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IDY[SIIO ff SOFA DMILLrilI11TY. IgI51Mi ff SdE- DMIIIAl1nY. (SFE Ild K Fa SpI01E IMO) •ICII.IODD'! lA. Fuastd ff De-wtD CIWIS-2 IFffI1ED DIBIIIIMOY MIfO DIDIIB NJM DEila CdfIN11E d 1TIID DIDII6 le]EtIFD DlrloeStL a 11/5/f3 ro ale) PIIIYF DID DM90eaif m 908 TOM eF51DR nD DIAef DI~116. DlePleE 90.11085 Fa 9EA LOAM DDmsre[e Deelfflorf SIIDT. NNLIfAfld. Kim LasTwcrla DIDIELIS OltlF91f PIDJELTS PILLFCf 10. STDTL6 a 11/22nJ STDTUS a U/29/93 5fgTUS a 11/3/93 I 1• ~ H1ma SE1ER DFHiD 9l-FUf ~ TNIS PIDkCI a HOD aflL FlIDS THIS PNDIFI.T a IDID arLL FIID5 i 1111E1 OD D9FA m11ITTFF IEID1EiDED . - t101 fiY BEOIE NW)ILABLE. IH,DE DAgILIHE, iHIS DiDJH:I ff D11W- FM Ia®N6. j MILL DISCJ65 DT ll/B/93 CItt ra111ssta HTETps. '~ MIO~A OLOXIIE mrt1Cr 93-8.9.3 ' St1IDDIID F016 Fla 8916 a AOff R/Cps IDOEIE FOI IDff D9E 11/29n3. [16tDLLD6 BF11Ertf LDE ro O11111HE ND) J. 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YIIIFI Sn1xE919f YEf C0111ETED . t9ifp6 a [BIDE STINT DHD D9ff5 •ICITDII®D a G01AL Sfl@l, ®~ 11191E 11o FJ6f 81111E ID1E 1DI r8t I~I1ED BH1111S. ml5f ORI1E. 9. DIT99HIfWl15 93-PY-DITa 10 SPNIYIIF TNIS 1~]L p rroryp116 iH[S IfDI. ILL DIT96 TN@pgJf LILY SPA7Ym •IC) MIT188TIa a 11/2/938)D 11/3n3. SFA11ff5 .. ~ : S Jf911ME SIIIET IFIF11TIa DOD 9211 Cltt IDNIffR 15 IE0111IM6 8 INIAD DIDP®1 7HlAp DAffOgL IS aDFW11 W SiO1D I~:YE DIDFDSII IEIT YD3L . J { J ff51a S9fl1(fS. 6. BFlbi BV91E W591 / 59FA BASE MD t78116 OIMff. ID STBNS aAiff. ID SID116 Og6f. 7. BDDITl01l 6191D STONYf IID CD>•BY.6 b SIDTIS Ogff. MD ~SIBTUS anff. ID Sf8T16 011H ~ . xrpD Tp11 BT 0.4151 LBHE DID •OIJ. L1176 . I :ICI FLDN a D1g1 STIEBT 9z~Ni1 To erD Fr 9J-99. ro E eto Fr 93i+. rot[ nD Fr 9319. i .IB) CIY _i_ ., ~... ..:. ..1a:J __ Lat.. - b., c-, i~aty~+~JA~c::~n~4LN'.'YJif\Oiti~'S~•»+.f. n. ::/ :.. w~ a ~ f r ..ice ~,::> a.-.aLa.N _-hr:^. _ _ _ ~.fwl{ ..._ ias.. ,w PREPARI ... ..... _x -- ~ _ - -~ -. CI'l7C OF s~j-CT=IVIT~1[ REPORT CODE gMFORCEMID~S CITY OF ~larttie 8raek - ~lesida M EtlOR1+EDOM ^ovaober 12, 1993 T0: Rim D. :.einbach /~/' FRON: Aarl W. Crunewald aw aa~m+o~8 au~0 AT(.MTiC aF 1GH, fl~aOH nZ651LS TF]HaOftE l%tl }AYSW FVI 1~M12f1~1RS RE: Code ffiforcement Board Monthly >+ctivity Report 1993. 7~ttached is the Code Enforcement >+ctivity Report foc October, If you have any questions please do not heaita•. to contact me. fiiG/pah Enclosure After discussion, Mr. Menaces noted to grant the variance. Mrs. Pillmore seconded the satiw and the variance was granted by a vote of f - ;. IV. Application for Variance filed bl Thomas C. and Doaaalea V. costa to construct as outside staireas• to a aoncoafocming atructur~e at property boated at 6;1 Heaeb Avenue. Mr. ooela introduced himself to the board and arplained that he desired to construct ^ staircase oa the accessory building that was nonconforming and the oonstruation could encroach to the north aide propertl line. After discussion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to grant the variance. Mts. Gregg ^econded the motion and the variance was granted by a vote of ~ - ;, DISCOSSIOH: The board discussed the matter of appeal• to the City Co®ission of items the board had previously denied. ?hat suggested amendments to the application form cacreatly being used by the City and recaawendad that the seoamd page of the applioation be included is Lheiz packages and especially that the applicants might even read and check the prerequisites for Eiling their application. The board also recomarmded that they ba.notified of an7 appeal to the Cit7 Caw•ission and that a liaison from the board •ttand the meeting to relate tbs facts sad general consensus of the members regarding the application being appealed. Mr. Worley stated that be would relcoab nay recomsieadations from the board regarding the application form. There being no further busiaeas to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned. BIOHED: ~~' ATTHB?: ` / NF7i BGSINEBB: ~~J// I~ lpplication for Oae-by-H:ception filed by Habitat for Humanity / \ CommuaStyeCenter locateduat 716 Oceanceovlevard, the Adsl• Ctage ~• Pegp1 O'Neill, President of the organization, introduced herself to the board and explained that because the organization was nonprofit they had had problems of sot being able to pap the rent in previow offices sad were forced to move. She stated that the City had granted temporary we cf the caaanunity center for an office oa the condition that a we-by-e:ception be applied for. Kathleen Russell introduced herself to the board and read a statement a:pressing that she did not feel that the applicant should ba required to fil• this application fot we by a:ception. After diacwsioa Mr. ltohwein moved to zecosxaendto the city Commission that the we by exception be granted. Mr. McGowan seconded the motion and it passed naaaiawwly. coastzuctlanaadditioa to hi~resideao• which encroachasatbefront yard setback requirements at property located at 1221 Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Hatcbell introduced himself to the board and explained that he desired to put a roof over as •xistiaq nonconforming structure that would encroach 18^ in the front yard setback. After disewsion, Mr. lrohwein moved to deny the application. Mr. McOOwsa seconded the motion sad the motion failed by a vote of 5 - 2. After further disewsion, Mrs. Pillmore moved to grant the variance. Mrs. Gregg seconded the motion and the variance was granted by • vote of 5 - 2. IZI. Application for Variance filed b7 Ronald L. end Marp y, McOibany to construct a family room addition which will encroach the rear yard setback at property located •t 477 saturiba Drive. Pets Dowling, builder for Lbe applicants, introduced himself and Nr. and Mra. McGibany. He stated that a variance was requested to construct the addition eacroachinq three feet into the setback line but the applicants had decided to amend their application by asking for a vezisnce of two feet.