02-01-93• Sent specs out to local nurseries/landscapers for Sailfish Drive planting projects, January 26. • Met with George Morley to discuss and begin work for sub- mission of grant for SBR monies. PRELIMI4KIRY PLiWS FOR F®RURRy ^ Get proposals, PON issued, for tree planting project on Sailfish Drive. See that project is completed. + Meet with sigrraker and Beautification Committee represen- tative to finalize plan for new "Yard of the Month• sign resume monthly awards. + Finalize work on grant proposal to be forwarded to Talla- hassee. + Make arrangements for reservations, checks issued. etc. for beautification Committee representatives to att erd seminar, Sarasota, F1, February 37 - 18. - 3 - __.. . r%e._ . - -+o. * Memc• to Mayor d City Commission, January 18, enclosing copies of revised Ordinance amendment. + Prepared and sent letters (9) to nurseries, January 19, reminding of rescheduled tree sale of January 23. * Preparetl and sent letters to 2 residents, January 25, who had expressed interest ire joining Beautification Corn- rnittee during tree sale of January 23. + Sent memo, January 25, to Beautification Committee Chair- man with breakdown of monies rn3lect ed during tree sale. • Prepared and sent letters, January 26, to nurseries (4) thanking them for participation ire tree sale. glso, letters sent to County Forester, Publix, and q8 elementary schools fc.r their participatior~ and/or coatribut ion. + Prepared and sent packets to Tree 6oartl members, January 2B, for meeting of March 1. OPERRTIp4gL • Contacted by resident, January 4, donating 2 holly trees to Ge planted or. City property. Made arrangements through Gublic Works for securing and planting, January 5. • Telephone follow-ups, January 7 & 8, to nurseries for their participat ian in grbor Day tree sale. + Checked median area of Plaza with Public Works, January I3, to ensure functional water sprinkler system for planting project. * Met with Beautification Committee Chairman, January li, to finalize details and volunteer tasks for tree sale. ~ Called participating nurseries and news media, January 15, advising of postponement of tree sale due to inclement weather, and of new planned date of January 23. + Made posters (2>, antl placed in Russell Park, January 16, advising postponement of tree sale- + Prepared specifications, Jarwary 19, for tree planting project or. Sailfish Drive (Sycamore trees). Coordinated/attended, Tree Sale, 8:30 am - 3 pm, Saturday January 23 t _ 2 _ February 15, 1993 To: Kim Leinbach, City Manager From: Carl Nalker, beautification Coordinator Re: Monthly report Fer 6eaut ification, January •93 Kim, attached is a recap of beautification activity/prc..j ects fur last month. ggain, they are separated into two areas, administrative and eperatier,a 1. fiDMINIS7RATIVE + Memo to M. King, January 5, on reappointment ref Tree board members. + Rttended Tree Board meeting of January 4, recorded minutes and participated in workshop following meeting en further refinements to proposed Ordinance amendment. * Sent letters (9), January 6, to nurseries and tree farms regarding participation in Arbor Day tree sale, January IE. + Made necessary changes to Ordinance amendment on word processor, January 7, arx7 distributed copies to City Commission and Tree Board members. * Sent letter of appreciation, January 7 to resident for donation of 2 holly trees planted at Public Norks. * Prepared and sent packets, January 8, to Beautificat ior~ Committee members, for meeting of January 13. * Prepared and faxed press release, January 8, to beaches Leader and Shorelines on tree sale of January 16. * Rttended Beautification Committee meeting, January 13, recordetl minutes, prepared volunteer schedule for tree sale, etc. * Memo to Tree board members, January 14, regarding cancel- lation of meeting scheduled for January IB. * Input word processor changes try Tree Ordinance amendment, January 14, as a result of first reading of Jan. 11. * Letter to Beautification Committee members, January 18, as follow-up en postponement of tree sale and of new date of January 23. February 9, 1993 11•' J 4.~: - Mr. Kim Leinbach City Manager Atlantic Beach City Hall 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Listed below is the Monthly Outage Report for the month of January 1993 that you requested: Number of Outall Outages 7 Number of Reception Outages 0 Total Outages 7 Total Completed Service Calls 146 If you need further information or clarification, Dlease comact me at 731-7960, extension 5352. Sincerely, Steve Moore Technical Manager P.O. Boz 17613-F .5934 Richard Street • Jackso~vi9a. Fbnda 32245-7613 • (904) 731-7700 Equal Opportunity Employer CorKinenUl Cablewston of dacttavnvnm 1~ STEPS FOR _DER _REVOLVING LOAN FUND ' 1. Submit a Request for Inclusion on the Priority List by March ' 15, 1993 to be considered for a loan in January 1994. Bob is breaking down AB and Buc into two projects so we meet the 20,000 limit for small cities. The two forms should be ' ready by December 30, 1992. DER says to send in as soon as possible. By doing so it will put us at the head of the line for consideration. Also, DER says not to worry about ' a complete doc., just send in what we have as soon as possible. we need a resolution to authorize a representative to send in the form and work with DER. ' 2. The Planning and Design Activities must be completed by June 1, 1993. ' A. The basic planning document, a comprehensive facilities plan which addresses management needs for twenty years. B. A capital financing plan and public hearing on same. ' C. Major design documents. D. DER notice of intent to issue a construction permit. E. Value engineering study if project over $10,000,000. ' F. Sewer user charge system and ordinance. G. Dispute settlement program. H. Environmental review of facilities Dlan and an environmental information doc published by DER. ' I. Public hearing on facilities plan, 30 days notice required. ' Refinancing from conventional [o DER's Drogram needs prior aDPZOVal. ' Because no small cities have applied, AB can gei the loan if it can meet the deadlines above. 1 1 PROJECT PLANNING REgUIRENENTS BEFORE JUNE 1 (these steps must be taken for buc. ~ ab) FACILITIES PLANNING 1. Facilities Plan a. Should be completed by April 1 b. The plan is a justification of the need of the projects. Zt should contain the following---20 yr. cost effective analysis, a enviromental concerns ( see below), prove best praticable waste treatment tech, meat public health requirements over life of project, must show how sewer will not have excessive inflow or infiltration. c. The Commission must hold a public hearing on this plan. The hearing must have a 30 day notice so public can review plan. d. The Commission must approve the plan by formal action e. design for projects-may require us to put alotof these projects into one fy. 2. Enviromental Assessment a. A detailed enviromental write up is not necessary if a significant enviromental issue is unlikely to arise as a result of the project. b. DER needs 30 days to notice the Enviromental Assessment. This assessment should be completed by April 1. FINANCIAL PLANNING 1 1. Capital Financial Plan a. cost of capital improvements for next 5 years. b. operation, maintenance and replacaeat cost for 5 years. c. existing and future debt, and d. sources of revenue to pay cost-identified. e. commission must hold a deticated public hearing on this plan f. commission must approve plan by formal action. ••*•If we have interim financing we will need prior approval ~aThis will require giving DER formal notice- "*••FUnding could be available by Oct., but more likely Dec. '*"Me need to check on construction Dermit statue with local DER_ Nay be a time problem. APPENDIX IV CITY OF rgtfa.Ttic beat! - 7lmtc"t~ct H -_.. _. . February 19, 1953 IIW 1A~HYIPfk U\F. ATLAITIC aF 1L'H. FIt)RIaA J22JJ~J91 1'h~.EPFIpYf 191MI 2i>-WJJ iA1 (90112!1-NiJ N E K O R A N U U M TO: Kirk R. Mendland/Finance Director FRON: Robert S. Kosoy/Director oS Public Morks F-~ ~ ~/ 1 RE: RESTRICTED FUNDS USED IN FY 92-93 AB MATER TOTAL 13/9/92 lat, 9th, and lath Streets Credit Change Order M1 -5998.45 12/14/92 Commission Approved 5118965.00 02/08/93 Change Order i2 619550.00 5137,536.55 AB SEMER TOTAL 10/12/92 AA Septic Tank (Tree Removal ) 62700.00 to 63000.00 Included in 11/18/92 Final P ayment (not included in GRAND TOTAL) 11/09/92 Commission Approved 69250.00 to Shar's Netal Morks Sor Handrails and Malkraya • P. O. Sor 52500.00 11/09/92 Resolution 92-33 BA-5 Sor Emergency Serer Line Repairs 687218.00 11/1&/92 AA Septic Tank Final Payment 65350.83 12/10/92 Sea Gardens L.S. 525000.00 01/01/93 Pace Utilities 61914.50 02/08/93 Pace Utilities sg0b3. 00 5135316.33 OAK HARBOR SEMER TOTAL T.V. and Cleanings 535000.00 GkANU TOTAL 5307832. bb F.SK/tb cc: Fiie ..,.._. ... _:.. a4 APPENDIX III ' CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH EATER AND SEVER ' RESRTICTED CASN BALANCES AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 ' __ HATER SEVER TOTeIL ATLANTIC BEACH: - --- ____________ ___ -_ Culf Breeze: ' Sinking Fund 19,827 27,179 47,005 Pollution Control: ' Sinking Fund 182,594 182,594 Reserve Recount 263,311 263,311 ' Connection Charges 0 282,922 282,922 State Aev. Generation 537,755 537,755 TOTAL ATLANTIC BEACN 19,827 1,293,761 1,313,587 ' BVCCANEP.R SYSTEN Aequ ieition Bonds: Sinking Fund A.enewal 6 Replacement 0 0 0 0 250,000 250,000 Connection Charges 10,936 185,100 196,036 TDTAL BUCCANEER SYSTEM 10,936 435,100 446,036 ' OM HARBOR SYSTEM Acquisition Bonds: ' Sinking Fund R 10,047 21,620 31,667 enewal G Replacement 13,720 26,602 q0, 322 ' Connection Charges _ g52 _________ 852 TOTAL OAK HARBOR SYSTEM __ 24,619 ____________ 48,222 - ________ 72,841 ' TOTAL 'H'ATER AND SEifER 55,381 1,777,083 1,832,164 1 RESERVES 02/16/93 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH WATER AND SEVER SCHEDULE OP CASH BALANCES ' UNRESTRICTED AND RESTRICTED AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1992 ' UNRESTRICTED ____________ RESTRICTED ____________ TOTAL ____________ WATER FUNDS: ' Atlantic BeacA Water 456,806 19,827 476,633 Buccaneer Water 769,093 10,936 780,029 Oak Harbor Water 13,105 24,619 37,724 Total Wa[er Funds 1,239,004 55,382 1,294,386 ' SEWER FUNDS: Atlantic eeacb Sewer 60,726 1,293,761 1,354,487 ' Buccaneer sewer 1,239,995 435,100 1,675,095 Oak Harbor Sewer 168,254 48,222 216,476 ' Total Sever Funds 1,468,974 1,777,083 3,246,057 ' 4 540 443 TOTAL WATER AND SERER 2,707,978 1,832,465 ~~:__~:_:___ , , =__z_~~:.~._ __=__==r~~:= UNCASH 02/16/93 1 1 piY Oi AIIANIIC BEACx BALANCES WTER AMD SEDER iUp15 2/19/93 FUNDS AVAILABLE f0R CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRORNAN Fvds Avai table es of Septmber 30, 1992 4,540,443 less: RttervK Al locste0 to Projects rot in CIP (10/1/92 - 2/1/93) 307,E33 Awns Restricted M Bard Cweronts 52f,57/ Mini Nrw DrsirM Reserve Level 750,000 Avsi fable far CIP Reload Projects 2,958,031 [e~inirg Balaroe Mticipated CIP Projttt E%peMiturez ---'"' October 1992 197,810 2,760,223 Noveeber 1992 61,146 2,699,071 Deceaber 1992 167,301 2,531,776 JanwrY 1993 156,500 2,375,276 februarY 1993 K9, 322 1,925,84 March 199} 219,846 1,646,108 April 1993 236,870 1,4W,238 Mar 1993 zel,lzo l,lze,lle June 1993 325.700 802,478 JuIY 1993 403,1100 399,418 August 1993 287,900 111,518 BRtmber 1993 188,000 (76,682) October 1993 500.000 (576,LB2] .. ,. ~ . is ._. a>.r.e. -.,,: APPENDIX II ' Notes 1 (1) the estirtK for ease W[er and Sever chergK for furore Years is greater than the antnts shorn in the Purvis, OrsY arol YSis. the rate orditurce NhicA bttaae efftt[ive m Jawary 1, 1993, ' irc1[ded a 11.0.1 (City) per amth adsinistrat ire fee in the lose charge. The Purvis, Gray a[lelysis had rot ircludN this ircrease to the box rates. These proltttiore take the Purvis, tray wlysis artl dd est iauted revenues free the adeini s[n[ive tee. IDe Purvi t, Gray wlysis included a 3N grOV[h fs[or. for Me sake of cor[YervaY it•, ro groV[M1 factor Aas [ , addeA [o [he am~inistretive fee projstiam. for the sake of ulculatiro the _ adei nisvat ive fee, the City Voter and Sm,er est iantes were - besed m 6,369 end 3,918 custmrrs resptttivel Y~ The Buccaneer ' Bwcaneer estieates acre bash m 1,663 aM 1,613, respectively and Oak Narbor est ieu[es Vere bash m G02 scar~ts for Voter end <01 octants for Sever. (2) the rate ordirurce Vas conistm[ Nith the Purvis, Lray aro/ysis, as it rele[N w volus charges. Merefore, the prol K[i Mt regain as shorn in their report. (3) Interest eamitgY Vill vary deperaling m the tiairg of bomarin9 artl eapmditwes. This vulysis aszlwes the entire errant repaired for the cepitel iaprovevat plm is barraged m PY 1992/9). The tieing of eapenditwes will also mist in[erKt earnings. (4) Unauli [ed. (5) Per revised schedules. (6) Sirce the east tieing aM ru[we of the brrwings are rot yet ' krcVn, the bsraV.d fWa or the appl i<tlle debt service pay~enee have rot been shorn on this schedule. (2) the eait[(tg Oebt service )vyaent for iT 1991/92 rrflKts intmest ' mly. In Wevioua Years, the October 1 prircipel pay.en[ had been expemM in the prior year. Te[hnicallY, prircipal paysVnts should mt fx expensed wltil paid. therefore, iT 1991/92 ehoVS ro pr lnipal amen[. ihis reporting Nxge will be reflK[ed in the fi[[srcial sta[erants of 9/30/92 artl be consistent lY applied in the /utwe. ' In addi [im, [Ris does not retlttt refvding of arrmt issues, Nhich will reduce eai s[itg deb[ xrvice. _ ....a<... t .,.. ,._. __ .,. u_ .., .. 0 pAC MA0.BCN SE YER fISGL YEAR fISGI TEAR fISGI TEAR fISGL YEAR fISGI TEAR fISGL TEAR 1991/92 (<> 1992/93 1993/91 199</95 1995/95 1996/97 ' 02E RAi1NL PECEIPIS: . ........... ............ ............ --- .._.__ ....._...... -..--...-... Base Sever (U 51,]92 <6,068 51,316 55,15] 59,088 61,130 Sewer voture (2) 38,971 50,532 5<, 152 59,260 66,001 65,209 CfAC Cn arge 65, 6<8 68,150 X,0]5 0 0 0 ' iOIAL W(RAIIxG RECEIP)S 156,<11 164,750 1C 0, 143 il<,<17 123,089 126,339 ' OPERAi II:L ENDENOI IVRES: Personal Lcrv ices 0 0 3,38 3, 5<0 3, ]1] 3,903 Operat irg Expenses 10,673 66,100 1], 918 18,36] 18,768 19,181 Ira[si<r w G/i 11,]52 13,266 )3,861 1<,485 15,136 15,818 Tres fer w five. Sever 59,017 61,968 ---66.757 67,6]1 ]0,]16 73,898 ioiAL WERAi IxG E%D. 81,2<2 141,332 99.968 106,063 108,33] 112,800 YEi OPF RAi ING INCOIE 75,169 23,<18 60,1]5 10,354 1<, 752 13,539 Ydl-OPE RRi 1N0 RECE IPIS: Debt Proceeds (6) ' T ranfer frrn Oak Yater 20,000 irarefer lraw 89c Sewer 160, CA0 I nteres; Earni yz (3) 10,231 3,000 22,567 (1, i<5) (80b (786) Yi sc. Cotta ian 19 ' 10TAL xox-OFERAiI YL --190,250- --- 3-000- .22,56] .-(/,165) ...--(802) -----(784) MON-OPERR11 xL E%PEM01iURE5 : ' Debt Serv fee - Exitiin9 56,383 53,89 53,316 52,775 SS,L81 X,669 Debt Service - New (6) Capital Mttay (5) 0 7,000 302,000 65,040 0 0 Operating Gpi ul 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 ' lram ler to Otner Fads TOTAL NON-W ER. E%P. 5.,385 60,85] 556,816 119,115 56,981 56,169 ' YEi Na.WER. IMCCME 135,86] ---(57,857) (336,269) (120,660) (5],]83) (56,953) YEi INCOYE 211,036 (SG,<39) (494,0]6) (110,106) (63,031) (43,x4) CXANGES IY IIJR%. CAPI iAL Acctnnts Receivable 0,863) frm 0[ner lads D 0 m mtcry 0 O t6<r CUrr Mt Ast <ts O Aa. GuYable i R<irwlt (93) Cus[m±.r G^W Sits ' lOtAl (RFL LES IY M/C (],916) ....... a . ........... .......... .......... .......... .......... ' NEi M1'. tC ECJ USx i 203-060- - (3G-639) {rG94,OR) (1[0_106) -(63,03U ....... i<) ' pAC xAR80R WIER 11541 TEAR fISGI YEAR FISCAL YEAR 1)144 TEAR 1)144 TEAR 1)144 TfAR ' 1991/92 (4) 1992/93 1993/9< 199</9$ 1993/96 1996/9] 09ERAilYG RECE IDiS: gas< Voter (1) 18,)08 23,<28 26, <8< 28,11) 29,881 31,3<8 W[er Vo lGOr (2) 1],142 26,128 28,218 30,<]5 32,913 35 21] CfAt Charge 31,612 31,850 13,925 0 0 , p ' Comet Lim Charges eR SOD 500 SGO 500 300 Service Charges 9<6 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Del irpxr~t Charges 2,032 2,300 2,306 2,500 2,300 -' 2,300 Cut-in fee 630 500 300 300 300 300 ' lOUt OPERATING RECE IRIS ]1,321 83,906 ]3,12] 63,092 6I, 29< ]1,263 OPERALI VG EXDEMOI IbAES: ' Personal Servim 0 0 3,40] 3, A] 3,]56 3, 94< tperatirg ExpeMes 811 8,]50 3,863 5,9]8 6,098 6 221 Irarefer to G/f 1,686 2,351 2,<5] 2,56] 2,(183 , 2,80< iranfer ro Buc. Voter TOTAL 09EGTIMG fzP. 31,6]5 34 1]2 33,239 <G 360 34,86 G6 <B3 36,320 <8 G<2 }],934 5 < 39,662 . ~ , ~ 0, 91 52,631 ' MET CPERAiIYG IYCOIIE 37, 1<9 ---U,566- ---28, 6<G 14-650 16,803 18,636 NOY-SERAIIMG RECEIPTS: ' Debt Pr«ee0s (6) Interest Earnings (3) 3,060 5,000 8,<60 ]63 9]8 1 103 Yl sc. cot lec[ionLS 56 , TOTAL MON-OPER. REDEI PTS 3, 11< 5,000 8,480 763 qle 1,103 1 --•------- ---------- ---------- ~-------~• ---....... --......-- YOY-CAERAII YG EXDENDIiDRES: irarcfer to Oak Sexer 20,000 ' Debt Service - Existing Debt Service - YN (6) 26,164 23,743 25,355 26,519 26,111 25, ]<3 bpital Outlay <5) 0 3],000 65,000 0 0 0 Operating Capital 0 1,300 1,500 1,500 1,500 iranftr [o Ocher ivah TOTAL YON ~OPG. ECP. -- 16,164 ----62, 7<3 91:855 ...2D_019 ---2]-631 27,243 MEI NOM ~OPER. IxCOF (G3, 051) ---(5], ]63J (83,3]5) (27,234) (26,653) (26,138) YEi IFCGP{ (5,901) (16,19]) (5<, T31) (12,606) (9,85% (7,504) ' CNAM:i.S IN VCR[. CAPIiAI AC[IXItLS R<Ctl vabl! (1, 9BZI Due Ira. Other fords 0 InrmtarY ptntf wrrmt Assets 0 p Act. Dyable L Accrw is 36 eVEtomer Deposits 3,1]8 IOGI Cr.AxGES (x V/C 1,252 VCI I4E. !0 C[.) Usx (<,65% (16,1V]> (SG,Bp (12,60<) (9,850) p,50U 1 ~..: fem., ~u:a..~:a.:l..u_-s.ras ' BIM:CAXEER .... SE9ER ........... fISGL YEAR fISGL 1EAR FISGL YEAR fIBGL YEAR fISGI TEAR LISCAL TEM 1991/92 (<) 1992/93 1993/96 1996/95 1993/% 1996/9] OPERAiIYL RECEIPTS: ------------ ------------ ------------ --- --- --- wse Serer (U 610,201 353,161 389,323 623,870 662,789 690,12] Serer V91tse (b 309,968 <2<,5]< O<,370 521,277 572,171 596,918 ' [amec tim CTar9ea 9,315 20,000 15,000 ---15,000 5,000 15,000 TOTAL OPE GIIXO RE[E IPIS T29,<83 79],735 818,693 960, i<] i, 069,960 1, 100, 0<5 OPERAi INL ExPEMD ITU(E 5: Perxmal Serviar 117,908 129,813 149,53] 15 ],OIG 166,865 175,108 Operative Eaperses 189,30] LOB, 653 291,652 309,802 328,1% 336,862 Trarefer to G/f 90,20] 85,362 89,203 93,217 47,<12 101,796 ' TrarNSfer frm Oak (59,017) (61.968) (6G, ]5]) (6]_6]1) 00,716) --(73,E%) TOTAL WE0.Ai 1x6 E%P. 338,605 56:,660 L65, 635 692,362 519,757 537,868 ' MET wERAiIxL Ix[OxE 391:078 236:075 <15=058 667, ]65 550,203 562-197 YPI-oPERAi)YG RECEIPTS: Debt PrOCeetls (6) ' Interest Earnings (3) 93,X8 85,000 136,00] 56,078 16,709 1L,G66 Misc. Col lecti gts 61 100 100 100 1W 100 TOTAL xw-wERIIT IYG 90=60 85_100- ---36-107 ---56,1]8 -- 16.809 ---16-586 Mw-OPE GiIYG EYPEMD ITURES: Oeb[ Service - Exist. (7) 125,886 228,<53 228,023 227,622 22],035 226,382 ' Oefr[ Service - Ytr (6> Capita( Drtl sY (5) 393,269 880,380 1,<w,000 685,000 0 0 Operat irg Capi tat 5,]60 1X,Sw 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Transfer - RDI 188,076 19], 680 203, GOG 209,507 215,792 222,265 Trer¢fer to AB Sever 303, 1OL 86,X1 86,871 89,671 92,162 96,927 Trrsf<r to Bic. Yai<r ;OO,Ow Tremfer to Oak SMr 160,000 ' TOTAL Mw-wER. EXP. 1,06,095 1, SG5,1Sf 1,933,298 1,026,606 569:989 558,574 YET YpP OPE R. IMfwE (1,365,666) (1,G60,05<) (1,]97,191) (9]0,628) (533,180) (543,986) YET IN[OlE (996 369) (1 221 979 5 1 3& , , , ) ( , , 3) (502,643) (2,977) 18,209 cxAYLES Ix 6xr<x. ani GL Accants Receivable (6,91]) Dtr frco Omer ivtls 33,281 l meet ory 0 Other Wrr ent Assets 0 Acc. Payable L Accrwls 99,$06 Gstoner Deposits o iOtAL CxANf.ES IX Y/C 123,8]0 1 ---------- -------"--- .....--"-- ..-....... .......--- -----""--- xEi INC. (UE[.) [ASx (870,694) (1,223,919) (1,386,1;3) (502,663) (2,971) 18,209 1 ...._; ~:vR ..__ .. ~~_ xUCCAxxEER VPtEk i1SCAL YEAR EISCAL YEAR iISCAL YFAR i1SCAL YEAR iISGI YGR fISCAI YEAR ' 1991/92 (<a 1992/93 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/9] CPERA(:NL RE CE IRIS: Base voter (1) 11],576 Ill, 503 15],091 1]1,9« 188, <6] 205,162 Yat er vol une (2) 198,728 281,826 30],032 3X,983 365,982 39],101 [mrccti on Charges ],193 15,000 16,200 1],496 18,896 20,218 ' Service Charges 5,910 6,000 <,OW 4,000 4,000 4,000 ON in9uen[ [narges ], 56c ],500 ],500 ],500 ],500 ],500 - Cu[-in tee 3, 6]< 3,500 },SOC 3,500 3,500 3,500 i01aL OPERAiIxc 0.ECEIPiS --339,245_ - «9.329- --495.323 539:423- 388-X5 --63],GB1- OPE 0.A1 IxL ECREYDIiUI(ES: Persaul Services 90,SL4 9],499 116,824 122,666 128,]99 135,239 ' opera[in9 EApenzes 121,053 18],90] 1]1,019 180,549 190,216 195,022 Iransf er to L/i <6, 1<G SS,G98 57,995 60,605 63,312 66,182 irar¢fer from Oak (31,615) (33,259) (3<, ]56) (36,320) (3],954) (39,662) 1 lOlAl OPE RAiIxO ExP. ---"-~-~-- 226,026 ---------- 308,145 ----"""--- 311,082 .---"----- 321,500 ...-...... Su,393 ----"-"--- 156,]81 MEi OPERAl1xL Ix CONE 113,219 1G 1, 184 164,241 211,923 243,952 280,]00 ' - -- Mdl-OPERPiixG RE[E IPTS: Debt Pr«eeas (6) trans. from euc. Sever 300,000 ' Interest Earnings (3) X,280 20,004 ]0,256 10,232 8,086 6,10 Cmvibu[im 6,269 Nisc. Col lectian XS 350 350 350 350 350 iOGL x0M-OPER. RE[E IPTS 33B, L9< 20,}50 ]0,606 50,582 8=436 6,49] x0Y-OPERAIiMG EFPENDIiURES: Oebt Service - Eaisi. (7) 61,521 111,659 111,450 111,253 11 D, 966 11D,6<] ' Debt Serr ice - xeN (6) [apt tal ant ley (5) 182, 92s 183,200 ),040,632 0 0 0 aperacin9 capital s,zw. 3a, ooo 1o,DOD 10,000 1o,aoo lo,ora transfer to Other furls 91,924 G8,SG1 69,905 51 a02 52,9« 54,532 ' IOGL x0x-OPE0.. EYP. -.X1,574- - 3]9,400- 1.211,981- - iR _655- --175,910- .-175,1]9. ' MEi xqv-OPEP. IxCdIE (2,680) 1359, 05 G) (1, ic1,1LU (142,013) (165,474) (168,682) xEi IxCOtE 110,539 (2V,866) (95],1 W) 69,850 ]D,OB 112,018 [XANLES IN 1RRC. CAPI IAL Accovas Rrcetveble 12,152 Due frm Other fvdz 0 Inventory 1,93] ' Other Current Assels 0 A«. Payable b Accrw lz 91,799 Cust err Deposits 12,959 t0i P', trFx cES IM Y/[ 12<,MI xEl IFE. (OEC) Gsx 2'_5, IL6 12 N,866) (95 ], u0> 69,850 78,08 112,018 a1LAM1IC BEACN SEVER FISGL TEAR 19)1/92 (G) fISGI YFAR 1992/93 fISGI YEM 1156E YEAR FISGL YEAR i1g41 YEAR OPEGiI NL RECE IPIg: ------------ ------------ 1993/96 ----------- 1996 r95 1995/96 1996/97 Base Srver (1) Se4er vo l•me (2) 499, 303 541 69/ $06,60) 8)6 - 569, e<2 628,608 693,978 ]13,]87 canectim wrRea , lol,Dn 916 ]s;9oa 9X,511 n ooo 1,095,171 ) 1,218,268 1,254,816 Slate Rev. Leneratim 109,058 100,000 , 100,000 s,ooo 100 000 Is,ooa 100 000 n,ooo 100 000 xisc. [ol lectiore l56 350 350 , 150 , 350 , 350 iOUL OPERAi1NG 1, 251,480 1,556,8]1 i, R9, 703 1,899,129 2,081,596 2,143, 553 DPERAi1ML E%PE MD IIURE3: Persmal Services apera[ing Expemes 203,650 429 552 316,234 6 5 362,988 381,13] 400,194 420,206 Transfer to G/E , 153,]96 60, 6 5 i7s RS 696,666 181 543 588,696 683,}S9 b98, 460 --- ..-. , --- , 189,712 198,249 20),170 Offal DPERAT1xL E%P. 786,998 1,050, bOG 1,018,995 --- ..- 1, 159, SG) 1,291,802 1,325,834 xEi OPERai1xO IN[OxE ---466,482 506,267 690,708 ---7}9:582 805,794 817,719 Yd-OPERAi1MG RFCE IPiS Debt D: oceetls (6) Interest Earnirgs (3) C i 93,<}D 65,000 126,626 69,567 17 853 27 SG9 ant r Wtion p , , Special Assessoent Special Assess Int 55,660 70,000 70,000 ]0,000 70,000 70 000 . . Operating bare. - Bic. 22,920 303,106 5,000 86 X1 6,667 871 86 6,356 89 671 4,065 , }, IqG EPA Lran[ G 329 , , , 92,162 94,927 AL Lai-OPEMi1XO 4]9,626 224,X1 288.166 213,600 186,080 1%,210 MJM-WEGi1N4 E%PEYD ITVRES: Debt Service - Exis tirg 183,767 2]4,212 285,982 281 655 249 189 2<] 976 Debt Service - M!x (6) , , , Gpi tal Outlay [5) <OG, ]PA 502,400 2,723,600 1,183,200 0 0 Operating Capital Trare(er to Other EWS 5,917 605 500 36 153 30,000 K G2 Sp,ppp 30 000 30 000 , , , 8 39,127 0 0 TOTAL MDII-W ER, E%P. 1,199,954 812=825 1,064,010 i, SSS, %2 279,189 271,916 ME1 NON-OPER. IN[OlF (72C, 541) (588,466) (2,795,866) (1,320,562) (95,109) (81, IOb) xEr Ix[dtE (256,0595 (82,21]) (2,105,136• (580,980) ]10,685 TX,013 CXAMLES IM VOR%. CAPITAL octants Ret ei vabl! (125,SSU Due irm other iuMG 0 immmrr D other [urrm[ Assets (21,6X) Au. Payable L Accruals (111,151) ftrs [omer Depozi is p IOial Cx ax LES Ix 4/[ (264, 3'i8) xEi INt. (DEC.) USx -(5206395) -(82621)) (2,105,138) (580`9D% s-110=66ec c -7%ipl} w ,:~ 1 1 1 1 n rt Df AIEAXTIC BEA[X WIER ARD SEVER RE VExtIES 9ROhCl IMS ATLANiI[ BGLX VATER i ISGL YEAR fISGL YEAR i1SGt YEA0. gSGL 1f AR iISGI TEM LIgGL TEAR 1991/92 (<) 1992/91 1993/94 199</% 1993/% 1996/9] DDE¢AIi NG RECE )Rig: ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Base eater (t) 1]2,852 231,%1 273,SM 298,220 325,6Q 353,)63 ~ Va[er valuee (b 312,<21 <2<,OX <]1, 696 52G,]1< 583,692 643,28] canectim Charger ]8,169 ]0,000 ]0,000 ]O, OOG ]0,000 ]D,D00 Service charges 4,299 ],500 7,500 7,500 ],500 ],500 Oelirgxnt Charges 20,016 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 cut in fee 15,5]0 10,000 )0,000 1C, 000 10,000 10,000 iOUL ODERAIIxG ¢ECEIRTS 605,33] ]]G,<85 89,580 935,G3< 1,022,039 1,109,550 09ERR 6G EYDEMDITUgf is Dersonal Services 188,]]0 195,235 2<0, 11] 252,123 26G,T19 277,%5 Cperat irg Ezpenes 146,159 295,990 211,5]0 222,31] 233,236 219,113 irarx;fer co L/7 63,6W 98,965 103,<IB 108,08 112,936 118,018 TOTAL ODERAiIxG EM9- 3%,3M 590,190 555,105 582,512 610,901 615,116 pEi ODGAI ING INCOME 205,000 18<,295 302, QS 352,922 411,132 G7<, 234 Ypl-ODE RAi IMG RELE IRTS Debt Rrcceeds (b) Interest Earnirgz (1) 45,908 10,000 G8,GE6 10,321 7,<]3 I2,0<0 SRK ial Assesa~ent 38,K9 60,000 GD,000 40,000 60,000 60,000 gpK ial Assess. int. 10,000 9,333 8,711 0,130 7,588 bans ler 1r9B A8 Sesror 605,500 0 0 0 0 0 xiu. Coll Kiiars 456 350 350 350 350 150 TOTAL xw-ORER. RFCE IDT$ 690,313 60,330 98,169 39,388 53,%3 59,978 YW-ODF RAi IMG EYDEMDIfU¢ES: Deb[ Service - EaisHrg <i, 085 <3,123 <S,b52 G:,%1 45,393 64,599 Deb[ gernw - Md f6) [apical Ou[IaY (5) 5]0,659 1,430,]1] 83,000 312,200 0 0 Operating Capital 3,<32 1,750 20, ODL 20,000 20,000 20,000 TOTAL xON-MER. EMD. 615,176 1,683,5911 818,632 3]7,161 65,393 66,599 NEi xOx -ODER. IxLOE 73,137 (1,623,2401 (720,483) (317,78) (9,K0) (6,621) NET Ix[DXE 280,131 (1,238,945) (418,008) 35,1<9 <01,698 669,613 CMANLES IN VOR[. UPI IAL A[:gal[i RtCei Ya6le (61, J]G) Dw from 0[her iv~CS 0 Imm:a ry 7,713 Omer anent risen (20,1701 ett. ra /aGle 4 Accrw is 179,5}7 cu.1 ~.+ news.n w,<s< (OiAI CnAM4E5 IM D/i 142,260 xEi Ixr. cCE C.) GSX 422,997 (1,2iD, 9<5) .. ',OWi 35,149 <01,6% 469,613 fOREU$i 2/18/93 APPENDIX I io [o you and urge you to tonraC[ myself or any fellow staff members if you have any questions or desire additional information. .-.A. ,.. _x- .:•.isf6ea%(~jfM.srr_2=`.f}~~,.;. ~f~~...:__. 9 many people (each making an invaluable contribution [o [he overall process) but with the potential of having important matters falling through the cracks iE you will. Finally, it has been suggested thac the CSCy consider utilizing the services of a bank for interim financing if not for [he long term. Apparently there are institutions willing [o make long cerm loans a[ very favorable rates, but subject to re-evaluation after five and [en years duration, tly primary concern involves [he possibility of reali2ing a higher rate of interest through this revisiting versus long term financing which is fixed for the duration of the borrowing period. I close by recommending the City pursue the acquisition of the services of a Financial advisor, immediately put out Request For Proposals to banks for at least interim financing purposes, and continue utilizing our existing funds for as long as possible (within reasonable cimef rames) to minimize our money cos[. As I mentioned earlier, I contacted Purvis Gray for help in recommending at least three financial advisors for your consideration if you so desire and I understand Kr. Alan Potter of the Water and Sever Committee has talked to various banking institutions and is currently preparing a proposed Request for Proposals for potential sources of financing. These schedules should provide adequate data for lending institutions for the purposes of obtaining financing. Please bear in mind [he figures aren't audited but [he staff feels [he same are accurate and should not change substantially. I hope this report is of value 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 8 an appropriate reserve level. Projects in the current capital improvement program could be funded rith existing reserves (to the extent possible). We further recommend budgeted working capital reserve levels of 20Z of annual expenditures for each fund. - I rou ld like to conclude my report with a number of concerns and suggestions. Fizst, I vane you co be aware of my concern relative to the burden of so many projects upon our limited staff. Although re have outside firms assisting design, inspection (if needed), etc. I am worried that our staff will be overburdened as there rill be a lot to the administration of these large projects. I anticipate the need for field changes, Water and Sever Committee meetings, City Commission meetings and (reluctantly) change orders relating to most if not all of these projects - if history repeats itself. My second concern involves our DER resolving loan request. I have been advised by Deputy City iianager .Ia rboe of many requirements that moat be completed prior co [he .Iu ne 1 deadline. You will note from the attached sheets under appendix IV there are cony things [hat re are responsible for and the one chat I question whether it will be completed in time involves [he actual design. Therefore, I think the City must incorporate into Sta planning the possibility of no[ realizing Federal-State funding for the next fiscal year. Finally, I recommend clarification ar.d re-es[ab lfehment of authority betreen [he tlayor and CS[y Commission, Water and Sever Committee and staff. My primary concern ie [he involvement of for all revenue sources including connection fees and miscellaneous charges. A plan is suggested for annual incremental rate increases over the next five years. We Further recommend changing the late payment fee from a Fixed fee of SS per account [0 10I of the late balance. 4. The Ci[y Ss currently in a position [o refinance certain long-term debt on more favorable terms. ve recommend chat [he Buccaneer and Oak Ha zbor Bonds be paid in full on the earliest silo vable dace. The pollution control bonds could be refunded through an Sn-substance defeasance for additional savings. We recommend that the refunding of these three issues be made part of [he bond issue for the eater improvements. 5. We recommend [hat the C1[y of Atlantic Beach, Buccaneer, and Oak Narbor rater funds be combined for accounting and financial reporting into one rater fund and that the three 6ever funds be combined into one sever fund. Department codes should be used so expenditures can be separately Sdentified when calculating debt coverage under [he bond ordinances. Ne also recommend chat the connection charge ordinances be modified to alloy the expenditure of [he connection charges across systems. 6. Ne recommend rho[ [he CS[y develop a plan for maintaining cash reserves so that funds will be available for future capital improvements when needed. We feed [ha[ 6et[ing aside connection charges, plus IOS of the prior year's net revenues rill es[ablleh 6 1 1 i~ estimated as ;3,756,336, although it has decreased each year for the last several years. Furthermore, Chis cash balance is Insufficient to finance a capital improvement program of over ;11.5 million. Additional funds must be borrowed. We recommend that the City use up to ;3 million of existing funds to finance needed eater and sever fund improvements and finance the remainder through outside borrowing. 2. The possibility of obtaining grants co finance Che construction program vas researched, but nc opportunities were discovered. Bank loans were determined to be an unfavorable long-term, fixed-race financing option. A low-interest race loan, however, is available through the Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) for sever improvements. We recommend the Cicy pursue the DER loan for the financing of its eligible sewer improvements and issue bonds for the iinanciog of its eater improvements. If the DER loan is turned down, the CSty should be prepared to finaoce both the eater and sever improvements vl[h a single bond issue. 3. The cash basis net Sncome of the Combined eater and sever funds is Insufficient [o fund current operations, let alone the deb[ service on any nee debt fs6u ed [o finance [he needed capital improvemenis. Based on certain estimates and assumptions as provided by the CSCy and detailed herein, the nee expenditures would require race increase totaling 395 (sees:) and 465 (eater) over the next five years. The rate increases would be required 1~ 5 action. 1[ is acknowledged, that if [he Commission chooses [o utilize the services of a banking institution, it may or may to require an engineer report. Ne will learn more about Che exact documents banks require 1n the next few days. Fourth Item. Direction from the Mayor and CI[y Commission [o Hire [he Services of a Financial Advisor. Staff has been talking with Joe Nelch from Purvis Gray and I propose this auditing firm screen and recommend three financial advisors far the Commission's consideration. This is of course contingent upon the Mayor's and City Commission's desire to acquire such services. In that this is not regulated under the State statute portion at the Professional Negotiation's Ac[, ve should be able to proceed rapidly in the process of hiring a financial advisor if you so desire. Staff would recommend the same as ve are talking a great deal of money ro be expended by our community and feel professional advice could and should benefit our community. For Che convenience of the Mayor and Ci[y Commission, following a:e the main points outlined in Purvis and Gray's financial analysis of the eater and wastewater utilf ty systems, City of Atlantlt Heach, Florida, dated October 28, 1992: 1. The CSty's water and sever funds are in sound financial condition at September 30, 1992. Total cash available Ss _„ ._..~. ___1.. ...,.._ ..... ue. 4 Delay in moving ahead with Capital Improvement Projects. As noted ac [he outset, staff feels ouz Capital Improvement Projects have been progressing without hindering the performance of our municipality. A number of construction projects have been completed or are underway and several are currently under design. Our current reserve funds are being used to finance these expendiCUres as you will note under item number 2 above. Staff further feels it is unwise to borrow funds any sooner than necessary (keeping in mind ve need a safe margin of error [o preclude gaps in funding) as this costs us money in real terms. Finally, there has been some confusion, at leas[ from my perspective, in terms of pinpointing actual projects in The Capital Improvement Plan. For example, sludge management and treatment vas no[ included in the CIP and other variables have arisen resulting in what might be considered a "moving target". Furthermore, I submit if the City had progressed with the Capital Improvement Projects as planned, there vas a lack of Eollov through in Berms of acquiring the requisite professional staff to prepare an engineering report for hard financing. Staff made up for this deficiency by amending the current requests for proposals (advertised several veeke ago) by asking engineers to include an engineering report relative [o all projetCS in addition to the original RFP for simply engineering design for expansion of the Atlantic Beach Wastewater TTea[ment Plan[. Therefore St saved several precious weeks of time by pursuing [his course of ' 3 between funds to finance existing projects (particularly our eater plant expansion renovation). Second Item. ' Request for accounting of reserve fund expenditures and current/projected balances. Based upon current information ' , ou ill y w note in appendix II, of the ;4,540,443 available ' as of the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992, ;307,833 has been expended for projects no[ in the torrent Capital ' Improvement Plan, monies restricted by bond covenants amount to ;524,577 and staff is recommending the maintenance of a i minim l um reserve evel in the amount of ;750,000. There vas ' therefore, a reserve amount totalling ;2,958,033 a[ September 30, 1992 for current and projected projects. ' t'lease note that projects such as the Water Treatment Plant expansion are in process and being paid for with reserve funds. You will note from the schedule that the City of ' Atlantic Heach need not borrow the money until sometime toward [he end of the ensuing summer. This is based on ' spend rates estimated by the Public Works Director. Please bear in mind these figures are estimates and actual figures ' may vary based upon bids, change orders, and the like. The ' enclosed data, a endlx pp lIl demonstrates monies have been expended on projects recommended by the Mater and Sever ' Committee as yell as special er.pendi[ures approved by the City Commission. ' Third Item. 1 2 response is one you have heard before - difficulty in maintaining Cvo computer systems ([he nee one is nov being readied co Cake over the utility billing and accounting functions in the very near future), converting the collection and billing system from quarterly to mooch Ly increments resulting in a multiplication of transactions and resultant s£gnif icant additional burden on staff, and [he transition of our Finance Director co Atlantic Beach's system of government vich assorted and bountiful varkload associated vich [he same. We offer these as no excuse but simply and hoPefu'_ly explain their relevancy as to part of the reason for [he delay. No r.e iheless, you will note from the attached spread sheets, appendix I, a reiteration of our unaud iced financial figures for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1992. Included are eater and sever revenue projections for Atlantic Beach eater, Atlantic Beach sever, Buccaneer eater, Buccaneer sever, Oak Na rbor water and Oak Water sever. These projections cover the period from fiscal year 1991/92 through 1996/97. I ask you to consider the footnotes listed at the end of the financial spread sheets for further clarification. As of the end of the last fiscal year the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach had approximately 5.1 million dollars of cash on hand and currently it Is es[Smated 4.5 million dollars rash on hand vich [he bulk of [he expenditure related to our current water plan[ expansion and renovation. The bottom line is - ve are in sound financial condition a[ this time, but have been borrovinq ' 1 ' Resulting from the last regular City Commission meeting, a number of questions, concerns and criticisms were raised regarding the administration's approach to [he Capital Improvement Plan, new ' water and sever rates, and financing proposals recommended to the Honorable Mayor and City Commission by the specially appointed ' Hater and Sever Committee. Following is a reiteration of points raised and responses [hereto. I would like to furthermore begin ' [his report with the following conclusion: Punding requirements ' are one facet of progressing with our Capital Improvement Program. AC [his point, no prof acts have been delayed due co a ' lack of funds. Staff acknowledges problems in determining final accounting data is reference to last fiscal year in terms of ' these two utilities, but there has still been no harm experienced [o date. 1 ' Mich Ch18 in mind, the following is an issue by Issue recapitulation along with my response [hereto. Please bear in ' mind I have received a lot of assistance from Pinance Director KSrk Hendland, Deputy City Manager Jim Jarboe and Public Works ' DSreccor Robert Kosoy. I have enclosed relevant information from ' all of these gentlemen and ins[ezd of simply repeating Che same, I have chosen to highlight various Stems. Firs[ Item Lack of financial data relating to the 1991/92 fiscal year ' for [he utilities. Administration concedes tardiness in supplying [he audited figures as requested, our only 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 eeroer ro ree HeYOa !aD cxrY coHMxssxoH sreros oP vesre~erea raeerHeer saD verea PaoaECrs AHD PIHeaclHc SOBKITYED BY SHE OPPICE OP CIYY HAHAGBH Kim D. Le Lnbach, Ciry Manager ,. ..:r_.~._. _. _.. ~~, .', ~~ ~ a ~: 1 1 1 1 r~-ta-utt~u~ ~oaT ~wutr n, ~~ § 1816 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE ARTICLE 1[. PERMIT Sec. 18-18. Required. No person shall engage in the practice of soliciting in the city without a permit as provided for in this article. (Code 1970, 4 216fdU Sec. 18-17. Registration and fingerprinting required. All persons, before entering into or upon a residential premises within the city for the purpose o(soliciting, shall register with the city clerk and furnish him with the following: (1) The name, local and permanent addresses, age, race, weight, height, color of hair and eyes and any other distinguishing physical characteristics o(the applicant; f21 The nature or purpose for which solicitations will be made and the nature of the goods, wares and merchandise offered for sale; (3) The name and address of the employer or organization represented; (4) A statement as to whether the applicant has been convicted of any felony or misde~ meanor, and if so, the nature of the offense, when and where convicted and the ' penalty or punishment assessed therefor; (5) A wmplete set of fingerprinta taken by the chief of police. fCade 1970, 4 21-2) Sec. 1678. Fees. A fee of five dollars (55.00) to cover the cost of investigation of the applicant and process ing of the applirtion shall be paid to the city clerk when the application is filed, and shall not be returnable under any circumstances. fCode 1970.4 213) Sec. 1619. Issuance. Upon furnishing the information and fingerprints required under section 18-17, the applicant shall be issued a permit, unless the information furnished in compliance with this chapter shows that the applicant has been toavitted o(a crime involving moral turpitude. A permit issued under this article shall be good for one fl) year from the dale of issuance, unless earlier revoked as provided in this article. Every solicitor shall carry his permit with him al all times while engaged in soliciting, and shall display the same to any person who shall demand to see the same while he is so engaged. (Code 1970.4 2H) Sec. 1620. Revocation. The city clerk or his designated agent shall revoke any permit issued under this article if he finds that the permitiee has given false information or has knowingly withheld informs lion m obtaining the same or upon vinletion of any portion of t},is chapter. 4;ode 1970, 4 21-51 s~pp nv to 1056 Page Two Ordinance No. 95-93-55 PASSED by the City Comm1993on on first reading this day of _ PASSED by the City Commission on s1993d and final reading this day of - WILLIAM I. GULLIFORO, JR. Mayor/Presiding Officer A T T E S T: MAUREEN KING City Clerk Approved as to form and correctness: ALAN C. JENSEN, ESQUIRE City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 95-93-55 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 18 SOLICITORS, AMENDING SECTION 18-18, FEES, ISSUANCE TO INCREASE THE COST OF INVESTIGATION OF APPLICANT, AND AMENDING SECTION 18-19 TO REQUIRE RECEIPT OF INVESTIGATION REPORT PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida: SECTION L Chapter 2, Section 18-18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 16-18 Fees A fee of five-t}o-ld,3rs--135:OtrY fifteen dollars_~15.00) to cover the cost of investigation of the applicant and processing of the application shall be paid to the city clerk when the application is filed, and shall not be returnable under an}• circumstances. SECTION 2_ Chapter 2, Sectfon 18-19 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 18-19 Issuance Upon furnishing the information and fingerprints required under Section 18-17, and upon receipt of_ the investigation report reguired _under section_18-.18, the applicant shall he issued a permit, unless the information furnished in compliance with this chapter shows that the applicant has been convicted of e crime involving moral turpitude. A permit issued under this article shall be~}eed-fof ~+a•-(-1-~Y~'-r'rvnr•'Ltee-datrof-issuance expire on September 30.following the date of issuance, unless earlier revoked as provided in this article. Every solicitor shall carry his permit with him at all times while engaged in soliciting, and shall display the same to any person who shall demand to see the same while he is so engaged. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance to amend the cost of investigation for solicitor's permit SUDMITTED BY: Maureen King, City Clerk DATE: January 22, 1993 BACKGROUND: When we receive an application for a solicitor's permit, the applicant is finger-printed and a background investigation carried out by our Police Department. In accordance with Section 18-16 of the City Code a S5.00 fee is charged for this investigation. We have recently been advised by Chief Thompson that the Police Department has been requested by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to discontinue investigations for this purpose. This office will now request the background investigation through FDLE in Tallahassee, at a cost of 510.00 per investigation and we have drafted a proposed amendment to increase the fee to S15.OC for each investigation. Chief Thompson has indicated he would be willing to continue doing the finger-prints and we propose to continue this practice. Since all occupational licenses/permits expire on September 30 we have also proposed an amendment to bring Section 18-19 into conformance with standard practice. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve proposed amendments to City Code Sections 18-18 and 18-19. P.TTACHMENTS: 1. City Code Sections 18-18 and 16-19 2. Draft ordinance to amend Qa~b(/o~ve sectio//nAs REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER__---/(""/ _yQ~~y~~~ 7 AGENDA ITEM #~~_ CITY Of AilAYilC RGCM BUDGET ADJUSTMEMI MIAIBER: RA-50 (cmt.1 fUND: Vari pas E EEECTI VE DATE: 09-10.92 ACCOtgI MO. ACCIIUNi ililE 001.1004-590-1200 (5)Ba tries ool-spot-s9o-uoo aeniwe 007-5006-590-'500 Spacial Ray 001-5004-590.2100 fIG 001-5004-590-f 100 CtaaYn icatims 001.1004-590-GGW Rmtalc i Leaxez 001-500<-590-2200 Rmsian 001-1004-590.2300 Meal th i life 001-500<-590-2400 krorkera Cmp WI-1004-590-<00p iravei i Trainiig 001-1004-590-4600 Rtpair t Nato[. 001.5004-590-<900 0[her [urrmt Chrq. 001-5004-590-5200 Opera[irg Supplies 001-500<-594-SGfq Duet, SiE., i Memer. 001-1004-590-6600 ErNiPwant OOh 6030-5 R-G300 Utilities iOiAIS AR9RORR IAilOXS RE TAIXFD EARY IMGS DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT S,ee9 615 966 596 5 26] 751 19< R1 100 92 10 1,650 122 693 1,e1s 6,376 6,SSe 0 0 E%R(AMAilpi: (5) fliwir,ates negative to lances in Fp1i TaYent Xaint. dtlpet by [rareferr irg excess ivds how Parks ~ RK reatfm accpnta. ARRROVEG BY: Kiw leirbarh, City ibnager RREDARED 8Y: Kirk YeMland, Einarce Direc for INI!IA[ED BY: CpwI5SI0x ACTION REWIRED: Ief DATE fXIERARFG: 02-22-93 tilt OF At LAMiIC BEACX BiIDGEi ADJUS1MEYl YI~ER: M-30 (cmi) iUID: vari ACCOUNT YO- ACCOUNT il1LE 001-s002-3<1.5100 (G)Pfa. Services 001-5002-3<1-X00 CmtrxtUel lerv ices aol-sooz-s<t-uoo c~nica[iPn 001-s002-1G1-u00 Rentals i lgaes 001-5002-5G1-6600 Repair i Maintenance 001-300b SG 1-6900 O[her cwrmt Ehrg. 001-5002-SG t-5200 Opereti~ S[5glies 001.6020-Sn-1200 aol-bozo-srz-lsoa 001-6020-Sn-2100 001.6020-Srz-2200 ool-bozo-srz-23oo 001-6:20-1rz-z000 001-6020-srz-3201 001-6030-5n-i1C0 001-bolo-sn-uoo Srl sr ies Special Pay fIG Perim life L Xealth Yorkers Corp Gas Cmnica[ion Operating Supplies iD[AL$ EffF[iI VE OA[E: 09.30.92 APPROPRIAiIONl RE[AIXED EARYIYGS DEBIT CREDii DEBIT QEDii 2, rz9 z,on 1,706 8P6 1,566 103 1,306 7,600 816 63] Gn f slG 468 600 1,603 <19 G3,21s (3,213 0 0 ELPLAXR IOX: (f) Eliriivtes negati v! to larces in PiLlic Vorks )aal9et by van ferrirg esceas fvd< hen Parks i Recreation accwnts. APPROVED BY: Ai• leir6ach, City Manager DREPARED 6Y: Nirk YerglaM, finarcr Director IYIiIAi Ep Br: Cdw1531 P1 A[iI OM REWIRED: Tes DA[F PREPARED: 02.22-03 _,r. Osten. ~~:~cr~.a__. _ ..r. ,3[rkefurx CI iT Of QIAYTiC BEACN B40DfT ADJII3TMCYi NUMBER: BA-50 (cm[.) FWD Various EffECTI VE DAif: 09-30.92 AttarT m• ACGTIMT TITLE 001-5001-sU-1200 (USaI arIK 007-5001-X1-2100 EIG 001-5001-Xi-4300 Utili[iK 001-5001-541-4400 4mteis t LeasK 001-5001-X1-5200 Opera[inB SygliK 001-5007•X1-E<00 EQui pemt 007-5002-X1-1200 SelariK 001-5002-X1.1<00 Overt Tae 001.5002-541-2100 EIG 007-5002-547-4000 Travel i Train irg 001-sOW-Xt-G300 utititiK 007-5002-541-<711p Print, t P~ElishinR 001-5002-X1-5100 Office SygliK 001-sopz-u7-szDl Baa 001-5002-541 1202 Dieeet 001-5002-X1-5300 Road SWp1iK 001-s002-X I-6500 ly. OtOer than Bld. 007-5002-541-6400 EpJi paint 001-5001-X1-1<00 Wertiee 001-5001-541-1500 Special Pay 001-SCO7-541-2200 Pmaim 001.5007-X/-2300 life i xealN 001-5001-X1-2400 Yorkers [oy 001-$001-X7.3100 PlO. Sere icK 001-5007-X1-3400 Cmtraetwl ServicK 007-5007-X7-4000 Travel i Train- 001-5001-X1-<100 Cc~nicatiols 007-5001-X1-4600 Repir t Mai ntenaMe 001-5001-X1-<700 print. t P~pliah irg Wi-som-547-sloo mnDe s.cpuK 001-5001-Xl-Sip) DuK, SW.,t Mtader. 007-SOOb541-1500 Special Pay 001-5002-Xi-2200 Persim 001-5002-X7-2300 life t Health 001-5002-541-2400 Wrkere [oap i0TA4S EINLAYAi IDY: APPROP4IAiIONS RETAINED EARxlNDS DEBIT GEpli DEBii CREDiT 1,333 143 13,037 3,5<2 2,983 392 3,999 214 182 60 2,309 1,213 7,846 G3 4,302 2,239 545 387 26 2% 1,X1 3,590 1,3% 7.966 48T 91< 970 1,826 359 751 764 1,271 1,9$0 Bb 2,480 0 p APPROVED BT: iiY leiriach, City Manager PREPARED DY: Ei rt Ysndl attl, Finance Director IYIT IATED tI: COIN I55I ON ACT IOY REgiI RED: Yea DATE PREPA4E0: 02-22-93 s-aa:~ - -a_-:.. _.'.. nn~,..-,~-,:+-+a.aii'x.e..~utra CI iT OF AT LAxiI[ BEACX BUDGET ADJUSTMExi MdBER: N-50 (can[.) FLRD: Varige ACCg1Mi M0. ACCgJNT TITLE 001-1009-319-1200 (3>Sal eriK 001-1009-519-2100 FIG OD1-1009-519-2300 Yorkers Coap 001-1009-519.3600 Can[ractW! ServicK 001-1OW-519-L000 Trave( t Training 001-1009.519-<ZFA Tran. t voltage 001-1009-519-<500 Iruurarce 001-1009-519.6600 repair i Main[. 001-1009-519-6]01 YeK letter 001-1009-519-6900 Other Llrrent Chrg. 001-1009-519.5100 Office S~pliK 001-1009-519-5200 Opera tirq SrppliK 001-1009.519-5400 ps{, Srb. t Meatier. 001-1009-519-8200 AiE Pr(rate Organic. 001-1009-519-1<00 Overt iae 001-1609-519-1500 Spetial Pay 001-1009-519.2200 penim 001-1009-519-2<00 Yorker Caap 001-1009-519-3100 pro. Servi<K 001-1009-519-<100 Coa~niutiom 001-1009-519-<300 U[ili[iK 001-tOW-519-0000 Renal{ i LeasK 001-1009-519-<]00 print. Y Prblish irg 001-1009-519-6100 lard 001-1009-519-6200 BuilAirgs 001-1001-511-2300 Li}e t xea1N EifFfll NE DATE: 09-30-92 ADDROpR IAfld3 RE TAIxED EARNINGS DERIT ClE01i DEBIT CREDIT 747 2, kS f0 l,e9s 9 395 11, <19 718 324 1,742 k] 70 ]65 500 250 288 165 3] 1,962 231 1,659 60 8,973 125 153 2,135 001-1002-512-2300 Life 1 XKlth 661 001-1002.512-2<00 Yorkers Cup 1q5 001-1002-S 12-k00 CmtractWl ServicK GOO 001-1002.512-4000 travel t Trainirg 852 001.1002-512-6100 Coarn ication 565 001-1002-512-5$00 Operstinp StppliK G1S 19i4t3 20,9!16 20,906 0 0 EKpIAMAIId: (3 ) EliMin[K negative WIaKK in General Lw•t tGdge[ try tr{roferr irq excess fr{ds front Legislative srd City Marvper M cOref[{. AppRO9E0 BT: [ie Lei rDa<h, Ci[Y Manager DREOAREO BT: Kirk Ymdl ard, finance Director 1MIilATED BT: [ONISSId A[ild REOUI RED: TK DATE RREPARED: 02.22-93 - .,. ..-Lr. ~.. .. .., -. ~..... _ii C ITT Of ATLANTIC BEAM BIDDET ADJUSi)FMt MtRIBER: M-30 (cant,) Fes' YifIgIE ACCOWi NO, AISWNT TITLE OOF 100<-51<-230U (2 )L ife L Health 001-1004-31<-<900 Other DYfrMt Urg. 001-f00i-5 )<•<0p0 Travel i Training 004-1003-513-<000 Travel i irainirg TOTALS EFTECTI YE DATE: 09-30-92 APVROVRIATIp15 RE TA IYED EAgRiYGS DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT --...-- -"----rz ................ 2, <69 2,000 5<i z,ui z,uT o 0 FxgIAMA IOM: (2) EliaiN[ea negative laa lanen in Legal ladyet try traroterri~ eaceaa fvdM frt. Firurce xcanh. AvvRDYfD 8r: xiD Leirbach, Ci[y Manager RREVARED BY: Si rk YngfarN, Fi1MrKe Director IMI TIA TED BY: LOIMI551 OM A[iIOM 4Eg1I qE0: IK DATE RgERARFD: 02-22.95 cl rr of AnAxnc eEACx BIALEI ADJUSTMEMi DER: G-80 iUm: Various AC[OWT M0. ACCDWT TITLE 001-1006-516-13M (tJSpxisl vaY 001-1006-516-2100 714 001-1006.516-2600 Yorkers Caap 001-1006.576-7100 Pro. Services 001-1006-516-3100 Cmtrxtual Services 001-f rA6-516-6000 travel L Trainirg 001-1006-516-f 7110 Print. L vublishing 001-1006-516-5200 Operating Supplies 001-1006-516-6600 Equilsrtt 001-1006.516-2200 permim 001-1006.516-230D life L Health 001-1006-516-4600 Repair L Nai nt. 001-1006.516-4900 Other Current Chrg. 001-1006-516-5100 o/lice Supplies 001-1006-516-5400 Dues, Sub, t X®ber. FfiEtilVE DLTE: 09-30-92 ApPROPRI AT IONS RETAINED EMMIMOS DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT 762 ST 610 sn 1,361 489 156 19 bG3 19< a 3 2<3 26 5 007-1008-52<-i<00 Overt isa 169 001-1008-524-2200 petvim 307 001-1008-521-2300 Life L Xesl to 12 001-1008.62<-3100 Pro. Services 900 001-1008i2f-3600 Cmtrxtual Services y,G 001.1008-524-<000 Travel L Training 8gg 001-1008-524-4100 COasnicat ioru 30 001-1008.524-<E00 Repair i Mai nt. 409 001-1008-524-<700 Print. L Rpli N irg 2<e 001.1008.524-5200 Operating Supplies 243 W1-1008-62<-6400 EOUipamt ~ 001 -f 005.515-3100 pro. Services iOTALg sR f,23< G,25f 0 0 EKpIAMAiIpI: (i) Eliaina[es negative balances in Code Enforcaaan[ xcant by traK ferr irp excess /vds frca the gut td inp and plamirq L 2MIM1J M[g11I5. APPROVED 9Y: Ki• LeiMach, city Xmeger PRFPApEO BY: Kirk Verdlartl, finance Dirxtor IM ITIATED BT: COXII SS IOM A[ild REOU IREO: Yes DATE vREPARED: 02-22-91 ..-.. CITY OF February 15, 1993 1Qll4.rtit E"eae~s - `~lmetila ___ t~ ______.. _ s00 tiEg60Ll RWP -- ----'----- ATLA]Tlr aFwLN.FWRRN IS?1!_W! - " ~ TFJ,F:FHn\F (9W)2n _i81p FAC 190113QFSS0< To: Kim U. L~e inbach, City Manager II ~~~ o From: Kirk R. Wendland, Finance Director ~ WYa~-d RE: Budget Transfer Request Attached you will find a final budget transfer request for FY 1991/92. The request covers various funds, and requires approval by the City commission. Upon reviewing final expenditure amounts, a budget transfer has been requested to increase any accounts which ended the year with a negative balance. As you know, we have already completed transfers in those budgets that had sufficient balances within their own departmental accounts to cover the negative accounts. These funds, however, are over budget as a whole and require transfers from other funds. The Legal budget was $514 over in total. This was the result of additional hours of service provided by the City Attorney. A transfer from the Finance budget can cover this small deficit. The Code Enforcement budget was $3,776 over in total. As you recall, we met with Don Ford in July and realized at that time this department would exceed budget due to the timing on charges for a demolition. The majority of this deficit can be made up with a transfer from the Building budget, with the remainder coming from Planning L 2oninq. The General Gov't budget is over by a total of $4,501. This can be attributed to insurance expenditures which exceeded budgeted levels in that account by $11,419 for fiscal year 1991/92. The Public Works expenditures exceeded budget by $14,631, primarily due to utilit}• crpenditures that were $13,057 over budget. This is the result of back amounts owed to JEA, due to improper original billings. The Equipment Maintenace budget was exceeded by $1,825. This was caused by higher than budgeted salary totals. Both the Public Works and Equipment Maintenace deficiencies can be eliminated by transfers from ParY.s 6 Recreation, which finished the year substantially under budget in a couple of areas. I would like to place this on the adgenda for February 22, 1993. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter. ^ESOLUTIOII 116. 93-10 A BESOLUSION TBANSP~RI6C CEREAIM MONTHS 6E'[YEElI YIIlO)S b"HEREAS, the Ci[y Charter of the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach requires that the CI[y Commission approve all budgetary increases and transfers from one fund [o another, and WHEREAS, [he nature of budge Cary systems and those day to day decisions affxcting such budgetary systems require adj usement from time to time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by [he City Commission of [he City of P.[lan[ic Beach, that [he attached Budget Adjustment No. BA-50 be approved for the 1992-93 budget. Adopted by the City Commission February 22, 1993. z • ~ • • • • ~ f + • k x William I. Culliford, Jr., Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Alan Jensen, City Attorney AT'EST: :aureen King, CSty SECTION 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon final passage. 1 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON FEBRU 1993. Wi iam I. Gullifo d, r Approved as Lo Form and Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City A*_torney ATTEST: //// //~ J{.l~c.A Maureen King, Cit Clerk ... ,:-.a~__. _._... ~r~ RESOLUTION No. 93-9 ~~ ~ '1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OPPOSING THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RULE 168-55. WHEREAS, The Beach areas of Duval County have been inhabited and and have contained lighted structures for more than one hundred years, and WHEREAS, No substantive scientific evidence has been developetl to show-site sDecifis impediment or disruption of Sea Turtle nesting in Duval County at any time during that period, and WHEREAS, the Stats of Florida has not adequately educated the public about Sea Turtles nor has it offered sufficient assistance to local governments to provide such education, and WHEREAS, The State of Florida Department of Natural Resources is proposing the adoption of rules establishing "guidelines" for local governments for the Drotection of nesting Sea Turtles, and WHEREAS, The implementation of these guidelines would impose a financial burden upon the City of Atlantlc Beach and its citizens which will not be mitigated through new funding sources, and WHEREAS, The health and welfare of the citizens of the state of Florida will not be furthered by the implementation of the provisions of Lhe proposed Rule 18B-55, NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Commission of Lhe City of Atlantic Beach that: SECTION i. It be known to all that Lhe City Commission of Lhe City of Atlantic Beach, Florida opposes the adoption of proposed Rule 16B-55 of the State Department of Natural Resources. Approved as to Form and Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk RESOLUTION No. 93-9 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH OPPOSING THE ADOPTION OF THE PROPOSED DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES RULE 760-5°. WHEREAS, The Beach areas o` Cuval County have been inhabited antl and have contained lignted structures for more than one nuntlred years, and WHEREAS, No substantive scientific evidence has been developetl tc shcw-site specific impediment or disruption of Sea Turt ie nesting in Luval County at any time during that period, anC WHEREAS, The documented frequency of Sea Turtle nesting in Atlantic Beach has not been provided to local authorities for stutly, antl WHEREAS, Tne State of Florida Department of Natural Resources ~s proposing the adoption of rules establishing 'guidelines" for local governments for the protection of nesting Sea Turtles, and WHEREAS, The implementation of these guidelines would impose a financial burden upon the City of Atlantic Beach and its citizens which will not be mitigated through new funding sources, and NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by the City Commission of Lhe Ct*_v of Atlantic Beacn that: SECTION i. It be known to all that the City Commission of the C:ty of Atlantic Beach, Floritla opposes the adoption of proposed Rule 16B-65 of the Slate Department of Natural Pesource5. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall become effective +mmediately upon final passage. ADO F"ED B+ THE OITY COMM,i SSIO~~ ON FEERUAP~ °2, 799;. William i. Gu~lif pru. Jr. .. MEMORANDUM TO; him !einbach, City Manager FROM: George Worley, City Planner G« GATE: February 77, 1993 RE: Resolution opposing DNR Rule 168-56 'he referenced proposed rule is to establish "guideline:" for local governments to adopt. The format and terminology used in this rule will lend itself easily to conversion to mandatory requirements. Given the substantial physical change necessary to comply with the current 'guidelines" of the rule the costs to both the City itself and to the many private homeowners coultl be substantial. If this rule eventually becomes mandatory without a funding mecham sm attached it could be construed as a violation of the State Legislators prohibition of un-funded mandates. v ~ ~I V $ ~ 3 4 p .~ ~ ' % W c ~ E ' u o r c a a 'm m ~ v o z u u ti W U M d u N w W w O F W ~ ~ U ~ H ' a N o U t Z 7 ~ W U Q m m ti a n X Q ~N W Y u a o W LL 3 v U LL = .y u 4 Q () w M t mca ~ \9 ~W m V ~ V ~ n Z Q u X J { F ~+ W Q w ~ a N W 1 U E u LL ~ m ~ ~' f Z \ 9 ~ W U i ~ a ~ X j W ((o~ .~ V ~ s ~ ~, o ;~ ~ I ~~ _ ° I Y CI m n. d a o i g a~ O ~ U • t y ~ 2 O N ~ ~ I U U N r' O' W hl O v, ~. m ~ w I ~ ~ LLi ~~, LL 4 0 ~ ~ Q V m I ~ H , 2 d' Q N O p; Q F' W ~ ~ m 0 0 L ~ I 2 m ~ O W 1 m ~ ~ 1 1 Z W U €E3 - , ~~ CLTF OF A1T.ANTIC 1lFdl$ CITY COI4IISSIOA MH8YI8G . - S7YPP ltlsP081' AGIDWA IT@I: SALE OF BRUSH CHIPPER SDB1tITi¢D BY: Rober[ S. Kosoy!Direc [or of Public Works ~SIL I iV DATE: February 1B, 1993 BACQGBODHD: Bids were receivzd and opened on February 18, 1993 from Che following bidders: 1. Planation County Club, Inc. $4020.00 '2. VSN, Inc. of Jacksonville $6667.00 3. Billy Wager of Green Cove Springs $6579.00 4. Coas[al Tree Serv Ices $6250.00 ATIDB'; We recnffinend chat the award be made to Plantation County Club, Inc. for $8020.00 ATIAC~15: Bld Package BEFIHR® 87 CITI MAAAGER: n/ ~JD~ nC . .. ACPF1mA II'Q{ 110. 1 Wn scope R Nursery ~/F{~~~~ 131W arnmp.k Grele Sauth Al JACRaON 'IEEE, FLORIDA 32225 Y.-,- ( 4) 2218027 i .w - -1 CAo2d;,la~o,L . av9-~aas ; a/ ~ S~ , - _.. __ _ _o~` _ . -ril S J~a // .._ /a 30 ~ 0 _ Tzces _.. L ___ ~ _ _ __ ~f/leo.oo ~~,s~ce. / ~ooo s~. Soy( = ~9ao.oo ~ ~~ar. __ =~~~oo.oo - _.. __ . ¢ ,- - 3 ~ a'o.oc _- _ _. / -. _ ~~ -- ____ - _~ ~l --~ __ 3'~fl:oo _- _ _. _ _ ~WLa~P~R~r)POSE ncfrLr e,rmi>n outer Yana WL,r-rompklerlaci r.~wlm me.~yye, rfiusons, forumaum rd~ --- ------ c /Y L1Q.~.~ -~''~ ~ --/-+ 1 /yR/./VAS 1a- Fnv'ha-.l,r4y. -. _ lil.N.Y-w~( _T„/A l V ,F OV . _ aa~.,.,5 3 `7 a o.ool ~ JW .err • a , f ~'~ _- .... '.n~.~,.. ..a,.. ~-.-... .I t, _.t.':: :. ~P~ 1`. 11 TTi/!R, T.It ~l r-,tllll~t•T~ _ N- It m•r-.waeNN tlWn_ e7~6ry. ACCEY(ANCE Of P(tUw Al. '(~1. I Vr r W~.r ..1n 5tl%1C cllp F" • ~ ha>x rrfir.! F m.rtarJ Lcl ~. Tlfu.o:s a:rJ ++'ArnaArY.Ptetl Yot+ue.arMn>:~7 wad .rtIInM aiwK . ~ `" PROPOSAL SIM'S HICKORY CREEK NURSERY NuasERr sror,K. nnA~cN AND LANDSCAPING, INC• TREES . LANDSCAPING aFR,NKLER SV$TEIA$ 1Ji15 rvyNnr ao~d Lckwnrllly Flodd~ 3]]15 tso~l xxt~asos January 27, 1993 Proposal Submitted To: Work To Be Perlormed At Name City of Atlantis beach _,.,.. ..,., ,_.,,.. 1';estern side of. Sailfish Dr. .._. .. Slreel 716 Ocean Boulevard _ _ _. Street coiner. of Atlantic. and Sailf isli C,ly Atlantic Eeach ._._ City Atlantic Eeach .._ Stale Florida -... Slate .Florida 32233 _.__. Date of Plans _.. __ PhonC 249-2395 .... ..._.. __.. .. Architect .... _ Sim's Hickory Creek Nursery A Landscaping, Inc hereby propose to Iurnah the materials and Verlorm Ule labor necessary br ih¢ COmpleL'On of IIls tat tattoo of twelve (12) Sycamore trees ._.._._._ $1200.00.._.___. _....... .. ._. ____. L+S tallation of 6,000 sG. ft. Bahia sod _ _..___ 1320..00 ____ .__. .. _.. 4 CuUic yards of mulch installed _ __.. _..._.__. ._ 120.00 _. ..... __ _... _. ___._.._ Clean up _. . _ . _.. _. .... _..... . _..._-_ __ 400.00 ...__. _... _. .. __ Au material Is gu ara nleed to be as sVecifietl. and the above work to he pertonned m accordance with the drawings and sp¢uficaliuns subrnnted for above work and sour Gleted m a 5ubslanbal Workmanlike mann¢r for the Sum 01 Three thousand forty dollars and no cents--------------Dollars(S304U.OU 1 wish payrncnis tU bo rn ade as lollovrs' _ _ _._ _. __....___.. .._ ._._.._.__ _. __._ ._... Upon completion .. .. ... ._.. _..._.. . __._ ...._.__. _._-_ ._ _. __ __._._____..__ Iraw ~ _~_Respectlully r ., asu ncw.u x ssao s e r. ~ ,. a r Submitted Blm~ e C kNunery L-Lrtb•c~yNa, Inc. .,r.. ..cu r w v '....a y ... .hn a d uw .~.-: 6 u:.. ...... Y .. _. __ _. __.._ _ r. .C u~ r _r Its P e ld n ....w, . •'^°~~'^~"`"i B'~" Note-This proposal shall be deemed revoked ilnot :?.,. ~.. r ~ ne ~+~ .w"~ e•.e w accepted and received by our otlice within 30days. r1Y ^n+v+a[,~q•^•~ d'll an d,'v<vNn,17~.. ~•OU ... ! • ..n a!..'1 w r.r. w. 4, L+.'. „o.K C.w. M/M'. •M L.'vn :..q h ~... ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL 't ne abovC vnces, speuhcannns and conddiors are sabslarory and are hereby acceDled. You are authorized to d0ll work es 5peoihed Payment well be made as pV binfd above. Uato ._ _ _ .... _... Signature _. ...____ __ ~~ ~ I/ LANDSCAPE design & services, im•. January 11, 1993 Mr. Carl Welker Clty of Atlentlc Beach 800 Seelnole Roed Atlentlc Beech, Florida 32233 Reference: Sailfish Drive Protect Dear Mr. Welker: As per your letter dated January 6, 1993 please accept this letter as our quotation for the landscape work to be perforeed on Sailfish Drive. Reeove existing vegetation Install 12 - 30 g. Sycaaore (10'-12'/2 2 1/2" - 3" cal) Inetell 6000 aq. ft. Kahle sod Mulch base of tree rings. 8 2990.00 Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact ^y office. in erely, R chard RMB:fea M. Keever COHPoltATF.' & ESTATE MAfNTF,NANCF. N.U. Roz 1044 Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904-249-3614 3'AC P: S1% MINUTES SEPTEMBER 14, 1991 NAME OF COMMAS. M S Y Y V N Mayor Gulli(ord anncunc ed the tentative millage had been s 2.7525 with [he debt service set at .0901; [he cc miliage race vas 2.6624. Re opened the r a public hearing and iuv it ed comments (rum once. There being no comments from the audien ie budge[, the Mayor declared the public hearing Edwards a Fletcher z a Motion: AJopt Uce tents[ ive FY 1992/93 budget Tucker z Maters z a Com~missi mist F.d va rds uuted [hat $5,000.00 haJ been provided in [he Culliford x budget ro purchase trees. following discussion is vas explained the $S,OU0.00 had been budgeted for beautification and the City Commission had discretion regarding how the funds would be spent. The Mayor encouraged [he c/ty staff to pursue [he possibility of haw irg citizens donate trees and other such items. Following further discussion it vas agreed [o change [he terminology [o "Beau[if ication Capital Improvement Fund." The question was called and [he motion carried unanimously. Mayor Culliford inquired whether Commissioner Tucks t, who had been appointed co chair a Charter Revision Committee, had any names to submit Lor appointment to [h a[ committee. Several names were suggested and following discussion the Hayor appointed Raymond Salman and Ci[y Clerk Maureen King [o serve on [he committee. Ae asked [hat the Commissioners review the names which had been subm acted and Co rvard [o [he City Clerk [he names of any additional individuals they wished [o nominate for consideration. A committee o[ nine members vas suggested aad the Mayor deferred action on further appointments until [he following Commission meeting. 8 City Manager Reports aad/or Correspoadeace: The City Maaager said he had received a request from Uon Redmo who requested approval of a Cri-a[halon on the beach on Sat ay, September 19, 1992. No objections to the tri-athalon vet oiced. The City Naaager also reported [he City of acksonville had reques [ed [he Beaches Library be used as a C zens Service Center to disseminate information. The City pager said he wished [o advise tlce Ci[y Commission of Jackso tl le's plans. Ne said that AU antic 9each had recently es ished a tompu[e razed complain[ management system and he expre ed some concern [hat citizens might by-pass the city and go 1 sad to Jacksonville's Citizens Service Center; however, com ants re relved [here would be forwarded [o Atlantic Beach. The City payer also reported [ha[ he and Parks and Recreation b:rectn Blanchard had met regarding [he selection of an architect Cnr re proposed improvements in Russell Park. Ne will report rther at [he next Commission meeting. CITY OF ATLANTIC 6EAC8 CITY COlR1lSSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGE1®A IT@1: Request for expendi wre (52,490) from "Beautification Capital Improvement Fund" for tree planting project. SI1RlQTTFD BY: Carl Walker, Beau[ifica [ion Coordinator DAY'E: February 11, 1993 EACRGROOlID: When [he FY1992/1993 bu;i ket was adoo[ed, it was stipulated [hat the 55,000 budyz ted for beautification tree planting would be spent at [he 7onission's discretion, from the "Beautification Capital Improvement Fund". The 9eautiiica[ion focuni ttee desires [o have installed l2 Svczc:ore trees, 10-12 fee[ in height, on [he vest side of Sailfish Drive, from Atlantic Boulevard, north [o the narking lot entrance of "Pic N' Save". The area will fur- ther be enhanced by installation of Bahia sod and mulch rings a[ the base of each tree. The lowest proposal re- ceived for the project is 52,490.00 ~- Authorize approval of purchase order U3450 for 52,490.00 AITA(~R'S: Extract of minutes of September 14, 1992 Commission meeting Proposals/Quotations ( 1 for vork~ormed BEVIEfiP~D BY CITT MANAGPB: AG&Q!A IT@I No. ~ I W y UI .m c' Y ~ ~ 3, w a a ~ m xl -` a ¢ I N r W C n C H C O « W O a ~ ~ U E m o 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 u m mY 4 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 °o 0 ~ D E -~ 21 o cl «oI m oNl '.: ~ w m ° oV r0 N ~I V~ _V 4 J nl r" V. F . m x y ~ W 4 w O Y .. c WI a L O, Oi O a u a rnl ~. °; o' of ~! o o° o o° °o .I m C H~ PI P! PI P PI P O P P ml .J 3 Z r'f r'r V r'1 v~ V ~ O P J yt a "~ w I U' t ¢~ Q o al O u m xl y y W J n '~ wl IL > VI of o r o ¢ °.j cl °~ c ooI 0 0 0 0~ °o c LL = ., y a ~ of m; uI of U y .fL h hl n V1I V NI h }OQ U'J F) VI ~I N N N VI ,-1 ~O N N ~ m " ~ ~~ ~~ U~ UI I I I i « ¢ I 2 ~= a.: Q u W K. Q ~ L w ~ ~ I ~ -Vi ~ V ! O OI O'! p'~ O~ .Oji O OI O' O O O O' f 4 O O Oi OI O~ p; p' f. ~'~ PI P .S. O'. I O OI O C vt N 6 ..1 Z' NI NI ~~ `VI J N W r`tl N~ .1 ~ ~i I I I V I W' U I n, V X' ' t ~ ~I m W G S u ~ W 2a a¢., o.~~~oi ?'. oho°~ol OOl c°I°o o° o° Y Y f PSI O O' O rr' OI O OI OI Oi O O Q Z'.. hi J1i Ni .Si vi OVI ~ ^ j 1 ~I N ~_ ~ I i C, Y YI I I I LI I I Y V I V M ~ m m Z h O Ol.y 'z I S; O I O a - ~ V O~ I~ v: m~ I vl ul ul ~ ~ ~ a -~ o: x ~ Y' o•" _ a ~ U C y..~ O~di dbl.-r ul Y u Yl y ~i W. ~~ I, d~ ul til .rl m~ ~~ ~ h~ ti~ p~ -O P O:~ri'>I 9'J~.yl al .~>-I-li «I uI ~I LjL _ LL. y'. '. 3. 6! I I C © ^I Qi ur Ul L~aldi ul ul NlN OI OIN O ~ ~ m. u: al u u, ~I tl z f ¢ I m: n'm m~ `'i ~~ m m~ m ml mI m .~ u v j I 2 pol p«io~olc~IG DI« « w 0 0 o y ~ W' m ~. I I I I N 0 0 m C fpi. [vl ~ ~U'r ~ } .+' o HI~ FI4 2 I i! W U LI W aI V m, 6; Y YI 3 VI 4 dl I m O E f f BID N0. 9293-4 Mailing List: Surface Water Manageme n[, Inc. 1574 Sco[r Ridge Lane Jacksonville, Florida 32259 Mr. Brett Conover (904) 350-1312 Ame raq ua[ic. Inc. 1061 Sou [hvest 30th Avenue Deerfield Beach, Florida 33442 Mr. Mark Graham, Regional Manager (305) 262-0306 Lake Doctors 150 State Road 419 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Mr. Mark Seymour, Aquatic Consultant (407) 327-1080 (800) 666-5253 Environmental Services, Inc. 8711 Perimeter Park Boulevard, Suite dll Jacksonville, Florida 32216 (904) 645-9900 Lake d Pond Management P. O. Boz 47855 Marietta, Florida 32247 Coastal Science Association 328 Second Avenue North Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 Biological Research Association 8380 Baymeadows Road Suite F16 Jacksonville, FL 32256 BID N0. 9293-4 - SU e!7ITTAL PACE In the spaces provided be Lov, indicate price bid for each ditch or lagoon for one year: 1. Ditch at Skate Ruad (4/10 mile, .50 acres) S 2. Ditch at Cavalla Road (2/10 mile, .15 acres) 3. Di[cl~ Behind Pub lix (2/10 mile, .IS acres) 4. Ditch a[ Aquatic Drive (3/10 mile, .18 acres) 5. D1[ch at Police/Fire DePartmen[ (2/10 mile, .25 acres) 6. Ditch at Novell Park (2/10 Mile, .25 Acres) 7. Ditch at Selva Sierra (2/10 mile, .25 acres) _ 8. Ditch at Seminole Road (4/10 mile, .50 acres) 9. Ditch a[ 2G[h Street (Selva Madera Cour [) (3/10 mile, .18 acres) 10. Ditch at 20th Street (400 Block) (8/10 mile, .75 acres) 11. Ditch at 20th Street (500 Block) (4/10 mile, .25 acres) 12. Ditch at 20th Street (Vela Norte) (4/10 mile, .25 acres) 13. South Lagoon (2.00 acres) 14. Nor [h Lagoon (2.50 acres) iOiAL PRICE BID FOR ALL LOCAiIUNS FOR DNE YEAR S (Dollars) . , ... .. .. ...~..exs.>m~.f:~a ~isc.'ii~m,:Y:.a:GS'auyG_: RE51'OCKING - The contractor shall be solely responsible for restocking bodies of water should a fish kill occur as a result of chemical [reat- men[. INSORANCE - The contractor shall provide insurance coverage no less Chan [hat specified below and shall hold [he Ci[y harmless for any damages arising as a result of this work (see INUElC7IFICATION). Evidence of insurance shall be sent to the Director of Public Works prior [o work commencing. Workmen's Compensa [ion - F'er Slate Requirements Public Liability and Property Damage - $300,000 Single Liability. Automotive Liability - Per Sta [e Reyuirements. PERFORMANCE BOND - A Performance Bond shall be required. The amount of bond shall be based upon [he total amount of [he Blanket Purchase Order issued to the contractor for [he given year. Proof of bond covering 100b of cos[ of treatment shall be furnished the Ci[y within [en (10) days of ward of contract. E~fUIPMENT - the contractor must have adequate equipment to Crea[ [he ditches and lagoons as requgired [o meet job specifications. IKDEliN IFI CATION - In consideration of [en dollars ($10.00), recelp[ and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, [he contrac [or shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, its officers, evployees, represents lives and agents against action, loss damage, injury liabil icy, cos[ and expense of whatsoever kind of nature, (including, but no[ by way of limiation, attorney's fees and court costs) arising out of injury (vhe [her mental or corporeal) [o persons, including death or damage [o property arising out of or [hereunder, whether or no[ due to or caused by negligence of the Ci[y of Atlantic, it's officers, employees, representatives and agents. BETNOU OF PAYMENT - Payment on each contrac Ced job shall be made as follows: Completion of firs[ treatment SOZ Three months after first treatment 2s.7, Six months after firs[ treatment 15Z One year after firs[ treatment IOT BASIS OF AWARD - The bid shall be awarded to the qualified company with the loves[ total bid for treating all of the bodies of eater identified. PERIOU OF CONTRACT - The contract period shall Le from [he date of execution of the contrac[ foz one year with option for renewal for two additional years upon mutual consent of both parties. BIU N0. 9293-4 - SPECIFICATIONS PURPOSE - The con[rac [or agrees to furnish all labor, equipment and chemicals [o successfully treat algae and floating, emerged and emergent plants in twelve (12) ditches and two (2) lagoons as designated by the City of Atlantic Beach for a one-year period. REQUIREMENTS - 1. As a prereyuisi[e to bidding, potential bidders must visit each site ]fisted prior [o submitting a bid on [his prnj ec L Failure [o perform [his physical inspec Cion will result in rejection of [he bid. 2. The con[rac [or shall provide all necessary personnel, eq uipaen[ and Chemicals and shall be required to control the grow [h of aquatic plants in each spec t.t ied body of water for one year folloving the firs[ treat- ment. 3. For each ditch or lagoon, the contractor shall recommend a program [o include initial treatment(s) and subsequent maintenance treatments and submit same [o [he Director of Publfc Mocks for review and apprcval. Recommendations shall include chemicals [o be used; technique and rate of application and veritif is anon of same [o Oirettor of Public Mocks; and time and place of initial application(s). 4. After initial control has been established, [he contractor shall, on his own, inspect each body of water a[ least one time per month and spot treat as necessary to maintain growth con[roi. The City shall be notified each time a body of water has been inspected and advised what action, if any, vas taken. (See paragraph on REPORTS) S. In addition to these routine inspections/treatments, the contractor shall respond fir. a timely manner to requirements for additional treatments if the Cicy deems them necessary. METNOU OF OPERATION - a Blanket Purchase Order shall be issued through which payment for all treatments will be processed. Receipt of [his Rlanket Purchase Order shall be Che Notice to Proceed. The firs[ treatment shall be accomplished within [en (10) days folloving notification of award. INGRESS/EGRESS - The Ci[y shall arrange for and designate ingress/egress points [o work areas and the contractor shall use only these points. LICENSE AND PERMITS - The contractor shall secure all required licenses and permits [o comply with City, State and Federal regulations. REPORTS - The contractor shall provide [he Ci[y with a report of operations irc iuding location. application technique, acreage of treatments, species treated, chemical and rates applied, and ary other related information or recomme nd a[ions [hat may be of importance [o [he Ci[y in planning future aquatic weed control. The report will be supplied to the Uirec for of Public MorYS within one month after each treatment is complete. Sn addition, the contractor sha71 be responsible for submitting reports required by [he state regula [ory agencies. including proper check(s), in [he space(s) provided, and enclose it with [he bid or proposal. Novever, if you have provided the completed fozm [o the submittal address listed in this invitation and i[ vas received on or of [e: January 1, 1993, the completed fozm is not required fcr the balance of [he calendar year. IDENTICAL TIE BIDS - In accordance with Section 287.087, Florida Statutes, effective January 1, 1991, preference shall be given to businesses with drug-free workplace programs. Whenever two or more bids which are equal wf [h respect [o price, quality, and service are received by the Slate or by any polf tical subdivision for the procurement of commodities or contractual services, a bid received from a business Cha[ certifies that it has implemented a drug-free vozkplace program shall be given preference in the award process. Es cabliahed proc eduzes for processing bids will be followed if none of the tied vendors have a drug-free workplace program. 9 form for [his certification is included wi [h the bid forms. Joan LaVake * k fi k * k * * * k * * * * * * * k * # # # # *p*t*h*Skn* kg*n* k fi * # FLORIDA TINES-UNION: Please publish one time on Thursday, January 21, 1993. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 247-5818. _ ~:..r.: a-: e..:...~:..~>h,:a,,.:~.:.;'i6 CITY OF January 21, 1993 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION TO BID b0051-N1\OLF RtHU ATLA]TIC B!X'll. YII IRIW 1,3]bHIS IYLYPHI9\Y. 19011 :1RSxOp I~.C i90i12iYNp[ NOTICE is hereby given [ha[ the C3[y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive sealed bids in the Office of the Purchasing Agent, Ci[y Ha11, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233-5445, until 2:C0 PM, Thursday, February 11, 1993, after vhith time bids will be opened and read aloud to FURNISH ALL LABOR, EQUIPMENT AND CHEMICALS NECESSARY TO SUCCESSFULLY TREAT ALGAE AND FLOATING, EMERGED A.ND EN.ERGENT PLANTS IN THELVE (12) DITCHES AND TWO (2) LAGOONS AS DESIGNATED BY THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD. Bids must be submitted in duplicate, and shall be enclosed fn an envelope endorsed "Bid No. 9293-4, Spray Ditches and Lagoons, To Be Opened After 2:00 PH, Thursday, February 11, 1993." Specifications and Bid Forms, and information regarding the bid, may be obtained from Che Office of [he Purchasing Agent, 800 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida, telephone (904) 247-5818. .111 bidders must furnish the following NITB THE BID. 1. References testifying [o the quality of [heir work. 2. Original (copies are unacceptable) Insurance Certificates, naming the Ci[y of A[lan[ic beach as Certificate Holder, shoving they have obtained and will continue [o carry during [he life of [he contract: (a) Workers' Compensation, (b) Public and Private Liability, and (c) Property Damage Insurance A Performance Bond will be required of the successful bidder. Bid prices must remain valid foz sixty (60) days after [he public opening of the bids. Goods and services proposed shall meet all requlremen[s of the Ordinances of Che City of Atlantic Beach. The Ci[y of Atlantic Beach reserves Che right [o reject any or all bids or parts of bids, va ive informalities and technicalities, make award in whole or par[, vi th or without cause, and [o make the award in what Ss deemed to be in [he best interest of [he City of Atlantic Beach. YLBLIC FNT ITY CRIMES - 6ny person submitting .: bid or proposal fn response [o this invitation must execute Fora PUR 7068, SHORN STATE.MEN7 L'::i1 F.R SF.CTIOS 287.133(A), FI,OkIUA STATL'TF.S, OS PCBLIC E471TY C31 ME 5, It ie hereby recowwended that the project be ararded to Mitigation Service, Inc. as the loreat responsible bidder. RSK/tb cc: Kim U. Leinbach/City Manager Claudie Hogens/Public Morks Superintendent File- DITCNSPRAYING CITY OF 'e G'eaek - ~Peaida February 16, 1593 M E tl O R R N D U M I2W N\'DPIPtit LA\! ATLA~TII: aFACN, i'IgRDM J2TJMle1 TELEPan~£ IWaI }41-5A4 i'A\ 191M1 Sh58U TO: Joan LaVake/Purchasing Agent FkOM: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Morka ~~~ RE: DITCNSPRAYING On February 16, 1993 re opened five Dids for the referenced project. The bide rere: 1. Ameraquatic Inc., Deerfield Beach, Florida - 68,480.00 Eor I (one) year service. Thie bidder quoted a price in accordance with the apeciEicationa. This bidder did not provide an insurance policy. 2. Aquatic Vegetation, Loxahatchee, Florida - 67,885.00 for 1 (one) year service. Thie bidder quoted a price in accordance rith the epeciEicatiana. This Didder did not provide an insurance policy or a Drug Free Morkplace Program. 3. Coastal Service, Jacksonville Beach, Florida - 67,420.00 (Math error of 650.00). Total should De 67,470.00 for 1 (one) year service. This bidder quoted a price in accordance rith the specifications. This bidder has all policies required. 4. Lake Doctors, Inc., Minter springs, Florida - 69,840.00 for 1 tone) year service. Thie Didder quoted a price in accordance rith the apeciEicationa. This Ditlder did not provide a Drug Free Morkplace Program. 5. Mitigation Service, Inc., Jacksonville Beach, Florida - 63,250.00 for 1 year (one) service. This bidder quoted a price in accordance rite the apeciEicationa. This bidder has all policies required. Me contacted several of their references and received favorable remarks on their service antl cost. ,, CITY OF ~4 r~tla.rtla t''~taek - ~lmuda February 22, 1993 BOO tiEAf11ULt; II11AD ATLANTIC BFACH. fIURIM )22)i5.0.< Tka.FP1112\E mlHr Sri-SBW fIXf90i12lZSBOS AWARDS COMMITTEE MINCTES THURSDAY, FBBRUARY 11, 1993 The Awards Committee met on Thursday, February 11, 1993, a[ 2:00 PM, to receive bid advertised as Bid No. 9293-4 - Spray Ditches and Lagoons in Atlantic Beach. Present a[ the bid opening were Commissioner Glenn Edwards, Chairman, and Purchasing Agert Joan LaVake. Invitations to bid were mailed Co seven (7) prospective bidders shown on [he attached mailing list. Five (S) bids were received as follows: TOTAL PRICE EID Mitigation Services Jacksonville, FL E 3,290.00 Coastal Science Association Jacksonville Beach, FL 7,420.00 Aquatic Vegetation Loxahatchee, FL 7,885.00 Nae rAquatic, Inc. Deerfield Beach, FL 8,480.00 Lake Doctors. Inc. Winter Springs, FL 9,840.00 Based on information provided by the Director of Public Works in his attached memorandum, and the evaluation performed by his staff, it is [he consensus of [he comet it[ee [hat i[ accept the iow bid from Mi[Sga[ion Services, Inc., in the amount of 33,290.00 as the loves[ responslb le bid meeting bid reGUiremen[s and spec is Stations, and make the award accordingly. For the Information of the City Commission, last year's bid for this service vas awarded in the amount of 52,985.00. Respectfully, Joan LaVake, Purchasing AKent Continued The Committee respectively requested that 1lsara. Jae Welch and Kirk Wendland attend the next Water and Serer Committee meeting to revier financing of the C. L P. and diecuas interim financing, bonds, and a combination of both. RSK/tb cc: All Attendees Kirk R. Wendland/Finance Director File - 93-MSCR * . CITY OF 1QYLaKtcc S"~ - ~leuda February 16, 1993 M E M O R A N D U N ~M! FEB ~ ; Icag Izro uwnFfa u~f: ATLA]TIC BfA('a. FIIIRnM JSSJJI)BI TFIFPR(l.\f: i9W12i15Ry FA% ImNI 2lLSBU TO: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/DSrector of Public Morks RE: MA7ER AND SERER COMMITTEE REPORT t34 The Mater and Sever Committee met on February 11, 1993 and the attendees rare: Maureen King, Dr. Ray Salman, Alan Potter, Harry McNally, Tim Tornaend, Lyman Fletcher and Bob Kosoy. Items of discussion rare: 1. Land Acquisition at Buccaneer YYTP - The closing ras held on February 10, 1993 at the City Attorney's office. The City Clerk's office has received documents of the land acquisition for plant expansion. 2. Dr. and lire. Brotwana, 2041 Beach Avenue - Mra. Brotman and her Attorney, Mr. Gary Milkineon, appeared before the Pater and Serer Committee to diecuee a 5 year agreement to reimburse coat of eztend2.ng the serer line to their property. The Comwittee recommended that her attorney draft a 5 year agreement consistent rith others excucad by the City and provide for a deduction of the coat of extending the sever line. The Comwittee further recommended that the agreement not De assignable to other parties. 3. Financial Information - The Comwittee discussed the problems rith the computer system and its inability io provide rater and serer billing information specifically, the Committee rculd like to revier 1992 billing revenue totals similar to those presented by Alan Potter for Ortega Utility Company. 1992 ENGINEERING SERVICES RATER TREATltIIiT IHPROVEMENTB Sd.C PROJECT NO. 8505-14-01 ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA Professional Services Month Durin¢ Constructio Res idenr Observation total June $1,981. 76 $2,000. 00 $3,981 JE July 1,981. 76 2,000. 00 3,981 .76 August 1,981. 76 4.000. 00 5,981. 76 Septzmber 1,981. 76 4,000. 00 5,981. 76 October 1,981. 76 4,000. 00 5,981. 76 FovemDer 1,981. 76 + 120.13 3,000, 00 5,101. 89 December 1,981. 76 + 673.34 2,000. 00 4,655. 10 Billed to Date: $14,665 .79 $21,000 .00 $35,655. 79 ESTLMATED C052$. FOR 1993 Professional Services Month Durin¢ Construction Resident Observation otal January $1,981. 76 $2,000. 00 $3,981 .76 iebrua ry 1,981. 76 2,000. 00 3,981 .7E :?arch 1,981. 76 2,000. 00 3,981 .76 April 1,981. 76 4,000. 00 5,981 .76 May 1,961. 76 4,000. 00 5,981 .76 June 1,981. 76 4,000. OG 5,981. 76 1953 Tocals: $11,890 .56 $18,000 .00 $29,890. Sb 7GTP.L BODGE': : $26,556 .35 $39,000 .00 565,556. 35 .._._.. ...- R.. :tea---~:.~,a....:-=""".. y~.:.~ ,~. . SMITN qND GILLES PIE EN GIN EERS,INC. eosr orncc eo+ s ue ~ncnsow visit, rwwlon 3zz of 19011 ~13~6950 February 4, 1993 DOUGJS E ,xviON. PE Lwz•w~c rqe coorlyv.•uw Mr. Robert 5. Kosoy, P.E. Direr cor o£ Public Vorks City of Atlanc is Beach POSC Off1CE BOX 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32733 Subjett: Conscruccion Phase Services Pater Treatment Impro••ements SLG Proje¢ No. 8505-14-01 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear `:r. Kosoy: Our N.ay 19, 1992 fee negotiation and proposal to provide Construction Phas_ Services and Res idenc Observation for the subject proj ecc utilized an eleven (11) month duration based on the contractual completion date of Harch 24, 1993. F{ovever, construction is nov anticipated to be complete at [he end of Hay. Among rhE events coot ribuc ing to the increase in tons[ runt ion duration are additional requirements by the permitting agency, permit modifications and comp lecior. of change order work requestetl by the Cicy. :e res pe ccfully reyuesc your approval of a rea Llocation of our budget to reflect this change. Savings in Resident Observation should offset the increase in Profess ionai Services During Consc ruction as detailed in the attachment. Our original proj ecc budget vas $21,799.38 for Profess ionxl Services During Conscructicn and $44,000.00 £or Resident Observation. The revised budget should ref Lect $26,558.35 for Professional Services During Conscruccion and $39.000.00 for Resident Observation. The result is a overall savings to Che City of approxir,.ately $200.00. If you have any questions in this matter, please do nor hesitate to contact us Sincerely, SHITH: &.D 4ILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. ~~.~~. ~ ~~~~~-_ Dough. Layton D`cL/GP.D/ay Enclcsu:E cm on An.eerlc assts CIlY OO~SSIOH MRETISIG STAPF BSY08Y ACBADA IYpll; CONTRACT HODI FICATION FOR CONSTROCT lON PHASE SERVICES ANU RESIDENT OBSERVATION FOR AB WTP 1 S 2 E%PANSION SDBIQTT® BY: Robert 5. Kosoy/Director of Public Works ~lL[wrry/ DAYS: February 5, 1993 0 BACYGROOfID: On May 26, 1992 the Ci[y Commission approved a contract with Smith S Gillespie for Cons[rac tion Phase Services and Resident Observation on the A[lan[ic Beach WTP I b 2 Expansion Project. The original contract budget amount vas $21,799.}8 for Professional Services during cons[ruc tion, which includes certification of [he project co Che FUER upon its tovplecion, and $44,000.00 for Resident Observa [ion, which provides for Mr. Arnold (Junior) Lilly's inspection of the work. The budgeted [o cal uas $65,799.38 The FOER Consent Order work is expected to be finished by March 24, 1993 as directed. However, additional work re- quested by [he Ci[y, due primarily [o HRS requirements, v ill require an additional 8-9 weeks [o comple [e. The revised budge[ is $26,566.35 for Professional Services During Construction and $39,000.00 for Resident Observation Uuring Construction fora revised total of $65,156.35. The revised budge[ is $243.03 Lover than [he original budge[ due [o savings ve have realized in Resident Observation. ggn0gt Approve Contract Modification AI7AC)~15o February 4, 1993 letter from Hr. Douglas Layton, P.E., Smith 6 Gillespie REVIOi® BY Cm MAAAGFR: ~((~-] j~- q ,C ~ N.~A IYQI 110. Jd/ ~~ :.~`~~ y~~ 3 received on or after January 1, 1992, the completed form Ls not Tequired for the balance of the calendar year. Joan IaVake Purchasing Agent * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * t * i * * * * * * * * * F[ARIDA TIMES-UNION: Please public one time on Wednesday, December 16, 1992. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 247-5818. ~aMtle $eaek coo st+JlsOtE wMn ATIAATIC atA['N. il~RDl~ J22l1~ W TFlJPN(JNE 19W12f1-5800 FAX I1M13iZ5805 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE is hereby given that the Clty of Atlantic Beach is seeking proposals from qual£f ied Architects for the design and production of contras[ documeo[s, and construction management for the EXPANSION OF TBE ATLANTIC BEACH PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING. The five-year old building, located at 85U Seminole Road Sn Atlan [Sc Beach, is in need of expansion to better serve the needs of the firemen, police officers, and [he public. In selecting the mat'qualif ied firm, the City will cake into consideration n number of factors including, but not limited [o, the experience of the firm in similar projects, level of staffing, resumes of key pe reonnel, ability of [he firm to take on [he project within a short period of time, and professional quelif icationa of the principals involved. A pre-submittal conference for the purpose of answering questions relative to the RFP will be held at 2:00 PN on December 22, 1992, ac the Atlantic Beach CS[y Hall, 850 Seminole Road. Sealed proposals will be received in the Off i<e of the Purchasing Agen [, 850 Seminole Road, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, until 2:00 PM, Thursday, January 14, 1993, after vhSch time they will be opened and names of offerors will be announced. Proposals will then be submitted to an evaluation committee which will make a recommendation of award to the Atlantic Beach Ci[y Commiss ion. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids, waive £nfotmallties aad technicalities, make award in whole or par[ with oT without Cause, and to make [he award Sn what is deemed to be in the beat interest of the City of Atlantic .Beach. PUBLIC ENTII7 CRIMES - My person submit ing a bid~gr proposal in response [o this invitation must execute Form PUR 7065, S{iORN STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 287.133(A), FLORIDA STATUTES, ON PUBLIC ENTITY BRINES, 1n<l~ding proper check(s) in [he space(s) provided, and enclose it with [he bid or proposal. However, if you have provided [he completed form to the submit[ai address listed in [hie invitation and i[ vas ~~ ~~e, December 16, 1992 Four (4) Propo Sals REVIEWED BY CITY RaNa GER: f___ i AQG//rF.C~!!9C fP~j' ~/~{, ~ 9d,¢e~[C aecNGa IrEN: 7 ~~ ~Q /NSR~7/D~E/7f/E~ OQ/OQ TO T•I~' ----------- ~te~lin/~sE6 q~- fl~A( /.~,ueE G4'2~F~/1 FI?E G~S'iEL).pq q7 7.s'E ~N~YjyG•, CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING 3TAFF REPORT AGEHUA 1TEM: Ranking Architectural Proposals for Expansion of the Public Safaty Uuildinq ..UCMITTEO 61': David E. Thompson, Chief of Police kon Williams, fire Chief IlA1E: February 12. 1993 UACKGHOUND: The Public Sate[y Building is in need gT expansion Co assure o}f CC five and safe operations in the Police and Fire Departments. Funds were approved in the 1992-9"s budget to have plans develoDetl for future expansion. Li December. the City requested preposals from firms consisLenC with the A rc hiiec is Lompeti five NeGOtiations Act. Four (4) proposals were received orr January 14. 1993. Chiefi Williams and Chief Thompson met on February 11. 1953 to evaluate the proposals and rank the top Lhree according Lo priority. Building Inspec toP Don Ford volunteered Co check out the four firms and rank them independent of the Chief's recommendations. Chief Thompson and Chief Williams agreed that ue should be looking for several qualities in the proDOSals. We canted a firm that had previous experience with the designs of public sate ty buildings including Police and Fire buildings. .he firm should be local and provide local references that could be easily checked. and the company should he familiar with the project and have ~anunderstandinq of the scope and nature of the required services. After the pre-bid conference and the briefings that were offered, any drawings or discussions of the cork shoulE be represents Cive of the desired modifications which were discussed. Alter review of the Vroposals. the following rankings were recommended: /1) Fleet 8 Associates e5 S L `__ g~ /2) Duff E Associates J ~j C ~3) FAM Architecture ~O /C Duiltli nq Inspector Oon Ford checked with State agencies and reviewed any complain[ records that may have Deen filed against any of these firms. He did not find anv negative information on these tusinesses. il~e City F~„nager. Den Ford. Chiefi Williams. and Chiefi lhompson met on Feb. 1:. 199x, antl Uiec concurred with Che rankings above. Fleet and Associates was .elected as th. top cho.~o 1'.v the Chi E=is and Che f:uildinq ]nspe<tor intr. {, ~.ndrntly v1 one an~Urei. :.LCOLL U~Fi10l:: We rr~c omnn:-od tli.rt thv City ionnur :.sion eccep t. 'ha Lhree tirm~. li~~•. r~d r. b rev ~~ t.o ir;tnrvi~u, ria]u., t.r, and nogotiate th,e dr~velopmonL of plans lei .a, r.r .: n:.ion of l6r FuhJ is ..a tr. ~ I:uilJirrr. MEMORANDUM TO: Kim Leinbach, City Manager /~ _ FROM: George Worley, City Planner Ur k l~ DATE: February 17, 7993 RE: Property available for purchase near Jordan Park Per the request of the City Commission I have attempted to ascertain the availability of property for sale in the vicinity of Jordan Park. The purpose of any possible acquisition is to be the expansion of the existing park. I have been able to obtain the names and addresses of only two Oroperty owners who have expressed intentions of selling. In both cases 7 have names and addresses only, and both live out of the Duval County area. I have initiated correspondence with both to determine their asking prices. Further information should be available for the next scheduled Commission meeting. If you desire, I can forward up-Lo-date information Lo you and Lo the Mayor and Commi551oner5 individually as it becomes available. Pn9e 13 Mitfut¢B, February 8, 1993 There being no further business the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p. r. W iam I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor/Presidin7 Officer A T T B S T: Maureen King, City Clerk NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N I L Page t Z NAME OF 1~ 1 v l Minutes, Pebruary 8, 1993 COMMNS M 5 YLN i r' TT- Architectural proposal to Public Safety Building city Manager Kim Leinbach asked Police Chief Thompson to give a report. Chief Thompson reported a pre-bid conference was held and four proposals were received to enlarge the Public Safety building. The City Nanager asked for direction from the Commission and staff was instructed to pick three proposals from the four proposals that had been received, and rank them. The Commission indicated they would review the report from staff and proceed to interview the interested parties. Kim Leinbach presented a draft copy of an ordinance concerning clarifying accessory uses and structures and asked the commission for direction concerning the propcsed ordinance. The Commission instructed that this be turned over to the Comeunity Development Board for their recommendations. 9 Mavor to call on City Cotuissioaere. City A tornev. and City Clerk: couissioner Tucker inquired concerning w. 12th Street and indicated the sign should have been changed to indicate the street name was changed to w. Plaza. Staff indicated the sign would be changed to indicate w. Plaza. tlayor Gulliford asked City Clerk Maureen King to prepare an Proclamation observing Parliamentarian Emphasis Month for April, 1993 for the Pirst Coast Parliamentarians. Mayor Gulliford announced Nr. Nicholson and Mr. Makowski would like the Cou ission to appoint a liaison to work with their group on the exploration on the feasibility of a new county. It was decided to appoint Jim Jarboe to be the City's liaison. Mayor Gulliford announced the National conference on Beach Preservation 't'echnology, regarding beach and :=oastal issues, has asked the City to designate a representative to attend the Conference. It wes decided to appoint Bob Weiss to be the City's representative. Page 11 Minutes, February 8, 1993 i NAME OF COMMRS I M _ S y Y V N Bob Kosoy presented a request to approve Change order No. 2 for an increase of ;19,550.72 for water main replacement for 1st, 9th, and 11th Streets. He explained water main replacement had been completed for 1st, 9th, and 11th Streets and a total of 65 homes were now being served by the new water line. During the course of construction, an underground drainage line on 9th Street was uncovered and was found to be completely plugged with dirt. Problems ensued requiring the new line to be constructed farther into the street, which in turn required additional asphalt and resulted in an increase of ;19,550.72. NOtion: Approve Change Order No 2 Edwards ( x '~ . to Nater Nain Replacement for lat Fletcher x x ! , 9th, and 11th Streets Sn the amount Tucker z x of 119,550.72 Waters x Gulliford x commissioner Fletcher inquired where the 519,500.72 was coming from, to which it was determined the money would be taken from the City's Reserve Fund. Commissioner Fletcher indicated he had a problem with the funds coming from the Reserve Pund, and he asked City Manager Kim Leinbach for a thorough report indicating expenditures that were coming out of the Reserve Fund. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. F. Request to approve invoice from Pace CompMy relating to Overrun on point rapair at Pine street and Seaepray Avenue Bob Kosoy presented a request for approval to pay The Pace Company ;4,083.00. Re explained a point repair was required at Pine Street and Seaeprey Avenue. After wellpointing and excavating it was observed that the entire line had settled 8" to ]0" from manhole to manhole for a distance of 38'. Several problems arose concerning this and an additional cost of ;4,083.00 was incurred due to the wif oreseen problems with the existing conflicting and leaking utilities. Notion: Approve Invoice No. 23890 Sn Ed wards ~ x x the amount of ;4,083.00 made payable Fletcher x I x to The Pace COmpany I ) Tucker x Waters ix No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Guiiifordd x nnanlmbusly. l ~ l -- _1 - 8. City Manager Reports nd/or orr spond n o• Page 10 I C MMBS. I M I S I Y I N Hinutes, February 8, 1993 aob Kosoy presented engineering service proposal for new water mains for Coquina Place and Sast Coast Drive between 10th and 12th Streets. He explained Connelly S Wicker, Inc., Consulting engineers, had submitted an engineer proposal for design and preparation of plans and spec if lcations for water main improvements for Dewees Avenue, Coquina Place, Ocean Grove Drive, and Bast Coast Drive. The total cost to do the work should not exceed 59,850.00. Motion: Approve Cohnelly i Wicker Edrards x Fletcher x x Proposal for new water mains for I Tucker x Coquina Place and Saet Coast Drive waters x x between 10th and 12th Streets, at a Gulliford x cost not. to exceed ;9,850.00 No discussion before the Vote. The motion carried unanimously. D. Discussion and related action requestihq acceptapce of Engineering Servlee Proposal for Park Street Drainage Improvements Bob Kosoy presented engineering service proposal ~ He for Fark Street Drainage Improvements . explained the drainage area along Park Street needed improvements due to some existing high areas which caused water to back up onto some of the lots along Park Street. The drainage areas needed to be regraded and new piping placed under driveways. He explained to accomplish this work 1t would be necessary to have a proposal for Topographic Survey, Design, Permitting, Bid, and Construction, and that Connelly & wicker submitted a proposal in the amount of 55,600.00. He explained staff planned to review the Topographic Survey to nee what work could be accomplished by City forces, if any, prior to authorizing Design and Permitting work. Edwards x Notion: Approve CoMelly b WSCkei Fletcher x Bngineering Service Proposal for Park Tucker Street Drainage Improvements in the waters amount of ;5,600.00 Guilif ord No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. e. Requesting approval of final pay estimate and Change order I2 for an increase of ;19,550.72 for water main replacement for let, 9th, 11th streets Page 9 NSnutes. February a. loos Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, ordinance No. 35-93-8, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. Notion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 35-93-8 on Final Reading NAME OF COMMRS. M S Y Edvards Fletcher Tucker Waters Gu1liEOr ix x x x x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. D. Ordinance No. SO-93-17 - Public Heating AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 3-2 OF THS ATLANTIC BEACH CODS, CLARIFYING THE HOURS OP SALE O£ ALCOHOLIC BBVBRAGBS IN THB CITY, PROVIDING AN EF£BCTIVB DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, ordinance No. 10-93-17, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. Ne opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance No. 10-93-17 on final reading No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. etcher waters x Gulliford, x x x 7. New busSnean• A. Appeal of variance denial by Coounity Development Board to construct a garage apartment on a substandard lot (Townsend Hawkes-owner) (this was discussed earlier in the agenda) B. Appeal of variance dental by Community Development Board to keep a screened enclosure (Laurie Nesketh) (this was discussed earlier in the agenda) c. Discussion and related action relating to m engineering Service Proposal for new water mains for Coquina Piece and Saet Coast Drive Page E Minutes, February B, 1993 A. Ordinance No. 5-93-23 - Public Nearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BBACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ADMINISTRATION, ARTICLE VII, FINANCE, AMENDING SECTION 2-317, DISHONORED CHSCKS, AND AMENDING SECTION 3-368, FEES AND CNARGSS, PROVIDING AN EPFECTIVE DATE Mayor cull iford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 5-93-23, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. Ne opened the floor for a public l~earinq and invited comments from the audience. since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the Public Hearing. Motion: Approve paesege of Ordinance 5-93-23 on final reading No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Ordinance No. 57-93-19 - Public Hesrlnq AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SEC. 2-63 OP THB ATLANTIC BEACH CODE, PLACING LIFBGUARDS UNDER THS AUTHORITY OP THE FIRE CHIEP, PROVIDING, AN $ppECTIVE DATE Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, ordinance No. 57-93-19, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a public hearing and invited comments from the audience. Since no one wished to speak the Mayor closed the public hearing. Motion: Approve pammage of Ordimm~cm No. 57-93-19 on final readlmq No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. C. ordinance No. 35-93-8 - Public Nearing AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH TO ANEND CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII. FINANCE, DIV. 1., SEC. 318, DIRECTING THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO SET UP A RESERVE ACCOUNT FOR REVENUE DEVELOPED BY THE YZRS DEPARTMENT, AND THE PROCEDURES TO USE REVENUE YROM THE ACCOUNT AND PROVIDING AN EPPBCPIVE DATE NAME OF COMMAS. M S v Y N Edwards x. x~ Pletcher x Tucker x waters x x GulliEOZd x Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker x waters x Gullifor x Page 7 Minutes, February 8, lgg3 - NAME OF COMMRS M S V Y V ~ N Motion: Approve passage of Itea B of ed wards x x the Consent Agende Pletcher x x Tucker x Waters x The question was called and the emotion carried ~culliford z I unanimously. At this time Bob Kosoy asked Harry McNally, Supervisor at Buccaneer Mater Plant, to explain the need fo r expenditure of eaergency funds. Nr. McNally explained it would cost 58,400 to replace e pa e l No t the Buccaneer Plantf for a total e aergency expenditure of 516,800. Notion: Approve eaergency Edwards z expenditure of =16,600 to replace Fletcher z x plops end aotore et Nell No. 1 and Tucker ~ x Nell No. 2 at the Buccaneer Pleat raters x No discussion before the vote The Gulliford x. . notion carried unaniaously. S. RPQnIn{i....... A. Resolution 93-7: A RHBOLUTION TRANSFERRING ~ CERTAIN NONIBa' B87tifE$N FUNDS l Notion: Approve passage of Edwards x x~ Resolution 93-7 Fletcher z~ I I TUCker z! Kirk xendland explained the budget transfer re raters x xI quest would cover costs related to the City'6 Nater and S Gulliford z. ewer utilities and would provide funding for ne w Ent as l k I Supervisor and Neter Reader Ne also indlcated he would need an additional cash register, ae well as a dedicated printer fo r printing utility bills. Commissioner Naters asked that th e City hire Atlantic Beach residents whenever possible. unanimouslyn was called and the notion carried B. Resolution No. 93-8: A RBSOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONI83 BBTNBBN FUNDS Notion: Approve peseage of i Ed yards x x Resolution 93-8 I Fletcher TUCker z x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried ~, r aters I x x unanimously. G ulliford '~ I I x 6. Ordi mn..e~. . __ Page 6 Minutes, Pebruary 8, 1993 NAME OF 1 COMMRS- M ~ S Y I NJ Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage of Item A of Fletcher x x the consent Agenda Tucker x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Guiliford l unanimously. x B. water and sewer committee report Commissioner Fletcher advised it was the intent of the water and Sewer Committee to obtain interim financing to begin construction on upcoming utility improvements. Alan Potter explained the Commission had authorized the city to work with local banks for interim financing, but that it was not possible to pursue this because the City had not provided water and sewer revenue pro]ections. He felt valuable time i was being lost. He indicated his desire to seek a five year quotation and a seven year quotation on a line of credit for ;7 ^illlon dollars. He explained monies would be used only as they were needed, but by receiving a quotation the City would have funds available, locked into a good Interest rate. He explained the City established a scheduled for ;10 million in improvements several months ago and city utilities customers were already paying increased rates to finance improvements. Kirk wendlend thought because the city was pursuing borrowing ;10 million, the city should hire a financial advisor to recouend the best financing, before deciding to get a bank loan. He referred to the option of obtaining low interest loans though the state, and indicated he thought this might be the most prudent avenue to pursue. He added revenue numbers were available. Rim Leinbach, City Manager, explained information was not being held back, and staff was trying to De careful and prudent. Mayor Gulliford asked Klrk wendland to have projected water and sewer revenues available at the next Commission meeting. He instructed R1^ Lelnbach to report on hiring a financial advisor, and a report concerning projected completion dates of the upcoming improvements. After this information was obtained, the Nayor indicated the commission would seek quotes relative to available lines of credit. Page 5 I Minutes, February 8, 19931 NAME OF COMMAS. _ M S ° Y -~~ N MOC10n: Grant VallanCe appeal t0 Edvartls ~ X x keep a screened enclosure et the rear Fletcher x of 903 Seaspray Avenue Tucker x x~ Waters xi Lori Nesketh explained the porch was enclosed GulliEOrd x:' because of a problem of standing water in the yard which was located on a park. She explained ae a result of the standing water an abundance of mosquitoes made it impossible to sit on the porch. Thus, the owner decided to screen in the porch. she further explained that because the slab was already in existence, it was not realized by the owner that it would be necessary to obtain a permit. ~ A discussion ensued and it was explained that because a permit was not obtained by the owner the enclosure was not inspected by the Building Department. Lori Nesketh was advised it would be necessary to obtain a permit and have the enclosure inspected by the Building Department. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 9. COnsent Agenda: A. Report on Adele Grage Comsmlty Center usage for January B. water and Sewer Couittee Report C. Acceptance of Cypress Creek lift stetlon Couissioner waters requested Item A be withdrawn from the consent Agenda. Couissloner Pletcher requested Item B be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. Motion: Approve passage of the edwards Fletcher x x x i Consent Agenda with the exception of Tucker x x Item A and Item B waters X '. No discussion before the vote. The lotion carried Gu1liEOr x unanimously. A. Report on Adele Grege Couunity Center uaega~ for January Commissioner waters indicated his pleasure with the usage of the Adele Grage Community Center, and he ~ commended Rose Elanchard, Parks and Recreation hire r_tor, and Carson Merry Baillee, director of the Atiant is Eear_h Experimental Theater. ~~ - Page 9 Minutes, Pebruary 8, 1993 Notion: Grant three variances necessary to construct building on 50' x 50' lot located at 1771 Beach Avenue on the Weat side of Beach Avenue Comissioner Waters felt it was unfair to allow the requested structure height of 27 feet on the substandard lot, as he £elt it would be detrisental to the people living behind the proposed structure. It was explained the proposed structure would utilize the case plans as the house behind it. Comiaeioner Pletcher was concerned with the height of the structure as well as the precedent the structure would set. He added the City had a substandard zoning code for a reason and that was to limit the density in certain areas. Mayor Gulliford felt the Com ission should be fair and even-handed. He added beach comunities were dense by nature. Substitute Notion: Grant necessary variencea to build structure oa 50' x 50' lot located at 1771 Beech Avenue, on the West side of Beach Avenue, with the condition that the height of the building be lisited to 25 feat end the rear setback 30 feet The question was called and the vote was 3-2, with Comissloners Bdwards and Tucker voting nay. The motion carried. Ztes 78 was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this t1se. 7H. Appeal of variance denial by Comunity Developsent board to keep a screened enclosure (Laurie NeakethJ George Worley reported Gudron Morrison, represented by Lori Hesketh, constructed a screened enclosure at the rear of her hose at 403 Seaspray Avenue in violation of the required rear setback. Ns. Morrison applied for a variance to keep the structure as built. The Comunity Developsent Board discussed the tact that no perslt was pulled and that the violation could have been avoided had the normal process been followed. NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N Edwards x Fletcher Ticker x Waters Gulliford Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x Page 3 NAME OF Minutes, February 8, 1993 COMMAS. IM~s Y Item 7A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. 7A. Appeal of variance denial by Community Development Board to construct a garage apartment on a substandard lot (Townsend Hawkes-owner) George worley, City Planner, reported Townsend Hawkes was the owner of an oceanfront home at 1771 Beach Avenue and a 50' x 50' lot directly across Beach Avenue. Mr. Hawkes desired to construct a freestanding building containing two living floors above a garage level. The proposed structure would encroach to within ten feet of the rear property line. The proposed use of the 6vilding would be the primary residence for Hr. Hawkes. Hr. Morley stated a 50' x 50' lot was a substandard lot and required a variance for any construction thereon. In addition a variance to the rear setback requirement was also needed and the building height limitation was reduced in direct proportion to the reduced size of the lot. It was explained the original request to construct the building was denied by the Community Development Board. The Board felt the lots had originally been platted to provide additional parking for the oceanfront homes and not intended for the construction of homes. The Board also expressed great concern for the potential adverse impact of additional traffic and restriction of parking in that vicinity. Hans Tanzler, a lawyer representing Mr. Hawkes, reported Townsend and Virginia Hawkes wished to supplement their income with the rental property. He explained property owners in the area, formerly known as Seminole Beach, were told prior to their agreeing to annexation that their right to develop property would not be sore restrictive under Atlantic Beach than it was under Jacksonville. The rear setback would have been only 10 feet when the property was part of Jacksonville acd the structure could have been constructed. Alan Jensen, City Attorney, advised that because of the pronise that was made prior to annexation, and the fact that other property owners in that area had been granted variances based on similar logic, a denial of thrs request would not be defensible in court. Page 2 MinUte6, February 8, 1993 NAMF. Of' COMMRS. _ i - M i , - S - v Y ,~ i v N Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing Resolution 93-3. RBCOGNIZING SBRVICB OP SAMUEL T. HOWI6 ON COl41UNITY DBVELOPHENT BOARD. Edwards x x Motion: Approve passage Of Fletcher I x Resolution 93-3 Tucker x x Waters x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Guu ifor Ix unanimously. Samuel xowie stepped to the podium and the Mayor presented Mr. Howie with Resolution 93-3 in plaque form. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution 93-5. RECOGNIZING SBRVICB OF HBRBBRT NOLLBR ON CODE ENPORCBNENT BOARD. Edwards ~ x Motion: ApptOVe passage Of Fletcher Tucker x x x x Resolution 93-5 waters x Gullifor ~ x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Herbert Moller stepped to the podium and the Mayot presented Mr. Moller Resolution 93-5 in plaque form. Joan LaVake and Ronald Wingate were not present to receive plaques. Recoani_tion of Visitors Icontinuedl Robin McCarthy, 705 Amberjack Lane, requested street lighting between 735 and 745 Amber]ack Lane. City Manager Ri^ Leinbach advised the request would be referred to the Police Department for their recommendation. Alan Potter asked that American National Bonk, Atlantic Beach, be given fair and equal treatment by the City. Cliff Taylor, Representative of Habitat, reported lots were purchased via a tax lien sale. when efforts were made to transfer the lots to the City it was determined the title was not clear. Alan Jensen reported the City had a title binder but that encumbrances must be removed. Ne reported notices had been placed in the newspaper and it would take approximately tour to s]x weeks for handling. It was reported the only expense to the City would be standard closing costs. ~ - `- MINUTH3 OF THB RBCULAR MBBTING OF ATLANTIC BBACN CITY COMMISSI~i HBLD IN CITY HALL, 800 SBMINOLB ROAD, AT 7:15 P. N. MONDAY, FBBRUARY 8, 1993 PRESBNT: William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor AND: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. the invocation, offered by Couissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Ae~rOVal of the minLt@s Of the 1 of erv 25 19g3~A ¢„~ ~ ~ Q of Pebnarv i loos ---5= Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of Jenuary 25, 1993 NAME OF COMMAS. V V O O T T E E D D M S O E T C [ O Y O N E N N D S O yards I Ix etcher cker No discussion before the vote. The motion carried waters ~x unanimously. Gullif ordl Motion: Approve minutes of the special Called meeting of February 1, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion cerrled unanimously. Mayor Gulliford read a letter from Harry Reagan, Jacksonville City Councilman, concerning the Znter Local dispute between the City of Atlantic Beach end the City of Jacksonville. The Mayor also read his response to Mr. Reagan. 2. Recognition of visit Mayor Gulliford welcomed Webelos Scouts, Den 4, Pack 264 who were in the eudience. 3. Prea...r.~~,,,,e. In recognition of those serving on various committees, plaque presentation to: -Samuel T. Howie - COpunity Development Board -Joan Lavake - Pension Board of Trustees -Ronald wingete - Pension BOerd of Trustees -Herb Moller - Code Enforcement Board Edwards x Fletcher Tucker Waters x Gulliford Glenn A. sdwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. Desmond Maters, III, Commissioners Kim D. Leinbach, City Managet Alan C. Jen6en, Clty Attorney AMENDED AGENDA - 48 -delete 4E -add CITY OF ATI.ANLIC BEACB REGOI.AE MEETING OP TBE CITY COlDQSSION, PENRDARY 22, 1993, 7:15 P. M. AGENDA Call Co Order Invocation and pledge ro [he flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of February B, 1993 2. Recognition of Visitors: A. Introduction of Gail Baker, Camp Counselor at Donner Park - 3. Old Husinesa: A. Discussion and related action regarding the pre sen[a[Son of proposal for construction of recreation complex at Jack Russell Park (Rose Blanchard, P6R Director) B. Property for sale in vicinity of Jordan Park (George Worley, Ci[y Planner) C. Discussion and .elated action ccnce ruing ranking of architectural proposals f~[ expansion of [he Public Safety buf lding (Police Chief Thompson and Fire Chief Williams) D. Discussion and related action concerning contract modif ica[ion for construction phase service and resident observation for AB Water Treatment Plan[ 1 b 2 expansion (Bob Kosoy, Pfl Director) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. TNERE WILL eE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OP TI!ESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE RENOVID FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND W/LL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS NAPE BEEN PREVIOUBLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON TNESE ITEMS. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sever Committee report C. Bid 79293-4 ditch spraying and lagoons D. Request for expenditure from Beau [if ica[ion Capital Improvement Fund for tree planting project E. Bid for sale of brush chipper 5. Besolutiom: A. Resolution f93-9 opposing the adoption of the proposed DNR rule 16B-55 opposing ocean front lighting res[riccions B. Resolution 793-IO relative Lo budget adjustment BA-50 transfer of funds coverl ng various items 6. Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance 795-93-55 relative to amending [he cost of investigation for solicitor's permit 7. City Manger Pcporta and/or Correspondence: ... Reporc on eater and sever capital improvements and financial data B. Mayor [o call on City Co~isaiooers, City Atfozney and City Clerk: Adjournment • CIP PIK311~L7S flt4IIAC !®5 Z EY 92/93----- i tY 9]/99 DFPT: Public I7orks ON : 8t/CC. (yQ~ fly: o %9z~to/s'+~ept/9a •Pchab WJP No. 3 ~As:ici Lana, Cmpleted By /1EM /.CSK 7bta1 S Cast 10/92 ll/92 12/92 1/93 2/93 3/93 9/93 5/93 6/93 7/93 8/93 9/93 (5 in tLat~ds) Biading _ - - - Fenit - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - _ X x X crosc. 3 57 Sod - - -- ~j- - - M 92/93 7VIId, t7Klki1' CL'G7' / 7 ~ 1r00 total S Cast 10/93 11/93 12/93 1/% 2/% 3/99 4/94 5/% 6/% 7/94 8/% 9/94 (S in tbn~) _ t~sigo S Bidding - - - t~ut q ~/ - - - - - - - _ - orno. - FY 93199 7Vf/W PANFIT NG!_ ~~~ 5~ --- r- -~-; - w. ERn Floyd' Lirty J. Fby0 Co-FOUnders ~az~~~oi~c~ ~ cSon ~~ne. EST. 1882 WBLL DRILLING CONTRACTORS INDUSFRIAL - MVNICIPAL -IRRIGATION TURBINE AND SUBMERSIBILF - SALFS & SERVICE February 8, 1993 Mi', Aobert Kosoy Director of Public Horke City of gt]antic Beach 1200 9andpipar Lsne Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Luly, J. Floyo, PrespelR ARn R. Fbyd, SeC'yT/eRS. Owaer6 Dlwlbulor for B -EERLE55 PUMP Line Sh,M1.M sieme,Fwle Tubines TELPPFgNE 701-1717 E901 NERLONO ROAD lACK50NVRiE, FLORIDA 7]ito Ae~ Pronoeal/Buccaneer iAater Plant Deer rip. ;osoy~ WH PAOP09E to install for you sae new peerless boil assembly, 2-stg, 12 ~ to produce 1400 gpme 0 80 TDH, one new 40hp II. 8. electric motor, 60 ft, of bearings, pull the ezlstiag pump, and replaoe the bowl assembly end motor Ln ifell Ho, 1, for the prloe of j 00.00. The pricing x111 be the same for Well No. 2F j 0 00, ALTF,R17AT8 PflOP09AL1 It you xant to r0ylace everything ezoept the ec ge ea , e price rill be je 400 00 for eaoh well. This xould include column and abaft, cell f]atg"~, pac oon a nsr and bearings, boil assembly and motor for eaoh pall. Please note that you may need to upgrade yogi starters and wire service to haLxile the new 40hp motor. However, St may be of ample size xith larger heaters, Our price for the emergency xork done Yesterday ~SUndav thrb7 mo or~~ 1993) x111 be g2~.00 for the loan and Snstalla lorL o033''~ Please let us llooiox ii anYthingxfurtherwie needed this pro~set, V-e/~ry truly^yours, . 'J ,Y Tarry J: Floyd, president LJPraT PI]~D To, 247-5843 Ocavicc and ~ali7faaEinn ~~~ casrrucrla D1RIFtTs alaEllr Raofftrs Dlnma Y0. sraT16 a ulsrot & lFml RfB1E IpTFJI 1 DER 116E ID Yg11 FIOI BARIIIIPS f. YRTER 11YM E71t161a Fa 92~WITEN MR SIAi16 tiM1ff. f1101t1p PLACE IS ROD[TIaRL Y~gtD SIOIYIff RID 10 SIRTUS gaff. Nr11b 711M Ri Afi6I1I 111E YID u. YYID - anAYU tBW f2~ae-ARUS mrtAacloA Im a mesltE fET. xaoARlls ao wlanrs .ICI slvs D1YEI.'f IET1L Yal6 m Pall SIIHI fz-Peat a me Tlu Fans aPAUmE I1 YETIel IFINLLITAfIa f2iYFW 10 fE 1f-IID. IA. r111O1 SFAEFFF AaaRT 92-fj11b1 FDIB,LT i YIQEi~ IIC. YDI1116 Ilil0YBB1I5 .lDl CW a DBIa. ^ srRns a uzvfa srRT16 a vzfna 10 SIRTYS Oi1ff. 10 SIRTUS ~t16F. RiffI1FD IFD FIOI C111611Y t YIOEA. AFD FIDI SLY i YIFJEA YILL BE YILL !E a 1/25ro3 CdM19SIa IEETIYI. a 2/!ro3 [alllf6la 1ftTI16 R®6R, MA SIRTIS Q1tff. b SIRT16 0f16E. wREAIALS IOI PFilYF1ED YEI. FAIIAACIa a >m S1TE, SUE YSDI16 IN PIOSA@6. ta1ELLr t naE>t ro seYIT vRa6sla Rv Flo m1ELLr t YIaEa tYi71FF Fa seta. leper ooE. n lmsor to 1E-00 ero mss. J01 To E IE-Ila mteLT t YIaeY SIILL YatIM6 1EtTIE PITY CaIF11T P YIUeI a a IFSIa. rL61BEA Fa Fier FUOIYS. 129roi CU6TRi[Tla NWECTS i CURPEIIT fR6ELT5 DRDJECT IO. SIR716 a 1/15/93 STR716 a 1/22/93 SIR716 a 1/29/93 1. RB YTD tl t t2 IIPRVAp15 9l-WB-YTD YID tl - S1B-FRa116 pm5 RT OIDRINE YtD t t- SIICCO BE11B glllFy a .1D1 661 ADUI RIFIL Ra]IIN6 IDmfIRl[ AEdIlfR ffE16IIDM5 BUIIDIM6 E1FL RIO OlDRI1E ~ tl - YD0.1IN6 a ffERRTIa DII[iDING, F1 Hff111 Sib R1 N.S. PUP SFLTIa DIP[M6 RIO RDa DIDIN6 ftTRIC1Y., 51)E DIDIN6 RND YDRRIN6 e1C1 MF10016 t16I0.1m (at<l/IR1C RFDUffRS IN HEIR 0.A11; . YID Q - OLUIINE NtOLl16 FRCLLITY a 1E6I REg11YDIR RTARTa RRfA YID p - 100.UNR a ffEwlt[a BIIIIDIIf YIP f2 - H61RLLI16 12' Mdl, t2 D101N6 LIBfIIN6, ffFARTIU6 BUILDII6 mlfAU.S IIO SIZE WIINIING y INIFpla PIIIMIIN6~ [O(IRIL Pi1F1 ~ 0.116 Ye3T5IDE ff PI6IECT. . FIRDRI:E N0.0LIN6 FRCIlI1Y (tD 6ElERATa BUILD[N6 RKA 2. ORR HAlilUt SEIER RFItO 3. RICfAFFR OtlII1NE CaTRLT 4. RFPRIR R/ YHa DISIYIIIiIIa LINfS 91-R~pll .UI 6N 92-~Cf:C f(DI J. LIp6 92~liOL .wl uY f(CI RR 6EDTIC fE9[a IBUIT BC mHETED. DFSla RBU(1 BIV gyp, IFLE.STI16 RIDS aT Fa 4F1M116 0.O T. V' 116 LTMFS fLll[S61a TD ItPipiE FUO6 Fa T. V'116 RT fY1( IttmDA. IIO f1f1M116 ff LIIES~ NIE 6TSNI. M 10 Ya0 YET a PEIMITS. MD 5TR716 OR16E, 10 SIR716 OFIff, IOIXIM6 IP NaFS a 97N { 117N SII@7~i ~ ff 65 HUES UNE RFDI CDMIECim to lol IOTFR g-VIGFS. 5. DIT06PRRYIMfi 6. flfftl i TL' LIMFS 7. INSTRLL RID RqD tRCd RT RL1FirtIa Duo 92-0Y-DITOf fln stEa~ iptEll 1Btrt 92iOR-TV 92ii .ILITIE DRLE m to svlmlNS THIS YFflL m1IRiCTa ro SDRA1' oITOES a At1IwY ?2, 1993. EEL'S DIFPIYED FDR lel artn tatwrr. 0.E1M STIFET~ 91N STRlFT DOER DFSI6M. IM DESIa. 10 Yp0 1X15 YEDL b YUI( 1X15 YEf]]I. u xoES Nni~ RFOI W1Efirm ro IEY SVSIBL FtxaL 116DFL17a NFJIT Yr1.7(. STRFF VFRpI 9lNITlm fa PR~OSIL 6011 C9IELLY i YIf]ER f0R 3RD IRO eTH mEaTS. xD ~YlTtxs Txls YFFN. Rlt6 (t0 SPFL'S 9alD ff RFADV IN RBDIfI TMRFF IEDIS. ND YD0.1 THIS uFlx. T~1 .nom . t = RFSIa arum; rFil • Ia6Tllcrla Daum Ir uRParDR; c = (DNTRA[Ta _n,rs;,,.,._.~._ __. .~_..... ~ _. February 1, 1993 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Rim Leinbach, City Manager FROM: Don C. Ford, Building Official ~~(~ RE: Building Perms to Please be advised that the following permito were issued in the month of January 1993: TYPE PERMIT NOMBER OP PERMITS COST OF CONSTROCTION New Single Family New Duple:ea New Townhouses additions/Remodels 5 38,430 Commercial/New Commercial additions Remodels Carage/Carports DCP/PaH DR~7 COPY SECTION 3. Section 24-157 (b)(3)f. Accessory uses and structures is hereby amended as follows: f. An Accessory ba44ding structure shall pn ly be permitted to Lhe rear or side yard and shall not be more than one (7) story in height. Only one (t) such btlt~d#ng structure Shall be permittetl On each lot. No part of any accessory banding struct_u re shall be nearer than five 15) feet tc any Side or rear lot line, On a corner lot, nO part of anY accessory btli~dtng structure snap protect in front of the required setback line on either street. Space shali not be teased or let for any use or purpose ether than those incidental to the main principal ba~4d#ng structure. SECTION 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, word, or Ghrase of this Ordinance is held to De ;nvalid Or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage. PASSED BY THE CI T'I COMMISSION ON FIRST READING: PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON SECOND READING: William I. Gulliford, Jr. ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney DRAFT. COPY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 24-17. DEFINITIONS AND 24-151. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES: PROVIDING FOR SEVERABI LITY: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 24-17. Definitions is hereby amentled by deleting the defim tion "Accessary buildings and uses" in its entirety and substituting the following: Accesspr~Structpre shalt mean a structure not attached to the principal structure, Lhe use of which is incidental to that of the the principal structure or the land. Each such structure shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet in area of usable space. This area limitation shall apply to all Accessory Structures except for private garages as defined untler Garage, private. Accessory_USe is a use that is incidental to the main or p n ncipal use of the premises. SECTION 2. Section 24-151 (b)(2)b is hereby amendec as follows: b. Parking of not more than two (2) major recreational vehicles, including but not limited to boat trailers not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet in length, camping trailers, travel trailers, motorized dwellings, tent trailers and horse vans, but subject to the following limitations: t. Such equipment shall not be used for living, sleeping or other occupancy when parked; 2. Such equipment six !6) feet or more in average height shall not be parketl or storetl in a gargage, carport or other structure. end sneJ~~ net be ;seated +n end regerred front herd. _ Such_equipmentshall_not be lpcatetl_in_any_requ~_red front yard. iHF Vince C~ ~p fica Sift > jny (iii ~ i~ 1?~V~ INVOICE 23890 a - ~ ,s9 w w SHIPPED TO lc Regcq ~'rr G( RrLAti . T EA r a ,. : s ~ ~ . ~DG serlltic l( (`C Ai L I i~ f ~ r.~L ;~i~. r, S~LESWN ONDEX MIMBEX TE11M5 G.OH OOE SIWEO $HiPED V4 CUAH. OESGRIPTION PRICE M10UHi 1 1 2 'i r~ia I.:Aicn Se sn- ~ ~Errs~2a~ ' nal7 ~/lcr: I CY3 ~ ~ c s ~. I 6 I 8 ~ 1 1 9 o sa.o - ~ G~~;tC . . sueET z oe z Ctr! OP AIIiNTIC EEAf9 Cliff O010QSSI~ IBCTIHG SrdPP 3~0ffi' ACamA 7r@f: OVERRUN ON PC INT REPAIR AT PINE STREET AND SEASPRAy AVENUE PURCHASE ORDER NO. 2814 BOafITr® Br: Robert S. Kosoy/Oirec [or of Public Norks ~~1 February 1, 1993 Continued from Sheet 1 W7HC This sever vas Item No. 8 of the Outstanding Point Repairs submitted on the Staff Report dated January 6, 1993 for Emergency Point Repair6. r.4'7t ' iw'~ m ctrr x+Iasca: .cams Ira w. _;~.k~ .,_~,_. ,~;,, sueET' 1 of z . CITI OP AiLNi'IC EPAI$ cITI CR9QSSI011 }OSElIgC 57dPP ESPOBS ACEIIM ITRi: Ol'ERRUN ON POINT REPAIR AT PINE STREET AND SEASPRAY AVENUE PURCHASE ORDER N0. 2814 SQBlQTI® BY: Robert 5. Rosoy/Director of Public Works t'Y-~s~/ ~~: February 1, 1993 G BAfR(BOO®a A point repo it vas required ac Pine Street and Seaspray Avenue. ACker vellpoin[ing and excavating i[ vas observed Chat [he entire line had settled 8" [0 1G" from manhole [o manhole for a distance of 38'. In addition, i[ vas discovered that [he sever line had settled for 10' from the North end of [he manhole near Novell Park. Sewage vas backing up in the system and some vas seeping into [he ground. An existing 6" water main vas in conflict vl[h the sever line. When this sever line vas installed years ago, [he sewer line was constructed under [he water line and even [ua ily the sever line completely settled. The water main had [o be adjusted with four (4) 45 degree bends, L-900 PVC Piping was used on Che water line and i[ was [hen encased in concrete in accordance with S[a[e Standards. Lastly, an ex is[ing storm line vas leaking and surcharging water from Novell Park and groundwater infilit ra [ion from other areas. The leaks had [o be patched before work could commence on [he water and sever lines. Nev sewer line vas placed between manholes and on the Nor [h side of the manhole. This extra work vas authorized by [he Public works Director. Purchase Order No .7.814 vas for $917.20 and an add i[ional cost of $4,083.00 vas incurred due to [he unforeseen problems with [he existing conflicting and leaking u[i lilies. 17I~: Approve Invoice No. 23890 Erom The Pate Company. A17dL'~IS: Invoice No. 23890 frcm The Pace Company for $4,083.00. n xePrarm m cIa nwRer~x: `rt~,zy,, ?,1i<~- ecume Imi no. 1~ G 7~~° ~ g 7 aa- 53g aR~ ri ~- Y V n i-_ !Y ~ ~= ~~ p G~ ~. .~ :9e'S.~ ~~ u. a 3 3 88388588888838888885 ..'3 .°.~3«Sg~g3~.. .. -385 ~~~~~~~r~3~~~~~~~8~58~8 858888S738g88888888E8 8 ^e ~7R~ LY m~~ 8 $88S 8 8 8 ~g§v '8888 Sp:67878 Ai ~°. 97 .^, m O S~'nnSS.^~. e. S,B 7R g [p ~fi~l+nS=ARP ~r~m^e ~.'~~~FX~&~ ~ ^ ~~ t Y'Y g'YCS .: SR788~ C 88888858888888888888 ' 8 833 y g333gg$gggg_ggY3 g sarysats7Hx7xrasa~,~.'ss~P~s a ~'~~r==s~t~N~~~~~~s+~s~~ =~ 5~~~~° ~gq °'_'i $P'.L Fd 78771 ~rK ~7EeSv~~.S3 :P$8 Gi SP3:FLiN m17~^o 39tm ~g.^~9N8 ~~ Q 1 N~ N~ n n ~ ~ J ~ P~ O p .4 ~ . I I ~f I Xx r ~ ~ C `' j `J"~~J °W ~$neJg dug ~$~w N °W ~ ~i ~ ~j '7Ww1 se7rea v~ ~•'7L .~ ~-d ~ g ~~~5~~ ~,~#~~ Q _. ~.~.. . .. ~. .. .. ..n ~ 7AR~3 oNmN R8°:8 '~BmR r;3~w 8 8 8 8 6i8=3 ~mm~ r a 7~ s? n~g._. .n .}i.~ ~ n ~~ Y ~; a J ~ w s J -_ J ~ GC ~ O K ~ < 3 2 2 i ? 3 ~ O ~ ~ ~ < U ~ oaooao ~ n o~ ~ ~ C h C O °' `~ c Z ~ < o Z N O D ° ~Tb= G M 5 0 ;EG ~ O C= W ~ I i rc ~~O O < ..d ~« V s n U ~ K Z f- PI l W f £ ~= U c` U ¢ 2 Z U _] 4 O Q ~ -' J :i Y Q H ~ U c £ S 3 F 7 2 z .G w ~~ E f- z '- 2 F 3 F Q T n . G " ~ o ~ O ¢o < Q d °- 5 ~ / V ~ LL. T ~ W ~ : U C T ~ Z ~ a ~o . c Z 0 . ~a - „ "O = t Q ~° 4 = .~ a o U ~ o ;:. .o G ~ nU a o =o_:y ~ a ~ ~~._o Q 0 r u c i ~:~i~ ~: O ~~ l~~ 1~~ D IN a~ >. L N a oq~ F O ~~ Z ~ e .- V }Y" L $ M ~ O n V u V a~w.€ ~ a p a ~ c ~ O ~O ~Y M1 u w n _=i O~y E ~ • C C ~ c .u da :b i u \ ~ Y li ~\ ~ y A 3 oW~,~~- : ~ ~ C L e~~i o~. NL LL~~w, _E. u q FV ~ ••~ tZ C Z ~~ c, O U y e. i1 N C' ~S m~u° d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ ~~ C N N N N M N N N N C 8 9 N u q N . 5 e- : ~ C „G :rya ~~ iz :. ,. O N N ~ O V u F a o~ w a Z< - ~` i: Y G _o O< C (1 Q U _u O~~ N G I N .. Q 6. If J 2 O d W V CO >>~ a~ C~ 1/=1 ~u~~ Q+ _p ~ z. w2 CyNdU 3~NLLrL3W ~7 iW~ ~! z o~Z ~' E O < G m < V O 'J V' O 'J G'~ C I(L O W d W p'91 S~ V ~ i~ x y n W C PC ~~ V t ._~ V LY 3~ IS Is q p <=d < W T= O'JN K u ~ ~ -~F Ndo:3 nd e O Z V~ K d .c ~°- ~ ~ V m < V ~ rv ri r .ri d r: m o! z W Q a O w z Q V d a N z N ~ tT~ G ~ ~ m c rn o ~ ~ ~ N N N N N m Z ~" O ~ o N 0 {(~ s ~, O p a J te ~ ~ E ~ b r [ Y ~ ~ ° : ~ 0 } F o~ ` L o < ° ~ ~ _C w N da p V L cc w . V C~ f O Q 9 ~ E . 4 Z O mo e ~ n 6 a L < c E d E rv v V ° $ c Z T {~= e V p ~ L s~:~.w Cv~s: es~aa roq r Vc~~V 0 =0;5~ Sac.a a ~ E S Y L p fl Y L > ~ C E oaL~ =$e~,, Y C;L V `o E u~ Q ZYL ~y "3`C~3~y_ c L s O V C ~ A ~ o-? c y ua~e.5~ c E9cwo mw cV a~ NSg~a~ n'yF' w.- 'o oE`aE` ~=sa._r O[ N oe e •u C V ~ C _t ~ O ~ w ~ ~ .. g'~E E 'C p v d A V O a u3i vi ZF n m U 2 3 N L 0 3 F G U A "a F Z y 0 ~I N ~ ~. \ 6 ` t<y~- v L ~ ° ~I r Z o w~ a° Q xo `o L L W s a~ (, u W W C UL L OL_ „3 '~ L O C ~' t Y a `a `o c E U 0 3 `= :s~ L u wa w_, v ~O c w C p9c ~. €Eo ~ °e'c FNFV VY S. ~3a S 4 ~ n~ L L S J w ~ L O . Y ~u0 n 'C Z L G °i 0 0 ~ ,j` =cy -vwa~~ ,~" Connelly & Wicker Inc. Consulting Engineers Mr. Bob Kosoy, P.E Direcror of Public Works City o[ Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper lane Past Office Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32733 RECEIVEQ JA[e L 5 1991 PUBLIC N/CRKS Re: Pay Request No. 3 Water Main Replacement [or First Strcet, Ninth Streu and Eleventh Street C1VI Project No. 9204-2 Dear Mr. Kosoy: vvovrssxxws aoffar o cw~EU., v E vuEaa xowwo, v E ,g1xx lEV.•S. vE w.w x oai.. T o. M1pWOC WEIW.IE Wlvn L NbEN. t f January 22, 1993 I have reviewed the enclosed request for payment Crow AA Site & Utility Cootraaors for the period ending January 15, 1993 and find it true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I therefore recommend payment to AA Site & Utility Contractors in the amount of twenty-seven thousand, two hundred twentyone dollars and eighty-five cents (527.221.85). Sincerety yours, Bria/i~~ ~ .. Project Manager BEK/fcr P O BOX $1313 • JACKSONVIiLE BEApt. FLONtDA 3?2~613~a • 90W2~i7995 pt5TN1. FIOW W • CAS1xEN5. NORfN GAm1M J,~IUTY ~~~ c~ ~ T9'~ a a N y January 21r 1993 Site and Utility Contractors Connelly 4 WlCNVr• Ine. Httnt Brian E. Kivnt: Rv: WaCVr Mean Replacevsnt for 1st. 9th L 11th St rvety Rt lant lC Bvaeh Ch angv Order 112 e) Addltienal Pavvavnt Raplacvaent- 186.5 sy O f 69.99 •13.055.53 b) Conrrvta Drive Repair 181 sy Q • 35.89 f 2.876.00 C) 9odding 3250 S. F. 0 f. 27 s 878. 19 d) 461 D.I. Pipe and Luap Sua t 2.741.00 2) 6" 45• 2) 8" 43• TOTRLt 119.330.72 8300 W. Beaver St. • JadcsorwiNe. FL 32220 (904) 781.4818 • Fax 783.3197 RECEIVED CHANGE ORDER JA[; L ;, 195:, No. f 71 PROJECT: Water Main Replaeaa+nt DATE OFISSUANCE: for 1st, 9th 6 11th Street January 21, 1993 OWNER: City of Atlantic Reach CONTRACTOR: AA Site and Utility Contractors CONTRACT FOR: OWNER's Projal No. ENGINEER: Connelly & Wicker Inc. ENGINEER'S Project No. 9204-2 You ue directed to nuke the following chanKS in the Contact Documents. Deseriptan: Additional Pavamnt Replacatent Purpose of Change Order. Atlxhrnents: (Ijfl documents wppwting eliange) Letter frrm Contractor Dated 1/21/93 CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: Origirul Contract Price e 118,965.00 Previous Change Ordrn No. orte to No. orte g Decrease (998.45) Contact Price prior to Ihu Change Order r 117,966.55 Net Incrcau of thu Change Ordtt S _19.550.72 Conact Price with all approved Change Orden s 137,517.27 RECOMMENDED:'' i3rian F.. Ki c•ntz Cua~•.a ly t. Wick^r lac. GWI-C/03 APPROVED: by v o..e Itob•rt S. Kosoy City of Atlantic Reach CHANGE iN CONTRACT TIME; Origins) Contact Time 45 Davy Stn,-r Net change from previous Change Orden 14 Davs am Contact Time Prior to this Change Order 59 wvs rr.ww Net Incrwse (decrease) of This Change Ordtt Contract Time with alI approved Change Ordrn _ 59 IBVs s.,.~a.. APPROVniC 3 ~ i by AA Si[c and Utility CorRractore O~//~ CI2Y OP ASLAN7LC SPAN CIiP C@QIISSIOP }UiETIAG - . 576PP RHPORI' AC6pDA ISPl(: WATER MAIN REP LACEIIENT FOR IST, 91N ANU 1ITH STREETS FINAL PAY ESTIMATE r1\D CHA::GE ORDER N0.2 SQBlQi7® BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works IM18: January 2g, 1993 _ ___a BACLGBOCI>D: Water Main Replatmen[ has been completed for 1st, 9th and Ilth S[ree[s and a vocal of 65 homes are now being served by the new water line. During Che course of construction, an underground drainage line on 9th Screet was uncovered and was found to be com- pletely plugged with dire. We felt it would be possible [o get this line cleaned out co relieve [he drainage problems on 9th Screet. We direc ced the Concrac for to construct [he new water main further into [he street, which in [urn caused an overrun on asphalt. In addition, the majority of drive- ways were in such bad condition that they fell apart and had [o be replaced. Additional sodding was used along [he pipe line on lst and 11th Streets and co dress uo [he areas on 9th S[ree[. Ductile Iron pipe had to be used ac the street crossings ac 1st Street and Sherry Drive and 9th Scree[ and Seminole Road for protection from traffic since [he existing mains on Sherry Drive and Seminole Road were shallow. SgCDtQ~IpB; Approve Ghaage Order No. 2 for an increase of ~19,SSU.72. ~~; Final Estimate and Change Order No. 2 !!~~~~..,, , RLV7EY19 B! CISS MAAAGEIl: `7F7 m~':v /F+ t/,Jf •~.- AGn®/1 IiQI lp. Mr. Bob Kosoy February 1, 1993 Page 4 APPLICABLE LAWS Unless otherwise specified, this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Fbrida I( this proposal meets with your apprmal, please execute both copirs and return one copy for our files. We look forward to the opportunity of working with ye~~ on this project. Very t yours, Brian E Kien ~v Projem Manager BEK/mao Approved and Authorized foe City oC Atlantic Beach By' Date Approved and/~Aut~jh-o~rized for Connelly & Wicker Inc. ~~'/~' / l/Y~-LLB ~ ! ~".~ By: Marnn L Wrcker Date Mr. &tb Kosoy February 1. 1J93 Page 3 risky, and Clicnl dots Ihcre(orc agree and warrant to hold Connelly & Wicker Inc. harmless (or any such unauthorized use and to diligently defend and/or indemnify Connelly & Wicker Inc Crom all claims, damages and expenses against Connelly & Wicker Inc. resulting out o[ said unauthorized use. LIABILITY It is understood and agreed between both parties to this Agreement that Client agrees to limit Connelly & Wicker, Int.'s liability to Client and/or any of its subsidiaries, and to all wnstruction contractors and subcontractors on the projects (or errors, negligem acts, or omissions resulting from these professional services to an aggregate amount not exceeding Connelly & Wicker Int.'s professional services fees or 550,000.00 whichever is greater. In wnsideration of the unavailability of professional liability insurance Cor services involving or relating to hazardous waste materials and since it is not the intent nC this agreement for Connelly & Wicker Inc. to provide services involving or relating to hazardous waste materials nor is any such expsssure anticipated by cithcr party under this agreement, it is agreed that the Client shall indemnity and hold harmless Connelly & Wicker Inc. and its consultants, agents and employees Crom and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, direct and indirect, or consequential damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and court artd arbitration costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by the Engineer, or claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. related to hazardous waste materiats or activities. This indemnification provision extends to claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. which arise out oL arc related to, or based upon the dispersal, discharge, cse;ape, release or saturation oC smoke, vapors, cool, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids, gases or any other material, irritant, contaminant or pollmam in or into the atmosphere, or on, onto, upon, in or into the surface or subsurface (a)soil, (b) water, or watermurae, (c) objects, or (d) any tangible or intangible matter, whether sudden ur not. Client shall indemnity and hold harmluss CWI and all of its personnel Crom and against any and all claims, damages, losses and expetrses (including rcasonabk attornry's toes) arising out of or resulting from the performance oC the services, provided that any such claim, damage, tau or expenx is caused in whole or in part by the negligem act, omission, and/or strict liability oRhe Qient artyone directly or indiresdy employed by Client (except Connelly & Wicker Inc.), or anyone for whrae acts any oC them may be liable. This shall not apply In negligent acts, omissions and/or strict liability For which Connelly & Wicker Inc. u responsible. TERMINA77ON OF SERVICES This agreement may be terminated cithcr by Client ur Connelly & Wicker Inc. should the other fail to perform its obligations hereunder. In the event of termination, Client shall pay Connelly & Wicker Inc. fur all services rendered to the date of termination, all reimbursable expenses, and reimbursabk Icrmination expenses. Mr. Fktb Keuoy February 1, lyy3 Page 2 COMPENSATION n Proposed the Payment &Ir the scope oC work described above be performed (or a lump sum (ee of f5,(>n« detailed az follows: 1) Topographic Survey 51,000 2) Design and Permitting Phazc S3,2W 3) Bid and Construction Phase 51,400 In the event that additional services Fc reyursted outside the scope of work it is proposed that pa}mtenl Cor these services !x on the bazis of Connelly & Wicker Int.'s current hourly billing rates set forth below plus any required reimbursable costs. Cateeorv Hourly Billing Rates Principal Enginrsr 5 ~ ~ Senior Engineer S 70.IX1 Design Engineer 5 ~~ Enginecr/Dcsigncr 5 ~ ~ Technician S 35.00 Drafter S 30.00 Secretary S 25.00 Reimbursable costs include fees of Professional Associates (whose expertise k required to complete the project) and outof-pocket expenses. Outof-pocket expenses shall include but not be limited to travel expenses (lodging, meals, ete.), job-related mileage at 25 cents per mile, long distance telephone rolls, priming and reproduction costs, and special supplies and materials. SCHEDULE FOR PAYMENT Invoices will be submi«ed monthly based upon the work complete at that time. Payment will be due upcm receipt of invoices. If paymem is not received within 30 days from the date of the inroice, interest will be charged at the a rata of 1-12 portent per month on the unpaid balance retroactise to the invoice dme, and C-onnelly & Wicker Inc. may, without waiving any claim or right against Client and without liability whatsoever to Client, terminate the performance of the service. Retainers shall be credited nn the final imroice. In the cvem any portion or all o(an accoum remains unpaid 9Ci days after billing, Cliom shall Pay all ants of wlleztion, including reasonable auorney's rtes. USIi OF DOCUMENTS 11 ix further understaxl and agreed :hat the construction d<x:umenls and the idcaz and designs inunpexamJ thercir, as an instrumem of professional xcrvice arc the pmpcny of Connelly & Wicker Inc. and arc not m bt uud in whole or part, (or any other project u-ithout written authorisation of (-onnclh~ & Kicker Inc Client ix hereby advisud'warned Ih:u such unauthorised use ten he' very r~ ~ ~ pRDEES~~R.E= 11OBERi D fCYNEUY. V E Y1RER,gW11p p E M.AM Y. lEM1.. P E ozEU. vn o. o E RILH~p c reEa. r E Y.RN11t WUIER.OE Connelly & Wicker Inc. Consulting Engineers February 1, 1993 Mr. Bob Kosoy Director of Public Services City of Atlantic Beach 120(1 Sandpiper lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32]33 Re: Engineering Services Proposal Park Strut Drainage Improvements Atlantic Beach, FL Dear Mr. Kosoy. Connelly & Wicker Inc. is pleased to submit an engineering fee proposal to the City of Atlantic Beach (Client) (or preparation oC plans and apecificatiotts for above referenced projes as described in greater detail below under Scope oC Work. This proposal will remain in effect for a period of 60 days from the date of this letter. Acceptance after that period is subject to a review of the conditions stated herein, and passible revision by Connelty & Wicker Inc. in response m changed conditions. SCOPE OF WORK The work will include the topographic survry. After topographic survey is compkk, options will be discussed with City ata(f and, if necessary, Director of Public Works will authorize design and preparation of plans, and specifications for drainage improvements to Park Street. The work will also include preparation of detail cost estimates, assistance to the City during advertising and bidding phase, project impectbn and contras administntton as necessary during the constructan phase. SCHEDULE OF WORK We will commence the work immediatety upon being given notice to proceed, and sse will work with you to meet any reasonable deadline. V O BON S13a7 • JAOKSONVILLE FlEACH. FLORIDI 772Ap13E7 • 9012~¢]a95 nFSTIH. FIORIW • CASIxEaS. MDnTM GAHOImA CITP OP ATI,eNi'IC EBA® CIlY OlR4QSSI011 }OSETIIiG 51'AFP NEPOME AGENDA IS@f: ENGINEERING SERVICE PROPOSAL FOR NARK STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS gUBlQTTHD BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Works~~i~. a+TE° January 25, 1993 ~1 EACLGBf10lIIi; The drainage area along Park Street needs improvemencs due to some existing high areas which causes water to back up onto some of [he lots along Park Street. These need [o be re-graded and new pfping placed under driveways. The ex is cing piping under these driveways are either crushed or plugged with dirt. There are two ways which this can be done: 1. Check elevations and see if re-grading can take [his ~•ater out co an existing ditch along Edgar Scree[. 2. Ge[ an easement right-of-vay and run an underground piping Co new pipe which was placed on a project completed late Pest summer on George Street. We plan to review the Topographic Survey co review what work can be accomplished by CS[y forces, if any, prior co authorizing Design and Pervi ttfng Work. BEOD7Y®tAiIOHi Approve proposal from Connelly 6 Wicker, Lnc. for $5,600.00 for Topographic Survey, Oesign Permitting, Bid and Construction. A1TAC~[S: Engineering Service Proposal by Connelly b Wicker, Inc. nEPlar~ sI clrr NAIPAOPR: •~}arr~. ~~«~,Eft ~ Ia~nt -~_ ~' o~ J ~_ 8 W W W i~ Coe.4~' r .. sT~P tN v ~~'p''jj ~ (~~~ 'J ^ ~,, ,r.._ SI.e1~ St. 2" PVe t i v 2 r Y 1 n ~ \~ p ~ v° 2` NG w ; d ., Q~ 3q ,~ ~ / `~ rr ••~ VO FIV~~ b ~h1'~+.+ re.rwy t~'w P.we.+.. Msftr r2" PVC ewccs ,4,/e. / TYP-CAL TsMPbRAtr( HIE 1 ~^~'~T-~N' z` PVC b~ 1' FLEY161.E PO1-YTU6E S09 V b ! NOTES 2. S.r~p/e fer pvlabililrJ eC water 3. i0liac/i fenipoitrc~ LnoFCl./ p~/enfer~ aMf~ ~/t!b^ i L" ~ Avt /inG ~ 4. Ran /'¢ i+"'Yfubc br cwpvrnlro.> afop Q uas eF S• F/usli acrd Rdisf ~~~"'*' y /iges . J~ ~ I i b +'` s r. I , I J ~ :...__ ,.~.xui:.-..:a.~tr...ta~~mt.,s3.. Sc..._sr..c.. _.. _u. . s: .. ~,_.y:~Y.~ar.:~y::a:~_....._w.J. . n1r. FJob Krrsoy January 4, 1Y93 Page 4 TERMINATION OF SERVICES ThLs agrcement may be terminated either by Client or Connelly & Wicker Inc. should the other fail to perform its obligations hereunder In the wcm of termination, Qient shall pay Connelly & Wicker Inc (or all services renderal to the date of termination, all reimbursable expenses, and reimbursable termination expenses. APPLICABLE LAWS Unless otherwise specified, this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. If this proposal meets with your approval, pieasr execute both copies and return one copy for our files. We look forward to the opportunity of working with you on this project. Very truly yours, ~ i / ~- ~ // i ~rian E. Kientz Project Manager BEK/mao Approved and Authorized for City of Atlantic Beach Date Approved and Authorised Cor Connelly & Wicker Inc. ~~9/~llGr~~/ / y> 9.7 gy: tc ~.. F f L ~... n: 1..~. F.+::LIl:...~ .~ 4tr. Bob Kosoy January 4, 1993 Page 3 USE OF DOLUMEN'IS It is further understood and agreed that the construction documenu and the ideas and designs incorporated therein az an instrument ofprofessional service are the property o(Connclly & Wicker Inc. and arc not to be used in whole or part, Cor any other project without written authorvation o[ Connelly & Wicker Inc. Client is hereby advised/warned that such unauthorized use can be very risky, and Client does therefore agree and warrant «> hold Connelly & Wicker Inc. harmless for any such unauthorized use and to diligently defend and/or indemnity Connelly & Wicker Ina Crom all claims, damages and expenses against Connelly & Wicker Inc. resulting out of said unauthorized rrse. LIABILRY It u understood and agrce4 between both parties to this Agrement that Client agrees to limit Connelly & Wicker, Ins.'s liability to Client and/or any of its subsidiaries, and to all wnsteuction wntractors and subcontractors on the projects Cor errors, negligent acts, or omissions resulting Crom these pro[essional services to an aggregate amount not exceeding Connelly & Ricker Ines professional sezvic~ tees or S$(I,tlf10.00 whichever is greater. In wnsideration of the unavailability of professional liability insurance [or services involving or relating to hazardous waste materiats and since it is not the intent o[ this agreement Cor Connelly & Wicker Inc. to provide services involving or relating to hazardous wazte materials nor u any such exposure anticipated by either party under this agrcement, it is agreed that the Client shall indemnify and hold harmless Connelly & Wicker Inc. and its consultants, agents and employees Crom and against all claims, damages. losses and experses, direct and indirect, or wnsequential damages, including but not limited to fees and charges of attorneys and court and arbitzation costs, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work by the Engineer, or claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. related to hazardous wazte materials or activities. 7ha indemnification provision extends to claims against Connelly & Wicker Inc. which arise out of, arc related to, or based upon the dispersal, discharge. escape, release or saturation o[ smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic chemicals, liquids, gases or any other material, irritant, contaminant or pollutant in or into the atmosphere, or on, onto, upon, in or into the surface or subsurface (a}soil, (b) water, or watercourse, (c) objects, or (d) any tangible or inungible matter, whether sudden or not. INDEMNIFICATION Client shall indemnify and hold harmless CWI and all of its personnel from and against any and all claims, damaga, leases and expenses (including reasonable attorney's Cecs) arising out of or resulting from the performance o(the services. prwrded that any such claim, damage, loss or tsxpense rs roused in whole or in part by the negligent act, omission. andbr strict liability oC the Client anyone directly or indirectly employed by Client (except Connelly S Wicker Inc.). or anyone (or whose acts any of them may be liable. This shall not apply to negligem acts, omissions and/or strict liahilit}' for which Connelly S Wicker Inc. is rrzponsible. i,j~ j Fv S:JC •.ronars Mr. Bt,n la,st,y January 4, 1~/3 Page 2 This proposal dots not include: 1) Soil Evaluations 2) Permit Fos COMPENSATION It is proposed the payment for the scope of work described above be performed (or a lump sum Cee oC S9,R50 detailed as folhtws: 1) Topographic Survey 52,435 2) Design and Permitting Phase 54,565 3) Bid and Construction Phase 52,850 In the event [hat additional services be requested ouLSide the scope oC work it k proposed that payment for these services be on the bazis of Connelly & Wicker Int.'s current hourly billing rates set forth below plus any required reimbursable costs. Cate¢orv Hourl Bid IIi~Rates Principal Engineer S &1.00 Senior Engineer f 70.00 Design Engineer S 60.00 EngineedDesigncr S 50.00 Technician S 35.00 Drattcr f 30.00 Secretary S 25.00 Reimbursable costs include tees of Professional Associates (whose expertise is required to complete the project) and out-of-pocket expenxx. Outof-pocket expenses shall include but not be limited to travel expenses (lodging, meals, etc.), job-related mileage at 20 cents per mile, bog distance telephone calls, printing and reproduction costs, and special supplies and materials. SCFIF:DULE FOR PAYMENT Invoices will M submitted monthly based upon the work complete at that time. Payment will be due upon receipt of invoices. If paprrent is not received within 30 days from the date of the invoice, interest will be charged at the a rate of 1-12 percent per month on the unpaid balance retroactive to the invoice dart, and Connelly & Wicker Inc. may, without waiving arty claim or right against Client and withom liability whatsoever to Client, terminate the performance of the service. Retainers shall be credited on the final invoice. In the event any portion or all of an account remains unpaid 9U days alter billing, Qient shall pay all costs of collection, including reasonable attornry's Cccc. R~ CF:I~•r~;_ J:ii,' p n ly4J ~~F1LIC Y, C)tK5 ~~.. I pM'Yf 55KKM15 f10BFP1 D WEMFILV. p E M pMREfl MTV.flLI pE ~y LEwls. pE on~..~ o pE arrun c wELa. e E ~Yi'/~wL NYffP GE Connelly & Wicker Inc. Consulting Engineers January 4, 1993 Mr. Bob Kosoy Director of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach 1200 Sandpiper Lane Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Rr. Engineering Services Proposal Water Main Improvements For Coquina Ptace, and Fast Coast Drive Atlantic Beach, FL Dear Mr. Kasoy. Connegy & Wicker Inc. is pleased to submit an engineering [ee proposal to the City of Atlantic Beach (Clknt) for preparatan of places and specifications for abort referenced project as described in greater detail beksw under Scope of Work. 711is proposal will remain N effect for a period of 6l1 days from the date of this ktter. P.cceptance after that period is subject to a review of the conditions staled herein, and possible revision by Connelly & Wicker Inc. in response to changed condition. SCOPE OF WORK 'Rte work will include the topographic survey, design and preparation oC plans and specifications (or water main improvements for Deweese Ave., Coquina Place, Coral St., Ocean Grove Drive and East Coast Drive Crom lIXh Street to 12th Street. The work will also include preparaton of detail cost estimates, assistance to the City during advertising and bidding phase, project inspection and contract administration as necessary during the construction phase. We will wmmeace the work immediately upon being given notice to proceed, and we will work with you to meet any reasonable deadline. RECE'f VF f; Jk', ~.~'' 13~J P.L(fUC ViG:.M1~ P O BOX 51363 • JACKSONVILLE BEACN. rLONIDA 322,01363 • !a)6r26g. r995 DESTIN. fLOR10A • ewaNiEnS. NOEITN CAHOIJKA CITY OY ATLANTIC 8FA® CITY COf4fIS5I0N MF>:TING STAMP BLYORT AGENDA ITEM: ENGINEERING SERVICE PROPOSAL FOR NEN HATER MAINS FOR COQUINA PLACE AND EAST COAST URIVE tlETWEEN 10TH AND 12TH STREETS. SUEMITTED BY. ROBERT S. KOSOY/DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~~j7Gy DATE: Janaury ll, 1993 BACRGRODND: Connelly b Wicker, Inc., Consulting Engineers, has submit [ed an Engineering Proposal for Uesign and Preparation of Plans and Specffica [ions for Water Mafn Improvements for Uewees Avenue, Coquina Place, Ocean Grove Drive and Eas[ Coast Drive. The Coquina Place area design will prepare Che City Io[ [hE continuing de[erior iation and eventual failure of [he existing private well lot aced on Coquina Place. As the well deterio ra [es and/or ruptures, we must be in a position to suPPly water [o these potential customers. This design will extend, interlock, and complete lwps of water mains in this area. The ownership of [his pilva[e artesian well is being investigated by the Duval County Public Health Uni[ (HRS.) Ne have prepared for the possible failure of the well by submitting an emergenc}• plan [o HRS for temporary water service on Coquina Place and by obtaining a price quote from a well contractor. RECA1RfF70)ATION: Accept proposal ATTAC81427fS: 1. Temporary Flan 2. Telephone Price Quo [e 3. Engineering Service Proposal REYIEAID BY CITY HANACEA: from .e 1 Wicker, Inc. ~y p~l - Q ~ ,~~CE381A II'EIf NO. ~~ 71.~~ CG 57 . f/5~ 8s"~ .i Thy/J Ssa!cd gE ,-~~ A{ter discussion, Mr. Molf eon wooed to tleny the variance. llr. McGoren seconded the wotion and it passed by a vote of 4 - 3. V. Application for Variance filed by Tornwend end Virginia Rarkea to construct a garage apartment on a non-conforwing lct located at 1771 Beach Avenue. Mr. end Mrs. Tornsend Narkes introduced themselves to the Board and explained that the variance vas requested to alloy thew to construct s garage apartment on a 50 x SG lot on the teat aide of Beach /.venue. Yariancee ere Headed for minlwuw lot size end rear yard setback. After discussion, Mr. Mol{son roved to deny the variance. 11r• Frohrein seconded the wotion and the vwrience vea denied by a vote of 5 - 2. VI. Application for Plat Revier by YSlliam dorgan for property located on the north corner o{ 19th Street. hr. Yillimm tlorgan introduced himself to the Board and explained that he desired to rapist the property into six esparmte lots for the purpose of selling them. After tliscuaelon, hr. Molfson wooed to rsoomwrnd the replm~ino to tha City Cowmieeion and to enoouragv the proposed single family homes ee cell am one-ray trwftic on the street. Ms. Pillmore seconded the wotidn end it rss unaniwouely passed. There being no further business tc cows before the board on wotion wade and seconded the westing rss adjourned. SI ATTEST NEk BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filed 6y Margaret Cresson to enclose an existing rood deck rhich rould encroache the rear yard setback requirements on property located at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive. Hs. Cresson introduced herself to the board and explained that the variance tae requested to allot construction of a screened enclosure on en existing deck- After discussion of rhether a hardship existed end the impact on other properties, Hs. Gregg wooed to approve the variance as requested. Mr. Horie seconded the wotion. The notion tailed by a vote of 2 - 5. II. Application for Variance filed by The Church of the Living God to construct an addition to the church rhich rill encroacA the setback requirements on property located at 390 Church Road. Hr. Jawes Rivers introduced himself to the Board and explained that the Church ras requesting a variance to add needed room for the congregation. After discussion, Hs. Pillwore moved to approve the variance. Ms. Gregg seconded the notion and it ras unanimously approved. III. Application for Variance filed by Clytle and Elizabeth Asbury to park a rotor home in the front setback of property located at 545 Seaspray Avenue. Hr. and Hra. Asbury introduced thewaelvee to the Board end explained that the variance vas requested to permit them to continue to perk a motor home in violation o£ the front yard setback due to health problems. The Chairmen presented a letter from a neighbor expressing approval of the variance request. Mr. Asbury stated that another 14 approvals rare submitted ri to their application. After tliscuesion, Ms. Pillmore moved to approve the variance on e temporary basis until such time ae Hr. Aehury could no longer operate the motor howe. Mr. Horie seconded the motion. The motion failed by a vote of 3 - 9. ~/~ IV. Application for Variance filed by Gudron Morrison to retain /~` a screened enclosure in violation of the rear yard setback on pr op,er ty lowted at 403 Sesspray Avenue. He. Lori Hesketh, a Sraend of the applicant, introduced herself to the board and explained the reasons the variance ras .•q vented. Hea:;ons uicludatl mosquito infestation and raccoons. tihe• vxplarned that thn structure had already been constructed. Kim Leinbach February 2, 1993 Page 2 I wonder if it would be possible to be sure we include in our wording, when we gcant variances that all other codes and city Ordinances must be complied with and be very specific about the variance being grant ed. Thank you Eor your attention to this matter. DCP/pah - .,MZ ~c CITY OF yQtla.rtci $'eaels - ~losisfa 1 4 800 tiF_N I\OLL xnAD I AILA\TIC' BF:K'w. lIDRIDA Jiil15M5 Eli--.-._ ____ _ ___. _- - 1tl.FPIlO':E I9MI 2lC5808 !~\ l.AX 19011 1lASBUS M E M O R A N D U M February 2, 1993 TO: Kim Leinbach, City Manager ~~ FROM: Don C. Ford, Building Official ~ ~. ;' RE: Lifetime Enclosures Incorporated Application for a Screened Enclosure at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive In the Commission meeting of January 25, 1993, the City Commission granted a variance to Hrs. Margaret Cresson at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive to construct a screened enclosure on the east side of her home. Lifetime Enclosures applied for a permit to construct the screened enclosure. After reviewing the permit application I have returned the information to Lifetime Enclosures for the following reasons: The plans as drawn do not meet the 1991 Standard Building Code in that the structure is not designed to withstand 110 mph winds. The builder was rather concerned as he was under the impressioc that the Commission had ordered us to award a permit. I have explained to the builder and also to Mrs. Cresson that the Commission granted them a variance to allow them to build closer than the existing setbacks permit. The Commission di3 not grant any variances to the building code and the structure will have to meet the building code just as any other structure in Atlantic Beach will have to meet the code. I bring this to your attention as there was quite a bit of discussion in the Commissions' deliberations about this structure being built on an existing wooden deck. The main problem with the structure is that the wooden deck is not an allowable platform to build a structure on. In order for the enclosure to be built on the deck, the deck would have to have some sort of tie downs, footing or an equal structural platform to allow the aluminum frame to resist high winds. My concern with the granting of the variance for this particular property is that apparently the citizen, in the form of Mrs. Cresson, and the contractor were not made aware that their variance did not include any variances from the building code. Lifetime Enclosures is back to the drawing board now and having to redesign the entice structure to meet 110 mph winds whereas they were under the impression that they could start construction immediately after the variance was granted. ., an:-:are 119'. L:ty o5 i;t l~.nt,: Leach - Fl...r i.. F~TRJ: fla yor 4nll ~.a.: G„i i:~i ~-~rd F:tl s-a is E~a~.c::. Pier: da ____~~ ~.~ F~:: _rence tc: Cam:n:_ioii, n~~:,., i ,,,nt~t<oarC Fret ing vn tt-17-9 :d ~ity Ca.:ncil mvotaro~ on ._-!~-'_ I`lca .._ ca]d my .:.:ne to -_n- c•genda a the deb n_~ary 8, 1993 :m=ei_lr:n o{ -:~r =1t; Co:~.~Ci:. I way Yn .ctendnncc plead..ng my cas to the cGe.~r -rferar. %:ed m.-_!': rgs ±r H.-~r;emb.~- and Dac em6-.+r. When tL-.e Demme lopment 6~.•=.r°d dented my •-cyi~.est 40'• a va r'~ance to retain c.. er.:. s*iny sc: a.'.n enc l,a:_r _. I tool «ry c~_e to tY:e City Council inc.=.tarty at wkicF nme I wa--:: informed .hat the C:ty Ccurcil Uff is i_.1_ cor:ld ort t: •?r' my case. I hK:~e been in Germ<d th2t r.har:ga.a Fa-e bean rt:ade through tl-.e dilagent . ____ ch :.f ovr t;t~ f~C .~;rn=_. :.inn Jar: =_en. TF:.:rr.i or c; a o-ro~_~Ld l:i !-. anotP:er op;~ort:•n:ty rp pr esen ~. :u; _._~.- aed .il'~-., rrrc ('aty (: .unc:L to re-: ie.n my rare:m_tac•_e. rs "yri~sr-i~-id,~c ia'_ body". ~~~/~/4 _,._ ..: Ilc s{etl~ n%'r- _.._'-pr . ... - ~_ -_ _ _ M4P SHOWING SURVSIi OF EASTERLY D/ LOT 978 ANO TN6 EASTERLY r OF LOT 379,_ .^aALTA/R SECT/O.V 3, _ AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK /~ t_ PAGE .-.-. /6 OF THE CURRENT PUBLIC RECORCJ O' OUVAL COUNTY, flOR10A. FOR 3'TEVE G/63EL6 _~~~ ... t_ar rar soi A4/i Ai/ fMR aV ) IMM//w 1X "so, n • 4/ 0 c N oo T N 0 . saD' C ~ /awr ~ .1 a lr, Mo~y 01 _s z a .. 50.0' (.'", fi . ,ft0 i~ $cx w f ~•570Rr FR9HB ~ CO u/A uo. /o/ ~~= 7--; t~ GAR.Qi6 , • /r. CPrt. . : • . N4.t . ... Q LOwC: DR/Vt 4 s W /o.e' 0 , ~ VJ 3 i ~ ~ ~ 0 Q ~ 6p 0 •.rro ••/~ hro $Q O• /AO1/v I -~.... nw[ f -/wav nie SEASP/PAY AVENUE SO' R/W /PEfNCCK6D~ /uAka /4,/987 f0 SrJOEJ /NPROVEMEAITS• NOTE1 /)SEE PR!//OVC iuRVEY eY N. A~DO.TOeA//4fSOC:, /NC. DATCO • FfA f0 yEC , .PitvGtieO' Mq?sN;4. /DC~ TD t+/OW ~Ow/O.oTiGV eoun+rfm Ko./18+3 o•xD ([MOtlfD vnTN A i ,~a[• es[rn MT Tw[+IOw loot rIf [w[c[[ ua. .nYrullunwy Lwv r. wf~Praa Vwwax w o.~crie,f MT MPl u11 W KMWI~IE(YC(I1YrCr1YO M~M[uMM1 r,0,w1 [Wf /16L,~IIOAO 1M0, rA[ M •wnYi t[GwtY [lYpMO[ f[1 qnw [. J(LL. PL0111DA M nOliw Ldli P 1.11,0 YOt104IYw01Y4110 YO.4, q Off1. NGlld il/.1y1~ / ( •. gpKED OGGPMOER !O• tL~_ ~,LLE /' t0' GREDORYiB. CJARI JOB No. ./?202 - /34G 9-/522? CNK. 8y 1 wL ATEE, INC. LEGEND • CJNCR(T( rCNJYf V1 ~ ~ n. F[NCE I' "~ •^ 0 iNON IVE LET • IRON I,Pf FOU•1o T. N 77 a tb[[ cuT FB 33S_ PG ?7_ Nhet Se the applicant's interest in this vmrianee? --~2?7~~fI,G1~l_~----------- .. IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, v . BECONES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPKENT, BO. AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION NCONTAINED ONEREIN DIS STe NcS THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOMLEDGE. Signature of applicant/applicant's G°_`~!~/L ~-- ==~JwQ"[~ ______ authorized agent or attorney. It Slgnmtura of Dense of the agent or attorne Applioation cannot be prober trove spolieant LoyL hwtcettactetter rithoui senses •ignwture, proeea• Appllcsnte Do not till-!n beyond this point, Horever, `De p-epareo ~ respond to the tolloring Stems: 1. Special conditions and circuwetancee exist rhiah •r• YES - NC pecullwr to the lend, structure, or building Involved end rhich are not spplicwbl• to other lends, atruaturem or buildings in th• saws zoning district. reeulthirowpthammetionelofotheamppliemntstmneee do not 3, 6rantlnq tA• verianae requested rill not oonter on th• mppliean! any epeolml privilege that ie denied by the node to other lends, buildings or etruoturee in the •mwe zoning district. ~. Literal inlerpretmtlon of th• provisions of the codes would deprive LAe mpplicent of rlphtm comwonly enjoyed by other properties in the ssse zoning dietriet and could cork unneceuwry and undue hwrdehip on the applicant. 3. The varienee i^ the minimum variance thw! rill make powslbl• the remeonmble use of tha land, building ar structure. f+. The variance Se in harmony rlth the general Sntvnt and purpose of the code. 7. Th• vmrimnce rill not constitute any chmngm in the districts shorn on the zoning nap, B• Th• vmrimnce rill noL impsir an atlequate supply of light and air to ad~meent property. 9. Th• variance •131 not wsterially inc»sae the ' congestion in public mtreeta or increase the public danger of tir^ and safety. 10. 7hv variance rill not materially diminioh ar Sapeir eetmbliehed property values rilhin the surrounding crew, ___ __ 11. Tha vmrimnce rill not impair thv health, smisty, moral^ and general rsltmre. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEfFT BOARD REPORT AND ACTIONS: I PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN IMK ~ {•~~~),1 ~_ APPLICATION FEE 550.00 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ~.~ ~ ~, L_~ AI ~.~ DATE FILED[ ~~ ,~ ~ TO REQOEST A VARIANCE FAOM THE REC `:. ARE PRACTICAL DIFFI uLA?IONS INDICATED HEREI F~OV 2 1992 STRICT LETTER OF TxE COTp6 OR ORDI ECESSARY I1~~a Rt A VARIANCE AS poLI,DNSt NANCE 2NE~RDSNIPE IN CARRYt}/~,BEaTIIER~On', DNDERSIGNED~NEREgY APPLIES FOR 17 Name and sddrese of • ~ ~ ' !e ocher then ell thePPlicent requesting vsrla ~ ~ , the o ortters ncer vnere of the psopettY shell rbe proQehedt prlttenoeonaent sl coed 1leant , t'~ ~~~~~ n •ttee /jrj~ g by ell x'03 „%, ~P4 r~ ~e1TG't PxoNEgg~y1cc, uorkr '...0s77 Homer a~4- 13,t-al ~~~.,p~ .Variance is soughs Irom the provieione of that - ~ ) EonlnB Coda '~'~~~ ~~ Eullding Coda ~~ ~ ) Eleetrleel Coda ~ ) Plumbin 'r"--'~ ~ ) Nechenite E-Code ,)~'~;~ 1 Code t'OCetfon ~ ) Other of bulldfng or serueture: On the e1ds of l ~ - saorv street ~ deader eddreaneeeed leEel deecrlp Clon of - ~ ~ ~~) : end mu y or ploe dfagrem Sndlce tin Property: Note: Attach toPY of ~ n _ 8 proposed construetlon. -~~64LL!/ /J two ~. 2oninE Clue!!!es [Sant /i ~ -_ -~ Set [ion o! Code Erom vhleh verlenes Se sough[: Deecrlbe vezlsnu requested. The reupn vertenea is be in8 sought: `~'~' ~: SvPporting data uhieh should ba considered b ~.~ 7: Y the gosrd: . - ~~++ /•.~ ..LL i :+ ". ~. ~ ~ iii. /' J'~, :ti .- i Arc conseruceSon plena submitted ufeh chic appllcetlon?~-JJ - `~~. ~~. • -~"- :r' MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA Noveaber 17, 1992 7:00 P. M, CITY NALL PRESENT Gregg McCeulie Sanuel Navie Ruth Gregg Don Wolfson Robert Frohrein Pat Pillwore Mark MIX;oyan AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, II, CD Director Pet Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT . Chairwan Gregg McCeulie, called Lhe seating to ortler and asked for approval of the winutea frow the sexing of October 20, 1992• Upon notion duly Bade and seconded said sinutes rare approved; OLD BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filetl by Dorothy and Stan Jones to park s wotor hove in the front yard setback of property located at 2051 Sesinole Roetl. Stan Jones introduced hiwself to the board and explained the reasons the original Variance vea requested. He requested an extension of that original Variance until the certlticate of occupancy •ee issued for hie ner hose currently under construction. After discussion Me. Gregg wooed to approve an extension of six (6) wonthe. Mr. Norte seconded the sotlon and it raa approved by a vote of 4 - 1. II. Application for Variance ailed 6y Jawee Barrington Darby to construct a carport rhich rill encroach the aide yard setback on property located at 350 Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Derby introduced hiwaelf to the board end stated the reasons a variance vas requested. After discussion, Mr. Horie moved to approve the variance rith the condition that the structure be constructed rith non- ilanneole materiels. Ms. Gregg seconded the motion and it passed by a vote of 9 - 3. CITY Gr ATLA^:T .C b_ALr CITI COMMISSIVN MEE It:~: STAFF 4E?~-+~ A 9EGDA ..EM; ApDea' of Varian•;e Len>; b'. Lc n. nes~.et r. SUBM?iTEJ E.. George Wprley, CiL} Plar•.ner ~y y~.'~ DATE: February t, 7993 BACKGROUND: Gudron Morn son. ropresentzd py Lon HesKetn constructed a screened enclosure at the rear of their home at 403 Seasdray Avenue ir. violation of the requiretl rear setback. Mrs. Morn 5dn applied for a Van ante to keep the structure as built. The Board discussed the fact that no permit was pulled and that the violation could have been avoided had the normal process been followed. By a vote of 4-3 the Board moved to deny the request. RECOMMENDATION: All cOnstrUdtlOn wltnin the C:Ly of ALIanL`c 92ach is governed by both the city Zom ng Codes end the Standartl Builtling Codes. The permitting process was established to Drovttle the city with the Opportunity to review proposed cpnstructior, for compliance with those codes. Structures Such a5 constructed by Ms. nesketn must cJmply with both codes to be safe. As of yet, no pi, ans for the already existing rocm addition nave been reviewed by the eui'tling Department. Such review may resul*_ in the redutrement for structural changes to the room addition in order to bring tt into compliance. ATTACHMENTS: .) Letter of ADpedl from Lorl Hes•:e Ln 2) AcpliGation for Yan ante 31 Ilinutes o`. Lne Commu iti ~~=-e'opme ~.t Boca rc REVIEWED B'r CI7I MANAGEF __ (/7J~ JJQQ~~ /~+ - `~ _,__ D+IE ~~ CAyr(i(,yiNG faQr/o-VS c.F r+vc cox -P`' ~/aPi-i+r~ /r /S O/Ffil4[/ %''/,P'ZO.~jnWp9 Cwgx'gF•K7iow! AC Jo qS -:;ENDA ITEM f:0, "~. /4o?LO /I~''ct/ //ls+~f7o +1E 90/iJfO r.PPLYCcn/f 4: q,,,y V/>•QNNC~~ CGMPc/./+~(~~ A/4N LTG ~/CNicUC7 w//N //~ilgj~- QW~Q//6 Gwx S. V~9SC RE+~J ,~o r~r~ 9~p:rGvsJ ~'6.aY.a+oo~r +,V rHS ~PfG.79D3. / +~+Gvy 34!657 Tylf S//evuJ qE cc6Kty /~j) 5 igCC=O /n/ rr~ c'u6w 9 +-wi7.NrC +l G,f/I.v~q/ AG4 v X95 ~ f/ roa~f~J /~+/ a4,p +$uiyp.46 oFiic 7es coA~Il~-. 1 Mhut io the epplicon['o Sntereat Sn this verisneeT 1'o build a retirement !;a rage apt. where ere can live our -----'-- year.^, on our'sm aII-re T; Pn~a~sra„s..._________ ~ _ our"&ip-oceaili'ronE-fiome--' IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGMCD URI BECOMES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DtYEI.g AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED 11CRSIt THE BEST OF HIS/HER NNOMLEDGE. ~// 'A. lOz„~-aC / _9 it ~_ ~L~t._.Q~,~ `iig Lure o1 •pplicent/epplicent•e SSgn urs of orner of tl authorized agent or attorney, It agent or attorney, include letter Applioation weeot - b• trove applicant to that attest. rithout eraera siOYtltrt _.. ;.1 Applicant[ Do not fill-Sn beyond this point. Mowrer.~~~~~o respond to the tollorlnp iteul _.. 1. Special conditions and ctrcusefvnoa exist rhioh ere .n p~•.y peculiar to ihv lend, structure, or building Snrelred. ;',y, ., vend rhlch are not •pplicebl• to other lends, etraotures ,._ or buildings Sn tAe saws zoning dlstrlot. ,~~, ,;, 2. The special conditian• and circugtsnaes do aot ,~.,r~. result trove the setions o! the applioant. -~ 3. Grsntinp the v.risnce requgted rill net oonler on - the •pplicent any epeeisl pr1V13epe that i• denied by th• code to other lends, buildings or etruotures Sn the ease zoning district. ~~,~:~.. ~. ~: •.,. 4• Literal Snt~rpretation of the provisions o! the sods r~' w rould deprive the •pplleant of rights eoswonly snioysd by other properties Sn th• ease zoning district Md rould rork unnecessary end undue hardship on tAe eppllcan t. ''' n ~. The variance 1^ ihs wlniauw verlanea that •111 sake possible the reasonable use of the lend, Duildlnp or structure. 6. The variance Ss in harwony •ith the general intent and purpose of the code. _ 7. Tne variance will not constitute any ohange Sn tAe districts shorn on the zoning veep. 8. The variance rill not lwpalr •n adequate sspply of light and air to adlaeent property. 9. ?he vartsnce rill not waterl ally lnc»ue tAe ~~~~~~~~ ccngeotl on in public etrevta or increase the ,~~ ~ danger of tiro and eatety. publio •~ . 10. The vnrlence rill not woterlally diainleh or Swpalr *~s~4 eetebliehed property values rithln the ^urrounding area, i ~~ I1. The variance rill not Swpair the Ma1tA, Ntety, ~ morale and general reltere. COtltlUHiTY DEVELOPMENTBOARU REPORT AND ACTIONSr i ,~ ~, 1~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN 1NK - APPLICAIION FEE (30.00 -~-~__. APPLIGIION FOR VARIANCE -~ ~, ~ DATL PILEDt_ NaV ~ I R q~ I~,.~\... . ~`' - :. s y ~~V . ;1992 •~ 1 TO REQUEST A VARIANCE JROM THE REGULATIONS INDICTED XEREIN. gF~CAUSE 'f~El{E ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UMNEClSSARY HARDSNIPS IN CAR®1/1IGIR i3 U: rJi!~ STRICF LETTER OF TXE CODE OR ORDINANCE THE UNDERSIGNED NEREgY APPLIES FOR - A VARIANCE AS FOLLOVS: ~.. 14r sad addnaa of applicant nquucing variance: NoN: It chs applicant fa otMr ehae all the oroara of the property, rritten eonaaat slRnad by all '; the owan of the propsrcy shall be attached: ~_' I O VJ A! .S EN n Q N e ta, li.~ S PxoNe t I, ~~. yl R Q 1 MI A ~ HAW ` !(l° S Nork: ~ /~ ~[ - ~ C ~ / xo..: a~~-s~a~ ~:. _. ~Vaeianes Sa aough[ frog the provlalow of ths: «;. (X) Eoo1nR Cods ( ) eullding Code ( ) Plumbing Code t~ -( ) Elaetrltal Coe. ( ) Nechanleal Cods ( ) Ocher ,~~ (1~( ~...Latatlom of Ou11d1aR or atzwtun: •n• .,...o. tw~srr asd. of 86r c li AvC- , it nur 17-f~ acs u~{Vr _ R a . i or r stns[ (We think 1~/2 would be in the rear of 1~~1 Beach Ave,) ~,~ Strut adds.. and Lpl description of property: Note: Attach copy of ', deed, and sung or plot Qlagrr 1ndlutinR proposed conecructfon. ., .: pppp~~- ~ Legal: Pt Lot Recd 0/R Bk 3098-y21 F' ish~ '- ~ (Reary~of/~1~?1 Beach Ave.) "~(~ zomimR CLu1!lcatlons /C (a -1 .,~ ,• faction of Cods from rbich nrfancs !a aouaht: -`~ paeribs varlaaes ngwawd; To build a retirement garage apt. where we '~~ can live our remaining years on our small retirement pension. '~' W have been taxed out of our Dig oceanfront home. Ths rsuon variants 1. Dainf aough[: 'CA '"~ To build a retirement gars apt. where we 4~u .~. can live our remaining years on ovr small retirement pension. { ~ ~. .,~ W have been taxed out of our big oceanfront home. ~' Suppor[Sng data rhieh-should M considered by the guard: S` .. ~ "n~ -di Ars cowttuetlan pLw subaltted uith [h1x sppllutlon+ Yag _ - 84'_O" --- - 8~ ~ _ I '? , ~ ~ -~ r____________~ i 1 0 ~ _-_ - PROPOSED Z 5fORY i ~ FRAME STRUCTURE ' o~ ,~ .N - r ,~ ///// ~ ~^ I ~~UILDI G_ OVEKNA V ~. N 1 ~I - -5p:p^ --- pL. - BEACH AVENUE ', ' GAL DESCRIPTIOIJ ; A 0 pT CD ED IAl O/R prDOK 3D98-71) t: ; - '' ~ _ - - . . ..._.~' =' C. ~~ r -- - -~- . -, ~_..__. . I; ,~ ;, •I ,I ~~ i _~, ~ ~ -'1 ,~ ~~ -- -- _ ~ L... I II~. r 1~ I~t is 1.__- I 1 1 ~, i' ~ I, I; - ~ _IJi~ i ~; J U -~ ti Q I .~ ~~'i A _, ~. . '~ ~ ~ ~ ( j ~ ~ i l-~~ ~' ~- .: I1 I -~ ~,---- ,~ r-~ i ~ Y g f ~~ ~~ i~ ~. ,. ~. _°. i~ -- .. .. .. <~ ., ,, S ~: ., ~ ~.__.. $~ i_ __ ~$~~~-- U Q k 'Q U 1 F~ ~: F ~! LI L! [:~ ~: ~. ~lY I 1 ~ ~ i ~__._ ~~:i, ~i I ~I~• , ' ii III is II ~; :; ,~. ; 1 i i t~ ~I i i ~ . ~i ~~~~ -1, l' ,1 i ~ ~I ~I i ~ -I~ ,, ' I ! 'i I I I I I I Ir~ II ~ ~il ll' ~ ; ~~I ... I -~! ~,~~ l~ I ~ I I Ir I IY 'I- I ~a I I i l~ ~: ~~ ~I~ Il_ ~ 1.- - _ I. .;~ f r ° ;~-~i i II ~' I ~ II , - ~t _ ~ -~ --~~~111 f 1 . . ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ! . II , ',i ',1,. iI~ I , .~ ~ I ~ ~r ~- i -- ii, 1 I I it .; , ,, ~~ ;. :; ~. ,~ ! r ~ ~-- j i -I ~~~ -_ _ 1 ~ ;~- 1 I ~: ! I I I ~ ~ ~ ; '7 w-~ .1 ~. .. -.~-• r ~, ~. t•.~ a _~ ~3 ., u; >~ -a, . If you desire any further lntormetton or cLrif/eatton, Or sa6iatanca with sn sppllcation 'for Variance, p7aaN '00 not hesitate to contact Lhe Building entl Zoning Department at City Mall or by telephone at 247-5826. ~ ~~ i Sincerely. .. ~ „ ., ,.s. '~p ~p .. i _- ._ ....._ ~P.i-'.. George Nor1eY, O~ ~. ,y,e'. City Planner ~ - _,i~~. cc: Mayor and Comoisetonera ~ ~ ~ .,.,. . Kim LeinDach, City Manager ~_ Alan Jensen, City Attorney ~ - '! ;;;,r ~,._:.. ~~ ;' , , .,... d.... __. -s,..v..~.~,~. _. _ .mow ...,..,......,-,.-._ CITY OF ~4tlastie b"taelc August 19, 1992 Mr. Townsend Hawkea peg ~. L,e Pc<c,rr: Pe~ ON NCt 71 11ti ~ Nov ~'~ ~er~laN i3Y vo 3 FI_lo ~ -; i ~ ....wu+ou.o.o ~' ,owrnc...®.,~so.nv..w ~, c P P y .~ 7nin~naaazarw ~ av<ewwaw - 500 North Third Street Jacksonville, FL 32260 ~.. re: Pt Lot Recd O/R Book 3088-721, - .:`'+~'~:- b0 x 60 lot -wept of 171 Beach Ave. _ Dear hr. Hawkes, ~ ~ '~ We are fn receipt of your latter dated Aupuet i, ipp2,' regarding the above referenced lot. Research into tM hletory of the subject lot reveals several points whleh effect your claim and which present courses of action other then a DOSatbly protracted and costly lawsuit attempting to prove a `Taking'. '' Regard i.ng the Zoning and perms trod ueee of yoyr nonconforwinp lot, you should Da aware that the applicablo zonlnp is Rfi-1. 7hie classification requires a minimum lot •iz• of 60 z 1QQ, with setback requirements of 20 feet in front snC rear, and a ' minimum of 5 feet, total of 15 feet for the two •idea. The ' City of Atlantic Beech has provieione in its Zoning Code tMt allow property owners to apply for dimensional `Variances` tf a hardship exists which preclude them from complying with code requirements. The lots on the west cide of Beach Avenue between 17th Street-~~ end lath Street were originally platted for the expressed purpose of providing additional perking for the lots on~ tM east aide of Bearh Avenue. Thfe unusual procedure Wae done many years prior to annexation of Lhe area by Atlantic f1ea:.h. Since that original platting, there have been wven structures built on rheas lots. Of the seven, four combined these Iota with larger lots to the west, two epDlied for and recelvW variances of one kind or another, end one pre-dotes LM annexation and no records are available on it. i Given the above- conditions and history, we recommend tMt you make aDPlication to the Community Development Board regwsttnp a Variance to the minimum lot rsize and •setback requi reawnta for the purpose of constructing a private garage on the lot. Applications are, available from the Building and Zoning Department at City Hall. ' ' I ' ~ ..-_.z___ ,..,:::,„ :: ,I~:,f:f. n.~ ".. BEACI{ REAE ESTATE - INSUpANCE A.,,q rL MrM, SCJ IJoah ?hl~n So-.:u! p. Ci. Bo, 51 JD? S.rr fu4 J acilor..ille Bca r. h. Fonda 322SD Telephnno ty 04) 249~9DI I t:o v, z, 1992 :atlantic 3e ach Community Development Board 800 Seminole Road -- fltlantic Beach, FI, 32233 Attni i~!r. George Worley, City planner Centlemenf Rel }>t Lot Recd 0 R Dk 3p 98_721 Rear of 1771 each Ave, Recently I asked a mortgage broker, one Robert Tipton of Plorida !icme :iyuity fortgage Brokers, for a small loan on the above lot in _~ the rear of my residence at 1771 Desch Ave., and after an inveeti- ration at your City ball, he discovered that the zoning had been changed on this lot ¢o it can Le used only as a flower Ded or possibly for parking cars. when I purchased the property early in 1970 I understood that this lot was zoned for a garage for tha front house should we decide that we needed more garage space, which we do. the same principle that the oceanfront owners are going to sue in Federal Court against the State of Florida for partly "taking" their homes through defacto condemnation applies here and, of course, the supreme Court of South Carolina in a similar suit ruled that when the Mate or City rezones a property so it cannot be used for the purpose £or which it was originally bought, this, indeed, is a "taking'' and must be paid exactly as a condemnation taking. I Six m loss at x$0,000 through the action of the City in chan~ing the zoning and this is the settlement I would expect ftvm the CIty for rendering my lot unbuildable. Of course, you realize that three new garage apartments have been constructed within the last two years adjoining, or almost adjoining, my property on similar sized lots. ?"r+~vh ~..rr:v o:: n - - ,•.[~: t•:: ~. sn.c~ c, fns<r..~nr ,. -. :. tF n,lp,: Very truly yours, ; y ~ZG~I~/~ )..•. I.•r I..,M,.r - -, •..~~ niE fFKVfi ,PUO,i efiiOCYIWr, ba LnN.n , ~^I'%R\Cn[i riUf°"\6:c rC ieM1O" em suYe Ss unertfully drOfted but than I'm nOt en OttOrp0y. Thanking you for your additional OOneideretiOn. Sincerely, ~J('Zc~.-7-~a..L~ ~~kG~ 7~-c-t~' 7'Owneand Hawkee ~~ , i I,. _ i~ 'O0.'N SEND 0. NAWFEi +••••••-~ BEACN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE u..;.4 r6. e..rd•~ s.o- m. 500 North Third Sires! - P.O. Bo. 5130 Jacksonville Beech. Flodde 3225C Teiepho~e ~SO4J 147~90n ' December 18, 1992 The Itonozeble williem T. cu111ford Mayor Of the City oP Atlantic Beach Ken L1n¢bach, CS ty Manager City of Atlantic Ew)ach R00 Seminol¢ R096 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 RE: Amendment t0 previou6 request for r011a£ from the denial by Community Development Board of my Application for Variance near Mayor Gulliford, Members of the City Conmission, and Mr. Linebach, City Manager: A~ I am sure you ere aware, I had previously applied to the Community Development Board for a Variance to construct a garage apartment on a "non-conforming" lot located at 1771 Beach Avenue, which belongs to me and my wife. That application wee denied by the Community Development Board on the evening of November 17th, following which i wrote on December 2nd, 1992, to Mr. Linebach, City Manager, and to Mayor Gulliford, On December 5th, requesting that I be allowed to bring this matter before the City Commission for coneideretion, and ilm advised that a hearing on my application has been rescheduled end it Se now eat for January the 11th, et 7:00 p.m, Because of my unfemillarity with the Varloue sections of the City Code as well es those of the CommE:~;1ty Development Board, I am afraid that my request for relief might be denied on soave form of procedural technicality with whl ch I em unfamiliar. Therefore Sn an abundance of caution, I would simply 11ke to request the Mayor and Commission to consider any letters in the broadest sense possible as a prayer for relief. And if the Commission should determine that the only possible way Sn which the Commission might give my prayer favorable cvneideretion is to Consider St as an APPEA[. from the action of the Community Development Board, then please feel,,,f,XRe to do 60. Again, my prayer Se for the relief epstied_ost=lrvmy%le~ttv'rs to the Commission end the,fom +L6aroof I ...~ ,e L-3"nG Sfr~YE Gi :... a5:vvrl LE IEACei: :.C41U NVrttf rF/rCNFi tuL:Un LSSSOGGIrpp oN a iv.ae.; +.n +..~...., [_~l .n +tt06.,_J" v[ oar ..n ,.[ ErpV ,p Y.CSSN~•~lE iFnCNEf wfLEOK GSSSOGA-O~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial Dy Townsend Hawker SUBMITTED BY: George Worley. City Planner (Y'p,1~ DATE: February 1, 1993 BACKGROUND: Mr. Hawker is the owner of an oceanf rcrt home at 1771 Beach Avenue and a 50' X 50' lot tlirectly across Beach Avenue. Mr. Hawker desires to construct a freestanding building containing two living floors above a garage level. The proposed structure would encroach to within Len feet of the rear property line. The proDOSed use of the building would be for Mr. Hawker primary residence. A 50' X 50' lot is a substandard lot (Sec. 24-83) in Atlantic Beach and requires a Variance for anv construction thereon. In addition a Variance to Lhe rear setback requirement is also needed and Lhe building height limitation is reduced in direct proportion to the reduced size of the lot (Sec. 24-82{b)) (in this instance permitting a maximum height of only 17.5 feet as the lot is only 50% of the minimum required). At Lhe Community Development Board melting the discussion was primarily regarding the original purpose of Lhe lots on the west side of Beach Avenue in that block. It was pointed out that the lots hatl originally been platted to provide additional parking for the oceanfront homes and not intended for the construction of homes. The Board also expressetl great concern for the potential adverse impact of additional traffic and restriction of parking in that vicinity. A motion was made and seconded to Deny the request and carried by a vote of 5 to 2. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is concerned about the potential for setting a precedent for allowing the construction of full sized structures on half sized lots. There are 10 lots of the same size as Mr. Hawker lot remaining in that block, all of which can claim the same privilege and similar circumstances as claimetl by Mr. Hawker. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter cf Appeal from Townsend Hawker 2) Application for Variance 3) Minutes of Community Development Board 4) Sections 24-49 (1) b. 1-6, 24-49 (3), 24-82 (b), 24-83. REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER_~0~~_._~jr ~~ AGENDA /'~ ITEM NO ~ _ . / ~ 1 PA88ED by the City Commission on second and final reading this day of , 1993. ATTEST: MAUREEN RING NILLIAM I. GULLIFORD, JR. City Clark Mayor, Presiding Offiear Approved as to ford and correctness: AS.AN C. JENSEN, ESQUIRE City Attorney