10-01-87 CITY OF ~tfaetic ~eack - ~td~la ~4 October 23, 1987 MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: The Community Development Board i16 nC EAN BOULEVARD P. O.BOX 26 _ ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORmA]223J TELEPNONE1~12~323% Subject: Board Actions of OetoDer 20, 1987 rith Reeawmendations Your Community Development Board took the Eolloring actions at their regular meeting on October 20, 1987: ^ The Board granted a variance to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Landon for the re-canetruction of a secondary drelling on sn eriating foundation at 1785 Beach Avenue. The variance alloys the aeeondary drelling rithin 14' of the primary drelling and reduces the 10' open apace requirement for access to the priwary drelling to 7. 4'. Suff ieient offetreet parking le provided across the street. ^ The Board issued concept approval to SEMINOLE REACN. A proposed seven-lot oceanfront deveiopmmnt orned by Mike Akel. Mr. Akel proposes Dandling the project as a Development Proposal coneiatent ritR the Grorth Managewent Act of 1986. Mr. Akel has asked that the itew be presented to the Commission at the November 9th meeting. Sin~ly, ~_ ., CICC' ~~ itc~~ .-~. i Rvne'~Angers, Secretglry Community Development Board NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS C.I'I'Y OF A7l.1NTIC tlt:AC}l .:ot i.o i~: i~c rr ily given [Lac tho Ci[y Commission of A[lan[ic Beach, Florida v.~i ll hn Ll I'l!ISL 1C IIEARINCS on October 26, 1987 a[ 7:15 p.m. at Citv Ile n , 7lG Ocoan IS1 vJ. (or [he purpose of hearing and consid- ering [he views n( the public concerning [he following proposed (IrJ 111 allC Cti: OkUIti.\SCE SO. 58-Ri-tl, AN ORUINARCF. AMENUINC CHAPTER 2, ,1k1'ICLE VI, UI VI SIGN 3, SECTION 2-281 TO INCRE\SE THE PhkCENTAGE OF AVEKACF: FINAL COl1PENSATION F'OR AL1. NEHBERS OF '!'HE NET II:EtIENT SYS'CEH; ADDING SECTION 2-296, PROVIDING FUR tICNBEK CONiklltlfl'IONS; PROVIUINC AN EFFECTIVE DATE. OIUll NANCt: ND. i8-87-9, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A COST OF LIVING INCRhTSE pOR t:%ISTING RETIRANTS OF THE ATLANTIC nt:\al YENS LON SYSTt:H; YROVIUING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All persons in[eresteJ arc notified [o be present at sail time and plate and they shall be heard. Copies of [he Ordinances are on file in the City Clerk's oCfire a[ City Hall. IL a person decides co appeal any Recision made by the Cicy Commission with respect m any matter c onside reJ a[ any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceeJ ings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure chat a verbacim record of [he proceedings is made, which record includes [he testimony anJ evidence upon vh ich appeal is to be based. PublisheC: iieaches Leader 10/14/67 - Purchase Order 63512 Posted: City Hall Post Office Yailin• Lis[ - BiA :. N7Kn-1, 'I7uiler-Hnun[ed (_e nerot nr Se: __ __ ~_.- _-_- . 'u Ring Pover Co rporn Ciao B & R Ilfesel to ec[ric Service, Inc. ri050 Phillips Highway 9731 Arnold Road , Jackoonville, FL Jacksonville, FI. 737-7750 725-0294 Coastal Paver Products, Inc. Carroll .tav Company, Inc. I 1050 West 1'n were ity Boulev:ml 2019 Fesc Beaver Jacksonville, fl. Jacksonville, FL 737-7330 354-8560 -urs,in:: Southeastern I'owe r. Inc. [nd-Har Oiesel Service 1060 a. :, £L;t St to et 103 Bryan Scree[ Jacksonville, FI. Jacksonville, FL iii-3437 353-6325 Ili 3hvay Equipment d Supply Co. i366 Highway Avenue Jacksonville, FL ' 783-1630 tfodern Pover, Inc. i0i Lane Avenue Borth Jacksonville. FL ~ 781-7531 i ddvanced Pover Systems, Inc. 710 Ha1nC5 B[reeC Jacksonville. FI. 355-4563 Reagan Equipment Cn. ?535 Sc. Clair Sc. ~ Jacksonville, FL 783-1280 Southern Energy, [nc. ' 9016 Phillips NiRhvay ' Jac ksnvil le. FL 263-4200 , ~~- ..- CITY OF l~aArtic t`S'eacls - ~le~tldtz 1160CE.1N BOULEYAHD P. O. BOX 26 ATLAN i1C BEACH, rLORmA 32211 TELEPHONEI2WIT~x23% September 29, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INVITATION FOR BIOS NOTICE is hereby given [hat the Cicy of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive bids in the Office of the City Clerk, CSty hall, P. 0. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Heach, Florida 32233, until 12:00 Noon, Friday, Ot [obet 23, 1987, for One (1) Trailer-Nounted Generator Set. e ids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "Bid No. 8788-1, Sealed Bid for One (1) Trailer-Mounted Generator Se[, To Be Opened 7:15 PM October 26, 1987." SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish and deliver [0 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, Flozida, one (1) [railer-mounted generator set, factory built, of the laces[ commercial design, complete and ready [o operate. It shall be raced continuous standby 120/240 vole, 3 phase, 4 wire, .8 power factor, at leas[ 33 KM, 41 KVA. Information and complete specifications may be obtained from the Office of the Purchasing Agent, 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Heach, telephone 246-2766. Bid prices muse remain valid for sixty (60) days after the public opening of bids. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids or parts of bids, waive informalities and technicalities, make award in e`.ole cz par: v![h c- _!chact taut e, aM to m=_ke rh= award in whar is deemed to be in [he best Sn[eresc of [he City of Atlantic Beach. Joan LaVake Purchasing Age n[ FLORIDA TINES-UNION: Please publish one time first available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. ~-. MAILING LIST - REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS - FURNISH 6 INSTALL COMMUNICATIONS TOWER, NEW PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING. ANGLE TOYER COMPANY Nor [h Waldo Road P. 0. Box 475 Gainesville, FL 32602 (904) 375-7734 CASEY TOWER SERVICE 919 Dennis Avenue Orlando, FL (305) 277-2347 CLIFTON TOWER SERVICE 2800 Sou[h Goldenrod Orlando, FL (305) 277-4791 a..__ _. L- GY E_ F 3 CITY OF l~llartie ~eaelr - ~tmuda [I60CEAN BOULEVARD i.__..._ _ _ __ - __- -__ __ P. O. BOX YS ATLAMIfC BEACH, FLORmA ]YY]3 ~~ TELEPHONE ImNI YI&Y]% October 7, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NOTICE is hereby given that the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, rill receive COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS In the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, P. 0. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233, until 3:00 PM, October 23, 1987, to "Furnish and Install Communica[Sons Tower, Nev Public Safely Building." STATEMENT OF NORK: Furnish (or u[Slize existing 50-foot [over. if appropriate) and install communications [over, with no guide wires, and with capacity to support existing antennas. Tower shall have minimum height of no less than 70 feet, and must be insCalled prior to moving of existing communications equipment from present site at 850 Seminole Road eo new location immediately adl seen[. Offeror will indicate in proposal steps co be taken to accomplish chic protect, specifying [Sme required to perform work involved from time of award to came of completion, keeping in mind this phase of move must be in place prior [o transfer of all emergency communications equipment. At its regularly scheduled meeting of October 26, 1987, at 7:15 PN, the proposals rill be opened by the City Commission, and names of offerors rill be announced. Proposals rill [hen be evaluated and a contractor selected for award. The proposals rill be evaluated as follows: 1. Protect Approach. Contractor's grasp and statement of work involved and soundness of approact.. 2. Price. Price to accomplish proles[ to the best advantage of [he C1[y of Atlantic Beath. For information or clarification, contact Purchasing AgenC, telephone (904) 246-2766. The CS[y of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to rel ec[ any or all proposals or parts of proposals, waive informalities and technicalities, make award in whole or part with or without cause, and to make the award Sn what 1a deemed [o be in the best interest of the City of Atlantic Beach. Joan LaYeke Purchasing Agent } * * * * * f f R * * R R f } * f f f R } } } } } f } * * * } } * } * f 4 FLORIDA 7IMES-GNION: Please furnish one time first available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan taVake - 246-2766. ti. ~_. _,~_,.~, T ... -~ PACE SEVEN HINUTES OCTOBER 12, 196 There being no ocher business to come before [he Com,oission, [he itayoc det fared the mee[ing adjourned at 8:05 p. m. ' William S. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker,Cicy Clerk by: Karen ?bore, Acting Clerk NAME OF COMMHS. M S V Y V N PAGE SIX MLNOTES OCTOBER 12, 198 NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N 78. continued - Ordinance No. 58-87-8 Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Urd finance No. 58-87-8 on first reading. Cook x Motlon: Passage of Ord inset[ No. 58-87-8 on first reading. Edwards z x ~ Gulliford x z ~ Morris z ~ No discussion before the voce. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Novell z Novell se[ the Public Hearing for October 26, 1987. * * * * * * * # * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. Ordinance No. 58-87-9 - Firs[ Reading AN ORDINAI7CE PROVIDING FOR A COST OF LIVING INCREASE FOR EXISTING RETIRANTS OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH PENSION SYSTEM; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Hayor Hwell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 58-87-9 on first reading. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 58-87-9 on firs[ reading. Cook z Edwards x Gulliford x z Morris x During discussion, Commissioner Morris asked where [he 12.5 percent Howell x figure came from. The City Manager replied that the 12.5 percent Figure came from the increase from 2 [0 2.25 in the General Employees average final compensation. Mayor Novell stated that anyone who vas retired would have had [o work 10 years before they would receive the 2.25. Following discussion, the question vas called and [he motion carried unanimously. Hayor Howell sec the Public Nearing for 10/2687. * * * * * * * # * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 8. Miscellaneous Commissioner Edwards reminded everyone present [o attend [he Boy Stout fiftieth anniversary celebration October 18, 1987. City Attorney Mullis suggested ve have an appraisal made on [he Buccan er office building before making a decision to purchase. Mayer Howell sca ed [hey would have [o get into that a[ the next meeting. The Ci[y Clerk requested approval of [he Commission for her assistant, Karen Moore to be made Acting Ci[y Clerk while she vas out of town. Cook x' lotion: Appoint Karen Moore as Acting Ci[y Clerk during the absence Edwards x x of [he City Clerk Tucker. Gulliford x xl !orris x No discussion before the vote. Lb [ion carried unanimously. Huvell z. PAGE FIVE MINUTES OCi08ER 12, 19 S.B. Committee Report on Buccaneer - continue Commissioner Edwards asked what the city would do with our laboratory if Jax Utility' took over. Lengthy discussion on lab work followed. Notion: City to Cake over operations of Buccaneer Water S Sever District effective February I, 1988. During discussion before the vote, Commissioner Edwards stated chat Nayport Faval Station had cried for 10 years to find someone to opera their system for less than they could, but they had not found anyone who could operate i[ for less. Following discussion, [he quest was called, and [he motion carried with a three to two vote. Commissi Cul if ford and Cook voted nay. * * * * * * * * * * R * * * * * * * * * * * 6. Ac cion on Resolutions - Nu. B7-37 Commissioner Glenn Edwards introduced Resolution No. 67-37, a Resolution recognizing Troop 77, Roy Scouts of America on [heir fiftieth anniversary. lfotion: !love [o adopt Resolution No. 87-37. Copy of said Resolution attached hereto and mak¢ a part thereof. No discussion before the Voce. Mo [ion carried unanimously. x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7. Ac [ion on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-87-124 - Public Hearing and Pinal Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTEP. 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 24-164, SUBPARAGRAPH 2a 70 PROVIDE THAT SWIMMING POOLS MAY BE LOCATED IN EITHER YARD ON A DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT ALONG THE ATLANTIC OCEAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90.87-124 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charter requirements. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited cou®ents from the audience. As no one spoke for or against the Ordinance, [he Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 90-87-124 on second and Einal reading. No discussion before the Vote. lb Cion carried unanimously. * * k * * * * * * * * * * * k * R k * k * * * * * * * * * * B. Ordinance No. 57-87-8 - First Reading AC ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, DIVISION 3, Sec[Son Z-281 TO INCREASE THE PERCEYTAGE OF AVERAGE FINAL COMPENSATION FOR ALL MEHBF OF 7HE RETIREMENT SYSTEM; ADDING SECTION 2-298, PROVIDING FOR MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NAME OF COMANiS. M S V Y V N Cook x Edwards Gulliford x lbtris x x Nowell C n ers Cook x Edwards Gulliford Norris Howell Cook Edwards Gulliford Morris Howell S ~..- PACE FOUR MINUTES OCT08ER 12, 198 NAME OF COMMAS. M S ~ Y V N SB Committee Reoor[ on Buccaneer - continue you are saving i[. Mr. Royal also said [hat you would reduce your expo di- tures so the income would be increased by that much. The $200,000 vas of coming out of net income. Hr. Culliford asked Mr. Royal how long [he b ild- ing was depreciated, and [he former responded the period would be teen y years. Mayor Novell asked if, on February 1, 1988,[he Ci[y let everyth ng stay as it was, would the City have $200,000 in cash sitting in [he bank. rir. Royal replied [hat it would generate i[. Mayor Howell asked h v much the Ci[y had at this point. Mr. Fellows raced a principle of in[e est payment of $200,000 to $300,000 had just been paid. Mayor Howell sca to there still had to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $200,000 sictin there at [his point, uncommitted. Commissioner Gulliford asked if the funds were unrestricted funds, and Mr. Royal replied in [he aCf firma [iv . Mayor Howell asked if the funds [o purchase [he [rucks were included. r Royal stated [hat it would all be included. Mr. Fellows said Clio[ wool be expenditures, and added [he system vas projected [o have over one m I- lion dollars of net income in 1987-88 after all expenses. $700,000 woo d be restricted. Nr. Royal added [hat $218,000 would be unrestricted. Co - missioner Culliford commented that in effect, vha[ [he Cicy was going o do vas strip all unrestricted funds. rir. Fellows explained the whole idea of getting the building vas to ke p a completely separate operation, and [hat all the people who would run it would be out there [o keep it completely separate Erom [he City of Atl nt is Beach, which vas one of [he criterion [he Ci[y wanted to implement. Co - missioner Gulliford said chat he vas no[ against the Ci [y operating th system at some dale, but he would like Co see the City go back [o what vas initally agreed, with the city totally divorced, and a private en[ [y operating [he system at least until the deb[ vas retired. Conmissione Gulliford believed there were hidden costs that had not been an [icipat d. He asked if anyone had obtained an appraisal on the building. llr. Fel to s replied [ha[ vas being done. Co®issioner Gulliford said that anything the City did would be premature until an appraisal vas made on the bui d- ing. lfayor Howell stated [hat the C£[y did no[ have to buy the buildin that it vas not a necessity. Ne vas reminded the City Manager and StaC had advocated, in order to run the system separately, chat the facilic should be purchased. Commissioner Tbrris said the collection system is relatively new, and some of it is brand new. If the City vas ever going [o enjoy operating it, now vas the [Lme while i[ was new. There would not be that much ma n- tenance involved in operating [he sysrem. Mayor Novell believed that J x Utility had done a good job in operating i[, and said that if the Ci[y could make $45,000 or $50,000 more Chan [hey were making nnw, why didn c the Ci[y do i[. Commissioner Culliford noted the fat[ that Jax U[ili[y vas a private enterprise making money because [hey were operating our system did not mean the Cicy could duplicate vha[ Jax did, because of certain economy of scale chat vas involved in [he service industry, et . Commissioner Gulliford re-s [aced that Jax Utility could operate Buccan er cheaper Chan the city, but [here was no way oC knowing what it would ,-..ter fnr iwx Hrilirv rn n.n the city's system. due to many fat [ors. PACE THREE MINUTES OCTOBER 12, 158 i.A Coami ttee Report - continued Uur ing discussion, Commissioner Conk asked if mul[ip7 ier times Che pay roll was a standard way of computing their charges. Mr.Mullis stated [ha[ they would submit [he payroll a[ the time, and in addition [o tha [here would be a maximum fee no[ [o exceed what vas in Che minutes. Fellows stated that when [hey submit their hourly payroll, [he City wi compare i[ with similar firms to make sure that [heir salaries are in line. Following discussion, the question vas called and [he motion carried unanimously. ' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5.8 Commissioner Glenn Edwards with a continued discussion rela- tive [o commit ee recommendations relative to the opera [ion fOt this fiscal year of [he Buccaneer Water and Sewer District Cortenissioner Edwards said that in previous Commission meetings the Committee recommended that [he City take over the operations of euccaneer systems. The discussions a[ that time were relative to the amount of money [he Cicy would lose if it Cook over the operation. Mr. Edwards stated [ha[ [he finance Director said i[ vo uld be more vo for his office [o take care of the records, ra [her than the Ci[y losi any money. Commissioner Gulliford asked a question regarding [he offi building a[ [he Buccaneer location. Mr. Fellows stated that it vas in [he proposal [o purchase [he office building. Mr. Gulliford said that he did no[ recall [he figures being a part of [he accounting. Coo®is- sioner Morris stated [hat during [he discussion,the bottom line Eigur [hey submitted [o the Commission for consideration included purchas in the building, and that vas one reason it made the figure look so slim. The City would save using the City's personnel operating the system versus the Jax Utility personnel operating i[. Mr. Gulliford asked if vehicles were also included and Mr. Morris resp ed [here were two vehicles. Mr. Gulliford asked if the allocation of the $200,000 vas amortized. Hr. lbrris replied that it would had to have been. Mayor Novell asked who made the report, and Mr. Fellows responded that the Finance Director, Narry Royal, had prepared it. Mr. Fellows asked Hr. Royal if the building a[ Buccaneer vas a one [i charge or vas i[ [o be amortized over a number of years. Mr. Royal staled that i[ was a one time payment amortized over 20 years. Mayor Nowell asked where [he cash vas coming from. Mr.ROya/ replied it void come from [he current operating profit. Mayor Howell asked from whom. Fellows replied from Buccaneer. Mr. Royal stated [he operation of Buc would generate [he cash. Hr. Tbrris asked what [he bottom line figure would be. Nr. Royal replied $40,000. This would be the net savings aE the Cicy purchased the building for cash, and it would all be done vi the firs[ year of operation. Mr. Royal said that would not come out o net income. Mr. Culii Eord ata ced chat was his point. Was any of the $200,000 Mr. Royal vas going [o lay out for the purchase of the build incorporated in the accounting [o arrive at the $40,000 savings, or v i[ treated as capital outlay. Hr. Royal said it would be treated as capital m,[1ay, and pointed out [hat if you don't spend [ha[ money NAME OF CONQ.SHS. M S V Y V N . 1 d- r. neer r in g M r n c e 8 o m d c t t f i a PAGE TWO Y Y MSRUTES NAME OF OCTOBER l2, 198 COMMHS. M S Y N 4. Goodwin Beach Cleaners - continue Motion: To execute [he service agreement between [he City and Cook x x Goodwin Beach Cleaners. Edwards x z Culliford z Morris x Howell x During discussion, Commissioner Cook asked who would make sure that they do the work. Mr. Fellows stated that Claudio Nogans would 6e in charge of insuring that Coodwin Beach Cleaners perform the work. Bob Braid would back up Mr. Hogans, and Che City Manager would check Mr. Braid. Commissioner Culliford asked if the Ci[y could expand the number of garbage containers on the beach relative [o the contract Mr. Fellows stated that would be no problem. Fo Moving discussion, the question vas called and [he motion carried unanimously. 5. Committee Reports: A. Report of the Professional Services Evaluation Committee and recommendations relative to the negot ia[ion of a fee with Gee and Jenson for water plan[ improvements and eater main improvements In [he City of Atlantic Beach The City Manager seated the Committee me[ on Thursday, Oc cober 8, 1987 and discussed, at great length with Cee and Jenson, the manner of how the Eees would be developed ,and what Che fees would be. City A[mrne}' Claude Mullis and Conmit[ee Member Peter Johnson were both in attendance. Mr. Fellows stated that during the Committee meeting, Mr. Mullis brought up [he point [ha[ under no circums [antes would the fee be developed as a percentage of tonstruc[ion cos[, but would be developed on the basis of the payroll, times the regular mulcipl ier of the firm £or overhead and profit, and could come in at less Chan [hey were proposing in the minutes. The minutes reflected a proposal that the fee would be $87,330. That sum would be the total amount of [he fe for all of the projects proposed, including Beach Avenue any Royal Pal eater main replacement, but the firm should not be authorized to go fo - vard except with the approval of the City Manager and as funds became available to accomplish the work. Commissioner Cook asked if Mr. Fello s knee what [he multiplier vas. Hr. Fel loos indicated Che multiplier vas 2.3 times their actual payroll cost. :fr. MullES added chat iC the bids came in over 20X, they would revise [he plans ac no additional cost. Hr. Nullis also stated that many of the ideas were developed by Mr. Johnso who vas extremely knovled geable in [hose areas because of his experien es in developing properties. Mr. Mullis further asserted that Mr. Johnson contributed substantially [o the negotiations. !b [ion: Adopt negotiations of fees as out? fined in [he report Cook x by [he Profesaional Services Evaluation Conu~ittee. F.dvards x x l Culliford x x Morris x l Howell x MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEET INC OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CITY CO?AIISSION HELD AT CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 12, 1987 AT 7:I5 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Hovel 1, Mayor/Presiding Officer Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards William I. Culliford, Jr., John W. Morris, Jr., Commissioners AND: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager Claude L. Mullis, Ci[y A[[o rney Adelaide R. Tucker, Ci[y Clerk the meeting vas called to order by lfayor Nowell. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Cook, vas followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of [he minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 28, 191 ibcion: Minutes of the regular meeting of September Z8, 1987 be approved as vri tten. Fo discussion before the vote. ffition carried unanimously. k 4 * * * * * * * * * * * * k k k * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * IB. Approval of [he minutes of the special meeting of October 6, 1987 Motion: Move to adopt the minutes of the special meeting of October 6, 1987 as submitted. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * i * * * * * * * * * * * k * * # k * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2. Recognition of visitors - None 3. Discussion on a proposal submitted by the Board of Trustees Atlantic Beach Pension Fund, regardSng changing vesting r~uitements Erom [en years [o five years. City Manager Fe llovs requested that this icem be deferred until [he next meeting. Chairman Peter Corbir. could no[ be present [o discuss t matter with [he Ci zy Commission due to an unexpected conflict. to City Manager Fellows s[a ced [hat he needed [he au[hoziza[ion from Che Commission and [he Mayor [o execute [he agreement which vas approved in this year's budget becveen the City and Goodwin Beach Cleaners. ME OF COMMAS. M O T I O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E 5 V O T E D N O Cook x x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x Novell x Cook x Edwards x x Culliford x Morris x x Novell x e o All required nn-site and off-site tests and inspections have been completed in Deerfield Lakes, Phase II. We have received all of [he necessary check-of( items including a one-year maintenance bond in the amounC of $57,808.90. We would like [o have [he improvements accepted for maintenance contingent upon receipt of the bill of sale for [he lines. o We will be receiving bids on Monday night for a [railer-mounted portable generator. This generator will he used for emergency power fot the lift stations Sn the Atlantic Beach area not equipped with emergency generamr, as well as those in the Buccaneer Water and Sever District. The genera [or can be used in both [he District and in [he City. The generator is being par[ia ll y paid for by a cash con[ri6ution which vas required from Oceanwalk when we allowed [hem [o construct their lift station without an emergency generator. o The Board of Trustees of the Atlantic Beach Pension Fund met on Tuesday evening with dudi[h Sanborn, Karla Clark and Vickie Phillips. These ladies represenc the Sun Bank Investment Management Group who had just completed [he investment of the City's pension funds on October 1, 1987. The board had an opportunity of discussing [he current stork market status with the investment group, as well as [he proposed investment guidelines prepared by Merrill Lynch. The firs[ investment report from the group is due on October 3l, 1987, and unless there is a major turn around to the market, I am conf iden[ [he report will show the retirement fund lost some of its asset value which we will hope to recoup as the narket regains its position. We will keep you informed on chat. The Pension Board also discussed the provision in the Pension Ordinance which provides that a retiree's Social Security and pension benefits combined shall total no more Chan 80X of the retiree's average final Compensation. The actuary is being asked [o look into what kind of a financial impact i[ would have on the fund to Change that 80X to 100X. Also discussed vas a proposal [o allow payment of pension monies on account of disability to commence on [he firs[ day of [he month following approval of disability instead of six months following same. This is also being looked into by the actuary. o We have two Ordinances up for public hearing and adoption on Monday nigh[. They are: Ordinance 58-87-8 which increases the percentage of average final compensation Eor all members of [he retirement system, and Ordinance 58-87-9 which provides a cost of living increase of 12'd9. for existing re[iran[s o As far as I have been able to determine Land Formations, [he low bidder on construction of Che Russell Park parking facility, will be on board on Monday, October 26, 1981, to begin construction of the parking lot. It is anticipated [he lo[ will be finished in thirty days but that an additional thirty days will be required before i[ can be striped and this should fit right Sn with the finishing up and the grand opening of the Public Safety Building. .... E ;_.~, CITY OF To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission a rQtfa.rtic b"ea~ - ~loaida ~ 'la lll'EAN fiUULEVARU __ _ __._ H _._ _ P. O. BO%25 ATLANTIC 9EACH. FIARIOA 3Ttll __ _. ___~ \ .R~w.~ TF:LF.PHONE~9MI2~92A% October 23, I9E7 From: Richard C. Fellows, City Manager Subject: STATUS REPORT o As you peruse }'our copy of the minutes of Che regular meeting of Oc caber 12, 1987, which are enclosed, you will note the question of vesting in the A[lan[ic Beach Pension Fund vas put off a[ Che last meeting because Peter Corbin could no[ be present. We had intended to bring this up at [he meeting on Monday night but since both Commissioner Morris and Commissioner Cook will be absent we are putting this item off m be handled as the last item of old business on Tuesday, November 3. If anybody has any other thoughts on this, please give me a call. o In accordance with the in s[ruct ions of [F.e Commission a[ the meeting of Octoher 6, 1987, ve have authorized J.W. Headors b Company [o undertake the emergency work at Water Plant Ho. I, which includes the installation of new isolation and con[roi valves, a new air compression system and new elect rogauge reservoir level control system. We will keep you informed as to the progress. o Gee d Jenson Consulting Engineers have been authorized to proceed with [he design work for [he major water plant improvements designated as Phase 1 in the Connelly and Wicker study compl-Ced in June 1987. They also are scheduling at the same time the drawing of plans and specifications for Che replacement of water mains in [he Royal Palms subdivision. We anticipate [his work will be ready for bidding in approximately 4 - 6 weeks. 0 1'ou should already have received your copy of our letter [o Jax Utilities Management regarding the termination of the Buccaneer District management contract. Buddy James has replied, acknowledged receipt of [tie letter, and promised 150% cooperation in [he transition. Our transition team will be meeting vi[11 Jax Utilities officials next week. We will keep you completely informed on each phase of [he transition. o We will be receivf ng bids on Monday night for furnishing and installing a self-supporting communica[i ons Cover at [he new Public Safely Building. The need for this [over vas discussed during the budgeting process and $3,600.00 has been included in [he budget fat [his purpose. e..._ ... '-~~ I nr.BNDn CITY OF ATLANTIC BEAC11 MONDAY, OCTOBER 2b, 1987, J:IS PM Call to orJcr Invocation and PledF.e [n [hc Flag I. Approval of the minutes of [he regular meet inK of October 12, 1967 2. Rec ugnitian of visitors 3. Bid Opening: A. Receipt of bids Cor furnishing and Ins[alling a self-supporting common is a[ions [over at the nev Public Safety Building B. Receipt of bits for a [railer mounted portable generator for use in connection with [he lift stations in Atlantic Beach and [he Rucean eer Water and Sever District +. Action Ry Use Ci q~ Convn iss ion on a request of Deerfield Lakes, Phase II, fer accepting for maintenance [he utility improvements in safd project 5. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 58-87-8 Publfc hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article VI, Divisl rn 3, Sec[fon 2-281 to increase [he percentage of average final compensacion for all members of tl~e retirement system B. Ordinance No. 58-87-9 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance providing for a 1253% cost of living increase for existing re[iran[s of the Atlantic Beach Pension System 6. Miscellaneous 7. Mayor to call on City Commf ssi~~ers, Ci[y Attorney, Ci[y Clerk and City Manager for reports and/or requests Adjournment ~, . i ,.~ti"' ~` ~-3,, OVERRLL RSSE SSMENT Thy •xistinq svsts is generally working wall. The tune from the issuance r_.f a requisition and the mailing of a F.O. is usually less than three days. In my experience, I have nc•t found that the present syst ern is placiny an urid ue burden on the F•olice Department. The above recommend at ic•ns are only to iron out rumor problems. magazines. As y.+'-r might vmagine, the veluree of ssh literature is consitlerable, and the tune required to search through it is excessive. 4) My experience with purchasing (also observed by ethers), is that the F'rn`chasing Ilqent is unduly b~.rrd erred with tasks that have nothing to do with her iob. She is answering telephones and having to respontl to the Public Wc•r ks radio even though there are other employees capable of respontling. This results in fragmented conversations, and I imagine some loss c•f credibility where she is tlealirig with vendors. a Recommendations: 1) There should be a lirnitetl am<•urit of money that could be spent by the DEPARTMENT HEAD using a confirming requisition. A limit c.f SIUO would allow a certain amount of freedom as long as the follow up paper`wor•k was submitted ran the same day. The Finance Director has given this his tenative apprc•val as long as it is limited to departrner~t heads, Arid he suggested a trial peric•d. If the guidelines are not followed ar if this is abused, it could be eliminated. 2) The path of the paperwork would be shc•rter~ed and more efficient if the Purchasing Rgent was located in City Hall with the rest of the Finance Personnel. However, due to the spacial and political restrictions, the proposed submission c•F requisitions to the Purchasing f7gent first. is the best way to handle it at this time. It is ar, inconvenience, not a serious matter. 3> The Purchasing Agent needs to 6e able to store and access information quickly. If this was done more efficiently, she cr.u ltl hantlle more work. and be eF greater service to the rest of the City. A rnicrocemputer wr.u ld certainly streamline her work as long as it was purchased in a manner cor~sisterit with designed software. 4) The existing persenrrel at F'u blic Works shr~~-r]d be apprc•priately trained and directed to handle the incc•rnvng telephone and radii. traffvc. The p~.u-chasing !]gent sho~.rld only have to handle such d~.rt ies when oth er•s ar¢ r.n breaks. TO: Mr•. Richard C. Fellc•ws, City Manager f~ROM: Uavrd L Ihvmpson, Chief of F~olrce RE: PurrMasing Ev~3uaYion Rs per your req!rest, I have examined and ova L.~ated the City`s pur•chasinq system to determine whether the existing guidelines arse appr•opr:ate fc•r c•ur use, and t~~ atltlress any problems which might be unnecessar•i ly cumbersome. We initially solicitetl input frcnn the department heads to determine what problems exist. The problems were then discussed to clarify what outcomes ware resulting, and whetrter or net these were legitimate problems or• merely inconveniences. Frc•rn there, possible solutic•ns were suggested, then evaluated. The problems will be addressed individually far your exanti nation: 1) Under the pr•i c•r system, a Departmeat Head was authorized to make purchases under t30rJ without previously obtaining a purchase order. For example, if the Departmeat Head found a particularly good deal on a piece of equi prnent that he needed, he could call purchasing and obtain a p. 0. N, there ha would submit a confirming requisition immediately upon his return. There were Divisior~ Chiefs that were allowetl to do this, and they tended t•s abase the syst ern by riot observing the limits, and failing to submit the requisitions on a t irnely basis. The current system does not allow for such rn i r~or purchases as listed above. The result is that there are time delays of several days before some equipment can be obtained, often special sales and bargains are missetl, and it is virtually impossible to negotiate on the price of property unless the purchaser can make an immediate committment far it. This means that it is probably costing the City money ar~d time. 2) The next problem outlined was the fact that the purchasing paperwork is going in circles ar~d the paper trail could be more efficient. Rs recently proposed, a requisition, goes frc.m the departrner~t to Public Norxs, to City Hall, to Public Works where a purchase order is issued. The result of this is simply tune delay. It takes time to route paperwork. to these different areas. .) The purchasing agent ss currently responsible for• the anteing of nurner•?us it erns, especially in the area of public Wc•r ks. To research the latest pricing and vendor inf•cr matic•n r•equ:res that she manually search through pamphlets and k ~~ CITY OF !\ ~lfaatie b"eaek - ~fauila '# 1 _ F>, _ _ October 23. 1987 MEMORANDON To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: The Community Development 8aard ]I6(%'EAfl tlnULCYAriU P.O !rl%2fi ATLA tiTIC tlEACN. FWflfl1A 32231 TELEPH04E 190U 2042~9fi Subject: Board Actions of October 20, 1987 rith Recowmendatione Your Community Development Board took the folloring actions at their regular meeting on October 20, 1987: ^ The Board granted a verlance to Mr. and Ara. Stephen Landon for the re-construction of a secondary drelling an mn existing foundation at 1785 Beach Avenue. The variance alloys the secondary drelling rithin 19' of the primary drelling and reduces the 10' open apace requirewent for access to the primary duelling to 7. 9'. Sufficient off street parking Se provided across the street. ^ The Board issued concept approval to SEMINOLE REACN. A proposed seven-lot oceanfront development orned by Nike Akel. Mr. Akel proposes handling the project as a Development Propamal consistent rith the Grorth Management Aci of 1986. Mr. Akel has asked that the item be presented io the Commission at the Novewber 9th westing. Sincerely, / _ _~~(1CC i(')~%c~~~i- i Rene'~Angerm, Secretary Community Development Board a` _ -. ~~ 3- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEANI NCS C I'1'Y OF' A1'IANTIC BEACH i .:atice ..: itc a•bp given th.rt tLr Ci[y Ca mm lssiun of A[lan[ic Beath, F'lariJ:: 4~i11 Im ld 1'UI4L U: II&\R1Nf.S on October 26, 1987 a[ 7:15 p.m. at City IUJ 1, 71G Ocean I4I vJ. for cbe purpose of hearing and consid- ~ring tbv vivvs of the pnhl is concern inR the following proposed Ord inane r:: OKUi N.\NCE 90. 58-N7-R, AN ORDINANCF. AMENDING CHAPTER 2, AK'1'ICLE VI, DIVISION 3, SECTION 2-281 TO INCREASE THF. YCRCt:NTAGE OF AVIiRAGt: F1 NA 1. COMPENSATION FOH ALL MEMBERS OF"1'HF: KFTIRt:MIlNT SYSTF.H; ADDING SECTION 2-298, PROVIDING Ft1R :IF:NBt:K CON'f K1I4UT IONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE NO. iK-87-9, AIJ ORDINANCE PROVIDING FORA COST lIF' LIVING 1NCK&151! FOR t:XlSTINC RET[RANTS OF THE ATLANTIC It li\C11 Pt:NSION SYSI'F:H; PKOVIUINC AN EFFECTIVE CATE. All persons interus[cd arc notified to be present at said time and place and Utey shall be heard. Copies of the Ordinances are on file in the City Clerk's office nc Ci[y Hall. TE a person decides [o appeal any dec isior. made by Che Ci[y Commission with respect to any maCCer considereJ a[ any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceeJ ings, and for such purpose he may need [o ensure that a verbatim recorJ of [he promeJings is made, vhich record includes [he testimony and eviJence upon vhich appeal is to be based. Published: Reaches Leader 10/14/87 - Purchase Order 03512 P. seed: City Hall Post Office c.- ~: ;? ~ -,.. _ , ^; .+_~it iu4_I ist _; Itid Ar. HinH-1, 'I'railer_Mmm[eJ Generator Sa_ kiog 1'u or Cart pu ration NOSU Phillip:: flighw:rv .lackusnvillr, FI. 737-77 iU R 6 K Diesel fa ecCrfc Service, [nc. 9731 Atnuld Ruaal .l ackaonvilLe, FI. i25-0290 Cna+[al Puwer Produr L:, In:. 3050 M'e s[ L'n iversi[y Ikwlecard Jacksunvlllc, il. 737-7330 J ur. •,i n;: S~~uumaa[crn 1'awe r, Inr Jacksonville. FI. J55-3:37 Illghwny Equipment 5 Supply Ca. i35o Highway Avenue Jacksonvil lc, F'L iR3-1fi30 Modern Power, [nc. $Gi Lane Avenue Sorth Jackson vin e. F'L 78L-7531 Advanced Power Systems, Inc. 710 Hafnes St reef Jacksonville, FL 355-563 Reagan Equipment Co. '535 St. Clair st. .iacksonville. F'L :83-1280 Sou[he rn Energy, Inc. 9016 Phillips Xighway J acksnville, FI. 2fid-.zoo fn troll .taw l:umpany, loc. 2019 k'e st Reavcr Jacksonville. FI. 35G-8560 lnd-!far Diesel Sc rv ice I03 Rr yan S[reec Jacksonville. FL 753-fi 3'25 >_.: CITY OF ~'Ztlaectie E"taelr - ~la«la September 29, 1987 ]I60CEAN BOULEVARD P. O. BO%T9 ATLANflC BEACH, FLORRDIA 3S93J TELEPHONE 190x1 R~a3J9A CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INYITATION FOR BIDS NOTICE is hereby given [hat the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will receive bids in [he Office of [he Cicy Clerk, CI[y hall, P. 0. Box 25. 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233. until 12:00 Noon, Friday, October 23, 1987, for One (1) Trailer-Mounted Generator Set. Bids shall be enclosed in an envelope endorsed "Bid No. 8788-1, Sealed Bid for One (lj Trailer-Mounted Generator Set. To Be Opened 7:15 PM Oc cober 26, 1987." SCOPE OF WORK: Furnish and deliver to 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, Florida, one (1) trailer-mounted generator se [, factory built, of the la teat commercial design, complete and ready [o operace. I[ shall be raced continuous standby 120/240 vole, 3 phase, 4 wire, .8 power factor, at leas[ 33 KH, 41 KVA. Information and tomplete specifita[SOns may be ob[a lned from [he Office of the Purchasing Agent 1200 Sandpiper Lane, Atlantic Beach, telephone 246-2766. Hid prices must remain valid for sixty (60) days after the public opening of bids. The City of Atlantic Beach reserves the right [o reject any or all bids or parts of bids, valve informalities and technicalities, make award Sn ehole or par: with c. _!thoct [sate, ±cd [e make rbn award !n what is deemed to be in the best SnteresC of [he City of Atlantic Beach. Joan LaVake Purchasing Agent # * # # # * # # # # # t # * # * # # * # # # # # # # # * * # # # # * * * FLORIDA TIMES-UNION: Please publish one time fire[ available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. x,: MAILING LIST - REQUEST FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS - FURNISH d INSTALL COMIUNICATIONS TONER, NEN PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING. ANGLE TONER COMPANY North Waldo Road P. 0. Box 475 Gainesville, FL 32602 (904) 375-7734 CASEY TOUER SERVICE 919 Dennis Avenue Orlando, FL (305) 277-2347 CLIFTON TOWER SERVICE 2800 South Goldenrod Orlando, FL (305) 277-4791 ,.. -..- CITY OF retie beaek - ~lesida October 7, 1987 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS tlsoceAN eouLevARD P. O. BO%e5 ATLAN77C BEACN. FIgRmA Jzea1 TELEPHONEINMI 29.29% NOTICE is hereby given [hat the Clty of A[lanCit Beach, Florida, will receive COIIPETLTIVE SEALED PROPOSALS in [he Office of the City Clerk, City Hall, P. O. Box 25, 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida 32237, until 3:00 PM, October 23, 1987, to "Furnish and Install Communications Toyer, Nev Public Safety Building." STATEMENT OF NORK: Furnish (or utilize existing 50-foot [over, 1f appropriate) and install communications [over, with no guide wires. and with capacity to support ezlsting antennas. Toyer shall have minimum height of no Less [hart 70 feet, and must be installed prior to moving of exis[Sng communications equipment from present site at 850 Seminole Road [o new location immediately adjacent. Offeror will indicate in proposal steps to be taken to accomplish this projec [, specifying time required co perform work Snvolved from time of award co time of completion, keeping in mind this phase of move must be in place prior to transfer of all emergency communications equipment. A[ Its regularly scheduled meeting of October 26, 1987, a[ 7:15 PM, [he proposals will be opened by the CS[y Commission, and names of offerors will be announced. Proposals will [hen be evaluated and a contractor selected for award. The proposals will be evaluated as follows: 1. Pro ect Approach. Contractor's grasp and statement of work involved and soundness of approach. 2. Price. Price to accomplish proj etc to the best advantage of the City of Atlantic Beach. For information or clarification, contact Purchasing Agent, telephone (904) 246-2766. '[he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or parts of proposals, valve informalities and technlcalitiea, make award in whole or part with or without cause, and to make the award Sn what Se deemed to be in [he best interest of the City of Atlantic Beach. Joan LeVake Purchasing Agent * * R R R * * * * R * * * * * * * * * * R R R * * * * * * * * * R * * R * FLORIDA TIMES-UNION: Please furnish one time first available weekday issue. Submitted by Joan LaVake - 246-2766. n A11 requl red ou-site anJ off-s i[r tests and inspect inns have been completed in Dc•e rf ivlJ Lakes, PLase II. We havu r~ceivrd all of the necessary check-n(f items incl ud Lrp, a one-Year maintenance honJ in [he amount of $57,808.911. 6'c would like [o have [he iriP rovemencs as cep[od for maintenance cunt ingant upon recetp[ of tLe bill of salt for cLe lines. o We will he receiving bids nn Monday nigh[ for a [ra ilcr-mounted pormblr generator. Thies gtncratnr will he used for eme rR.ency power for the lift st atfons in the A[lant is ecach area not equipped with emergenty generator, as yell as [Lose fn [Le eucc:meer Water and Sever Dis[r ict. The generator can he used in Lath the District and in the City. TLe generator is being pn rcially pafd for 6y a cash contribution uhich was required from Oceanwalk when we allowed them [o cuns[ruct their lift station wit bout an emergency generaen r. o The Board of Trus[ros aC [he Atlantic Beach Pensien FunJ met on Tuesday eveninK with Judith SnnLO rn, Karla Clark and Vickie Phillips. These ladles represent the Sun Bank Investment Mamgemcnt Croup who had just completed the investment of the City's pension :ands on October 1, 1981. The board had mt opportunity of discussing the current stock market status witL tLe investment group, as yell as [he proposed inve s[ment Guidelines prepared by Merrill Lynch. The firs[ investment repo r[ from [he group is duo nn October 31, 1987, and unless there is a major [urn around in the market, I am confident the report will shoe [he retirement fund lost some of its asset value which ve will hope [o recoup as the narke[ regains Sts position. We will keep you informed on [Lat. The Pension Board also discussed the provision in [he Pensicn Ordinance uhich provides that a ret irec's Socfal Security and pension Lenef its combined shall total nn more than 80X of [he retiree's average final compensation. The actuary is being asked [o look into v}ia[ kind of a financial impact it woulJ have on the fund [o change [ha[ 80Z to IOOX. Also discussed was a proposal [o allow payment of pension monies on account of disability to commence on [he firs[ day of [he month following approval of dlsabi lily Inet cad of six months following same. This is also being looked into by [he actuary. o We have two Ordinances up Cnr public hearing and adoption on Monday night. they arc: A. Ordinance 58-87-8 which ire teases [he percentage of average final compensation for all members of the retirement system, and B. Ordinance 58-eJ-9 uhich provides a cost of living increase of l2'17. for existing re[irants o As far as I have been able to Je[ermice land Formations, the low Lidder on construction of the Russell Park Parking facility, will be on Loard on Monday, Or[oher ?5, 1987, to begin woos[ ruction of the Parking lot. I[ Ss antic ipa[c•d [he lot will Le finished in chi rty days fiat [hat an additional thirty days will he rcyuired Lefore i[ can be striped and this should fit right Sn with the finisL inR uP and the grand opening of the Public Safety Buildf ng. (I~TtY IOF/~ ~ /~/~~/ 4t Qll{C~. ~rt'rjCLr ~ /(O~[lC3Q -1uIH k:A\InIL Lt\AMn Y ll. Nll% L.i ATLd %Til' tlRACII, ! LI1xI LLA:I[[01 - - --- - ` ~ TI:LftYHIIN faYw124YL0Ai October 23, 19E7 To: 7hc Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Richard C. Fellows, City `Tanager Suhjecc: STATUS REPORT o As you peruse your copy of [be minutes of the regular meeting of October 12, 1987, which are enclosed, you will note the question of vesting in [he Atlantic Beach Pension Fund vas put off a[ [he last meeting because Peter Corbin could not be present. k'e had intended to bring this up at [he meeting on Monday night but since both Commissioner Morris and Commissioner Cook vtll be absent ve arc putting [his item off [o be handled as [he last item of old business on Tuesday, November 3. If anybody has any other thoughts on this, please give me a call. o In accordance with [he instructions of the Commission at the meeting of October fi, 1987, ve have authorized 1.N. Meadors 6 Company [o undertake the emergency work a[ Water Plan[ No. 1, which includes [he installation of new isolation and control valves, a new air compression svs[em and new el ectrngauge reservoir level control system. We vi:1 keep you informed as to the progress. o Gee b Jenson Consulting Engineers have been authorized [u prorced with the design work for the major vat er plan[ improvements designated as Phase 1 in [he Connc lly and Wicker study romple[ed in June 1987. They also are scheduling at Che same time the drawing of plans and spetif nations for [L•e replacement of eater mains in the Royal Palms subdivision. We anticipate [his work will he ready for bidding in approximately 4 - fi weeks. o you should alrcadv have received your copy of our letter [o Jax Utilities Management regarding the termination of the Buccaneer District management contract. Buddy James has replied, acknowledged receipt of [he letter, and promised I50" coopera[ien in t6c transition. Our eransi[ion team will be meeting with Jnx Ut ilit ics n(f icials nett week. Me will keep you completely informed un eaN+ phase of the transition. o We will be receiving bids nn Monday nigbt for turn isbing and installing a self-supporting conununica[imu Covet at the new Public Safety Building. The nreJ for this cover vas discussed during tba• budgeting process and $J ,fi00.00 has been include) in the budge[ for this purpose. ><_. AGENDA CITY OF ATIANTIC BEACN M09DAY, OCTOBER 26, 1987, 7:15 PN Cal] [n order Invncacion and P1[•dge [o ti,e Flag L Approval of [he minutes of [he regular meeting of October 12, 1987 2. Recognition of visi[o rs 3. Bid Opening: A. Rec cipt of bids for furnishing and installing a ' self-supporting communications [over at [he new Public Safely Building B. Receipt of bids for a [railer mounted portable generator for use in connection vi[b the lift stations in A[lan[ic Beach and [he Buccaneer Nat er and Sever District 4. Action by the City Commiss ion on a request of Deerfield Lakes, i Phase II, for accepting for maintenance [he u[ili [y imprcvements in said project • 5. Action on Ordinances: ~ A. Ordinance No. 58-87-8 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article VI, Division 3, Section 2-281 [o increase the percentage of average final compensation for all members of the retirement svs[e•m B. Ordinance No. 58-87-9 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance providing for a 12§X cos[ of living increase for existing re[iran[s of [he Atlantic Beach Pension System • 6. Miscellaneous 7. Mayor to call on Ci[y Commissioners, City A[[orney, City Clerk and City Manager for reports and /or -equests Adjournment e ~:....: ~. ~; ~> ice= - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIHCS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice is hereby given that the City Commission of 19cdla~Cio BeaPhm Florida will hold A PUBLIC NEARING on Oc [ober 12, at City f1a 11, 716 Ocean Blvd. for [he purpose of hearing and consco osed Bring Che views of the public concernlnF the foll.owinq p p Ordinances: ORDIN.'1NCE N0. 90-87-124, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 24-164, SUBPAHACRAPH 2a TO PROVIDE THAT SWI:RfIHG POOLS HAY BE LOCATED IN EITHER YARD ON A DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT ALONG THE ATLANTIC OCEAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. and they shall be sheard TeCopic srof tthe e0rdinancest are donifile din lthe City Clerk's office at Ci[y Hall. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission he twit to need at record of tthe considered a[ any meeting or hearing, proceedings, and for such purpose he may need to ensure [ha[ a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. Published: Beaches Leader 9/30/87 - Purchase Order /I656 Posted: Clty Hall Post Office :r,. :tee.... • ._ . which are considered l:asi c. engineering fr.~s, anJ fur vi~ich th~~ F'ioride Socie[v oC Profassinnnl Engineo rs has pupa red fur cu rues, tiu• fvv h.~iup; charged by Gee and Jenson came in just unJer Che ten pc r. ent as spec- ified in [be invitation for Propu sals. 'l'bc propose) engineering fre which vas to include all surveying mtJ permi [.: amounteJ [,~ $87,3J0.OU. Construction observation vas est imateJ at $2?,000.00. Further discussion ensued relative to for pruj ects and the c~mm it[re decided to recommend [o [be City Commission, the Phase 1 improvements at the City water planCS be undertaken a[ an estimated cons[nmtion cost of $2gG,600.U0. In addition to these costs will be the engineering costs vhicb will be furnished by Coe and .lcnsun in [brit (ollov-up report. The remaining funds would he utilized [n unJor[ako the sorter main replacements most urgently needed and discussion among [be members indicated this would probably Le in the Royal Palm. area along Skate Road. 76ere bring no fort bcr discussion, the mooting vas adjourned a[ +:58 PN. MINUTES The Frof essional Sc•n•ices Evaluation Committee met on Thursday, October 8, 1987, of 4:00 PM in [he City Hall Conference Room. Present We m Ci n~ Manager Richard Fellow, City AC[ornev Claude Mullis, and Committee Mcreher Pv[cr Juhn son. Also present, representing Gee and Jenson, were -loe !li [t truer and Jlike Fitzpatrick. F.ach memhcr of the commi[tOC received a copy of a budge[ analysis report prepared by Cee and .lCnson. This outlined in detail [be man-hours required fur each of tLC phases of [he proposed improvements at the wa uer treatment plant and [he replacement of certain water mains. Included were the man-hours required for survey, design, cons[ ruc[LOn admin is[ration and Con st ruction inspection. Several members of the c omm it[ee questioned the engineers on exactly how these projections were developed and received satisfactory replies. Further discussion ensued relative [o the engineers projections on the costs of the project which were $171,000.00 for [he water main replace- ment on Beach Avenue and $424,700.00 for [he water main replacements in Ronal Palm. These projections fat exceeded the amount of money that had been budgeted for these items and it vas apparent further discussions between the Ci[y staff and Che engineers would be required [o scale down these proj Bets into phases and prioritize [he phases so that Che areas requiring water main replacement most urgent ly would he handled first. Further discussion ensued re]ative Ca [he Phase 1 improvements at [he water plants and [he engineers projected costs here were more in line with [he amount of money whicb had been budgeted for the proj ec[. Cee and Jenson did take exception with [he recommendations of Connelly and Wicker on modify ing the slat [ray and cascade aerators and recommended [ha[ tbC slat [ran and cascade aerators be completely replaced with fiberglass ones, raising [he cost [o more than double [he original estimate. Cortuni t[ee members and the engineers continued discussion of [he proposed improvements item by item and consensus vas reached regard- ing the propriety of the estimates proposed by Cee and Jenson. As [he cortunitteC discussed the alt ernacives available in regards [o [he proposed expenditures, i[ vas decided Co recommend to [he Ci[y Commis- sion the proposed engineering fee presented by Cee and Jenson for [he entire project he approved with [he understanding [he engineers would submit [o the Ci[y Manager a breakout of the engineering fees as they applied [o [he eater main replacements on Beach Avenue as one fee, and the wacer main replacements in Ronal Palms as another fee, and the improvements a[ the eater plants as anotber fee. The engineers also understood that in the final analysis, the water main replacements on Heath Avenue and Ronal Palm might be further phased into smaller proj- ects which would be accomplished as money became available. No work is to he unde rcaken until Um engineers are auChorized in writing to proceed. Fu rt he[ discussion ensued re la [ivC CO tLe fCe schedule, and i[ was pointed out [hat when romparing the con st rucCion costs with [hose items r ,,~._~ t vgctr: Txo ruauris 11Cf08ER 6, 1987 f [he results thereof. Hayor Novell presented in full, in writing Resolution No. 87-76, a Resolution certifying [he results of [he election held on October 6,1987 as follows: Mayor Hill iam $. HOVell Elected - 2 yea r5 Commissioner 112 Robert e. Cook, Sr. F.l ec ted - 5 years Commissioner U3 Alan C. .lenscn E1 ec [ed - : years '. Commissioner Edwards moved for passage of Resolution No. 87-36. The motion vas seconded by Commissioner Morris and carried unanimously. Mayor Howell advised the svearinK in ceremony would be on Tuesday, November 3, 1987 at 7:15 p. m. There being no other business [o come before [he Commission, [he FLiyor declared meeting adjourned. Hill iam S. Novell Afayur/Pres id inF; Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. Tucker City CLerk 1c- '-A' ~_. MI 1U'CES OF Tllli REGULAK F: LF:Cf10N lfEETINC OF TIIE ATLAtiTIC BEACH CITY COlC1ISS IlI~ IIChU AT CITY HALL OH OC'1'08EK 6, 1987 AT 7:45 P.M. Mayor NoueLl culled the meeting to oNer aC 7:45 p. m. Those present were Mayor 'n'iliiam S. Ihwell; Commissioners Robert B. Cook, Sr., Clenn A. Edwards, Wil if um I. Cniil i(ord, Jr., and .lobo 6'. lk~rris, Jr.; CLOY Manngcr Richard C. Fellows; Ci[y Attorney CLaude Mullis, and Ci [y Clerk Adelaide Tucker. Item 2 vas taken up while [he voles were beinK counted. 2. Comn~i tcee Report: Commissioner Culliford Commissioner Culliford reported nn [he Committee's report and recomoendations relative to tl~e stab it iza[ion o[ certain streets in Section H. Commissioner Gull iford stated they had several concerns, one of whit t it dovnat the roncrac [or vas going to do [n re [a in [he limerock when they p Thew intended [o re[a in tl~e rock as best as [hey could. Commissioner Culliford s[a led he haJ no problems with the low bidder not being a responsible bid. The ocher concern was the cos[ [o do [he work now, and then have to come back a couple of years later to pave and put in drainage. Commissioner Gulli Ford and Mr. F'e llovs talked with Jerry Ec ker[, [he Engineer, who said he .'e It that 70% of [he material [hey would be using to stabilize Che roads could be re- tained. In view of Mr. Ecker['s statement, Che Committee's recommendation vas to proceed, and award co Jensen of Jacksonville, as the lowest and most re- spunsiblc bidder. Conmtissioner Morris added that BHR said [hat 80% of [he material could be used in [he finished roadway in Section H. The Committee also discussed putting down asphalt, but that would have [o be cut Cvo years down the road when the sever lines were laid. Hr. Fellows cold the Commission the June 1987 report by Conley and Wicker spoke [o the matter when i[ said on page V10 [ha[ certain items, such as the control valves at water plant no. 1, should be replaced as soon as possible. He reported that last week the solenoid valve on one had failed, leav inq only one pipe line into the reservoir open. If that failed, valet plan[ no. 2 would be [he only pipe line [o support [he city. Hr. Fellows said the money would come from connection fees and renewal and replacements. Ne added emergency repairs were a budgeted item. ~_ .., .. .. , PncF: nl;J: ru Hurls SF:P'fk.rlBEk 28,1' I1 0 :unt inurJ Ful lux'in a lengthy discuss iun, C„ciui-n:iancr rlorr is ixnvcd tha (o 11ovL .:otion: Passage of urJ in:ulrv Au. 411-87-1i ort second and final rtmding. ... Jiscu+s ion hctote the volt. No[i,m r:,r tied unan iuwusl y. IL. '1t+. e1]aneuns JLlyor ilneell presenteli in (ull, in writ inl; keso Lle ion No. 87-35 as raqucscrJ by the ISnard ul '1'nistucs of chr Aclanc is Beach Pension Fund. They' had sclee [cJ The Sun Isank Llvcs uueut Croup Co manage the it Cunds and incestmon[s. The kesolut iun uon Ll out Lorize [he inves [ment of Pension funds in a cununon, collect ive ur pool [rust C•.InJ main[aineJ bl Sun Bank, as rcqucs [ed h)• [hc Pension Bnanl. The City A[[orney stated i,e had rovieurd ehe kasulu[iun and :glpn+veJ as [n form and content. Motion: Passage n( Resolution tic. H7-'15. Copy a[[nd1eJ horuto anJ made a port [hereof. .`:n Jiscussier. before [he vote. ?lotion cart ied unanleuus ly. :: a :. .. .. .. c~ a r. .. a n x r. z a_ .. ~~ x z r. x• n• x c a• c ['.ommis.ionur Cook called the at[ent iun of tha Commission [o [he letter of comvcn.lat ion from Mr. IhKtun eommon:Iinl; ?Its. Ki nR anJ Mr. Ilog;ans in the hanJl ing of an unusual situn[ion. Mayor iiovcll reminded all present [hat The Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, the Cir: of Seu Smyrna Beach, The Norchease Florida League of Cities, and Govurm~ent Consu L[ant s, Inc. were holding [he conference on Plano( (or [he Future of Beach .\ccess. The Conference will he held a[ [he Sea Turtle on Friday, Pc [nber 2, 1987. The rLtyur reminded [hc Conm:iss ion a reKUlar Commission mee Cing would be held on election nigh[ [o cer[i(y [he resin [s, and nlso [o consider [he report of [he Commi tree nn Sec[fnn 11. There Lein:; nn other husiness [n come before ebe Commission, the Mayo[ declared [he meet inK aJ,jou: ned a[ 8:30 P.m. will iam S. Novell rL+yor/PresiJ ing Officer :ttES7 ,.del ai.ce 4. Tucker sir; CJ crk NAME OF 7 COMMRS. M S ~ Y ~ N Conk x F.JvnrJs x Cul lih>nl x x Morns % % Ilovell % Cook z Edwards .x z Culliford x x Morris x Novell x g r--- s. PAGE F.ICH1'. V V MINUTES NAME OF SFPT FMBER 28,19 7COMMRS. M S Y N 11 B. continued - Ordinance 40. 80-87-35 Hayot Novell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 80-87-15 on second and final reading. He opened [he floor for a Public Nearing anA invited comments from [he audience. As no one spoke Cor or ago ins[, the Mayor declared the Public HearinK closed. Ho [ion: Passage of Ord lnance No. 80-87-15 on second and final Cook x reading. Edwards x z Gulliford x No discussion before [he voce. Motion carried nnanimously. Morris x~ x~ # * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Novell zl 11 C. Ordinance No. 5-87-19 - Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FTARIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, FINANCE, DIVISION 4, SECTION 2-368 TO PROVIDE FEES AND CHARGES FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT RECORDS RF:POP.7 ; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in vzi[inK Ordinance No. 5-87-19 on second and final reading. He opened the floor (or a Public 8earin{; and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against, the Hayor declared the Public Nearing closed. Mo [Son: Passage of Ordinance No. 5-87-19 on second and final Cook x:' reading. Edwards V x~ Gulliford x' x Morris x Commissioner rbrris asked if the research had been dune relative [o Howell x. charges imposed by other beach does [ha[ had been requested by Commissioner Gulliford. Hr. Fellows responded he had brought [he re- port back that nigh[. All cormiuni[ies were charging $3.00 now, with ch exception of Miami Beach. The quest ion vas called and [he motion carri d unanimously. * * * * # * * * # # * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * # A * i * ll. D. Ordinance No. 40-87-IS - Discussion b Ci[ Ac[urne on the vor ink Ac [ion vas deferred on the Ordinance until [he meeting of September 26 1987 for the City Attorney to research. Hr. Hollis advised the Cunm iss on Co leave the Ordinance as is. If both Companies vented to serve in any of the territory, they could do so, with the approval of the Cicy Comniss on. In response to Mayor Howell's question "if Beaches Cablevis ion wished o extend [heir cables into Oceanvalk, could they du so without appearing before the City Commission", Hr. Mullis stated nut in t~is opinion. He said under the cite ums[ances, [he city should no[ Kive any more or lus Chan Continental had on January 1, 1987, because of their Crane hire wi h the CI[y of Jacksonville. The intent vas obviously that it did not say the corporate limits of the Ci p~ of Atlantic Beady is now or nay herea ter be established. Mr. riullis added the franchise vas non-exclusive. The Franchise to be passed vas nothing more than [he current Franchi ;~ cha Continental had with the City of Jacksonville. and ii id nroviJe evurv- thing had [o be underground. Pace seveN MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 NAME OF COMMRS. M S v Y v N Mayor Novell briefly referred [o the position of Inventory Clerk. He s id he was still opposed to the position. He asked Eor an agreement from t e City Manager [ha[ he would no[ fill [he position until the Commission held further discussion. The Cf[y Manager agreed not to fill the posit on until further discussion was held on the discussion. Mayor Howell asked iC the Cit7 N.inager had changed [he assistant co Ch Clerk's position in the proposed budget. The Ci[y Manager responded in the a(firma[ive. 10 8. Resolution No. 87-73 Mayor Novell presented in full, in wri[inK Resolution No. 87-33, a Res - lution adopting zn operating budget for the C1 [y of Atlantic Beach, F1 for the Fiscal fear beginning October I, 1987, and ending September 3U '~. 1988. Motion: Adoption of Resolution No. 87-33 C k . oo x x Edwards % % Culliford x No discussion 6efo re the vote. !to [ion carried unanimously. Norris x * * z * * z * * * < z * * * * z * * * * * * * z * * * * * * * * Howell x 11. Ac [ion on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 90-87-124 - Firs[ Reading NN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 24- 64, SL'BPARAGRAPN 2a TO PROVIDE THAT SWIlLMING POOLS MAY BE LOCATED IN EITHE YARD ON A DOUBLE FRONTAGE LOT ALONC THE ATLANTIC OCEAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA?E. lfayor Novell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 90-87-124 on first reading. Motion: Passage of ordinance No. 90-87-124 on firs[ readin C k g. oo x x Edwards x Culliford x x Following discussion before the vote, the question was called and Morrie x the motion carried unanimously. Hayor Howell se[ [he Public Hearing Howell x for October 12, 1987. * * * * * * * * * * * k k R k * * * * * 4 k * k * * k d. Ordinance No. 80-87-35 - Ff nal Reading and Public Hearing AN ORDI N.LtiCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC eEACN FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 7, SECTION 22-169, COSNECTION FEES, TO PROVIDE FOR CHARGES IN MAKING CONNECTIONS TO THE SEWER SYSTEM WHEN INSTALLATION IS PERFORMEn RY THE CITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PAGE Blx v v ?fi NOTES NAME OF SEPTF.rHSER 28, 1987 COMMAS. M S Y N 7C Commissioner Glenn Edwards and continued Ci[y discussion relative [o [he Ci[v opera[ LOn of the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District Commissioner Glenn Edwards suggested [ha[ due m the long Agenda of [he Commission meeting, his report be postponed. There were no objections from [he Commission on [he postponement of the repot [_ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * BA. Repot[ of Che Community Development Board to gran[ an exception [o [he sever moratorium in Section H [o S[eeR Plumb in R. Mayor Novell reported [hat the Community Development Board had recomme d- ed the Ci[y Commission grant acceptance to Steeg Plumbing Company to put in a septic tank in Section N. City Manager Fellows staled Mr. St ~eg ~ had agreed [o connect to the public system when the Special Assessment Program vent through. Ha[ion: Approval to grant acceptance Co Steeg Plumbing Co. [o Cook x x put in a septic tank in Section H. Edwards x x Culliford z Morris x Howell x No discussion before the vote. rb [ion carried unanimously. 9. Action by the Ci[y Con®ission to authorize the Mayor [o exec u[e Mu[ al Aid Agreement between the City of Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and Jacksonville Beach Police Departments. Mt. Mullis advised [he Coomtission [he Mutual Aid Agreement had been approved as to form and correctness. Motion: Approve [he Hu[ual Aid Agreement between [he City of Cook x x Atlantic Beach, Neptune Beach and ]acksonville Beach Edwards x z ~ Police Departments, and authorize the Mayor [o execute Culliford x l agreement on behalf of [he city. Morris r. i Novell x No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 10. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 87-34 Mayor Howell presented in Eull, in writing Resolution No. 87-34, a Resolution setting [he millage rate for [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach budge[ for the year fiscal October 1, 1987 ending September 30, 1988. i Cook r. x rb[ion: Adoption of Resolution No. 87-34. Copy attac i,eJ hereto Edwards x x I and made a par[ [hereof. Gul liford z ~ Morris x No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. Nowell PACE FIVE MINUTES SEPTEMBER 28, 7. Conuni[[ee Reports: A. Report by Commissioner eo6 Cook and Smith and Gillespie on bids submitted (or sever rehabilitation in Section "A" Con®issioner Cook reported the Committee me[ on Thursday, September 17, 1987, by conference coil a[ 10:30 a.m. The Committee spoke with Mr. Jacques of Sm i[h and Gillespie. They discussed why only one bid was submitted. The Comm i[tee decided to reject all bids and re-advertise and combine [he project with [he project recently approved for the repair and replacement of nine manholes along Selva Marina Urive. Motion: Reject all bids submitted for sever rehabilitation in Section "A". No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * k * * * k * * * * k * * * * * * * * k Commissioner Culliford addressed the issue of hiring a par[-time City Engineer. He asked if [hey hired a par[-time CI [y Engfneer, could [h el circumvent the rules governing Competitive Nego [ia[ions. Mr. Mullis said he did not think the Negotiations 9c[ would be applicable for a par c-time employee. Commissioner Culliford suggested [hat the par[- time Ci[y Engineer could do lesser prujects and review some of [he ma+ projects. The Ci [y Attorney stated Cha[ i[ vas no[ uncommon having ar engineer tc look a[ another engineer Co see if [hey were giving [he Ci a fair return on our investments. No action taken. * k k * * * * * * * * * * x * * k * * the new City Manager Fellows stated that Chis was an item [ha[ vas put out for bid. They had received a proposal from [he company [ha[ had originally installed the equipment at the public safety building, but felt is would be vise [o put it out for bids, as it vas over $2,500. Mr. Fellows stated thac it was not an emerEency. It was put out (or bi and received only one bid and Chat vas from the original proposal. The bid vas $79.00 less Chan what his proposal vas. The Professional Servi Evaluation Committee had me[ and recommended the Ci [y enter into a con tract with Ogilvie Electronics, the original installers of the Police equipment. Mayor Howell asked if this vas [he 911 equipment. Mr. Fello stated [hat i[ vas all of [he cofmnun ica [ions gear, including 911. Motion: Accept the committee's reco~enda[ion and award Che bid [o Ogilvie Electronics of Jacksonville in the amount of $7,42].00. ::o discussion before [he vote. rii [ion carried unanimously. * k * * * * * k k * * k Y. * k * * * * * k k * NAME OF 1 BxOMMFLS. M S V Y V N Cook x x Edwards x x Culliford x Morris x Howell x r i y s es s Cook x Edwards x Gulliford x x Morris x x Howell x PAGE eouR ~ ~ MINUTES NAME OF SEPTEMBER 28, 1Y87 COMMMS. M S Y N 4B. Mr. Wilson Herrihev of the Beaches Council on Aging appeared [o thank the Commission for [he use of the Dial-A-Ride space and provided the Commission with copies of [he Beaches Council on Aging's financial report. Mr. Merr ihev thanked the Conuniss ion and presented Mayor Howell with an audited copy of their stacemen[ from last year. Ne thanked the Commission for [he space provided to [he Council on Aging Dial-A-Ride. Hr. Herr ihev recognized Mr. Bab Garr as [he Treasurer of [he Coundl on Aging and himself as [he President. Mr. Merrihev stated that Dial-A-Ride serves all the beaches. He reported that Dial- A-Ride has had over 25,000 passengers in the pas[ year. 5. Action by [he City Commission to authorize [he Hayor and Clerk to execute a 20-foot drainage easement document across the north end of the Cicy Mater Planc No. 2 for the Development Croup. City Manager Fellows reported Cha[ Mr. Cissel appeared before the Board to ask [he City Commission [o grant [hem an easement for drainage purposes across [he north end of Water Plan No.2. The Cicy Commission agreed [o do so provided that chey prepared [he necessary documents. The City A[[orney had reviewed the documenc, and found i[ Co be in order. MoCio~: Approval to execute [he 20' drainage easement doc umeut across the nerch end of the City Na ter Plan[ 42 for the Cook x Development Group. The Mayor and Cicy Clerk 6e authorized Edwards x to sign on behalf of [he City. Culliford x z Morris x x Howell x Na discussion before the voce. lbcion carried unanimously. * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 4 6. Ac[fon by [he Ci[y Cormission [o authorize the Mayor [o execute a_nev Florida Crime Information Center Terminal L'ser's Ag reemen[ with the Florida Department of Lav En forcemenc. City Manager Fellows reported on Che new changes in the agreement with the Florida Department of Lav Enforcement relative to the Florida Crim Information Center terminal, a copy of which vas sent co the Cicy Atto ney. Notion: Authorize Che Mayor [o execute Che new Florida Crime In- fouk r. formation Center Terminal User's Agreement with [he Florida Edwards x; x ! Crime Information Center terminal. Gulliford r. x~ i 1lorris x ~ Novell °~ No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimonsl y. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C k k _ ,. PACE TIIR EE MINUTES SEPTEMISER 28, 1 NAttE OF 8~OM6IIiS. M S V Y V N 4 A. Mr. Bob Martin of [he Y.M. C.A. Mr. Bob Martin reported to the Commission on the success of the Y. M.C.A. swnmer camp a[ Russell Park. He reported serving 326 residents oC Atlantic Beach over [he tmi week period. Mr. ' Martin presented a plaque to Ruse Blanchard for her help with [he Y.M.C.A. camp. C. Mr. Bober[ Bates of Na tes and Associaces with a request for City cons id era[ion of approval of Chafe Order No.S Mr. Bates requested favorable action on proposed Change Order No. 5. The Change Order consisted of [vo items. Firs[ item vas to add a ch for ne contact chamber. Second item vas [o provide an influent ultrasonic fl v meter and automatic sampler. Charge for the chlorine contact chamber v s $21,21 L 00 and charge For the influent flow meter is $18,183.00. Mr. 8a [es stated the charges appeared to 6e reasonably in line. This was i connection with the City's sewer improvement project. Mayor Rowell asked what would happen if the Commission did not approve the request. Mr. Bates stated [he aumma[ic sampler would do away with an operator who presently had to take samples every hour for sixteen hours one day a week. Mr. Bates also added [hat the samples from the operators would not be a true floe sample. Mayor Novell stated Cha[ the Department of DER approved [he plans and [he Ci[y built Che plan[ and the pond according to the plans. Ne asked Sf it would be better to install the new items rather than having an operator take samples every other hour. On item one, Mayor Novell asked if [he contact chamber was close to be ng a mandate 6y DER. Mr. Bates responded [he current systems could not me [ the DER's current standards. Comunissioner Edwards asked if [he change was Incorporated in the rehab to scar[ with, or vas it something [hey j us[ came up with. Hr. Bates reponded that i[ vas not. Commissioner Culliford asked if any of chat vas eligible for grant fun s. City Manager Fellows reponded that par[ of it vas eligible, but there were no more gran[ funds available. Commissioner Tbrris asked if [here vas any way we could wait until there were more funds available, and then apply. Mr. Ba [es said chat it vas his belief [he purchases could not be put off. !b [ion: Approval of change Order No. 5 for a chlorine contact Cook x chamber for $21,211.00, and an ultrasonic Clov meter for Edwards x $18,187.00. The expenditure will come from Sever and Culliford x x Replacement Fund. Morris x x Rowell x \o discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * k k k** k k k k k k**** k k*** PAGE TWO nlYUT'es SEPTEMBER 28, 1 NAME OF 87COMMAS. M S Y Y N 3.A - continued 3. Jensen of Jacksonville $28,029.60 Bid Bond, Safeco Alternate Bid $19,414.00 4. Lane[[ b Company of Jacksonville $102,979.50 Bid Bond, Transamerica 5. South Easc Roofing - Jacksonville $SB,061.00 d.b.a. Road S Land Contractors Bid Bond, U. S. F. b C. Alternate Bid $26,110.00 6. Warren Bros. Construction Co. $46,805.00 Bid Bond, Regency Insurance Alternate Bid $34,199.00 7. Valleycourt Construction Co. Orange Park $62,800.00 Bid Bond, Ohio Casualty Insurance Co Alte rna[e Bid $24,900.00 Bid tabulation is attached hereto and made a par[ hereof. # * * * * # * * * * * # * * * * x * # # Cook x lotion: Bids be sent to Committee. F.dvards I x, Gull ifo rd x x Morris z z Havell x During discuss ion,Commissioner Gullifo rd questioned if [he documenta- tion provided by City Hanager Fellow were the specifications. He vas concerned about the containment of the limerock. Commissioner Cu111ford asked if [he bidders planned [o build up the sides [o con[ai [he limerock when [hey put is down. In response, Mr. Fellows seated he had told the bidders [he city wanted to maintain the limerock in place eo that a[ such time [he special assessments were done, ve would be ab e [o re-utilize [he ma[ezial. Hr. Fellows stated Chat [lie agreement vas verbally transmitted to each bidder. Commissioner Culliford stated he would Like the Committee to address that issue. The question vas called and the mo [ion carried unanimously. Mayor Hove 1 appotn[ed Commissioners Gull ifo rd and Morris to serve on chc Committee and designated Mr. Fellows [o serve as a member. The Co mm ittec will re or[ back to the Commission ac [he regular meeting on October 6, 19R 7. * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * i # Public Hearing on [he budget for Fiscal Year 1987-8R. Hayor Novell announced the final Public Hearing on [he budge[ was se[ or 7:ISP. N. and so advertised. The Mayor opened [he floor fur a Public Ne ring and invited comments from [he floor. As no one spoke fur or aKainst ch proposed budget, [he Mayor declared the Public hearing closed. s H INUTES OF TIIE RI!GOLAR MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH CI1Y COlP115510N HELD AT C11'Y HALL ON SEP1'EDHiF.R 28, 1987 AT 7:]SPM PRESENT: William S. Rowell, Mayor/PresiJing Of titer Robert B. Cook, Sr. fl enn A. EdvarJs Wl 11 inm I. Cul lifo rd, .Ir. Jahn W. Mur ris, Jr., Cmamissiwsrs ASD: Richard C. Fellovs, Ci[y `4~mger Claude L. Mullis, Ci[y A[to rney Adelaide R. Tucker, City Clerk The meeting vas called to order by Mayor Howell. The invocat ion,offei by Commissioner Cnuk was followed by [he pledge [o [he flag. 1.A AoProval of Che minutes of [he regular meeting of September I4, 1' City Manager Fellovs requested tl~e minutes of September I4th be corrected to show the final compensation for general employees as 2.2. Commissioner Gulliford requested the minutes of September 14th be corrected [o shay a yes vote for him on Resolution No. 87-31. His voU would have been yes had he understood the motion. There were no obj ec ions from [he Commission. 3b[ion: Minutes of [he regular Commnission meeting of September 14, !987 be approved as corrected. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * k * k k * * * * k * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k Ie. Approval of the minutes of [he special meeting of September ZI, 1 Sb[ion: Move Co adopt [he minutes of the special meeting of September 21, 1987 as submitted. eo discussion befoze [he vote. Notion carried unanimously. * * * * 4 k * 4 * * R * k k * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?. Recognition of Visitors - None 3. Bid Openings: A. Acceptance of sealed bids for fur_n fishing labor and material [o stabilize certain roads in Section N: I. Bancorp, Inc. of Jacksonville $40,208.82 Bid Bond, Regency Insurance Company Alternate Bid $29,027.35 Z. E W P Construction of Orange Park $55,197.00 Bid Bond, Regency Insurance Company Ai ternate Bid $25,O1R.00 4~ OF COMMAS. M O T I O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E 5 V O T E D N O d 17 Cook Edwards Gulliford Norris x Novell 7 Cook Edwards x Gulliford x Morris Novell x: o There will 60 :+ public hearing w an Ordinance amending our zoning Ordinance m provide that svimnd ng pools may be located in either yard on a double froncago ]ot a1cnK Che A[lan[ic Ocean. Tl:is was discussed in some detail at the September 26 meeting and will be up for final reading. o Tuo Ordinances will be int induced on Monday night which will implement [he recent ar[ions of [he City Commission relative co Sn- creased pen Sinn 6enef its. The firs[ Ordinance raises Che percentage of average final compemat ion fur policemen and firemen from 2.OX [0 2.4$, and for general employees, from 2.OL [0 2.252. The Ordinance also provides for member contributions for policemen and firemen as mandated by [he state, and for general employees who chose [ha[ option by mejori- ty vote. The scconJ Ordinance will implement a cost-of -living increase for existing retirees in an amount of 12.57 as approved by [he Pension Board of Trustees. Impact statements are being prepared and should be in our hands in time (or the final reading of [he Ordinances. o Enclosed please find minutes of the Professional Services Eval- uation Committee relative to the negotiation of a fee vi[h Cee and Jenson for eater plan[ improvements and water main improvements in the Cite of Alan tic Beach. These will be subject to approval by [he C3[y Commission Monday night. ., ~ k ._.. ~; ... ~, CITY OF ~ >4tfa.rtie $eaek - ~fa7lda :~ _ - Gc tuber 9, 1981 To: The ilono table Mayor and Ciiy Commissioners From: Richard C. Fellows, C1[y Manager ~~~-' Subject: STATliS REPORT i160fEAN NOULEVAHD e. o. sox zs ATLANTIC BEACN. FI.OBBIA a22V TELEPHONE 19WI3~42:fa3 o Enclosed please find your minutes of [he last regular meeting of Sep[emher 28, and [Le special meeting of Oc [ober 6, 1987. o Due [o [he length of [he September 'L8 agenda, Commissioner Edwards deferred an}• further consideration of [he committee report on [he Buccaneer Water and Sever System. This will be scheduled for decision on Mond a}• night. o The ques[Ion of changing vesting in the retirement system is still pending hefore [he City commission. We were unable to present [his for consideration at [he last mee[inp, due to the chairman of [he Pension Board of Trustees being out of town. He will be at the meeting on Monday nigh[, however, and the question of vesting will be a discussion item. o Enclosed you will (ind a copy of a proposed service agreement between the Citv and Coodvin Beach Cleaners for [he year-long service toot tact which vas approved in [his year's budget. The City A[[orney has looked i[ over and we would ask that you review i[ and be prepared to ac[ on it on Monday night. o The Pension Board of Trustees will meet on October 20, 1987, at 7:30 PM, following the Cownur~i[y Development Board meeting. Several items of interest will be up for discussion, including a consideration of eliminating [he BOX cap on Pension benefit when included with Social Security, and discussion of [he investment guidelines prepared by Merrill Lynch. The board will also be introduced [o the representatives of Sun Bank Investment Company, dudy Sanborn and Carla Clark, who are representing [he City in managing [he investment of its pension funds. o Commissioner Edwards bas asked that special recognition be paid [o [he Boy Scouts of America, and specifically to Troop 37 in Atlantic Beach which is observing its fiftieth anniversary. In [his regard we have prepared a Resolution which Mr. Edwards may want to Introduce a[ [he meeting Monday nigh[. ~- ,, . C. Lrt roduot iuu of urJ incumu No. 57-87-9 providing (nc ceased henef ics of lt!,? cu ::urn•nt rec frees n( the exist ing Ci[y of Atlmu ie Beach Pension Plan to recognize the increase in cos[ of living dua to inf Ltt fun, and sett log o(a Puh]is hearing (or October ?6, 1987. 8. Mi_vcc•I laneuus 9. Mayor to call nn City Acturney, Ciq• Clerk, Ci[y Manager and Ci[y Cummins inners fur re,uirts and/or requests Adjournment a.- ~. ri i~ u:eNDA CITY OF ATLANTIC REACH - NOYUAI', OCTOBER I2, 1987, 7:15 PM Call to order ' Lnaumtion and pledge to [he flax 1. Approval n( tLo minus cs of the regular meeting of September 28, 1987 and spec lal meeting of October 6, L987 2. Recro gn i[iun of visitors 3. Discussion on a proposal submitted by [he Board oC Trustees, A[l ant is Beacb Pension Fund, regarding changing vesting requirements from [en years to five years .. Action by [he Ci h' Commission to au[ho ri ze [he appropriate offi- cials to execute a proposed service agreemenc he[ween [he City and Goodwin Beach Cleaners 5. Committee Repa r[s: A. Repot[ of the Prof essiona] Services Evaluation Committee and recommendations relative to the negot iatian of a fee with Cee and Jenson (nr wa[nr plant improvements and water main Sm- provcments in the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach B. Comm issfnnc•r Glenn Edwards wish a continued discussion re la- [ive to committee recommendations relative [o the operation '~, for this fiscal wear of [he Buccaneer Water and Sever District 6. Action on Resolution.<: A. Coomissi ~~er Glenn Gdwards [o introduce Resolution No. 87-37 ', recognizing Troop 37, Bay Sc nuts of America on their fiftieth annivcrsarv 7. Action on Ordinances. A. Public hearing and final reading of Ordinance No. 90-87-124 '. amending [he %oning Ordinance co provide [ha[ swimming pools may he loraC nd in either yard in a double frontage lo[ along [he Atlantic Ocean 8. Introduction of Ordinance No. 57-87-8 amending the Ordinance Code of the Citv of A[lanc is Beach [o raise the percentage oC average final compensation for policemen and firemen from 2.OX to 2.4X and ins reasinp; L'ie percentage of average final - compen cation for genera] enip lnyees from 2.OZ [0 2.253." and ', setting a public hearinK for October 26, 1987 ~w-. t MINUTES The committer appointed to rvalua[e the bide received for the stabl- liza[fon oI certain roads in Section N met again on Ncdnesday, September 30, 1987, by conCr renee call Celt pimne a[ 2:00 PM. Present nn the line were Commiss inner W111 tam Culliford, Chairman, and Cunmisslnner John Morris and Ci[y Nanager Richard Fellows, Committee members. The chairman pointed out tl+at he had discussed [he matter of coot atnment with Jensen of Jacksonville and had been assured [hat everything possi- ble would he done [o contain and preserve the llmerotk vichin [he circumstances and conditions exist ing. Absent the construction of a regular curb and gutter system, leaching of the stabilized material [o some extent is Lnevi mFle. Further dl scussion ensued rel ac ive to [he bidder's qualifications, and is vas [he unanimous consensus of [he committee that the contractor vas yell qualified and vas prepared [o pre Corm the work as requested in the Aid specifications. As [hu committee discussed [hu possibil i[y of leaching of the limerock further, and considering the far[ [he Ci[y vas going [o make a signifi- cant contribution to the paving and drainage improvements in Section N a[ such time as the Spetlal Assessment Program vas approved, i[ vas decided to discuss with [he City Commission [he possibility of going ahead and prow lding the long term improvements to these streets as envisioned in [he Special Assessment Program. Chairman Gu111ford Is to discuss this matter further with Jenson of Jacksonville, while the City Manager is to contact eessent, Hammack and Ruckman regarding their chough[s in regards [n moving ahead with [he permanent type improvements on these sc reefs instead of the interim s[abi33zation. The committee is [n meet again prior to the meet ing of Octobet 6 to finalize their report. Their being no further Ausiness, the meeting vas ad~aurned a[ 2:30 F.1. ~ .. MINUTES The committee appointed [o evaluate the bids Eor s[a6111ring certain streets in Section li me[ on Monday evening, September 28, 1987, at 8:40 PN. Present was [he chairman, William I. Culliford, Jr., and members, Commissioner John llo rris and City Manager Richard F'ellovs. Also present was Commissioner Glenn F.dvard s. The committee disc used the proposals received and unanimously agreed [he proposal of Jenson of .l ac ksonvil le vas a very good bid end much lover than any of [he other bids received. The chairman expressed some concern relative to [he development of some mac hod oC containment so the limerock would not leach away during rain scorms and be washed away and therefore, would not be available for use when the streets were paved a[ a future date. I[ vas suggested [ha[ Ernie Jenson of [he firm he contacted [o see what he you ld recommend [o contain [he llmeroc k, and if [here would be any additional coat. Further discussion ensued, and i[ was [he feeling of the comi[cee [hat since the c}~a irman Commissioner Cull iford's place of business was close [o [ha[ of Jenson of Jacksonville, he would make a personal call and discuss with Nr. Jenson the alternatives relative [o containment of [he limerock. Following Isis contact a conference tall would be set up between Commissioner Norris, Commissioner Culliford and City Hanager Fellows at which time a decision would be made on recommendations [o present co tl~e City CommSssion at its special meeting of October 6. There being no further discussion, the meeting vas adjourned a[ 6:50 PM e._ a ~- i NOW, '1'IIEKL:FUKE, HE I'f KI!SOLV FII 1ST '1 II1': C1'fY CUt41I55[ON OF 'l'Hh: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, that it Ls herehy unanicwusly vote) [hat saLd returns be accepted as reported, anJ That is is hereby found anJ Jeterm fined by the City Conmission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, acting in [he capacity of a Canvassing Board Chat the qualified vo cers who participated in said Primary ha ec [ion cast their wtes Lu favor of the fol loving [and ida[es as Collovs: SEAT N0. 1, MAYOR-COMM[SS II)NER, William S. Novell ELECTED SEAT N0. 2, COlQ•I15SIONER ELECTED SEAT NO. }, COlAfl SSIONER, ALAN C. JENSEN ELECFED I[ is further found and de[e rmineJ that the above named candidate for Sea[8l is duly elected to serve For two years, and it is Curther found that the above named candidates for Seats A2 and 03 are each July elected [o serve for four years and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all cant ida[es be and are hereby coaunended Eor [he manner in which [heir campaigns were conducted in said election. * * * * f * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' Adopted by the City Co~mnission this bth day of October, 1987. William S.HOVell, Mayor/Presiding Officer Approved as co Form and Correctness: Claude L. Mullis, Cicy Attorney ATTEST: Adelaide A. Tucker, City Clerk PACF. 3 of 3 as-. 1+ #; CI!RI'1 FI CATS Ok RESUL'!'S OF PRIMARY ELECTION OF THE CITY OF A'I'LANT IC BEACH, FLUNl DA f1ELU TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1987 FOR TiIE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR-COMMISSIONER A.9D TWO COtPI185I0NER5 IN WITNESS WHEREOFI we Che undersigned have executed [his certificate [his 6th day of October, 1987. PRECINCT 03-F; Carolyn "fo rley, Clerk Mary Frye, Assistant Clerk Ru [h Bloom, Inspector Katherine Holmes, Inspec [or Iris Coleman, Inspector Dorothy Weiss, Inspector Evelyn Roth, Inspector PRECINCT 07H: Marion Grage, Clcrk Helen Jnseph, Assis tan[ Clerk Marjorie Coonan, Inspector Edna Kluessner, Inspector Morena Schafer, Inspector Frances Sweeney, Inspector Orpah Jackson, Inspettor William 5. Bloom, Deputy Precinct 03G Mary R. Gregg, Clerk Hallie M. Fussell, Assistant Clerk DeVara McMillin, Inspector ]eane[[e M. Murphy, Inspector Alyce E. Warnock, Inspector William Donegan, Deputy Harvey N. :Mason, Deputy r.~r.r: ,.c '~ J CERTIFICATE OF RF:SU L'CS OF PRIMARY ELt:CT U>N OF 'CHE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIUA HELD ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1987 FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR-COFpfISSIONER ANO TWO COMMISSIONERS 7HE CITY CU.~PIISSION ' CITY OF ATLA.NT IC 8F 1CH DUVAL WINTY, FLORIDA We, [he undersigned, being rim Inspec[o rs and Clerks appo in[ed m conduct the Primary Elec [ion in the City of Atlantic Reach, nn Tuesday, October 6, 1987 for the purpose of elec [ing a Nayor and two Cummissione rs, NERE61' CER1'I FY chat we cond uc[ed said election on said date and counted [he ballots and find the results [o be as follows: PRt:CINCTS ABS F.NTEES: TOTAL VOTE: ', 03F O3G 03H The number oC qualif led vo [ers, according to [he Registration Hooks vas... 2197 74i 1919 4,463 The number of such quali- fied voters who partici- pated in said election and olio cast ballots in said election vas...... The number of ballots cast for Robert H. Cook, Sr. Seat Y?, Commissioner the number of ballots cast for Catherine Van Ness Eor Seat $2, Commissioner To [al Machine Vote: (Inc. absentee s) the number of absentee ballots valid vas... The number of absentee ballots not qualified or voided was....... (Candidates for Sea[ !.`1, !•4ayor and Seat N3, Co~m::f ssioner were without opposi tton) PACE 1 of 3 r` RESOI.L'fION NU. 87-36 b'HEREAS, [he Inspectors and Clerks of [he Primary Election held in Atlancic beach, Florida on October 6, 1987 for [he purpose of electing a Navor-Commissioner Cor Seat U1, and two Commissioners Eor Seats 82 and 83 canvassed the votes cast and did make the returns on the same in words as follows: r~ £e. ~- :._ F(~ ~/ / i / i AGENDA C IT1' OF ATLANTIC BEACtI SI'EC[AL MEET [NC OCTOBER fi, 1987 7:45 PM Call to order 1. Action by [he Ci[y Commission to canvass the election returns for [he election of Oc[oher 6, 1987, and adopcion of Resolution No. 87-36 certifying [iie results thereof 2. Committee Report: A. Commissioner Culliford with a committee report and recommenda- tions relative [o the stabilization of certain streets in Section H 3. Action by the City Commissf on [o authorize emergency repairs at Water Plan[ No. 1 m include installation of new isolation and control valves, new air compression system, and new Electrogauge Reservoir Level Control Bvs[em with required electrical work in an amount of $26,701.00. 4, Anv other business Adjournment ~a:. f__. ~- . .. MICRO s. arae..es.. M b.w r...a.e~ ~ i:a: