11-09-87 AGENDA NOVFMBl:R 9, 1987, 7:1> PH Call [o Order i invncac inn anL pledge to tLe Clag 1. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the retiring Commission Nnvemher 3, 19A7 and the meee ing cf the nev Coamission Nrvcmber 3, 1987 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Presentation of Resolutions of commendation 4. Appearances: A. Pete Ilovling to discuss concept development of Oceanside and f Seminole Reach projects t 5. Comm i[[ee Reports: ' s t A. Commissioner Cnok with committee repcrE and recommendation relative [o awarding of a contract Eor furnishing and install- ing a 70-foot radio [over a[ the nev Public Safety Building ~a 6. Ac[Ion nn Resolutions v A. Resolution No. 87-40 4 ~ introduce ion and adoption of a Resolution providing for budge[ ' adj us[ments autlmrizing [he transfer of $100,000.00 from Prior ~ fear Pund Balance to Land Acquisition in Section H B. Resolution No. 87-41 1 Introduction and adoption of a Resolution au[horiz ing a budge[ j adj us[ment to transfer $9,100.00 from the Code Enforc emenc Account [o Legal Expenses to balance out [he fiscal year j 1986187 7. Action on Ordinances: d. Ordinance No. 56-87-10 Introduce ion and firs[ reading of an Ordinance amending [he Ordinance Code of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to provide vesting in [he City retirement system in five years instead of ten years 8. Ml sc ellaneous business 9. Mayor to call on Lity Commissioners, Ctty Attorney, City Clerk, y Cit;~ Manager for reports and/or request Adjustment