09-01-87F... , ~[~~ xS60C F.AN BOULEVAAU _ ___ P. O. BO%25 ATLANTIC PEACH. FLOAH)A 3rill -- _~~ TELEPHONE ICI R~9TJx5 September 16, 1987 CITY OF ` ~sscQ~[tCC ~. _ MEMORANDUM To: The honorable Mayor and Clty Commismion From: The Community Development Board SubJeet: Board Actions of September 15, 1987 rlth Recowwendotfone Your Cowwunity Development Board took the following action^ of their regular westing on September 15, 1987: • The Beard granted a vsrience to Thowoe J. Bennett Eor hie property wt 675 Atlantic Boulevard. The variance rill allow construction of an addition to the Faehien Optical building directly on the property line, in line with the existing structure. " The Board granted a variance to M1111w^ Morgan and Nomer Huwphrlem for their property on Bemch Avenue (121' ride x 50' deep). The variance rill alloy construction rlth a front yard of 15', rear yard of 10' and side yards of 15' end 20'. • The Board granted a olds yard vorionce to Allan Mheeler end Robert Callender for their property on Neet Eighth Street, Lot 7, Block 3B, Svetien H. The vsrience rill mllor construction of their office/warehouse within 5' of the east side property line. " The Board recowwende approval of on wpplicotion for rorionee of the septic tank worstoriuw by Steeg Pluwbing Cowpony, provided they connect to public serer when it becowee avefloDle. The property iv located on Sterort Street in Section N. • The Board deferred setion on o petition oubwitted Dy North Dural Beochem Association to Born-zone two areav in the Seminole Beach ores. The Board asked the petitioners to provide et ef£ with nuem mnd oddreaeee of all property ornerm within 300' of the mub~vct areas eo that they could be notified by wmil. Singly, / ~ /~22'~gqq /~~~'~--~ ~E'A~Y~ Rene' Angers, Sec etmry Cowwunity bevel went Board MINUTES The meeting of the Professional Services Evaluation Committee was called to order a[ 2:00 PH on Thursday, September 24, 1987 in the City Manag- er's office, City Hall, Atlantic Beach, Florida. Present were Peter Johnson and Richard Fellows. Claude Mullis was absent. The City Manager reported to [he committee that he had asked [he Fire Chief and Police Chief to attend but [hat Police Chief Thompson's wife had just been taken [o the hospital expecting [he imminent birth of [heir third child and he had communicated vi[b the Ci[y Manager by telephone on behalf o£ himself and the Fire Chief. City Manager Fellows reported only one bid had been received, that from Ogilvie Electronics, Inc. in the amount of $7,421.00. Committee members discussed [he lone bid and [he Ci[y Manager advised invitations [o bid had been submitted [o five or six firms and, with [he exception of one reply from Baker Electronics and Communication of Lake Ci[y and a telephone contact with one of the ocher bidders, no interest had been expressed in the proj ec[. Baker Electronics of Lake Ci[y indicated [hey thought the spec if ica[ions were too restrictive in that i[ required [he bidder to expose all elements of [heir expense, including their profit, and further required the bidder [o contact Ogil iv ie Electronics [o determine methods for transfer which would neither nullify nor void any warranties or service contracts, with which [hey did no[ agree. One contact vas made by telephone by [he Purchasing Agent who vas told by the party [hey did not bid because there vas not really enough money in it to make i[ worth while. After considering all of [he discussion and options, it is the recommendation of the Professional Services Evaluation Committee [ha[ Che proposal be awarded to Ogilvie Electronics of 1712 Ogilvie Park Lane, Jacksonville, Florida, in [he amount of $7,421.00. SMITH •ND 61LlE9 PIE tNGIN EERa.INC. HOI10~able Mayor dnd City Commission City of Atlantic Beach S6G Project No. 8505.05-01 September 23, 1987..Page 7 We will be pleased to discuss this recommendation with the City Commission or the Gity staff at any time. Sincerely yours, ~'~, ~ Andrew R. May, P SMITH AND CILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. ARM/bda cc: Mr. Richard C. Fellows, City Manager / Mr. Robazt Braid, Director of Public Services ~- S ~u. ~: :,- -_ ~: SMITH ANn GILLE$PIE ENGIN EERS.INC. Nnnardble MdyOC and C.lty COmm15510n City of Atlantic Beach 56G Project No. 8505-OS-O1 September 23, 1987.. Page 2 Ne have discussed the possibility of raj etting all bids with FDER as to how it would affect the gran[ offer. Mr. Steve Fellerman, grants coordinator for FDER, indicated that the City always has the option to reject bids for good cause, and excessive cost Ls the most common cause for rejection. The City has 12 months to enter into a construction contract before penalties are invoked by EPA Co reduce the eligibility of the construction costs. The City could therefore, delay rebidding until the early part of 1988 and still meet the time deadline imposed by EPA for construction. The City has recently submitted for FD ER review an additional sewer rehabil- ication project to repair the defects found in Section 'B", and the remainder of Section 'A'. FDER indicates the earliest the nev gran[ offer can 6e issued is in the spring of 1988. Combining the nev grant project with the current grant proj eat may cause a problem in timing for the subject project to meet the EPA time limits for construction. There is the outside possibility of coordinating all factors to allow a combination of the two grant projects, but the likelihood at this time seems slim. There may also a problem Ln delaying a Major Sewer Rehabilitation project, such as the subject project, since the nature of the program is to repair defective sewers [hat are stzuc rurally deficient, with large cracks [hat could cause collapse and backups of the sewer system. The very delay itself may indicate to EPA that the cracks and breaks found rare not as serious as depicted in the reports submitted, which justified the grant offer to repair the defects. Since [his is a new program in EPA and FDER, this question may well pose a problem for continuing eligibility for the proj ec[. It appears that a solution to help the City obtain more favorable bids for the subject project would be [o add the work as authorized for Sanitary Manhole Reconstruction for nine (9) manholes in the Selves Marina Drive area Ln the Section "B" sever system. This would add approximately $60,000 to the construction costs, for a total cons [ruction estimate of approximately $160,000. Nhile the intent of the maMole reconstruction proj act is to replace some badly deteriorated manholes, which pose a potential danger of collapse, a slight delay of one or two months in advertising the manhole project does not appear to greatly increase the potential of manhole collapse. Therefore, it is recommended that [he current EPA funded project for Major Sever Rehabilitation in Section "A' be increased in scope to include [he project for Sanitary Manhole Reconstruction in Section "B' as an Additive Alternate Bid Item, which can be selected by the Ci[y based on cost. The project documents would require revision, and subsequent approval from FDER prior to readvertisement. w. -- a MITM AND GRLES PIE ENGINEERS, INC. cos+orn c[ eoz sv ]e JwGeaONV LLLE. iLOFIOn 32201 190/I J/]~ae50 September 23, 1987 Honotable Nayor and City Lomisslon City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subject: Recomendation to Reject Bids Major Sever Rehabilitation Section 'A" Sever System EPA Project No. 0120747060, Scep 3 SSC Proj sct No. 8505-OS-O1 Atlantic Beach, Florida Gentlemen: Pursuant to tha direction of the City of Atlantic Beach, No (2) proposal and bid forms were received on September 14, 1987, at 5:00 p.m., and opened in scheduled session of the City Comission at 7:15 p.m.,local time, for the subject project. All bids have been checked, verified and evaluated for conformance with the criteria set forth in the bidding documents and the intent of the plans and specifications. We have attached ten (10) copies of our certified tabulation of the bids for your use. After mutual consideration of all bids by our firm and the Bid Committee, we respectfully recommend that all bids be rejected due to excessive cost to the City over the stated budget as described in the Crant Offer by EPA. The budget for construction vas $95,548. The loves[ bid received vas for $170,555. If this bid vas accepted, the City could file for a Crant Amendment to increase the federal share of the lowest bid total. the City would have to fund 458 of the difference, or $33,753. Also, [he Grant amendment to increase the federal share is not always a certainty. The reason for the lack of bids vas examined. We found that the contractors had an extremely busy period of bidding on many projects, especially federal government projects for the Navy. Also, several contractors indicated the project vas fairly small in scope, and the added requirements of EPA led the contractors [o put their es tlmating energies toward ocher projects. It appears the time period for [his project vas not favorable to receive more responsive bidding. __ MINUTES The committee appointed to review [he bids on Section "A" Major Sever Rehabil i[at ion met on Thursday, September l7, 1987, by conference call ce le phone a[ I0: 3I1 AM. Detailed discussion took place rr lative to why the City had no[ received more bids [ban it iiad on [he pro jet[. Committee member Jacques pointed out that in addition to [he six or seven mailed notices the Ci[y sent out, Smi Ui anJ f.illcspie Engineers mailed out over forty notices of Use project anA faro is hcd seven plan shops with no[if ita[ion of [he proj etc. Jacques pointed nut bids were opened for a similar project in a pan-handle city the prevf ous night, and while [he size of [he contract vas larger, only one hid vas submitted, which fitted pretty cell vi q~ the situation ~~h icb existed here in A[lant is Beach. Further discussion ensued with Commissioner Cook asking what the alter- natives might be [o the si[uat ion. Coa®ittee member Jacques pointed out [he City could reject all bids and readvertise and combine the proj et[ with the project recently approved for the repair and repl ac amen[ of nine manl~o les along Selva Harina Urive. As another alternative, the project could be held over until the Sec tfon "B" sever cleaning proj ec[ vas completed and [lien combine the Section "A" and Section "B" pro]ec[s together, but he pointed out this would probably run into February or March of noxt year and could be quite a way off. The City Manager expressed some concern over the status of the nine manholes on Se lva Harina Urive and reminded the committee [ha[ this project had been authorized recently because of the severe deterioration of these man- holes and the expectation that a cave-in could occur. Further discussion ensued foil owing which it vas [he consensus of [he committee [hat a recommendation he forward ed Co the City Co~mission ChaC all bids be rejected, that the proj ec[ be readvertised and combined with the proj ec[ for the replacement of nine manholes on Selva Harina Drive and both projects be advertised as expeditiously as possible. There being no further dl scuss ion, the meeting vas adjourned at 10:50 A.Y. i $F.: 4 Y }. E ~,, Mr. Richard C. Fellows City of Atlantic Beach Septeuber 11, 1987 Page Two (c) Our letter of Septeober 1, 1987: SubJect - Adclnistrative Order 87-115 (WRP) Please advise when the Comtssion has approved Change Order No. 5 so that we .ay proarytly prepare the fors and docuaentatlon package for execution by you and the Contractor and subnltted for FDER review/approval. Meanwhile, by copy of this letter to Mr. Robert H. Ballard, P.E., we are notifying BMMB, FDER, of this pending ondlfication. Respectfully subwttted, ROBERT BATES i ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers Roberts, J- r., R.E. President RLB/Jcw Enclosures cc: Headors Construction Company (w/o encls.) Mr. Robert H. Ballard, P.E. (w/encls.) Mr. Kathleen Gerard (w/o encls.) ,... >. Robed Bates a Associalas, Inc. u; n~., e a~.. n~~.. n.. ~c. e. r'~ar, ~ ~ 322'1 September 11, 1987 Mr. Richard C. Fellors, City Manager City df Atlantic Beath 716 Ocean Boulevard Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Sewerage Ia>provetcents Program Part 4A - Modifications to Existing Plant Reconrended Change Order No. 5 Dear Nr. Fellows: This letter 1s written to recoemend appropriate action by the Lity to modify your present contract with Meadors Construction Company, Inc., by issuance of Change Order No. 5 to: (1) Add a chlorine contact chamber in the effluent piping from Plant No. 1 (the improved preexisting plant) to the effluent equalization pond, and, (2) Provide influent flow metering, with indicator-recorder-totalizer, and autoutlc Composite sampler. Enclosed is the Contractor's letter of September 9, 1987, quoting prices of 521,211.00 antl 518,183.00 for the re spectire liens. and tro-page backup esthete computation sheet. Ne have reviewed this submittal and find the quoted prices reasonable and equitable. The resulting change would be an increase of f39,394.00 from present contract value of f1,248,780.00 (through and including Change Order No. 4) Lo 51,288,174.00. The Contractor's letter requests a thirty day tine extension, wltlch vie propose to reduce to twenty-five days, resulting 1n a revised Contract cowpletlon date of November 30, 1987, corresponding to your recent comwnlcatton with EPA in response to Adwlnistrati ve Order 87-115 (wNRP). The Contractor has agreed Dy telephone this date to reducing the extension to twenty-five days. By way of documenting the need for and extent of these liens, we refer to prior correspondence, copies of which are appebded for your ready reference, as follows: (a) Our letter of August 5, 1987: Subject - Chlorine Contact Chamber (b) Our letter of August 5, 1967: Subject - Influent Flow Metering and Sampling - continued - r<: ~_ . IIEACH~ COUIJCIL QV AGING mnT.-a-aTn~ Ah:h1UAL REPORT - 1996 Opening Balance, January 1 $5,835.25 Rr~~EiPTS: Major Contributions $11,679.04 hlembership & Small Donations 1,869.35 Interest 516.80 Payment on Loans 241.OC Insurance Refund 2,359.00 TOTAL 516,665.24 22,500.49 DIS BURS hTi El2TS Salaries $ 2.685.43 F.I.C.A. 192.04 Vehicle Maintenance 2,505.72 Gasoline 1,637.47 Telephone 456.00 Vehicle Insurance 3,621.75 Office Expense 463.91 Meeting Expense 42.53 Loans 181.00 TOTAL $11,785.85 Closing Balance, December 31 $10,714.64 Balance in Bank $3,714.64 AAP.P CN1.1A Treasury Fund 7,000.00 :7e rove exraweed :;/he cc:a:at::itu. rtemnd.~ a ~. ' •ec ;carheo ('ocnci.C on il: fir, `>/cG yrt :he Scc,•e 19SG %i:a ecruw+.~.`n u~.e o:md .to ~ic .in ba,Can~ce, and .file above .t:tcfazeni ~ ~,au~.t~ be martecf: (St lt~,~ //S/~' Chairman, d [ Cui.nni (/CC ~_. .. ^ Bid Ho. 8687-12, Provide and Pour Limerock on Certain Streets in Section N Mailing LSS[: Atlantic Coast Asphalt, Inc. W. D. i., Inc. 5154 Edwards Street P. 0. Box 24019 Jacksonville, FL Jacksonville, FL 32241-4019 786-1020 268-9468 C. H. earco Contrac [ing Co. 7587 Wilson Boulevard Jacksonville, FL 772-1317 Duval Asphalt Products, Inc. ' 7544 Phillips Nighvay Jacksonville, FL 739-1077 Florida Asphalt Contracting 1]01 Highway 21 Middleburg, FL 282-5456 S. A. Nannah Contracting 4153 Nighvay Avenue Jackosnville, FL - 384-5001 G. L. Ingram S Sons, Int. P. 0. Box 8873 Jacksonville, FL 32239 " Julian Johnson 6 Sons, Inc. ' 628 Florence Street Jacksonville, FL - 388-6511 B. B. HcCOrmSCk 4 Sons, Inc. 430 South Firs[ Avenue Jacksonville Beach, FL '. 249-Sfi 61 - Vallencourt ConsCruction Co., Inc. 144 Blake Avenue Orange Park, FL 264-4485 ~ ~- L CITY OF ~*rtie b"eaels - ~!otufa ~s oce*N eoutevARo ~_`_ _ _ _ __ P. O. BOX 25 ATLA FTIC BEACH, FLORmAJ2Y]a ~\ TELEPHONE 190a13a9-2a95 t r Sep [ember 9, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID NOTICE is hereby given [hat the City of A[lant is Beath, Florida, will receive sealed bide in the Office of the City Clerk, CS[y hall, P. O. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic beach, Florida 32233, until 5:00 PM, Friday, September 25, 1987, to "Provide and Paur Limerock on Certain Streets in Section H." SCOPE OF WORE: Work will consist of furnishing all labor and material necessary to construct [he following: Provide and mix in place [o a depth of 10 - 12 inches, six inches of limerock with existing road bed material. and compact to a minimum of 98S density on Wes[ Sixch Scree[ from Flaypor[ Road [o Nain Street, on West Ninth Scree[ from Mayport Road to Main Street, and on Ma 1n S[reec between Sixch and Ninth. AS AN ADDITIVE ALTERRATE, provide and mix in place Co a depth of 10 - 12 inches, six inches of limerock compacted to 98S minimum density on Hain Street from Firs[ Street to Six [h Street, and from Ninth Scree[ to Wes[ Pour[een[h Street. Bids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed 'Bid No. 8687-12, Provide and Pour Limezotk on Certain Streets in Section N. To Be Opened 7:15 PM, September 28, 1987." All bidders must furnish a bid bond in the amount of SZ of the bid, references cestifying Co the quality of [heir work, and file certificates with the Ci[y that they have obtained and will continue to carry Workers' Compensation, public and private liability and propercy damage insurance in adequate amounts during the life of the contra[[. A performance and payment bond will be required of the successful bidder. Bid prices must remain valid for sixty (60) days after the public opening of bids. The CS[y of Atlantic beach reserves Che right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids, valve Informalities and technicalities, and to make [he award in what is deemed Co be in the best interest of the City of Atlantic beach. Joan LaVake Purchasing Agent i # # # # # # * * * # * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * # # # FLORIDA TIMES-UNION: Please publish one time firs[ available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. o Bob Nartln of [Le YMCA has asked permission to he on the agenda fur September 28 although he has no[ indicated what he wants to discuss. o The Ci[y Attorney will be prepared to respond to Commission questions which were raised at [he last meeting by Beaches Cable Television relative to the current wording of Ordinance No. 40-87-15 for table [elevis ton service In the North Seminole Beach and Oceanwalk areas. o The matter of five-year vesting is still pending, but I have been in [ouch with the chairman of the Board of Trustees, Peter Corbin, and he has informed me he will not be able to be a[ [he meeting on Honday night, U,erefore, unless [he City Commission is opposed, ve will defer any further action on [he proposed five-year vesting program until [he meeting of October 12. o The Commun i[y Development Board has approved a request from Steeg Plum6f ng for an exception [o the sever moratorium in Section H. They have passed this along to the City Commission for action. o A number of Ordinances will be up for public hearing a[ [he meeting on Monday nigh[. These include: 1. Ordinance No. 80-87-JS clarifying charges in connection with Section 2-368 of the City Code 2. Ordinance No. J-87-19 [o provide a $3.00 charge for having copies of accident and ocher public reports issued by the Atlantic Beach Police or Fire Department 3. In iroduccion and firs[ reading of Ordinance No. 90-b7-L24 to amend the zoning Ordinance [o provide [ha[ swimming pools may he located in either yard in a double frontage lot along [he Atlantic Ocean, but must remain landward of the coastal construction line. This will need to be set for public hearing a[ the meeting of October 12. o The election has been held by general employees on the question of whether or not they wish to have 1X of [heir pay deducted for additional yeti cameo[ benefits. The results tabu laced and certified by our audi- tors, Deloicte, Haskins and Sells, are 45 in favor, 11 opposed. o The Hayor has asked me [o remind you ve will hold a short meeting after [he City Commission meeting to discuss the collective bargaining agreement. o The Florida Department of Lav F.n forcement operates the Florida 1 Crime Information Center called the FCIC and ve utilize their terminal 1 for both inputting and extracting criminal information. Recently the f state funded and cost-sharing user agreements have been consolidated f into one form and they are therefore, asking that [he Ci[y execute a new f agreemen [. Ne have sent a copy of this to the City Attorney and he will be able to advise the City Commission as [o the legality of the ~ agreement which will be up for consideration Monday night [o authorize : the Hayor co execute same. o The Hayor has asked me to include a letter proposal from Beaches Cablevislon, which fs self explanatory. i 3- intended [o give us time [o locate [hem suitable quarters during the c onstrucCion of the new Pu61ic Safety Building. o The final hearing on [he proposed budget will 6e held on Honday night. We have pre?ared the appropriate Resolution on adoption of the final millage and a Resolution on the adoption of [he budget, and enclose copies of chese. o A[ a previous meeting, the CI[y agreed in principal to allow the Development Croup to use a 20-foot drainage easement across [he north end of Clty properly a[ Water Plant No. 2. The easement document has been prepared and provided [he City Attorney has rev Leved it, it would be in order for the City to authorize the execution of [he easement. o We are enclosing copies of the minutes of the committee which was appointed [o review the bids on Section "A" Najor Sever Rehabilitation. Commissioner Cook will be prepared co report on this on Honday night. o The Flee[ Reserve Association has requested permission co utilize the Jacksonville Sl,i;+yards parking lots on Mayporc Road for their annual turkey shoots on October 17 and 18th, November 14 and IS[h, and December 19 and 20th. The shoots will be held from 9:00 AM till sunset on each of those days and I bring this to your attention because ve received some complaints last year from people in the area who work night shifts and claim chat they get awakened by chese turkey shoots. If [he Commis- sion wishes co approve the turkey shoots, ve have put Mr. Burk of Che Fleet Reserve Association on notice that unless [hey can accommodate the complaints of the people in that area, that ve will have co terminate the shoots. We would appreciate your input. o The status of the Buccaneer Water and Sever District has not yet been decided. I[ vas requested that this matter be deferred ac the last meeting and brought up again for further consideration. One of the commissioners mentioned [ha[ [he Finance Director vas a little nervous with the figures, but on inquiring into [his, the Finance Director tells me his only concern is for the extra work it is going [o put on the CLCy staff to handle the matter, and the figures are correct. This will be an agenda item Monday nigh[. o The Professional Services Evaluation Committee has met and copies of the miru[es of [heir meeting are included. They are recommending [hat [he City enter into a contract with Ogilvie Electronics for the t ransEer of communications equipment from the old public safety building co the new public safety building in an aawunt of $7,421.00. o We will be asking authority of the City Commission on Monday night authorizing the Hxyor to execute the Nucual Aid Agreement between the CS[y of Atlantic Beach Police Department, Neptune Beach Police Depar[- menc and the Jacksonville Police Department. o The Community Development Board met on September 15, 1987, and ve are including for your information their memorandum on [heir actions and recommendations. CITY OF y1Yla.rtle S"raek - ~lmcufa ]I60CEAN BOULEVARD ~ __ _ ___ _ __._._ _ __. P.O. aO%2b _, _ ' ATWNl]C BEACH, PLORIDAawa ~~ TELEPHONE ~961~ 2142]96 September 25, 1987 To: The Honorable Hayor and City Conmiissioners From: RichaFd C. Fellows, Ci[y Manager Su6j etc: STATUS REPORT o Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Bob Bates relative to proposed Change Order No. 5. The proposal is to add a chlorine contact chamber [e the coot race in an amount of $21,211.00 and provide inf luenc floe metering a[ an additional cos[ of $18,183.00. According [o the engi- neer, the more stringent sampling regulations of the local DER and EPA offices contribute to the proposal to add a chlorine chamber in spite of the fact the present manner of sampling the eff luenc vas previously approved by the State DER Sn Tallahassee. In view of the questions concerning this proposed Change Order, I have asked Hr. Bates to be at [he meeting en Monday night so [hat he can explain i[ to the satisfac- tion of [he Ci[y Commission. o A[ the last meeting, ve informed you ve were seeking bids for some partial stabilization of some of the major streets in Section N and these bids will be received on Monday night. There is a good Chance [he cos[ of the work will be quite expensive, but once [he material is in place, ve will have a fairly yell stabilized street vhlch will respond to a reasonable maintenance schedule instead of just pushing sand around the way ve are currently doing. Another feature is [he material which is put into the streets can be utilized when the screecs are paved and will not have to be replacai under the Special Assessment Program. If the Commission chinks this is a good move ve would like to have authori- ty to award the bid and get the work under way immediately. However, if the Commission feels a committee evalua[1on would be more appropriate, ve could do [hat and reper[ back a[ the meeting of October 12. o In addition to Robert Bales being on the agenda, Nilson Merrihev will be appearing to thank the Commission for the use of the Dial-A-Ride spate and will be providing the City Commissioners with copies of [he Beaches Council on Aging's financial report. Ne had requested for our records a copy of [h!s report and I am enclosing it for your information. Ne are continuing negotiat log with OSal-A-Ride to relocate [heir operation, if not to Jacksonville Beach or Neptune Beach, co some other place in [he City of Atlantic Beach, as the Recreation Department needs the additional space which they now occupy in the trailer. Their location in the [railer vas a temporary one in any even[ which vas N01'1CE [IF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF A'fI.AN'IIC tlEACH Notice is hereby given that the C[Cy Commission of At l:m[ic beach, Florida will hold PUBLIC II Y:,IRI NGS nn Se p[ember I4, 1967 a[ 7:15 p.m. a[ Ci[y Nall, 7l6 Ocean B1 vJ. for [he purpose of hearing and consid- ering [he views of [he public concerning [he following proposed Ordinances: ORDINANCE NO. 40-87-15, AN ORll1NANCE PROM DING FOR THE GRANT- ING OF A NONEXCLUSIVE FRAyCH ISE TO OPERATE A CARLE TELEVISION SYSTEH IN THE NORTff SElIINOLE BEACH AREA OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; $ETTINC FORTIi THE CONDITIONS ACCOIIPANYI NG THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISE; PROVIUINC FOR CITY RF.CULATION OF THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE FRANCHISE PROVISION; AND ESTABLISHING GENERAL RULES FOR THE APPLICATION PROCEDURES REQUINED BF.FORF. GRANTING A FRANCNIS E; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDI NA.YCE NO. 90-87-123, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE. CITY OF ATIAIITIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AFD:NDINC THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AND TIIF. OFFICIAL ZONINS lU1P OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, TO REZONE LA.YD OWtvEU BY TIf0I1A5 J. BENNETT AND DESCRIBED AS LOT 772, E%CEPT TH F. WEST ERI.Y 3 FEET TIIEREOF, SALTAIR SL'BDIVIS IDN, SECTION 1 HERETO FROl1 HC-2 RESIUEHTIAL GENERAL 70 CG COlC1LRCIAL CE[]ERAL AND PROVIDING AN EFFECCIVE DATE. All persons interested are notified Co be present a[ said time and place and [hey shall be heard. Copies of [he Ordinances arc on file in [he City Clerk's office a[ Ci[y Hall. If a person decides [o appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter cons Sdered at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, anJ for such purpose he may need [o ensure [ha[ a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record indudes [he [es [irv~ny and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. Published: Beaches Leader 8/26/87 - Purchase Order 81656 Posted: City Hall Post UEf ice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS C PI'Y OF ATLAh7IC BEACfI \o[ice is hereby given the Cit}• Cormission of Atlantic Beach, Florida will hold PUBLIC IIL:ARI NCS on September l4, 1987 at 7: IS p. m. a[ City Ball, 71h Ocean Blvd, for [he purpose of hearing and considering the views of [he public concerning the following requests for Use by Bxccp[ion: Lir. Cr:~ig 5. Fairhairn rnquesctng a Use by Exception for a home oceupati~n a[ Ibl Cavalla Rd. [o be used for book work and telephone in connection with a house cleaning service Nr. Rilliam 11. Dukes req ues[ing a L'se by Exception for a used car lo[ a[ 880 Ha }•port Road. All persons interested are notified [o be present a[ said time and place and they shall be heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision made b}• the City Commission with respect to any matter considered a[ any meeting or Bearing, he will need a record of [he proceedings, and for such purpose lie may need [o ensure that a verbatim record of Che proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is [o he based. Published: Beaches Leader 8/26/87 - Purchase Order 91656 Posted: City Nall Post Office ~,,. -~ ~- i f G ~,.. ~_ Following interviews with each of the Cirms, [he committee discussad the pros and cons of each of [he presentations following vh ich the committee unanimously agreed to recommend [o the Cicy Commission [he following priority. 1. Cee and Jenson 2. Smith and Cille spie 3. Connelly and Wicker There being no further discussion, [he meet ing vas adJ ourned at 4:i0 PN. v Y ~._.., ~; MINUTES The Professional Services Evaluation Committee appointed by the Cicy Commission to evaluate proposals under [he Consu l[ants Competitive Negotiation Act for water system improvements, me[ at Ci q• Flall on Wednesday, September '_', 1967, at 1:00 PM. Present were City Attorney Mullis, Ci[y Manager Fellows, and couvni[[ee memhe[ 1.. Pet ex Johnson. Cumnii tree member Johnson was briefed on [he basic provisions of the Consultants Competitive Nc'Kut iat ion Art, which provides for projects whose construction costs will exceed $120,000, or for planning study activities when the professional fee will exceed $6,000, the City is required to publicly announce [hose pro; ec[s so engineers will have an opportunity of submitting proposals. Proposals submitted are Co include basic information regarding the principals of the firm, training, background, qualifications, similar type projects undertaken or complet- ed, etc., but no fees are to be discussed. After qualifications have been evaluated, [he agency is Chen [o conduct discussion with no less than three of the firms regarding their quali- fications, approach to the project, and ability [o perform the required service. Thr agency shall then select, in order of preference, no fever than three films deemed to be [he most highly qualified [o perform the required services. The agency shall then negotiate a fee with the number one firm. If the agency is unable ce negotiate a contract with [he firm considered [o he [he most qualified at a price the agency determines Co be fair, the agency shall undertake negotiations with the second firm, 6u[ may not return for further negotiations with firm number one. Further discussion among committee members ensued and i[ vas pointed out [hat five firms t:ad submitted statements of interest and [heir quali- fications in connection with the subject proj rc c. It vas decided [o personally interview representatives all five of [he firms who are: Marvin Nicker and Mike Brooks oC Connelly and Nickez Andy May and Dr. Bridges of Smith and Gillespie Bob Nill and Mike Boyer of Nill, Boring, Valbuena Sonny Nai[z and David Kemp of Nai[z and Frye Bill Bryan[, Mike Fitzpatrick and Joe Mi[tauer of Gec and Jenson Items [0 6e considered during the int ervfev would he current work load, location of [he firm, what similar proj ec [s the Eirm had completed, and what [he firm's inc lina[ions were in setting [heir Eee schedule, i.e., lump sum vis-a-vis percentage of [hr contract. F,ach of the firms vas interv ieved and questions discussed and each firm vas given an oppor- tunity of ansverinK questions as [o how [hey felt traffic might be maintained and how the proj ec[ could be undertaken [o he of the leas[ inconvenience to the citizens. Each firm was also given an opportunity of stating any new approach Co [he project that might not have been previously thought af. ~, :_.... COM.N 117EF KF.1'UKT The .'umm it ha• appoi n[rJ [n eva lu:uo ;he private coot raced operation of [he B u.'r:m c.~r 6'a[cr and Sever System vi.-a-vis operation by [he Ci[y of A[lan[it B ca. !., met .m Thu rsduy, rtuk;ust 27, 1187, 1n the Ci[r Commission meeting room at 7: 7f1 .FI. Present ve re Cbai nnan Commissioner Clenn F.dva rd s, and Committee members lJill ism L Gu11i L+n1, Ci[y Manager Frllovs, and F'i nance Director Royal. Each member oC tLe oommittee received details relative to [he Buccaneer Mater :md Sauer Uis[rice budgets L+cluding a summary of revenues, expenditures and Iv lances, nn uh}ect budgot, and a proforma statement of changes in socking capital for the water FunJ and sewer fund. Also provided vas a proforma statement of changes in socking capic al =omparinR [he submitted budge[ l igu n•s of .lax Ut ili[ics for the fiscal year 1987/88 viCh projected figures for oiler:+t ing the syst.•m by the Ci[v of AClanC is Beach. Ti+e net opera[inll statement shows [he Ci[y ran operate the Buccaneer Na[er and Sever Dis[ric[ for $44,208.00 per year less than the private operator vhtch is basically repro rented by [he $38,000.00 management fee and some small savings the C.i[y make. by not having [u pay taxes. City Manager Fellows and Finance Dtret[or Royal pointed out further to [he other too committee members C+e proposed take-over uou ld include [he acquisition of the old Buccaneer Se rvicF Company office building and Che acquisition of too utility vehicles for use by the operators. All of the re s[ of [hr cap i[al improvements are provided for, such as meters, the Lake Elizabeth va[er system imp rovemen[s, [he new fourth tank, central lubrication system for [he tanks, and an emergency generator for the Lakeside station. Operations expenditures also call for one additional va[er/sever operator and too office personnel. After fully evaluating [he financial statements, it was [he unanimous consensus of [he committee [o recommend [he Ci[y Commission take back the operation of the Buccaneer Water and Sever DistricC and maintain i[ on a completely separate basis from the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach operation until at leas[ [he bonds have• been paid off. A separate management person would be hired to direcc, oversee and administer [he district. The chairman instructed [he City Manager to review the Jax Utilities contract and ascertain the amount of notice required [o be given [o lax Utilities before terminating [heir contract and [o provide that figure as a part of [he minutes of [he meeting. Following Lie meeting, and after revievfng [he contract between [he City and ]ax Utilities Management, it vas determined termination would require a nine n•-da}• notice. Assuming noCification after [he Ci[y meeting of September 14, the contract could he terminated as of December 14, 1987. In view of the Ci~r is [mss holidays and the fact many people plan vacations during the hol Sday perf od, f[ vas felt [he Ci[y should cst ablish a date of February 1, 1988 [o begin operation of the Buccaneer Fla ter and Sever Uist riot. There being no (ur[ber business [o came before the meeting, it vas adjourned at 7:55 Pe. MINII'IF.S The commit[oc appniu[ed to rva luato and make recommendatCOns on the bids Inr vn u•r dirt ribut inn scaem improvements in [he Lake Elizabeth area me[ nn Tu.~s day mo piing, Aup,ust ?5, 1987, in the City Manager's office in [hc Citc ILtli a[ 9: 'U AM. 1'rt~sN nt ~~m n• C.hoirm:m Conuvissi Doer C1e~n F.d wards, Clty Manager Felloos, puhl is Sc rv ices Director Braid :mJ Ffnanre U1 rector flat n• Roval. Each mcmher of the committee n•c [•ived a tabulation shoving the amounts oC monc7 [hat we rc 6iJ 6y [he nine firms interested in providing [his service. Review of [hr h(Js indicated [he apparent low bidder was Sun Construction Companv of Mann, Florida, followed by the Belloit Company of Jacksnnvflle, and f.hapm:m Construction oC ,lacksonvilie. Disc uss inn ensued rt4 alive to verifying [he 6aekground of each of [he three ]ov bidders and it vas determined [ha[ copies of the bid tabu- lations vnu ld be mailed to Ila itz and Frye, Engineers of [he project, who would check into [he qun]if ica[inns of the three low bidders and make [brit rcronmicndations. Further discussimt ensued following which i[ uas the recommendation of [he comm.i [t ee tlm[, coot ingest upon [he recoomiendat ion of Na1[z and Frye, the co~t~ar[ for eater df st ribu[ion system improvements in the Lake ElizaheeL area, be avarJ ed [o Sun Cons[zuction Company of Mayo, Flo rf da, in the amount n( $77,880.00, with an additional charge of $486.75 for performnnee hood and $486.75 for payment bond. this totals $78,853. i0, vh irh is just within the budgeted figure of $79,000. proposed for next year's budget. Should [he contract be awarded and work get under war [his fiscal year [he appropriate adjustments will have [o be made to reflect the amount of money co®it[ed for this fiscal year as opposed to [he amount needed [o complete [he project in the next fiscal rear. I[ vas agreed that Haitz and Frye would provide the overall construction inspection for the proj ec[ and the daily inspection work would be done by Jax Utilities operators of the system. There being no further discussion, the meeting vas adjourned a[ 9:45 AM. ~,_.__. C Fi ~w::. .:.._.. MINU?ES Tha cumm:[tee appnin[aJ to evaluate the bids for a self-contained trash compactor met nn TuesJay, August 25, 19X7 in [he CI[y Manager's office, Ci[v Hall, aC `1:00 AM. 1'rt•s en[ ve tt• Chairman Cumm isskmer Clenn Edwards, Ci[y Manager Richard Fellows, Public Scrv leas Di rec [or Braid, and Finance Director Harry dnral. Each member of tba .ommi[[ee acknowledged receiving a copy of the tabulation of the hits sbnving that kids vere submitted by Ray Pace's Waste Equipment of .lacksonville, in [he amount of $5,450.00, BF1 Waste Systems of ,l ac ksnnv ille a[ $fi,220. 00, and Laid law Waste Systems of .lacksonville in [he amount n[ $5,170.00 far the unit and $350.00 for In.cr allation. Considerable discussion ensued between the members of the committee relative to the pros and cons of [he Ci[y buying Che equipment and an.ur[izing 1[s cost over a number of yoars with an addt[ional charge [e Kag[ime, as opposed to allowing Rng[1me to buy the equipment and charg- ing for the pick-ups in accordance with regularly scheduled charges. lblloving further discussion, it vas agreed efforts would be made [o determine what commercial haulers are charging for units of this type. This information in turn could be used to develop an amortization schedule or pay-out schedule on Che dumpster for the City of atlantic Beach. Portlier discussion ensued relative to [he pros and cons of [he City offering service with Chis [vpe of compactor dumpster and It was generally agreed in all cases where [he City is able [o, it should remain competitive in the market and provide [he service for the resi- dents without [he net essftp of bringing in a tommerc ial hauler [o handle the business. There being no further discussion, i[ vas unanimously agreed to recom- mend to the Ci[y Commission that a contract be entered into with Ray Pace's Waste Equipment of Jacksonville, for acquisition of a selF- con[ained flue-yard trash compactor in the amount of $5,450.00, provis- ing the unit me[ all specifications and delivery times. There being no further discussion, the meeting vas adjourned a[ 9:20 AN 7:,_... ,e- . The chairman then turned to the question oC pol is omen and firemen and TRUSTEE CARVIN MOl'EU TIIE BOARII RECOlLMEND TO TfIF. CITY COFLMISSION TI1AT POLICE ANTI FIRE. 6F.NEFITS 8E INCREASED FROM 2.0% TO 2.4%, AND TI1AT POLICE ANU FIRE EMPLOYEES FIANDAI'ORY 1% CONTRI BL'TION BE AUTHORIZED TO INCREASE THE PENSION BENEFIT FROM 2.4% TO 2.64. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TRUSTEE IIOCANS AND DEFEATED BY A THREE TO TWO VOTE, WITH TRUSTEES WINCATE, WHITE AND CORBIN VOTING NAY, AND TRUSTEES CARVIN AND HOCANS VOTING AYE. TRUSTEE WHITE THKN NOV EII Tll h: I'nLICE ANU FI RC BENEFITS BE ADJUSTED TO INCREASE. FROM 2_0% 'CU 2.2%, AND 'THAT THE. CITI' FUND AN ADDITIONAL .OS% TO BRING THE POLICEMEN ANU FIREMEN INTO PARITY WITN THE CENERAI. EMPLOYEES INCREASE. TNF. MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECONTI. TRUSTEE GARVIH 1'H EN MO\'F.D THAT THE BOARD RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COF@fIS- SION THAT POLICE AND FIRE EMPLOYEES 1'/, CONTRIBUTION BE UTILIZED TO INCREASE PENSION BENEFIT'S FROH 2.07. 70 2.2X AND THAT THE CITY FUND AN ADDITIONAL .2% TO PUT THE FINAI. POLICE. AND FIRE RETIREMENT COMPENSAT LON P F.RCEHTACE AT 2.4%. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY TRUSTEE WINGATE. Some discussion ensued ns to the cos[ to the City of the extra .2%, which vas esC imated at $6,000.00 io $8,000.00. There befog no further discussion, THE MOTION WAS PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. The chaf rman asked [he secretary [o draft a wr i[[en recommendation with cost information and all details for forwarding to [he Ci h~ Conuniss ion. The question of vesting [hen was taken up and retroactivity for former employees vas discussed and [he unanimous consensus seemed to be opposed to any kind of retrwc[ivi[y regarding the vesting. Members of [he hoard expressed their opinions ho[h pro and con relative to decreasing the vesting from [en years [o five years, and following a full dis- cussion, TRUSTEE CARVIN MOVED THAT TIIE BOARD RECOl41END TO THE CITY COMIISSION THE PENSION ORDINANCE BF. CHANGED TO PROVIDE FULL VESTING IN THE PENSION SYSTE!1 AFTeR FIVE YEARS OF SERI'ICE. THE :10TION WAS SECONDED BY 7RUSTF.E HOCANS AND PASSED ON A VOTE. OF THREE TO TWO, WITH TRUSTEES CARVIN, NOCANS, AND CORBIN VOTING Al'E, AND TRUSTEES WNITE AND WINCATE VOTING NAY'. The chairman requested a similar draft be prepared relative Co these actions Eor forward ing [o [he City Commission. '[here being no further business [o come before [he Pension Board, [he meeting vas adjourned. ~ ~, 1 ~t ~=u~. ~~' C(~z~ti, Peter R. Corbin, Chairman ATTEST: r~ ~__ ~~ "~ _->/ - Richard C. Fellews, Secretary ~. _. employees for the same one pe tten[ cnncrihu[ion would rrcuive a change from ZX to 2.25X. Further discussion ensued and Truster Ilogans indicated he bad polled a number of of the public works emp lovices who had, for Lie most part, agreed [hey would he willing [n have one percent deducted from [heir salaries in order to increase their pension benefits. Discussion ensued relative to [he pos+ible implement scion u( a cos[-of-living benefit for current retirees, and during discussion it vas determined that should increases in pension benefiCS for general employees be increased from 2% to 2.2 iS!, CLe increase would he 12!.% and [his increased benefit, if passed along [u the retirees, would cost the pension fund approximately $6,250.00 per year. (Comput n[iun of the exact figures on [},e following day by Finance Direc mr Royal indicated [he amount would total out to $h,h 39. 72 per year). The Chairman asked if [here were nny comments from the Cloor and somt• discussion took place regarding the premium taxes which an current lv used [o fund pension benefits for policemen and firemen. City A[[ornev Claude Mullis who was in attendance, indicated in order for tl:e premium [axes [o be utilized, [he CI[y of Atlantic Beacb vas required to pass an Ordinance levying and assessing N:e tax and the state merely collec[t•d these monies and [hen provided them [n the Cities so [hat in effect, the premium [ax monies were city funds which the Cononission and the Pension Board had the o Lion of using to fund tine pension system for Policemen and Firemen or f~r~ish inq extra heneflts. Some discussion ensued with one mcmher of the board inquiring Into L':e justification or the reasoning behind providing higher pension henef its for policemen and firemen as opposed [o general employees. It vas understood because of [he jobs of [he policemen and firemen he ing somewhat hazardous, that higher salaries would he paid as they are, but [he question remained as [o why :hey were entitled [o additional pension benefits mier and above those furnished genera: employees. Charles Solarno, formerly of the Public Emplnceus Relations Conuniss inn, .poke from the audience and indicated par[ of the reason for the additional pension henef its was the fact that when policemen and firemen retire, Chetr enjoyment of [he pension 6encfiLS is usually not as long as employees who are no[ exposed [o the stresses and Im zards of law en- forcement or fi refighting. Solarno went on to point nut Che premium taxes used in Che pension fund, in his npin ion, were state funds, and could could only be obtained by Die City by passing the required Ordi- nance. Following further discussion, TRUSTF.F, WINGATE lIOVFU "I'O RECO"1?IENU TO THE CITY COHMISSION THAT CITY GENEP,AI. EMPLOY EF,S BE ALLOWED 1'0 CONTRIBUTE O:: F. PERCENT OF THEIR SALARI CS TO THE PENSION FL'HU 1N RETURY FOR AN INCREASE IN FINAL PENSION COMPUTATION FROH 2.0% to 2.25%, ANU 1't4\T THE INCREASE OF I211X BE CIYEN AS A COST OF LIVING INCREASE FOR CC RftENT RETIREES, ALL CONTINGENT ON AFPR0VA1. OF THE 1^ SALARY CONTRI P.I'I'ION BY A MAIORI T'r OF THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES. THE MOTION WAS SF.CONDF.II HY TRL'STF.E fI1x:ANS ASU APPROVED UNANIHOUSL'i. z.. .. .~ , MINUTES C 1'1'Y nl' ATLANTIC ISFI[CII PENSION BDARD OF TRUSTEES ; i The Rua ra .+f l'nis [.~es fur the Atlan[ie Beach Pension Fund me[ on Wednes- J.-.v, Au}•,ust 2h, 1987 a[ 7:DD PM In [he City Commissfon Chambers, CS[y , Ilal 1, At l.uu is Rcarh. 1'n•eout vo n•: lamirman Peter Corhin 'f n+stce Ron Ningate T rust oe Claud h• Hogans 'f rusto.- .losvph Garvin '. 'f ru+G•c• RlrharJ Llhi[e :\Lso pn~sen[ ve re: Rir La rd Fellows, Secretary Ila rry Rnpal, City Finance Director 'f he chairman opened the meeting and asked eE [here were any questions regarding the minutes of the meeting of July 28, 1987. There being none, TRUSTEE GARVIN MOVED TUE MINUTES BE APPROVED AS SUBMITTED. THE MUTIDN N,15 SECONDED BT TRl15TEli IIOCANS AND PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. hie lissa Spires of Merrill Lynch discussed with tl+e Pension Board [he procedures used by her rnmpany in selecting a money manager. She pointed out Herri ll Lyn d+ Lax four [o five hundred money managers in their computer sys[rm and they would attempt m Identify three or four they felt would work with [he Board of Trustees and present these for personal in[e rvievs. Ms. Spires vent nn [o point out [ha[ many of the money managers would no[ take accounts under ten million, but in cases where the pension board would agree to co-mingling of the funds, managers handling larger accounts might be willing to handle the Ci[y of Atlantic Reach account. She ind ica[ed she would present for [he board's consideration both kinds of managers, Chose who would require Cha[ [he Eunds he co-mingled with [he funds of other like entities, and managers who might he of lling to take the fund on and make the investments without any co-mingling. The chairman suggested at such time as the firm vas ready to make S[s recommendations fn regards to interviewing three or four of the money managers, a vorksi+op session might be called. He suggested that Melissa Spires contact [he secre[a ry a[ such time as they are ready [o proceed further in regards [o [he selection of the money manager and a workshop meeting would he se[ up and [he trustees notified. The chairman d+en announwJ [he next item on the agenda vas further discussions regarding increased pension benefits and possible changes in vesting. The chairman suggested the matters should be separated and decided to discuss increased pens[on henef its first. Considerable discussion [iten ensued as [o what benefits might att rue to the employees for a one perc cn[ contrihu[1on of salary from [he employ- ee. The actuary from De[rni[ had pointed out [ha[ a one perten[ contri- hu[ion ny poll omen and firemen which had been mandated by the state would provide pnlic omen and firemen with an increase in final pension henef its from ?'/. of average final compensation [0 2.2X. The general y. r - DIVISION "A" (Continued) The Owner rcxervcs the right [u reject any of all bids and [o va ive infor- malities. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA ey: /s/ Richard C. Fellows City Manager Contract Documents received by [he following: B.B. McCormick Jacksonville Princess Construction Co. Jacksonville Inman and Associates Jacksonville Nassau Utility Construction, Int. Kingsiand, GA Utility Systems of ,Merica Jacksonville Raley Assoti ales Jacksonville ~. "° HAJOR SENER REHABILITATION EPA PROJECT N0. 0120747060, STEP 3 SSC PROTECT N0. 8505-OS-O1 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA UIV ISIOY "A" AUGUST I0, 1987 INVITATION TO BID Sealed propoza ls, submitted to duplicate, will he received by [he C/ry Clerk of the City of A[lant is Beach, Florida, at the Ci[y Nall, 716 Oceen Boule- vard, P.D. Box 25, Atlantic ease h, Florida 32273, until 5:00 PN local [Ime, September I4, 1987. Nn proposals or bids will be received after the stated time. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud during the regular meeting of the City Commission, starting at 7:15 PN, September 14, 1987, for the construct[on of Major Sever Reha6111tation, EPA Project No. 0120747060, Step J, SdC Proj art Nn. 8505-OS-OI, for the City of A[lan[ic Beach, Florida. Bid. shall he enclosed in an envelope endorsed "BId No. 8687-11, Sealed Bid for Major Sever Rcliahil Station, [o he opened 7:15 PM, September 14, 1987." The work consists oC Curnish[ng all labor, materials and equipment necessary [n construct the following: Perform Major Sever Rehahilicaclon on portions of the existing sanitary sever system in Atlantic Beach, Florida. The methods to be used include repl seamen[ of 560 feet of pipe, 81 join[ repairs and associated miscellaneous repair, all within the existing sanitary sever system of vhicl~ the pipe sizes vary from 8-loch through 12-loch diameter. Plans, spec if Scat inns and contract documents will be open to public in- spection at the offfce of the C[ty Nanager, City Nall, Atlantic Beach, Florida, or may be obtainud from Smith and C1l leapie Engineers, Inc., P.O. Box 53178, Jacksonville, Florfda 72201, upon payment of $61.95, which amount constitutes [he cost of reproduction and handling sod Includes $2.95 sales cox. This payment will not he refunded. Only complete sets of plans and speclf Stations will be distributed. Bids must be accompanied by a certified checl. or bid bond in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the bid. This prof etc is to be financed fn part by a gran[ from the United Slates Environmental Pt otec[fon Agency. Neither [he USEPA nor any of Ste depart- ments, agencies or employees is or vtll be party to this Invitation [o Bid or any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to regulations contained in 40 CFR Part 37, published May 12, 1982, and revised March 28, 1983. No bid may be vlthd town fora period of 90 days after the scheduled closing time for [he receipt of bids. -- PAGE EICHT MINUTES AUGUST 24, 1987 NAME OF COMMRS. M ~ S V Y V N 12. Action on Ordinances - continued - B. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-87-123 on firs[ reading. lbtien: Passage of Ordinance No. 90-87-123 on firs[ reading. Cook z Edwards z X Culliford x x~ Following discussion, the question was called and the motion carried Morris x unanimously. Mayor Howell sec the Public Nearing for September 14,1987 Nowell x * * * * * * * * * k # * t * * * * t k * k * * * * * t # * * * Miscellaneous Mayor Howell asked [he Commission [o accept [he drainage easement on t ie Presbyterian Church subject to the easement being properly completed. he document had not been notarized. Tbtion: Accept [he drainage and utility easements on Lo[s 727 and Cook x 736, Sal[air Subdivision from [he Community Presbyterian Edwards z Church, subject to the document being properly notarized. Gulliford x z Morris x x No discussion before [he vote. !b [ion carried unanimously. Howell x * * * k t # k * * k * * * t * * k * * * k * * * t * t * * * * * * Mayor Novell reminded the Commission a eudgeC Norkshop Meeting would ~ folleved immediately after the Commission meeting adjourned. There being no other business to come before the Covmiission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned a[ 9:10 p.m. William S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Of Etter ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker CSty Clerk ~._ PACe seveN MINUTES AUGUST 24, 1987 11. Action on Resoluclons A. Resolution No. 87-29 :layor Novell presented in full, in writing Resolution No. 87-29, a Re lu[ion naming poll workers for [he upcoming city el ec[ions. Motion: Passage of Resolution No. 87-29. Copy of said Resolution attached hereto and made a par[ [hereof. No discussion before [he wee. lotion carried unanimously. * 4 k * * .^. * k * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8. Resolution Ro. 87-30 Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Resolution No. 87-70, a Re: lu[ion authorizing the City Manager [u file for gran[ funds in tonnec' ion with [he city's on-going recreation program. Motion: Passage of Resolution No. 87-30. Copy of said Resolution attached hereto and made a par[ [hereof. No discussion before the vote. Mution carried unanimously. # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * 12. Ac [ion on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 40-87-IS - First Reading A.N ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE T( OPERATE A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE NORTH SEMI HOLE BEACH AREA OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC 6FACH; SETTING FORTH THE CONDITIONS ACCO>iPANY Ii;G THE GRANTING OF FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR CITY RECLq.ATION OF THE CABLE IELEVISION SYSTEH; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE FRA.NCN7 PROVISION; AND ESTABLISHING GENERAL RULES FOR TdE APPLICATION PROCED@ REQUIRED BEFORE GRANTING A FRANCHISE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. >layor Novell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 40-87-IS on first reading. Ym Cion: Passage of Ordinance No. 40-87-15 on firs[ reading. Following discussion, [he question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Novell se[ the Public Hearing for September l4, 1987. * * * * * * k * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k B. Ordinance No. 90-87-12 J- Firs[ Readin A.N ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACt FLORIDA; .MENDING 7HE LAND DEVELOPMENT COUE AND THE OFFICIAL ZONING HAP OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, TO REZONE LAND OkRrED BY THOMAS J. BENNETT AND DESCRIBED AS LOT 772, EXCF.FT THE NEBTERLY 3 FEE7 THEREOF, SALTAIR SECTIOe N0. 1 HERETO FROM RG-2 RESIDENTIAL GEI:ERAL TO CG COIQfERCIAL GENERAL AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y Y N Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x lbrris x x Howell % Cook x x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x Howell x E S Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x lbrris x x Novell x ~.. w: PACE SIX V y MINUTES NAME OF AUGUST 24, 1987 COMMAS. M S Y N 9. Mike Akel - continued Nr. Fellows reported the Community Deve lopmen[ Boar) had considered the proposal and approved the concept. Hr. Pe [e Dowling, representing CDM Properties told [he Commission CDM could build 28 multi-family unite on some of [heir property in [he North Seminole Beach area that vas zoned RC-2. They wanted [o down-zone [he properly and build l2 single family homes, which would be a reduction of approximately 57% density of the property. The problem CDM had was [he to cs and the street would have co be a smaller size Chan [he normal subdivision. Also, in order to qualify under a PUD, seven acres would be needed, and [hey had 1.93 acres. Mr.Dowl ing added Cha[ most of [he adjoining property owners were £n favor of the proposed concept for 12 single family homes. The streets would be private, no[ dedicated to the city. Mayor Howell objected to reducing a PUD from 7 acres. The suggestion vas made to create a special zoning classification limited Co oceanfront property. Commissioner Cook suggested a new zoni g classification of ILD (Innovative Land Development). Mr. Mullis Cold [he Commission he had researched, a[ length, a method of approach for a possible new zoning. Under the '86 amendments to [he Crov[h Management At[, i[ did provide Chat particular law shall be con s[rued to encourage the use of innovative land development me [hods. Pr or to that time,[he courts were very quick [o declare contract zoning ill Kal. If some development regulation applicable only Co the property in ques ion doe to the uniqueness of i[ and a description of i[, etc. with support able reasons why that parcel of land vas beinK tree led differencLy, an do is by Ordinance, he [hough[ iC probably could be used. Following di - cussion, Commissioner Gulliford moved for the following motion: Motion: Dire[[ [he Ci[y Attorney to pursue [his direction and come Cook x z back and meet with Messrs. Dowling and Acorn, and come back Edwards x with a suggested means of pursuing. Gulliford z x~ ~b rris I x~ No dlacuss ion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. Howell I z~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * k * ^ k * k * t0. Action on Exceptions: A. Action by [he Ci[y Commission on an application for ezcep[ion from Crai 5. Fairbairn fora home occu a[ion a[ 761 Cavalla Rd. [o be used for book work and phone in connection with a house cleaning service. Mayor Novell acknowledged receipt of an application for ezuep[ion from I ~ Craig S. Fairbairn fora home occupation. The Convnunlty Development I Board considered [he application and recommended approval. He se[ a Public Hearing for September iw, 1987. B. Action on application for excep[Son from w'i lliam H. Dukes For bu in s and selling of au[omobil es as a used car lo[ ac 880 Mayporc Road. Mayo[ Novell acknowledged receipt of Mr. Dukes application for a home occupation and se[ a Public Hearing fur September Iv, 1987. The Cummun [y Development Bd. considered [he appl ica[ion and recormended approval. PACE FIVE !11 NU1'ES AUGUST 24, 1987 6. Smith and Gillespie proposal on manholes - continued Mayor Howell noted [he replacement of nine manholes in [he city's sever collection system would eliminate Che necessity of building [he force n:a in on Seminole Nd. The es[ima [ed $40,000 for [he force main would go toward the estimated cos[ of $80,000 for [he manholes. Motion: Call for bids for emergency replacement of nine manholes in [he city's sever collection system as recorzuoended by Smith and Gillespie EnKineers. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * 4 * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * k 7. Discussion The City Manager reported they had received firm corsmi[men[s from [he property owners for [he purchases. He expressed [he opinion, the city would gain by [he purchase even if ve did nor acquire additional land as it would provide more buffering. In response [o Mayor Howell's question, Mr. Fellows said [he asking price vas $500.00 higher than the appraisal on one of [he blocks. Motion: Authorize the Ci[y Manager to purchase Block 90 Sec. H. for $33,000. and Blocks 97 and 98 Sec. N. for $66,000. subject co the sellers paying the usual and customary closing casts (documentary stamps and title Insurance and pro-rated [axes) Following discussion, the question vas called, and the motion carried unanimously. k * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * k * * k No discussion before the voce. :b Lion carried unanimously. 4 k k k # k * * * * * * * * k * * * * * k * * * * * * * k CDM.. Inc. and area which NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Norris x x Howell x Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x x Novell x Cook x x Edwards x Gulliford x x tbrris x Novell x Mo [ion: Approve the request of Che Atlantic Beach Police Dept. to utilize $901.00 of confiscated funds, and authorize use of $1,057.33 of other unclaimed funds for use in the Department's Investiga [ions Fund. PACe eouR ~ Y MIttUTES NAME Of AUGUST 24, 1987 COMMAS. M S Y N 5. Committee Reports: A. Commissioner Hilliam Gulliford with a committee re or[ and recovmen a- tion relative Co vehicle towing in the City of Atlantic Beach Commissioner Gulliford reported [he committee met on Monday, August 17 1987 at 11:00 a.m. Following considerable discussion relative to the pros and cons involved in [he bidding out of all towing activities wit - in the City of Atlantic Beach, it vas the consensus of [he Committee that it recommend Co the Commission awarding the bid to Beach Body of Jacksonville Beach in the amount of $14.99 per [ow with a $3.00 per da storage fee, all contingent upon a properly designed contract being pr - pared by [he City Attorney, and Beach Body entering into said contract and furnishing the City the proper insurance and performance and payme t Sonds. Commissioner Cullifo rd said [hay needed Co closely monitor Che response from Beach Body. If Beach Body could not respond within a specified time, the contract would read [he city could call one of [he other companies qualified to do [he city's towing. Motion: Move to accept [he reco~mnenda[ions of the Connni [tee and Cook x award a contra[[ m Beach Body of Jacksonville Beach Edwards x x in [he amount of $14.99 per Cow with a $3.00 per day Gulliford x x storage fee, all contingent upon a properly designed llorris x contract being prepared by the City A[[orney, and Beach Howell x Body entering into said contract and furnishing the city the proper insurance and performance and payment bonds. Following discussion, the question vas called and the motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * t k * * * * * * * * * * * # * # * * * * * * * * k * B. Hayor Hi111am S. Novell with a committee report and reco~moendation relative to telephone service m [he new Public Safety Department Hayor Howell reported the Committee met on Monday, August 17, 1987 at 10:00 a. m. Pollowing evaluation of the five loves[ bidders, the Conran ee agreed to recommend to the Commission the bid of Te lPlus for the Vodav system at $9,080. be accepted as the loves[ and best bid. Motion: Accept the report of the Committee and award a con [r act to Cook x TelPlus Eor [he Vodavi system ac $9,080.00 as the lowest Edwards x x and best bid meeting [he specifications Lor telephone Cull iford I x r. service [o [he new Public Safely Department. lb rris r. Hovel] r. Following discussion, [he question vas called anJ the motion carried unanimously. * # # t t t * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * t * * k * k * k k fi 6. Discussion of letter proposal from Sm1[h and Gillespie Engineers fo emergency replacement of nine manholes in the Ci~'s sever collet [ion sys [em. PAGE THRBE MINUTES AUGUST 24, 1987 4. Appearances - DclaneY coa[inued Mr. Delaney explained [ha[ [he members of the Association had passed z fte so lotion supporting [heir actions on the original law suit, and whal ever Che costs were would be share) cqua Lly by all suven[een members. personally had invest eJ $600.00 [o date. The suit vas filed due to the Cac[ [hey understood [here vas no place [o appeal except the courts. 7 seventeen members felt they st,ould have been allowed [o appeal to the elec [ed officials. In response to ?!r. MulLis's question, Mr. Delaney replied he did not chink he was a member of the Community Development Board a[ the time 1 suit was filed. Ne was President of [he North Se lea Beaches Associa[ie when he vas asked to serve on [he Community Development Board, and he signed from [he Association when he became a member of [he Board. Mr. Mullis asked Mr. Delaney if he had a conversation with Mr. Mike Al of ter [he law suit was tiled in an attempt to compromise and settle [1 matter. Hr. Delaney responded in Chu affirmative and said Mr. Akel to] him he did not know anything about i[. A man from Rochester, M.Y. vas handling [he action as i[ vas his applies [fort. Commiss inner Gulliford stated he had been very much opposed, since he firs[ sat on [he Comm ssion, to Che structure of The Board of Adjus [me that answered [o no one, members were no[ elected, and had the power that Board had. He strongly opposed several actions [he Board had take He vas Cold [he Commission had no control over [heir actions because < [he Florida S[a[u[es and [he structure of [he Board. A lengthy discussion followed concerning [he appeal for dismissal. Fo] loving discussion, Commissioner Gulliford moved for [he following: Mo [ion: Advise the Ci[y AUOrney Co withdraw his action to collect attorney fees, if Mr. Kelly and the other members pay the costs prior to September 4, 1987. Following discussion, the question vas called and [he motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Y. * * * * * * * * * * £ * * k C. Mr. Steve Cisse] requesting the gran[ of a drainage easement across the north twenty feet of the City's Water Plant No. 2 off Haypor[ Roar `tr. Cissel told the Commission he planned to install a 30" culvert acs [he north 20' of the property. He offered a set of drawings and infon [ion prepared by his engineer, Doug Hiller, also a survey. Jb Lion: Move to gran[ Mr. s[eve Cissel a drainage easement across [he north 20' of [he city's eater plan[ no.2 ofF Mayport Road. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * £ * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * NA6ff OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N e e e e- 1 t Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x Morris x Novell x ss Caok x Edwards x x Gulliford x tiorris x x Howell % PAGE TWD Y V MitUTes NAIdE OF AUGUST 24, 1987 COMMHS. i"1 5 Y N B. Receipt of sealed bids for installation of new eater system in Lake Elizabeth subdivision, Buccaneer Water and Sever District The following bids were received and opened: 1. Be lloit Co., Jacksonville $89,417.00 2. Chapman Construction, Jacksonville 107, li0. 00 3. Inman Associates, Jacksonville 148,745.00 4. A. J. Johns, Inc., Jacksonville 146,975.00 5. MacDonald Construction Co., Jacksonville !48,425.00 6. I. H. Smith S Co., Jacksonville 107,580.72 7. Sun Construction, Hayo, F1. 77,880.00 8. N.R. Townsend, Inc., .lacksonville 122,069.00 9. Water b Sever Utility Construction, Inc. Jaz !!7,500.00 Bid tabulation is attached hereto and made a part thereof. * k * * k * * * * k * * * * * * k * * * * k * * k lotion: Move [o send bids Co Committee. Cook x ~ F.dvards x % Cull iford % No discussion before the voce. !M Cion carried unanimously. Mayor to rris z~ x Howell appointed Commissioner Edwards to Chair [he Co~mni[[ee and Howell I x appoint members [o serve. k k * k * * * * * * k * k * * .'< * k * * * * * fi * k * * 4. Appearances• i A. Hr. John Landon to discuss zoning on Lot 37, Sorth Atlantic Beach, Unic 1 Nr. Landon told the Commission he resided in Clearwater, F1. and was no[ aware his property vas rezoned [o single family from mul [i pie fami y when annexed into the City of Atlantic Beach. Mayor Novell advised him Slate Lae provided chat if the city vas going [o rezone 5% or more of its land, all [he city had [o do vas publish [he necessary legal no[ic s in a newspaper of general circulation. Letters to properly owners were not required. The Mayor explained to Hr. Landon that he could, on the oceanfront, build a primary residence and a garage agar [ment/secondary residence and rent both, if he so desired. Mr. Landon will check with the Building Department for details. 2. Mr. Frank Delaney to discuss vich the City Commission litigation involving attorneys fees. Mr. Frank Delaney Cold [he Commission he cook obj ec[ion [o the suit filed by [he city in connection with his neighbor, Mr. Ke itl~ Kelly. He appealed to [he Commission [o dismiss [heir suit for attorneys fees and costs. He furnished background informaciou vich several exhibits relative [o [he recent court decision. lir. Kei U~ Biser, Peter Weinc ut, Hrs. Ke i[h Kelly, and Bob Graham, neighbors and nsid cots of Thu B1 uff ~ also appealed [o the Commission [o dismiss [heir suit. The court date was set for September 4, 1987. a[ 9:20 a.m. ~ k MINUTES OF THE RFCULAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTCC BEACH CITY COl4fISSION HELU A'C CITY HALL ON AUGUST 24,1987 AT I:IS P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor/PresiJ Lng Officer Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards William 1. Gulli[o rJ, .1 r., Commissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager Claude L. Mullis, City Attorney Adelaide R. fucker, Ci[y Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Nowell. The invocation,offer~ by Commissioner Cook was Colloved by [he pledge to [he flag. 1. Approval of [he minutes of the regular meeting of August 10, 1987 Motion: Mtnu[es of the regular Commission meeting of August !0,198'. be approved as written. Yo discussion before the vote. lotion carried unanimously. R k k * * * * * * k k * * * * * * k * * * * * * * k * * * * * # Mayor Howell announced the first Public Hearing on [he 1987-88 Fiscal Year Budget would he held on September 21, 1987 a[ a Special Meeting, and a final Pu61 is Hearing on the budget wou1J be held on September 21 1987 at the regular Commission Meeting. # * * * * * * * * * * * * k k * * * * * * * * * * * k 2. Recognition of Visitors - None 3. Bid Open in RS: A. Receipt of sealed bids for self-contained compac [or dunpster for u a[ Ragtime Restaurant The following bids were received and opened: 1. BFI Waste Systems, Jacksonville $6,220.00 plus 2. Laid law Waste Systems, Inc.,Jacksonville 6,170.00 plus Installation 350.00 plus 3. Ray Pace's Waste Equipment, Jacksonville 5,450.00 plus Bid tabulation is attached [o and made a par[ [i,ereof. # # # * * k k k * k * * k * * * k k k * * * k k Mo[±on: Move to send all bids to Committee. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. lfayor Howell aPPO Lnted Commissioner Edwards to Chair [he Committee and appoint members to serve. * k * k k * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ME OF COMMNS. M O T I O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O Cook Edwards Gulliford Morris Howell x x x x Cook Edwards Gulliford Morris Howell ~_ ~ E ~: o In November of last year, Sam Paters presented to the City Co®SSSion a proposed subdivision of six lots in Section H. The proposal was forwarded to [he then Advisory Planning Board for action, and at their meeting of December 18, they recommended approval of [he aubdivislon, subject to [he owner writing into the covenants and res[rictlona that he would maintain the drainage retention area. Nc further action was taken on the plat while the owner completed his paving, water and sewer improvements in a development just west of this. tihile [he original approval vas for six lots, the owner has now decided no[ to develop the three lots that face on Churcl~ Road because of certain requirements of the City of Sacksonu113e relative to the development of Church Road, which they are not ready to undertake at this time. They, therefore, have amended the plat to request just the subdivision of the three lots facing Stewart Street, and if the Co®ission sees no problems with this, :hey may act on the plat and give 1t their stamp of approval. a.~ C.... Public hearing on an Ordinance amending the Land Development Code to rezone land owned by Thomas J. Bennett. o In making taps for the sever system, the City is locked into a charge of $500.00 for a sever tap for units with a 3/4" eater meter. In some instances we have found chat residences using a 3/4" eater meter require a sever cap on [he line which could 11e [en to twelve feel below the surface of the ground. The most recent case involving [his resulted in quotations of $5,000 and $7,000 from contractors to make [he tap. Consequently, ve Chink the Ordinance on connection fees needs [o be amended to provide [hat caps will be made for [he cost of materials, plus the hourly rate of the men and equipment, but in no even[ would the charges be less than $500.00. We are enclosing a proposed Ordinance to accomplish this and ask for your consideration. o The Mayor has asked me to remind all Ci[y Co®issioners that immediately following [he Cicy Commission meeting Honday night ve vi 11 hold a short executive session in the conference room relative to a report on labor negotiations on [he proposed contract with the Police Union. Following this meeting, the City Commission will reassemble £n [he Commission chambers for further discussions on the proposed City budget. o As you know, the City Clerk's o_'fice now charges $3.00 fora search of the CS[y's lien records for persons involved in purchasing real estate in Atlantic Beach. The Atlantic Beach Police Department has reported similar efforts have to be expended ac the station in research- ing and preparing for insurance agents and others accident reports, record reports, and other information of this nature. We would like to prepare for [he consideration of the Commission, an Ordinance which would add a $3.00 charge for these services to the other list of user charges now provided in the Ordinance. We are enclosing a proposed Ordinance co accomplish this and ask for your consideration. o '. he committee appointed [o review and evaluate [he profeasiooal qualifications of engineers in connection with eater system improvements on Beach Avenue and the Royal Palms subdivision and certain other equipment and pump improvements in Water Plants 1 and 2 has me[ and a copy of Che minutes £s enclosed. The City will nw need to allow the committee to negotiate a fee if the Ci[y agrees with the priority ranking of the firma. In this regard, one of the items called for in the improvements is the replacement of the isolation and control valves, air compressor system and reservoir control system a[ Water Plan[ No. 1. The Connelly and Nicker system evaluation report provided to each of the City Comissfoners listed this as the number one priority item, and we have recently received from our Water and Sever Division people news that one of these valves has now failed completely. It may be necessary [o declare this an emergency and proceed with repairs but ve will hold off on this until we talk further with the engineers. enclosing copies of the minutes of the last meeting of the Board of Trustees on August 26, relative to recommendations on cost of living benefits for current retirees and also recommendations relative to 1¢creased pension benefits for police, fire, and general employees. This will be an item for discussion on Monday night. Of course, adoption of these recommendations will require the drawing of an Ordinance and action on that can be decided after discussion of the recommendations. The cost of living benefits for current rest tees will cost an additional $6,639.72 per year. The cost for increasing pension benefits for general employees will be funded by a 1Z contribution by the employees and there should be no increase in cost [o the Ci[y for that proposal. The proposed increase in benefits for policemen and firemen will be funded by the li salary contribution poli<emen and firemen are aanda[ed by [he Florida Legislature [o contribute [o the system and partially by a contribution of between $6,000 and $8,000 from the City. Please read [he minutes over and contact me if you have any questions. o L[ appears the hold up on the Section H Special Assessment Proj ec[ may be over. Mayor Novell and I mec with Don Buckman and Jerry Eckert last week and I believe the Hayor vi 11 be reporting on Cha[ meeting at our Commission meeting Monday night. o The long term nature of the Special Assessment Pro}ecc leads me co recommend to the City Commission some interim improvements to some of the major thoroughfares in Section H with materials which would be recoverable and reusable in the improvements contemplated in regards to Che paving of streets. Specifically, ve are suggescing chat bids be requested for [he stabilization of Wesc Sixth and Nest Ninth from Mayport Road to Nain Street, and Hain Street from Nes[ Fourteenth [o bleat Firs[ Street. We are Sn the process of putting together some apeciflca[ions Sn this regard, and are just bringing this to the atten- tion of [he City Co®ission so you can be thinking abouc ic. Ne hope to have some bids for your consideration in time for the meeting of Septem- ber 24. It is almost impossible with the current materials in Section H to maintain any kind of a reliable stable road bed. People ate getting stuck, care ere being damaged, and people's feelings and emotions are beginning to flare. Ne anticipate the Cosa to make the improvements co run somwhere between $20,000 and $50,000 and may be paid for out of the torrent monies ve receive from our share of the Jacksonville levied gas tax. o Pour public hearings will be held on Monday nigh[. They are as follws: Public hearing on an application for a Use by Exception for a home occupation for Craig Fairbairn at 761 Cavalla Road, using his house for book-work and telephone in connection with house-cleaning services. Public hearing on an application for a Use by Ex<eption for a used car lo[ at 880 Mayport Road applied for by Mr. Nilliam Dukes. Public hearing en an Ordinance pmvid tog for the granting of a non-exclusive franchise fot a cable television svs[em in [he North Seminole Beach area. ~ CITV OF ~ a~ - ~r~f '/180CEAN BOULEVARD __ _.______ _ _____ P.O. BO%E6 _ ATLANTIC BEACN, PLORD)A 9wao September 10, 1987 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Richard C. Fe llovs, Ci[y Manager tip-rir- Subj ecC STATUS REPORT ~ ) o He are enclosing copies of the minutes of the regular meeting of Augusc 24, 1987, and any other correspondence and material in your mailbox which you had not already picked up. o We will be opening bids on Monday nigh[ for the firs[ pare of our Haj or Sever Rehab project. The project covers most of Section "A", which is most of [he old section of Atlantic Beach, and includes re- placement of Sfi0 fee[ of sever collection system pipe and eighty-one join[ repairs on pipe sizes varying from eight [o twelve inches Sn diameter. The project is being supported and funded by a SSS grant from [he Environmental Protection Agency. We recommend that the bids be turned over to committee for review, tabulation and recommendations, and that a member of the committee be a representative of Smith and Gillespie Engineers. o Commissioner Glenn Edwards will be reporting on three committee meetings on Monday night. They are: 1. Reco®endations on the bids for self-contained trash compactor to be used a[ Ragtime Restaurant 2. Reco®endations on water distribution system improvements in the Lake Elizabeth area 1n the Buccaneer Water and Sever District 3. Recommendations relative to operation of the Buccaneer Hater and Sever District for [he upcoming fiscal year Copies of the appropriate committee minuses are included for your information. You had previously received the committee report on [he recommendations relative co the operation of the Buccaneer Racer and Sever District. Please call me if you have any questions regarding any of these items. o You will be interested in knowing that the Pension Board of Trust- ees acted on the hiring of a money manager a[ their meeting on Wednesday night. Merrill Lynch, consultant to the Pension Board, recommended the hiring of Sun Bank of Florida, who, according to their figures, has the most impressive record in regards to investment returns on equities. Hhile the performance of the company is somewhat less spectacular in [he bond market, the results are nevertheless, quite impressive. He are C. Commi sv Tuner Clrnn F:dvard v- with conmSttce rcr ommendat inns eel a[ivc to the manner of opera[ ion of the Buccaneer Water and Sever District for [he upcoving fiscal year 9. Aayor Howell with a status report on [he Sec [ion H Special Assess- ment proj ec[ and action by [be City Commission [o authorize prelim- inary engineeu ng in the amount of $149,000.00 I0. City Attorney Claude Mullis vt[h a report and recommendation of [he committee appointed [o :ev iev and evaluate the professional quali- fica[inns of engineers Ln coon ertion with vat er system improvements un Bcoch Avc•n ur and in [he koyal 1'a lm subdivision, sod certain other equipment and pump improvements in Water Plants 1 and 2 ll. Action on Exceptions: A. Public hearing on an appl ica[ion for a Ose by Exception for a home occupation at 761 Cavalla road for book-work and [ele- nhone use in connection with house cleaning services (Community Development Board recon~ends approval) B. Puh lie hearing on an application fee a Use by Exception for a used car lo[ a[ 880 Haypor[ Road (Community Development Board recommends approval) 12. Action on Resolution s: A. Introduction and approval of Resolution No. 87-31 making budge[ transfer to provide for funds to be expended in relation [o land being condemned for beach access 13. Action on Ordinances: A. Introduction and firs[ reading of Ordinance No. 80-87-35 amending [he Ordinance Code of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach [o provide for charges when making Caps [o the sever system, and setting of a public hearing for September 28, 1987 B. Introduction and firs[ reading of Ordinance No. 5-87-19 amending the Ordinance Code of [he City of Atlantic Beach [o authorize [he charging of $3.00 per copy for accident reports and other type reports issued by [he Atlantic Beach Police Department or Fire Department, and setting of a public hearing for September 28, 1987 C. Public hearing on Ordinance No. 40-87-15 providing For [he granting of a non-exclusive franchise for a cable television system Ln the North Seminole Beach area D. Puhlic hearing on Ordinance No. 90-87-123 amending [he Land Development Cnde to rezone land owned by Thomas J. Bennett 14. Miscellaneous Mayor [o call on City Commissioners, City At [orney, Ci[y Clerk, and C [ty Manager for reports and/or requests Adjournment ;,#rr.. S: c: L- t t ~, r r CI TS' OF ATLINTIC BEACH September l4, 1987 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge [o the Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of August 24, 1987 2. Recognition of vis it ora 3. Bid Openings: A. Receipt of sealed hids for Section "A" Naj or Sever Rehabilita- tion Project +. Actfon by Cie City Commission nn a request fot final plat approval for [he St ewmr[ Street subdivision consisting of three lots developed by Sam Waters 5. City Commission ect ion on acceptance of public improvements in [he Ocean Edge addition. 6. Action by [he Ci[y Commission nn recommendations from [he Board of Srus[ees of the AC lantic Beach Pension Fund on [he foaoving: A. Discussion on authorizing [he general employees of the Cit_v [o contribute 1% of salary Co the pension fund in exchange for fncreas ing their percentage benef i[ from 2X of final average c ompensa[ion to 2.25 percent of average final compensation B. Con®ission action [o authorize an increase in Police and Fire percent of final average compensation from 2X [0 2.2X fn recogn Scion of [he slate mandated 1X contribution of salary from policemen and firemen to the Atlantic Beach Pension Fund. C. Action by [he City Commission on increasing the City of Atlantic Beach contribution to the pension fund for policemen and firemen to increase polite and Eire percent of average final compensation an additional .2X at a cos[ to [he Citv of approximately $8,000.00 per wear to be de[e rmined ac[uarily 7. Discussion by [he Cicv Commission on authorizing advertising for bids for interim stabilization of West Sixth S[ree[ and Wes[ Ninth Scree[ from Nayport Road to Nain Street, and Nain Street from West Fount een[h Street south [n West First Street. 8. Coimnf [tee Reports: A. fomnissioner Glenn F.dvards reporting on covwit[ee recommenda- tions fnr awarding of a bid for a self-non [ained [rash c nmpactor and deodorizor B. Commissioner f.l enn F.dvards with committee recommenda[ione, on award of bids for water distribution improvements in [he Lake Elizabeth area in [he Buccaneer Water and Sever District v.,.. . SEPTEMBER i s. n* .,a ~ b.9+ r...q~s y~ CORRECTION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REMICROFILMED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY .... ~r--~- ii ii 1L.-JI ~p~ :. ';~: Wes.; .,. ;: `% r }er}` C. . ~ !~ 3lot~tla ~/ ~~ ~~~