08-24-879. Commission discuss ion un a proposal from CDl1, Inc, and prope rtv owno r, Mika Akal, for devvlnpmeni of z unique suhd iv [s ion in [he North Seminole licach area which qualified as a P],anned Unit Devel- opment, except For total acreage (Cummuni[v Development 6oaN approves cone ep[) lU. .1c[fon nn Exceptions: A. Action by the City Commission on an application for exception from Craig S. Fairhairn Cnr a home occupation at 7f,1 Cavalla Road to be used Cor honk work and phone in connection with a ' bo•~se cleaning service, and setting of a public hearing for September 14, 1987 (Community Development Board recommends approval) B. Action un application Cor exception from William H. Dukes for buying and selling of automobiles as a used car lo[ at 880 Maypor[ koad and setting of a public hearing Cor September l4, 1987 (Community Development Board rewpmtends approval) I1. Action on Resolution s: A. Introdnr[ion and adoption of Resolution Ho. 87-29 naming poll workers for ti:e ape oming Ci[y elections ~:,'~ B. Adoption oC Resolution No. 87-}0 authorizing the Ci[y Manager to file for gran[ funds in connection with tl~e City's on-going recreation program 10. Action on Ordinances: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 40-87-IS au tliord ring the Mayor and Clerk [o execute [he necessary documents for non-exclusive cable television franchise for Continental Cablevision of Jacksonville, Inc. in the North Seminole Beach area. B. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance No. 90-87-123 proposing to rezone proper[v of Thomas J. Bennet[ at 680 S[urdivan[ Avenue from kC.2 [o CG and setting of a public hearing for September 14, 1987 ll. Miscellaneous l2. Mayor to call on City Commissioners, City Attorney, City Manager and City Clerk for reports and/or requests Adj nu rumen[ _.. s CITt' OF A'CLAN1'IC BEACn August 24, 1987 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge to the Flag -, 1. Approval of the mtnu[es of the regular meeting of August IO, 1987 2. Rec ngnit inn n( visitors 3. Bid Open togs: t.. Keceipt n[ scaled hids for self-c on[ained coapac[or dumpster for use at Ragtime B. Receipc o[ scaled bids for installation of new water system in - Lake Elizabc•tl~ subdivision, Bucc ancer Water and Sewer District ,. Appearances. A. Mr. John Landon m discuss zoning on Lo[ 37, North Atlantic Beach, Unit l - '. B. Mr. Frank Delaney to discuss wi di the Cita Commission litiga- tion involving attorneys fees r~ C. Mr. Steve Cissel reques[in{•, the Grant of a drainage easement across [he north even q• feet of the City's Water Plan[ No. 2 off Mayport Road 5. Committee Reports: A. Commissioner William Gullifo rd with a committee report and recovmienda[ion relative to vehicle towing in [he City of A[lant is Beach B. Maeor William 5. Howell with a con®f[tee report and recommen- dation relative to telephone service to the new Public SaEet}• Building i b. Discussion of 1o[[er proposal from Smith and Gillespie Engineers ~ for emergency replacement of nine manholes in [he City's sewer c ollec[ion system 7. Uis<ussion by [hr City Commission nn authorizing the City Manager [o conclude negotia[[ons un Uaee blocks of Droperty Ln SecCion N to he acquf red fur publ ie use 8. 4 City Commission action on a request of [he Atlantic Beach Police `: Department to utilime $901.00 of confiscated funds as provided for under the Florida Contraband Act, and to authorize use of $1,057.33 y of oti~cr unclaimed funds for use in [he Oepa rtmen['s Investigations Fund