists for wssEa+ster treatrmmt plmt atd rntaf..N sexvloes. Conmissioner Edwards reported the camiittee had spent wen eight hours m interviews with the top five engineering firsts which had submitted pzoposals for the coctsolidation of the Bttocatset and Atlantic Beach wastewater treatttrnt plants. After further review of the three top firms, it was the rec®endatian of the committee a contract be negotiated with Gee and Jensen for engineering services ~ this project. Ere said the award would, of cause, be subject to review and remmendation by the financial advisor if ore was hired. The Mayor said he felt the conmission should have an opport»nity to interview the top three fires std it was agreed this would be placed on the agenda for a future tteetitg. 7. Acorn m Onrlinap~• A. OyL..a..~ IIO. 90-09-150 - Pirat l1M gDIiaOF~ MN@DIIG T[EE OMDIlI?Oi8 Q71E oP 7A8 C11Y OF AT1AM'TiC B~HI®, FIONOf1; M~DIIi; C>01Pffit 2A, 1~ @I~SIVE ZOHI![+' OIDIlitVttB AID Y]IID ~fOIIt)AHiT ~ ffi '~ OPPA:QIL S'~EH Mite 10 AB,6p1~ IXD QiIID 13Y MAIC~ ~I, J1M~ H. DAV18, II, CDQ3TIl~ M. OAVIE, DAVID W. 1DAffi', SIL, ANO MAMCY L. Rif, C!~ AS '~ ill 125' GP 70LS 2 ffiiORD 12, IIIOOC 2, DIRHS 1RPIl1T ED. 2, E?1ClI ItGI, AESl>ffi'Il1i. CESdIL 7A IIil, II~1L LL((ffi" AID fiAA~IIA,; HD PRIVIDING ALI H~PBLTIVS OA'f>; Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordittatwe No. 90-89-150 on first readitg. !brim: Appcose passage of Onditta,tce Mo. 909-150 on first reading std set Efts public hearisq Janiary 8, 1990 No discussion before the vote. The notion carried ~+^A^;^^~aly. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Ooolc z &dr~ z 1ltdrer z z tieldon Y Y nnti~...~ z Oodc z z Hdwazds : 1ltdoer z Neldtn z z n,tt;Fp..l z PA>E SEVFN MINUfFS NOV1AffiER 27, 1989 Motim: Approve paste.. of tree protection aadir~aex~ on first m~dilg Mayor Gulliford i~M~; red whether the ordinance could be passed on first reading since it had not been properly drafted. CY+~=i==i~r Caok vltlldrev his sotinf alxl O>®isaiarer P,datds withdrew his seoord. It was the general consensus an ordinance should be drafted using the Green Cove Springs ordirw~ce as a guideline, arxl presented at the next meeting. Questions were raised as to the enforceability of such an ordinance and the Mayor said during the past several nonths the Cam~ission had expressed wishes to became ,mre aggressive in the area of code enforoe~nt atd it was his wish attempts would be made to enforce this ordinarc~e, if passed. Motion: Draft Ordilm~oe ald place on agelda for first readiry at the rext regular aeetlrg , No further discussion. The motion carried unanimmusly. D. Oode Hlforo~etd Bnard pot~;~t ..el;..a..., ~~ City Attorney Jensen presented copies of a Brevazd County ordinance whidl established pe~lties for vaziovs violations. Ne said this was for information purposes but may Ix: helpful in the event the city wished to adopt similar legislation. This is to tx= discussed further at the goal setting sessions in the new yeaz. H. Aaquest for .~,A..~ elm to ad,sn.FSm for f;••a••~;Al advisor The City Manager said while our Finance Director had the expertise to do a ornQrehensive study of the city's indebtedness he doubted that he had the tine that suds a study would require. fle requested authorization to advertise for the services of a financial advisor. llot3m: m,H„:l~e Use City Mana)az tD advPitdse far a fi nart.ial advisor yl~ NAME OF COMMAS. M S Y Cods x Fderds I x i Cook ~Q101}1= 1UCkei iieldm Glllliford .x x X ~X x 'x x Cads 0dt+atds x locker lieldv~ n,l l;ford ; In discussion before the vote, Camii.ssiorer Cook inquired as to the fun:tion of a fi~ncial advisor. the City Manager said his reca~maidation wwld he that suds an advisor review the city's debt structure, and anticipated projects a~ revenues and nuke remnneldations to the city relative to funrlinq for ongoing and proposed projects. 111e question was called aryl the motion carried unanimously. P. Aa®adation m retain Connelly and ltidrer for drainage deaiyr services an H~r~ Garage and Iewis Streets x~ xi x'. x~ x', Don Ford, reported drainage proble~s had been experienced in this azea for some tine and he introduced Buck Snellings of Connelly and Wicker and asked that he address the problen. PAGE SIX MINUIFB - NWD~FR 27, 1989 Artily Nay reported Gee and Jenson had beets authorized apprcocimately one year ago to design ivprovesantte to eater and saner PJ[ke7lsiCT<l fxan 16th Street to 20th Street rn Beach Averse, std eater, newer and paving in tM Oeueese Avenue area. E7rt~ieicn of eewrer line along Sanitale load between 17th and 18th Street had been added to . the project at the recprest of citizens of that area. The services included design, ~~,•,t~•a constxtlctian x1m;~t arn,r;nn and permitting and bidditg assistance. lbat of this work has n7it been oonpleted and Nr. May sa;d he wished to apprise the Camiasion of their progress thus far arcl seek their dinecrt^^ xegardlrg haw to proceed. ~ . The Mayor said he was aware filet s®e of the reaiderts in the Ileweese area were apposed to paving of those streets std asked whether the agrea~rnt called for paving Deweese, Coquina, std Shell Streets. Discussion ensued relative to pavltg std the proposal to locate a lift station in the triangular parcel. Nr. Nay displayed an azchitectutal sketch of the proposed Lift station which, he ' said, mould be relocated to leave the triargle free to be used as a _ passive park. Mayor (arlliford suggested actin on this be deferred until it could be further discussed at the goal setting sessions and the camrissioners cancvrred. B. Actin by the City Oomisaiat *e~^I!^~ the pra~ese of file foc the vosteratec' *+~M^t plmmt Division Chief Tim 7bwnsP.rd said in the past the tiles for the sludge wetwell beds had been purchased in X11 quantities. ID order to do radiate r+eplacasarts and have stack on hazel for future replacarents, ha requested authority to purchase 1,000 tiles at 535.00 eac3r. He pointed nut the itrtended vender is the sole supplier of these tiles and a purchase of 1,000 tiles would meet their treads for apprrncimately three yeazs. Nation: anrtr,rim pease of tiles fx: wastesaher treaLent plant as rsloestai No discussion before the mote. lire motion carried urwrimously. C. Proposal fac tree r..7t^a.~ bf Jody Yid of the Ba~tifiaatim C~ttee In keeping with the proposed beautification i~xovemmts, the Bcsutification C~li[tee urged the Bnactmaft of a tree pzotec'tian ordinaztce. The camiission had received a ropy of the tree protection ~*At ~++ro currently in effect in Green Cove Springs. In view of the smll amount of undeveloped lard rwrcfin;m in Atlantic Beach Ms. Ford urged passage of this prdttu,ve as soon ae possible. NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N rook z z i1rJv3 z : ile]don : : tan t i r.,..t = PAGE FIVE - ~ NINIRFS ~~~ ~ ~ NOVFSIDII2 27, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V F No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unar:i~usly, B. APp~~ ~ PaY request tb. 3 m Sott Pl:mibing for ;109,726.Y2 for rater aais repla®t in Royal Palzs3 Don Ford, Public Services Director, said after inspection by both . him and Andy Nay of Gee and Jenson, he zeooor:rsded payment of regrx:st No. 3. St was pointed cut the job was 808 ccsplete and - should he finished by December 26. Oodr x Notim: m.rw.rt ry, pay®zt Na. 3 m Scott P Iz~ing for rate Hd:2xda 11zd x x x . min ~ ~~ Palm ~ % No discussion before the vote. The motion carried ,,.,...,;....,ply. n,J Z;ford x 5. Hid ls+arde: JL Amard of bid fbr the p:at3,ese Errs ifrr,...t;.. Hears: three used garbage txurJat. Don Ford. Public Services Director, reported three garbage trucks wlzidi had been offered for sale by public auction in October had failed tc sell. The city had received bids for the purchase of these vehicles and it was his zeomsrsdation the city accept the follawirg bids: 1970 Qrevmlet - 1500.00, Ems R. iVestmorelard; 1980 Fbffi - ;1,300, and 1985 Ford ;1,500 fivn VSM, Inc. M[. Ford explained the city had purchased new garbage t„v-4c last yeaz and had atta~pted to sell the old trz:cks and this •sa the first time arty bids 7rad hers: received. ~yy~ x ibtim: m,«w„•;~ the sale of the three gaffe tzudcs as Ed~rds t17dCPS x x x r~ded by the azarda co_itffie imldon x x No disussion before the wte. The motion carried n~+aa;~+<ly. . ra,iz;~.r x eintmmoe ~i,~ for ert®eian m the existiry public racks Jon PUrd x'eported the oaasittee had irwrrviewed R.G. Y8tite .. bratructlon Camparry, the ].orr bidder for the additim to the public +osics building. the bid of 533,700 was within the budgeted amount ud met all the bid specificatims. The oo®ittee recq:rrerded rooeptanoe of the bid. !6tlazz Aootpt bid of R.G. it:ite (kx~strzzctio.z ~ ~~ x x amstructiozz of eztarsim to tfie public rorkawrks Tudrs x x banding iA the sm®t aE 533.700 Neldon x b discuasirm before the vote. the motion carried uneninuusly. i. Nor Huair:esa: :- Pagimeriry repn* a~t:y BaeoL 1Wmrs rate and steer sojat by lhrdy Nay of Gee i Je7learz PHC£ FOUR NINOTFS NOVF?BF7t 27, 1989 coammicate the plan to the arployees and solos tlfe necessary ehacges in oonputrr programnirg. Motion: llcoept the prapoml of Blue Cross litre o.tola for health inaaaoae average riffi a 1200.00 ~a,.+thto, effective Jaoiary 1, 1990 After further discussion relative to the plans and the different deductibles, ~immioser dok withdrar his ~tim std a:.tasia~r 1lrloer wiLhdra+ her seamd. Motion: lbceQt the pacpoeal of Blue Cross Blue Shield for health i~ ~aqe vith a 1300.00 .~•••twle, effective Jenrncy 1, 1990 No dissuasion before the vote. The motion carried tmanimarsly. EUrther discussion er,sred relative to the city absorbing the increase in preniums between now and Jure 1, 1990 at which, time the preaest contract would expire and the city could anticipate an increase of 20t - 259. Zt was agreed sufficient fords would be available in the City Oosmiasion oattirgency find to Dover the +~a~ for a five month period. ibtim: Mrtlntize the city to pey the iaeseaee is Qua for the period Jamary 1, 1990 to J®e 1, 1990 No discussion before the vote. the motion carried ,+~~;,,..,=ly. ~. Old Busiaaa: A. nppmval of st® rate atility agree~t with ~i Hill The City Manager reported he had met with representatives of CNlM Rill for the purpose of pursuing the negotiation of a erntract for the proposed stnaa water utility. Be said the agre~t careied the first two phases of the proc¢am, navely, program development and fee iuQl®entatian, and x+ecmmended approval of the agrremart as presented to the City Ca®iaeion. Mayor CUlliford irr7uized into the passibility of state mandates regarding stormwater discharge and was advised cities less than 100,000 populrtim would be required to submit appli.catians for stornwater m+^_~~,+* discharge by 1992. Motion: 1luthor++~ emcvtion of agreesaar[ vlth C1Ydi Bill far professional servioea in m.~„+;... rith e6~atpr ~nage®t utility, e~fijec-'t to zeviar by the City At6~rey V V NJUO; OF COMMBS. M S Y N Cticic z ihdoer z Ooolc z : Hiards i ihdoer z z llaldttt z 0u111Eocd z Cloolr z B3iards z 1lrclorr z z Meldm Z z n.i r; r,,.,i z Orolc z z B3ierds : : Tadrer z Neldm z G1r111Soad : C. Press ~w~r Buck Srel for levy to settle Ibad. FJt to 85 feet Rick Wild resurface a right-t Road. He Timuporta chazging relocate c some of th alleviated traffic i a larger l In further by gas t ,manim~.al D. Pmeae Irx:., rage Diane Bas received service a plan, it Cross/Blue mare of carrier. time. In whidi time the city' would not plan was to do a She also Icefeteria January 15 PAf~ 1fQII£ „_ MINOi'ES NOVEDIDER 27, 1989 NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V r; ntaticn by OvxiellY aid ilicJoer m proposal for is to IA7 Ibad lugs of Conrelly and Nicker said they had tw proposals lbad, one to widen arcl repave the iwd, and the other eas the issue of what the existing right-of-way is rn Levy fisting docunents show right-of-ways varyi,y frtrn 66 feet aid this situation needs to he resolved. her of Gxuielly aid WirJcer presented a proposal to aid widen Levy Road to a width of 24 feet, aid to add urn south-hould lane at the intersection with Mayport said he had discussed this with the Department of tics aid they anticipated only miror expense with ' the traffic signals and the possibility of having to re of the sigrel poles. Iie presented photrgraphs shcifviig e drainage problaca in the area which, he said, should be saoeMiat by the i~rovemesits. In view of the heavy n the area they recommetded laying 1}" asphalt to provide astiig surface. nc Atomize e~oarntim of rt vlth Oaa~elly i Oodc x Widrt in an amwit rot to exceed 550.000 based on PdMards x the hasty fees as eet forth in Latter pcopasal, TYfrer x x ssbject m review by the City Attorney Weldon x x .. p., ,;ford x discussion it was dera,mi.w,t the project would be forded ax fixfds. the question was called aid the motion carried y. mtatlOn by Dime ~+°°°r~• Aodrigness Oamultug (hasp, rdirg the dty's health inaaatioe. ... canpanY had analyzed the three bids sett said their based on cost, flexibility, plan design, aid carrier nd after ctnQaring the bids received with the current was their reoa~dation the city change to Blue Shield effective Jamazy 1, 1990. She said they were problems the city was experiencing with the current hence their reaommendaticn to change carriers at this view of tle increased pxauiume, she regrested the city absorbiig the incrsase in premiums thruxlh Jure 1, at the current contract would expire. She said considering - s past cl.avns experience, there was a possibility Av~fed renew in June aid the city would have to take whatever offezad, ragazdless of the cost. She urged the casnittee thorough study of the berefits program and make further iticns for the 1990/91 budget. r reca~maded the Lq~lerentatim of a Section 125 it plan but did not feel this could be introduced wtil X91 because of the tine which would be required to ' PAGE 1FA . . MINViFS N'7Vf2ffiEfi 27, 1989 3. Appearances: A. Presentation. bf DoROtIAr Jackson, amity Awazerers Specialist. regarding the 1990 oentms. Dorothy Jackson said this area had a 988 count in the 1980 census and this yeaz they would like 1008 carat. She said Census Day would be April 1, a!d questionnaires would be mailed to all times MazCh 23, but world not be mailed to post office boxes. Assistance world be available in twenty-three la ~+~+~s. Ms. Jackson solicited the help of the city to prarote the oaJfsus carat through ccmnittees and civic organizations. She said many state afd federal grant monies are allocated based on population and stressed that all infornution given for census purposes is confidential. Commissiorer 1UCker said she was recruiting crnmittee menbers aId an item would appear in the city's rpwsletter wRiidr will be mailed out within the next week or so. e. Presartation by Midnael Saylor of Bit, 9a®dc E Audorm on the city's 6eartifl~^+~+m plan Mayor Gulliford introduced Midnael Saylor who, he said, is a manber of the Beautification Committee ant who had doreted a great deal of time and erezgy to the development of a master beautification plan for the city. Mr. Saylor said he is a resident of Atlantic Beach arcs has been working with the beautificetion committee since August. He said in a day-long meeting in August the crnmittee had examircd traffic corridors, pazks, beach accesses aId signage atd briefly outlined plans for inpxrnrenent of those areas. It was felt Atlantic Boulevazd was a priority area aid it was loped Nepb,w Beach aid the Department of 1Yansportation world share in the beautification of that area. "7t~e Ytausald Oaks," ateee-planting prn9ram wherein the city would subsidize the cost of trees to be planted by citizens, was planned for Mayport Road and other areas. OU~er inpmverents included sidewalks along Sanirole Road, improving the beach accesses at 18th and 19th Streets, arcl addressircl the issues at all the street ends. They aze working to establish design guidelires for the azea arou~ the Ocean/Atlantic Boulevard irrter- section. Architect Nilliam Morgan has prepared a plan for the Nineteenth Street beach access which would address pedestrian and bicycle usage and discourage vehiarlar traffic. Mayor Culliford thanked Mr. Saylor for his work with the beautification cmmittee and recognized those crnmittce m®bers present. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N !~ CF 11B I~aaAR lt~rnic of ~ ATI]ID-fIC BFAa! crnr oa4- j MZSSICU BBID lIR' CI1Y HATI, Qi MONDAY, NDV@®1 27, 1989 AS 7:15 N4 -- PRESD271's William I. (;ullifoffi, Mayor Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards , Adelaide R. 7UCker asd -- ~ John w. Weldon, Camussioners ADD: Rim D. Leinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen Ring, City Clerk _ ~ u,c ,roecuy was ,;aracu w oraer ny r,ayor aururore. 'tne invocation, offered try Camsissioner Cook, was followed by the Pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the atrutes of the pgx.lar mmti nn of Nov~~ 13. 1989 - - __ Motion: Apppwe sssimtrs of the negsrlar scaling of Nosier 13, 1989 No disNSSian before the vote. the motion carried unanispusly. 2. Ramgnition of visitffise - Bazbaza Homer, 463 Selva Ickes Circle, inquired whether the city would consider construc-tirg bike paths .in conjunction with the repaving Project on Semimle Road. Ms. Bonner was advised the - the project was for repaving the area north of Sixteenth Street only. Don Fbrd was instructed to lode into the matter and report back with recgvmsdations of w!w_re bike paths could to located throughout the msprpsity. _ : : : . + : Bob Weias, 253 Saninole Road, addressed the Commission relative to speeding on Sanirole Ibad. He suggested either raising the speed limit or enforcing the current limit. 1fie mayor asked the city manager to work with the police department a:d see what mild be dare to address the speeding problem. • t t • ~ • r • t : t Parks i Recreation Director Rose Blanclsazd introduced the following mashers of the Recreation Advisory Board mashers who were in the audiences Donald Fagan, chairman, and srenhers Jeff Cnxin, Gerard Verney, and Ron Ssmsers. Herber David 14nser could rot attend the meeting. Ms. Blanchard reported tw Vacancies existed on the board. Mayor (Llliford announced Christmas tree lighting ceremonies would be held on Deoasher 7 in Russell Pazk. ME OF COMMAS. M O T I O N S E C O N ~D i, VI O T E D ' YI E ISI Code x Fderds x i x 1lrlrer x x Weldon x Gulliford x t C CTTy OF ATLARTIC BRACH lHS9LAR 1~TIRG, MDRDAI DFCBIOILQ 11, 1989 AGBImA Call to order Invocation and pledge [o the flag 1. Approval of [he minutes of Che regular meeting November 27, 1989 and Che meeting of the committee of the whole December 4, 1989 2. Raeognltion of Visitors: 3. Appearemees: A. Pernlsafon for American Red Croce to sponsor a circus March 24 6 2$, 1990 on [he open lot owed by Jacksonville Shipyard off Mayport Road. (Mr. Bernard Boletad, American Red Cross) B. Permission for Cold Wing Road RSdere to ride from Banns Park south on AlA [o Atlantic Blvd. as parC of their ^Light Parsde° route. (To be held Friday, March 30, 1990 from 6:1$ p.m. to 6:30 p.m.) (Betty Smiley, repreeentatlve of group) C. Chris Blanchard to speak on the locked gate in Aquatic Gardena Subdivision. 4. Old RmeEness: A. Authorisation to proceed with bide for new clry hell. (Fimnce Director Barry Royal) $. Committee Reports: A. Chairmen of [he Awards Covmi[tee, Commiaefoner Glenn Edwards with a report and recommendation on a video surveillance kit [o be s used by the Police Department. B. Report and recommendation for possible selection of engineering firm for the consolidation of [he Buccaneer end Atlantic Beae6 wastewater treatment plants. 6. Ord+~eme A. Introduction and Elrat reading of Ordimnce i9$-89-43 [o provide for retrieval of shopping carts by owere. (City Attorney Alan Jensen) B. Introduction end fleet reading of Ordimnce i9$-89-44 to provide for a tree conaervatlon board, to provide for permits, inspection reports, removal and maintenance of [tees. City Attorney Alan Jensen) 7. Rem Rmelxse: A. Report end discussion relative to Beaches World Claee Swim Center (Nick Nicholson, Toni Bonf111) 8. Proposed emendmen[ [o Contract Quality Development Ocean Terrace (Community Development Director Rene' Angers) C. Discussion relative to waiting period for new employee to Coln our health insurance (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) (City Clerk Maureen Ring) D. Discussion and relative action regardiwg the acceptance of Cypress Cove Uni[ V, Phase II for City maintenance. (Division Chief Barry McNally) 8. Ciq IMnager Reports and/or Correspondence: 9. Mayor to call w City fn~fasfomars, City Attorney and City Clerk: Ad7oormoent CITY OF l9h'aalie 8taek - ~leiCdec t~socaAx eour.xvAaD ___ r. o. Rox m Ar1A1rDL mEACR. MtmAtYmt ~. 7fl.ErHONE 11041N-mf6 www.. 61GIYEERIYG lItM3 SDHMI7SIEC ttp'S AtLA1tIC lHACt/DDCCL\'EEt YA326YATHI StEAiYHtt COtSOLIDATIOt 2tOJECt 1. Flood 2. Gae b Jenson 3. Casp, Dresa a Mcxee 4. Plttaan, HartenaCein S Aahe 5. Smith 6 Gillespie 6. Yilkin Smith Associates 7. Genezal Design Services 8. CH2E Hili/England Thims a Hiller 9. Dyer, Riddle, M111c 6 Precourt 10. Hriley, Yiid IL. Beseent, 8ammack 6 Ruekman 12. C. Vargsa 6 Associates 13. John S. Rern 14. Hunter 15. Connellq 6 Yicker e In[erv iered by Committee c2TT of ATLARTIC RHecR RHETIRG OP TRH CORRITTE6 OF SRS YROLE RORDAT, DECEREER •, 19R9 AGHRDA 1. Icterview prospective engineering fires for proposed vaaterater treatment plant consolidation and related action. Ad~ourameat ROTE: 7:00 p.m. Camp, Dresser 6 McBee 7:30 p.m. Gee 6 Sensoa 8:00 p.m. Flood E m: 4 fl U :i'L DECEMBER i bp. ,~.~. L