08-01-87Clerk, Precinct 03H: Narion Crage, 390 Plaza $7.75 per hour + $20.00 extra Poll Workers: Helen Joseph, 1427 Ocean Blvd. $3.75 per hour Marjorie Coonan, 1733 Park Terrace Eas[ $3.75 per hour Edna'Eluessner, 1820 Sevilla Blvd., Un is 209 $3.75 per hour Norma Schafer, 1464 Seminole kd. $3.75 per hour Frances Sweeney, 1742 Sea Oats Drive $3.75 per hour Orpah Jackson, 26 SLmoons Ed. $3.75 per hour Deputy: William Donegan, 1211 N. 3rd Avenue, Jacksonville Beach $3.75 per hour Adopted by [he City Commission August 24, 1987. William S. Novell Mayor/Presiding Of Eicer Approved as [o Form and Correctness: Claude L. Mullis City A[[orney ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker Cicy Clerk _2_ G` [4y_~- i' ~:~.<. RESOLUTION NO. 87-29 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING THE CLERKS, DEPUTIES, AND INSPECTORS FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH BIENNIAL ELECTION AND SETTING THEIR COMPENSATION WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida requires that a biennial election be held, and WI:EREAS, polling places have been designated as Precinct 03F, Atlantic Beach Ci[y Hall, 716 Ocean Hlvd.; Precinct 03G, Atlantic Beach Elementary School, 298 Sherry Drive, and Precinct 03H, Atlantic Beach Fire Station, 850 Seminole Road, NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl44ISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that the fa lloving persons are hereby appointed as Clerks and Poll Workers, as indicated, a[ [he compensation se[ forth therein, and such are deemed necessary to conduct the regular biennial election [o be held Tuesday, October 6, 1987: Clerk Precinct 03F: Carolyn Morley, 345 4th St. $3.75 per hour + $20.00 extra Poll Workers: Mary Frye, 336 2nd St. $3.75 per hour Ru [h Bloom, 377 8th S[. $3.75 per hour Katherine Nolmes, 345 4th St. $3.75 per hour Iris Coleman, 376 8th St. $3.75 per hour Dorothy Weiss, 99 Beach Ave. $j,75 per hour Evelyn Roth, 1810 Sevilla Blvd., Ap [. 209 $3.75 per hour Deputy: William S. Bloom, 377 8th St. $3.75 per hour Poll Workers Clerk Prednct 03G Mary R. Gregg, 905 Sailfish Dr. $3.75 per hour + $20.00 extra Nallie N. Fussell, 1588 Ocean Blvd. DeVara McMillin, 363 4th St. Jeanette M. Murphy, 75 Coral S[. Alyce E. Warnock, 161 16th St. DeDU[y: Harvey H. Mason, 1177 2nd Ave., Jacksonville Beach $3.75 per hour $3.75 per hour $3.75 per hour $3. i5 per hour $3.75 per hour r CITY OF ~tla.rtie b~eae( - ~lmuda 1160CEAN BOULEVAAD P. O. BOX Rb ATLAY.71C BEACH, Fl.ORmA 3R2A7 TELEPHONE 196{1 Yr4T.f% august 21, 1'iB7 MEMORANUUN To: 'fhe flcnm able tl ay w and City Commission From: 'fhe Community Development Board Subject: Board Action r. of Auquet 18, 1987 rith Recommendations Your Community Developmont Board Look the folloring actions at their regular meetiny on Auyuct 10, 1987: " The Board recommends approval of an application for exception for ar. etCuc for n clenu iuy service an a home nccapation submitted by Crary eud Nita Nair bairh, 761 Cavalla Kuad. The recommendation is subject to the applicant maintaining the of Tice only in Lhe room specified on the application. ^ The Bcord recommend r. approval of an application for exception submitted by Emily Rolov-Milliam Dukes for automobile ealec at 880 Hayport Noad subject to proof, if requited by state lax, that the gasoline tanks o1 the prior service station have been removed. " The Board recommends approval of an application for rezoning from RG-2 to CG for Lot 772, Saltair Section 1 submitted by Thomas J. Bennett. The property backs up to 680 Sturdivant Avenue (Fa rhion Optical), and ie located betreen the Rite Spot's parking lot on the east and a Little Champ on the see t. Rezoning of the property rill altar expansion and renovation of ttre Fashion Optical building. The Board deferred action on an application for variance ors ttre same property until the rezoning could be decidetl. " The Board endorsed a conceptual plan submitted by Hike Akel and CDt1 Properties for approximately 2 acres of multi-family- zoned oceanfront property to be developed ae trelve single family lots. Thr' developers ri st: to approach the development ae a F'UU because of substandard nized lots and roads but do not meet the seven acre minimum requi ['ed for a PU U. Rene Angers, n5r metary Community Dev_1 nt Board Since y, -.-- ^ _._ MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF -I 1 1G ~ c 1 ~! f ~of Lef 75S y~fs 7'53. 9S~~cd1..z~.¢x~r~.u~ ' ~ AB RECORDED IN -PLAT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL CO., FLA. i ~ .~ ~ - .. - - :1 V ha^., 7/, ~'/ren Tr I zs• w• 1,71 ~ lcr ~ Lr,7 ~ Lr/~ ~,~a 753 ~ .'S4 ..755 Inm. • ~~ ~°.` ly i oe . i ~ ~- J.°o~y R'~ ~ ~ .NSSOr 4 u ~ .' yiq'q~.I.. w . a II ~ I 3 t 2 ;,, i_ce_n.-. Zv ::_ { .: _ ~./mod --. _ ~ ~, f 1.t~ewr/k Es3~m-~f h <;. ., 4 I i _ . L .....~, ._4i L .-!rV i/C ____ _ f'IiULEY,4,20... 1----. _ :.- I .' , •'„- 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAV! 6V RVET[D THE faND6 A! SHOWN 1N;YH! AlOVC CApTk,N AND TNlR! AR[ NO CNCROAONMCNTl: ~ ~ ~ •• ~1- f-`TT SIGNED/ _~• f9.1Z / ~ ~.'.- '•` •~ SCALEtw~ - ecm~TCe[o w crow v. uo c~. >.: MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF TAT 772. EXCFd'7' 'IfIF: 11FSTe]tLY 3 FEET TIIEI2FDFa SAL'PAIR1 SECTION N0. 1. AS RECOROuD IN PLAT BOOK 101 PACE CI OF THE CUIUlQJT RIBLIC RECORD.i OF DWAL COUNTY. FIDHIUA. 5 ~4% _ ~ C . c-o / (~- v ~r ,?,3'3 `.yam `5~Y ~P,-Ny`~`.K~ ~` ,(w.~V ~.I /. ~x r r A JAS L/ ~.. \ I I .. '~ Y V. ~ ~ ~ ( n 61 ~ /~~ \ ~ J ^ Cr ~ ~i~etc.~ / ~ I I1 / J • - I .. FBI ,^ /_ ~ u t\ BU/L/)LUG- iI E$'y ~ ~ Q.Oi.I c'-c uN ~ = r[~N+wn i /S ERYMRJ a y': ___ I /- b3 ~fs i T - 11 _. -4' ~. `•1 \~ :~ /.: a ~_~ II I 4 ~ ~ ti~G~ ll . i 0 r+,.. ro+c,1 r ~ N ~'a:r ' om, / ,E' a'. rES".. ,B' r ~. • 7~ '` __ ~Na. 3<k. nwcc I ipw./ei'+^ /F. ~.v -__ ~ I 7. I I ^h ~ I aj ~ r,~ I I U, I ~ I I y I ~ I % I / $ H. A. DU~DEN & ASSOCIATES INE N, ~ w«~s~;~ sana+ta +v.r+re. we3.44.u. LAND O NYDROORAINIC - ~~ - - -~lU RVETOR! ~ <~cPT G IBS rofT Orna fox afns !TONED -- _ •++TM 1T11[[T /OVTN awcxfoevuc[ •[wcN, rcw. vu° fGLE~ < ~ ' 20 ~ TN~!lUgVCT NOT VALID UNLE!! TNT! IRINT IS EM BO!!CD WITN THE 9[AL 01 THE ABOVE 61GNE O~ _ ~~\ ~ TP :~ DOC MENET of F-LC]RIU/-~I ~/~"a j~ ~.r. u,r ` -I U - e. PEaFREYk1UEfl~ l~nrnv_nr,l ~; 01 U~ _ AA,, ./ ,I,f JAN N']] ~ L_ f- I _. -~ ro = JAh ] F,;.~~' I MABRABTY DEED of uns .. _=...-uozi ~, .-.,.,,~ ~ I e . Hoar THIS IADEBTUfdf, made the 13th day of Janu»]v, A. D. 1993, De Meen pn r• . ng spouse of Thomas Je clc Bennett), of the County ~ ,~ MOLLIE P. BEHBETT, (Su]vivi i I ~ W of Duval, Sn the State of Florida, party of the first Hart, end THOMAS JACIESOB O ~~ ~ ~'a BENNETI' and BAABABA J. BfDiNSTT, his wife, of the Covnty of Duval, in tho State ~ ~ V of Florida, whose poet office eddrese ie Atlantic Berch, Florida, parties of O ~ Cy~O SCA.1/NJ IP II(I - 7) _ _ ~O the second part, - M1 T8wSS8T8, That the sold party of the first Hart, for sad in conaideratlon of the sum of Ten and00/100 Dollere, to her in hand paid by the eeid parties i ~ 1 jk of the second part, the roceipt rhsreof Se hereby acknowledged, has grunted, bargained, and Bold to the said mrL3 ee of the second part, their hairs eM assigns forever, the following described lend, eltu»te, and being in the County of Duval, Stet1 of Florida, to-wit: Lot SSz Hundred One (601), Ssltai r, Section 1, according to~nln C`-' thereof, recorded is Plat Book 10, pegs B, of the current nubile records of Duval County, Florida. SUB.1•..CT, HOWEVRH, to the restrictive covenants, conditions, aseement sad reservations contained in Instrument rocordod in Deed Book 829, p»ge 90, of said publio records. ._--_. ~wA !6. ..id p.rtp of the .firs! part-dons hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful dlaiae of ell persons vhomeoover. ~. IH ifITBESS&TH HHEREOF, The said party of the first .port has hereunto set has bend and seal Lha day end year first above written. I Sign»d, Sealed and delivered Sn the prosenc/e of: ~ - t. G°caC' / 11.4,f..Q.k tf (' ~ / ~Q-(.C.t.n/,1.~ G ~/ //~ -~~- y Grl~'` ~°` State of 71or1da County of Duval IIIEHBBT CESTIFY that on this day, before mo, en officer dull authorised la the State eforeeald and in the County aforesaid to take ecknovledgmonte. personally eppoared MOLLIE P. BBHBYTT, a widow, to ma lmowa to be tho person described Sn an3 who azncuted tho foregoing SmLrumen0 and she aoknwledged before ne that she ezecuted the senor. .. ~ ' (. 1 (~, MI1'1f~5S my hand- official ¢eal f.n the County and State last nforosaid Lhie /,5 day of ~ [~ts.t„-... 1973. :,, .. .... Jan 15 10 z ~ P.H '73 _ , ,, Hace~ Pt~>a.}3~ ° ~ ~ --•-, = . e :y I .f, ]Lit 711fj~k, ~( ltgeC li n!m>^':I'-r.~: [.:;;1•• k1.., ii (~.;1 :';:iif, (a s; • f,ty G.:vi:on Fryra FcS~,, 1975 ` - ~.N.t (n i...w~ii. ~S~S,/J,,f . ~',t'• ~~'{ ~ . u-- m, y._. r ,a ~,,,,,,,, ...........:.. r,r a :V'w cwa `~; This invrumem wos prepared by: ALBERT E. DUSCIIDIAN, Jlt. ~ ~ / _ n~...n ., c.~ JACC$DRVDl.F1 L6ACIl, }'WItIDA 844511 ~1ClFanty deed (flAiglORY 1DUd-S[UIDN 609.01 IS) -1P'V.Uox500g6 ~h)H ~Il)It•BIU[!, Made this 26tH daY of April Iv a3, $rtwenl F. REUUEN uEr7r77:rr aTtd sAla~7T E. D~wNE'rr, _ his }fife '171O1d115 J. L'ENIJL'TC, JR. and DAi213ARA J. BEIJNETI', his rife whore pots ouice oddrest it 131 Delvede re, Atlantic Bzach, Florida 32233 of the County o1 Duval Smle o1 FlOrlda qr°OI"~' ~IIUPBHPIh, Thal sold gmnloq for and in considewlion of the sum of Ten and n0~100 - - - - - _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ (910. OU) Dollars. and olh<r good °nd .alvable mndd<mhons to sold gmnlor in hand paid by sold eranle<, the recdpl whemol is heeby acknowledged, has Bronrod. borgoined and sold to the sold gromee, and yramee's hdrs and assigns lore+er. the lollowinq deuribed lond, dluale, ly'~ng and being in DUVal Covnry, Florida, lo~wil: of IFe Comry of UUVal ~ $lale of P10Iidn . 9ranur•, and Lot 772, except the Westerly three feet; the reof~, tS1kLTAI It, Section No. 1, aecoedAny t0 the plat titercof-J recprded in flat Boo]•. 10, page 8, of t)te current public records of Duval County, Florida, and sold grantor does hereby Iully warrant the lisle to sold Ivnd, and will delend the same ogainsl the lowlvl clpims of ulI persons whomsoe•er. • "Grvnlor" and "gromee" ore used for singular or plural, os context regvimt. ~R ~)~RtHH ~))rCrll(, Grantor hat her<uNO set gronlor's hand and uol the doY and year lirsl obu+e wriucn. Signed, xoled °nd~J+=h.ne/d~in our preunca ----~- r~t..E_ l / ai.+g t :-vn-/~ . i~~~/ o3r yl:.. /..- i_t a., i%i -`L/ ~ (Seoll - ~~UBEN BE l7ET ~~%' G• .r c. % iJ~ '. r:.. - _ .~ry2~ef• "">~~ ISeul) `-.SARA![ E, DENNLrTT, his Nife (Scull - - ISevq Si ATE OF UUVAL ~ - 000NIY OF FI.ORI UA - I MEREBT CERTIFT Thor on This doy belore me, an of beer duly gvulaied to Ipke ocknowledgmenls, pmwnally uppwmd F. liL•'UBEN DENNE'a'f and SARAH L'. BENNETT, his Wife' to me krown le M the person deuribed in and who eaecvled the foregoing instrument ord acknowledged bJwe me n.,r he executed the some. WIi NE55 my hand and olliciol ups in the County and $Ia1e sou olaresaid this 272 t11 dpy of April My commission expires: i -' ~'i ,~ _ _ - ~ Noloiy Public ./: j: s 2. The change in zoning ie coneietent vith the Land Development Code end the Camprvheneive Plsn adopted by the city. 3. The change In zoning classification rill further the purpose of the plsnning progress. ___ ___ ' 4. The chsng• in zoning •111 not •dvereely effect the Health snd eefety of the residents :of the city. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 80ARD REPORT AHD RECOMMENDATIOHS~ Q~`RG~nc+~(~Lt~ ,} (U.WMtH ~.~Jaa9. ~ ' 18 -8~ ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSIONi A complete list of ell property ornate, mailing addreseee end legal deecrlptlons far ell property rithin three hundred (30O) Seet of the eublect parcel ea recorded Sn tl:e latest official tox toll Sn the Duval County Courthouee: (attach eeperete sheets if needed) Property Ornery and Mailing Addremeee~ Legal Deacrlptione , gEaNEf //!f- FuAEN G 1 . R S ITAie SEC / d _ ~~p ~ _--- _ _- tC _ ~ JEC4.9rY~tG_73E1_ f-~4-~~~'~3-------- x°11 ------- - - - ------- z.REUgEN_F. 1~F~N_~_________J911= sE~ ~ ~ALr[J~2 _Plf_~O G --- -- - -- - Jtz~B-C~~_~~! ~~ -~~a3'3------ - _-- __ -- ~-f1'C_TF~%------------- ------------------------ a. [..6 _fSElIJ~EY ___dl~_ ~D__ Ti~ ---------- l~L6 LuZ1c ___£71P7f_ F~ __~~30~3-3--- a.LED:y__f.1EA5LE~ ________--/0 A= ~ Ok_L%~ `- ----- s.T_ONN C. Ulue E~vJa:/ T,~ ~ RG _ l//~ /7Z -- YY - --- J1~.~__SP_i~,vE_ -- ------------ ?~tt4'KSO~ui4c----L~~" _11:~ __~~~? _ y/,/LOhAI,~ S ,C~USJELL__ __O~ff/~ 3 ---- ~k¢'0_ U~LL~__ E~ _ F~'__Yi~v~Q___ . S% __Sil1~{D /~.VJi J [(2_SEiJf/SOLE KD 10./1f,~LK1BE4_~11__//~~~/6/1~/ _ ILS__3E%yL~ LE--~--------- ------ ~F9_~T_R[,~_sEe / 1`S-~ -------------------- <ar~ _25~_1s~ ----_---- _S~t~i2 _ see i- - - - -- -- `~-T~-- ~-~-~--------- ------------------------ /a-8 s~atr,~:z_sge!, tort 2~~ ?~s~~E ~3~FS_d9T__23~ SALT/)/,C - SEC i _ ~G~LJ~2/Je SL2 / -- L-Qr_---------------- Th~nature7k of/{beach end every owner of the lender taCE iD~!_L~ef.~7~___ Applicant: Do not fill-in beyond this point. Horever~ be prepared to respond to the folloring Stems: FINDINGS OF FACT ~ . YES NO 1. There exists a need and juetificatlon for the change in zoning claeeiEicetion. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN ZONING GLASSIF~RI'3~pl: c+~t' ~~'~ I~I Gate Filed:__z=a~ff7____-- ~`I~~-JtU~L~tg'1OS1987 " Name and address of all ornere of the subject pro~kfd~ing and Zonin4 T_tiomrrs_T J,~E,vy_cTr----- Phone Phone a ~_-~3a-~ __________Home _______________________Hame °35~~ =~3Ly ~___________XOrk _______________________XOrk The address end legal desorEption, Snoluding the lot, block end subdivision of the property Lo be rezoned: _L P~ _ ~T_/1~?4L[/J~L/T_14L/E~r1t_=___~T 7_7a~„~~YS~N_L_T_C~E__ ¢t/ESrE.e~~_3 Ff Ts}_~~eo f_~~Ti?tK..sECrCQ,~!_~1-------- ~~%~_ PB_14,~?~Xa_€_Fi't_Z2uda~ co~,/r~ ~r~.Pn~______-- Present zoning of property for rhich change of zoning eleeeification Se requeeted:_____fZ62 _ReyS/QELt!T~-G _t2~%UERQu Proposed zoning cleeelficetion: CG (~/[~/fjE2G'[.f~ 6E.!!~.cA!=. A STATEMENT OF THE PETITIONER'S 'I NTEREST IN THE PROPERTY TO RE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF THE LAST RECORDED XARRANTY DEED; ANDt If joint or several ornerehlp, a vrEtten consent, to the rezoning petition, by all ornere of record; or if a contract purchase, e copy of the purchase contract and rritten consent of tNe seller/orner; or if en authorized agent, a copy of the agency agreement or rritten consent of the principal orneri or if e corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and rritten proof that said repreeentatlre has the delegated authority to represent, the corporatien or otter 6uelneee entity, or in lieu thereof, rritten proof that the person Se, in fec t, en officer of the corporation) or if a group of continguoue property ornere, the ornere of st least fifty <50) percent of the property described in the petition moat provide •rltten ceneent: _~(t/A/E/~ __~EE ~LQ~~[EQ_LZ Efj ____________________________ A ,s-t/a tement of epeelel reaecne for the rezoning ee requested) _lU ~ ~~.~ ~s 0_Tfi60/.~1~1~!2 ~F.I~~iTlYl2~T f~eOfb7L7f,/__ 6~C?7~71I~c~C1~.c,oLur.~_ any_v___~9hR~~szS!_~gn~E~--C-G•-- _~o NT_LN_ ~CLT_L! _t1L/ _ZO~JN__~ _~_/Lf-f=_!1_~_°_u!_.(fc°_6.?.4DJ~IG _ o f'_EL'1_SZJ~Lv _ SriZr~cS~!KE__tQN_2_~~YQY_~ae_yDoiTLn./at~ ~f? ~K1N_ ~ _1tL~ECG______________________________.._______________ .. ~nli~~s ~~ ` -~ ~.. 0 ~N~ i~~SS ~ 4 T ~~C ~ ys ~V~ ~' i~ ~~ ' ~ r ~', ~ '~ ~ ~ i ~' ^ FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Ingreea and egress to property and proposed YES NO etrueturea ie adequate. Particular reference le wade to autamotlve end pedestrian safety ^nd convenience, traffic floc and control and access in case of catastrophe; 2. Otf-scree! parking and loading Se adequale.~ Pertlculnr attention 1w pwid to the Stems in 1. above end khe econaslc, noise, glare and odor effects of the apeciel exception on sdiolning properties and properties generally in the district; 3. L'ocatlone of refuse end service areas ere cospetlble' rith surrounding poperties end •re eselly accessible. 4. Locations, avsilabllity and compatibility of utilities are adequate. 5. Type, dimensions and character of screening ^nd buttering are adequate. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare and traffic safety, ere in harmony and ere compatible rith other properties 1n the district. 7. Required yards and other open spaces are sdequate. 8. The use ie generally compatible rith ed,jacent properties and other property in the district. COMNUNITY DEVELOPNENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMNENDATIONS; ACTIONS BY TfIE CITY CONNISSION: =~~_... , Please Type or Print in Ink Date Filed: Application Fee 875.00 APPLICATION FOR 'USE BY EXCEPTION' 7-31-87 Name end Addreea of Orner ar Tenant in Possession of Premises: Mts. Fkily xelox C1.(p _ l1fCF3 ~1F ____________________________1-_~__ ~ Phone - 1142 Preston Place - __________________________________ rarkt Sacksonville, Fla. 32205 Home: 904-396-0801 ------------------------- Street address and legal description of the premises ea to rhlch the •Uee by Exception' ie requeetedi BLK 38 Lot 1 BLK 39 Lot 1A2 Sec. H Atlantic Beach A description of the •Uee by Exception' desired, rhich shall specifically and particularly describe the type, character and extent of the proposed •Uee by Exception': To be used for buying and selling of Automobiles as a used car lot. Specific reasons rhy the applicant feels the request should be grentedt __-_ Cood local on for caz lot. Fronts on Mayport Rd., Yith easy entrance & exit. ----U1a5-eai.sSlaa by~~dingi Adequate paved parking_azea for care and customers, _____________________ ____ Ar)gggate outside lighting•_and 6bher related blSi Hess r((I beni rlt. ________________________________ Zoning Claeeificetiont CG commerical 0ene ral e eo . MUSS Hlv~ ~oc.:+iLwl'tlr..k,m G,baVj '~~x~w-l q olt~ ~w•at~ __G„~- ________ ~ _~______________ Signature of applicant/ ,plicant'a Signet a of orner of the property. sutl,orized agent or attorney. If Application cannot be processed agent or attorney, include letter rithout orner^ signature. Eros applicant to that ff t Applicant: Do not 1111-in beyond this point. Horever, be prepared to respond to the lollaring items: MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF . Lryf 7, Rtt)C7C 15, RJYAI. PAIMS UNIT 'R~U A, AS RFICOPOF~ IN PLAT BOOK 31, PACES 1, lA, 7B, 1C ANJ 1D OF 11 µ: CUltlt(NC PUULIC PtX:UIiL~S OF IXNAL COIAr!'Y, FWRf1y1, II l0i 15 FD. 1l1~LPN LOT 16 LOT IT '' T 0.2' iD. V2"LP ~_: -10' EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE AND UiI LI TIES .~ OCHAIN LW1t ' FENCE I 22. T' LOT B 25 B.R.L. ~~ ¢ 'o F.o ~-' .. Isrrcoec.aLK k\ 22 1 RESIDENCE N0. )61 it LOT6 r o ei v ? w 22.1' IR.O ~u z ''r=ONt. ~ z~ 8LK I ; y • "i N) O I)1' 22.9' M -T ~ 6 O r n o ,3A93' Oi ~O.B' '~ ¢ 23.1' ~'80~ Or' ~ 5_L '~. cFO.l2 L~SSa37 ~7 Favz"Le ~ NorE: 1 REARIMG9 A9 PER PLAL - 26.RL AS PER PLAT. ~ CAVALLA Leo' Riw~ ROAD PAYED HFJIEHY CEITfIFY THAT THE PROPEIffY SIIaM HEREON LIES Ill I7.Q~i 2~E 'C' AS 9~Y11 ON 111e Pi,00p IAZAItO BURRk1RY MAP lOH ATLANI'iC BFJidI, FI,DRIDA. '~ .~ ~. ~ - . ~~. . HER®Y CERTIFY 70 CRAIG i RITA FAI88AIJ31, CARTFRE7' >'IIIT~' AND CHICAW TITIE I1151RINf~ O?SANY MAT I HAVE SURVEYF>) THE LN~S JLS SNOHN IN 11~ A80VE GIPTIQi AND THAT THIS MI1P 28 TRUE AtQ1 TSJtREl:l' REPRFSINCATI011 OF THAI' SUR116Y.AND._$D1T THE SURVEY l HEREON. EETS THE NINIlIM STANDATN REnUIRQ4X15 AGOPfBD BY-T10: Fl.ORIIY1 STATE. BOARD OP PRGfFSSIONV, AND SURVEYORS CHAPTER 21-Wi AND Tllf l10R71>fll LAIC TI1LE ILSSOCIATION. - _ , TNI$ SURVEY NOT VALID IINLE SS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED $E AL OF SURVEYOR SIGNED HEREON 7 ~ :ALE: ~'~•z LAWN BY:f, 3.I:_ElGF 1301 PENMAN ROAD SUITI JACK80NVR.LE BEACH. Fl I I ~~ 1 . ~ .. DONN W. BOATWRIDHT, L.S. ~. ~ i FLORDA RED. LARD SURVEYOR Na 3TY¢ /ORS. NC;~ .. D ~ Ki - . 1F!«r_ ~{1-8550 8HEET.I..OF_L Please Type or Print in Ink Application Fee 575.00 APPLICATION FOR 'USE 8Y EXCEPTION' _~ Date FSled: ~ -.:~ ~ 4~ Name end Addre9e of Orner or Tenant in Possession of Premises: ~, "- . 2 t Phone ~ ,. ~.~__ 1. --- z __________________________________ Hone: .~ r ` --~ ~ ~---j 5_t Z _Cc__=~_° y Stteet address and legal description of the premises ae to rhlch the 'Use by Exception' is requested: ' ~ - -~ f-------------- -S-L- - ~ - A description of the •Uee by Exception' desired, rhich shall specifically end particularly describe the type, character end extent of the proposed •Uee by Exception`: Specific reasons rhy the applicant feels the request should be granted: ~ ~. it i I e cd:':~ ~-- - --- -~ - --- `r`------ ----------°- r. -- =--- ( 0 .v~ r r. v I .~. "~ ` 1 ---°---------~-I ~l'~_+__ Pi c!OP~ _:. J--~~C'L1Yno,yy_l_'C>r>Se (JC C_vf~rEL o/~ J b~ IZ'tt''Q 1 ~~w ~`~ c.~rb c. rrn ~, /ll(~6i1~". af c/ F Zoning Claeeificstiont J~2=1_ ______ ______ ________ Signature of applicant/a - '-'~---~--r~ , /-r'~ ___ pplicant'e ign Lure of crner of( the property. authorized agent or attorney. If Applioation cannot be processed agent or attorney, Snelude letter rithout orners signature. frow applicant to that effect. r p~ ~l N.. \ CV.v, L...~ ~i~~ - J Applicant: Do not fill-ln beyond this paint. Norever, 6e prepared io respond to the folloring itewe: 4 ' Ll.ldllltlLL ;.IIUIIL'v SOUTH ~~~ 6.minal• b""oh Ro.d PROPERTIES, ` i ~ ~ , North I ~ I I ~ B~^~I 1"~30~ I I ,. • 181 5 ao' • is'L~Fir~ 1~ •'•I ~ 80~ ~z h ~ / A~ ~ .'.751-~= I I I . ~s - - 1 -js --zi - s~ I~ 20 .~K~Y~ 1 1 ` ~ I~ I I I // I I ~ ~ j- •- - - - -.1., I I ~ I n ' ' - I 1 1-~_ - - --I. I I r - •. „ I I t 1 I I 1 ~~ I I ' I =1 i L_ -_ _f--- I i I h ~ Iv '-"~_ _ - -I .TCnN I - yVI~~ ~~ 1 I I I 1 II J._) A BLUFF' O I --~ N N T ,r •_I ~ z - . , - ,~ z. ~ _ ~~ - ~ j'36 ; I. _ _ _ _ _ _ 'f 'o n i~ i~f15'7~5 (- i i_- I 1 a~~ o ~''t/~ ~ I 1 ~ I I ~~ `°'~K~~ cod ~ I ~ • ~ - " ~-/~f~II ~I~L [bNST1IUC?fil I I AS'',." ~5.~ 1. • I Z ~ ~; - „~,~,~ ~,. ~. Yage 1 Of 3 CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION REQUEST Date Filed: ~~~~ b~J NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL OWNERS OF Phone: J5G - .?C54 Rome Phone: Home Work Work TIIE LEGAL DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING TIIE LOT AND DLOCK NUMBERS, OF T71E PROFEATY TO DE REZONED: PRESENT ZONING OF PROPERTY ~Iil 11I'CZII CHANGE OF 20NING CLASSIFICATION IS REQUESTED: ( ') PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: -f UD A STATEMENT OF TIIE PETITIONER'S INTEREST IN TIIE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF TIIE LAST RECORDED WARRANTY DEED; AND: If joint and several ownership, a written consent, to the rezoning petition, by all owners of record; or if a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the seller/owner; or if an authorized agen t, a copy of the agency agreement or written consent of the prin- cipal owner; or if a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for [he application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that the person is, in fact, an officer of the corporation; or if a group of continguous property owners, the owners of at least fifty (50) percent pf the property described in the petition must provide Mlcheel Akel 110 Rivervide Avenue Jacksonville, Florida 32202 July 31, 1987 Ms. Renee Angers Director aF Community Development 716 Ocean Blvd. Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 ~ , RE: Oceanside. a Single Family Development Dear Reree: - Please accept this letter es evidence of unified control of the above reFerenced property. Furthermore, I authorize Heywood A, Oow ling of COM Properties, Inc. '. to act as my agent in securing City approval of this project. Sincerely, ~~~~~~~~ Michael Akel Owner of Property MA/ss Sworn to and subscribed before me -` this 31st day of July,\1987. `- :JOTARY PUBLIC '~ -~' yy ,r•~aunission Expires: _~ HUTAR'f YUJLIG. STATC CF FLURiUn -My rommisSiOU <sPres Nov. 21, l~(f3 '.. eaM<C thrv he<rsen-actor A[tan<y '. 1, ~''m..o.-..-.._. n. can July 31, 1987 Ms. Renee Angers City of Atlantic Beach ~ 716 Ocean Blvd. ~`` Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 ~~, 'i1 'v°' RE: Oceanside, a Single Family Development, C \`,t,l~ a/kia A part of Lot 1, Division 3, Andrew . Dewees Grant, Section 37, Township 2 South, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida. Dear Renee (laving recently contracted with MLchael Akel, [he pro- perty owner, to develop the above referenced property, I would like to describe our objective. ~(r-L As you know, this property is currently zoned B6~ which would allow us to build at least 28 multi-family units. We prefer, however, to reduce this potential density to 12 single family homes within -general guidelines of a PUD. Our problem is that with( .8,!acres we fall short of the minimum 7 acre requirement f ~a PUD. ' 1.Q3A ~ ``-~-~- ( ~ ., M N'rl Therefore, following the advise of Mayor klowell and City Attorney Mullis we arc requesting from the Community Development Board a 'concept approval" of our project along with a special request for a recommendation to the City Com- mission to either: 1. Lower the 7 acre requirement or, 2. Create a special rezoning classification for this project. Sine ety, )~,~(~///J leywo d A Dowling, Jr. Vice Pre ident tiAD / s s ~DM PROPERTIES, ItJC. 810 3RD ST. SUITE A NEPTUNE BEACH, EL 32233 (904) 241-4455 Chapter IS I'OLICF.• Ar, 1. In General, 44 15-1-15-15 Art 11. Uispoaitiun of C'mtfiscatcA or lost Prop•rty, §4 15-Iti-I5-'tl AR"CICLE 1. IN GF:NF:RAL Ser. ISI. Additional court culls assessed fur police training. There is hereby assessed by the city, :n ttnnphauer with F ti.: 07:f 15i4vai, an :ulditional two- dollars 152001 as court awl against every person convicted fur viol;rt nm ~~ a municipal ord;n:mee in any pra'eed ings, exrept fr~r viol:nions n~!atinr• br parkin!; .~1 c..hlrL~s "r nrtFmr. twl dollars 1$Y.001 shall Lv deducted b'u;n caret' bond rSU rabu'r or li:rli ~IL ~ L el L,.eul rrhrtrd to lht yrual ordinance.. fur an} ~ .;cu;c. exrept Llat r~.l:d mg L, p:u benp of c.:b:, ,~ ...:rF fund: e: irvi.•d and n:::csscJ v.' m:Jaloral curet ro_.. or lak.ai Irum ib~. Lo::d- el..~li i.. ~.~~. exriu: icely tier late enCm-cement rducntinn a•apendm.~: ~~. fur :ucrli ~,a> .n I lu• le.i:! c d~~p:u't nn+a. }1'f5. I frY -lfr I5. Itr•scrrrd. ARTICLE lI. DItiIY)SITIUN OF CONFISCA'fF:U Olt LOtiI' 1'ItUPF.I(fl"~ $er. iSl6. Sale of cunfisrated pmpt•rt}'. K'hen requested by tF.e chief' u(prd ice, and io the tim•• nnJ m:nmrr orJoreri Lr 11:~~ count. court, any personal property rmterzd into evidence ur of hr: wr+c coming uu~• t he cu?bx!. o(tb~ rourt during the progress of any case, and unt clainu•d 6y or n•t.unrd to [hr ut.~a-r or :: persn claiming interest therein within sixty ~. flh days, shall, d of am~ apprrriahlr rd u•~. br slid ur oRered for sale at public sales ronductrd by the city rink. If no claim is made within th:riy i3Ui days after a sale, proceeds shall he paid m•rr In the gsnrrd fund. iC'xle 1970. 4 24-Llag &c. 1x17. Sale of lost and found property. all lus! and found properties whlri: ham muu~ Into the Ino: rss!on of the p.Alrr depart :neat and hive not been claimed by the owner nr any prrwn rte inrn nu nurnst therein wn!vu ri rety (901 days may, at tF.e request of thr• thief of wd~m end :q:"n .u,{rr of the cm:nty cone:. ire disprricd of by sale in the s:um: m;mnrr as de;crihed it s•~cr i~~n ]i; !f iCvic 1970.4 2-1-Y~bli 'Cross references-AJministrztin:~, Cb. P. put rc dep.u+mrri .: Yd.; rl ;. ,1 : aL•: mr;. Ch. 13; traffic ::nd motor vehicles, rh 2 •Stau• law• n•fercnces-&•irrd. :dr mdnnr~t. nn.rk,.li or ri,.rrbcl pngv; r.. f ti ~'i: -u5. sup'; I•.~mculal pra'cduru (ur rrm~..cal .md m•,r r,;.non of :u.rvd,~. n.•l pnGv~rP:.•I m:;nrJ -e. vmtr ':.our unl}. F.S. 4 7u5.If: F'I~~nd.t 1'vnn a'. ~-,1 %..rb~nur- 4n. E-:..:CI ~ :-il ~~. , Kul s is l~s .vet aN•rlc tso-::uat coot: &•r. 15.IN Norm of s:de+. Vuua~ .•i :dl .odes shall In• gnrn by the city Berk L)' advertising once each week fur ten ~2~ surer.,a~r xa~ks in a neasDaper published x'ithin the counq'. ~Cnde 1970, : '? 121oi &•c. 1 S 19. ll~urs of sales. All sa h:> ul pn,In:rlY shall t:~kc place Letxccn the hours nl' IO:JU a.m. and '2:00 p.m- an7 Jav of th~• wrr~k. :u dasmnuted Ly lLr city clerk. Q'rde 1970, § Yd.Yid r, Ord No. 5.8:313. § L 12-l2-83) Sr•c. ISLII. 1 kslruction. I(anv u( the andiscated, Lot :mJ lound Prulnrties described in sections 15~I6 and IS~G :ve of nu appreciable value, the dty commission may order the destruction of same by tF.e chie(u( poiicc•. •Crde 1970. g Y-:2llii See. 1521. Tnnwfer of unclaimed or contiaeNed property for toe by eky or otber '°. -.. goweearmenttJ a{encY•. - e AnY DroDerty unclaimed nr rnnfiscated for a pe•~iad of ninety (90) days or mme that ran ~rve x udul productive service w the city or w another govenmental agoneY ratty leplsed ontie<ry InveitlorY and tnnsfcrred to any department within the city or lnoaferred tx odd uanelher governmental agency uqm approval o(the city wmmiasion. 'Cade ]970, 4 2.1.2tg): Ord. No. 5~83d 3,; 2, 12~1'2~83i -- ~ •' - ~ a IThe next page is 9J:11 85l r r.. ~:~._ I i ~ ~ ~~s\ Land Sales Map M SMITN AND GILLf SPIE ENGIN EER S.INC. HL'. Richard C. Fe 110Wa City of Atlantic Beach , S6C File No. 6505 August 20, 1987...Page 2 2. Prepare contract plans and specifications for manhole replace- ment and assist [he City during advertisement, bidding and '. award phases of the project. 7. Provide construction services during the duration of [he construction project (estimated to be 60 Calendar days). w. Provide Resident Project Representative services during the duration of the project (estimated to be 60 calendar days). The engineering services will be performed under our continuing Contract for Professional Services between [he City of Atlantic Beach and Smith and Gillespie Engineers, Inc., dated June 1, 1985. Compensation for professional engineering services as described in Items 1, 2 end 3 above will be as described in Article 1 of the Contract. Compensation for Resident Project Representative services will be at a zate of $173.00 per working day. Total Compensation shall not exceed $72,000.00, unless agreed to in writing. Based nn our preliminary cost es cimate, the cowl cost of engineerinP„ resident project representation and construction should be within $80,000.00. If the City commission approves our proposal, we have prepared a suggested letter of authoziza[ion for your use. Ne [hank the City of Atlantic Beach for the opportunity to present our proposal for engineering services on this important project. If you have any questions, please call at any time. Sincerely yours, SHITH AND GILLESPIE ENG INEER~S ,~~IfNC. ~~0 ~E~~ (,~ ~~7~1~i(~Y Harold R. Bridges, Ph.D, P.E. Vice President HRB/JGJ/tf Enclosure ec: Mr. Robezc Braid, Director of Public Services ,.. .. . _, SMITH AND GILLES PIE ENGINEERS, INC. >O ST OI i,C[ BO% SJ~3a JRCRSO NYILL E, iLO RIDA 32201 19011 )7J'6950 August 20, 1987 MAROLDR BRIDGES. PH.D. P.E K[ i11L>Iq{M Nr. Richard C. Fellows City Hanager City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Drawer 25 , Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subject: Proposal for Professional Enginae ring Services Sari[ary Manhole Reconstruction - Selva Marina Drive, Seminole Road and 11th Street S6C File No. 8505 Atlantic Beach, Florida Donr Mr. Fellows: We are pleased to present our proposal for Professional Engineering Services for the design, preparation of contract plans and specifications, tons[ruc[fon services and resident project observation for the proposed subject project. As discussed in a meeting held on August 18, 1987, vi [h representatives from our firm and From Pipe Inspection Services, action is required to repair nine (9) sanitary manholes on Selva Marina Drive, Seminole Road and 11th S[ree t. Initially, six (6) of these manholes were scheduled for lining with fiberglass or polyethylene pipe materiel to prevent leakage and further deterioration of the manhole walls. Floweve r, as discussed, the condition of these manholes and of three (3) manholes described in our letter dated August 18, 1987, on Selva Marina Drive warrants comple [e replaceren[ of all nine (9) manholes. The brick walls and bottoms of these manholes have deteriorated severely, as evidences by the large quantities of bricks removed from the adjacent pipe lines during the recent cleaning activities. {lhile lining [he specified six manholes described in our Project No. 8505-Ob-O1 would prevent further deterioration of the manhole walls, the only positive way to insure romp le [e structural integrity for a 20-year life of [he sewer system will be Co replace the manholes wi ch precasr concrete manholes. From our discussions with you, [here appears to be sufficient City funds available to accomplish [his desired reconstruction. The professional engineering services we propose are as follows Obtain all additional required information for design of the nine (9) replacement sanitary manholes on Selva Marina Drive, Seminole Road and 11th Street, wh ith form [he gravity line for the discharge from a force main from Sewage Lift Staclon "D" on Selva Marina Drive. ~. ~.,.,...-._ .e.. CUPM IT'CE F. NINUT F.S Tbr oomn+i[ n•e opl+oin[rd to review and evaluate the sealed bids fur fora isLiry•, unJ ins[.+Ii inp, a now telephone system Ln tLe Puhlis Sa(e[y 6uilJ ing m a un Huudav morning, August 17, 19H7, in [he Ci[y hall a[ 10:00 .CA. i'ro>. nt wr re CLai mr.w N:[cor William Howell, Cify Manager Richard Fel- L+~.a, .vni I'oliCV Chief Ilav id 'I'homp.aon. Fire Chief Wayne Royal was out of town attend in}; tLc Annual I'irc fonfa•rcnce. l'I~r +mmit[or L~:+nu~d [hul ninr bits bad been submitted nnJ prop ceded [o .valuate the bids of tLc five loves[ bidders to see whether or no[ [hey met speci(icat ions. A tohula[inn .beet had been prepared in this regard and uutlinad in detail [La• proposals of TelPlus Florida, proposing to furnish a \'odavi system, Allstate F1 ec[rical of Jacksonville proposing a ;talker 4a ratbon, Tole Systems InC, of Jacksonville, proposing a Walker Rc]ian[, CnmmunTrot ions Systems of .larksonville, proposing a Walker Poe[, and A[lant it '1'.•IcpLnne and C.nmputers of .l uc ksonville proposing [he F.zecu[cc. The committnu tvalua[od the proposals and Che chairman inquired into what [he proposed annual maintcnan ce nn [he system would be after the second year. Also Ji scussed were [he proposals on a sirs igh[ lease arrangement as opposed [n purN.asing [he equipment. Uiscussinn ensued on [Le proposed stations to be furnished in the Police 11a•pa rtment and tLe Fire Department and it vas generally agreed [he Curren[ system vLiCL provides for six Lines and sixteen telephones could p ro;+ahly 6e ut{IizcJ if one nr two of the telephones in [he building were elim fasted. Ilnvevor, it was [he opinion of the Chief of Police [Lai vhf lc there would Lo some minor inconvenience, the real loss would he in CLr eff icienov of opt ration with people having to wait to use the telephones. Fur[Ler discussion t•n sued and [he tommi[[ee learned [hat if tht• City Commission awarded [hc bid, [he existing telephone system furnished by TulPlus would he moved [o the Pu61ic Works yard and in- stalled to provide a more comprehensive means of communication for Pohl is Works and the Water and Sever Divisions. Following discussion, [he Citv Manaper directed the Police Chief [o make an inquiry of [he various Companies relative [o [he third, fourth and fifth year maintenance fees, etc., and [he value of a simple lease arrangement as opposed to a purchase arrangement. Thompson reported back that nn straight lease arrongements other Chan lease/purchase over six n• (60) mpn[Ls appear to he available, which would also require execution of a maintenance agreement. The low bidder is willing to tie their ma in[enance cos[ for a second year [o [he Consumer Price Index, i.e., no increases other Chan [La[ caused by inflation. The Committee is [is•rt•fnre, recotmncnding [Imt the bid of TelPlus for the Vodavi system at 59,080.(10 he nctepc td as tLc• loves[ and best bid. the n~ brio}; nn further business to come befn re [he committee, the acct ing wa< adj ~~rncd. a[ lilt 35 AM. COMM I'1"l'1'k: fI1 NU11iS The committee nppo in[rd [o evn luaCe hills received for vehicle caving, met an Monday, Aup,ust l7, I9R7, at II:I10 AM. Prv.en[ weer fhai rman C.ommi ss innor Nilliam I. Cul Liford, City Manager Nirhard Fellows, and 1'ol ire Chief !)avid Thompson. Cons iJe roblr disrusion en+ued n•lative to the pros and cons involved in tbo bidJinp, out of all tuwi ul; ao[ivit ics within the Ciey of Atlantic is, orb. Uiscus:e•1 we rr Uu• pn•v iuus attempts the Ci[v Imd made at y,et[inl; tLr tnwiul; eump:m ivs [o meet with [ha Ci[Y and Jevlee an ar- rnngomcnt whereby a L[ir and equitable method could be developed for a rrca[tn}; list n( vn•rker oompan ies for toying purposes. Further discussion ensucJ n•Lat ive to the inserance problem some of the [owing n+mpani es bad in getting U.e kind of insurance the CI[y required which, in effect, el iminat eJ most all of the [owing companies except Reach Rodv in Jacksnnvi lie Itcach, aad Doug's Toying in A[lan[ic Beach. Further reference was mode n. [hr bidding specification which provided [owing would be• by oarl bnriq• n( At loot It Beach Police Department and would include, but not he limited [n, abandoned vehicles, illegally parked veh is las, :md seized anA forfeited vehicles involved in traffic homicide., rte. Nat inr lulled were vehicles involved in standard traffic accidents where [he owner of tLe vebic le would be re sponsiS le for [he towing. rtf ter further discussion relative to working out an acceptable um[rac[ vi[L the proper performance bond, etc., it vas the consensus of the comni [tee tba[ i[ recommend to Che Ci Cy Commission awarding [he bid [o Beach Body of Jacksonville Reach in the amount of $14.99 per [ov vi [h a $3.00 per day storage fee, all coot ingen[ upon a properly designed contract hofng pa•paroJ by the City Attorney, and Beach Body entering into said coot cart and furnishing the Ci[y the proper insurance and performance and payment bonds. There being nn further disnlssian, the covmii[[ee adjourned a[ 11:50 A.K. f ~ / ~~-7 ~__ v,u+a+ ~1 i r/~ ce- -Ga, r c.. i c A D Z b 1 C ~,: ., a ' ~~ F c s She ~~~~I,W ICCN.I~ T =-~ ..~'"P°sio zYr~.vehe. EisE--ill ' Fldy 7!/F Gry rf A1tiMA~..BE~K'6~' O. R. V. //Gl dGC ////2 f ST<1/OU S>C u _-_.- NOw.M~ $}®!p1 R Q49EL Vice 90W O/ps+s Green Urya ~ PO~) T!1-0PO JackforMe. Fbriaa ~85.98t] 4wrCIYG Ef1r MJI ti a 0 e c ~ O 8 h A O/ 4 `\r' ~ L ~u Q ~ oa Q =. ~ -- g ~~ tiQa 4 ~ N ~~ Q a ;~ b w ' o t~ ~~ +ce` ff.: ~ ~ U• ~ ns r+ ~- -• _ ~ ~ .' .i ~- ./'B~c.. Macr t ' it 5-.m . -v,..e a L ~ e.•u 9a 6 W __ S ~ ~ ~- - -_ ~ ' - ~ i I ID O I ~ ~ ~ I _ - .. lm ' _~ i~ ~ ~ '~ ~ e ~F k ` I I /. ee• ~e'32" E 299 90' I _ ~`~ : e T~.w.~i- .. ~~: L ~ 9 5 ~ . ---PARCEL .:8:, f G I ~ O ; ~ 8P ~ i pp6 9 -h se• io'sx"E x99 s•' 1 ~ I ~ I ~ c ' k ! ~ ~ W W 6 / S ~ T C -l I ~ ~ ~ \ I ° e~' .,. ~ I v- . 1 4. _ \ s o 5 8E' .a g1 z ._ ,.... o •. ~ ~z Ep RGI F ~' BIU 00. HhH7-10 - PL'BN[SIIING AND INSTALLATION OF WATER DI S'fAIBUTION Sl'ST F.M IMP AOVEM EN'!S IN THE LAKE EIJ 7.ABETN AREA Plans anJ Speci (ications picked up by the fol loving firms: Laud Formations, Jncksonville The Bc]oi[ Company, Jarksunvil le Ivy fi. Smi[6, Jacksonville Princess Construction, Jacksonville Sun Cons[ru c[ion, Ponce Vedra Reach Gilder Company, Jacksonville Be[o Rooter Services Company, Jacksonville Inman and Associates, .lacksonville R.B. McC.o[miek and Sons, .Iacksnnville 9cllonalJ Construct ion, .lacksonville A.J. Johns, Inc., .Iacksonville Chapman Construction, Orange Park John Woody, Jac ksonvllle Water 6 Sever L'[il ity Construction Inc., Jacksonville W. A. "luvnsend, Jacksonville CITY OF ,~tta,rtu a~ - ~e~f 4 tI60CEAN BOULEVARD AriANTIC BEACH. FLORmA ]2RJ3 ~ '~ TELEPHONE I6DJI 2J42J95 August 3, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID NOTICE is hereby given that [he Cicy of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive sealed bids in the Office of [he City Clerk, City Hall, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, unt17 12:00 PM, Friday, August 21, 1987, for Furnishing and Installation of 4Ia[er Distribution System Improvements, Lake Elizabeth Area, City of Atlantic Beach. Bids shall be enclosed in an evelope endorsed "Bid No. 8687-10, Sealed Bid for Furnishing and Installation of Water Distribution Sys [em Improve- ments, Lake F.l izabe ch Area, City of Atlantic Beach, co be Opened 7:15 PM, August 24, 1987." SCOPE OF WORK: Provide all labor, equipment and material to provide for [he installation of 2", 4", 6" and 8" water distribution mains, fire hydrants, and miscellaneous water meters and services. Plans and Speti- fica[ions and Bid Forms may be obtained from Naitz and Frye, Int., 2014 University Boulevard Wes[, .l acksonville, Florida 32217 after 1:00 PM on Thursday, August 6, 1987. Each set of Con[rac[ Documents of 11 be available at a cos[ of ;31.50 which includes SS Florida State Sales Tax. This cost represents reproduction and handling and is non-refundable. Appointments [o inspect [he project area may be obtained by contacting the Director of Public Services. City of Atlantic Beach, telephone 246-2766. All bidders must furnish a bid bond in [he amount of SI of [he bid, references testifying to [he quality of their work, and file ter[if icates with the City [hat they have obtained and will continue to carry Horke zs' Compensation, public and private liability and property damage insurance in adequate amounts during the life of Che con [rat[. A performance and payment bond will be required of the successful bidder. 81d prices must remain valid for sixty (60) days after the public opening of bids. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves Che right [o reject any or all bids or parts of bids, waive informalities and technicalities, make award in Thole or part ci[h oc without cause, and [o make [he award in what is deemed to be in [he best interest of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach. loan LaVake Purchasing Agent c- t ~_. ~: r, r 6 Bid No. 8687-9, 5 Cu. Yd. Self-Contained Trash Compactor MAILING I.I ST: BFI Yaste Sye[ema 7580 Philips Highway Jackoanville, Florida 731-3440 Refuse Service, Inc. 4710 Dignan Stzeet Jacksonville, Florida 388-8561 Jackosnville Wnsce Control 4200 McArthur Street Jacksonville, FL 737-4800 Lafdlav k'aste Systens Fla. Inc. 8619 Western Way Jacksenville, FL 737-7999 Sourhiand Wasto Sys teas 218 Morgan Avenue Jacksonville, FL 384-2566 Ray Pace's Waste Equipment, Ine. 5365 Phillips Highway Ja<kaonvi7.le, FL 262-3038 Creer's Befuae Service 350 Erneat Street Ja<kanville, FL 353-5814 TRANS S'tA7E E(1, t71PmEnl7 l'NC. 0 0 Sox 593865 ~RC/Intno, FC.318 59-3865 ~._ €` ne.__, BID N0. 8687-9 - Self-Contained Trash Compac [or SPECIFICATIONS - Rear Loading Unit Required - Hus[ be Compatible vl[h Loadmas[er Rear Lnading Container. - Capacity - 5 Cu. Yd. Compacted - Compaction Ratio - 5 to 1 Minimum - Ram Penetration - 12" Hinimum I - Ram Force - 25,000 lbs. Minimum - Electric Motor - 5 H.P. 3 Phase 60 Cycle - Cycle Time - JS Seconds i - Odor Suppressor - Complete and Ready Co Function - Delivery - 70 Days Maximum i k '- l CITY OF PQClartie b"t~ - ~lalxldet 3160CEAN BO ULE:PARD - - - - ~--~ P. 0. 90%3J ATW NTIC BEACH. FIORD)A J22JJ - ~~ TE LEPHONE19MI 1E43J9J July 31, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID NOTICE is hereby given [ha[ the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, rill receive sealed bids in [he Office of [he City Clerk, City Nall, P. O. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, until 5:00 PH, August 21, 1987, for Self-Contained Trash Compactor. Bids shall be enclosed Sn an envelope endorsed "Bid No. 8687-9, Sealed Bid for Self-Contained Trash Compactor, [o be Opened 7:15 PM, August 24, 1967." Information and speclf ications may be obtained from the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beath, telephone 246-2766. Bid prite5 must zemain valid for sixty (60) days after [he public opening of bids. The City of atlantic Beach reserves the right to re3ec[ any or all bids or parts of bids, raive Snformalities and [echo itali[ies, and to make the arard in rhat is deemed to be in the best in to rest of [he City of Atlantic Beach. loan LaVake Purchasing Agent * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * # * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * FLORIDA TIlD:S-UNION: Please publish one came first available reekday issue. Submit by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. L 9. Commission discussion on a proposal from CDM, Inc. and property owner, Mike Akel, for development of a unique subdivision Sn the North Seminole Beach area which qualified as a Planned Unit Devel- opment, except for total acreage (Community Development Board approves concept) 10. Action on Exceptions: A. Action by [he City Commission on an application for exception from Craig 5. Fairbairn for a home occupation a[ 761 Cavalla Road [o be used for book work and phone in connection with a house cleaning service, and se[[Lng of a public hearing for September l4, 1987 ' (Common i[y Development Board recommends approval) i B. Action on application for exception from William N. Dukes for buying and selling of automobiles as a used car lot a[ 880 Mayport Road and setting of a public hearing for September 14, 1987 i (Community Development Board recommends approval) 11. Action on Resolutions: ~' i i A. In[roduc tion and adoption of Resolution No. 87-29 naming poll workers for [he upcoming CS[y elections t B. Adoption of Resolution No. 87-30 authorizing the City Manager to file for gran[ funds in connettion wich the City's on-going , recreation program 10. Action on Ordinances: ' i A. In[zoductlon and firs[ reading of Ordinance No. 40-87-15 authorizing the Mayor and Clerk [o execute the necessary documen [s for non-exclusive cable television franchise for ; Continen[a7 Cab levision of Jacksonville, Inc. in the North Seminole Beach area. ~ I B. Introduction and firs[ reading of Ordinance No. 90-87-123 proposing to rezone property of Thomas 3. Bennett at 680 ~, S[urdivant Avenue from RC2 [o CG and setting of a public ' hearing for September 14, 1987 ~~, 11. Miscellaneous 12. Mayor to call on City Co®iss inners, City Attorney, City Manager and Cicy Clerk for reports and/or requests Adjournment s.,. _. fc_. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH August 24, 1987 Call [o Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of [he regular meeting of August 10, 1987 ?. Recognition of visi[crs 3. Bid Openings: ' A. Receipt of sealed bids for self-contained compactor dumpster ; for use at Ragtime B. Receipt of sealed bids for installation of neW valet system in Lake Eliza6e tt~ subdivision, Buccaneer Water and Sever District 4. Appearances: ! A. Mr. John Landon [o discuss zoning on Lo[ 37, North Atlantic Beach, Unit 1 i B. Mr. Frank Delaney [o discuss With [he City Commission li[iga- tion involving attorneys fees C. Mr. Steve Cissel requesting [he gran[ of a drainage easement across [he north [Wen[y fee[ of [he City's Water Plant No. 2 off Mayport Road 5. Committee Repar[s: A. Commissioner William Gulliford vi[h a committee report and recommendation relative to vehicle toying Sn [he City of Atlantic Beach B. Mayor William S. Novell with a committee report and recommen- dation relative to telephone service to the nev Public Safety Building ~ 6. Discussion of letter proposal from Smith and Gillespie Engineers for emergency replacement of nine manholes in the City's sever collection system i 7. Discussion by the City Commission on authorizing the Clty Manager [o conclude negotiations on three blocks of property Sn Section H ' to be acquired for public use B. City Commission action on a request of the Atlantic Beach 7olice Department to utilize $901.00 of confiscated funds as provided for under the Florida Contraband Ac[, and [o authorize use of $1,057.33 of other unclaimed funds for use in [he Department's Investigations ~ Fund ~~~r,~~iJ~, ~`d!I PAID r ~~'~ ~ 0 "`" JUN 3 U 19th Pleeee Type or Pr1n! in Ink ''ni~rj~q~ Blld ZOnir•~ Application Fee 075, 00 APPLICATION FOR •USE BY EXCEPTION• Dale Filed June 29, 1987 Nam- and Addreee of Orner or Tensnt in Possession of Premieea~ __E_ Conrad Cowart (f or the Development Croup) ___________________ - Phone __________ 559 Ponce Vedre Boulevard __________________________________ Norki____385-5382 Pone Yedra Beach, Florida 32082 ~ ~ ~ ---- Homs~ Street address end lapel desoription of the premless ee to rhich the •Uee by Exceptions Se requeetedt ___ A par[ of government lot 7, section 8, tovnahip 2 south, range 29 east. _-_-north of Falrvay Villas on Nayport Aoadl adjacent to Atlantic Beach -___ Water Plan[ !2) ~ '., A description of the •Uee by Exceptlon•deeired, rhich shall epecltieally 'Ueep6ytExceptionalecrdbe the type, chereoter and extent of the proposed MSn1-storage Specific reesans why the applioant feels the request should be granted ___ The appllcent feels there Se an additional need for mini-storage fae111[iee 1n ___ the Maypor[ Road area due to the expanding Nayport Naval Base. Storage facilicies ____________________________ ______ would be a good use for the ~-~~--' ________________________-__property due to the close proximicy of the odorous water plan:. Zoning C1aeelticetion~ CG Commercial General ___ 1..li, ''C~~_____- see attached statement Signature of epplicsnt/eppliosnt'e Signature of Dense of Lhe puthortzed agent or ^ltorney, It A 1lostion cannot be property. ^gen! or attorney, include letter pp processed Sraa eppllcsnt io thst ±tteot, rithou! ornere sipnsture. Applicants Do not sill-dn beyond this point. Horever, be preppred to respond to the tolloring itese~ i~--._-.. __: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN Na [ice is hereby given the City Co®sisaion of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 10, 1987 at 7:15 p. m. at Ci[y Hell, 116 Otean Blvd. for the purpose of hearing end eanafdering the views of the public Concerning the following requee to for Use by Exception: ' llr. E. Conrad Cowart requesting a Uee by Exception to construct mini storage fat ilities on hie properly on Hayport Road that backs up to Water Plant No. 2. Toning le Conusercial General. All persona in[eree[ed ere notified [o be present at said time and place and [hey shell be heard. If a person decides to appeal" anq decision made by the City Commission with respect to any ma[Cet considered at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of [he proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings ie made, which record includes the testimony end evidence upon which appeal Se to be based. Publlahed: Beaches Leader 7/29/87 - Purchase Order 81656 Posted: City Ilnll Post Office 4 i 1 li' ji r!I' ET JOURNAL. ttltl I Ia1.A\'1•,, F'I.a(InA i, ,~ [ndcx - !Business Bulletin t Yhn I, ! ---------- ------~- - A Special Background Report ' ~ ~I ~ I On Trends in Indwfry y1 - _-_ i And Finance - 1 __ HF:1'YCLWG WIBSCOM'F.RTS as rltA 1 1 _ ' IarP hlgarr garbage rwls. ~~~ IramdlnlK IanAhll SParP prnmV(s Illm r1uc. and sLdrs or IaunrA m')rIInK pre i _ Kr.l!Ir\ "TAYrr'ISAdfa111.1IIr 11p1nf qP fllfll _ Ih•• Lul pwr." says Gan tics of Ihr V;: ~, tl: al.d krcp:lm¢ t'oahhml. Srrpte are vnbR (far ba] ~ Lvc. as m Su: J11sr, l'a6/., where tnrMld rrr}r111IX Is beulR expanded to C:.W IHF, ilrRl ^elr. nRnsY nC ' I"°rr:s. n1Aers ale manAaGlry: A new law 11 anA Ar rnr 1 I ; x. ~ - i'r. 'rwlulrrs AUSUlrssrs. household uJ aclr ri) Ira 1 I ' r I I,~ ~'' I .1 a Iu srl arele nu•ir Ir sh. AS JI fI.. ~ 1:1111. II. T I!I$ v11Y( Ir h`n 13111 dfPf)'rlinRxlll rrrat ypI of uu IFr Lu1 dry !•( I ~ L.. ' K'llu nl 1"A1er and n:PLd. "Trio don'( hac ! ~ err': rlluK uni'v You Au'r• wmlvrtlr Ar nn ' __ __ _ _ I- I Stncla 7 l d Il.rrr n.i anJ crow It," va)s Jml ~~ I F a r 1 the Iralilllle u! S'raP Herl 'hn 3r at PS "111 rP' InunKrurrrnlsurplasrsrly-ra ' aboard to Sea - v l - I tl st of I'ns me what Impart Kew , '''r'r^'S law wlll nat'Y. Paper Rrrrnc~ ' ht the StorTn t ,•IV_ Newark. ronrlArlrss expands PI Aan- I Ah• all mrreasrJ In:nl. (lass Plants urolrnme i ~lh:• lo-nd. aa)inK IArY roultl InpIP II1P • • • ant u I ihPy WrS+le m w. Is (,8~~c1' ti~IInH I A lU f 1 \rRJ- Cy ua(l yna ru I / , I y /u:rnr spurrAnslrty /up rd 1. Like a harak ~ rv rn„r n.rs r u (-(,,,,(cont.. mcSapHrls\utc Axes Nvox`.pn ~YT.r. wu r '.... r J•n x.u ^ r Tall biull, vptlniinK inir YEA. Hr Ak% what h+ xrrs: I nehs shm:mtr.X Innr IAr 4er Nr 1mr1AU r C 1/ (Pirtle Alnpalntl xmq Ihtt x1lA s!rM Ir 1 rlau ns pwldles lunol¢I) Inc rlKm I plc lorrc wmtls. Lmdlun E rm'rr, hui AP slvnds Ihr E up antl Aoxn IAr Cra: u;q tlke Iru: PlsmK'u nA swept F rxp!ams ;alrr, 'U^.1 R;r n a;i mncm¢." lmsra skunK. :+ Irrnrt slx,n areal nl rarer hmulq In a Hr. Snrlalr Is ns lound,•r f2utlasl, but Ihr sp~n h.a Y ocher hardy v:uis. !r lNOnhern r.ddorn:a rn:ul. Atmingl)' sim F!r. lu lactic a •I'.•~I rt•~s I ,r If"t: CHt:.A9 f1.AHKKTS sUy Ad. MII A! rnludPtl /rrezers arc a ronrcrn. Sales of suprrprrmWUl packaRM Ice rn am Krru' tr b'r IuI year. and Rrou'Ih could M reel greater IAis year, saYS HrrkY ill:r:rnp•n ul Ihr Internallnnal AE.urlabon nl :~ r :'cram slAnubu'mrrrs. Steve's fpmre made Ur Cream Inc. yr+' sales lump In 411 s uulil•m Lot year /m:n Si rutltiun m @~ Irrl ldin¢a VrnAlnq rtrrrgernlh lwrm I t r :un r'o. s' is rrxild re u'h fJt I mtlli r Ihl' pear, says Hlrhard SmRh rhlef r• ul' lucre. 1:11 vlmr say Ihr rmx'ded markri k : j sClrtln¢ to hon reKwnal hranAS, x2mh 6 rF. ' ILr dr.irdnm:•n nrl'xnrks nl Pr¢rr pUCrn. ~ "1111,. n' Ib.rr ;nay M' a sklLrmt a u'rih Vm soul+'r •umpa111'o" sets I'.mni Klrny ul i I, H:u V:m Hnldnlu lrr t'r..-Im Co byq'Ir.K p.lr ors, xnh Ihev Inure Pn:lu margins. maY' ! I:rrr r Parr YruonY lnrtu n'.anagemrn[, says I G.rarl Iclnsh nl lien & Jerry's HomemaAr • 1 Inc. 6u1 11e says --Hrerrr IrarxSnnm" x511 I sh:• n vp brit m Ihr supermarket. <z1I1nK Ier rrr•alr., -Llshlrm tlnvrn.' upstart C.mal \bd xrsrrrn L r Ceram Cn. prMlrls wmr ;op I h1.rt:As x-11! srnn M-nmr rosy, l 1:1'11 PI\I: I:nnal ~n ~ r rP 1. r...,„ so Cb:NT Northern Mystery ~ Supcrgiant or Midget (Chevron Alaska Well Has Oil Men Buzzing The Compare)' Isn't Talkin. And I tole Could Be l1r As U.S. [kpendcum Risk 'No Smoking; Sign at KIC P BY F'uJwrx 'i,..r r lrnrJ Rrp~rlrr ul TU1.W i Jut'•..: Y JAIAI KiI FH DFITA AI ka-Clow rs In mWmgAl near the Ip I NP world.. g hall dr zen caribous are AI n 1 rated by : p sununer slm cull Aangmg ,d xe Ne hon ' zoo. Nearby, a nsstetl hr PJnrM pipe, iG q olwrinq pluK¢wl wuA ronrrele.sucksoutn ! IAe tundra. II reprP5en15 what rnaY Ar Ihr last Mst hope Ihr t1.5. Aa_s V. control an m I rrewng and worrisome tlr pentletlce or Inrelgn od. EIfAM On IhP pjpp an fAP Words r'het ron 1 51, KIC rl; Ihr rrvrxle Idrn- Ilurau n of Ihr only' xdACat well Yrl tln11M m a piece of lanrluape lAougAt most Ilkrly In hn1A IAr BIX One-rim Jusl a large /k+Id, not even lus[ a srrrallN "eF rphanr' Hetd nth a blltinn barre6 M re- srnrs, MI[ a suia•rglam containing several bllllon barrr6. a Wredma~Kenerallon HHtl tike PrutlArx Bay Li9 mlirs w IAe WPSL Oil men generally agrre That a super. i giant Aas Io br luund If Ihr 1'. S. hopes to keep its r'rude+nl Imports now above five mdltion barn9sa Aay from snaring to even MKhrr les eLv Nhllr tlom%11 demand for crude has sa)M rrxlRhly Irt rl lur years. Aomesl~ pnqurunn Aas tllpfwA sharply. What Is worse, Ihr mursu•r urlA a[ Pmd~ Arc Hay. x9o'h yu9ds aben Lu, n/ all tlumrstlc mi, a sA: ram4lAe hrs! utnlnmss vgns nl nitl oKr. 4: IAr bout 6•r .I rrx so prrKlnnl gaols urgrory by the day. Horrors Fb. Hunwrs av Bhng a!I o:er the oil patch rvn~. nlnwrs 16ai l?:erron torte. has fond flnl such a ArpoFn htnvalh Klr' No. 1. I~Mvron. Nr rprrator. Au a Ralf mleral In the well: tAe rAArr 50 . Is dlxlded pr. IMrrn $ILldard Gil Ill, and IIS parMl. BNBA Petroleum (il.l But in an irAusiry ns'ualh' f°rlnmiM M' Ir.D:rn:.: n,.. I!aks, IAe RS'1IIx •Ir+rvnmS I ..,+In .. r .. __ _s:... ,:_ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SELVA LINKSIDE PROPERTY Tl~e west fifty feet of Lots 1, 2, and 3, along with [he westerly portions of Lots 4, 5, and 6, which would consist of a tight triangle whose height would be 125 feet along the uescerly sections of Lots 4, 5, and 6, and whose base would consist of [he ves: 50 feet along the south line of Lo[ 4, consisting of 3,125 square feet more or less, together with [he south 50 feet of Lo[s 9, 10, and 11, 'along with a parcel composing a right triangle on Lo[s 7 and 8, consisting of a base of 50 feet along [he south and sou[hues[ lines of Lots 7 and 8 of 50 feet, and height of 50 feet along the vest line of Lot S consisting of 1,250 square feet more or less, the total of which together is .462 acres more or less, all a par[ of a proposed Planned Uni[ Development known as Phase I, Selva Lirtkside. Selva Links ide Partners shall furnish to [he CS[y of Atlantic Beach title policy insuring the above described property as being free end clear of all encumbrances and provld ing for [he proration of 1967 ad valorem taxes as of the dace of closing. Section 3. The intent of this Ordinance is co carry out the conditions contatned in the official minutes of the discussions between the CLty of Atlan c3c Beach and Selva Linkside Partnership held a[ [he off lc ial City Commission mee[Sng on lionday, July 13, 1987, with all values based upon appraisals contained in an appraisal made 6y Broom, Moody and Johnson of Jacksonville. Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption. Passed by the City Commission on first reading Passed by the Cicy Co®LSSion on second E final reading William S. Howell, Hayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk w.. ,a i. e.' t ORDINANCE NO. 95-87-12 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE OF THE f,ITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO SELVA LINKSIUE PARTNERSHIP IN EXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROP- ERTIES, MONIES, AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AS SET FORTH fIERE1N; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TIIE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Mayor-Commissioner and Ci[y Clerk are hereby autf~o tired to execute a deed conveying the following described property to Selva Links ids Partnership, a Florida General Partnership, consisting of Louis H.MacDOnell, Billy M. Arzie, John A. Merritt III, and J. Thomas Cay, upon [heir compliance with the provisions and considerations set forth in Section 2 herein. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF CITY PROPERTY BEING CONVEYED That certain tract or parcel of Iand being a par[ of Government Lo[ 1, Section 17, Township 2 south, Range 29 East, Duval County, Florida, being more particularly described as commencing ac the north- east corner of the Castro Y Ferrer Grant, Section 38, Township 2 south, Range 29 east; [hence north 6 45' vest along a northerly prolongation of the easterly line of said gran[, 1,576.44 fee[ [o a point for [he point of beginning; [hence continue north 6 45' west, 497.50 fee[ Co a point in [he north line of said Government Lot 1, thence sou [h 89 28'50" vest along said north line, 106.5 feet to the northwest cornet of said Government Lot I; thence south D 0'i7" east along the vest line of said Government Lo[ 1, a distance of 495 feet, thence north 89 28'50" east, 170 fee[ to the point of beginning. Containing 1.192 acres more or less; provided however, [he City reserves the westerly 25 fee[ thereof for an unobstructed perpetual easement for water and sever lines and drainage over, under and across said property. In consideration of including in the above description [he twenty-five (25) foot easement, [he sellers and their successors and assigns agree ttia[ they will maintain said westerly twenty-five (25) foot easement Sn an acceptable and workmanlike manner. Section 2. Selva Linkside Partnership, a Florida General Partnerst~lp consisting of Louis B. HacDonell, Billy H. Arzie, John A. Herrf t[ III, and J. Thomas Cay, in tonsideretion of the provisions contained in Sec tfon 1 herein, agrees to convey by warranty deed [o the CS[y of Atlantic Beach the following described properly, and in addition [hereto, $9,056.00 fn cash: ._ _. .. NCTICE OF PDHLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH No[ice is hereby given the Cicy Commission of the Cicy of Atlantic Beach will told PUBLIC HEARINGS an August 10, 1987 a[ 7:15 p. m. a[ City Hall, 716 Ocean Blvd. for [he purpose of hearing and. considering the views of the public concerning [he following proposed Ordinances: ORDINANCE N0. 65-87-16, AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACATING, AND ABANDONIHC THAT CERTAIN ROAD EASEMENT AND/OR ROAD RIGHT-0F-NAY UESCRIBED IN O.R. VOLUIDi 2509, PAGES 576, 577, AND 576, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS A4L OP LOT 725, AND THE WEST FIFTY (60) FEET OF LOT 736, ALL AS SHONN ON THE PLAT OF SECIION 3, SALTAIR, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10, PAGE 16, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DWAL COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE N0. 95-87-32, AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO SELVA LINKS IDE PARTNERSHIP IN EXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROPERTIES, MONIES, AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AS SET FORTH HEREIN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All persons interested are notified [o be presenC at said time and place and [hey shall be heard. Copies of the Ordinances are on file in the City Clerk's office at City Hall. If a person decides [o appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need [o ensure chat a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is [o be based. Published: Beaches Leader 7/29/87 - Purchase Order 01656 Posted: City Hall Post Office +lr.-- 3. { ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 4 24-255 (b) Ominag4 waferrouraes Where a sulxlivision v traversed by a waterrourae, canal, drninegeway, nonnavigeble channel or stream, there shell be provided a storm water ease- ment or drainage righ4of-way conforming aubetantielly with the lines ofthe watercourse, and each further width or cone W coon, or both, m will ba adequate for the purpose. (c) Other drainage easements Other easements may be required for drsinege purposes of each size and location m may be determined by the sdminietrative oRiciel. (d) Pedestrian and service eosemen/a Where necessary for nfety and ronvenience, pedes- lrisn and service eawmanb or rights-ofway may be provided. (e) No ci(y eapcnse Easements required by these regulations within propoxd subdivi- eiona shall be provided et no expense m the city. (Ord. No. 90-82-74, 4 2(IV, E, 3), 7-26-82) Sec. 24-254. BIocW. (e) CeneraL The lengths, widths and shapes of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: (1) Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needy of the use rontemple4d; (2) Zoning requirements n to lot sizes end dimemions; (3) Ntn~ds for convenience access, circulation, control end safety of atreel and pedestrian treflic end fire protection. ' (b) Dock lengths Block lengths shall not exceed twelve hundred (1200) feet between inlereocting elreeta, except that the city may approve blfxW of greater length. (Ord. No. 90.82.74, 4 2([V, E, 4), 7-26.82) - Sec. 24.255. Lola. (a) CrneraC The lot size, width, depth, shape and orientation, end the minimum building setback lines shall be appropriate for the location of Lhe subdivision end (or Lhe type of development snd use contemplated Lot arrangement and design shall be each Lhat ell Iota will provide ntiafaclory end dnirable building site. to m emnt ehaU • lot have • widW of lei than saventy4lve (75) teat d the building Bns, aor shall it eootaia ks~ than seven thsa~od 6n hundred ff,500) aquae fist (b) Dimensions Lot dimensions shall conform to the requueman4 of article III of this chepteq and: (1) Residential optic leeks or walla Reiidential Iota proposed with individual wells and/or eeptit lank diapanl fields shell conform to the stsnderds of the department of health, welfare end bio-enrironmental eervim of the city end the Florida Depart- ment of Ifeelth and Rehabilitative Senicee. (2) CommercisC indwtria! o/%s(ree( parking. Depth and width of propertin reserved or laid out for rommerciel end industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for the 1481 ~_ -- 4 24-188 ATLANTIC BEACfi CODE established prior to the adoption of any regulation controlling eubdivieion, the parcel shall be approved by the city commission by the same procedure, rules snd regulations as for a aubdiviaion. (b) Protedure /or aubdiuiaions where (inure reaubdivision is indirnled Whenever s parcel of lend is subdivided and the subdivision plat shows one (11 or more Iota containing more than one (1) acre of land and there are indications that the Iota will eventually be reaubdivided into smell building eitee, the city tommieaion may require the el~oivance for future opening of streets end the ultimate extension Of edlacent atnxb on thsl parcel of lend. Eexmen[s providing for the future opening end extenfon o[ the eUtets may be made a requirement of the plat. (e) Combination ar rceombina/ion oJpreutowly plafhd lots No combination or recombina~ lion of portion of previously platted lots ie permitted when new parcels or residual parcels smeller than any of the original'Ibts are created, unlex otherwise permitted under townhouse regulation. (Urd. No- 90.82-74, § 2(IV, A, 3), 7.2G82; Ord. No. 9083.82, 4 1, 12.12-83) Sec. 24.189. Vacation of plats. An applicant may apply for the vacation of any plat or any part of any plat at any lime .1 before the Bale of any lot therein, by a written intrument, to which a copy of the plat shall be attached, requesting the same to be vacated. - (Ord. No. 80-82-74, § 2(IV, A, 3), 7.26.82; Ord. No. 90-8382, § 1, 12-12-83) Seca. 24190-24200. Reserved. DIVISION 2. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Sec. 24201. General requirements. s -. IL shall be unlawful (or any person to submit a plat for the subdivision of land ro the clerk of the circuit court of the county or his reprexntative for the purpose of recording the plat in llie o(fu oC the clerk until the plat hn been spproved by the city eommineion under lh< provision of thin article and signed by the mayor. If en unpprortd plat is recorded, it shall be stricken from Ute public records upon the adoption of an appropriate resolution by the city commission. No changes, erasure:, modification or revision shell be made in any plat ` approval by the city commission without the wnsent of the city commixion. (Urd. No. 90.82.74, 4 2(IV, B, 1), 7-26-82) See. 24202. Plst review procedure. There ere three (3) stages of review for plst approvsl: Lhe concept plan renew, the - preliminsry plat review, and the fine) plat approval. The adminietnUve official shall check each stage of review for wniatency with the compreltenive plan end article III of this 1466 -- -- -- - JI ~ .. ~ °I i I -. I I ~ I G'PtivICY FF.vCi ~ ~ ~aAYi wI y . ~ i .o, •;, I -- - ~~ ~ p o; Ni i i I ~ r -------- "r-r . I I y I i _ S ~A r:L I . .;.; i Q I I I ~ .; w. Z __ I f '. I >; V I -1,) ~ I ti .. '~ , I I ~f t}~ A OV I lA ,'{{t ~ry~ ~.,,i . ~ o• I 1 7 i I l t~ -}~ ~ i 4~:b~tTd F i- I i I i I !'; ~~ ° v4 7 ''e~tl.~ i gaol if. ~ I . p ~ .: i. ;.i'~.]'`i.? frtb I NouiF. v :o ~r__ ~ .. ~, I ~i#, I « ~ o` 7. `. __ s7:G~____ ~_ . _...._7v .~_ yi . !II - - C~ I }I PtOPfR1Y LiwL So=o" 1 _. _ .. - -- --------- ELEy~/11T~ S'J-,l?EET ~ W v2 o~ v h w i Junc 12.1987 Pe[ic ion to the C[ty of A[lan[ic Beach Subject: Request for except ion [o Ordinance to sobdl. ide properly a[ 1144 Eas[ Coast Drive [o build a sine'e iamlly home . O.rners: Wo.lcy 6 Cyndi Bunce Please consider our request [o build a single Eamt ly home on our present loc. The foiloving neighborhood ovnero surrounding subject property have signed in favor of our incentlons. We believe Che completed project mill enhance [he community vi[h a new structure. 3[ is our opinion [ha[ [he change viii not significantly alter the dens[Cy of our fine neighborhood. NAME 8 ADDRESS PNONE t~ ~ a7.~L - 2707 3ab` z~stf~ ~. ~~. ~_ \L°.C,.M,.nai ~. ~t7SS N ioab ~.Co~sfi ~,,. 1 "~~~11~ (iG V~~C~/ F~/~' ~-/ ezr.~~t,~ct~/A~ea.P~ . /~ ~' / u C" a 7~~"1ii S2T .lot->v1-..:, /~°'~" ~"L 3Lz-33 2~C-~Y~5O ~ ~q y,Yat a~s~~L3y V y 11~ ~I ~ Z _ _ r I w ~ ~ w J i y ~ _ L ' - - - -- : r ! fM •T I _ -T-~1 fT f'T7 w j r SIT: r~ 6. The tract proposed for acquisition is under one ownership and occupies approximately 7 acres. If the property is acquired by one owner, development of this property for another use other than single family would be desirable if feasible. 7. The property is located with good access off of Atlantic Boulevard and Mayport Road. 8. The property has potential as a park, either passive or active, or as a possible solid xaste disposal site. 9. If the Section H area develops to its potential, additional park land would be desirable and necessary to maintain a high quality of life for its residents. 10. The city needs to purchase the property before the platted lots are sold and developed individually. I have included a map for your review. If you need any additional information or a site development plan for the property, please contact me. Sincerely, i ~' ~ , ~ ~y ~ Vii'/~~. ~nis K. Fleet, AICP President JKF:rl Enclosure ,. Q FLEET 3 ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS/PLANNERS, INC. ROberi S FI¢et, AIA Janis K Fleet. AIGP July 24, !987 Mr. Richard Fellows City Manager City }fall Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Acquisition of 7 Acres of Land on Atlantic Boulevard for Public Use Dear Mr. Fellows: After a site review of the subject and analysis of existing and proposed development in Atlantic Beach, the acquisition of the subject property would be beneficial to the city for the following reasons: 1. Atlantic Beach is becoming a totally developed city, with very little vacant property remaining. Areas in Atlantic Beach vest of P}ayport Road are developed or are planned for development. The only large tracts of vacant land in the city are located in the "Section H" area vest of Mayport Road. 2. The Sectioc. H land has been platted and contains dedicated street right of ways. The property contains a diversity of ovnership. Each lot is approximately 50 x 100 ft. or .11 acres. 3. Acquisition of property with a diversity of property ovnership to develop the area for a purpose beyond individual lot development is extremely difficult. 9. The existing make up of the property being platted subdivision would maY.e it very difficult for a private developer to provide amenities during development for recreational purposes. 5. The potential for additional land in Atlantic Beach for public purposes is very limited. The city needs to project additional property and acquire undeveloped land in large tracts when available for future public use. 2970 Rnrlley Roatl • Suite 204 • .lacktinn alie. Ronda 3'2217 • 19041 262-4473 c f-. ,~ - spend $14,000.00 for vh ich the Ci[y would be 6111 ed, [o make repairs to [he outfall pipes and pier. An engineering s[ud7 authorized by Che Ci[y and conducted by Smith and Cillesple indicated [hat only $1,000 to $2,000 worth of repairs were needed. Another exaap le vas [he extension of a small amount of water main in Che Buccaneer Na[er and Sewer Dis- [ric[ where Jax Utilt ies Management had quoted a price of $3,000.00 to $3,500.00 [he City and the Ci[y, using its own forces, and properly accounting for men, material, labor hours, etc. had installed the line for less than $1,000. Other instances were also trough[ out where the private operator appeared to he padding expense items in order [o develop greater revenue for laz L'[ilities Management. Further discussion ensued relative [o Che written proposal which Jax Utilities Management had submitted for taking over [he City's utility operation. Following an in-depth discussion, it was [he unanimous consensus of the comet i[tee [he proposal made by ]ax Utilities Management was unacceptable in its present form and for further consideration a much more detailed presentation would have to be prepared. It vas also agreed that to allow Jax Utilities llanagemen[ [o come in and oh~sica lly inspect [he plant etc. would create a morale problem for the existing City employees and the only way [hat could be handled would possibly he through some type of a consulting contract where Jax Utilities Manage- ment would make an efficiency stony of the utility system and submit the study [o the CL[y. FollowinS this discussion, the question reverted tack to whether or no[ [he City should consider caking over the Buccaneer utility. It seemed the maj pricy of the committee felt, that in general terms, the City could operate [he Buccaneer Water and Sewer District for the same cr less Chan Jar. Utilities Management, but as discussion regarding these positions developed, all present concurred [hat a more detailed breakdown relative [o administration and overhead applied to the cost of the operation should he prepared and [he detailed report be presented back [o [he committee for further study. In closing, the chairman summed up [he meeting and requested [he minutes shoe [he recommendations of the cowoi[[ee to be [ha[ [he present pro- posal from Jax Utilities Management for operating the Atlantic Beach utility is not workable in its present form, and as [o [he question of the City taking over the Buccaneer Nater and Sever District, that a more detailed financial analysis needs [o be prepared 6y the City administra- tive staff for reconsideration by the committee at a later date. There being no further discussion, the meeting vas adjourned at 8:15 PM. kl= ~, coMMITTEe Mlnuxes The committee appointed [o evaluate the u[f li[y operations of [he City vis-a-v is, [he utility operations of the Buccaneer Water and Sever District, me[ on Wednesday, August 5, 1987, in the Ci[y Hall Commission Chamber. The meeting vas called to order at 7:00 PM by the chairman, Commissioner Glenn Edwards. Committee members present were Commissioner N.I. Culliford, Ci[y Manager Fellows, and Finance Director Royal. Also present were Coamiissioner John Morris and Public Services Director Bob Braf d. The chairman announced the meeting was called for [he purpose of de- termining whether or not [he City should take over the operation of [he Buccaneer Water and Sever Dis[ritt, and if no[, whether [he Ci[y should consider contracting out [o a private firm [be remainder of [he CS[y of Atlantic Beach water and sever utility. Considerable discussion ensued with Commissioner Culliford pointing out [hat he vas strong Ly oppsed [o [he City taking over [he Buccaneer Water and Sever Dis[ric[ operation until [he bonds had been paid off. Ne pointed out he felt the utility should be kept completely separate and distinct from any of tl~e City's operations, for only in [his way could it be shown that [he district survived and grey on its own merits without any outside assistance Crom [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach utility or its [azpayers. Further discussion took place regarding [he operation of the Buccaneer Water and Sever District and its proposed operation for [he new year. Finance Director Royal pointed out the u[il.i[y planned to hire one new operator and that [here were presently two full time office employees dedicated [o [he administrative acciv i[ies of [he Buccaneer Water and Sever District. I[ was also pointed out Che current budget anticipates [he continuation of [he $35,000 to $40,000 annual management fee. Co~mnissloner Morris wondered whether or not it you ld be necessary [o hire additional people ff the City were to cake over the utility and wondered whether Puhlic Services Direc [or Braid would be spread too thin and would therefore need an assistant. Public S_rvices Director Braid reported that at the present time all orders for new services and meters in the Buccaneer Water and Sever District are cleared [hrcugh Che Ci[y of A[lan[IC Beach Public Service Department, and the matter of impact fees and developer agreements continue to be handled through the City. Commissioner Edwards pointed out Jax Utilities Hanagemen[ vas subcon- tracting out all of their lab work and felt the City of Atlantic Beach with their own laboratory, could be able to do that part of the work cheaper. C icy Hanager Fellows pointed out several instances where the operators of the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District had attempted to undertake repairs in excess of what [he actual work required, e.g., he pointed out Jax Utilities Management had indicated by letter they intended to w.. ^y~~ V 1 O.~ j F 1 c 5 r °3"i .,ter ~~ , KI 4 l` ~ l Ly' rc U a c F I x W u° 41 t LL ~ W V ~V r1 6 6 J u w~ W ~W M 3 61 ~ ~ ~«• c. e ~I f ~,:._ ~ .~ S3J.S 3NIIYSYf ~ Y ~~= .' r m ~; ~ h ~r° 0 ,L33 HYS "1 ~ ,/ YIN003H __. ~~!l''~ „~ ~'1 ~ '-_.~i ~% ~ '~~~` .a ~ \~: ~,~ .,, r~~ ,~ ~. ~ , ~~/9) fr~ , ~ ~~~~ S If conditions are discovered which lead to the belief that material errors, defalcations or other irregularities may ezist, or if any other circumstances are encountered that require eztended services, we will promptly advise the City Council and appropriate management. No extended services will be performed unless they are authorized in the contractual agreement or in an amendment to the agreement. . We will familiarize ourselves with and comply with the provisions of any and all Federal, State and City orders, statutes, ordinances, Charter, bond covenants, Administrative Code and Orders, rules and regulations which may pertain to the work required in the engagement. If in the future, should the City require additional services, we will provide those services to the City at a rate or Eee which is both agreeable to the City and to us. As discussed at the City Council meeting of June 24, 1985 and in our engagement letter dated July 3, 1985 ou: Eees for the above services will be 512,000. Again, having the City of Atlantic Beach as a client is important to me and every member on the engagement team. I can assure you that we will spare no effort in serving your City. Sincerely, ~/ ~h~l~L-~" Jam s J. Scheuer Partner-In-Charge cc: Richard Fellows, City Manager Harry Royal, Finance Manager •us_: -.. Delatte Haskins Self C dPLC(1 Pu hLC Accouman~s Mr. William S. Nowell, City of Atlantic Beach City Hali 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida Deer Mayor Howell: Mayor 32233 6une 1240 200 Wes Forsyth S~reer JacksonvJle. Flonda 32202-4371 (9041354-8333 ITT Tele.. 4995642 August 6, 1987 Based on our understanding of your expectations and requirements for the 1987 audit, we summarize below the scope of our proposed services for the upcoming year: We will examine the general purpose financial statement of the City of Atlantic beach, Florida as of and for the year ending September 30, 1987. Our audit will conform to the "Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities and Functions" published by the United States General Accounting Office and the Rules of the Auditor General of Florida relating to Annual Post-audit Requirements for Municipalities. If you desire, we will include as an attachment to the financial statements photocopies of the budget report. Our examination will also consider the combining and individual fund statements and schedules of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, in relation to the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. Issue a separate report on the City's compliance with the provisions of the Single Audi[ Act of 1984 (OMB Circ. A-128). Issue a management letter to the Mayor and City Commission with our recommendations for improving the City's system of internal controls, accounting policies and procedures, EDP operations, and the financial, accounting, and reporting system. Our broad obSective will be to translate the results of our audit into recommendations that will have maxiaum benefit to the City. MailSng List - Bid No. 8687-8 - Telephone Svscem, Public Safecv Build in Mr. Maurice Rodrigue, President - Telephone Sys [ems Division Nalker ielecommunca[ions Corporation , 200 Oser Avenue ' Hauppauge, N. Y. 11788 '~.. Communications Systems Engineering 2121 Corporate Square Boulevard, Suite 122 Jackosnville, FL 32216 - Mr. Fred DeC lemen[e - ielesytems In terna[ional ' 9850 Atlantic Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 32211 Iris Brovn, Communications Consultant , Marcom Te lecommun icacions, Inc. '. 6020 Bovdendale Jackosnville, FL 32216 '.. Mr. Peter R. "Pete" Betk Communications Consultant 5055 Sunbeam Road Jackosnville, Florida 32217 ~, Mr. Larry Case Tel Plus Floz ida, Inc. 3419 Bills Road Jacksonville, Florida 32207 I Centel Business Systems 9428 Baymeadovs Road - Jackosnv111e, FL Southern Be it Advanced Systems 6622 Souchpoint Drive South Suite 300 Jacksonvilie, FL 32216 - Attn: Norma Jean May Ai6T 5900 Laka Ellenor Drive Suite 500 Orlando, FL 32809 Attn: Melissa Pierce-Hudson CITY OF ~ f~tlaxtu S"eaels - ~laxlda __. F'~.. _ _. _ July 21, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID ]I60CEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BOX Tb ArLANTIC BEACH. FI~RmA 91taa TELEPHONE 19MI R~9-T9Y6 NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive sealed bids in [he Office of the City Clerk, City Ha 11, P. O. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 3223], until 5:00 PM, August 7, 1987, to Furnish and Install Telephone System in Nev Public Safety Building, Atlantic Beach. Bids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "Bid No. 8687-8, Sealed Bid to Furnish and Install telephone cystem in Nev Public Safety Building, [o be Opened 7:15 PM, August 10, 1987." Plans of new Public Safety Building may be viewed a[, and apeclficatlons of telephone system may be obtained from, [he Office of the Purchasing Agent, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beath, telephone 246-2766. Portions of bids must be submf C[ed on fcrms furnished by [he City. Bid prices must remain valid for sixty (60) days after [he public opening of bids. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids oz parts of bids, waive informalities and technicalities, and to make the award in what is deemed to be in [he best interest of the City of Atlantic Beach. Joan LaVake Purchasing Agent # # # R k # R # * * # # # * R * # * # * * # * # R * * * * # # * * # # FLORIDA 7IlOiS-ONION: please publish one time first available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. aid No. 8687-7 - Certain Toying from Nithin the f.ity of Atlantic Beach MAILING LIST Mr. James Johnson DOUG'S TOWING 89 Yest 4th Street Atlantic Beach, FL ]2233 Mr. C. H. Stanford BEACH BODY COMPANY, INC. 922 7th Avenue South Jackoonville Beach, FL 32250 ALL PRO T04INC d AUTOMOTIVE 2144 Mayport Road Jacksonville, FL 32233 ~- CITY OF ,4ser~ a~ - ~ ( 2?i _._. _.. _ _._ _ _~__ - - __. July 21, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN INVITATION TO BID 1I60CEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BO%SS ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORmA ae731 TELEPHONEIWII t~3raa6 NOTICE is hereby given thac the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive sealed bids in the Off Sce of the Ci[y Clerk, Ci[y Hall, P. 0. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, until 5:00 PM, Augue[ 7, 1987, for Certain Vehicle Toving from v:thln the City of Atlantic Beach, For a one year period beginning vich etfeccive date of avard by City Commission. SCOPE: Toving will be by authority of [he Atlantic Beach Police Depart- ment and shall include but not be limited to vehic lea abandoned, illegally parked, seized d forfeited, involved in traffic hcmic ids, and chose to be used as evidence. HOT included are vehicles involved in standard traffic acddents wherein the owner of [he vehicle will be responsi63e for its towing. Vehicles will be Coved [o and stored a[ premises owned by the Bidder and established for [his purpose. Bidders must include fee charged for daily storage of vehicles. The successful bidder will be required co abide by Wrecker Rules and Wrecker Operators' Qualifications as established by [he Atlantic Beach Police Depar [men [. A copy of these regulations may be obtained from Joan LaVake, Purchasing Agen [, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, telephone 246-2766. Bids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "Bid Bo. 8687-7, Sealed Bid for Certain Toving from Within the City of Aclantic Beach, to 6e Opened 7:15 PM, Auguat 10, 1987." Bid prices proposed for the one-year period must remain valid for sixty (60) days after the public opening of bids. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids, valve informalities and [echnicalltles, and to make [he avard Sn what Ss deemed to be in the best interest of the Ci[y of Aclantic Beach. Joan LaVake Purchasing Agent * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * * * * * FLORIDA TIMES-UNION: Please publish ol.e came first available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. z. ~:_ PACE FIVE MINUTES JULY 27, 1987 Miscellaneous- con cinued Mayor Howell announced [he Polly B dancers would be arriving home on Friday night a[ 11:05 p.m. at [he airport from the Soviet Union. Ne encouraged all present [o be a[ the airport to welcome [he group home. The Mayor reminded [he Cortaission the contract with Jax Utilities for Buccaneer Water S Sever Distr ic[ would be coming due soon. Mr. Harry Royal, Finance Direc [or furnished a statement of changes in working capital for [he water and sever system a[ [he request of [he City Manager on the Buccaneer plan[. The es[ima [es were as fo llovs: Water system, working cash of $33,000 over $6,000 last year. Sewer system, working cash of $113,000 over $61,000 last year. Restricted Assets: Sever system $763,000 over $:86,000 last year. Water syscem $256,000 over $177,000 last year. Fo Moving discussion, Mayor Novell appointed Coomiss Toner Edwards [o chair a Conwit[ee to evaluate the entire utility syscem for the city. Commissioners Culliford and Morris, and Mr. Fellows will serve on the Comnit[ee. they will submit [heir recommendations to the Commisslo at [he next meeting. There being no other business to come before [he Commission, the Mayor declared Che meeting adjourned a[ 7:58 p. m. William S. Novell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City Clerk NAME OF COF~dE1S. M S V Y V N P:\CE F'OCR "lI NCT ES JULY 27, 1987 10. Action on Resolutions -continued Motion: Passage o[ Resolution No. 87-2i. Copy of said Resolution attached herzto and made a pare thereof. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. k k * k * * * * * # * * r. x * # # x x k k x # * * * * * * x 11. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 9i-87-32 - firs[ reading AN ORDINA.tiCE AUTHORIZING THE TR.L\SFER OF CERTAI\ REAL ESTATE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH i0 SELVA LINKS iDE PARTNERSHIP IN EXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROPERIIES, MONIES, AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AS SET FOPTH HEREI PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Novell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 95-87-32 on firs[ reading. Mo Cion: Passage of Ordinance No. 95-B7-32 on first reading. Following discussion before the voce, the question vas called and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Novell se[ [he Public Hearing for August l0, 198>. * * * fi * k * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * f * * * * B. Ordinance No. 65-87-16 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE CLOSING, VACAT INC, AND ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN ROAD EASEMENT AND/OR ROAD RIGHT-0F-NAY DESCRIBED IF 0/R VOLUME 2509, PACES 576, 577, AND 578, HORE PARTICLIARLY DESCRIBED AS ALL OF LOT i25, ANI THE f7EST FIFTY (50) FEET OF LOT 736, ALL AS SHOH1: ON THE PLAT OF SECT 3, SALTAIR, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOR 10, PAGE 16, OF THE PLBLIC RECORDS DWAL COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Hayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 65-87-16 of firs[ reading. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 65-87-i6 on Eirsc reading. No discussion before the vote. Notion carried unanimously. Mayor Novell se[ the Public Hearing for August I0, 198i. k * * * * * * * * * t * k * * k * * i * * k * * k k * * k k k # k Miscellaneous In response t~. Cosmissioner Culliford's question, Mr. Fellows said D< Ford, Building Inspector, would be attend inK the F1. Shore b Brach Preservation Association's Conference. Ne will submit a report on thi conference upon his return. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y v N Cook x Edwards x Cull iford lforris Hovels xi Cook x Edwards z x Gulliford I x x Morris l x Howell I N Cook ( x Edwards x x Gulliford z . Fbrris x I x ~ n Pacts THROE nusuTes ]ULY ?7, 198i 7. Use Ly Exception by E. Conrad Cowart - continued Mayor Novell acknowledged application for use by exception by [. Conn Cowart to cone [rust mini storage facilities in a CG distric c, and se[ a Public Nearing for August 10, 1987. 8. ADpl ication by Mealy Street Properties for ac cep[ance for i:.a in tenai of Che £n.fras[ruc[ure lmp rovemen[s in [he Mav~orc Industrial Park Pro ?ir. Fellows reported ali necessary documents had been received, with exception of [he sever as-builts and [he engineer's certification. Bo would be received by the end of the week. Motion: Accept for maintenance [he infrastructure improvements in [he Mayport Industrial Park Project by Mealy S[. Propert ie subject to receipt of the sewer as-builts and the engineer certification. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * S * * * * * * * k Motion: Authorize the Mayor [o appoint a Committee to solicit bids under the Competitive Negotiations AcC and report back wit a .CCO..¢Lenda r10,1 LJ Lhe LOlM is alOn. During discussion, the suggestion was made co advertise [he city wool pay a consul[irg Firm a fee, no[ [o exceed 67., of [he total project cost, as part of the solicitation for competitive negotiations. The question vas called and the motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :.- * R 30. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 87-25 Maymr Howell presented in full, in writing, Resolution No.Bi-2i, a Resolution making budget transfers for the purpose of providing addil funds for the paving and drainage improvements in Russell Park, and t adjustments fnr the Cicy Manager. ~,_ -. NAME :iF CO!dMRS. M S ~ Y v N i e I I 'c[ e Cook x Edwards x x Gullifard x x Morris I x Novell x L i on ' I L Cook x h Edwards ~ x cullitord i x x ' NOrC15 % % d Novell x SFUal ~ ~ a ary Discussion vas held on methods of selecting engineering services. The suggestion vas made to appoint a Committee chat vas not made up of Commissioners co screen and rank the applicants in one, cvo and three order. The Commission would approve their ranking. The Cortani[[ee shoo be instructed co interview and dscuss [he matter with each firm ttr;c submitted a proposal before they made their ranking. ,. P.\CE T4+0 MLR UT ES JULY 27, 1987 3. Committee Reports - continued agreed [he proposed layout vas the best and they recommended the city proceed with paving [he parking area at Russeil Park. $]0,000 was budE ed for FY 86-87. The Commi[Cee recommended $28,840.00 be transferred c of General Fund cash reserves to capital projects to fund the balance. Lights were included Sn [he recommendation. Notion: Proceed with [he paving and drainage improvements in Russell Park, and award Che bid [o Land Formations, the iov bidder, in [he amount of $58,840.00. $30,000 was budges ed and the balance of $28,840.00 to come from fund balance of Capital Projects. During discussion, Commissioner Gulliford expressed concern on ct,e ability of [he Eire trucks co make Che turn into the back door of the fire bays. If the parking lot was paved now, and a boxed culvert had i be put in over the ditch lacer to enable the fire trucks to make the [urn, it would impact the parking spaces, etc. which could be costly. Following discussion, the question vas called and the motion r.arried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4. Commission discussion and action relative co accepting a sever lim easement across property owned by the Cormsunity Presbv[erian Church Item 4 vas deferred until the next meeting. Ci Mr. Fellows asked for an amendment to [he lase paragraph. MoCia~: Hove to amend the Personnel Rules and Regulations Sec.4. 12 Accrual and Use of Compensatory time in lieu of overtime pay with corrections as noted. No discussion before the voce. l5~tion carried unanimously. * * z z * * z z z x * * * z z z * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Bunce of Nr. Bunce vas no[ present co appeal so the item vas passed until the next meeting. 7 NAME OF COMMP3. M 5 v Y v N t- [ ~ Cook xl x Edwards x Gulliford x Norris x x Howell x Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Not ris x x Rowell x t a r[ MINUTES OF THE RECUI.AR >fEET INC OF TBL A1'LANT IC Y, h_\CH CITI' CO!'iMISSION HELll AT CITI' NALL ON JULI' ?7, 1587 :\T ]:l5 P. M. PRESENT: William S. Novell, iffiyor/Presiding VC[ic er Robert 8. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards William I. Gulliford, Jr. John W. Lb rris, Jr., Commissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City I1anager Claude L. Mullis, City At rorney Adelaide R. Tucker, C3[y Clerk The meec ing vas called [o order by Mayor Nowell. The invocacion,offer by Commissioner Cook vas followed by [he pledKe [o the flag. 1 App o 1 of the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July l3, 1987 Motion: Minutes of [he regular meeting of July 13, 1987 be approved as written. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * h * # * * * 2. k:ecoRn it ion of Visitors Mt. Scot[ Prescott, 306 Plaza, a new resident [o Atlantic Beach, com- plained abouc the police deFar[men[ having his car coved away, cos[in him a total of $73.00. Hecalled [he police department and vas cold h car vas blocking [he driveway. The police spokesmen also [old him [he heard he had torn up a previous ticket Sssued the week before for packing on the grass Sn front of his house. Ne explained [here vas n< driveway on his propercy, only a sidewalk. Mayor Novell responded the it vas his understanding Mr. Prescott had been warned the week before he should not to park his cars [here. ChieF Thompson advised the ci t} adopted an Ordinance prohibiting parking on sidewalks, and instructec [he police department [o tow any vehicle parked on a sidewalk. Mr. Prescott vas d[ed on 7/3/87 for parking on the pavement, a[ which C he was warned. He vas cited again on 7/8/87. The car vas [hen coved. Commissioner Morris asked Mr. Prescott if he had space for off-street parking, and he replied Ln [he affirma [ive. 90% of [he time he parkea in [he front, buC would not do so in the future. Coranissioner lb rris told him it vas sad, but grouch had made the city star[ co enforce tl rules. 3. Committee Reports: A. Report by Cortunis stoner Bob Cook on the Coruni tree recommendations relacive to paving and drainage bids for Russell Park Commissioner Cook reported the Corvoi[tee met on Tuesday, July 2],198 in [he City Hall conference room to evaluate bids submitted by three companies on the paving and drainage improvements in Russell Park, a make a determination as w vhe [her to proceed with [he project, and so, where the funding vas to come from, and whether or not the appar low bidder vas qualified. After discussioK various layouts, the Comun ME OF COMMRS. M O T [ O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E 5 V O T E D N O Cook x Edwards Gulliford x Morris Howell Y t I 7 id tf e i[ ee 10. Action on Resolutions: A. Adoption of Resolution No. 87-27 commending the officers and men on [he return of the U.S.S. Stark [o [he Hayport Naval Station 1 L Action on Exceptions: A. Public hearing on an application for an exception by Conrad Cova rt Co construct mint storage facilities on Mayport Road adjacent to [he Ci[y of Atlantic Heath Na[er Plane No. 2 (The Commun itv Development Roard recommends approval) l2. Action on Ordinances: A. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 65-87-16 closing, vacating and abandoning [ha[ certain road easement and/or right-of-vay over ali of Lot 725 and [he vest 50 feet of Lo[ I36, Saltair Subdivision B. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 95-Bi-32 authoriz ing [he transfer of certain real estate of Che City of A[lant it Beach Co Se lva Linkside Partnership in exchange for other properties, monies, and other considerations l3. City Commf ssion acknovledgfng receipt of proposed city budget for fiscal year beginning October 1, 1987 14. Miscellaneous Nayot to call on City Commissioners, City AttC rney, Cfty Nanager, and City Clerk for reports and/or requests Adjournment is }. - AC ENDA CITY OP ATLANTIC BE.4C8 AUGUST IQ, 1987 Call w Order ~ ', Invocation and pledge to the flag I 1. Approval of the minutes of [hc regular meeting of July 27, 1987 ?. Recognition of visicors ' 3. Bid Openings: A. Rec eip[ of sealed bids for vehicle [owing within [he City of Atlantic Beach for a one year period B. Receipt of scaled bids for furnishing and installation of a ~ telephone system in [he new Public Safety-Building 4. Appea: a-.. es: A. Julie Andeaon of the North Duval Beaches Assoc ia[fon to present pet3[ion from properly owners requesting rezoning of property in [he North Atlantic Beach area B. Susan Tripp requesting renewal of the audit contract between Deliotte, Naskins and Sells and [he City of Atlantic Beach for a fee of $12,000.00 ' 5. Application from Reuhen and Janie Bennet[ for exception to the sever moratorium in Section H 6. Committee reports: i A. Report by Commissioner Glenn Edwards on conuni ttee de116- ~ era[ions relative to public vs. private operation of the Ci[y and Buccaneer Mater and Sever District utility systems i 7. Discussion by the City Commission on [he desirability of authoriz- ing the CEty Nanager and City Attorney to conduct negotiations for i [he possible acquisition of additional land for public use ' i B. Authority for [he Ci q• Nanager to continue arrangements with Gocdvins Beach Cleaning Service on a month to month basis through September 30, 1987, for the cleaning of Atlantic eeaches 9. Hr. Nesley Bunce appealing a dedsiun of Che Community Development Board denying him authority [o suhdivide property at 1144 East j Coast Drive i A:, ... ., k~ _r Pawed by :.be City Commiscion on first reading_______ Passed by t7:e City Commission or, second and final readiny______ ___________________________________________ Mill i:rm 5. Horell, Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved n.' to Foam and Gorrectne_::;: Claude L. Rullis, City Attorney (SEAL) ATTEST: _______________________ Adelaide R. Tucker, CtlC City Clerk v,. f ORDINANCE NO. 90-67-123 AN ORDINANCE ANEN DING THE ORDINANCE CODE: OF 1'H E: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, F'LOHIDA; AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND THE OFFICIAL ZUNING MAP OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH, F'LORIUA, TO NE`LONE LAND OWNED BY i'H OMAS J. BENNETT ANU DESCRIBED AS LOl' 772, EXCEPT THE WESTERLY 3 FEET THENEOF, '.dA LI'A 1R SECTION NU. 1 NENETO FROM HG-2 RESIDENTIAL fiENERAI. TO CG CUMMENCIAL GENENAL AND PNOVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WNEHEnS, The Commm~itl Development Board of the City of Atlantic Ueach hoc considered a request to change a zoning classiEice!.ion submitted by Thomas J. Bennett and conducted a public hea, my on samr. on August 16, 1967, and WHEREAS, The City Commission does exercise its porers to amend th r. Land Ucvclopmvut Code, including the Of Eicial "Loning Map, in order to encourage the appropriate use of land, and WHEREAS, The rezoning is consistent rith the Comprehensive ' Plan, and the rezoning will not adversely effect the health and safety of the reeideals ut the area, and rill not be detrimental '. to the natural environment or to tt,e use or development of the adjacent properties in the general neighborhood, NOW, THEREE'OHE, HE 1T UHDAINEU BY THE CITY COMM15S10N OF THE CI1'S' OF KOLA N'f1C BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Official Zoning Map of the City of Atlantic Beach is hereby changed to reflect the ner zoning of Lot 772, except the westerly the ee feet thereof, Saltair Section 1 Irom RG-2 Residential General to CG Commercial General. ,I Section 2. This ordinance shall become of iective immediately upon its adoption. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~- ORO INANC F. N0. 40-87-IS AN OHDINANC F. PROVIDING FOR THE GRANII Nf. OF A N^Il- E%CLUSIVF FRANCHISE TO OPERATE A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE NORTH SE.NINOLE BEACH AREA OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS A000MPA- NYING THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR CITY RF.CULATION OF THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEH; PRESCRIB- ING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE FRANCHISE PROVISIONS; AND ESTABLISHING GENERAL ROLES FOR THE APPLICATION PROCEDURES REQUIRED BEFORE GRANTING A FRANCHISE. ,. BE Ii ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. This Ordinance and Franchise Agreement attached hereto and made a par[ hereof, shall be known and may be cited as the ~ "Seminole Beach Cable Television Ordinance." Section ?. The Mayor and Clerk be, and they hereby are, au- ti~urized to execute a non-exclusive franchise agreement between the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach and Continental Cablevision of Jacksonville, Inc. for a non-exclusive cable television fra nch iee in the area known as S._m inole Beach. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect anon its adoption. ' Passed by the Ci[y Commission on first reading Passed by the City Conm~ission on second and final reading '' William S. Howell, Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as [o Form and Correctness: Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney (SEAL) ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk __ / Section 5. The total cost of this project shall no[ exceed $SI,000.00. Section 6. That the Ci[y is fiscally and legally responsible [o satisfactorily operate and maintain the projects in accordance with program requirements. Section 7. That [he City of Atlantic Beach adopted a recreation and open space element pursuant Co [he Local Government Comprehensive Planning Ac[ of 1975, and during [he developmenC of [ha[ act all segments of the public were offered an opportunity [o par[lc spate in the planning process, leading to adoption of the documents. Section 8. That the Ci[y will continue an on-going program of citizen participation through its Recreation Advisory Committee, which encourages involvement by all segments of the population within the City in the planning for the selection of recreation projects. Section 9. That the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program application become a par[ of this Resolution. Section 10. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect Smmediately after its passage and approval in [he manner provided by law. Introduced and adopted this day of , 1987 William S. Howell, Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Claude L. Mullis, Cf[y Attorney (SEAL) ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk ~Yfa., yky' ¢ct. 4 ~. ~.. ~. RESOLUTION N0. 87-JO A RESOLUTION AUTNORI7.TNG SHE CITY MANAGER TO GUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR FUNDING UNDER THE FLORIDA RECRE- ATfON DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR IMPROVEMENT OF RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AT RUSSELL PARK; DESIGNATING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE AS THE OFFICIAL LIAISON AC ENT; CONFIRMING THE A.NCUNT OF FUWS REQUESTED IN THE GRANT; CONFIRMING THE AVAILABILITY OF REQUIRED MATCHING FUNDS; CONFIRMING THE TOTAL COST OF THE PROJECT; CONFIRMING THE CITY'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DEVELOP, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE PROJECT; CONFIRMING THE CITY'S ON-GOING CONCERN FOR CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN PLA:ININC AND SELECTION OF RECREATION PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE NHEREAS, [he City of Atlantic Beach has prepared a gran[ aoplica- [ion for recreation Smprovemencs at Russell Park under the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program; and HHEREAS, it is a requirement of [he application that [his Resolu- tion be adopted and become an official par[ of Che application; NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1. That the City Manager Ss authorized to submit an application for Cunding under the Florida Recreation Development Assis- tance Program for the development of recreation improvements at Rus_=ell Park consisting of the following: One new shuffle board court and expansion of covered picnic area One new basketball court Racquetball Court roof and lights One new tennis court with two poles with lights Svo nev practice tennis slabs Playground equipment Section 2. That the Ci[y Manager or his designee is hereby designated as the official liaison agent and is authorized co execute ali appropriate documents and contracts for the purpose of administering [he gran[ for the Ci[y. Section J. That the C1 ty of Atlantic Beach is hereby requesting funds totalling $17,000.00 from [he Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program. Section 4. The required matching funds tntalling $34,000.00 are available in the form of cash from the City of Atlantic Beach General Fund, and will remain available until needed. am [: ~- P ~. hearing on [he budge[ and adoption of [he Ordinance or Resolution setting the millage, is scheduled for September 28, 1987. I shall await the decision of [he Mayor and Ctty Commission relative to the scheduling of workshops [o discuss [he proposed budget in detail. o We have authorized Durden and Associates Land Surveyors to survey and stake out Che flue foot beach access easement at [he foot of Six- teenth S[ree[ and the [en fco[ beach access easement a[ [he foot of Devees Avenue. Once we have this infotma[ton ve will contact Bill Whitfield a[ [he Uepartment of Natural Resources and see Sf ve can modify our present application for assistance on replacing sand fences co include the necessary construction of the beach access routes for not only Sixteenth and Oewees, but possibly Seventeenth and Twentieth depending on the outcome of [hose parcels which are in litigation. o The neu Ragtime restaurant has requested [he city provide Chem with a special type compactor with odor control, which we do not at the present have in stock. The purchase of such an item would run about $5,800.00 which could be amortized over a period of Cime, however, ve had a similar situation like this with Publix grocery and [he end result there vas since the Ci[v could no[ furnish the dumps[er, Publix signed a contract with BFI, and the City receives no income from the sanitation service a[ Publix. There may be ottas ions when i[ would be [o [he C i[y's benefit to alloy a particular business or instltut ion to contract with an outside firm where capital investment by the City would be significant. The City may want [o consider authorizing the granting of nor.-exclusive franchises [o BFt and Laidlav so chat in chose cases where ve approve such action [here would be some type of a franchise payment to [he CI[y and ve would receive something for allowing another firm [o coae in and provide a service which the Ci[y could not provide. This is just something for you [o think about. o Sunday, August 30, the Jacksonville Track Club will conduct the 23rd Mnual Summer Beach Run from Hanna Park to the Jacksonville Beach Lifeguard Sta[fon. The starting time of the race will be 6:30 PM and the City is being furnished a certificate of insurance as an additional insured during the ciao [he race is being held. The Track Club is word Snat ing this ac: ivity with the Atlantic Beath Police Department. i. ~.... _.. o Absent any obj ec[ion from [he City Commission, we will schedule an agenda item for Monday nigh[ authorizing [he Ci[y Manager and City Attorney, if the City Commission wishes, to open negotiations with the one or [vo property owners involved in the additional land in Section H adjacent [o the property already acquired. Along [his line, I enclose some comments from Flee[ and Associates, Planners, rho are doing the City's Comprehensive Plan relative [o this program of land acquisition and I feel the longer we wait Che more expensive the property is going [o become. o We have received such goad reports on Goodvin's Beach Cleaning Service, ve would like [o ask [he City Coamission for permission to extend his contract through the rest of the summer. The company empties all garbage containers on [he beach and [he street ends leading to the beach; provides daily patrol of the beach picking up all litter, and three times a mooch they mechanically clean the beach, sifting the sand down [o a depth of six inches [o get out broken bottles, cans, etc. They also rake up all seaweed and deposit it a[ the base of [he dunes to provide better dune support. The cost [o provide this service to [he end of. [he summer is $4,500.00. o Deloit[e, Haskins and Sells are finishing up the third year of [heir three year contract and will be seeking authority from the Ci[y Commission to proceed with [his year's audit. As originally negotiated with the auditors, the fee for the third year will be $12,000.00. Hs. Susan Tripp will be available to answer any questions. o Bids will be received on Monday night for vehicle toying and for the telephone system for [he New Publi< Safety Building. o Commissioner Glenn Edwards' committee has met [o discuss the feasibility of the City taking over the operation of the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District, or conversely, contracting out the Ci[y operation to private enterprise. Minutes of the committee meeting are enclosed and Co®lssioner Edwards will make his report on Monday nigh[. o There will be a public hearing on Monday night on an application by Hr. Conrad Cowart requesting a use by exception [o construe! mini s [o rage facilities on his property on Nayport Road that backs up to Water Plant No. 2. The present zoning is Commercial General. The Community Development Board has recommended approval. o Tvo Ordinances will be up for public hearing on Monday night. One is [he Ordinance Closing, vacating and abandoning portions of two lots adjacent to [he Community Presbyterf an Church in exchange for a sever line easement for an existing sever line. The other Ordinance author- tzes the transfer of certain real estate of the City of Atlantic Beach to Se lva Links ide Partnership 1n exchange for other properties, monies, and other considerations. o We are will have the proposed budge[ for Che fiscal year beginning October 1, 1987 for you on Monday nigh[. The first public hearing on adopting a [en[a[Sve budge[ and proposed mill age is now set for Monday, September 21, 1987, in a special meeting for [ha[ purpose. The final ~. Fn-.:-.. CITY OF 4 rgtCartie 6"eaelc - ~lo'uda August 6, 1987 1160C~AN BOULEVARD P. O.BO%tb ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA 32133 TELEPHONE 19011 t~92996 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commiss~iCo'n~er~s From: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager 1LJL_L'r- Subj ec[: BTATOS REPORT o We are enclosing [he minutes of the regular meeting of July 27, 1987 for your study as yell as any other material in your mailbox which you had not already picked up. o The Board of Trustees of the Atlantic Beach Pension Fund vas scheduled [o meet on Monday nigh[ Co consider further proposed pension benefit increases, but due [o the illness of police representative Carvin, the meeting vas cancelled. It has no[ yet been rescheduled but we will notify you as to [he date. o We informed you in [he last S[a[us Report that a meeting vas se[ for Wednesday, July 29, 1987, in City Hall [o meet with the residents of Salta it and discuss the parking and speeding problems in that neighbor- hood. Twenty to tvency-five residents turned out for the meeting which vas attended by [he City Hanager, the Chief of Polite and the Director of Public Services. Following a full discussion of the matter, it vas decided thac a firs[ step you ld be to post signs at [he intersection of Seminole Road/Seaspray and B¢minole Road/David Street that indicate) [here was no [hroug:: traffic. Second, "NO Parking on Pavement" signs would be erected on Magnolia from Seaspray to Sturd ivant. Residents agreed they would find o[ber means of parking their cars than on the pavement. We think chis will take care of [he problem for the present time, but wanted you co know ve had followed through on it. o The Ci[y Commission deferred action on Wesley Bunce's appeal at the last meet Sng because he did not attend. I contacted Nr. Bunce and he said he knee of the meeting but did not attend because [he Community Development Board had voted unanimously [o deny recommending that his lo[ be subdivided. 1 have notified him to be at the meeting of August 10. o Commissioner Edwards has suggested [ha[ a Resolution be prepared saluting the officers and men of the O.S.B. Btark which returned to Nayport Naval Station yesterday. A proposed Resolution is enclosed for your con slderacion. AUGUST s. bra..aa. r ~ ~~ j~.. ~..,, ¢. €; ._:.