05-01-93~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ m , ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 13 O ~~ 31I3H aWgS 3~YId 3SYdld W W ~ ~ '~ ~~ ~ d~ 4 ~ ~_~~ ~ ~ ~, ~ 9 m V1 "' o ~, r$ ~' N ~ ~ R~ Q~S Q ~ p ~° .. ~~a n ££ZZ£ 'I:i '4~~ apuepV anuany yaeafl £Z6i 10~'JaJ}Q 'a{!l]efl r(uaH} uos1LYJ E- n IZ ?° C a. G Y g~~ 2 `b s p m ~ ~ ~ G Q p ~. 6i~~~ c~E3.~E~c o~e5 5•~3 ~o _ ~V"~oe~a~8~~°sa~°z~~~a~g'e~~.._ ~, _a 3 gg$ v u b m pp rr 0 9 ~~y M ve ~ N C~""rr G~7 s ale ~m .. ~. d '~ p~ i' ~" ~ ~ ~~ ~' p 1° a !v Q ~A~~ ~A~£ 4 o w ~ ~ q v D g ~ ~~ spat e 3 q 4 O `i O Y ~ \~O ~ ~ ~~ ~ C ~ ~ o ~s~U3~B e4~ /y V Z' y ? ° ~ ~ !/~~4 a~Q~2'2 VV/~q q s o ~8i y .o `/ < ~ t. O k' s. _~~^.. O~aO .., t~ ~ L~ a ~ a '~ Nib sNo= y u ~ ~ L ~~~ ~8~~~ a ~ ~ to Z T ~ ~~~ v r/ ~ - v ~, ~ -• S ~~ -~{j N ~ ~~~ ~a M ~ Y y ~ d q.° N M Q Y ~AA ~ ~' C Op ~ V ~! + ~O N~ pa Op u~ 1 ~ ~°~DO~4~aOZ TT °io y e- d e rytP \ •d~y~+N "'7'Oi ~ O TD ~Pi ~y£o's~~YyJ a: Y+ ~tE as d~gvQ°i c `'} ~.~ ~ d~ (~ 7c d ~ rc ~. .~~i h e pT~ ~° o zar>a3ea - - _.._.._ - Its the New York City Open National ring Edward Huk u Escamilb, for ooe orium on Saturday, March 20, at 8 p.m. 7.30-SJ2.30 plus service charge. Tickets ter outlets including the eearha' Turtles J2-3773. P layWrlphl-Atbr ^Gylmaqu'm' (workshop) provides a forum br deveb{allg alN wakshoppinp new plays and rdded wrllen malarial. Vrtters, odors and dhW nleresled pxsora are invilad to meal on SuMays al 1:30 pm. al Inner L'ght House. 2'28 SuN Ave. S., Jax Beach. Bmp your writlan maladal wen you. Inbrmxion 24~5b7 d 211 d2a7. ABET continues drama workshops The Atlantic Bcxh Expuimcn W Theave (ABET) continues iLc community uuvzxh dramu worlLShops hl:uch 20 through May g at the Allumic Beach Community Center, wmu o(Qwn Boulevard and Seventy Strut. Drama inswction [or tun,, age 1347, begins Saturday, hfarch 2Q Crom 10 am. m noon followed by a workshop for children ages 8-12, 3 to 5 p.m. The adult workshop conunucs on Sund.:y evenings (mm 5 to 7 p.m. beginning hutch 21. Inswctor (or the children's workshop is Debby Draper, ABET canmivee memhr, second gmdc teacher and sponsor of the drama ung club at R.L. Brown Elcmenmry. 1 by Teen workshop inswcmr is Beth :ers, Rnbenson drama teacher az l.an- iuns don hfiddl~School, and insvucmr at Seuiuns Modcting and Talem Agency. Carson Mzrry Baillie, founder / dvcclor of ABET and a founding member of Players-By-The-Sea, will inswct the adult workshop. Bailliz has dvected over 30 plays for YBTS, Open Theave and ABET, and has taught drama on the high school and college level. Children and teen workshop dates are Afarch 20, 27, Apri: 3, 7A and May 1 and g. Adult dates are March 21, 28, April S, 25, and May 2 and 9. Two weekends arc omitted for Eastu break. Workshops are 565 payable on enrollment. flyers arc available u dle Adanuc Beach Community Cantu and by calling 2463394. For further inbrmamn, call 2A6 3394. D I N N E R T H E A T R E t PRESENTS -~R ~D y Call Early for Reservations! .~ 1 I I 91 I 1 1 81 ~~~~ r, LEARN TO DIVE c~ _ ~; 1 ~•+! Independent Diving Instructor ~'+~~ 1 1 CERTIFICATIONS 1 I ~ OPE1 WATER SCUBA DIVER ~ ~ ~~r ONLY (14500 i M Fa.~trrl S:pPwe ia~wa. Rec,win w.^G~srls rA DrOr^G+W a-N'uq'CO"vu 1 1 DN®. (kR T~ii wk t.1 Di.<' Wilt' Dwp YTKVi. MrK rR. $N~4t iM Wi,'rt BYI 1 ADVANLEp ORFN WATER DNER '1 NGM DfJER. CAVERN DNER fF8C1.E DfVER DEEP DNFR 1 l1HIEB WATER MIIrrER. UNDER WATFA RMDrOGRAPNER 1 a w<rrRmwAnwcR 7^4~7°"~. PAGE 1WU MIN[RFS JULY 13, 1992 said t>P hoped, in cooperation with the city, to make a very positive difference s the area. fle said the Corporation hoped to move an elderly lady into one of these hares as soon as possible since the bore she ~vrrently occupied was in a dangerous cordition. The terms of this arrangenent would be discussed at the rwxt meet;.,g of the Corporation. He reported that an application for a loan of ;100,000 to move aid rernvate the houses had been submrtted to C & S Barilc_ The meetings of the Corporation are to be posted aryl City Commissioners wvsse invited to attrnrl. B. First Coast Parliaesrtarians mpresent Pazliaramtary Glide to Mayor aid City Or~s~;.., m®bers This matter was taken up earlier in the =resting. C. Bep[at and nao~ndatim riTM+ rA tw..t;,- Ba3r31 Carson Merry Baillie reported the first Play P~'fo~'d bl' t~ Atlantic Beach F~pe-rimental TMatre had been very socoessful aid had been attended bi' al:mst 400 people. She said the group proposed to present five core plays thrcJ.x)ltout the cwrse of the next year aid xequestP3 approval of the City Cgmission to pmeeed Wlth th15 ~^r`°~l"1°. The rlty C(116115530I1 CO<ICnrr'Bd Wlth Ms. Baillie's r~wet. DisNSSion ensued re9ardii><J the harsh language in the Play aryl whether it vas appropriate for Atlantic Beach. A request for a conmittee to screen future plays was rejected but Ms. Baillie was eneairaged to publicize wirther future productions were suitable for children. D. R'port m 'lY-esll Ba$ Theresa 4lldd, Ct~aiman of the Solid waste C®ittee, reported on the 4cash Hash held on July 4. She estimated abort 350 people had attended the event and enjoyed snacks and games and she felt it had been a very successful event. She tn.,,,re,l the m®bers of the Solid waste Camuttee aid other wlunteers who had assisted. She also thanked waste Management and Publix for their donations. The Mayor provided Ms. Tbdd with infoaaation regarding a Japanese system of solid waste collecting, sn.Pr~;; ,and oagiacting aid he asked Ns. Ttdd to review the material with a vies tv establishing a pilot program in Atlantic a.ach. 4. Qrnsait Agada: A. Pleet La[drig report B. Monthly report of the Adele (yra9e unity Centns NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N MINUTES, APRILA27, THREE 1992 Sea activities. The Committ--- ee mooted-to approve the request to have a Children's Workshop from June 22 through July 31, 1992, from 9:00 a. m. until 1:00 p, m, weekdays, adult rehearsal three times per week from 7:00 P• m. until 9:00 p. m., and Playhouse 50, from 2:00 p, m until 4:00 p, m. on Wednesdays. The Committee did not, however, approve the waiving of fees for the evening activities. Rose Blanchard, Director was asked to meet with Parks and Recreation work out arrangements for the activitieser~ Haillie to Motion: Waive fee for evening use of Co~munitY Center for Players By the Sea AMivities A discussion ensued and it was felt that the Community Center should be used as much as possible by the Community. Cox®issioner Tucker referred to the question of charging City should hioPy a Tennis Courts and whether or not the to someone to collect fees. it was decided meeti ge this an agenda iten for the next Commission Substitute lotion: Aid existin to Provide that citizens of Ai enu~°le~c~h wishing to use the -Coe~,;,~ty Center for a non- profit public purpose will charged the S25 rental fee,- °O longer be re9uired to cake a S50 cleanint will still be g deposit The question was called and on roll call vote the motion carried with a 3-2 vote, with Commissioners Edwards and Tucker voting nay. The City Manager was asked to provide the Commission with a written procedure and policy, based on the Preceding discussions, for implementation of the rental of the Co®unity Center. B. Discussion and related action concerning Possible land exchange with Beaches Habitat The Mayor announced on May 2, 1992, at 3:00 p. m. there would be a dedication of the new Terrell Habitat house located on Francis Avenue. George Worley reported the houses owned by the City on the east side of Francis Avenue were acquired for expansion of the sewer plant- He recommended this item be referred to the Water and Sewer Committee so that they NAME OF COMMAS. liford letcher liford I Ivlv MISIyIN PAGE 2 MINUTES, APRIL 27, 1992 Atlantic Beach apart from the City of Jacksonville and he and Police Chief Thompson felt it was appropriate for the Animal Control Officer to try to find a dog's owner before taking it away. Ms. Layson complained concerning a house on the corner of Sailfish and Redfin. She indicated the house had been vandalized to a great degree. Chief Thompson responded the Police Department was familiar with this house and he indicated they had dealt with this situation as much as possible within the boundaries of the law, on many occasions. Don Ford stated the city had cut the grass and cleaned the property several times, and he added the owner had recently boarded up the house. He explained that the city must follow legal guidelines to resolve situations such as this. Ms. Layson complained concerning unsolicited newspapers being thrown in yards, and the Mayor asked the City Attorney to address this to see if there would be a method to regulate the distribution of unsolicited newspapers. Dave Siebert, 816 Cavalla, spoke concerning his desire ,_ 'to construct a fence behind his property, in an area designated as a fire lane. it was explained that a . report regarding having "Fire Lane• signs installed at either end of the fire lane will appear as Item SA on the agenda. R. D. Cray, Atlantic Beach Firefighter, invited the Commission to the Sea Turtle on May 20th and May 30th to view Firefighter training. 4. Ao~~.~n ~l Bob Weiss reported concerning Senate Bill 1650 which concerns National Flood Insurance. He indicated other beach communities had opposed this legislation and he recommended the Commission review the materials he had provided. Mr. Weiss and Maureen King, City Clerk, were asked to draft a resolution for Commission action. A copy of the resolution will be sent to senators and any other interested parties. 4. Old Business• A. Proposed requested usage of the Adele Grage Community Center John Weldon reported the Adele Grage Community Center Committee met concerning the request of Carson Merry Baillie to use the Community Center for Players By the COMMITS. I M I S I Y I N PAGE FOUR MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 with Rose Blanchard and Mrs. Baillie to try to work this out, and to investigate the fire code as to whether or not more than 50 people can use the Center at one time. Mayor Gulliford asked John Weldon, Chairman of the Adele Grage Community Center Committee to set up a meeting with his committee and discuss this matter. 5. Resolutions• A. Resolution #92-9 Mayor Gulliford introduced in full, in writing Resolution No. 92-9: REMOVING THE NAME OF HARRY ROYAL FROM CHECK SIGNING AND REPLACING ZT WITH~KIRK WENDLAND. Motion: Approve passage of Resolution #92-9 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Old Business: A. Report on ownership of streets in the Selva Marina area Alan Jensen reported the streets in the Selva Marina area are owned by the development company. He suggested polling the property owners to see if they are interested in having the city assume ownership and maintenance of the streets, and possibly projecting costs that would be assessed to the property owners to bring the streets up to standard. A discussion ensued and it was suggested using gas tax money to fix the streets. The Mayor responded the city could not take public money and use it on private streets. Motion: Instruct the City Manager to notify the residents of this area via letter of the problems regarding the streets and invite them to meet with the City Commission is a special meeting in an attempt to resolve the problems associated with ownership and maintenance of these streets. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Discussion and related action relating to the adoption of subdivision of Van Cleve property NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N Edwards X X Fletcher x Tucker x Waters x Gulliford x Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x PAGE THREE MINUTES, APRIL 13, 1992 Substitute Motion: Defer action until next mceting. Address the question of traffic and define more accurately where the right-of-way is. The question was called and the motion carried with a vote of 4-1, with Commissioner Haters voting nay. Nayor Gulliford referred to the pole that comes from the roof at Ruby Beach Cafe. He indicated Bob Hill, Traffic Engincer for the City of Jacksonville, called him and voiced his concern about the potential liability regarding this and Mr. Hill indicated he had contacted Neptune Beach officials to discuss the matter. The Mayor reported they discussed the possibility of eliminating the traffic light at the intersection of Atlantic Boulevard and First Street. The discussion concerned either going with a four-way stop, or making Atlantic Boulevard without a stop, and 1st Street from Neptune Beach, and Ocean Boulevard from Atlantic Beach, having stop signs. This will be reviewed further. 4. ADDearanCeB ~. Carson Merry Haillie spoke on behalf of Players By the Sea. She indicated Players would like to use the Community Center building as follows: For children, ages 8 to 12, from June 22 until July 31 -from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm weekdays; for adult rehearsal, 3 nights per week for four weeks frwi 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm, for a period of four weeks, and for senior adult rehearsal, every Wednesday, Erom 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm, during spring and fall only. Mrs. Baillie indicated Players would like to put on their plays at the Community Center. She indicated Players was a non-profit organization, and she asked the Commission to waive the fees for night use of the Center. She indicated Players would provide a free performance for Atlantic Beach residents in appreciation for the use of the Community Center. Rose Blanchard stated the Community Center was scheduled to be used for a summer camp for Atlantic Beach children from June 8 through July 21, with approximately 40 children attending the camp. She reported the City's fire code would only allow 50 people in the Community Center at one time. :ommissioner Fletcher suggested the City Manager meet NAME OF COMMHS. M S V Y V N Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker x Waters x x Gulliford x Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida this 8th day of July, 1991. Attest: 1~fA~ F2~ Rte- ~~ city Clerk Approved as to form and correctness: ~1 0. City Att ey I RESOLUTION 41-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH DESIGNATING THE OLD CITY HALL AT 716 OCEAN BOULEVARD AS THE "ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER"; SETTING AN INITIAL SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR THE USE THEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Adele S. Grage served the City of Atlantic Beach as City Clerk/Treasurer-Comptroller from 1941 through 1973, and WHEREAS, Adele S. Grage, who was fondly known as "Mrs. city Hall" for 32 years, vas born in Atlanta, Georgia on March 29, 1896 and died on August 28, 1983, and WHEREAS, the old City Hall at 716 Ocean Boulevard shall continue to serve the residents of Atlantic Beach as a Community Center, with nominal fees to be charged for the use of the Community Center to cover only certain expenses of operating and maintaining the building. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORZDA, AS POLLOWS: Section 1. The old City Hall located at 716 Ocean Boulevard, Atlantic Beach, Florida shall be available for use to the public as a Community Center, and shall hereafter be designated and known as the ^ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER". Section 2. The following schedule of fees for the use of the "ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER^ shall be effective immediately: (a) Daily, Monday through Friday, during the hours of 8:00 A.N. until 5:00 P.H. - NO CHARGE. (b) Weekends and after 5:00 P.N. any day: i. $25.00 minimum charge, which covers up to three (3) hours; ii. $10.00 for each hour or portion thereof after three (3) hours. (c) Holidays, as recognized by the City: all charges will be doubled. (d) All events must be pre-scheduled through the Parks and Recreation Department of the City. 1992 nutin~ed Fre• Th ~ •v FridaX cst~b'y 11/13-28/92 Year of the Pilgrimage 177 181 488 Starman Wish Me Luck 1992 1/21-2/20/93 Dixie Girl 247 263 345 4/t-4/3/93 Coffee House 60 58 62 4/8-10/93 NO ATTENDANCE GIVEN 5/13-29/93 An Evening of Comedy - - - - Nou: 71'o perlormaatt coeDkla the aRreemeal betwceu the Camuiarioo and ABET. TOTALS 491 742 18S Friday aod~atucday a[tndaoee totals 1,947:55.00 nch = 59-735.00 Wo ehn~• ~~ ~)tlld TKna/Sftnrdfv AdelL Cuuw October 0 0 7 November 0 0 7 January 9 8 12 Febntary IS 10 12 March 15 10 No report available April 15 10 6 May IS 10 6 TOTALS 49 9$ ~ 167 Worluhop Students (a3 565.00 nc6 = *.,<D, 55 S-~ If the attendance records are actual, for both the performances and workshops, the ntimalyd gross mnue would be 520 590.00. Unfortunately, records for the actual expenses incurred by ABET in wnjuttetion with the performances and workshops were never wbmitled. Therefore, it has been impossible for me, or anyone else to try and artive at a net proceeds amount. -D DATE: May 11, 1993 ~: Mayor and City Conunissiorters FgQm: Adelaide Tucker ~Q: Usage of Community Properties We, as commissionersarc charged with providing equal access and usage to all community propeRies. On July 8, t991, Resolution 91-20 was passed adopting a fee schedule for the Adele Grage Community Center. On April 13, 1992, (exhibit 1 attached minutes) Mrs. Baillie spoke on behalf of Players By The Sea relative to children, adults, and senior rehearsal workshops. She also'urdicated Players would like to put on their Plays at the community center, and asked the commission to waive the fees for night use of the center. 'this was approved on Apri127, 1992 (exhibit 2 attached minutes) by a substitute motion that also required a 550.00 cleaning deposit which to my knowledge has never been received. We are all aware that Players By the Sea, anon-profit organization, with volurneer participants, are no longer sponsors. Atlantic Beach £zperirnental. Theater (ABET) is now producing sU workshops and plays. As of this date, the Ciry Clerk has not been contacted for information on occupational licenses fur workshops which were advertised in the Beaches Leader on Friday, March 19, 1993, ar 565.00 per person !n addition to not having an occupational license, Scott Stroud, from the Secretary of States's Olfice, Division of Corporations, revealed to me during a telephone conversation, that as of 2:15 p.m. today, there was no Atlantic Beach Experimental Theater or ABET registered as a profit or non profit cooperation with the State of Florida.. Since all rewrds are public, I have obtained a copy of the calendar of attendance and usage of the Adele Grage Commwnity Center. ABET has Proven its ~ fo~~ worthwhile wtnmunity effort, appreciated and supported by marry attendance summary will show: Date HaY~e FI~TIWtsdal @riday Saturday 1.492 150 180 180 6/25-7/11/92 Tocoi Light 80 110 9/10.26/92 Bedtime Story & 6J Getting to Know Your Old Lover pFlm MAY 1 31993 Concinsnfel CaWsvision of Jacksonville May 77, 7993 Mr. Kim Leinbach City Manager Atlantic Beach Ci[y Hall 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Listed below is the Monthly Outage Report for the month of April 1993 that you requested: Number of Outall Outages 6 Number of Reception Outages Total Outages 7 Total Completed Service Calls 772 I( you reed further information or clarification, please contact me at 731-7960, extension 5352. Sincerely, ~~~~~ Steve Moore Technical Manager P.O. Box 1761:1-F •5934 Richard Street • Jaekwnville. FkxiOa 3225-7813 (904) 731-0610 Eawi OOOO~u,M Errpbrar ~.. - -_ _-~ae=.m..v~s o-:~ ~.ax IFR.~-'~~•~(~f.-_ FORM 512' ,D. t r T TELEPHONE BID A P an ~ ESTMwTE NUMFEK ~' 1 /~ e DwTF ~ 5.1. ~^ LOCwTION T T~ II Frets ~I~L~S y ~~ p~n6 er NL.6M OIG` , >OORESS {{~~ PHONE 71~I.3 ~O S ~e oc W~OR% A ~ n F'A F WOKK INCLUOEO •MOUNT OF FIO p Iti FIAT ~+ ~ P o N e•e F ~. G e i Te T'A T o rout uD ~ E%CLUl10Mf AND DUwL1ElGTIOM wCKNOWLEDOEMENT OE wDOENOw' pELIVFKT. IFCEIYID FT' Twi FICLYDED INCLYO/D mF DEL Meadors Construction Co., It1C. ccnuu-i.conrluc~roRs w» uraA Avenue JACRlOnY1LLC. rW111DA J130! rMOfIC 100.) ]077900 rAA 10W1990-7700 ikty 4, 1993 Smith acd Gillespie Engireers, Inc. t~tst Office Box 53138 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 r.o. soa eoo~a JACM90nYniC. riAAiW JSIJO ~s 3 ~ Attention: Itr. ~uglas E. Iayton, P.E. Nttatrttction Ooordi3lator Befererlce: Gland Storage Reservoir Water Tlt~atlelt Plant Fo. 2 Gentlemen: In response to a request by the City, we propose to fiuni9h atd install a new aluminw hatdt atd ladder at the north roof opening to the groutd storage reser- wir at Water Plant Db. 2 for a loop su9 price of $1,367.00.- Please note that due to its size rite roof hatch will be »nhirged. Our oust breakdown is as follows: Alvminttm hatch over atd ladder (Dial's Welding) $ 707.00 ttisc: S.S. andtor bolts. tolY31-up paint, disposal 50.00 Iabor to rettove existing hatt3t 6 ladder, grind down eX1Sti[g anCilOi bolts. ;,..rwtt t76I ladder atd hatdt, ~-uP paint - 24 t4i @ $18.00 432.00 Sub-total $1,189.00 158 Gvertta3d i profit 178.35 7bta1 $1,367.35 in ozder mt to delay .~,,,~;,,., plant No. 2 to service, we recglest your earliest possible decisim wnoezrtitg this prupoeal. We enclose a copy of our fabricates's r_la,~,~ quotatiat far your infot~ti.on. Very truly yeas, (('Q~ (~ 11~,, ?~~ IgT.DORSS mnstr»ctiat ~atry, Iltc. U 111E 1, 11 - ~ ~ ~ ' ~~ iJ; U MAY 5 t993 Jack w. tleadors, IIl vice President SMITH AND GILLESPIE JhAIIZI/vm ENGINEERS. INC. a: PD'. Robert S. Fnsoy, P.E., Dizector' of Public Wo~dcs, Atlantic Headt ia. Ernest F. 130]dle, Asst. Diracbor of pa.l it Works, Atlantic Beads I+lr. Tim Tttwrtaettd, Utility Plant Divisim Dize~or, arin..r;n gem Nr. Gary R. Oebo, SLG liesidstt Cbeerver Meadors Construction Co., IRC. ~enetu-I.conrw-croRs N66 LLnOA AVUUL r.0. a03600]9 JACN60nY1LLL. rldtlDA ]SIC] rlldlL 19061767•]!06 JACa70nV14J:, fL01tIDA 733]6 rAx d10617abf706 ' May 10, '1993 Smith end Gillespie En;ineere, Inc Post Office Bo: 53138 Jacksonville, Plorida 32201 Attention: Nr. Douglas G Ceylon, P. E. ConatruMion Coordinator Reference: Ground Storage Reservoir Nabr Treatment Plant No. 2 Genklaakn In oonjunMion to our Mange order proposal dated April 22, 1993. and May ~, 1993, w ra9uat ^ 60 daY tatauion to our omtraM ccapletion dab to obtain the rpuirad waterial and accawpliah the cork. Na have Dean advised Dy our valve supplier that there is s [our Moak lead tier for the repLCeaant valve Dody for the Last rasa +oir. An edditi!e:sl ten days U rpuired for ahipsrnt and one cask for inatsllation. Ne Miah to point out that all of tM struMursl, nerJUnical, erehitectural and electriml cork in the Mss Did of the contract L substantially oospleta The coetint of the interior of the tank st Plant No. 2 raa mapleted May 5, 1993 and the tank rill M ready to rdill on May 12, 1993. Finally, re rpuest tlut the cost Mange order for the aluadnw MLM cover and ladder M increased DY 1230.00 for • tool cost of :1,597.00 to cove the oust o[ the stainless steel hin4ee rpuastad Dy the oMnt. Tours truly, MEADORS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Ali w• ~.,,.~.~ Jack N. Masdora, III Yice President J RMIII/jme cc: Mr. Robert S. [asoy, P.E., Diractar of Public Rocks, Atlantic Beall Mr. Ernest P. Beadle, Asst. Director oC Public Rork; ACLntie BaaM Mr. Tim Townsend, Utility Plant Division Duector, ltlantic BsaM Mr. Cary R. Debo, SaG Rpieent Obervar .=r?-_~ '33 TNJ 13:36 .D:"EUSCri-FENCE^=C-InC TEL IJ7:'~-r39 c",59 D921 P(71 NEWSOM FENCE CO., INC. 3957 KELLY STREET JACKSONVILLE. fLORIDA 3220) C ~ ~7 70.2759 fA x (9W ~ A REDKSTERED D.e.x W /.D.O.T., CITY OP JACKSONVILLE JACKWNVILLE POUT µJTT10RITV 4f2:I93 T NUMBER OF PAGES INE ^ A M ^ P M. U^~IWme Co.er LNIHh -- DATE _ __ _~ NOTl II YOU MnM rKMNPE OIeN PM~P^ItlTeK lrw P0lInMNSWwuEM.Mh'IRE nKKIwp~A TO: FROM: _- ,rc ~o ....~ J.Y. Neadors Conet. Kenn Jones PRC. .now I su Atlsntic Beneh Puaping Station 1~ ' TtIMTKIM I LY M. Jack Meadora 111 L~ IY ND ~C~..J ~~ L -F AX Transm~ss~on REMARKS: For the inacaliation of 33 pnnele of 6fc higd Stoekade rood Fencing vich 4•x 4' : 12' post and 6'zr2" x 12' Doet $3,025.00 ~nn c. Jo a ~~ INC. Page -2- SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, April 22, 1993 RE: Mater Treatment Plav[ Implorldants City o[ Atlantic Beach, _-----___~____^ Because of our construction schedule, ve request your early consideration of thls proposal. Our proposal is effective for acceptance by the City for ten (10) days. Very truly Yours• NEADOAS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. INC. . Qa.,li w 1"e."~ae~ .. (/Jack M. Headora, III Yice President JSMIII(evs Enclosure cc: Mr. Aober[ 5. Rocoy, P.E.. Director of Publi[ Morks. Atlantic Beach, FL Nr. T1aeTOwaendjdUtil~ytPlanteDivlsion DErectoirA tlancictBeacha[FL ~ hr. Gary A. Debo, 56G Aesldent Observer ,y{r1MF Tci Meadors Construction Coe, Inc. GEflERAI.COIYTRACTORS j MSS L[a0A AYCnUC JACaeD11Y1LLt. ILONDA 3110! IXOMC iawl ssfaaos rAx ~soq ar-nos April 22, 1993 SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. Post Office Box 53138 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 ATTENTION: Nz. Douglas E. Layton, P.E. Cona[ructian Coordinator REFERENCE: Water Treatment Plant Improvements City of Atlantic Beach, Florida SdG Project Ho. 8505-14-01 Gentlemen: I.O. e0A a0039 JAdIl011YILLt, n.oluw 3:13e O i.i ll aFR 2 s >ss~ SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS. INC. In reaponae to a requeac by the City, we propose to replace thirty three (33) panels of b-f [. 61g6 stockade fence along the vest property line for a lump sum price of :3,773.00. The ezieting fence fs unstable due to Sasuffirient anchorage of the fence posts in an unstable berm. IC is our umders[anding that [he fence and the berm were installed by a private developer. Because of the condition of the ezieting fence, it ie neither practical nor economical to reuse the ezfacing fence panels. the construction of the fence will be •lailar to the new wood fence oa the nozth and east aides of the pzoperty. Bowever, [be poets viii be 12 ft. long to achieve soffit ien[ anchorage and four (4) 6"zb° posts will be used to increase rigidity. We have included labor co replace the ben after the fence ie installed, however we have not included sodding ar grassing on private property. Because Chia fence straddles [he property line, ve request that [he City be responsible for coordination rich private property owners relating to access. Our coat breakdow ie ae follows: Subcontractor's Proposal (Nersos Pence).........13,025.00 Labor to Aegrede b Cleanup ...................... 256.00 SUBTOTAL ...............53.281.00 15S Overhead and Profit ......................... 492.15 TOTAL ..................f3,773. 15 We enclose a copy of our aubcontractor'a quota[Son for your information. °4 ~- 53 ?:4o FP.tn GILLER-BPOWH ACR-it-as 1'IVN JG:(. 7n MEGDORS iii PIEA DORS CONS PFl'vE. E'92 C P. 01 l~feadors Construction Co. mcosPDRATeD c.R«ar caMrodora .IDH- QSS LENO>< AYENUE • IACKSONYIIIt, iLORIOA 32206 MION[ NON LI1~00 FAK L90q 31L770t ORDER NO. MUHT APPEAR ON INVOICE. MAILING AOORESt: 1, 0, LOX 60031 6.L., BUNDLER, CASES. PACKING LISTS JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA22231-0030 ANO CORRtSPONOENCE. FOi A.9 OKDER .. uoc •+' i0A lALCtItC i DHLLVHRY ~ENOOR r- INU TO: Dillaz-Ote.u i Aetoelataa, Iaa. , r 2301 Park Areaua,. Su1G 204 Atlaatla Haack RI! No. 1 Ormge 2atak, E7. 32073 469 - 11CA itrtec Atlaatla Hsaeh, PL 32233 L OUANTitr JL OEECa1M{QN YNIT !RICE HLOOHSi !oa lHiClt 6 DII.IV~ °letH amt°~r~D r attac~padd aut .het! ~a1Pt richaut d ~as.o~ Kou+ Plseas laelada atsstuy Nn.-a 1o Poaz auotae ~irtCl•uP UIt.L.~ts ~RdIA~ $`IT}}>: ILl.1= Q;tfi~ (.1L' ~ ND ~~ I Ti O~A2 C.i1srQ C+rc. ~- I(ar -43 ~0...2-VJ~.h, ~ WNS NO.: LB-1lS~it30 1 J ~/hF. 7C w' i-irzA J["v Meadors Construction Co., Int. ccnuu+~conrRACTOes wss unox Avcnuc r.o. sox eoo]s JA[It1011VILLC. ILOa1DA ]330! RlOllc 190.1 ]er~]306 JACK1011VILLC. rLOa1DA ]33]9 rAx BIMI ]aa-r r06 April 22. 1993 SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS. INC. Post Office Box 53138 Jatksonvi lie, Florida 32201 ATTENTION: Mr. Douglas E. Layton, P.E. ( - Conscruccfon Coordinator it ~' " ' ~- ~• -~ ~`I~:; [tEFERENCE: Yat er Treatment Plant Improvements V ;,1 •~~ Cicy of Atlantic Beach, Florida AFR t ~ 1993 SAG Pro3 act No. 8505-14-01 SMi::: '. ..:LLcSPIE Gentlemen: E(tGi(~:cEi2S. INC. In reapo¢ae to your request, we propose [o furnish and lnatall a zeplacencent body for the east reservoir control valve for a lump sum price of f1,752.00. Our coat breakdown is to follows: 12" Butterfly Yalve ............................f 828.00 3 EA. 12" Flanged Joint Sets ................... 150.00 Subtotal, elaterlale......f 978.00 6. SZ fl. Sales Taa .............................. 63.57 Labor: 24 !~ @ f18.00/flr ...................... 432.00 Painting ....................................... 50.00 Bubtotal .................51,523.57 15S Overhead and Profit ........................ 228.54 TOTAL ....................f1r752.11 Our proposal is limited to the ztplacemnt of the valve body only. Ye do in- clude provision for startup service by manufacturer's representative to ad~uat limit evitchea and valve scope Sn [he valve actuator. However re have not in- cluded repairs or modifics[iona [o the actuator. Because of our cons[ruetlon schedule aad the lead [Sme required [o obtain the valve, ve requeaC your wrly consideration of thla proposal. Our proposal is effective for ucepta¢ce by the City for te¢ (10) days. We enclose a copy of our valve aupplier'9 quotation for your information. Very truly yours, MFADORS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. ,q..,{~ w. Aa,.4~e ~1L Jack W. Meadora, III, VSce Prealdeai JYMIII/eve Enclosure cc: Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Director of Public Y¢zks, Atlantic Basch, ft Nt. Ernest F. Beadle, Asst. Director of Public Yorks, Atlanc is Beach, PL Mr. Tim iowes¢d, Ut illty Plant Divfafon Director, Atlantis Beach, FL _ Braddock Constructton,lnc. P.O. BOX 5132& lACX8ONVII.I.E BEACH. FLORIDA 37!50 March 10, 1993 Meadors Construction Lo., Inc. PO Box 60039 Jacksonville, FL 32236 Attention: Jack Meadors III Reference: Credit for Compacted Shoulder @ Hater Treatment Plant N2 Per our discussion, the compacted shoulders at water treatment plant t2 have been deleted. The 8" limerock base extensions have been installed. A credit is due as follows: (Credit based on 710 LF of billed compacted shoulder). 710 LF of compacted shoulder X 3' wide - 237 SY Shoulder work consists of rotting for compaction and firegrading @ .50lsy unit price for finegrading from pay estimate breakdown: Rolling @ 50.50/SY X 237 SY .....................................(118.50) Finegrading @ E0.50/SY X 237 SY .................................. 118.50 TOTAL CREDIT ....................................................(237.00) This credit will be incorporated into our pay estimate t5 due at the end of March if acceptable to the engineer. Please call with any questions. Very truly yours, John D~doc~ President JOB: kg ~. cr. 7108-1 ~~a-~3 ;;. ; ~. (7ou 2{7.2304 • FAX aoa 90-3721 asrn~suroRS of ~.on,oa ,NCxxQI?~----`-- ~ _ _ PO 9071 Sh'M • tl7~ Si. AUpUyip~ qp~p .__. "___ )~acso7rKLE )aanor ~ ^ ~ _=- = _= ~ _: _ ~~ ~ 002173 9/9) stock uaa. ^', aelpe.sm aeadors lam Yeadars Conatruettoe OuaMrty ~IiP77on ) DSC-216 N 8^ z 8^ Accsss Door YDt 6525-d2. ~t ,Fl~p,ov - _ - -- - _ ~ /,3O win 9,. . _ "`i^~ '~- pay ~ 19 AOOIr n 6ooU CorY71p^ 79?~ DUPLICATE INVOICE D18TFIIBUTOA8 OP FLORIDA, INC. P.O. BOX 60lB • 89'14 fT. ALIOUBTINE • JAOKfONVILLE, FLORIDA 3iil47 (9041 3!B-!!!! (OLD TO >. ". .~.s ..0039 L- fMIPPEO TO NeaCors Ccnstruc!SCn X955 1?r,os Aven.e .J JacKSCOVI LIB, ._ - '-'-;? ~ TrucK 582-7650 2-j-9j NET 30 9j-22C • 3 z 8 Access Docrs 19.SC a 73.0!' I ~? R 72 Access Door 21.75 99.75 6.Sf Salea ta: 6.ug Tot•1 106:24 D - nrws: v~~,~e crwy. a i>w ow.onr• awrr ~..aw.,r or 7s•r.n e..eaae w ax owaw rcan• a..aro.rewa•.r•m7ny a.» eac hom nw a.r a sr Nraro.. aY sea,rrs d mrn. ,oo0a wrr apnw w G.Y a mswrw attorney's rw arq eaxt ox. a e.y.r. aaeount n tur,W onr w an a•orrry lot maq•orr. .... ~~,:.... -.. ,e ~a6 DIXIE CONTRA CARPET, INC. 162J PIIRLIP$ HIGHWAY • JAG%SGHYaIE. FLOWa1l >7~5p Pp. BO% 2~01t •lACKSGNV%ll, FI-agp/t l72t1~lG! (t01) 2a6GGt~ . FA% (YDq 2069th nuaorm coamvructloa Compaa aB44 Lonox Avenue Jackaoav111e, Flozida 32236- 0039 7n No -ot~Pwges ti ~rnpnsttl ) Atlaatio Beach Neter 2301 Nayport Road Atlantic Heath, Florida 32233 ATTNt Jack Naadore PHONEI 387-3406 1r ~jerebq Submit Add VCT and Viayl Haae to pump room per your zequeatt t 417.00 DATEt 3/23/93 ~t 3ltKbg ~rO~lma! to /,.rnlen Ieuer one motor«d. complelo .n :ar<wew,a,e w~111 IIH RIKwR OI~RVibVelti/nb. IV. the . Ylva Hvadered Cavaateea aad oo/S000hm YVm V/ a -'- _ __-- WM oavmont to tre rnntl0 nn lolbwc._ • .~...~..~•. w.wN.- .Iw An. .~K•MfV n AutnoriteO. -- .,.,.I.Y Iw •~wl ... ..M.. ...J r.Y ,IGIMIYI I: .. r ..~. rev ~~~Mr•.w~rw.Mro+•a'ane •. er~~t ~~:.~.nren w~aM Nn1e. ThM Md1eMI TnY be wnh- iu~+TC<a......r O.- ., ... b.. «...rw s..»..n«.. ss.e.•...r tl.Rwn py ue A rot ecoePlRti wnl..n .fort ~tKplamtt Ot ~rpPOaat-•ne etwr« tlrteee. RWRY' l.cwl:onc and otmdnmc aC ceGc/Rmmy ontl e•n Iwre1W eYntee Vp•~ Orn O•.itq/~I1O t0 d0 tty wqh ww wPRCd'Ctl Peymenl will be tneeC nL Oullinee OOOvC C.aNlu.e petn /.000PPnI .. _ __ 7ygnelWC-.. DEBERRY ELECTRIC COMPANY, IlIIC. commercial Industrial Phone 757-8424 EC 70 757-3220 P.O. Boa 26037 EC 864 Jacksonville. FL 32226 February 25,1993 Meadors Construction P.o. aax 60039 Jacksonville,FL 32226 Attn: Jack Meadors III 3i1 ~: Re: Atlantis Beach tihT1R GEMlemen: tie are pleased to sulmit our cost proposal to install new 480V coil in existing starter and to hoo]c up Air CmQress~. Natefial: Labor: 98.92 109.35 208.27 If you have any questions Please contact our office. Sincerely, JoFn L><awdy JD/hn DEBERRY ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. Commercial Industrial Phone 757-6424 EC 70 P.O. Boa 26037 757-3220 EC 864 Jacksonville. FL 32226 February 12,1993 Meadors Construction P.O. Box 60039 Jacksonville, FL 32226 Attn: Jack Meadors III Re: Atlantic Beach WWTP N1 Gentlemen: ~~~?ti~~~~,t ~ n J it L~~ -- U _. ~ _ ...J WIEADORS CGidSi. CJ. we are pleased to submit the cost proposal to install preheat circuit and relay for the preheater located at the well pump N1 as requesetd. Material: - 121.44 Labor: 65.61 Total 167.05 if you have any questions please contact our off lee. Sincerely, DeBERRY ELECTRIC CO., INC. I J hn Drawdy JD/hm DEBERRY ELECTRIC COMPANY, INC. Commercial • Industrial Phone 757-8424 EC 70 P.O. Box 26037 757-3220 EC 884 Jacksonville. FL 32278 Febivary 3,1993 t~adors Construction P.O. Box 60039 Jacksonville, FL 32226 Attn: Jack Meadors III Re: Atlantic Beach WYrIP #1 CEnt]~xen: l4e are pleased to sulxnit the crndit oost p[oposal to delete appxoxinately 160 unit feet of prinery conduit with associated laWr axd equi{nent: Credit Materialx 5252.80 308 f~stocking Fee: -5 75.84 $176.% Tax: 5 11.50 aa:-kt~ [dental: 5150.00 Total tabor: ~ 5379.08 Ybtal Credit: 5717,54 If you have any quest into please contact our office. S' rely, //^!v/ ~/ ohn Drawdy JD/2m D ~~ D FEa i i >9s~ MEADORS CONST. CD. SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS RE: Water Treatment Plant Improvements PACE -2- City of Atlantic Beach, Florida March 23, 1993 5. We request that [he following item be included Sn a Future change order: Install five (5) 8" Square, and one (1) 12" Square Access Doors in the ceiling of the Office and Bathrooms a[ Water Plant No. 1 [o provide access to concealed plumbing valves. LUIfP SUM PRICE ...............f 173.00 Cost Breakdow: 6 Access Doors (Distributors 0 Florida)......5119. 75 6-1/2Z Florida Sales Taz ..................... 7.79 3 flours Labor @ f15.00/MR .................... 45.00 TOTAL ................5172.54 6. Install a 1/2" SCB 80 PVC Water Line fros the elevated tank to [he ner Operations Building, and relocate existing pressure gauge and switch to new Operations Building. Provide low voltage signal wiring (not neces- sarily in conduit), from pressure arritc6 to control panel. Coe[ Breakdow: LUlD? SUM PRICE ...............f567.00 Materials -estimated (piping, ^1gna1 cable, ece. f125.00 6.SZ Plorida Selea Tez .......................... 8.13 Labor - 24 !IB @ i15.00/MR ....................... 360.00 SUBTOTAL ................ f493. 13 153 Overhead and Prof ic ......................... 73.97 TOTAL ................... 3567.10 7. Because of ezisting conditions, ve propose to delete the compaeted shoulder at water Treatmenn PLn[ No. 2. 7.UMP BUM CRIDIT .............(f237.00) We enclose copies of our subcontraetors sad vendors quotations for your information. Very truly yours, JYMIII/eve Entlosurea MEADO65 CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Jack W. Meadora, III Vice President cc: Mr. Robert R. Rosoy, P.E. - DSrectoz of Public Yorks, Atlantic Basch, PL Mr. Ernest P. Beadle - Asst. Director of Publie Yorke, Atlantic Beacb, PL Mr. iim Tovmsend - Utility Plant Div111on Director - Atlantic Heach, PL Mr. Gary Debo - Smith sad CSlleapls Lnginesn -Resident Observer .._.,ti.w~..r ,._. ~,:,.:~ _~.. ..._ J~ (+'~ C Sc. HK Meadors Construction Coe, Int. cenc~u~conTw~cr•oRc eu] tcnox Avcnuc JACI[10f1VILLC. rLOIUDA 3220! RI0/1L (aM13a]-]aoe rAx ryWl 3aa~r ]Oa March 23, 1993 SHITR AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, IBC. Post Office Box 53138 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 ATTENTION: Mr. Douglas E. Layton, P.E. Construccion Coordinator REFERENCE: Water Treatmetn Plant Improvements City of Atlantic beach, Florida 56G Froject No. 8505-14-O1 Gentlemen: r.0. aOx !00]9 JACI[1q~VILLt. ROalOA J22M ~~~lS~ll ~'1" ~u IIYYII MAR 2 q 1993 U SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS. INC. In reaponse [o our discussions with your staff, we propoae the following modi- Ficationa: 1. Io reaponse Co your letter of January 27, 1993, we propoae to delete approximtely 160 linear fee[ of primry electrical feeder. LUMP sUM cRmTT............(fnB.OO) 2. we request that the following item be included in a future change order: Install motor heater circuit and relay for well Pump No. 1. LUMP SUM PRICE ..............f215.00 Coat breakdown: Subcontractor's quotation (DeBerry Elect ric)..f187.05 155 Overhead and Profit ....................... 28.06 iOrAL .................f215.11 3. We request chat the following item be included in a future change order: Install a new 4800 coil in an existing starter, and connect [o the exist- ing air compresaer which was relocated. LUMP SUM PRICE ............. f240.00 Coe[ breakdow: Subcont racfor's quo [scion (DeBerry Electric)..f208.27 155 Overhead and Prof lc ....................... 31.24 TOTAL .................f239. 51 4. we propoae [o furnish and install vinyl tale and base in the rest eud of the Pump Room at water Plant po. 2 LUMP SDM PRICE ..............f595.00 Coat Breakdow: Subton tractor's quotation (Dixie Carpct)...., f517.00 15Z Overhead and Profit ...................... 77.55 TOTAL ................ (594.55 .. ... ._: _ ~..wa ATTACHMENT "B" CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 WATER TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 91-323 AT[ANTIC BEACH, FIARIDA HAY 11, 1993 De sc rind d J t'fi ti lA. Jacksonville Electric Authority revised [he location of [he primary electrical service pole. This revised location eliminated 160 Linear feet of underground primacy electrical conduit originally specified in the scope of the project. 1B. Additional circuit wiring is required to connect the motor heaters in the new Well No. 1 pump motor. This heating circuit prevents the accumulation of condensation in the motor windings [hereby extending [he service life and providing greater reliability for this unit. 1C. The existing electrical service ac Water Treatment Plant No. 1 vas upgraded under [his proj e<c to a 480v system. IC is necessary co modify the starter coil for the relocated air compressor to al lov it [o operate with the nev electrical service. iD. The City requested the ins talla[ion of vinyl floor [ile and base in the entrance and svicchgeat areas of the operations building at Water Treatment Plant No. 2 for better housekeeping and ease of main[eltance. lE. It is necessary to add ceiling hatches Lnsiae the nev operations building a[ Water ireacment Plant No. 1 to provide access to plumbing isolation valves for ease of maintenance sad repair, LF. The City requested relocation of an existing gauge and pressure svitch to the nev operations building to provide visual monitoring and alarm status of the system pressure. 1C. The Contractor proposes a credit to delete a portion of stabilized base along [he shoulders of the access road to Water Treatment Plant No. 2 [o alloy the Lrrstallation of the specified irrigation system. 2. As an unforeseen condition, the Water 7rea[ment Plant Ne. 1 East Reservoir control valve is unable to seal shut due to a vorn seat. 'this continued loss of rev eater is contrary to the City's Consumptive Use Permit. This valve cannot be field repaired, therefore the Contractor proposes to install a nee valve body and remount the existing pneumatic operator for completely functional operation. The City can then have this unit factory rebuilt and be able [o keep a spare valve in stock [o minimize down time on either reservoir and facilitate maintenance. 3. A[ the City's request, the Contractor proposes to replace the existing privacy fence along the west property line at Water Treatment Plant No. 1 with the correct length fence posts to ensure a more permanent installation and provide better security for the Cicy•s facility. 4. Due to the <crroded Condition of the existing steel stress hatch and ladder at Che north end of Water Treatment Plant No. 2 Reservoir, the City requested the Contractor replace [his item with aluminum materiel for increased service life and added safety. ATTACHMENT "A" CHANGE ORDER N0. b WATER iRFATMENT IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT N0. 91-323 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 11. 1993 1. Add various items of additional and/or deleted work as per the Contrac cor's proposal dated March 23,1993: a. Delete 160 LF of 4-inch PVC electrical conduit per JEA's request to relocate the primary service pole ................ ...($ 718.00) b. Install heater and healer circuit in the motor of Well No. 1 pump to extend the service life and provide greater reliabil ity ......................................... ... 215.00 c. Install a 480v coil in the existing motor starter for the City's relocated air compressor to provide a compatible system for the new electrical service ....................... ... 240.00 d. Furnish and install vinyl base and floor file in the vest portion of the Operations Building at Water Treatment Plant No. 2 for better housekeeping and ease of maintenance ......................................... ... 595.00 e. Install access hatches in the drywall ceiling of [he Nev Operations Building at Water Treatment Plant No. 1 Co provide access to concealed plumbing isolation valves ...................................................... ... 173.00 f. Install a 1/2-inch Schedule 80 PVC water line relocated gauge and switch fzom the elevated eater storage cask to the New Operations Building to provide visual and alarm status of the system pressure ......................... ... 567.00 g. Delete a portion of the compacted shoulder along the access road to Water Treatment Plant No. 2 .............. ...( 237.00) 2. Furnish and install a replacement valve body only at the East Reservoir control valve per the Contractor's proposal dated April 22, 1993 ........................................ 1,752.00 3. Replace approximately 33 each panels of existing 6 foot high stockade fence along the vest property line a[ Water Treatment Plant No. 1 per the Contractor's proposal dated April 22, 1993 ........................... 3,773.00 4. Furnish and install a new aluminum access hatch and ladder at the north roof opening at Water Treatment Plant No. 2 Reservoir per [he Contractor's proposals dated May 4 and 30, 1993 ................................... 1,597.00 TOTAL ADDITIVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 6: $7.957.00 Change Order No. 6, Cont'd... SAG Project No. 91-323 Atlantic Beach, Florida May 11, 1993 Page 2 any and all previous changes in the original Contract price, by a lump sum amount of ~ v~en rhos d i e h ndred Fif - en a d 00/100 Dollars ($7.957.00) and an increase in Contract time for completion of construction of ¢Q days. AGGEPTED FOR THE OGiNER By Kim Leinbach City Manager ACCEPTED FOR THE CONIRACiOR By: ~ Jack W. Meadors, IIi Vice President Date: Date: 11 9~ APPROVED: SNITN AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. By: q- Date: Nov 31 1993 Douglas E. Layton Construction Coordinator . RECEIVED MAY 121993 p}JBLIC WCIRKS L.S. CHANGE ORDER NO. 6 Date: Nay 11. 1993 To Contract dated April 28, 1992 between the firm of: Heedors Construction Company, Inc. Post Office Box 60039 Jacksonville, Florida 32236 (hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR) and: City of Atlantic Beach, Florida (hereinafter referred to as the OVNER) for the construction of: Hater treatment Improvements Project No. 91-323 In compliance with Division "E°, GENERAL CONDITIONS, of the above referenced Contract, CONTRACTOR and Oi7NER do both hereby agree that the CONTRACTOR shall make the following changes, additions or dole [ions to [he work specified in the plane and spetiflcations, upon the approval of SHITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC.: Various items of additional work as listed in Attachment "A" end "B° attached hereto and made a part hereof: TOTAL ADDITIVE CHANGE ORDER N0. 6: $7,957.00 It is further mutually agreed by the CONTRACTOR and the OHNER [hat the changs(s) when completed by the CCNTRACTOR shall increase the present Contract price, which takes into account _. "~"''_ SMITH AND GILLES PIE EN GIN EEF S, INC. oos o E eo= sv 3e JwCn50YVILLE, ILOPIDw 32201 i90 a1 ]a ]'8950 May 12, 1993 ttr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Box 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Subject: Change Order No. 6 Vater Treatment Improvements 56G Project No. 8505-14-01 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Yr. Kosoy: RECEIVED MAY 1 2 1953 pUB4G WORK=+ DOUGLAS E lAYTON. PE. cw.saucrlau ccoxwrww Enclosed please find eight ($) copies of Change Order No. 6 on the above subject project. This change order is in [he additive amount of $7,95J.00 and provides for various items of additional work as listed in [he attached Change order. It is necessary that the City of Atlantic Beach execute all copies of the change order in [he space provided. Upon execution of the change order, distribution should be as follovs: 1. Tvo (2) top ies for the City of Atlantic Beach files 2. Tvo (2) copies for Che Contractor, Neadors Construction Company, Inc. 3. Four (4) copies [o Smith and Gillespie Engineers, Inc. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, SMITH AND GILLESPIE ENGINEERS, INC. i Douglas E. Layton DEL/S BO/ay Enclosures ec Neadors Construction Company, Inc. ttr. Gary R. Debo., S6G Resident Observer SMITH AND GILLES PIE ENGINEERS.INC CO SL Of [IC[ BO+t 53~Ja JPC~l50N VILLE. iLORIOP 32201 '.90ai )a J'6i50 May 11, 1993 Ile adors Construction Company, Inc. Past Office Box 60039 Jacksonville, Florida 32236 A cten[ion: Nt. Jack A. Nzadors, III Vice President Subject: Proposed Change Order No. 6 Vater Treatmenc Improvements 56G Project No. 8505-IG-O1 Atlantic Beach, Florida Centlemer. RECEIVED MAY 1 L 1993 euf3uc wo~Ks DOUGLAS E IAVTOrv, PE C!mSinuG~gn rpepOiy~r,+,{ Enclosed herewith please find eight (8) copies of a proposed Change Order No. 6 on the above subject project. This Change order is in [he additive amount of $7,957.00 and provides for various items of additional work as furnished in your proposals as described in the attached change order. Please sign all copies of Che change order for the Contras [oz and return all copies to me for further processing to the City of Atlantic Beach. If you have any questions, please advise. Sincerely, SMII'd AND GILLES PIE ENGINEERS, INC. y~ uglas E. Layton DEL/S BO/ay Enclosures / cc: Mr. Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Director of Public Yorks - w/o encl osures/ Nr. Cary R. Debo, 56G Resident Observer - w/o enclosures CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: ATLANTIC BEACH CHANGE ODER N0.6 MATER TREATMENT PLANT 1 8 2 IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTED BY: Rohert S. Koeoy/Director of Public Works DATE: May 13, 1993 BACKGROUND: Thie Change order ie in the additive amount of 57,957.00 and provides for varlous items of additional rork ae listed in the attached Change Order. See Attachment A and B for description and juatff ication. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Change Order No.6 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A and ~ (f REVIENED BY GI TY MANAGER• ../a. J AGENDA ITEM NO.-~ ~ ~~ .~ L usao~ 1, i ~ ; :>=.~i 111. Application for Change in 2oninq from Residential General One (RG-]) to Commercial General (CG) to operate a mini warehouse business at property located at 310 Hayport Road. The applicant, Mike Ashouriaa, introduced himself to the board and explained that the rezoning was required to operate an existing showing rthe ue xi st ing facility aas ael la es nthe add Pt zeonal ed a map in question. property Ben Strozier introduced himself to the hoard and voiced his objections to the rezoning and presented a petition and letters from other adjacent homeowners. After discus ;ion. Ms. Gregg moved to recommend that the City Commissi on deny the application. Mr. wolfson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. _ IV. Aop li cation for 'v'ariance filed by Robert and Leona Loather to enclose a porch that sill encroach the rear yard setback at property located at 251 Ocean Forest Drive North. Mr. Lowther ir.t roduced himself to the Board and explained why the variance aas requested. Af-c er discussion. Hr. Wolfson moved to deny the application. Hs. Gregg seconded the motion and the application was denied by a unanimous vote. V. Application for Variance filed by William H. Dukes, sr., to allow a 10-foot r. 36-foot trailer for office and storage space at property located a: tl80 Hayport Raod. N,r. Dukes introduced himself 'to the Board and explained that the variance was requested for storage purposes at his property for 12-month period. F.f ter discussion, Ms. Gregg moved to grant thr. variance for a period of six mnr,t hs. The Chairman seconded the moticn and it uas granted by a vote of 3 - 1. This matter u:_1] become an au4omatic agenda item ter ;he October 1993 meeting. V7. App llira;i en for Variance tiled by Barbara ftuhbla rd to encl cse ]o ateo Ai.h 329 S};~~ encroach the rear yard setback at property ' try Drive. , MINU^t ES OF TAE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA April 20, 1993 7:00 P.H. CITY HALL PRESENT • Gregg McCaulie Ruth Gregg Don Wolfson ' Mary Walker .. AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, II, CD Director ' Pat Harris, Recording Secretary 1 ABSENT ~ Mark McGowan Robert Frohwrin Pat Pillmore Chairman Gregg HcCaulie, called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting o£ March 21, 1993. Upon motion duly made and seconded said minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: I. Application for Use by Exception filed by Thomas C. Johnson to operate a neuromuscular therapy clinic at 947 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 3A. Mr. Johnsen introduced himself to the board and explained the nature of the oroposed business and presented letters of reference to the board. After discussion, on motion made and seconded, the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Use by Er.ceptien to the City Commission. II. Apolicati on for Change in Zoning frcm Commercial General (CG) to Industria] Light and Warehousing/Storage (ILW ). Terence P. Kane introduced himself to the board and explained the change of zoning was needed to allow outside storage of automobiles at a mini-warehouse/storage facility a[ property located at 2333 Mayport Road. After discussion, Ms. Gregg moved [o recommend to the City Ccmrr~i scion the the request for rezcning be denied. The motion was seconded by Mr. wclfsoa and unanimously approved. ~s41n P~ is4 "OfF(CIAL RECORDS,' .,.,~,,, EXBIBIT "A" A part of Government IAt 7, Section 8, Township 2 South, Range 29 Ea9t, Duval County, Florida, being more particularly des- cribed as folio we; COMMENCE at the Northwest corner of Fairway Villas ae recorded in Plat Hook 39, pages 22 and 22A of the cur- rent public records of said Countyi thence North 01'42'10" West, along the Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road (State Road A-1-A, a 700 foot right of, way as now established), a distance of 806.59 feet to the intaraecCion of said Easterly :fight of way line with the South line of Government Lot 2, aforesaid Section 8 and the POINT OF BEGINNING ;~ thence South 01'42'10" Feat, along said Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road, 116.59 feet; thence North 88'14'32" East, 299.68 feet; thence South 07'43'23" East, 390.06 feet, thence North 88'76'14" Eaat, along the North line of the lands described in .Official Records Volume 4763, page 712, 385 feet more or less, to the Centerline of an existing•d rainage canel; thence Northweste[ly along said Centerline a distance of 527 feet more or less, to its intersection with the South line of said Government Lot 2, said line bearing North 88'77'50" East, 539 feet more or less, from the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 88'17'50" Weat, along last satd line 539 feet more or less, to the aforesaid Easterly right of way line of Mayport Road and the POINT OF BEGINNING. SUBJECT T0: Taxes for the year 7987 and subsequent years. 2. Right-of-way Easement recorded in Official Records Volume 5810, page 2256, of the current public records of Duval Cointy, Florida. 3. Easement recordedin Official Records Volume 59981 page 774, of the eurrAnt public records of Duval County, Florida. ~ V 0~~%912uiss a[cer .. livl(ccu;, ~ r: rid. t AF IIRCUI~ URi STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DUVAL STATE of FLORIDA I DOCUMENTA0._Y STAMP iAX I ICE VT. Of REVENUE ( I Ro ocT-fet \.i 9 8 0.0 0 1 C Iq,6 ~~ '.T -N r? ~JP~ 2g +. ~ZZ~O 6~ 5z=_ ~i- y ~ OFFICIAL RECDRDSI~ ..r..~._..._...._._.- j,~•~. ~~~ a STATE of FLORIDAI -~ DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX I _ uE FT. Of PEVEM OF _ _RRCaa-rnl ,990.001 ~. -nos I GENERAL WARRF NTY DEED TNIS DEED, made as of the q }L day of October, 7987, by and between The Development Group, Inc., a r'lorida corporation, whose address is 9000 Cypress Green Drive, J••c ksonville, Florida 32276 (the "Grantor"), and Fan Am Mini Storay ~, Inc., whose address is 333 ~ra6E.< .Pd " e~.r¢ (/sapi Brxc% Ft 3dod a- ( the "Grantee") : W I T N B S S B T 6': That Grantor, for and in consideration of the purchase price and other good and valueble consideration, .the recetpt and suf- (iclency of which are hereby acknowledges. Ilas granted, bargained and sold•to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, fo revery those certain tracts or parcels of land more particular- ly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has heE unto set its hand and se al, the day and year first above set out. i TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee slmplc; and the said Grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomso- ever. Signed, sealed and delivered In the presence of i ~~~ 6TATE OF PLORIDA COUNTY OF n^^• l iV~ ~s~ S. TEE DEVELOPMENT GROU?, INC. ,. ,_ ,,.~.. 1.!ir SY~ ~ ~ ~-~~SEAL)~-~. t C_41 A12m Awr - ~ ~ •. 1:. .'1.' r nEPORE ME personally appeared ice ' to me well known and known to me to the ~st:v 'ii 4i escri e in and who executed the foregoing instrument, tnd acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes-therein expressed. WITNESS my ?sand and official seal, this Asi day of October, 7987, at Jacksonville, County and State aforesaid. The forrgoiiiij~~ACOSI was acknowledged before ,ms this SL's .jay of October, 1987, by J.?. Thorrrtun; .Cisi+man of The Devel- opnast GxWp ~xs~)stalf of the mrpora- tions . . , ~~ ~" !b •, State of Florida at e mission expires: 9~-s9 Nota c, State at Large My commission expires: v-2c-~~ ~,~ ".. ~.~ ;~~ '1.1 ••'"~ ~~:~ ODTDOOR STORAGH'A.W RFRiA4 PARRY ••~''' ' ••:I17Tll-1 °AN AM M~I/N)//I STOR~AGE, INC. 2353 !I(a~Poiet~ l;oa~ .NtCwttic !/~iac~i, ..tLa. 31?33 p/~one 1904/ 24/-1j00 f ~ nm«a oapm i rv I : ` ~m° w m i ~I o nmg to a '~~ «rv r n wnnv a1^O N u ~ ^wtt -nn -mnw ottm omwr n-°. meet +ntt N.m1 NNmr wr ~ w~ orr on -u-w ~i.n M1$ mnw- Na arNe ONnn n-~8 sae mneN o.nr mmmn nn N N- nn N N1~0 m~n« nn N lI ~< a u O Q 6 J l 5Q} ' r i J ` `~ J ` ~ ~ ` O< 0 ~ 5 ', < i~o~ F LL ~ ~$°m {"{~~ $NO< __ e {u yp~~ a n p _ O_l< RNSQ . o~ ..t N.~< $+ o pp f1N~6_ - p ~ p _V NJ6 $N=f i i _ ON ^ON N N NRry SON NNN ON NrvN ON Nn:: ON N~rv ~ ~ ~ N n~ Sy tN tN $mr o OtN omr N ~er •N $mn N °o mn mr p~ : pry ~ aN ^a N ^ ^pY ^pN ^aN ^aN ~ $$ eO 0O° 8Q 8 S X. 7S .. ~ 88 ~ ~ 88 - $$ p m0 . S i 1 ~ p 1'1A NN OS ~ ~ O 1 tt MN rh NN •• ~ O ^ ryN ryN ^^ r L JN { old ' ]m( `~ ON FJ FfJ {'J J J ~J fJ FJ n ~{;~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~? ~~ ~ ~ -- - - WI I r p _ t 6 N ^ m ^ n ^ m ^ a - n ^ 10 N ^ ~ n e n n n n a N t N N g Q $ n o n o e ne o n o np o D np o C np 2 sOZ wog wag w02 ROQ ~OZ ~OZ ~OZ ~ o ~,'aA' I$°O~ n$y{ ow oe u mN nNi mr '- N N n O < n n w~0 .n 2 ON l`~R ~°J_l 1 ~ Y `YO ZJ S \(1 O ~ Ui0 N~ < ~-j WSw ~p NNS w0 l O~ Y C OOLL ~Ia W r m FZ Z 9~n ~Wwzp gu« $rj~ jjNw . KY Q1 Y~fj e~ J W pFW j~f NW ~ SN WVIa OCWWOF i~SgW88J ~FyOW ~wy LJ2M{ ~6 ~I~=r pY ~u~ ~}~u ~J~2 ~i70Y1~ ~w SxSK t<~{{~.[j { F LL JN~ ~~ <$ ~ iry ~ ~LL SJ <~'S"~ +Nyy QSQ ~'~m6 Ip ~ m°~ u3 ~e~ R~~S Ji ni ~ee$-a ~i$5 ~%w«~ °~2 Ig ~Ic < < a °w ~ m _ a o « n n ~6 n N N 0 n i~ 8 n t m Ip ~ m n o N ~~ o~ $~a a a'. "sa ~ a la ?~ ~ w~ ~ a n~ ne ~ ~+so o$ < Q¢ OOb O ~~an~ Q Q Q:I<~Ny I70N^ 7 ~_ OpNmO ?/; NO; jOM-NJO 00 33 w p ~~[[ p yQy OQISI~IgqCam PU WYYA~ 11)J nU ~ «Ym{°N1 PB /Q LLI? tJ l) ~q i"Qq I~YC ^O 66'< M1 { MY ' ~ 66^ ~N OI JN ~ .,! NN rr? nryO,e~ N 1 n n1r.' ~ n~ it to "'~°. dpi ooJ~n m . e.n S I Cb FJ "~ y C 'DLL 6 ~ °%~ $ 4 G d W m F `~ n `a TpFFE~pp~,~ ~GROI~If'IC. -~ arq DevelMrnenl March 17, 1993 To Whom It May Concern: " RE: Mayport Commercial Prooer~y Hayport, Florida 86 it known that J. P. Thornton is the Chairman/Executive Vice Pzeaident of The Development Group, Inc. ~~ o ~'~ Aaeiatant Secretary The Development Group, Znc. ?3c i Du Enls Tra II 5oue 100 Jacksonville, Florida 32256-8295 (904) 4 40007 FA% (g04) 363'635 . _ , licensetl Real Estate Bro:.ei •~, MRR 16 '93 12:12 iTM_ 4ft1E FOOjj$ 1305>E4~;93R9nron M. ~e 0. wYe eal I ..-P.2 ---- i / eegU{e llet of ell ~M-.Hy srn.re. YUIrM .Wreee.e eN Lw.l f..or1111e.e l.! .11 rler.r{y Ytlnlp three nYnerN 10001 fMt .( Me .rY)ryt Mr1e1 ee eMeNN Ln ate letNt etgela b0 rell Ln tt. Orwl OWn{y OewtMYN~ I.tte^n NPeYON e0eete u neeeN/ rreeeltY Orn.re eM MLilnO Offle.eee Lee.i eewwM/eee 1., ~pt r _-y~~r-r~~~~,~ {~qf/ vrc ta{~ a~w,yo~-o~_s- _ a..AlpfJqti-_=,ryy9t-gl4[LLAVRR.y_.. = 3~,py))A~ . ...YOONgiGi[- •_lS..Q9Q~_.~_.. _.... _1~'Z.yFPY! Y+0 .P..~.~. SfliJ11S~~'~.. Tte etN.Wn .t e..t ene .wlY srn.e e[ Mr l.nen _ w ~' I'~~.... '~( I r-riteent~ !H noa ttii•ln ~'me title Ni.t. OerlYnr. ..M -ANMI 1. rnNN ae LM te11NLM ttewl Ii~0ie00 to I40f !. r)1ele eMLIN . neN •N rW ~ enerye in YninO iANlggtiq liuenten pr rite 'I 40.7 422 7080 MiiR 16 '93 12:12 NORiH LgfE r00lYe /305)843-4100 P.1 Fpx DR'!1. Ff7RM DpTEt "'_._...3~Lt'. 1.1ppp1_.....__..,.... T]MEt ~_~z1 ~ _.._.__ FROM( ___ ~~ 11~_ , 1 y~ .`.v. _._. _. ~._ ~__ „`n'-7____~ TO i __.__...._ .Z.fJ1LM Ci^~ ~LCM-G t VN1 aA ~..._ ....._..._..._~-..- 4 COMppNYf ~ ~.__~.. .IL'I LKi ST/C~, r i REOpRDI NIi: 0 NUMBER CF ppBEB (INCLUAINO COVfiR 9HEE7> Z Fpx M) 1~~~_ZtE~~ ~~V~ I G1 •as4 call f407) ,943-4100 1f thls f~~ Ss not rvcaivatl In St'a ant fret y. ~ ThanM you. 4561 34N Sveec S.W. Orlaado, Florida 32811 (40n 8434100 Pu (407) 8434045 ~- Yo1w PavoNk Ratasrr.,s! Supp!!n L 2. The change in zonlnp 1^ eonslelent vith.the Land Dwelopunt Code antl the Coapr•heneiv Plan adopted 6y the oity. 3. Th• change in zonlnp elaeelfioation rill further the purpoa• of the planning prograa. ___ 9. Th• change in zonlnp rill not advrasly effect the h•a1tA and ufety of the rgidents of the city. COlIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARL'~ REPORT AND RECOMNENDATIONSt ACTIONS BY THE CITY COMMISSIONi A cosplets lint oZ~ all property orness, oiling sddreoea and lapel deeoriptions for •11 properly rSthin three hundred f300) Zeet of the sub~wt parul a raaerded in the latent ottiaial tax roll in the Duval County Courthouses <attaoh wpsrate aheet• 1Z needed) Property Orners •nd Nailln0 Addseaaes Legal Dsaoriptions 1. COMFORT INN - 11PFILIATED ]1lIHR _ INNS LTD RH169398-0300-9 __ 2401 MAY_P_O_R_T RI):t 11_TLAIfPIf: BC~1 _ FL. 32233 PT GOVT LOT 'L ________________________________..____ _ RECD O~R BR ~'!'!~-'P~~11S _ ________________ 2. JO~Ij N: ~IiB71 ~l~,Iy~~~___________ _ RE1~9398=0100-3 _ _______ _~ B~.QQ c~~$$~~~Q1fItQ~SiQ~~_~___..__ PT GOVT LOT 2 __ ?4RlTE_Y$4$Ilc_gSe:_~~OB2 _________ __ RECD O~R BR 6058-~72 --- 3. iU1FFLE NQgS~,$_ ~IS[J,_{I~(~`Q!j$T'fMD Y:~: _ LTD _ RE169398-0150-B __ 944_FA$T_$QRT$ $'~$$$Ic_~~?_$ 500,_ _ T 2 _________ _FT- GOVT LO __ QHItaHQ4.._E4~_3Z$QL______________.._ _ R_E_C_D_O R BR 6630-140~i ' I_________ _ T ______ ~• _Bre$$_~QZ'__~ 9fl$$~~kZ~ C~fyjP ____ -~~§93980410-6 ____________ ___4N6_6HS;z~T~L7eA __________~_______ ___1l44C88IQCHc~d~ Q$Q9~._____________ i _ F_T_ GOVT LOT 7__________ _RP.~F_9j!? H_R_ 6641_ 1920__ 3._DEVELOPMENT GEOUP, INC. RR169398-0400-7 _ ___.Qa3Q~_Rj~_$St~I$_T$~~ll__giQiT6 100 __ PT GOVT .Y~~___________ _~~ ---,r~~asntnir~te~_er.s_~IZri~___________ ________ ____ RECD OfR BR ~~I~2-~Tj'f__ __ ____ ________________ 6._ 7. 8., 9., 10. i The signature of each and every orner oZ the lands Q _ _~i ~ _ - I r; __ __ ___________ . ® •SI('N1ITUEE BNI:LOSBD ON PRICED 11DDENDOM PAGE(ULTIM7IX DISTRIBUTORS) ~~W ~____~__ __-_-_~------ Applieant~ Do not Z/11-Sn beyond ~thie point. Nowver, W prepared to respond to the tollarinp ikesn FINDINOB OF FACT i YES q0 S 1. There exist • need and ~uatitioation for tM change Sn zoning elusitloation. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN 20NIN0 GLASSIFICATIOH PAN AN MINI STORAGE, INC.: - v v Name •nd address o1 all senses of the subject propertyt MAR 1 81993 MR. TERENCE P. BANE ________________________________ 333_PAHLO ROAD ____________________________ POHTE_V$QRA_QE~QH~_FL__~2082 ____ Phon• _________l44412fl,~_3444_Home _________12441241_23DQ_work MIt _ E. CONRAD COWART _- RIII~fIIjJg~~d Z4n~ _________________ 3851 ORTEGA BOUi,EVARD JACRSONVILLE _ F[__ 32210_ -----_____-_J ~-__-~~- Phons _________„f 904 389-8707 Hom¢ _________ L909 241-1.300 work Th• sddress and legsl description, ~neluding the lot, blook •nd euDdivleicn of th• property to be rez m ed~ 2383 MAYPORT ROAD~_ATLANTIC HEACH~ DU~'AL COUNTY, A PART OF GOVERNMENT ______________ _________ ___________________________ LOT 7, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29, RECD O/R HK 6410-183. _______________________________________________________________ $$]69y398_OS 50_2__i LOCATED NEXT TO ATLANTC REACH WATER TREATMENT PLANT N0. ___________________________________________ Present zoning of property for rhlch chsnpe of zoning clsas111cet1on ie requeetedJ WITH 'USE UY EXCPPTION' SEC_. _2_4__1_1_1_. 44 _______ _ _ _ Proposed zoning eleaelficatloncINDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND WAR E_H_OU_S ING/STORAGE SEC 29-112 A STATEMENT OF THE PETITIONER'S INTEREST ?N THE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF THE LAST RECOi;D~-D WARRANTY DEED1 ANDt It Joint or several ornershf p, a rritten can s¢nt, to the rezoning petition, by all orner• of record) or Sf a c.~nireot purohae¢, a copy at the purchase contract and rritte.i eoneent of the caller/ornerJ or it •n •uthorized agent, a c:.~py of the agency •greemant or rritten consent of the prlnelpaJ ovnerl or it e cotporsilon or other Dueiness entity, the reme of the otf leer or person tespone161e for the application and rri[t[n proof ttist said repreeen[atlve hoe the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or Sn lieu ~_h areof, rritten proof that the person Se, in Sect, en officer of the corporatfont or 1f a group of continguou• property ornera, th3 orners of et muett fifty (50> peresnt of the property deecribe~ in the petition prorid¢ rritten conavntt I, TERENCE P. RANE, OWNER OF PAN AM MINI STORAGE, INC., FORMALLY ____________________________________________________ RE UEST 7NDUSTRIAL LIGHT AND WAREHOUSING/STORAGE SECTION 24-112 _______________ _____ _____ UNDER THE ATLANTIC REACH ZONING CODE. THE USES PERMI T'fED UNDER ______________________ _____________________ THIS SECTION INCLODE MINIWARENOUSING, OUTDOOR STORAGE FOR VEHICLES, _ _______ _________________ ECT., STORAGE AND WAREHOUSING. ------"----------------------- A state ment of special resson• for the rezoning es requeatedt TO UPDATE ZONING CLASSIFICATION TO ADHERE TD ALL CODES AS:;OCIATED _______________________________ ___________ KITH THIS FA_CI_LITY INCLUDING I_NS_ID_E_ A_N_D_ O_U_TSID_E STORAGE. I'f IS Ti{F. _POLICY _OF PAN _AM MINI 3T0RAGE,_ INC.-TO STORE ONL4_OPF.RATINC AND QUAi,ITY VEHICLES ffF1ILE MAINTAINING THE HIGHEST L_F.YEL OF_AESTHETICS_AND_S F.CURITY. IT IS OUR INTENT TO CONTI_NU_E _T_O__H_E A_T_TH_E_T_OP _O_F__T_H_E__MA_R_K_ET_A__ND_CON_TI Nt;E TO_REMIT PROPERTY TARES ANNUALi,Y TO THE CITY OF_ATLANTIC_HF.ACN_S _COUN'PY. _TO-OP_ERAT_E_ T_H_IS FACILITY IN COMPL_IA_NC_F,_NI_TH_A_L_L_P_F._RMI_T_I_N_C,__P_RO_C_E_DU_R_ES AND CODES PREVIOUSLY PASSED AY T}{E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AOAI`D AND ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION. ~arz ~ / m' ~LYLL ~t0'ZC2QEr JI2C. -3a3 o11aypo.f dQuad • dTef nf(e .23.•,6, 913z~33 • J/', J Aa, e /VOYI _~P.wo.~ t March 12, 199 ~ ~ Continued. ~ ~ It is the policy of Pan Am Hini Storage, Inc. to provide outside storage and rental parking to operable and quality vehicles of eoet all sizes. Also, it is our intent to remain at the top of the market in storage in the beaches community and Jacksonville. This Facility vas engineered to withstand a medium level hurricane while incorporating on-site resident management, security guards and electronic controlled access. The purpose of our outside storage area is to supplement the large amount of property taxes which is remitted by Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. on an annual basis. I humbly request that you give our application the due diligence and consideration necessary in determining the designated outside storage and rental parking area that ve Provide for the existing tenants and community at large. In closing, let me thank you for giving my letter and application for change in zoning classification re- quest your attention, and, if I can be of assistance in any way please donut hesitate to call on me. Very truly yours, ~ ~ a~ Terence P. Ran Pan Ao Minf Storage, Inc. 24-Hour Electronic Controlled Access . On-She Resident manager Air Condi'ioned Units • Boat Storage • Record Manegament ~an ~ / ~ ~LYLL ~EO'ZQL)Er _II2C. a~d3 oLlgypn,e _?ou.1 ~• o4eC Weis Vme6. 91' 3~zy? • T6o.+. (vo.lf zr~r ~o,. March 12, 1993 MR. GEORGE NORLHY, II, CITY PLANNER MR. DON C. FORD, BDILDING OPFICIAL I MR. KARL N. GRDNENALD, CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER COMMDNITY DEVELOPMENT HOARD OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSIONERS AHD OpFICIALS OF~ATLANTIC REACH 800 SEMINOLE ROAD - CITY HALL/ZONING DEPARTMENT ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA 32233-5995 i 904/247-SHOO 904/247_5826 904/297-58D5 (TEI,ECOPIER) Dear Madam(s) and/or Sir(s): I, Terence p. Rane, Principal~oF Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc., hereby formally submit this application for change in zoning classification fot your formal consideration and appr- oval. Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. request a change in zoning from its' current classification of Commercial General with 'Use by Exception for Mini Storage' to Industrial Light and Narehousing/Storage. This minor modification from Section 24- 111 to Section 24-112 will permit Pan Am Mini Storage, inc. to continue outside storage of boats, autos and recreational vehicles within the Atlantic Beach Code, Zoning and Subd i-~ision Regulations. The subject outside storage and rental parking area is located directly above a former open State of Florida Depart- ment of Transportation storm drainage ditch which provided for runoff of Hayport Road into the Sherman Creek. In the years 1988 and 1989; pan Am Hini Storage, Inc. obtained permits From the Department of Transportation to begin piping, filling and paving several hundred feet for the benefit of the state and community at a coat exceeding one hundred thousand dollars to be incurred by Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. for the use of open storage. Our intent ras to provide covered storage for boats and recreational vehf else but the possibility of servicing the eight foot pipe arose and Pan Am Minf Storage, Inc. decided to forgo sinking steel pilings into the DOT easement. Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. submitted detailed blueprints highlighting an outside open storage and rental parking area which vas signed and sealed Dy the City of Atlantic Beach- On ` the blueprints there are signatures, seals and dates indicating "In accordance with use by exception atf pulations". The letter received by Pan Am Mini Storage, Inc. on March 9, 1993 from Mr. Ra rl W. Grunevald, Code Enforcement Of Seer regarding violation o£ Section 24-II1 concerned us and discussions xith Mr. George Worley, II and Mr. Don C. Ford recommended rezoning under Sec- tion 24-112. 24-Hour Electronic Contro!!ed Access ~ On-Site Resident manager Air Conditioned Units ~ Boat Storage c Record Management PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON FIRST READING: PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON SECOND READING: ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk Approved as to Form end Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney William I. Gulliford, Jr. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS 2383 MAYPORT ROAD, ALSO KNOWN AS A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 7, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29, FROH CG COMMERCIAL GENERAL TO ILW INDUSTRIAL LIGHT WAREHOUSING; AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REFLECT THIS CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEP,EAS, The Community Development Board of the City- of Atlantic Desch has held a Public Hearing on and considered a request to change a zoning classification for cer*_ain parcels of land submitted by the owner, Terrence Kane and, purpose Rof Sthehoperationeof ra bM iniastoragelwarehousedwith the outside storage of automobiJ.es, and, WHEREAS, The City Commission has determined that the rezoning will not adversely effect the health and safety of the residents of the area, and will not be detrimental to the natural environment or to the use or development of the adjacent properties in the general vicinity, and is in compliance with the Local Comprehensive Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, PLORIDA: SECTION 1. The Zoning Map of the City of Atlantic Beach is hereby changed to reflect the new zoning of property described as 2383 Mayport Road and further described ea A Part of Government Lot 7, Section 8, Township 2 Sou t,h, Range 29 as ILW, Industrial, Light Warehousing. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, word, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become eftec ti ve immediately upon final passage, l .r...:. _. ., _. _~::... ... .~~ ..~ .._ yl..~.Y.:L- CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH rf ~ / ' e ~ ~ CITY COMMISSION MEETING / 1 STAFF REPORT 5~ `'~ AGENDA ITEH: Re-zoning of Pan Am Mini Storage complex SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner ~'u/z"-' DATE: Hay 11, 1993 BACKGROUND: Applicant has requested that the mini storage business that he operates at 2383 Mayport Road be re-zoned from CG commercial general to ILW industrial, light warehousing to permit him to provide the service of outside storage of automobiles in conjunction with his mini storage business. The CC zoning does not permit outside storage oY automobiles although he has been conducting that service Por some time unaware that he was in violation of the permitted zoning uses. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board unanimously concluded that, although there have been no direct compjaints about Pan Am's operation, the rezoning would open up considerable potential for heavier uses to encroach upon Mayport Road. The change of zoning from CG to ILW would allow outside storage of automobiles but would also allow bulk storage yards, heavy equipment sales and repair yards and even the possibility of concrete batchinq plants. Because of the potential problems created by such zoning on a busy road like Bayport Road the Board unanimously recommends Menial of the requested re-zoning. T"L1CH.HENTS: i~ Application form 21 Community Development Board minutes 31 Ordinance 41 Comp. plan Future Land Use Hap REti'I EWED B}' CITY MANAGER_ !~~ (/~ O L/ AGENDA ITEH NO. \~ '~~ ~•-~ ~~ ~ ~~ , ~' ~; ii ~, ~ ~ ,. , ~ ~ ~ // Z; J ~ i? )/ O U~ J `I ~ ~~~ ~~~ - J~ r,a J Ili i /, I1 s~ .~, ~\ ~ V ~1 ~~ L n_~ '`mot .~ Q 2. TAe oh~np~ in zanlnp i^ oonsi~t~nt rith.thr Lind Drvrlopwnt Codr end thr CozprrA~n~ivr Plrn edeptrd by thr oity. 3. Thr ch~npr in zoning ol~piSiwtion rill Surthrr !hr purpop of thr, bl~nninp propru. ~. 7hr oA~np~ in zoning rail net ~drrrply eifeat !hr hrzlth end r~t~ty oZ thr rNld~nt~ 02 thr atty. 1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECONNENDATIONSt ACTIONS RY THE CITY COMMI89IONt ' i ' t ' I I A conpleta list of •11 property orners, sailing addressee end lapel descriptions Sor ell property rithin three hundred (300) feet of the aubjeot psreel ee recorded in the istest ottloiel tax roll in the Duvet County CoutthouM~ ~(etteeA kperele ehreL• it needed) Property Orners end Melling Al dresps _._ ~ Legal Descriptions 1. Le_o n__B assts J~, . P. ~ 1 '"----^-------_-__ _A[lan[ic B_e_a th Section B ___ Box 1 3 _ tt ___Atlan[ic_Be_ch--F~oiida`b~~f---- ~'1k~~Ti Lb-ft mot _-tt 5, t----------- --- en3-S'__'_-_____ 2. Sing Teton Assoc. Ltd. ~ ~ ----------- _ 5(~Ol Fhi121ps HwZ, Gnit~-g--»-- _Atlentic_Beach_ S_ec t_ion H ___?ecksonv_IIe~Floriaa _~'j~7------ _81k_fl2._Lats_l._2_.3QG. ----- tl 3•_Dvaald_Py.lsi.fer______~~ I- __~- ----~=Z=3_1lira3elcu--- ' okosuka ---------------- . _-___------r--aE-e-°- 4• -Emma_L_Yi111ams_9.raoJcs__~-___~_ ---~--9 Anr-19y_°---- ----------- - ---Har-tb.orne._F1.orlda._32b5p~------ I 1 - s. _Jr11].t9ucs.._2labrs..~.Li-------- ~ ---.5~2.7_.C.Dr~3rd59.._l~, jp,l_DISYE___~_~ ..__~tacJ~sdxr111.~~Eeth.:,,_Flti_32254w_ 6.~ Linda Adans ___Arlanri _____________~____~-_- Bp~--1''.1nri.da__32133____ ___.].p3_ ~_JssL.Stssst_____~_ ~.._~-_ ---A~].8nti~9.a8sli._F2,vs~.4 x_311.33_-° e. __------- i s 9. 30. -- nsed_st.------- Atlaetit_fleach._Sentiaa H -B~Y_B2._Lnts_4.5..~.et-- _clysed_3t~:___________ 0tlantic_Eeach._$ectina H _9:k_143_Lnts_lts3._4___ -Ea._Pt_i8_sisz_8t._____ _dt18ni1~_9eesh._~gslisr H _91h_144_Ls18~_1~3y4---- Atlantic Beach, Section H '82F.'TDE--t'oE-3'---°--- Atlantic Beac hi-Section H -Blk_3041_Lot_Sy 6_______ The signature of esah ^nd every orner of the lender Appliaentt Do not Mill-in ~h+yond this prepared !o respond to the tollorinp itess~ point. Horever, be FIHDZHC)S OF FACT i ~ YC8 ND i. There exists • need end ~wtitioeLion for the change in zoning oleesitieetion. i A complete lint of ^11 property ornera, calling eddreeeee and legal deecript~one for sll property rlthin three hundred f300f feet of the aublect parcel ae reoorded In the latest officlel tax roll 1n the Duval County Courthouq~ (attach eeperate eheet• Sf needed) Property Ornere end Nailing Addresses Legal Descriptlone 8Q_H._4Lh._SLLeeL_____~_ ___-_____ ___DLlaatic_@eac~~_ElaLida~32233____ z._e£LSZL£s A~_~L£ig--------- __ 88 We£L_4lh_$LC££L_______M-_____ _ Atlanj,i~, e~acn~_ElaLi4a__3Z233__-- _____ 3. Garry W__iflQin_(i;i_____________ ~ ___ ___8@_Wg£t _3Lf!_@LL££L______________ ___Atlanli L-Bga £h,, Flo Cida_-____-_-__ 4. _First Unio_n__B_ank ___At[n__--PeaHY_Glass----~-~----'--- ___I'_ 0_ Dox 2080 ----""-------- Jacksonville, Florida 32231 5. JaMES N. Manton ___90 IJ_ 3rd Street__________________ ___A[lan[ic_Ueachy_Flg_ida_ 32233____ 6. Frank N. DgzgY__-- _---- ___92 W_ 3_d S,lreet_ - ----______ ___Atlanti__Beach+_Florid___32233 ~__ 7. David_A. Coates ___94 W. 3rd_St_e_t_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_""------ ___dtlaatic_Beach~_Elnzida__32233____ 8• _Jcha_Beazg_Talhezt_~___~~_~I __ ___115_tlazyazet_Stzeet_______~______ _ __1reDt u ae_Beazh~_Elnzida__32233~___ 9•_Jatk_-__yheelez__ _______~_ 55_-satex_Ye ___________-_'_'_" ___Atlaatiz_Beath~_Elntida__32233____ 10. ELYELP_St__BdY-£6_____________ __ ---BS_1J._1Dd_Stteat______________--- -__9slarti~_@sash~_Elslife__3Y233____ _.@.L)l-2R.-LJiCAh-+~-c~lA1L.1' 9-G.~-~1LLC B ~a eft S e c t i o n H -@~'~ ?~ Lois 5 ~6 ________ Atlantic Beac h_ Section H Blk 79 ~_Lot 2 LEX_ __20F7) Lots 3~4 ~5~ E_ 20 Ft Lot 6 Atlantic Beach Section H _Blk 79 West50 fc_ Loc 6 Atlantic Beach, Section H Blk _~6 Lo[ ~________-__ Atl a_ncic Bea c_h_z Se _tion H Blk 80 Lot 5 Atlanti c_ be a_ch Sec cion H gik S~, Cot $________-_ -ALiaatlc_fleach~_Secfiaa H -HLIc_an1.a[_fi_______ __-- ~Llaacic_aeach~~eccL¢a H _a1k_a1~-L acs_1..2_______ - ---------------------- _AL1aaL•.c_@£acti~_S£LLi4a H _@lk_@1._4aL_3~_@~_14_CL Loc a The signature of each and every orner of the landst Applicants Do not ~flll-in beyond thin point. Norever, be prepared to respond to the folloring iteas~ FINDINGS OF FACT •-- YES NO i. There exists a need and ~uetliication for the change in zoning clasalfioation. A complete list of •11 property ovnera, walling addressee •nd lapel descriptions for •11 property rithin three hundred f30O) feet of the subject pareel as reoordad in the latest otfiolal t•x roll in the Duval County Courthoussi f•ttwh separate sheets it n~~w_~. Property Ornery end Nailing Addresses 1. E.R. Matson _ ~ ' 455 Palm V_11eY_Roed_ ----"--- ___~oote_Ved_e_B_acA Fl 321~~~--- 1____~__~.__~___ 2 Marie Pacten ~ I. __ _AC1B1.1ir_9s~rb.._FL..31T33__________ 3._Randlo h Se l_d en E[al i -__ ia~4 -----__-_-- 4, Ml k_e A6h_ouria __ ..__1,Z41~,2~~anartliDab___-'--____-_- ---'irkg.pllrJ.LLe,_F.l.arl.ilar_32133 ----- 5• _.tla vanstRrancl~1911~---------_~ ---1~~q.~e7 r.Llt~epsez~yt~.A~s_e~lt_.---------=----- ---1[7a~c 9each. FI-o i~~a -'.~'2'1'3'j--'- 6. Jacksonville Sh i_p_ Yards, Inc. ' __- ~~?-[sty-°='s~r .R9ASl__--_ ---_-____ ----- _ ___ Jackson v_~1,gA F1 oF~l d,$ _ 32,~~6 -_ 8._Is+dr R._Ga (~ __ l --- t __ ~_-_ 401 Oceanr_o od Drive ____ ty_t une BeachA Florida 32266 9._James C.-Johnson __~___ ______ _____ 822 N 10th Street --~--'--- ___ Ja _k s_o_n__ill _ Bca_ h~_ Florida _ 32250 10. Maud e_IA. Strickland ' Y4 ~ 4th Srt reee --~---------- ___ Atlantic beach _~ori~a ~_~_ Legal Desoriptions Atlantic Beach Section H Blk 25 Loth 1-~-3-""-- Blk_~3~Lois_li7_1_-_~_-_"'-- Atlantic Beach, Section H B7F''f7_Lg'~'s_Z:3_G_77i_Lot Atlantic-Beach_Section H 91kr1b_y_112_Lat_b~&_Lnt ~ Atlantic Beach Section H Blk_Z4_LsSsll_E_~4_fS _I.oc 2 Blk d0 Lots 1 & 2 etleatit_FE,~sb_SettisD_H 911c_22.Lat_1=Z__________ Atlantic Beach_ Seccion H 839=%is.i.Z....=____ 91B_31_L.ots_1_Z___------ Blk 32 Lots 1-7 A21~rS1F_BSBS,h~_Section-H A,I lant is Peach Section H Blk 77 L_ts_I_82_8_J--_- AtlanticBeach Sec_c i_o_n_N B1 k_77 Lots-4 S 6 .!_.t________ Atlantic Beach, Seccion H ~~k_3~ zo~_ ~_~--------- The signature of pch •nd every orner of the lands Applicants Do not dill-in beyond thi^ point. Norever, by prepared to respond to the Solloring itewsi FINDINGS OF FACT ' YES NO 1. 7hsre exists • need and justification for the change in zoning cl•seiiiaation. APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN ZONING OLA66IFICAT2 D ,py~J75~~g Date Filedt Pla rch 31 x_1993 __-^ ~ ~~~~v (C,~ ^'~?P 3 0 1993 VGI Na my antl addreae of all ornate of the eub,~ect-property Building and Z~nin Plike Ashourian -'-------------- ~?m ins Ashourian 2294-24 Ma --'---^-'- yport Road ~ -------------- 2294-24 Ma -^------ ---------------- ___ _ YPort Road ________ Ja r.k sonville, Florida 32233 - ________ --___ Jacksonville, Florida 32233 ___________________________ Phone _____________ Phone ___________________ - 46L=ESr=sa66-'----- -Naas -----------------------Mork --__-____-----'- 904-24]-5000 ------- °"'e ------ _Nork The eddreoe and legal deecrlption, Snaludinp the lot, block end oubdlvldion of the property to ba rezoned[ -Lot 1 and East 20' Lot 2 Black 79, Section N __________________ ____________________ _________________________ _-ots-Land 2 Block 80 Section N, Atlantic Beach Present zoning of property for rhioh ehenge of zoning claseiflcation Se requested[- _Sin~l-trFa_il Proposed zon_ng aleseifieationl Commercial ________________ CG ________________ A STATEMENT OF THE PETITIONER'S INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED, INCLUD2N0 A COPY OF THE LAST RECORDED NARRANTY DEEDS ANDS If point or several ornerehip, a vrttten consent, to the rezoning petition, by ell ornery of records or if a oontract purohsee, e seller/orner7a arurit can authorizedeagentrittescno eoneent of the agreement or rritten oonsent of the PY of the agency corporation or other business vntit prlnoipel ornery or if a person reeponelbla for the application and rritten the offlcar or repreaentetlve has the delegsted eutharit to proof that eeld corporation or other bueineea entlt Y represent the proof that the person is, in Sect, Y, or in lieu thereof, rritten •n ottfoar of the eorporetion7 or it a group of continguoua property arners, the ornate of ^t least fifty l50I perovnt of the property described in the petition must provide written coneenti _ Mike and Elaine Ashourian are 100$ owners of [he properly a[ the _ time of porches e__ A statement at special reseone for the rezoning ss requested[ This parcel of land is one of three pyrcels that make u the land -. ---------------------------- -----------p---------- t h a t _i_s__p a r t o_f B_e_a_c h_e_s _M i_n_i_ S_t o r a g e, 310 Ma a r t R o a d. Th i s a r c e l has always been cnmmer_cfal_ and -------------Yp-__-------_-----F--- ---'----- ------------ in conj unt[ion with the o eraticn -_ f the mini storage. _ T_his------------------------------------?--- _________ _ _ parcel__i_s__c_o_n_ti_g_u_o_u_s__w i_t_h__[_h_e__e x_f_s[in _ - mini warehouse.-- This land = as purchased with-the knowledge of $ commercial zoning. 111. Application for Change in Zoning from Residential General One (RG-1) to Commercial Ceneral (CG) to operate a mini warehouse business at property located at 310 Hayport Road. The applicant, Mike Ashouzian, introduced himself to the board and explained that the rezoning was required to operate an existing mini warehouse business at said location. He presented a showing the existing facility as well as the additional in map question. property Ben Strozier introduced himself to the board and voiced his objections to the rezoning and presented a petition and letters from other adjacent homeowners. After discussion, Ms. Gregg moved to reeomvnend that the City Commission deny the application. Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. IV. Aopli cat: on for Variance filed by Robert and Leona Lowther to enclose a porch that will encroach the roar yard setback at property located at 251 Ocean. Forest Drive North. Mr. Lowther introduced himself to the Hoard and explained why the variance was requested. Aft er discussion. Hr. Wolfson moved to deny the application. Ms. Gregg seconded the motion and the application was denied by a unanimous vote. V• Application for Variance filed by William H. Dukes, Jr., to allow a 10-foot y, 36-foot trailer for office and storage space at property located at 880 Mayport Raod. Mr. Dukes introduced himself 'to the Board and explained that the variance was requested for storage purposes at his property for 12-month period. After discussion, Hs. Gregg moved to grant the variance for a period of six mor,t hs. The Chairman seconded the motion and it was granted by a vote of 3 - i. This matter will become an automatic agenda item for the October 1993 meeting, ~ i vi. Application for variance filed by Barbara Hubbard to enclose a patio 'which will encroach the rear yard setback at property located ~t 329 Sherry Drive. , MINOTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 80ARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Apri! 20, 1993 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg McCaulie Ruth Cregg Don Wolfson Mary Walker ~- AND Alan Jensen, City Attorney George Worley, ii, CD Direcioc Pat Harris, Recording Secretzry i ASSENT i Mark McGowar. Robert Frohwein Pat Pillmore Chairman Grege McCaulie, called the meeting to order and asked for approval of the minutes from the meeting of March 21, 1993. Upon motion duly made and seconded said minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: I. Application for Use by Exception filed by Thomas C. Johnson to operate a neuromuscular therapy clinic at 4q7 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 3A. Mr. Johnson introduced himself to the board and explained the nature of the proposed business and presented letters of reference to the board. After discussion, on motion made and seconded, the board voted unanimously to recommend approval of the Use by Exception to the City commission. 1I. Apolicati on for Change in Zoning from Commercial General (CG) to Industrial Liqht and Warehousing/Storage (ILW). Terence P. Rane introduced himself to the board and explained the change of zoning was needed to allow outside storage of automobiles at a mini-warehouse/storage f acili ty at property located at 2383 Mayport Road. After discussion, Ms. Gregg moved to recommend to the city Commission *_he the request for rezoning be denied. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wolfson and unanimously approved. PASSED 8Y THE CITY COMMISSION ON SECOND READING: ATTEST: William I. Gulliford, Jr. Maureen King, City Clerk Approved as to Form and Correctness: Alar, C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney .~-=x. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS LOT 1 AND EAST 20 PEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK 79, SECTION H, AND LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 80, SECTION H, FROM RG-1 RESIDENTIAL TO CG COMMERCIAL; AMENDING THE OPFICIAL ZONING MAP TO REFLECT THIS CHANGE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, The Community Development Board of the City of Atlantic Beach has held a Public Hearing on and considered a request to change a zoning classification for ceriain parcels of land submitted by the owner, Mike Ashourian and, WHEREAS, The below described parcels will be used for the purpose of the operation and future expansion of Mini storage warehousing, and, WHEREAS, The City Commission has determined that the rezoning will not adversely effect the health and safety of the residents of the area, and will not be detrimental to the natural environment or to the use or development of the adjacent properties in the general vicinity, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED B1' T1fE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The Zoning Map of the City of Atlantic Beach is asrLot lhandeEast 20ffeet of eLotw2yoBloBko79prSectiondH$canded Lots 1 and 2, Block 80, Sectior. H as CG, Commercial General. SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, word, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SEC7ION 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage. PASSED HY THE CITY COMMISSION ON FIRST READING: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Re-zoning of Ashland Mini Storage SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner ~ U'~ DATE: Hay 17, 1993 BACKGROUND: Applicant is requesting to have three and one half lots, adjacent to his existing mini storage business re-zoned from RG-1 residential to CG commercial to facilitate expansion of his business. Two of the lots 11 & 2, Block 801 contain grandfathered in storage units but are actually zo ned RG-1. The other lo[ and one half are vacant but adjoining existing st.o rage units. RECOMMENDATION: Tha Community Development. Board found during its deliberations that granting the proposed re-zoning would no[ further the comprehensive plan of the City in that the existing zoning was intended to become a buffer zone between existing commercial development along Mayport Road and the anticipated low density residential development to the west. Extending the commercial zoning would reduce the buffer and encourage further encroachment. The Board found that the existing use of lets 1 6. 2, Block A0, pre-dated the zoning change: they are grandfathered in as long as they continue. Should that use cease, all future use of that property must be residential. Lot 1 and the east 20 feet of lot 2, Block 79 are vacant and the Board determined that the existing RG-1 zoning is appropriate. Recommendation of the Community Development Board is to DENY the requested re-zoning. ATTACHMENTS: 11 Appl,cation form 21 Community Development Board Minutes Jp 4 ) Comp Plan Future Landd 'se Hlap '` 31 Ordinance J~~ }. ,/~7lZ0L~Y/J RE9IEwED BY CITY MANAGER- _31-=7? /~,~1 AGENDA ITEM NO. '~ l GOTTIE d LEE PROVINSE 235 OCEANFOREST DRIVE N. ATLANTIC BEACH, FL 32233 909 299-0015 ra rch 25, 1993 To whom It May Concern: we na•ao no objections if our next door neighbors, Por. 6 tire. rcoerc Lowther, add a room on the back of their home. it You ^~~~~~c any questions Please call, our phone number i~ listed above. h ncerety, -- Nr. d 1lrs. Lee R. Prnvinse March 25, 1993 To whom It May Concern: We support the addiron to Mc & Mrs. Robert Lowther's house. 7hc new addition will not effect or disturb us in anyway. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us at 247- 9110. Sincerely, / amt ri7~a.t.c.r.~ k~~- Tndd & Marlcc Krnhn MAP SHOWING BOUNDARY SURVEY OF LOT_ ~-BLOCK "' AS SHOWN ON MAP [I~- _ ocea~~a~K uu~r FO'12 _____-___-'- AS Fr ':'•?CEO Ir; P:At BOOK PI GES i0-18L OF 7Hf PUBLIC Hf'COAOS OF OuvAL ('O.. ~ -~~ 'Ea)I~fEO FOR : LA412EIJCE Ml1fR. eunvE(L __ ---___,. i /1 ~' _ KnYUrz~ILJ a~r3~l Liot,.,~ ~~a~ (5 s ~ ~> / L '~/ ~ (z o~ ~ ni (b-U~ r~` j y .. c; - = 4 !. . ...' -t ~ (a e)/ -~ r ~,bwlt. P.~: ~~.I FC CL Ir ~1.Ic~ ,~~ J .LAa - -_ / lG °l .1.9' ` f I ' I . ( ~, P)r8 ~ _ .~ / ~ lF ~~1~ r'~) ~ { \ (G~, ~ { ~ ~ f ~/ ~ (1 Z~ , i. ~ ~ • ' / L~` / o L8 ~ °,c n.-.. L„ _ ~.. ~ .. ~~1 °I N fil .o O N r k,1 J o J 1 mL U) ~,; ;... K / i ~ QGEAI,J F02E57 ~ IVE " ""' lion-~ a ~-- (eo~i7 qq (.9 ---t----~?-~1~- %YJdDdPO<I B9~?Eb~ x•/)•31 ~ ~ ~ ~ BEARINGS BAiEO O'+ P=.~.=. _. _~_-_ ! KBClY CEAltiv )HAT ItEJ=Y1 KAFLW IS IM )HE SPECIAL F1000 HAZA/i0 SLWE ? AS .diwv OY lG LCV lHSWANCE RI IF MIP ZUry F~GI !hE CZ)Y OF /ACKSQV/I(L f. lL 0.Ptn<. n. rE.~ ~"~?=01__... ALL AMERICAN SURVEYORS, INC. LI+n SLRYfYQ'1S ~ AEEC InCD /qA0 - /<CXSLWYZLLF. f<MIOA. Sa3SX - Yo.1?be-off. ._.. !,~ LEGf^n f KI~OY CEATIEVTMI1 >hf IBOVf LAMS HERE SUV/EYEO U+'O~EP r~ ~ ' NfSiVYSZEY.E SLiEBVtSILW <~ OIAECfIbL T/4T 1HEFE APE rH) 1I LU•.C ~. fhCNGACMEMS EXCSP/ AS .VnUH AAO TjYt tME SWrEV SHJYN .J K/EpV 1EE15 tIE MIHIHfM 1EC/NfGt S/A/U<A0.5 SE) Ep9)N By )NE J/a?G CW. F[MIOA eN/n ~ Llhq fIAiYE Yg9S PURSI4Ht 10 SEC)fCw <l.= C: ). ~ ALL lSET Xf )w CAP FL dlfPA. STA fU)f5 ~_ SS Re mt ~- , AMERIL'A~ J<rE5 O. NA/J4lSM! .M P. L s. L:o zs<t S//RV/E/yyYO.4( -x-FEwre ~ ~ ~~ ~ "'~lF~ 11 o IPOV cao sate I''2b `' awns - 0 dazes ru) nA>F Pj BB NE ZS)E. ~ ~ SWvEVpc s.<IE o! n ro• 15I i e 1 I wwa*xxxt~xx xf*txx*txftxtxtxttttttxtxtttttttt*txt**tt***xtzt***axx Applicant: Do not fill in beyond this point. However, be prepared co respond to the following items: - ~-~ YES NO 1. There are special conditions and eircum- stances which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands; struc- tures oc buildings in the same zoning dis- tri~t. - 2. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. 3. Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special pri- vilege that is denied by the code to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. a. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the code would deprive the applicant of rights oommonly enjoyed by other proper- ties in the same coning district and would cork unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. ~. The variance is the minimum variance that will make pdaaible the reasonabl euse of the land, building or"atrUCture. i i 6. The variance is in~hacmony with the general intent and purpoaeof the code. i 7. The variance will not constitute any change in the districts shown on the zoning map. ~_ 8. The variance will sot impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent pro- perty. y. The variance will not materially increase the congestion in public streets or increase the public danger of fire and safety. iD. The variance will not materially diminish or Smpair established property values within the surrounding area. _ ~ _ 11. The variance will not Smpair the health, safety, morale and general welfare .. of the public. ~ i COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND. ACTIONS: ~ I ~~. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE , NHX'1' MEETING DATE: `i- ~; i%~' APR 2 1993 2 FILING DEADLINE: `i' .>~.~- ~~ Building and Zor~in~ ..-- PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT APPLICATION FEE S75.00 IN BLACK INK 1'U F.EQUEST A VARIANCE FRON THE REGULATIONS INDICATED HEREIN, BECAUSE THERE ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS IN CARRYING OUT~THE STRICT LETTER OF THE CODE OR GROINANCE THE UfN~DE~RSIGNED /7EREBY APPLIE/S FOR/A V.AeR IANCE AS FOLLOWS: Name 77tt Adpp ress work: RF Y/!r.( C.ty, State, Zip Home-: ~ o7flf_ ~/C.3 9 Location of building or structure: On the //aP~ side of C~rP.a.. ~,r~rf .,~,r ,rJ, s e or w i street Street address and legal des cription !ot copy of! deed, and sure or JI--P~~roperty: Note: Attach construction. v-Y pl-O m indicating proposed j ' ~ ~. I zoning glasaification: ~ ~,Ii/ln/e/ ~ j_~ II ~ i section of Code from which variance ie aought:~ y-/ - // ~f/P ?/>> Describe variance requeated:_.4 ~P~/cC nr e< Pqg .fYs~ = 4 .F/nr efrf ~ oY l The reason variance is ~s ought: (f Fai ing d~ta which should be considered by thg Board: Are construction plans submitted with thin application? Nhat is the app lli cant's interest in this variance: ! i J i IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS IT BECOMES R PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE •TO TftE BEST OF HIS/NEP. KItOWLEDGE. /~/~), y// -/ ~y~/- IJ ~/ GN / I ~ r t (/~19t~ srgnatur of owner of the property - Application cannot be processed without owner's signrture CORRECTION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REMICROFILMED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY ~~ ~~~ ~e..~, APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE NE%'!' MEETING DATE: ~ `/' C `.' ~ F'I LING DERULINE: `~' ~~'~' PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT 1N BLACK INK R 21993 ~ Building and Zor,in APPLICATION FEE S75.J0 1'U REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM THE REGULATIONS INDICATED HEREIN, BECAUSE THERE ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS IN CARRYING OUT"THE STRICT LETTER OF THE CODE OR ORDINANCE THE UNyy~~DERSIGNED /HEREBY APPLIE/S FOR /A VARIANCE AS FOLLOWS: lf4 /JE.Q ~' .( GGI ~E.C" e`er /. cenw ^ar.J ~e~C Name ~~1t dSi aer.,., ~af- a!/L .U Work: kr /ilr.( Ad~~ilres6 c/~ /~d/on/,e .~ra,l. rt'/ .7a:Z~3 Nome: ~ o'S<9- 9C•37 City, State, Zip Location of building or structur~edo On the_ /10k~ side of ~~,~ for r/f .~,! ,(~, s e or w i street Street address and legal deacrlption Hof property: Note: Attach copy of! deed, and aurvev or gl of diagram indicating proposed construction. ~. j " Zoning ~laesificat±on: " .Q.G/!.r/o/ ;~ 7-~ i i Section of Code from which variance ie a~ought: 2 ~t - l~lf~e ~~z~ " ! i Describe variance requested:_,Q~nP~.re.CV.eel, PAp Jew ~„y~,; The reason variance i9 Bought: f1F°/~ ~Gr w~r,~so ~% `./,r E,~r/,/~..( t ing d eta which should be considered by the Board: Are construction plans submitted with this application? CT What is the applli cant's interest in this variance: i IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS IT BECOHES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY D EVELOPMENT BOARD AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE •TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. ///)~o -/ Si o gnatur of wn r of the property - Application cannot be processed wi t hout owner 's signature / / ,C.r+.-,. r- ,~h-~J~~.. ~~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH C I'fY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial by Robert Lowther SUBMITTED B1': George Worley, City Planner ~a «~ DATE: Map 17, 1993 BACKGROUND Applicant requested a variance to the rear yard setback to allow construction of a room addition Lo within 10 feet of the rear property line. The proposed room is to be heated and cooled. RECOMMENDATION The CommuniCy Development Board, during its deliberx a ons, found no hardship a<cept that created by the design of the builder. The house was located on the lot as far back as possible to comply with Oceanwalk setbacks. The Board determined that granting this variance would convey to the property owner a privilege generally denied to other property owners in the same zoning district, i.e. a reduced rear ya r~i setback of only 10 feet. The Board unanimously voted to deny the request for variance. ATTACHMENTS: 11 Application form 21 Minutes of the Commu//n//e//tt~~--rr'' Developme and REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER_____~2~0~__ _-_-- AGENDA ITEM NO. ~:asfi.trs~., .., .,. ...r,: ,, ., .._.. , ;'. MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF' '•LOT 14, BLOCK 1, SEASPRAY, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOR 35, PAGEu 64 pNU 64A OF 'fHE CURREN'C PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL COUNY'f, FLOIt1UA. I ~/r4 VE ~j CL /PPE.? ~i.4/P. L ffNE lc0-/f/w~ Q A-i iilor ~ 2G.o/' ~ ti ` V ~ 3 I --- o_ p~ _ ~ V I ~ 4 ~ T V ~ V ~D ~ ~I~~ ~~~.,~Gd.4d. ..I ~ ~ •y0~U6. N T to Q/' -F. ••; 20 ` 9.O~Q-- ::I O Q ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ MAfoN-fY O v ° O ~ ..tee..:: "~ W -~ , ~ I 0 . _ . =~ tk~ ~ ~°'~~ o I h~ ~u~Q 0 ..N ~ ~Q~ -ate-: _~ N ~~ 'rr m ~~~ ~ ~ ~ a~4t.- Q ~ . I Ts ~ 1 ~\ ~ o OLD /N-f H / 9oi/Nd/RY 4<YT VlY. ' \aT ^~p \ . 'l~~-f P?O//A9Y G//3 s/ /CMO LMY ?`. s. /~a~•GOMM /.•//YT /'V'.-f<Ne. /TOO71 ~~~.,\ ~e \ t ~3 i I \ I H T ~cC Eµ duww~' cs co~ i a /fu% v~.~.~-~<K THAT TNIB iUBV[Y M[[Ti TN[ MINIMUM T[GNNICAL /TANDAwOi A/ i[T FO11TN iY TN[ ILOIIIOA i0AA0 I OF LAMD iUB V[YORi. IUI1iUANT TO i6:TION A)3.03) H. A. DURDEN FLORIDA iTATUT[^ AND C .AITEII 31 HH~ FLORIDA ADMINI TRATION COD[. & ASSOCIATES LNG. ......:....... ..".x.R,.~.~,» LAND iURV[YORi iION[D n-'rnAF/Q ?6 IF~_ Fal DnInM W)x iGAL[i /^s 20• - IIMMTl1Y03xM .WivwM MWI. FSIY FOW TMIi iURV6Y HOT VALID UNLtii TMIi FRINT li [MlOiitO WITN TN[ itAL OF TN[ A[OY[ i10lICD. ~~~~ ('a ~ r~ mt ~ o h~ -~- L o c e n M~;-2e~~ ,~,AY~ - 61993 Building and Zoning :~ ~i •**tRf It %•tf of R-^k^R*'Rie11k#~ Applicaqqq Do not fill inlbe] co reapobd [o the Eollowinq~ '' `';~ , ,~ ;': ,. 1• There are special condi stances which are pecui structure, or building are not applicable too Lures or buildings iri~tp trict. .~.., 7 '~ 7 z~ The special conditions i do not result from the '~ applicant. - .~, ~, 3. Orantinq the variance ri confer on the applicant~i vilege that is denied b7 lands, buildings dr atrt zoning district. ~. ~e)RR!*1tk1 RAY^•^Rtf Rf•#•1ltt xlltf Ytwty• id{this point. .However, be prepared ~,i`~IF ~CI;;i ~-~ YES ins!~and circum- r':,to the land, ' ivplved and which ~r' lands, a~c~~- "same zoning din- „ I - ,ij; r _. ,i ; circumataneea ioae of the i r'I' i _. ~eeted will not yvepecial pzi- 6e code to other uiea in the same .~`. 4. Literal interpretation o :.the provisions of the code would deprivg~the applicant of rights commonlp anyoyad;~bp~~o}her proper- ties in the same soniaq~-~diatrict and would work unnecessary and :undue`herdship on the aPPlicant. ~ i~~lllj;" _;: ,.. ~ .F~i}, , ~. The variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or'strueture. ' ;~i~l.. t;: .. 6. The variance is in harmodp,.xith the general intent and purpose of theleode. ' 7. The,varianee will not constitute any change in }he diatricta shown on the zoning map. I .:~~. ., s. The variance wiYl not impair an adequate supply of light and ai r; ;,toadjaeent pro- perl y. ~ ~.~:_,, ~, , v. Thevariance will not ma lerially increase the~congeation in public.je traata or increase the!public danger of fir .and safety. ,: lu. Thel variance will not,nui~srf ally diminish oc ~mpair satablishedptoparty'values 1 within the aurroundiaq a ea:'! 11. The ;variance will not impai r'the health, saf 'ty, morals and geasral~welfare ~~ of he ~ :. . ~ . ~., : _, public. ~ ~.II ei., c;OMMUNI DEVELOPMENT 80ARD',RE~PORT AND ACTIONS: ~, ~)` j~ 1.'~. t ~) . ,. j ;! i - ~ .. ~ ~ i v: .!r~ i ~: 7; - ~- ~il ~.I I i_ NO ._ APPLIC NEXT MEETING DATE:' ~ ' FILING DEADLINE: ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ' 1N BLACK INK ~.!', TO REQUEST A VARIANCE PRC BECAUSE THERE ARE PRACTICAL' IN CARRYING OUT THC-BTRICT UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIBS 1 ~~n $, IM r z P l l T. FI .1? 1' . Oll~ FOR VARIANCE '1!(~~G1~~ D ~;' ~ GGGlllililililililllliii - Mar - 6 1993 '~' _ --- Building and Zoning ~~~~ APPLICATION PEE b75.00 TAE BEGULATIONB INDICATED HEREIN, PFICULTIEB OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS iTTER OF THE CODS OR ORDINANCE THE ~A. VARIANCE AS FOLLCWIB: :., '~?3 ~ , I ? _ ., city, State, Zip ~ ~ "~"'°'~°-" " -' ~' I '' Locatio of building or atrue j -:' tu[e: on the ugh aide of 1 ~ 1 ~~'~ ~i ' ~ ._ , P12o-rc / li n ~ n eorw i' f ~h''., street + I ~ street ddreaa and le al des g cri lion of P Droperty: Note: Attach copy of deed, and aurver ;o ~ of ot'~dia&rsm indicating proposed constru tion. ~ ~ I a i ~ ; q i Zoning cpassitication: ~~ ~.~' S Section of code from which vas3 . q~.~~ ~ r iyLnce is so ught: o~L'X/ ,~ I/- // ~ Describe variance re quested z I ~ l / /~ I~-49~.etQ-7~ ,~vn f SE"F ~ t~~l rr ~~ '~~~~ The reason var iance ie aoUgh. :-lD ~'!1h S''><i[~cT !~ i ~, .~ ,, 1,1 Supporting data which should' (~ ff , be'. considered by the Soard: // 1 C1 T 1 (1 i P ' ~ ~ ~ S ~ KiS S- no ~~^^ Are construction plane eubmi What is the applicant's into, _ .~ ad~with Lhis application? ~ y ~t in this variance: •!~I.: v IN FILING TH35 APPLICATION ~~FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS IT BECOMES A PART OP THE OPPICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD' ARD DOES HEREBY CERTIPY TNAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. - I is ,~~ t/ . ~BZgnatuye of owner of the'prope ;I Application cannot be processed ' without owner's signature • i ~ i - i I W8 THE UNDERSIGNED ARE IN AGREEMENT WITH THE PROPOSED BUILDING ADDYTION LOfATED AT 522 CLIPpERSHIP LANE, ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA AND OWNED BY JOHN AND I.ORENE MI2ELL. ADDRESS 1. ~ s'" L (~~.5 ~ 3Lz 3 2. r 3. 5' r 1 • ~~3j a. 1 ;+ (/1.32233 5. ~ ' I . 6 ~ 7 f 8. ~ 9. I 10. ~ ~ ;~ 11. 12. i 13. ~ 19. ~ ' 16. 17. I 18. 19. ~ i 20. i i I ~16s i WE THE UNDERSIGNED ARg IN AGREEMENT KITH THE PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION LOCATED AT 522 CLIPPgRSHIp Z,ANE ATTIC BEACH, FLORIDA AND OWNED SY JOHN ANp LORENE MIZELL. NAME ~ ADDRgy ~. Y~. // ,., °~I ' ~ ~~ ~-',' John and Lorene lli zell ~. ~ ~ r , ~~ ~ =~ 522 Cli ppership Lane Atlantic Beach, F1.32233 Nay 4,1993 _ ~ .. - ; I 1 Dear Community Development~Bo rd!Memb ers, Would you plea~e,. put us on the a enda for [he next meeting schduled on May 18,1993?~~e ..need to apply for a variance to build a roof over our exis ling patio. It will not be erc lgsed. ..... _._ __ ~ _._ __ _.. Sincerely, ~JOhn and Lorene Mizell - I "~"~ I U i r i ~ . i ' j i3L1~~~~~ MAY - 51993 `- ~, i Building and Zoning i i i j .. F' ~ j ~. do~f ~D~er-a I ~ \ ~ 2~ ~~ n/~S,~a ~ C~~~S /~. ~~ l~diw~,'~ac~i yt , 3 233 ~~ 1`1, ~q`7'3 ~t~t~l ~ ~-~~~~ , ~~ ' ~~~~ ~~ k tt. IG+ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ~' CITY CO!1M ISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Daniel 522 C'lippership Lane SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner ~'(l.i ~~ DATE: Mey 19, 1993 BACKGROUND: The applicants, Mr. and Mrs. Hizell, applied to the Community Development Board for a Variance to permit the construction of a glass and brick room add.Lion to the rear of their residence which would encroach the rear setback requirement by ten feet. The purpose of the addition was to house a billiards table and as a recreation room. The Board denied the application. The Mizell's appealed and the Commission denied the appeal. The Mizell's redesigned the addition to he x roof over the patio with no walls of any kind, and resubmitted the application to the Community Development Board. At the meeting the Board considered the question of substantial difference and found be a vote of 4-1 that this request x•as substantially different and that the application would be considered for action. During discussion the Board found thai this addition was not an accessory building and that no hardship existed. It was further discussed that if the addition were redefined to be an aocesso rv building the applicant would [hen be in violation because of another existing free standing storage bnildinq nn the lot.. The Board voted to deny the variance request. Mrs. Mizell has again appe sled their denial. RECOMM F.N DAYTON; Staff recommends that this appeal be denied based upon the lack of apparent hardship, end that the granting of this variance would confer upon the applicant a special privilege denied by the Zoning Code to other lands in the same district, namel>• a ten foot rear setback requireme r.t. ATTACHMENTS: l~ Application for Variance. 21 Letter of Appeal. HEl'I EWED BY CITY MANAGER ~(n/ _ ~ y ~' AGENDA ITEM NO. V Nv~o R E S /~EiVTS , ^^~ _ ~~,~ V `~ 13 / '. ,r-- ------- ~ --- --~-r-! ~--- --- - V " _ ____ -- - _- ~`~`P, Iii - ;~, ,~ ,; _ ,--- ? ~~'~ -~---- iYG ~s~~c~Sl --~~`` ~ h O ~/ ---- ~ ti ~ - - --- ..w~ ~.1~------- - ----------- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ,.-. -- -~ ..~ Q ~j------------..___._...---~~~~~-~- ~ '1 -- _- ~ ' _~ `V -, -=-- ~ ~ w N ~ ~-~--- ~'~~ ~ ~ ~ - ~4, c~ ~-.;; ~- -- ----- ----- RFfYn MAY 5 1993 ~.:.. -~~~t-~ .~c-Q~ ~~~ ~,~~J C~~c.~"~ ~ ~/ - 7s/ ~ i Passed by [he City Commission on second and Einal reading this 24th day of February 1992. ATTEST: ~~Lw i~ ~~ naUKEEN KING, C'ty C rk Appro ed as to f m and correctness: N C. .)E! ESQUIRE CS[y At[o y Ordinances of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, as se[ forth in the schedule attached hereto. (9) Severabili[y. The provisions of this ordinance are separable and if any provision, clause, sentence, subsection, vord or part [hereof is held illegal, invalid or unconstitutional, such an illegality, Invalidity, uncons[i[uCionality or Inapplicability shall no[ affect or impair any of the remaining provisions, clauses, sen[entes, subsections, words or parts of the regulation or [heir application [o other persons or circumstances. I[ is hereby declared to be the legislative Sn[ent chat this Ordinance would hav¢ been adopted if such illegal, invalid or uncons[Stutionally provision, clause, sentence, subsection, vord or parr had not been included therein and if such person or circumstance [o which Che Ordinance or part thereof 1s held inapplicable had been specifically exempted therefrom. (10) This ordinance is hereby repealed effective tvleve o'clock (12:00) midnight on February 23, 1994. Prior [o the repeal hereof, upon review by the City Commission, this Ordinance May be extended as deemed appropriate by the City Commission. SHCTIOB 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon Sts final passage and adoption. Passed by the City Commission on first reading this 10th day of February 1994, :.:.f. this Ordinance. I[ shall be a violation of [hie ordinance for any person [o duplicate or attempt to duplicate a resLdential parking permit or to display on any vehicle such a duplicate parking perm![. I[ shall be a violation of [his Ordinance for any vehi<le to park in a designated permit parking space on a residential perking street without a valid parking permit issued by the City of Atlantic Beach. (8) Violations and penalties. The parking of any vehicle 1n a manner contrary to the residential parking provision established herein shall be subject [o Che penalties and laws provided within the Code of Ordinances with Che City of Atlantic BeacF.. The use of any residential parking permit in a manner contrary [o [he provisions established herein is prohibited and the same £s declared to be unlawful Sn addition [o those penalties dictated above, [he Ci[y Manager or designee shall have the responsibility and authority to revoke the residential parking permit of any resident for [he abuse of or use of a residential parking permit 1n a manner contrary co the provisions established in this section. Revocation of the residential parking permit or conviction of a violation may be considered just cause for denial of future residential parking permits to suth resident. The parking of any vehicle in a manner contrary to the residential parking provision established herein Shall be subject to [he penalties provided in SECTION 21-38 (1) of the Code of (6) Renewal or transfer of permits. A holder of a valid permit from the previous year shall be entitled to a new residential parking permit for the current year upon pa}•men[ of [he annuel fee and submission of evidence Co the Director of Finance or his designee that the holder is still qualified .`or residential parking permit. For the purposes of this program, an anneal year shall be comprised of the dates between January 1 and December 31st. The holder of a valid residential parking permit shall receive a new residential parking permit for the purpose of transferring the same to another qualifying vehicle upon completion of a new application and payment of fee as here before provided. (7) Use of residential parking permits. A parking permit shall not guarantee or reserve a parking space nor shall it excuse the observance of any traffic parking regulation. I[ shall be a violation of this Ordinance for the holder of a residential parking permit to use said permit when [he permit holder no longer fulfills one or more of the applicable provisions of th i.s Ordinance. It shall be a violation of the Ordinance for any person to represent, in any fashion, that a vehicle Ss entitled to a parking permit authorized by [his Ordinance when in fact S[ is not so entitled. The display of a parking permit on a vehicle not entitled to such a permit shall constitute a violation of shall be painted and/or especially marked to reflect an area for residential parking permit only. Vehicles exceeding the boundaries of the parking spaces so marked will no[ be alloyed. (5) Residential parking permits. The applicant for a residential parking permit must 6e a resident of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, and the vehicle to which said permit is to be affixed shall be owned, leased, or in the case of a company car issued [o, a resident of the City of Atlantic Beach. Any resident over the age of sixteen (16) may apply for a residential parking permit by completing an application therefore prescribed by the Cicy Manager, which application s:iall 6e designed [o provide the following information: the name and residential address of the owner of the vehicle; the name, residential address and drivers license number of the principle operator of the vehicle; [he make, model and registration number of [he vehicle. The drivers license and vehicle registration must be presented with the application. whenever the Director of Finance or his designee finds that the applicant qualifies under chic chapter for residential parking permit For the vehicle described Sn the application, he or she shall, upon payment of [he fees set forth herein, issue one residential parking permit in the form of a sticker or other method prescribed by the City Manager. The fee for a residential parking permit shall be five dollars (f 5) For [he firs[ year and one dollar (f 1) for each year thereafter payable a[ the time of the submission of the application for [he permit. The fee shall r.ot be prorated and no portion of 'any fee shall be refundable. consideration. After advertisement and notice to all property owners of proposed residential parking street or portion [hereof, the petition shall be placed on [he agenda of a regularly scheduled meeting of the City Commission. The Commission shall then decide on whether or no[ to designate the street or portion thereof as a residential parking scree[, provided [he City Commission makes at least the follow findings: !1) i[ has sufficient iniorm8[ion to make such decision; (?) designation of the proposed residential parking scree[ or portion thereof is in the best interests of [he public health, safety, and welfare; and (3) at least fifty percent ($OS) of [he residents 18 years of age and older to be affected by said designation are in agreement therewith. (3) Withdrawal of designation of residential parking street. The Ci[y Commission may, at any time, upon petition as aforesaid or on Sts own motion, upon public notice and hearing, withdraw the designation of an existing residential parking street. Such vichLraval shall become effective thirty (30) days after such vo[c. (4) Posting of residential parking permit signs. Following the City Commission's voce to designate a residential parking street, parking signs shall be erected on said residential parking street. The signs shall inform vehicle operators that curbside parking on the scree[ fs restricted unless said vehicle displays a residential parking permit authorized by this Ordinance. Additionally, each parking apace vehicle, camper, bus, flatbed [ruck, [ravel [taller, equipment trailer, boat, boa[ trailer, or commercial vehicle upon any street or right-of-way except for the purpose of loading or unloading. SECTION 2. Residential Parking Sticker Program: "SECTION 21-27. Residential Parking S[Scker Program: (1) Definitions: (a) "Residential parking street" shall mean a street or portion thereof where curbside parking is limited to vehicles properly displaying a residential parking permit authorized by this Ordinance. Designated streets will be enumerated by resolution of [he City Commission and amended from time to time by said body. (b) "Resident" shall mean any person who resides in ar pays real property taxes to the City of Atlantic Beach on real estate or on a structure approved for residential occupancy and who is the owner of such structure or tenant therein, oz who ten demonstrate some other indication of exclusive right of occupancy. (2) Designation of Residential Parking St testa. A street or a portion thereof may be designated as a residential parking scree[ by the City Commission acting on its own upoo public notice and hearing ,'or upon request by residents, provided that any request by residence shall be in a petition form suitable co the City Clerk and filed with the City Clerk, signed by at leas[ fifty percent (507.) of all residents 18 years of age or older who reside on the street or portion of the at tee[ under ORDINANCE i 75-92-9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OP ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, AMENDING CHAPTER 21, TRAPPIC AND MOTOR VEHICLES, REPEALING SECTIOA 21-22 COMMERCIAL, RECREATIONAL, ETC., VEHICLE; NEICHT REQDIRENENTS AND ADDING A REN SECTION 21-22. COMMERCIAL, RECREATIONAL, ETC. VEHICLES; WEIGHT REQDIREMENTS AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 21-27, RESIDENTIAL PARKING STICKER PROGRAM, AAD PNOVIDING AN EPFECITVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OP THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Repeal SECTION 21-22. Commercial, recreational, etc., vehicles; weigh[ requirements in its entirety and add the following: SECTION 21-22. Commercial, recreational, etc., vehicles; weight requirements. (a) No person shall stop, stand, or park a commercial vehicle in excess of eighteen thousand five hundred (18,500) pounds gross vehicle weight, or any combination thereof, or any component par[ thereof upon ar.y private property in a residential zone except for [he purpose of loading and unloading. Component par[ shall include the tractor unit or [railer unit of any tractor-[railer type [rut Y.. (b) No person shall stop, stand, or park a recreational NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH Notice is hereby given the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida, will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Monday, MAY 24, 1993, at 7:15 PM at City Hall, 800 Seminole Road, for the purpose of hearing and considering the views o: the public concerning a request from residents of Tenth Street to designate certain parking spaces on Tenth Street to be by parking permit only. All persons interested are notified to be present at said time and place and they shall be heard. If a person decides to appeal any decision at any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he map need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record shall include the testimony and evidence upon which appeal is to be based. CITY OF J'~aattie ~eatk - ~Cesida lta SPAfL1pLE RWD ___.-___ ATLA~TC aP..ICH. FIpRWA J221J-SNJ TELEPHONE 190n 2fFf800 iAX 19 W) 2f1.5ap5 May 20, 1993 Honorable Mayor and City Commission Members Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mayor and City Commission Nembera: Please find enclosed a petition received by our CSty Clerks Office requesting permit parking along a portion :+f 10th Street. Ray Lanier, resident of the 10th Street vicinity, delivered a petition requesting the City Commission consider permit parking on 10th Street between Beach Avenue and Ocean Boulevard. The City Clerks Office has posted a Notice of Public Hearing and this topic is -now being presented for discussion for our May 24th City Commission meeting. Please find enclosed the aforementioned petition and copy of said ordinance for your review. If you desire additional information please contact this office. Sincerely, 1m D. Leinbach City Manager KDL/ds[ REP: 93KDL.61 ORDINANCE NO. 60-93-7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 17; SECTION 17-1, CERTAIN SIGNS EXEMPTED; PROVIDING FOR LZMITATIONS AND REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATE SICNS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDINO FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH: SECTION 1. Chapter 17, Section 17-1, paragraph (13) is hereby deleted and replaced ae follows: Sec.17-I. Certain signs exempted from operation of chapter. The following signs are expressly excluded from the operation of this chapter: (13) "Signs placed by property owners promoting the candidacy of a candidate for public office, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area and limited to one such sign per candidate per occupied residential property. These signs shall not be placed on public property. No ouch sign may be placed closer than ten feet from any other such sign. Signs promoting the candidacy of any person shall not be placed prior to the qualification of that person sa a candidate. All candidacy signs shall be removed within seventy-two (72) hours after final election." SECTION 2. Save rability. If any section, sentence, clause, word, or phrase of this Ordinance is held Lo be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent Jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage. PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON FIRST READING: PASSED BY THE CITY COMMISSION ON SECOND READING: Willinm I. Gulliford, Jr. ATTEST: Maureen King, Citq Clerk Approved as to Porm and Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney RESOLUTION NO. 93-23 A RESOLUTION OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING PROVISIONS REGARDING E%PENDITURES FOR WATER AND SEWER CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PENDING AVAILABILITY OF BONA PROCEDURES WHEREAS, pn April 6, 1993, the City of Atlantic Beach requested proposals to provide financing to fund the Municipal Capital Improvements Program and the Municipal Debt Refunding Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach wishes to comply with the previsions of Treasury Regulation Section 1.103.18. (the Regulation"). NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Atlantic Beach hereby declares its official intent to reimburse expenditures made by the city in respect of the city's water and sewer system capital improvements program as generally described in the city's Request for Proposals dated April 6, 1993, (the "RFP"), to the maximum extent provided by the Regulation. Section 2. The City hereby declares that it reasonably expects such reimbursement to be made from the proceeds of a bond or note issue of the city, to be issued within one year of the date of this Resolution pursuant to the RFP. Section 3. The City declares that such reimbursement is consistent with the city's budgetary and financial circumstances and that the funds used for the expenditures to be reimbursed are not available on a long-term basis for the purposes for which they are to be expended. The maximum principal amount of such bond or note issue expected to be issued for the purpose of reimbursing the expenditures described herein is 510,000,000.00. Adopted by the City Commission this 29th day of May, 1993. William I.-GUlliford~, Jr. Approved as to form and correctness: Mayor /~° an C. J son, Esquire City Att ney A T T E S T: Maureen King City Clerk w ADOPTED by the City Commission of Atlantic Beach, Florida this day of May 1993. William I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor/Preaidia9 Officer Approved as to form and correctness: Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney ATTEST: Maureen Ring, City Clerk J RESOLUTION NO. 93-22 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGHR TO LANDSCAPE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN 17TH AND 18TH STREET ON SEMINOLE ROAD AS PART OP THE SEWER PROJECT FOR THAT AREA; WHEREAS, Many septic tanks along this section of Seminole Road were originally constructed improperly, and WHEREAS, Emergency action, by the City, has been taken to temporarily repair one such tank, and WHEREAS, The City of Atlantic Beach is in the process of installing sewer lines on Seminole Road between 17th and 18th Streets to correct the problem, and WHEREAS, The existing right-of-way landscaping on Seminole Road has served to beautify the road way for many years, and WHEREAS, it is the City's intent to work with the residents of this area to preserve the landscaping, and NOW. T86RHFORE, be it resolved by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, as follows: SECTION 1. The City Manager is hereby directed to develop and implement a landscape plan in response to dislocation done to existing landscape by the sewer line construction. SECTION 2. Cost for the new landscaping will be part of the sewer assessment charged to the property owners. SECTION 3. If some of the landscaping cannot be saved without incurring an unusually high cost, the concerned property owner will have the option for paying individually for such cost. SECTION 9. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. CITY OF ~a.rtle ~ae4 - ~lsrl~e[ ~e~alu#inn No. 93-21 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH IN NEMOBY OF JAlIES HENRY ^DICR^ RIGSBEE WHEREAS, Dick Rigsbee served the City of Atlantic Beach as a xwsM~ of the Advisory Planning Board from Auqust 1976 to January 1982; and MBEREAS, Dick RigsF+ee served effectively sad efficiently to prosiote the well-being of the citizens of Atlantic Beach; and MRERF.AS, Dick Rigsbee earned the utaost respect of the cos0unity for the capable gamer in which 6e discharged his responsibilities. NOM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE ATLANTIC HEACB CITY COMMISSION hereby e:pressea sincere appreciation for the life of DicJc Rigsbee, and fir the outstanding service rendered to the City of Atlantic Beach, and that the City Cas~ission expresses its most sinces~e sympathy to the family of 14r. Rigsbee. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in recognition of such service a true copy of ibis resolution be made a part of the oe,aa..e^t records of the City of Atlantic Heath, and that the original, duly inscribed by the Mayor and City Co®issioners be presented to the family of Dick Rigsbee. ADOPTED by the City Cosnisaion of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, this 24th day of May, 1993. Millian I_ Gulliford, Jr., Mayor Glenn A. Edwards, Co®issioner Lyoan T. Fletcher, Cos®issioner Adelaide R. Tucker, Co®issioner J. Dez~ond Maters, iII, Co~ixsioner -. ,...-.. ..~._ ,zz~a...-. CITY OF r~Cs,rtle 8tau(c - ~lssGds ~r~nlutiun No. 93-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMENDING J.P. HALL FOR HIS SUPPORT OF THE NORTHEAST FLORIDA LEAGUE OF CITIES, INC. WHEREAS, the Florida League of Cities is the official organization of the cities, towns and villages of the State of Florida, designated and established to meet and serve the needs of Florida's municipal officials; and WHEREAS, the Northeast Florida League of Cities, Inc., is a chapter of the Florida League of Cities, and was established to bring together the officials of the municipalities in the nine northeast Florida counties; and WHEREAS. J.P. Hall has been supportive of the Northeast Florida League of Cities, and annually provides both a venue for one of their monthly meetings, and generously provides dinner for those in attendance. NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED that the Atlantic Beach City Commission expresses deep appreciation to Mr. Hall for his generous support of Northeast Florida municipalities. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, this 24th day of May, 1993. William I. Gulliford, Jr. A T T E S T: MAYOR Maureen King CITY CLERK ' -~MpY 4 93 p:03 FROM RTLFNTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE.011 - 070-700-600 ,-~ (35) _ 1DIREFORD OPTIONS: (continued) (27) 8205. Tyo-tone cobra, Nanutactyrer,e s t~a r y cobra other than the on li ` ° O eci r d i o n g sted in e al 2 Z ana a2o3 (STD) ORDER CODE~pl7 ^ ~ZCE as n~„~ (Spacial) ORDER CODE 9PE~`*ar 2 T (28 • 8206. _~ Dx PRICE 125.10 ~~ Highbaek air suspension driver Hi-seek Air suspension or a seat. National Cush-N-Aire pproved equivalent. ORDER CODE 7SA vn,~ ~SB (29) 8401. ~ EOD pgICE 30.nn Vibrator installed on dump body phi . llips Temro VIBRA 3000, (Phone (612) 941-9700); or Rhino Sales ~c " Model Model DCA-3300 P , ( hone collect (309) 853-4461); er ration equivalent. To be installed on mounti a bass rather th n dum ~Y Ploor plate. State manufacturer a~r:d p d mo el no. bid. NANOPAClDRBR: yxrT r T'O¢ Tsw.n.. . . MODEL NO.:_ tr7nn^ 3000 ORDER CODE DiF1T pn (30) ba02. ~ PRICE fee nn Electric roll~up type dump truck corer,, installed and read for ~ v ' -~ - y „~ rt~~ ~~t 3 ~Oty vit+yl mash, dark color only. Metal ~-" . ~ (Phone ( 07)~ ~jj50ja Nodelo 5000 FL)C~o Evora Iig~' nterpriaes Inc , z . (Phone (800) 443-8672) Model 700fT1'!C; or Pioneer (Phone (800) 237-0225) kadel EPC-1500D• equivalent or approve . Eid in 21au of cover specified in bod~ speciftcattone. state manufacturer a d _ n yodel no. bid. lANDFACTDRER: nc xovax ~---~ MODEL NO.:_ 5000 grv ORDER CODE. D .T vo (31) 8403. . -y-~ SCE ~e0 e0 Delet6 bags dump body. PTO hoist, and controls !Or credit State dredit alloyed , , IF A PTO IS DESIRED OPTION 2001 HOST BE SELECTED BY THE PORC811SER. ORDER CODE Dvar.w (32) 8404. ~ PRICE (Credit) <6.850.00> Tyin teleecopie hoist !or 14/16 cubic vary dump body. Fo~aine TT6385, Neil Model NP2T53-a9 or a Pppprroo to be an N.T. E.A. Class 110, aiDmimOm~.~ equivalent. Hoist is B d i spec in lieu of hoist / fied in DONp-14. State manufacturer and d mo el no. bid.,/ NANDFIICTURER• HEx YYY _ MODEL NO.:!D'2T53-a9 ORDER CODE D et ao . PRICE ton_nn •Requiras justification as to yhy this option is required. 195 HqY 4 '93 8:03 FROM gTLgNTIC FORD TRUCK PgGE.010 070-700-600 (35) _ ` MARE___FORD OPTIONS: (continued) (20) 8006. Optional cab-axle dimension (G) 156• Minimu 3 . m , 000,000 in-16 RBM reinforcement to the end of Pra me. SEE NOTE 2. STATE G• ~56~ NB:_234• . RHM• 3 0 ORDER CODE W234 PRICE q/ (21) 8007. OOpptional cab-axle dimension (G) 168•. Minimm 3,000.000 in- lb. REM reinforcement to th e end oP Prame. SEE NOTE 2. STATE G:_168• iiB• 246• RBM: 0 0 ORDER CODE.. W246 PRICE ~ ~ r~00 (22) 8008. Air brake package for strnight truck with trailer. Pull trailer air brake controls with air lines, glafl ha11d9 and .wiring routed to the rear d en of tde trame. ORDER CODE zocsoo PRICE__ +0 00 ~(23) 8201. Special state colors. DOT Yellow (DuPont Cental'1 L9069A), Jade Greece Metallic (DuPont Ceatari R9027A ), or Meador Green (Dupont Ceatnri R9028A), ggE pOy~ g , (Yellow) ORDER CODE SCJ6o0 p~CE_~/C (Jade Green) ORDER CODE soecrar. _wT- PRICE M/c (Meadow Green)ORDER CODE SPEC2ir rz . x PRICE N/C (24) 8202. Special state colors, two-tone. Olympic xhite (Dupont Centari R90311-)) above dripstrip on cab and D k ar Green Metallic (DuPont CentaY3 R9030A) on remainder of cab. SEE NOTE 3, ORDER CODE OPT6 sP±Mr>`i. rrv pRICE so 00 (25) 8203. Special state colors, two-tm:e. Olympic ifhi.te (Dupont CAntari K9o31A) above dripatrip on cab and DOT Yellw (DaPOnt Centari L9069A on remainder of cab. S8E NOTE 3. ORDER CODE OPT6 PRICE__ an " ~ (26) 8204. . _ Special colors. Other than manuiactuser,s a:d those li t s ed in option 8201. ORDER CODE P- st. Oo nE5 PRICE ai_oo 194 MRY 4 '93 8:02. FROH RTLRNTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE.009 070-700-600 (35) - NaRE_-FORD OPTIONS: (cdhtinuofl) (13) 6002. Dual air horns wltb single base. Factory installed. ORDER CODE 23Cd00 PRICE 59.00 (14) 6003. Front clearanq SndiOatora. Factory or dealer installed . (Indicators shall be approxinatalyy 36w in length located on the lelt and right front corners oP the vehicle.) ORDER CODE 23At00 PR2CE__1a.00 (15) 7001. Tubalass radial tires with on/off highway txead for rear onl - y. Hid eight (8) i1R22.5H (16PR) or larger tires and wheels for on/off Highway use. V/ ORDER CODE 51Frna PRICE. 31.00 (16) 8001. Pintle hook, installed. T o ba swivel type sad gust haws a r os ttyy 8~ l via-ig60 vai~ticai 1oa49~iinimua No11a1~d N d N 1 0 . o a , 1ace ttodel H30 or approvefl equivalent. State manulacturer and model no ./ bid. NaNDFACTORER• wAL[.aCE MODEL NO.s H30 ORDER CODE nFALE[t PRICE 200.00 'x(17) 8003. " Optional cab-axis dimension (G) 108•. 2tiniaua 3,000,000 in-lb RHM i re nforcement to the end oL frame. SE8 NOTE 2. ST11T8 Gf 108w SiBt 171w RHMS 3.300.000 J ORDER CODE w17400 PRICE CAIaIT <66_00> (18) 8004. -O~tlouul cab-axle dimension (G) 120w (Ford LNT 9000), 126w ~ 3 , O OO 000 in-lb RHH i h y ~ ) K N ~ E Z einforoeaeht to t e nd o f fra> sa STATE G7 126• w8: 206• RHN;_ 3.300.000 ORDER OODE w20100 PRICB CREDIT c66.00~ (19) 8005. Optional Cib-axle dimension (C)1) 132• (Ford LT 9000), 1~8• (Ford LNT 9000, Navistar), l[Snialm 3,000,000 in-lb RHN reinforcement to the end of frame. SEE NOTE 2. STATE G• 132• NHi 210• gHM• 3.300.000 ORDER CODE w210 PRICE N/C_ 19J MRV t '93 B:BI FROM RTLFiUTIr FARO TRUCK PfiGE.008 070-700-600 (35) '"~ OPTIONS: (continued) MARE- FORD .- .-1 2001. Power take-off (PTO) with a sAE standard, keyed output shaft , installed. To include a Gash mounted electric-over-air switch and indicator lSght. Chelsea Modal 230 or approved equivalent . State manufacturer and model no. bid. THZS OPTION ZS FOR A CHASSIS-CAB MODEL ONLYI MANUFACTURER' CHELSEA MODEL NO.•__230 ORDER CODES^PR PRICE 600.00 (7) 2003. Electronic PTO overspeed control to be used in conjunction with option 2001. Chelsea or approved equivalent. state manufacturer and model no. bid. MANUFACTURER: CHELSEA MODEL NO.:_~28935-7 ~?r ORDER CODE DEALER PRICE_ 150.00 (s) 3001. "NO-spin^ or automatic positive locking differential on the forward or rear axle, or both rear axles. ./ ORDER CODE 13AX00 PRICE. 323.00 Y (9) +5001. Air conditioning for cab. Factory installed. (Note To User: Intended only for herbicide-spraying, stripe painting, or other applications with possible health hazards or other special it ti ~ s ua ons.) ORDER CODE 24AJ00 PRZCE ao0_0 (10)+5002. Factory AM-FM radio with pushbutton or electronic tuning, i nstalled. ORDER CODE 24)300 _ PRICE lel_oe (11)+5003. Tinted glass all windows. Factory installed. ORDER CODE 23A300 PRICE- 22.00 (12) 6001. Autoaatic-adjusting volume back-up alarm. Must mast the latest issue of SAE J994 T d , ype B, 107 B(A). ECCO Smart-Alarm (PhonA / 800 635-5900 l- ( ) ) Mode SA-910 or 5A-912; or Preto (Phone (208) 323-1000) Model 1040 Pr -M ti eto a c; or approved eeqquivalent. Bid in lieu of back-up alarm specified in GRMEi-1. State manufacturer and model no. bid. MANUFACTURER: PRECO MODEL NO.: 1040 ORDER CODE 0 PRICE. 45.00 i-^. - 192 MRV 4 '93 8:0I FROM RTLRNTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE.007 070-700-600 (35) Option: 070-700-601-Option, 14/16 Yard Dump TtuOR, Class 8, 64,000 O~ (6%4) OPTIONS: .. (1) 1001. GT 33060 ATAAC engine ii1 lieu Ot angia0 provided in the bate truck. Bid standard it thie vas included as the base engine. All othor conditions of section 10 apply. ORDER CODS sTe PEKE aTD (2) 1002. n.~..i... 1,y0-300 engine in lieu of anglne ~Oyldsd in the base truck. Sid standard it this vac included as the base engine, All othor conditions of Section 10 apply. ORDER CODH 30PX00 PRICE 7.311_00 (3) 1003. Detroit Series 60 i4e in~lieu Ot engine provided in the base truck. Sid star<dard it this vas included as the base sngina. All other conditions in section 10 apply. ORDER CODE 3oN3oo p~ (4) 1004. Delay inyyrarraaty start data to allow for body installation. ra~tban~a of d~elivar~yj n vehicle is pYaced in service ORDEA CODE DEIILHR PRICE N/C (5) 1005. E:ctaialed- .engine warranty .(beyound standard engine warratrrty) , _ covering 1001 of parts and llaabboorr !ar all eaq~aes and a Parts between crankchatt pulley and tlyvheel. 81d for a i Of 60 mwrths/150,000 miles/6500 hours, Tha r other than the shave, to ba is accordance vi~tY~ hi en~gine~ manutacturar•s published varraaty vhicb is aloeest to each vairraaty bid. ~ Sabwistp~twao oopias of the standard rarraaty and o1 eaaxt~i~dad 1 varraaty bid. Also, subait~two copies of all engine warranties that are noraally available to coameraial customers and aomfercial list prices for scale. ORDER COD° Dv.rrc PRICE (GTERPZLLhR) ORDER COp8 DEALER PRICE 1.225.00 (COldQAS) ORDER CODB Dv.T.w PRICE 450.00 ~(DETtbDIT) ORDER CODE DEALER PRICE 450.00 191 MAY 4 'g3 6:00 FROM ATLANTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE.006 070-700-600 (35) s HARE FORD ITEM CONTRACTOR DISCOONT~ NODHLI PRICB ATIANTSC RlSter[1 District FORD TRDCK SALES 342.00 LT9o00 52.164.00 (A ATLANTIC Northern District F9RD TBOCE SALB& 242.00 LT9000 52.164.00 (B ATLANTIC Central District FORD TRDCE BALES 92.00 yT9000 52.164.00 (C ATLANTIC Southern District POBD TRDCIC 3ALES _.282.00 LT900o 52.164.00 (D •Diswunt per unit for truck picked ap by ordering a4encY at subcontractor, Transtat Squipsent, 510 K. Thoupe Rd., Orlando, Florida Approximate delivery time required after receipt of order: iQo - 130 days i1 190 MRY 4 '93 8:00 FROM RTLP.MTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE.005 070-700-600 (35) '"'~ :' Hiddera must provide the following information about wait of ~equi t bid,J whether or not it ie a re reeeatative modes listed is the heading of the specification. BI63 NOT PR~VIDIIQG THIS INFORMATION RILL H8 EBJBCTBD. Vehicle Manufacturer FORD .Model LT9000 Engine Model # CAT 33060 SAS Gross HP 300 Traaemieaioa Mfr. & Model # FoLLVR RTR-117osLL Engine Shutdo~m System Mfr. 8 Model #_.PORD 3 Pmvcrlox Alternator wtput 100 amps - Batterp(ies) capacity 1.B7s CCA ae 0 degrees P Tire size 36~(§5R22_5 - i1R22.5 Load range 18PR-BERT - 16PR-HRR Frame HBDL_3.300.000 ]:n-lbe. RelnforcEd: Yes ( X ) xo ( ) Body MaaufaotureZ HBIL Model 8PT8014YD16 Hoist maaufaCtarer~ElL Model HPT63-140 'fiat all alamifacturer•s ordering codes required to establish a State of riorida Contract •Base• Truck. W22200 23CV00 ~ 378800 .3010500 23AR00 43Af30Q 56AH00 ~SBH00 5033810 11NN00 258K00 528[300 - 10AD00 26AM00 511600 90AC00. 29AG00 53BA00 13AY00 ~ 32_AL100 59A800 " 19A700 37A900 19AL00 189 MRY 4 '93 7:59 FROM RTLRNTIC FORD TRUCK Pf1GE.004 070-700-600 (35) 'b /-~ - CBkSSIS, PR]1ME, CAB: A. Pfinimlm 6a, 000 lb. 6'Vitft, factory certified. H. Mlaimum 3,000,000 in-lb. RHM to rear end of frame, factory reinforced if necessarxyy ses Hors z. C. 144" (Ford), 150" (Navistar) cab-axle dimeaeioa with DOPSP-14 body. D. 7Vro factory-installed steel fuel tanks, ICC approved, minimum ioo II.S. gallon total capacity. 82. CAB SQIIIP!ffiTI': A. Conventional cab, with tilt-type hood and fender assemblyy H. Iqv back air suspension driver seat rith mat~h3eM Fixed base companion seat. Bostram, Cush-N-Aire, or approved equivalent. 8a. BODY: See attached specification DOPE-14, for body, hoist, sad control apecificatioas. _ 90. CONDTTIONS: (See Specification GRP4I-1) i"~ 188 MRY 4 '93 7:58 FROM RTLRNTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE.003 070-700-600 (35) ^, ). TRANSMISSION: Manual overdrive traaemiasion, tea-speed *±~a;••+." with pro 14.56 i(e).Pu11e~~%RTXi1708LLOreaa mroxed ,m low gear reduction o' 15.5• two-plate ceramic-faced clutch. ~ equivalent, with miaimus.._; 30. AXLES & SIISPENSION: 8. Siaglefepeedt andem drive eraearmaxle, miaimum18~46 000 lb. GANA. Rear aauuasppeeaaeeSoa must have minimum 54• steel walking beams and be aeadricksoa RT-460 or approved equivalent. NCTB: Rear axle ratio Co be selected by bidder is accordance with l~wsded road araasmiseioa provided. The ratio which will provide a low gear reducPyei ° ~s a el ~ e of at least 55 mph sad the greatest, 40. PERPORMANCB ITBiiS: Factory installed speedometer, .odometer, ammeter or voltmeter, fuel gauge, engane oil pressure gauge, coolant temperature gauge, tachometer, engine hourmeter, sad dash-ssquated air pressure gauge. 50. COM80kT ITBHS: (See Specification GRMH-i) 60. SAFETY ITSMSs A. Tura 61dguaa16, front and rear, with traffic bazax+q warning switch. B. Dual~rnaY elegcGric~tPacta~~ eeq~uuitvalent.) ory installed. ~2. BRASS: A. Full air brakes, snlalpym 13.2 eEm air eompreseor, and air B. Moists~ire ejeetorbvai ~) lnototo ~moujnt~ed~ bottom) of air tank i. at alggl apappoppslalibieparSide or ragote location(s) referred. D. Rpearnbrakesito be Sa~ont bel~nglelaachor pia~Rnckwell~Q•-seriesl, or 8. Au~tcalack adjusters, front affi rear. - F. Anti-skid portion of PMVSS-121 not required. G. Low air pressure warning indicators in cab. E. Air dryer between air caapreasor a>od the No. 1 reservoir. Bandix AD-9 or approved equivalent. To include heater, 70. T13tS4 L K8~8 z ~ . n. Tubeless radial tires with-highway tread, Sid eight (8) SiR22.5B (16 PA) or larger rear tires sad wheels sad two (2) 385/65R22.5J B. Zasido rearazand fattside rear wheels to be fully interchangeable. la7 MAV 4 '93 7:58 FROM NT~gNTIC FORD TRUCK PFiGE.002 070-700-600 (35) e b ~\ 14/16 YARD DU[~ TRUC&, TANDEM AXLE, CLA$S 8, 64,000 LB. GVWR (6X4) FORD LNT/LT 9000, NI 2574 6X4 OR APPROVED EQUIVALSN'1' NOTE: Phis detailed specification is not co~lete unless it is used is conjunction with Specification number GRNE-1 General Medium/Heavy Trucks, dated 6/17/92. ' Eegniremeats All The intent of this specification is to procure a diesel powered, tandem axle dump truck with a conventional cab, and a minimum GVWR of 64,000 lbs. Said truck shall have a suitable 14-yard capacity dump body with hoist installed and ready for use (see specification D -14). At times this vehicle will be used with side boards to transport 16 yards of material (CADT1027 TO USHR, THIS v$HICLS MAY E7CCEED THE 64,000 GVWR WHEN FULLY LOADED KITH CERTAIN TYPES OP MATERZAIS). Truck must be capable of going from an off-the-road pit fully loaded to a highway speed of 55 mph on a level grade. 10. RNGINE: ~ - A. Diesel engine, liquid cooled, with a minimum of 285 Grose HP and 1100 Ibs.-f t. Gross Torque (per the latest issue of SAH J1349) and a minimum displacement of 10.0E-(611 CID). The following engfaes, or approved equivalent, are acceptable: CAT 3306C ATAAC: 10.5E (638 CID), 300 Grose 8P, 1100 lbs.-f t. GIOS9 Torque CUMl4INS L10-300: 10.0E (611 CID), 300 Gross HP, 1150 lbs.-ft. DETROIT SE&ISS 60: 11G1LB (677 IDs), 285~Groaa HP, 1150 lbs.-ft. ~~ ~ ~ Gr'neB Torque B. Maximum capacity cooling system available (SBE NOTE i) with automatic fan clutch. System Co 'include a coolant conditioner and filter, Perry (Phone (405) 672-2311), or approved equivalent, and silicone radiator hoses, by-peas hoses, cOOlanC, sad heater lines. C. Fuel-water separator (not heated) with pa r lilter element. Pleetguard (Cummins) PS 1212 or approved equivalent. (Con Meteo CM99-500. not acceptable.) D• Heavy-duty dry type air cleaner with service (restriction) indicator. E. Factory installed engine alarm system (light sad audible alazm) and shutdown system activated by low engine oil pressure, low engine coolant level, and high engine coolant temperature or nay combination of these oceurancea. To include a brief override not exceeding thirty (30) seconds in duration. DDC 3-Function (DDC Series 60 engine), Pord 3-Function, aysor #9031 or 1)9038 or approved eouivalent_ F. Horizontal exhaust or curved vertical stack to accomodate duos body cab guard. 12. ELECPRICAL SYSTEM: A. Minimum 90 amp 12 v- alternator. B. Batteries to have a minimum total of 1875 CCA 4 0 degrees P. 186 ~MHY 4 'y:f 7:57 FROM RTLgNTIC FORD TRUCK PRGE .001 ATLANTIC FORD TRUCK SALES, INS. P.O. Box 220.50 2565 S4N Fi>,d 81 FT. UUDERDALE, FL 33335 FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 339fa SALES: PARTS MOT LINE: FAX: (305) 68"+-6220 (305)5878630 (305) 787-0720 FAX TRAN~MTITALLETTER TO: DATE .;: ~r•99. TIME NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS PAGE: MESSAGE: ~//y Fiii2flJBA/3 yll~y~ 404A ~ - ~•®~e•.2a%-®ai FROM CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH PURCHASE REDUISITIOH Date: ~(/'y~ ~99~3 T r Suggested Vendor: RrIa1T,~ Fotzn /RIJCk ~l ~ Fr /_ - ~~ j rI. Heeded by tdeli~ey date>:~Zoi~OFGJYeA~T"l Tr N F.'( ~"rp`r•FieFp Requisitioning Department:~bl/C' WOI?KS - I &~a.~- Items to be requisitioned: ~ 164.00 /J/c 2~5 00 150.0 0 ova •oo r~ oa as.o< oc ~a p:a yoo•oo ?~.o< 540.0( a.nb rn~nn c_oroq ie Be, _._ p/~G Dumb bad. Aii T n 7e B n ~. R N/G rpcal - •~ss/q~y•rn c°'°enta: rA+e%suaes ATTi+elko ~TeS iF, pec 'cfJTo,~s fLUa t~TcWS /.isT PyacNASe of S7a7e DmS cow,TizAcT CaJTRHCT 'i/ o~p-loo-93--/ ~°"'~'oD'Ty*- o7o-7Cb-6pp fiiuaNCep OueR 3yRS. -~~~~ GAS THX FUND Requisitioned by- ~J Approval by: Date Approved: ouantity Description Unit Cost Tatal Amount ~ IIIYO A4Mb Du AlitH $i Pna anTT F T CgpAe~Ty To /(,yp, .~.~- CL ~y ~. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Dump Body purchase from State Contract SUBMITTED BY. Robert S. Kosoy/Director cf Public Norka (~(~~ Ke11y Burton/General Maintenance Foreman ~WB DATE: May 20, 1993 BACKGROUND: Purchase order submitted May 9, 1993, for dump body purchase through Atlantic Ford Truck Sales, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida from State Contract i 070-700-93-1, commodity 070-700-600 at a price of S55, 934. 00. We are budgeted 5160,000.00 to be financed over a three year period from the gas tax fund. This equipwent ie needed rith the purchase of the rubber tare excavator to haul spoil material stay Erow our ditches chile continuing our maintenance program. In addition, the duap body cmn aupplecent trash pickup after a ma,j or storm. Approve putt have. ATTACHMENTS: Purchase order and copy of fax transmittal from Atlanti Ford Tru k S es. REVIEYED RY CITY MANAGER: fL~((----~ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ `-- ,tf!/C- S7,¢JL= (.oau~~, 'w+",~S ~Offlfo wq owP 3 ~'~C ~o~y . aU ~GaU-JJJ-O•,VU 1'IHI VJ 9J 0-40 IVU.VV1 FLORIDA pEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ~gy~lHy,l~~ BLVD. (9041 ~498~7~65~~^~~^ 32361-2961 i -_ - FURCNASE ORDER : NUS? APPEAR ON qLL INVOICES, SNIPPING PAPERS AND PACKAGES. SNIP T0: NOTIFY/I NYOICE T0: n1QY ~ 1 Fp I J0f1NST N, TRAN4 FORTATION ! i SUNY,IT (3) COPIES OF 7NVO3CE T0: -I 1638 ELLIS RD ~ I DEPT. OF TRANSPORTATION I I JACCSONVILLE I j 836 ELLIS RD L~ I I (994) 69531099 i I ~FILACKSONYI322B5 i VENDOR THE GP.aDALI COMPANY 466 MILL AVENUE S.Y. VENDOR PHONE: (B09 ). 44,-475; NEY FriILADELFNJA p)E 44663 FON: GESTINgTICN nm PURCHASE ORDER 9 - 294792 DATE 64/29/97 IMPORTANT: PLCRSE FOLLOU CON'JI71N5 ANO JNSTRU_°T'(~~5 ON REVERSE SIDE TO ASSURE PAYMENT OF YOUR INVOICE. UNTT "`"'""" " " 9UANTITT/ UM ______ ~ PRICF TOTAL a n u uN r A H7DRM0.IC EXCAVRT OR TELESCOF'1NC BOON ^ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ TRU aC MOUNTED, 39000 LB. GVUR, .OC9 1.0000 1.48 GRADgLI .G3YD SERIES E N ", PITH OPTION: f.900C L~ EA t129,525.00,a ff29 525.'i0 . 4.2 TYO (2) DOUBLE {'LASH STROBE LIGHT , MNELEII Lb69 {:~ EA 1360. 0 00 DOT t495S UIIT 62944 ID 0 1.9999 130 . t.99 (fJEFLRCES DDT 608940) .Oaa t 9 ' 0° •. ALL DOCUMENTS REWIREL• BY .CONikACT - .0 9p s ,o 9 /)(IxUDING INVO TLE SHALL >!F CIELIVET;CD ~ ~ 9 9N {~ f, 9ti YI TH E(MITPMENT. 0 g i o COMMENTS D O T CON FRACT AP1592G1, MOTOR VEHICLE AFPROYAL 1.0098 : c q p pp P59 ~ I~I L 4 B L IAN GRAHAM ' DISCOUNT f,C0 ADDI TI ANAL CN~ARGES : f.?3 f.OB E TOTAL OF PURCHASE ORDER : if 7.O, S25.90 Y ENpOR J D ~ YF34/405?33081 PIJftC{IABE WIDCR NO.: 9 - 294792 INS ORG-CODE c ___ -0 OBJ AMOUNT.- ~ _--_~ .. 1NV LIME W SEC JAB - fA PH FCT BFIN - 55925020269 if 518901 ______________.______ ~ ~' --- -- -"- "" NI 99 902 5409 ___ 59 393 55 _____~2.,_._ 55 ____________ _____________________ .._______..___ _______________ __________ ______ "~ ~ VENDOR COPY P1lMCgA~ypy~..~,~~.. ~.~OQ.~x~/~~ .. / AGEMT SKIN4TURE _ ~ ~~ ' ;l'`. ~n r.: NLL CUMNHNY 10:216-335-8468 MHY 03'93 8:4q No .001 P,O1 o w TF~ GRADALL' iii COMR4NY ~ ;.~ ~1 ~ Ylfd LVENUE S.V. AEA lADELI'NIA. ON 4466] 3' ,., - SALES 6 SERVICE DEPARTliENTS - PkONE: 216 339 2211 • FAXt 216 339 8468 r DATGO ~ J - q3 TD: ~.fl~~c.u,-t~.~ ~~ , . PRON: `'I I~~~II/IlJ(I ~,1.t4' -_ THIS DOCU1@1T CONTAINS ~ PAGES INCLUDING COVER 1ffiSSACi: •+>~+IM~ pF:GifHUyLL I:UMPfiNY 'THE . f;;` 6RADALL -;; raa-raw~waw. l+z' Pampa.. dw..as~ rrN aaaan Fe[ Fra) a~1 .. TM9C a8J159 4 ~r; ~~ :». ,~; IU:216-339-8468 MAY 03'93 8:45 No.001 P ,02 :; April 26, 1993 Mr. Robert Kasoy Director of Public Norks City of Atlantic Dea ch P 0 Boz 25 City of Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Mr. Kalov: Cfty of Atlanticd0each one 6rada1l Mod~e1n63YDs(4X4)exith ternstand pricing as bid to the State of Florida. Attached you xi 11 find a Florida purchase order xhfcA you way use as a wodel in placing your order. Yery truly yours, M,A. Maberabn Manager, Sales 8 Marketing Excavator Group Jds cc. Bill 6uiliford Ken Bailey 42/MM9 -.. ::~; Y. ~'•; - Fuuv ~ A,9 SToiem 4JAk~e/uT.'L i Amt. ~6y-oo ~~~~ ~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH • PURCHASE REQUISITION tr`. 'i i.; Date: TS i 9 ,~/ nn Suggested Vendor: The ~.PRI~AI~ [.OivlpA.iu y06 M//AyE', 5,~ i=- ~ New /T-De/ Heeded by (delivey date)- ~OLn90,eJ1ALls pH/a. Requisitioning Department: Publ)L+, LI/ORk,$ yy '- Items to be requisitioned: Total Amount ~IaO~c tt~' F~ To_ .y 4 ~ ~ Ty,,, (~~ ~~ ble, s/., aJ ,,Af ; STgo~e LioifT 1ude~<u # 60 ~~1h~r11rrieAlTs /sin Ru Ce~,~,1cT 7'lr/,,.~',~e s.~uois_e__ SNalI bP ~I///ocUn i.Sftl F(,~ ~~in/r~~1T FIDR/DA DOT ~+. TRAG1- # AGJ~q,~ ~ I ~eJ/tIP.RL FoS P~b~s_~fr,~lr~ -~1fYi A via D iN RTIpuTic $egcN~ FL. 30?,1,~3 ~/ pp Total_ . lp~~O com.enta: spy ©F c5T Te Puiecf/ASe QROeR RTIACNea ~- .. Avo ,Qyaeemeal LeTTcq By GRaoAII Tm se// C~Tk4y.of AT/Aai.c BeAeH AseweEQu~PmeNT ©fF Requisition e~y~DA.. j~oT CoA1 T,P,geT Approval 6y. - Date Approved• Quantity Description Unit Cost CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Rubber Tire Excavator purchase off State Contract SUBMITTED BY: Robert S. Kosoy/Director of Public Morks~~/n- Kelly Burton/General Maintenance Foreman KY[$ DATE: May 20, 1993 BACKGROUND: Gradall of ner Philadelphia, Ohio holds State Contract for rubber Lire excavator. As per letter dated April 26, 1993 Dy Michael Haberman of Gradall Company, they have agreed to sell the City of Atlantic Beach one rubber Lire excavator for 5120,825.00, State Contract price (Contract •AP1592G1). The purchase order rea submitted May 5, 1993. The State Contract is up for renegotiation in June rith expected price increase. Funding is allocated under stormrater utility account a6900 RECORRENDATION: Approve purchase ATTACHMENTS: Copy of purchase order, copy of letter from Gradall and c Qy of a et a rchase order. REVIENED BY CITY MANAGER: ~• AGENDA ITEM XO.~ Nad6• $>.PL 6ovf,C~ks - ,yyvwc3 3. AGREEMENT FOR BROTNAN'S - Bob Kosoy inquired as to Then the Committee rou ld formulate a response to the Draft Agreement and it ras agreed to complete this review by the next regular Mater and Serer Committee Meeting. 4. PITMAN-RARTENSTEIN CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION - Bob Kosoy advised that the Contract is missing pages and they will be furnished by the Consultant. 5. MATER PUMPED VS. SEYAGE TREATED - Tim Tornsend advised that serer flora rare inaccurate through 1988-1989 due to a polysonic flovmeter. The rater pumped has been accurate since 1985 and the serer flora have been accurate since 1989. Tim agreed to monitor the 14 lift stations for pump run times at hours after midnight. 6. NAVRROOK TRAILER PARK - Alan Potter advised that property should first be vacated along Regulus Drive and Renault Drive and the City should consider the duplication of she Assisi Lane Mater Plant adjacent to Renault Drive and the closing of Regulus Drive. RSK/tb cc: All Attendees File - 93-YSCR _.. _ ..~~ _~H. __ .- - : ...~_ - - ,- CITY OF IAtlantic b"eaelc - ~lmuda Nay 17, 1993 N E N O R A N D U N 1200 SINDRPFAIM'E ATI.M-[IC aFX'a. F1.OY~ )IIU"1181 TFJ,FAIONE 10001 Xl-AN FAX MWI IfF70ll Tp: Kim D. Leinbach/City Manager FRpN: Robert 5. Kasoy/Director of Public Marker RE: WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE REPORT t40 The Mater and Sever Committee met on May 13, 19KirknMendland, attendees rere: Kim D. Leinbach. Alan Potter, Tim Tornsend, and Bob Kosoy. Items of discussion rere: 1. DRAFT' AGREEMENT YITN BARNETT BANK - Kirk Wendland advised that Barnett Banks' loan officers are Rob Bantkorski and bob Franakousky and their legal counsel is the firm of Mahoney Aflame, rith David Cohen and Cindy Laquidara as their attorneys. Four major obstacles rith the Draft Agreement rere reviered by Kirk: a> City's tax exempt status of projects funded Dy pledging reserve funds. D: An Engineer's Report must strictly define rhich projects rill 6e completed rith the 510 million. c) Timeframes outlined, many items needed Dy July. d1 Identif icativn of any interlocal agreement existing rith Buccaneer orners. Alan Potter advised Lhat he drd not feel Item ld) vas an issue since the City purchased the assets of Buccaneer Ut212ty, collapsed the corporation and sold bonds. ~. LETTER FROM DER DATED 5/3/93 - Bob Kosoy reviered a letter the City received from Jerry Oren, P.E., the DER's Mater Facilities Administrator. This letter advised the City to obtain a permit Ear the comwon beaches outf all l2ne rith the other tro beaches. Bob Kosoy rill call other Public Works Departments. .~ ,jacksornille=~ ( Ii A M B E R O F~ C O M M E R C E ~ MAY i s 1993 Beaches Department May 11, 1993 City of Atlantic Beach Mr. Kim Leinbach, City Manager 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Benanch, Florida 32233 Cear Mr ~ inbach, As a follow up to our telephone conversation concerning JetSki Racing, here is some basic information. The Tourism Committee of the Beaches Chanter has been trying to develop interesting special events to bring tourists to the area, and also present activities for beach residents to enjoy. Jetski Racing has a large following around the Southeast, and we feel that it would generate a lot of interest. To test the market we have been talking to representatives of 'HOtwater Tour' to hold a one day event in our Beach area. The Sea Turtle Inn is very interested in having the event in front of the Hotel. All issues of financing, public safety, insurance, etc., have been answered to our satisfaction. What we would need from the City of Atlantic Beach is simply beach access and permission to place the race course close to the shore for spectator enjoyment. A tentative date of August 29th (Sunday) has been selected. I would like to request time on the May 24th Commission Meeting Agenda to present this idea. During the presentation we will give an overview of the event and go over safety procedures and sponsors-, and answer any questions and concerns. I would appreciate your giving a heads up to the Mayor and Commissioners and letting me know about getting on the agenda. i h Warm Regards, Jo Meserve, Exe utive Director Beaches Department JN./bm pc: Barry Adeeb il! Pehlo.Aeenuc lx#. nvJk Ikxh. Fk+lau g?NI I4fN1244~eXGX/EAX t4fNi 2014SSh A UI.VA KIML\7 OI' TII f: lAC'X tiUM1'VIIlE CHA MBF f. OF COMMERCE .-. , CITY OF r4~aerta $eaek - ~losiela ea svdtuoiE awo AM~TiG ei.1L.'tl, iLOR~ WJJ.SSIS Tfl.FTIKKJE MN) 2fF1a10 FA% AM 2(ilb5 May 18, 1993 John Meserve Executive Director Beaches Department Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce 413 Pablo Avenue Jacksonville Beach, PL 32250 Dear John: I have received your letter of May 11, 1993 in reference to a proposed JetSki Race in the vicinity of the Sea Turtle Inn. Per your request I Gave scheduled this matter for discuasio¢ before our Mayor and City Commission durl¢g [heir regular meeting of May 24, 1993. A few of the questlo¢s I suspect ^ay be asked include insurability vie-a-vis the City of Atlantic Beach ae veil as acme sort of hold harmless clause, duration, course outline, security provisions, parking, other regulatory agencies permit requirements (eg. D.N.R.) if any and other such related concerns. Please let me know if I ^ay be of further service and re will look forward [o your attendance a[ the aforementioned City Commission meeting. S~)71 ¢yc a/rely, SK s D. Leinbach City Manager KDL.ds[ REF: 93KDL. 60 -_ !:. Discussion and related action relative to contract for Depu[y City Manager 9. City Manager Yeporta and/or Correepoodeace: 30. Mayor to call on Ciq Cn~iaaianera, City Attorney and Ciq Clerk: Adjournment CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH REGHLAR F~ETINC OP THE CITY COMlQSSION, MAY 24, 1993, 7:15 P.l1. AGE[mA Call [o Order Invocation and pledge [o [he flag 1. Approval of [he minutes of the regular meeting of Hay 10, 1993 2. Recognition of Yiai[ore: 3. Appearances: A. Proposal with related discussion and action concerning Je[ski racing (John He serve, Director Beaches Chamber of Commerce) 4. Old Business: A. Repot[ on Ordinance 895-93-56 regarding solicitation (City Manager Kim Le inbach) ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE F.OUfINF. BY T'NE CIZ7 COMMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. TNERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF TNF.SE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSIGN IS DF,SIRED, THAT ZTEH WILL BE RFdfOVED FROM THE CONSEN"f AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOFDIENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sever Committee report B. Authorization [o purchase Rubber Tire Excavator off Stale Contract C. Authorization to purchase dump body from S[a[e Contract 6. Resolutions: A. Resolution 393-19 noting [he service of J. P. Hall vi[h [he Northeast Florida League of Cities B. Resolution 893-21 noting [he service of dames "Dick" Rigsby C. Resolution 893-22 authorizing [he landscaping of a section of Seminole koad as par[ of a sever project 93-d; 7. Ordi~aacee: A. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance 860-93-7 amending political sign regulations 8. Nov eusineea: /A. Public hearing v1[h discussion and related actfon concerning [he proposal [o accept permit parking on 10th Street between Beath Avenue and Ocean Bouleva td (Leslie Hinkle, Kay Lanier) B. Discussion and related action relative to Appeal of Variance Denial a[ 522 Cl ippership Lane (City Planner George Worley) C. Discussion and related a<[SOn relative [o Appeal of Variance Denial by Robert Lov[her (City Planner George Worley) D. Discussion and related action relative [o request for rezoning of Ashland Mf nt Storage (City Planner George Worley) E. Discussion and related actfon relative to request for rezoning of Pan Am Mini Storage complex (City Planner George Worley) F'. Discussion and re!a led action relative [o Change Order 86 for an additional 57,957 far Water Treatment Plan[ 1 b 2 Improvements (PW Director Bob Kosoy) G. Uiscussion and related action relative to a commf ttal lector vlth Barnet[ Bank for water/wastewater capital financing (Finance Director KS rk Wend land) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Clerk of the Z' of the City of Atlantic Beach, Plorida, do hereby cert fy that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution as the sane vas duly adopted and pass d atof Regular Meeting of the City Coniasion ona s eon record in ay 19 and as the ease aPPe off i- ce--~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Z hereunto set ay'h19d=nd official seal this day of C ty Clerk Cfty of Atlantic Beach nFrsw~w.ium~iaami -a- _~ s Section 18. HPFECTIVE DATE. This resolution shall take effect inediately upon its adoption. (SEAL) ATTEST: CITY OP AST.IiliTIC BEAC6 Borrower By: Its• By: Its: City Clerk _~_ .. ~-...~s_._ Section 17. RHPBALING CI~IQSE. All resolutions or parts thereof of the Borrower Sn conflict with the provisions herein contained are, to the extent of such conflict, hereby superseded and repealed. -6- provisions of the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act upon acceptance of the Loan Agreement by the Administrator. Section 13. VALIDATION AUTHORIZED. Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, Gulf Breeze, Florida, Bond Counsel, are hereby authorized to file proceedings in the Circuit Court, in and for the county, pursuant to Chapter 75, Florida Statutes, to validate the Loan Agreement and the Government Unit Note, if such proceedings are deemed necessary by Bond Counsel or counsel to the Borrower. Section 14. SEVERABILITY OF INVALID PROVISIONS. If any one or more of the covenants, agreements or provisions herein contained shall be held contrary to any express provisions of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited, or against public policy, or shall for any reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants, agreements or provisions and shail in no way affect the validity of an of the other provisions hereof or of the Loan Application, Loan Agreement or Governmental Unit Note. Section 15. NEGOTIATED SALE NECESSARY. Zt is hereby found, ascertained, determined and declared by the Borrower that a negotiated borrowing under the Program is in the best interest of the Borrower and is found to be necessary on the basis of the following reasons as to which specific findings are hereby made: (1) A competitive sale of the Note would in all probability not produce better terms than a negotiated sale particularly in view of the timing of such an of f.erirg and the current instability of the bond market. (2) The Program offers borroving with the economies of a large scale financing and sophisticate credit and liquidity structure which the Borrower could not command in the market in a solitary financing. Section 16. AUTHORIZATION OF ALL OTHER NECESSARY ACTION. The Mayor, Vice-Mayor, City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk of the Borrower, counsel to the Borrower, and Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, Bond Counsel for the Sponsor, are designate agents of the Borrower in connection with the issuance and delivery of the Governmental Unit Note and are authorized and empowered, collectively, or individually, to take all action and steps to execute and deliver any and all instruments, documents or contracts on behalf of the Borrower which are necessary or desirable in connection with the execution and delivery of the Governmental Unit Note and which are not inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this resolution and other actions relating to the Governmentai Unit Note heretofore taken by the Borrower. -5- subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of the issuance thereof. Section 8. NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. Except as herein or in the Loan Agreement otherwise expressly provided, nothing in this resolution or in the Loan Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any person, firm or corporation other than the Borrover, the Administrator, the Credit Facility Issuer, the City of Arcadia, Florida, and the Trustee any right, remedy or claim, legal or equitable, under and by reason of this resolution or any provision thereof or of the Loan Agreement, this resolution and the Loan Agreement intended to be and being for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Borrover, the Administrator, the Credit Facility Issuer, the City of Arcadia, Florida, and the Trustee. Section 9. PREREQUISITES PFEFORNED. All acts, conditions and things relating to the passage of this resolution, to the execution of the Loan Application, to the execution of the Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note required by the Constitution or lays of the State of Florida to happen, exist, and be performed precedent to and in the passage hereof, and precedent to the execution of the Loan Application, and precedent to the execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note, have happened, exist and have been performed as so required. Section 10. GENERAL AUTHORITY. The members of the City Commission of the Borrower and the Borrower's officers, attorneys, engineers or other agents or employees are hereby authorized to do all acts and things required of them by this resolution, the Loan Application, the Loan Agreement or the Governmental Unit Note, or desirable or consistent with the requirements hereof or the Loan Application, the Loan Agreement or the Governmental Unit Note, for the full, punctual and complete performance of all the terms, covenants and agreements contained in the Loan Application, the Loan Agreement, the Governmental Unit Note, and this resolution. Section 11. THIS RESOLUTION CONSTITUTES A CONTRACT. The Borrower covenants and agrees that this resolution shall constitute a contract between the Borrover and the owners from time to time of the Governmental Unit Note and that all covenants and agreements set forth herein and in the Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note to be performed by the Borrover shall be for the equal and ratable benefit and security of all owners of the Governmental Unit Note. Section 12. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. The Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note incorporated by reference therein, shall be deemed to be an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Arcadia, Florida, within the meaning of Chapter 163, Part I, Florida Statutes, and shall be filed of record in accordance with the _q_ hereby authorizes and directs said Mayor or Vice Nayor to execute the Loan Application and to deliver the Loan Application to the City Manager of the City of Arcadia, Plorida, as Administrator, and Sun Hank, National Association, as Trustee, under the Program. The provisions of the Loan Application, when executed and delivered by the Borrower as authorized herein, shall be deemed a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein. Section 5. AUTHORIZATION OF EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OP LOAN AGREEMENT. The Loan Agreement, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B,^ including the Governmental Unit Note attached thereto, with such chnnges, alterations and corrections as may be approved by the Mayor or Viee-Mayor of the Borrower, such approval to be presumed by his execution thereof, is hereby approved by the Borrower, and the Borrower hereby authorizes and directs said Mayor or Vice Mayor to execute, and the City Clerk or Deputy City Clerk of the Borrower to attest under the seal of the Borrower, the Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note and to deliver to the Administrator and Sun Bank, National Association, as Trustee, the Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note, all of the provisions of which, when executed and delivered by the Issuer as authorized herein and by the Administrator and the Trustee duly authorized, shall be deemed to be a part of this resolution as fully and to the same extent as if incorporated verbatim herein. Section 6. ISSUANCE OF GOVERNMENTAL UNIT NOTE; SECURITY. The Loan shall be evidenced by the Governmental Unit Note, issued in the amount of S The Mayor or Vice-Mayor of the City Commission and the C ty Clerk or Deputy City Clerk to the City Commission of the Borrower are hereby authorized to issue and deliver the Governmental Unit Note against receipt of the proceeds of the Loan as provided in the Loan Agreement. The Governmental Unit Note shall have such terms and provisions, shall bear interest at such rates, adjusted in such manner and payable at such times, and shall mature in such amounts on such dates, all as are set forth in the Loan Agreement.' Upon issuance, the Governmental Unit Note shall be secured by a lien upon and pledge of the Pledged Revenues. The Borrower hereby pledges, and grants a lien upon, the Pledged Revenues, in favor of the Governmental Unit Note, all in the manner sat forth in the Loan Agreement and the Governmental Unit Note. Section ~. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement herein contained or contained in the Loan Agreement shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any member, agent or employee of the Borrower or its governing body in his or her individual capacity, and neither the members of the City Commission of the Borrower nor any official executing the Loan Agreement or Governmental Unit Note shall be liable personally thereon or be -3- deliver a Loan Agreement (the "Loan Agreement") and a variable rate note (the "Governmental Unit Note"); and WHEREAS, to secure its obligation to repay the Governmental unit Note and the loan of Funds from the Program (the "Loan"), the Borrower wishes to pledge as security for the Governmental Unit Note the Pledged Revenues, as defined in the Loan Agreement (the "Pledged Revenues"); and WHEREAS, the Borrower wishes to approve the form of the Loan Agreement and Governmental Unit Note and to authorize the officers and employees of the Borrower to take all action necessary to obtain the proceeds of the Loan and complete the financing of the Refunding Program in the manner contemplated by the Loan Agreement, NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by, the governing body of the CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, Florida, as follows: Section 1. DEFINITIONS. Terms defined in the preambles hereof shall have the meanings set forth therein. All capitalized terms used herein which are defined in the Loan Agreement shall have the meanings assigned thereto in the Loan Agreement, unless the context hereof affirmatively requires otherwise. Section 2. PINDINGS. It is hereby found, determined and declared that: (A) The refinancing of outstanding obligations of the Borrower from funds borrowed from the Program is in the best interests of the public and will enable the Borrower to reduce debt service on its outstanding obligations. (B) The estimated receipts of Pledged Revenues are sufficient to pay the principal and interest and all other amounts payable with respect to the Loan and the Governmental Unit Note. (C) The Pledged Revenues are not pledged, encumbered or hypothecated by any resolution, agreement, indenture, ordinance or other instrument to which the Borrower is a party or by which it is bound, except as otherwise set forth in the Loan Agreement. Section 3. PROJECT FINANCING AUTHORIZED. The cost of financing of the Refunding Program as described herein, in the manner provided in the Loan Agreement is hereby authorized and approved, in the amount of $ Section 4. AUTHORIZATION OF FILING LOAN P.PPLICATION. The Loan Application with respect to the Program, in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A," with such changes, alterations and corrections as may be approved by the riayor or vice-riayor of the Borrower, such approval to be presumed by hie execution thereof, is hereby approved by the Borrower, and the Borrower _z_ ~^•2 Q (Senior Lienj RESOLUTION NO. ( ~-/ a RE80LDTIOH OP THE OOPEAHIHB BODY O! THE CITY OP aTL11HTIC BEaCH• lLOAIDa~ aOTBOAZBZIO T88 BOAAOHIHO O! $ YROH THE CITY O! 11RC71DZa• PLORIDa~ DHDICATBD POOL LOCaL OOYEA3H[~'1' AEVEHOE BOHDB~ BERI88 1993 TO ABlOHD CHRTaZH OOTBTaHDIHO OHLIGIITIOHB O! THB CITY O! aTL1111TIC BEACH; aoraoAlBnte THB BD8H288IOH 0! a LOaH 11PPLZCATIOM; aDTHOEZSIHO T8E HZHCDTIOH AHD DHLZ9EAY OP a Loath aOREEHEET Is COHHBCTIOH T88AE8ITH; aOTHOAIZIHO THE I88DaHCB O! a 0 PAO1fI680RY HOTS TO EVIDEHCS THB OBLIOaTZOH O! THS CZTY OP aTLalPIC HEaCH TO REPAY 8008 LOaH; aOT80RIHIHO THE PLED08 OP CBRTaIH RBVSlIOEg O! THE CITY O! aTL11YTIC HEaCH 1'O BECOAE T88 AEPaYIUHHT OP THE LOaH AHD THE HOSBB; lIZIHO S'HE TBAH AHD AEPaYHBHT PAOVI8IOM8 TBEABOl; AOTHOAIBIHO CERTaIH OTHER H1ITTERB ZH COHHECTZOH THEREIITH AHD PROVZDI3I0 POA aH 8PlHCTZVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Atlantic Beach (the ^Borrower^)is duly authorized pursuant to the Constitution and Chapter 166, Part II, Florida Statutes, as amended, and other applicable provisions of law (collectively, the "Act^) to acquire and construct capital projects for the benefit of the Citizens and residents of the Borrower and to borrow money to facilitate financing of the costs of such projects and to borrow money to refinance the cost of such projects; and WHEREAS, the City of Arcadia, Florida, has heretofore established or shall Boon establish a loan pool program (the "Program") for the purpose of financing and refinancing certain capital projects of participating local governmental entities situated in the State of Florida; and WHEREAS, the Borrower wishes to refinance from funds borrowed from the Program certain outstanding obligations of to the Borrower (the "Refunding Program"); and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the documents pursuant to which the Program was established, the Borrower must submit its application (the "Loan Application") for such funds to Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (the "Credit Facility Zssuer") for review and approval; and WHEREAS, the Borrower wishes to approve the form of application, identify the outstanding obligations to be refinanced under the Refunding Program and the specific capital improvements constituting the Projects and provide for the terms and security for the repayment of such funds to the Program; and WHEREAS, to evidence its obligation to repay t),e loan of funds front the Program (the "Loan"), the Borrower will execute and May 6, 1993 MEMORANDUM T0: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission Members PROM: Kirk 4endland, Pinance Director This form vas sent co the City of Atlancic Seach from Arcadia Refunding Pool. The Cicy Atcorney is reviewing toe resolution and loan agreement. A draft resolution will be available Monday evening for your review. CITY OF ~'~Glaatie $eae~(c - ~(e~(a _ -- _ -- ro sFA,evo~F au.n -.--- ATLAhIIC aFacx, ilptmM l2]J35N5 TELFPNpryE If M1 IPF50 '~-.y,~~ FAx IfM13(FS~S May 3, 1993 M E M O R A N D U M TO: F.im Leinbach, City Hanager y FROM: Dor. C. Ford, Building Official ~~~7 RE: Building Permits Please be advised that the following permits were issued in the month of Macch, 1993: TYPE PERMIT NUMBER OF PERMITS COST OF CONSTRUCTION New Single Family 10 1,380,685 New Duplexes New Townhouses Additions/Remodels B 68,709 Commercial/New Commercial Additions 1 20 000 Remodels , Garage/Carports 2 9,556 DCF/PAN GABRIEL, ROEDER, SMITH & COMPANY Actuaries a Consuhann iooo ~ e~uR • s~ ~ooo • sannr,~e, n~d,y~ emus • n~-rsvsooo April 29, 1993 FAX INr. Kirk Wendland Fina>xe Director P. O. Drawer 25 Athmtic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Kirk: As a supplement to the studies ralculated in June 1992, we have determined the additional contnbution needed to increase General Retiree pensions to a 2.85% multiplier level and Police/Fire Retiree pensions to a 3.004'o multiplier level. Also displayed below are approsimated additional conmbutions needed to bring the deferred vested peasioas up to the same benefit levels. 'Ile following resulu were determined using the satne data, methods and assumptions as those used in September 30, 1992 actuarial valuations. Additional Contnbutions Needed to Increase General (to 2.8.5'Yo) 0.409'0 0.099'ro S 7,1A1 51,629 Police (to 3.004'0) 036 0.04 2,909 313 Fire (to 3.004'0) 021 038 ~ZQ 1.410 510,929 53,362 7Le additional acmarial liability arising from the increased pensions was amortized as a level percent of projected payroll over a period of 30 years. Please call if you have avy questions or mttunenu Sincerely, ~OC / V .rvC~~ Joseph A Nichols JAN:a TOTAL Cl7Y POHIION General Btpbyees Pdice Clficers Firefigtlers Total City Portion FY 1992N3 Dollars (1) TMaI City Cost -... Sfare ' S 36,343 S 18,828 S 57,265 ~~ S 28.643 Estimated FY 1993/94 Dotiars (2) Total City Cost Safe E 37.990.5 2D,238 S 62,690 S 31,345 S 29,055 S 14,526 $ 31,742 S 15,871 S 121,663 S ~ 61998 S 132,4225 := 67464 Footnotes: (1) Per ae4arial valuation, using FY 199PJ93 dollars. (2) M aCluadel vakation t19e not heart date using FY 1993A3M1 dollars. TNS eslGtate 4taeasee the FY 1992/83 costs by 10%. (3) The blal addition to the General FJrpbyees b 214% oT payroll. The Board has proposed tltal the employees world corMbute an additional i%. (4) The taal addtion t0 its Police Olicers is 7.46% d payfoti. The Board has proposed that the enrtployees world corroibule ate-haM of the ad4tioral ~, a an addtonal 3.725%. (5) The total addition to the Firefigflers s 6.75%Ot payroll. The Board has proposed that the ertrployees world cortVbule ono-haM of the addtoral casts, a an additional 4.376%. (6) The cost of irtaeasirtg Vie bentefil factor kr retirees is aVeady staled In FY 93/94 dotiars arid needs no corrversiott. GENERAL EMPLOYEES /3) Increase the benefit factor from 225% to 265% per year d service. Increase benefit factor for retirees Total General Employees POLICE OFFICERS /I A cornUirefion d ircreasirg iffe benefit factor from 24% to 3.0% per year of service and aaowing retiremerA ar age 50 whh 20 years d service, or at arty age wish 25 or more years d service. Increase berefA factor for retirees t7imirete service requiemerrt for disability in line d dory Total Pdice OfTicera F/REF/GHIERS !5 A corrrbiretion d inaeasirg tlfe bertefrt factor from 24% to 3.0% f~ Year d service and allowing retiremerrt at age 50 with 20 years of service. a at any age with 26 or more years d service. iraease benefit factor for retirees FJimirete service requiemem for disability in line d duty , Total Firefighters CIfY OF ATLANTIC BEACH INCREASE IN PENSION BENEFITS ESTIMATED COSTS FY 1992193 DoIWrs (1) Total City Cost Share $ 26,473 S 74.702 PENCOSTS OSp6/93 Estimated FY 199384 OdWrs Total Ciy Cost Share S 29,120 S 15,513 S 8,870 S 4,725 (6) $ 8,870 S 4,725 S 35,343 S 18628 $ 37,980 S 20 Total Cost City Share .. Total Cost SY~ar s st,soo s zs,6oo s Ss,7so s 28,380 S 3,232 = Y,616 (6) S 3,Zi2 $ 1,6Y6 s 2,as3 s i,227 s 2.t~8 s 1,349 S 57,285 S 28643 S 6zt~0 S ~ 31345 Toml Oily Total City Lost Sfwe Cost Sham S 28,273 S 13,137 $ 28,900 S 14,450 S 2189 S 1,095 (6) S 2189 $ 1,096 S 593 S 297 S 652 S 3126 S 29,055 S 14 S 31,742 S 16 1 g.::.: CITY OF s4lladcb $esck - ~leuda we ~+u+or.e r~ .___.___-___ A'MNnC EE1Ctl.WUR~J=2)13K5 iFID110NE OMI ](FlAO - /~. iAX OMl 2fFALS May Os, 1993 To: Kim D. lenbach, Cily Marwger From: Kirk R Wendland, Finance Drector RE: Pensan Benefits At the request of the City Commission, our actuarial firm has determined tits contrttutiorts requYed to inducts the proposed naease ~ the benefit factors for those who have akeady rented and those who are larmed'~deferretl vesmd'. I have atladvad a copy W their letter of April 28. You will nom that tltese ousts are shed n FY 1993/94 dollars. All other estimates we have used have been n oumertt year. FY 1892/93. dolars. The FY 1983/94 dollars will Cermiriy exceed those stated for FY 1992!93. The actuaries have stated tnat the percenmge d payro9 ahoultl remain relatively flat, therefore the projecmd ncrease would tie dose >D the percenmge increase n payroll. For the sake of estimatln9, I conservatively added 10% ib the FY 1992/93 dollars. You will see this on the sdtedule which is attached m tlus merra. Please ram that we have also nduded the provision to elimnam the service ; equiremm~t for disability in the Ins of duly fa Public Safety employees. H you have any questions or additional irtforrnation that you dears, Please let me kraw. _ _r.. _.,._ ~_..~....;,.~._._.~_..,..._ ATTACHMENT II Fleet and Associates Architects/Planners, Inc RATE SCHEDULE January, 1993 Project Manager 560.00 per hour Planner 560.00 per hour Architect 560.00 per hour Engineer 560.00 per hour Designer 545.00 per hour Draftcr 530.00 per hour Clerical 525.00 per hour _.~y,~:;;,,u.:~ --score= °_::- ATTACHMENT 1 EXPANSION OF THE PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING SCOPE OF WORK This project will include expatuion of two offices for the police department and the addition of a bunk room rner the equipment bay for the fire department. A stairway will also be added to provide a secondary means of egress from the bunk room. 11.5.3 'nx rare arW multiple xt forth fur Additkmal5erviceshsll be annidly adjrweJ in amxdarxe whh r•nmal aabry review pracrkes u! dx Architm. ARTICLE 12 0711EA COIORIONS Oii 8T31VICES iM ~~•e..vmm l..w~r..y,Aaa,rv.r tmwn•.nwd.rw. over o~o*+•mk.rmrs+wlks..e nn.pw.w,e., r,.q.,m•w ,m.. The following sections are included as part of basic services: 3.4.1, 3.4.3, 3.4.5, 3.4.6, and 3.4.7 The following sections will be included as additional services: 2.5 and 2.6 6.3 OldttR9TIP OF DOQ.ItE?715: All documents including Drawings and Specifications prepared by the ARCHITECT` pursuant to this Agze®alt are instruments of service in respect to the PROJIXT. They aze not intaded or represented to be suitable for reuse by ORNER or others on extensions of the PROJECT' or on any other PROJEXT. Arty reuse, without written verification or adaptation by the ARCHPI'DCf, for the specific purpose intended will be at OHNFR's wle risk and without liability or legal exposure to the ARCHITECT; and OldiHt shall indemnify and hold hornless the ARCH1'T4CT from all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including attorney's fees azising out of or resulting therefrom. Any such verification or adaptation will entitle the ARCHITECT for further caeQalsation at rates to be agreed upon by OMiHt and the ARCIIITI:Cf. Phis ARrmrxm rntned into as M the day arkl ynr Rru arurrn above. oWNEn ARCHITECT ~. /tipwum) ~ n) Janis K. Fleet, President //Nnr.d rxm. om mr/ rFrkrr n.wr ~r r4/ A4 aoc•Rwrt n•r . cmui..wrten Afia(IapR . ronwrmrtw mown . Au• .eon nnuanxan msrmmor,ueanrecrs. nos now rwa•vewr. nr...Awrw:rrw.nr uwc NIM1N7 N 11.2.2 \4'lev uXlgcuvormblrrAxl ou]silndaal xawlll ln•lumago rN(ix4vOnlhm Gnl,lmrNlrvv irapnxvn brc Uxh'4'mhr< In rxfi INlav 4nll Ir Nal Ilrc bd4rwhgt lurmnams of ex' anal Ila[h- I anynlxvhxl Irayal4~ rnnnr.uhha epnrn nr ryl.gnx cry Proyramming/Needs Analys ie Study Fi[teen percent (15g) SJxnul6 lh<ipn l'hay- Twenty-Five Ix'n cw QS =1 IxsiRn lA~rr4ryvlXYn l'h]u-. Twenty-Fi Ve Ixxran (z5%) 1,xnmx~~rn lFnuhrul[1'hw- Thi[ty-Five Irgan135"^I IINIJbIq nl Nrp xu14xl l'Ow- icuorll `d Lrxrtnm I4xl I'Ira[r- Ix,u,nl xI 1rX]I!b[4 Gnnl rn[nhm rxx~hvlxhrJ ixv rul lllxr~.l I I.J COMFENSATION FOR AJDIIiONAL SERVICES 11.3.1 Il xl I'HI gFf.I IILI'HIvCIfN'1 Alll rN IIIS111NI f IIACIC SFH\'b.[G. m rks tllvl In I'angulNl t 1. r mulrrngl4 m 4ull Ix~ r 1x0 pnN'd x Iu1Fmc Rased Oit the rate SClle(lnle 111 Atta CllmenL 11. 11.3.2 IuN AUUII II rNAI. SIiNVICFS 11P 'I III' ANCIIIIhCr, a IhvaVrnl MI Arlk'hs 1 and I2, rrclvx Jal 111 AJJN4xW IYrym Nrl Ya-vvuM1xr. m rk~x tllrJ hr 1']gxgb il, ml Iti r'IrN'ca YNLxlnl Yr Mlkir It x Intl 01 AIYWNX W 4rvkn. InN cuhnByl nco rNr. rN Irxrvrgxx[, a nrrlxv+aalhnr xlnll Ix rulryxnttl w hNFrwr~ Ilrr...r M.n.y.i..n..vrrrn ..h.lmrl..r.. mNAn w/rYVfn rnlXrnr lrrvm.I F.VvX'rF IrMgMrrM uXyLnrn.wM FF++Yr I[mrY•.l•mtl.Fn.Nr ..•/a.r,... nr•Y.m IX4+npr YvY r5n .•Fwhpm r.F rr.nh.l.q.r.gsrwww 1Ir!.Y 1 Rase) on the rate schedule in Attachment II. IIJ.3 IUN AUn1111 rNA1. 51[kt'ICFS uF r.UNSNt1AN15, hY by Mpl xkM4 xnl anxhx]I, nlttivNad axl ckavkd vgdlnrrhl5 v nx r[ xNl tlnw~ pn nhkxl lunkr 4dgnlaHr]I#I 1 ~1 IY rn hkn0lkJ Nr Arlht It a Intl d ArkN6nW scf rh'rx, a nnAyrk nl I I . 1 O I Illrlas IIw- ]Iln nxn[ Irllknl hr 11~ AOirNn 1 !IR Fln'll Nrl Y4 rF. tl.F+rrrb 4^•A nhuy., vurn.m menxM /J Y.Mrmnll I I./ REMABIgISABLE EMPEf19E5 I LN.1 I1 IH NFIMIII ~NSAlll.l'. li%PFNSFG, a da rNn'J hr 1'aaHlgB III 2, and ap rXin~r Nnln FnfinkJ hl MIh4 12 r Hrhn4nx]Id~ P gn.rv[.]urulry Nr nl 11.10 1Mrnn Jr relavrA hnvnlvl bF tln~M. bhax f, Jw~Mrixnlh r ngNrOrra auJ vnrulhmnv br dlc hnnr[I rq llr I'urlrv I 11.5 AOOITIg1AL PROYI81ORS 11.5.1 II 111E IIASN. SF.H VICES urrartl Ip' fhh Aplrnxm luvr Ivn Inor arclgbnl YvN11M1 I JA Inn nnlx ul llr lblr lrlpd.6w nglh urlarh nlJr Nllxr.1,cpol4rm nfnr Al(hHM ~arrchr~Ix-pxnl tlra lhllr dnllir r.nnlnv[:nnl a pu nikJ Nr SWgrnapr;in 101 t axl 11 4 L IL5.2 raln m ~ Jix ma In\arM' thl [ty I 30 1 IM}[ bun nv IGr rx xm Ap bxr.fx hlvrAr Aar nrl<orgnFl<n'Lhi[ty 1 30 I'bps]Ihx xr Ymrkc rl]K fll]N lrcar YHrlNalhr talc vxaoJ lnirw,.X In Nn ]baler tln laN a1 dr kpl car lnrv]ilbm bun INIr br 1bX• a dq IxYnllral lie<of IurYwsa rA lilr ArcI1Ytt1 rr.r~°rr°r..nxr°nr "]".,I,N..rl I t/2 percent per month .,,. nn,ry..,..".nwr.nt+x. fnF.w nwFml]mr~rq .IrcrrrnrN.vrw-rrFXr.awwrr.rlw MxrXr/rrlNr.rNM,wFxa Xr Mir4nvr]wlAnb . /-r..rw.YlT.x., q Max.... x. F•XrMn y rF n.}rf wM~rrXwM, rwnY'VHrf Xv-r xn~.v. qwx I...eF...Y.rSF IrMXrrer s.ruln.ih+nfl..rF •nl..r nrr r< •..m•IYnnlMnr, ,rM n/v~rrMnrl/q rryxrr r shm wXM MrL xwF~f) 0 BIII-Ii67 'W ~\ tql • O~MN Ax f11tFCY AIAILIiXf • xrUilfilgll m11tRM. A4n r ONII1 IIIf AfIfIh FM INtNllrlir/Axllllfrla,111{M1111Y4 AYfMIi, x1•. ~AV NFr:lr ln.lr f: IlK ryxxif%' infoaa«nt antsiJcrcJ by IIK UwIKr to IK anth- tkmtial ur Ixgxicup'. 11K l1wTKr Ndl pnrv«k Imdrxa«x¢I soli) Lx Iln' Ardlilttt Ixl tlx'runV nxT4r11 xlgll vul iu IIK pn. nn r.«nul nuu'riah for IIK I'Ir rjrtT. ARTICLE 10 PArMOrrs ro TIIE ARCNRECr 10.1 OIREOT PERBONIB Fl{PEIITaE 10.1.1 IWm YeIV mIM Esprnx i Ikgm'J at IIK Jin'tl sabrN: of IIK Arrhnttt's prrttmmi crlgagcJ Im IIK Nnrjt'tr ant) IIK Innis xl .d IIK tam ul Jxir mvn61ur1" x W now xlury' a xr vibuunla mxl IraKINs rrlmcJ Ilxitl.r, wth F nulMrplKln rul• nxl rnhrr uxumn anpb~n' Ixn x'fls, it a nx r, sh4 k-ava, lx xxbra, rxx«xw, Ixucv ma xn1 similar uxmibm4xra xul IxTt'firt 10.2 ~ E11PEISEs 10.2.1 Nrhnlnvsahk' Ex{xntvs arc in x41i14m ul nxnprna 14x1 Irrt Ilan alxl AJJiI«xul Scrv4ss alxl ilxllxk t'slx'It<ts hxvnal hT JK Anirilta mxl Archirn'I's rnlp4n as vtJ and auh.lnn in tlK inn'nsl of IIK 1'n rjt'at, as «kmi&d iu Jx' Fd4 rw' iug 1 Lues. E lntr ul Irvryxmv«rn in c'xn%'at«xr with NK Yupxl; czlx~wct in alnl%x'14m whh autlnrirzJ mruGNrw-n Invai, 4nrN-Jiuxxc tlxl:munxa4xn: arlJ !m Imal hx scavr- irlg alpxnval u(alnlx rcuks luvirryt Iuristlkt4n ua'cr IIK Nnrjnt. 10.2.12 I[q+a tx of rqm xlut4xi, ryrslgK aril lulxlling ul Punillga. yxx ifxm«xn mxl lxlKr dxlmxTlt II xnlx rtin'tl in xlralu<' hp IIK riw'Int. tynnx~ al rnon«In' wr rcN rcyviriug hi1JKr Jun npmUr mlt. 102.1.1 Ilxlx.ro d mx41vry6. ux x41a xxl nv xk yx nglxval L\ nx I lwlx'r P.xlnnv' ul x41i1«wal hrsuunu' awalagt' or linlin. nhulioP pn loss«nnl IuINGIr inwoln r. n'yasltd In JK n\am'1 it \ of den Ixmmltr .vr4'al by IIK Au hiKxl mJ Au hiu'r I\ unmlhxns 10:1:1 t-tx{xTly- rrt- trxlpml[+'aklnt cfcaryln ~IIR'clram111(f lywil%uvuxlw+l:IxauwslacwrxxtrurxailM Nr Yx•jxex 10.3 PArYH7TS ON ACCOIAIT OF BhRIC SHIVICES 10J.1-MrixilwLpxwwml-ar at kxtk iMYnpraph i h tix ehe tlrinimmn 7u7mcrrc tlmkmhir Aprtcmrlrt 10A.2 WInKyIKln paynKlns fix Itaaa Scotts Nnll IK mxk numJlh~ mxl, wlx'rc app)«alrk. Ndl IK in IM rplrn4m Nr n'r- a«l~ Ix'r lr rflixtl w'1I I11111Ti1 I'II3V' nl 4'r \'kt'. IMr IIK IRaR tt'I fl rrlh NI Sulpuragrapll 11 1 L. 10A.3 If vxl ur Jx ezlrnl Ilul IIK' IInK inillally etuMiNxvl in SuhlTanpapll 1 I.5.1 IN Ihi\ ApmlKln w cxtmkH Ix exlaxhl Ihn'ugh mr buh of the Anhilen. nxllpertal«m lur my Ye akas rnllk¢J during tlK xWilNroal IKr4%1 of IinK dull IK awlplnctl NI IIK mmlKr sat Gmh in SubluragnlNr 1131 10.3A ¢IxT trmgxnml4xl h Ixi¢-tl un a IKncaagc nl Ibn smxl Wn l+rxl xxl xry Ixmbnz of IIK 1'n rjn'r ac Ik4u'J n rxhrrwiv' Ixn nntalnx Kx 1, nxrgKnalbu hrr Jnrsa'ryrt1Y nls nt Jx' I'urjca Null R' IxiyahN' lu IIK rxxnr tt~n'kts an' IKr fum KJ rm Jxrsc prt:«nw, in xcuntalxc wish Jx'sdxduk a'I Lxlh m SultpangralNr I L1 L, Ixi¢xl un 1111IK' 4rwasl lxnra fxk h«I Ix IKplxulttl pnry%xal. ur 111 i( Ixr stxil hkl.n pn portal is rntivN. tiK nxrN Teem) prelimimq' Ninulc.r( tilnanxlbn G ttl ur Jcbikxl Nimalr of laingnxT4m Gv lur xlxh 1%. Ifom of IIK I•npro. 10.1 PArMB1T8 ON ACCOIMT OF ADDITIONAL $EHYILES 10A.1 NaynKnu IM x'awa o! OK Archixxr't AJtlil4nul Scrs'RCx aril hx Ntimlwr9lrk Expclxex Null IK mxk nnnuhly tpxM Txtsrnul«n IN the AnitNerl :t avrnxTl .r1 sm•N'es rcn tkreJ rn espenxc il%vrrN. 103 PAYMBRS YRTNIFLD 103.1 (•k nkxhxl«xta 9uN he nlxk (n nn llK Archilttl's nxm InnN«rn .m xtl rum of pooh)'. IyuNlalttl Jvnagca Ix ,xl%x soon widdlrNl fn Inl paynxTls nr a Mlrxlxx, r rt 1 m xn non ul IIK tlru Irf tlarywx in IIK 1Ltxk IxIKr Ilun IM rst' 4 x whirl) Ilr Arthnnt has IxxT hnlnl nr he lolrk 10.8 ARCfIfIECT'S AODdM1TN6 RECORDS 10.6.1 Ilm nlh ul Nrhulxnul NC Exlxttcs vxl exlnnca Irrv u«Ihryl Ixr AJ\lil«xul Scrswts vxl acn'kex IKlll xnxxl 1%r 11x' Irasia of a nmhipk of INrtV 141vnnxi F.xlx+n' Null lx' avail aMl' ur IIK Uw'ar.x JK UwIKr'a vnlwrixnl n'prts'Invirr at Ilrlllltlll\' t I x1YtTR'lll INI%< ARTICLE 11 BA818 Of COIFBISA710N l IK r. n\ml shNl \rmgxnax' JK An hilnl n Inl4 rxa JSJ - A114:t11LL k,L1114>Luf I x rllals 11 4 FM ar~mx4•Vlrrrllfxfl111«m'nl~InrARM1llxrflYJlM f'RIMIRtmllRthaTRf xTAmrR Fll>~AT111ITIr 11.2 SASIC COMPENSATION 11.2.1 H rN nGSll. SENPILF~, x tkxTllx'J in Anxk 1, x%I am rxlxT %~ntts iwimkJ in Anirk 1 L as pan nl Iti it 4'rrkrs. 14ak r rnul.naalnu shall IK oxulnneJ n Iol4 rws r/rrr. rlr mr/n yr/rm rrvlrx/rrrN ~/r/n/Lnnl wmr mrJlrl H"'•l•^ rvq!• nrv/Wnnr/r lan..n Y. v1 4/,prxWnr mnA•M .xr m/n qxn rxYx, r( ^ A lump sum of 58,500.00• AM pOMEIfI 01x1 • r nnlP Mr IINrI xOxffAiM • PxplTifMll i]IIfNM' AUn • QI#% Ill)a\IIxIr Ir:lYallll'I4 rN xPr llllir la.l'taM\'TI xIR 1YRM'f,nw. iPVIMI:TlN,n1: xPPY• 9T13.1N7 2 'fan Ixrran of Jx xxal caxnlKnvtWn fur IfasK' axl AJJilhnul ScrvKCS canx'J ro Jam if Iermin4km Ix'rvrs Juring the IksryIn (A-vekgm%ml 1'haa: ur .3 Yire perrnn n( IhC deal raxn7xnvlNxl fur Fh K anJ A:kIilN mal Servkes onKJ to rblr if mmlirulMn axaln During any sulxKglrc'm phaw'. MTICIE 9 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS ARncI.E 8 rERIwINAnoN, susPENSION oR ABANDONMENr /.1 'I lu< ANnrrxnl nvv IK IcnnimlrJ hr ohl K'r Inny upm am ksc Ihan Kvrn ahyi wrivrn rxxkc alx nikl tlK' uJKr lone (ail sulwumiully m I%YN xm in x'cnnlvnr wish IIK u'nna of Ihia Agrtl11x111 Illnw~l Im falh aNIIK IIPny krNOl Y1N Ilx' ItYlllenli xl /2 If JK Purhxl k.wyxlxkJ by IIK UwlKr fur mutt Ihm yU u m•KlvGCe ahl s, tlK Anililttl Jull hr axnlxnvlN Gx set s'Kas lKrfumrcvl lxmr hr lxxicc u(xxh xuy%nakm. WI%n IIK Pr^Kal is nvmKVl, tlK AnhiKrts axnpcrwlkm Jull lx cyui uhly xGuvaJ m pnrrkk fur cxlrnnas ilumrrYl in JK imomp Ikm xKl rewngxh4 of tlK Arafiirms scrvkxs. /.3 "Ihi< AgaCrrxlll rN)' hC ICRIIIInICJ h)' IIK Uw'IKr Ulxxl mx kss Jun xrern abl'<' wnarn nxke m Ox AmhJm in IIK term that tlK Pnrgxt is Ircllnalxntly aMrxkxxJ. If IIK Pnrjrrl la ]Inn:N xxd by IIK Uw'rxr kx n%nc Oun rAl amsn miar Ib)s, Iha brhixa nny IcrmimK Ihia Aµrtrnxnl by giving a'riurn nolKr BA l4tlurc nlJK Uwnena nuke lnpnrntt to tlK NdliKn iu uniJrx r x'ilh Ihia Aµrmrxm ah]II Ix a mswknYl wlnvwial m nq xrlunxelnr anJ a-xrca' Iur nnninakm 8.6 II Ilx- 1 rNIKI I:rila er unkr Inl'nxvl w IKn Jlx' Jx- Ala hi al Irn Y'rvx as aNl rxlKnYa. Jw Ala hilnl may, upm aaaan .lna as riuau rvnKr nrllK Uw'IKL wyx'nJ I%'dunnane nl nY mk'I Ihi< AMlrnxlx. I luk AS lu)nmm in lull k al In Ilw Ad Ilnrv a nluu rrol Jays of tlK rbm of Jr Ix xaN riaihv IIaIR'r rrallJl nke 111111 wlllMml fUfllKr lrlNkl'. III IIx'r'\'('lll r d a 4ry N'nav al nl tt'rv Kra, JK Anhilm dull Invc mr lubdirc Iri Ihr' I IN IK( 1. rr lk'I]a r r llJmagf r]nY'll Ilr l)Plx'f Ixea11Y' rd au h aryxnann nl a~rvKaa. B.6 dr rh. vl al h'nrxrnPom rxn Ihr bob nl Ilx' N.Ilihr I, rL.-Art lnuv a1lJllin' nqK nxrJ lur vrcnra ln'JuuuoJ pl 1. ~ nau nl. dxr:'Ihrl wllh Ncindmlvhle f:.yxlwa IINn dlK aml all rl a'IUnlub xr inl.'nY'a as \k'IiIKJ m 14wpJph %'. /.7 Irmun:nxm l'.yx'n4s art in xklnNm hr arnnlx' vumfor n tax :r nl Al kNly mal 4'n'n as. mJ nnluak oxµnvx whN.h :no Jm ~ Ja almhwahk m IonxuCn:'m. Tcnnnvmm E:xlxn4a Jr:dl Iw rr.Irt Nlhrl ,la J Ix'n elrnNr rrl IIK I~xJI a nnlx'nvlr xl Ire Il lvr 4'Ianra anJ AJr rIx NrJ.4"tax fa eJrrrrJ lrr ln'llllx'rrl lrl rlrr11.11x~Ir.J I. ik INa .1 IN a ry' ..1 rhr oral a nqx vdrrr Ln ILLax .NW NNINxxIJI 4'n Kam r]uKJ m Ibd' II d'mm~nx.n ,. .nlrM1n .rt JdrIrlR lln'pu+k~.i%n. mJn]h an. ur v lxfru.nx IKYgn 1'IuY.. or 9.1 Ilnkc o1lKrwi¢' pn rvkkJ. Ibk ARrax'IrKlll alull 1x µo.' xYl by JK bw of JK prilKilnl Idaac of IxRIIKY< of JK Arrhilttl. 9Z 'I inns in Jlia Agnvnunt sh]II Ivcr Jw want nx-aping n Jxrtc in AIA Ik KUnxnl A1J1, (iaxral (bnJilbna of IIK (em vx'1 fur (imnu\xlw m, alnan n of the d'nc u(Ihix AgrmlKnt 9.3 guars u( xtkxr hClwrrn Ilx P]nICA to Ihk Ag1aCnK111 lxnaininµ m xis or bilurrc dr xl dull Im akvlxYl lU lurr xarlJN alxl JK al+plK-Ahk 4awas rrf urnhahrna xlnu 1.x11 tlxl' IU rUlr INN 1]Ia'! Ilnlr l'l1IMr IIK JaC of \IIIwIa111G11.1x11 pk'Ikm fur xu rx failuraz ur w rxruninµ prN rr m Adwanul CongrkYkm, ur 11%' r61c of ixwrnxc of Ihr hml rknifxmc for YaynKml 4n x'Ix ur (ailurrs m xI IKCLrrhlg whet Suhaaxul (imrpklbn. /.1 "Ilx Owrxr anJ ArrfiilM w~ivc alI r61hLC agaha4 axb who arW againv the amhaclurc nmwlunlA. aRcllu axl rmpkgers of the alxR fur Jainges, hu1 rmly Iu IIK exlrnl un'- crcJ by pnrtcn/' inwnrKl- Jurirlg axt4ruclNm. cxa7x w%h rrydrtA as Jxy may luve:u the pnlrc'edr of wrh inwrance x EKl lunh in Ilx eJifhm of AIA Uxwlxnl A1Di. General G%xklkln of Jx (kxnrxl kx (irnslluakm, rvrrau as u111K Jax of this AµrmlKrn. l7K OwrxY ar%I Anhilm cxh slnll rnprim simihr a'aivtn hwl Jxir umuxlura. amwlunta aml agnnx. 9.5 7lK UP'IKf anJ Archiltt'r, rrsixxlively, bilxl Ilgnulrrs, OKir IrAmKrs, .auraYaxxs, assiµllx axl kgal rgnaxvulicas lu OK' Ixhcr Ivny dr thin Aµrmrx'm and m JK pamals. a Y x. asaiµna mul k7pll npmwnaiers of alnL alKr lnnynwilh \+1x11 a: all av rvamuls of Ihia Aµra'a'n%nl. N:'i1haY 11wnrl Ix. Mdlhall slvdl acaiRn Ihk Aµnllrxm wiJe.m Jx' wriuau 11x1 xm rd JK udxr 9.8 'Ihia Agrungrl rgxcaalrts Jx' mrlirc and iula%rnnl ]era n%nl Ixlw i~n Jx UWIKI axl Arahiln't axl ugxrxttks all IrrNH IIfgIXbIMx6, rflrfexerlnlNxl of ]g(MIKIIIR. f111Kr w'III mn ur oral. ibis Agrmrlem may he amelxkd Ixdp by w'nual 1114f1111K111 x1gIK(I Iry I%Hh ()w'IKr ]r%I Art'llhetl. 9.7 Nulixugaaxn]x%Yl in this AgrnvKm alvll ru:nnxurnvn nrJl mblMnrxhip wish ur ] a'n1Y' of xLL:u in 0\rn of o ILiIJ Irrrl\' JRJIII4 l'IIIKr IAN' IIwIK'r IR Ar(Illlrlt 9./ Ihlks ulhalwiY-pruvkk.J in rhk Agrnnx'In,Jw Ad hixrl anJ ArchnnTS onnulunn dull h]cr wr nsµ nMbiliry~ Nx Ihr JiYr rvon, praaxx x, haullirrµ. mne n'al ur Jiyxrvl ul w eery r 41re n(7KrY me lu havarrM ms nvu'ruk in any L nm a Ile' I'n rhr I <iu'. n%fi KNllg iml Ixx Ihneal ur :Nxvrn. NNVax Im nlu ly. Ix Aya hN~rv>nni IrgNxn)1 IIY:H) rn rxlxY IuxK Yavaxrs 9.9 '1111 Ar.Imnl Jnll lure IIK riµln w iln hxk nprrv'nm IN nra ul Jx' Jrvgn of Jx Yn rkrl, irKhnlmµ Idxm rRnlJla ul Jr rvrrbr onJ imrrmr, ]nxwrµ Ihr An hmria pn xrx nn m]I vlNl pmh.a4nvl maarula Il%• ArrhnttYa nlxrruk 4v11 Ixx ndwk IIK 1lw'rxY ~. nmfklnnvl or Inr gxlnan' inlucnaN nl J IIK 1 IwrKr has pm'k xrnlc xh'iard rIK Mrhnro in wining ul 411 OOOIIEM /tU • uwxiP APr IIIIiR AGIIEiJIFM • i<%1111fIIlIII FIXrgH • AIAP • OI W' r 0111'19/7 IIII AMIPN AV IYaiJ I"If lrf Ap,IlrtEQ1.1){S NEi YrIhE AViryII[,Ni, iArNRKiTIM. U( MxtK ARTN~.E 5 CONSTRUCTION COST 5./ OEFNIITION 5.1.1 llrc tinnulx6m lim dull IK tlK weal ant m tsli nialyd u m lu tlK (IwIKr 111 all IirnKlns Vf Ilm 1'mjni aksiplKJ ul yxt ifk-sl Iry IIK Anbilttl. 5.1.2 'l lx~ cuuurlKlFm Gm dull hKlmk IIK nlu m nunw nikrl leas ul hlxx xxl nuKrbLa (omtdKd by IIK UwmT mxl rquiynuvl Ik-aipnN. 9~1kJ. sckclN ur slrctblly IxuvFksl lur by Jrc Ardlilm, plan a rcawxuhk alWwxrcc fur Ilrc lim- Ilxn~r a nrnha~tl mxl profit. In xWlliul, a Icaxm]Ide alww• a Im anninpclrrks dull IK hKhKkd fur nurka axnlilbus x the IiuK of bklJiup anJ lu: dunpLx 61 IIK Work Jmilxl u mmmlbu 5.1.3 (lnnlnKihm lilSl Jr KS rxx ilKllwk tlK axn)KlrialMm of tlm Ndliuv mxl Arrhilai s anLwltmis, IIK aeu of IIK bixl, Iiphla uG wa y, fmm~inp ur uIIKr arse whk6 arc the Irymu aibilip' :.I IIK (IwIKr of IxoviJcJ W Ank'k h. 5.2 RE5P01JSRNJTT FOR CONSTRUCTION COST 5.2.1 Iivahm4xv Ix Ilrc Uwrxti s 1'roltt'i but11KI. Pmikui+ury ralinulra of omunxzFm (iN xiJ tlnaUN Ninlxls of /im~ nnwlFm GnI. if any. PrqurN by IIK Arrhum, rgxnttn IIK Au LiKnt Ix. I jualpallnu n a tiefipn IxuksaFxial fxulliar whh nK aunulx'IF xr ild vry. 11 b rmrypilaKJ. Iwwxveq Ilu1 Iiri- JKr tln• Mrhilm Ixx IIK 1)R'IKr lua amuW over IIK aN of lalmr, ruamrbk ur eyuilmittn, over the Wnrxlm's niNxxla .d rklrnninilip Insl Ixiea, ar over axnlxxilive IrklJilgl, nmkd or ngsnolinp anxlilFxw. MmrJirry{ly, Iht Arrhilyd rnirxn auJ IFrca Ixn w'arrnx In reprcenl Il>» hilLf lrc IKpIxbIN prkrs will un ruL' Inxn IIK UwIKrR Pnrjeax Ixxlpei yr hlml xq' ruhnalr of I bnmlx'IF m (iN or evallulMm Inrynnxl Ix apra'eJ m M1p Ihr An Ilinrl 5.2.2 Nu fuel linlil ul (ixwIlKlFm tint doll IK aald(sIKJ ac a ux Wilbn of Ihia AprmiKln by IIK fumifhilryl. Ixlgnnal In NablW mKw ul a 1'urytti Irsxlpcl, unless such fiaN 1111111 ha Ixrn apucJ ulxm in wiilinp axi siplKVl h)' tlK Inriks IKrnu. If Ix b a IiaN liutlt bas (KeLI euahlidxrtl. Ilrc Arrhilttl dill he lxmninrJ n. ilxbxk cunlinpttKkx (or :16ipq hFklilrp xiJ pli v alaM m, w sklamilK whm mmclbLa, cyuipnrnll, anm Ix rm syuarl<aoJ rylxs a/umaruabn xc ul lrc bximkJ Ll Ihr rcnnaxt IFrunrcmz, m nuke reaunubk xihtunxnla in the u~.ryK rA tlK Purjrtt xxl Iu irKlule iu !bc limuxr ^xv- xnla ahrnlxc hhh m xljuu IIK GxLwrurlbn Gn1 m IIK OxN limit IixrJ limit,ll xry.dull be inrraceJ in tlK annmm of an runt in the limirxy cum rKaurrlrip a0o cznu&rn of tlK (Jnnlatl hx l!nLa1111t IF n1 5.2.3 It IIK IIFWiup nr Ncpul MMni Rraac bas Imi axmlKlxtti w'ilhiu qr Jms afKr IIK Ardnlm submi6 IIK Gxmnxxhm I xn au¢nn ur the Uwrtq mry Pnrjen hualptt or fiAN Iimil ul I!nnnin bm LmI doll IK aJlu lrJ Iu rdksL rhmlpa hr tlK prnrnl Icvrl nl plFrs in JK s mnulKikm inJuury IKlwtrn IIK dna ~d aWnunakm of IIK Gnlauurlbu IAxunKlm ur tlK rrwncr nnl Ibr +hrc nn whFh pngxnah vc vmpin 5.2.E II a GvJ Jinni uI (inwuurlMm Jim Ix1lualcJ as Inrv .FkJ 111 suhparapulxl 5.1.31 t<cxrtttktl Iry iIK MrwN Inxu f k hill ul IKprllixal pngx nat. IIK VR'IKi dull' pjve wliarn ]Iqu rval of an ilxrerc in swh font linnl. uuwtls rrlMklinp Ix raxTldhhnp nl tlK Pnrjerl wilhm a rrawnnl AC IinK: .3 it tlK Prulecl La ]IrxlJrnxxi, Ieuninue in xcunbrxo wkh f9ne+aph 8.3: ur A axgcrare in revBinp IIK Pnrjcrl sa1K wxl goali8' as mplirN w iNurc IIK (ixmnKlWn lint. 5.2.5 if IiK UWIKr dxxrtes w pnxcN miakr l:huu 5.1.4M1. tlK Arcliilaxt, w'idmm xlJxkxul charge, dull nxxlify the I fun ux~ UIxLnKIi6 as IKCKAYry lu amply wish tlK fixN Ibuil. II cshblWKLI n a amdilkm of IhLa AprmiKln. 11K nurJifxwiFm nI (Ix11YK'I IAxL11Kr1L5 aliall IK IIK Ihldl u( IIK Ait1111a'alk fCalxxlalh{Illy ]rLilrlp Irlll a!( IIK 6ralrlLahrlKlll lrl a flxft111r1r11. 'ILc ArddlttY shall he rn01kJ br ttmipnLfalFnr In xronbnrc wxh Ibh AprmiKnl fur all urvk'es IKr(umlN al Ktlrcr ul mx IIK GxtauurlFm IMuK h axnniflKN. ARTICLE 6 usE of ARaBTECrs auwNUU, $PECNICATIONB AND OTHER pOCUMENTS 8.1 11K Ikaaings, clxvifxalFxu aril Ixlrcr tk KUnKlxs Irla' Imttl by tlK Anilbm On Ihh Pnytt] are hNnnntmly of Jx' Mdruttis servk'c hx rw' rvrkif wllh rtyKl] o. IhLa IYuFvr vxl, amku rxl Krwhe pnwkkJ. IIK Ardnlm dull iK akY.Yrx'al tlK autlxrr of IIK.se IkxLUiKnu arx: dull rnahi all axnnxxi law. sixmlxy aW txlKr reervN rryynf. 6sduJirrp IIK ttryryripin. l'IK UwiKT dull M pnniplN w rnahi ttgxrs, hKhxllrlg rgLn" duailrk ar)rics. W the Ardixeri : Unwhgp. spMflulkrm arxl IxIKr IkKVIrKiiu fur klfomulMm'1111 refattK<In aTmlKaikm whh the OwrKf's IK anel IKnrInrKY r]f Uie Pro)m.37rMaAfF•' 6.3 See Page 10. MT1Cl E 7 ARBfTRAT10N ~hx 7.1 79 !If Ikli~i+Lx AN OOL11Bf1 ~uI • uwxfll Allrllll[f.Y L(:111[MV1T • iQ111TLRLial Orfiwlll • IrUx • OINn B11L19A 6 111r AMrIIM AN INfI Iinif lx Aa(,Illlrl Tf. l ]1f xx~ Y11xx 1.YtMR. M~.OAa11MfiTflK. n f MaK 3./A I'u rviJing gKCbl suncys, cnvN'nmKmal Nudks am .ubndssknaa rryuirN fur alyvuvals ul g. n'crunlcw:d auJmrilkz ur rxhera luvnlg iurisJialkm Darr tllc 1'nrjca. ' • 3.1.5 1'n rcidillg utvkcs rcbliac w funuc baiinks, y:woll< .Ind cquipnuvl. +3A.6 IhuriJing scrvkas. m innxligam aaiaing amJilk rus or fx'ilhks ur lu nnkc mrzulrN drawiuga JKrnd . a3./.71'nrciJing sarvkas to errify the xauxy'uf dnwingt nr uJKr inh xnulk'Ir (umithN by' IIK Uwtrcr. 3A.9 1'nreiafinR vmNinlnkln Id annroKIN 111 Ix'rfnnlx'J by slnm«' mmrxvns ur by JK Uwmr's own final v W a urJi Ilala nl of 4'ryl('['S ra'yUlrl'J 111 tlrnlllYtMN1 w'llll (n11i1rIxlFNI i Krh nuxtl anJ ttplipnnm <I'Igrikd Iq' IIK U\rl Kr. 3.1.9 I'nrviding scn kas in arnntslk m \vilh IIK work ul a a nl unxlbn npnagor ur sdnnK uxtwJplnt rcgind h( dK uw'ucr. 7.1.10 I'nrvkling alnailrJ axlinnta of Culwrlxlkm G6I. 3.1.11 I'ruvklNlg aknikJ gmmiry' uviceyn In nn rmnrks of nulcrial. cgaiplrKru anJ blmr 3.1.12 1'n n'iJing xulyxs of owning xul IgKrniog orals 3A.13 I'nrviJilrg in¢rbr Ikzign vxl udrrr simibr xrvkxs «vlvirnl for Ix in amlKakxl wish OK Kkctkm, pnxvrrnlnn ur inavlbfxm of fumiturc. fumiJsirrys vrJ rcblN aplifnlxtu. 3A.1/ Pnra'iJing snvka for planning Inpnl ur rectal spars. 3.1.15 Making Nroagyyalklrta, iwnuaxia of Imlrtck Ix atggt nnnl, rx a~ladkxtt vxl aksa3N aplKripk Irf cxivksg lxitilks. 3.1.18 I'Nlpring a sat ofYCpnxlucihk rmxJ Drawings xlmw~ ing signi&aw ailvlgcs in tlK U1nk nlxk Jurilryl ttntgwdkm IrzaaJ .m nurkN~up prints. Jrawinga xxl mlKr Jala fumiNKJ hy' Jx' Gmlrxtrx m tlK Archilttt. 3.1.17 1'u.viding xsislvxr in the mitinikm of cyuilminn ur sysrcms.auh as lolirlg. xlllwirlg xIJ halxxting, prgmxknl o! UIKraIIr MI and IluimcwKC manlrab. Ininilsg pcrsanrrNi for I ryxniknl anJ malmenvxc. anJ nmsultalNm during a1Kra1Nn1. 3.1.19 Pm\'klillg Xnlt6 ]IIr1 ibinMt IV IIK Uw'IKr o/ IIK linal ls'nifx'vc fur Paymcnl, w in IIK ahsttx'e of a liml (Yrv lif wu' Inc I'»nKrn, nexc dun UI Jays aflcr tIK able a! Suh aIIIIILJ GNIIIrI(yknl Ir( IIK V.'INk 3A.19 PnniJing rrakt. n! vmwlunls fur Ixixt Ilpn archi lea viral, unu4nal. nKdpnkal vxl ckark al arylirnrriug pn liras nhlK I4ojca InnriJeJ n x Inn al Ifaak Atekas. 3.1.20 1'nn nling any Inixr screia¢s rml nJKrwiar irx kxkJ kl Ihia Agra Icm or nn auunlvrily huniNKJ in al onbav soh Nvlrralk xrtplN xdlilmm~l pro-tar. AR71CL E / owrlea•s BesvoNSlealtl~s 1.1 Ilm owl Kr Mall pnn'kk full Infnrnuf m rcgardktg ~quhcnxun for Ihr 1'nnca. hKluJing a pnrgnm which Nsall xl L rah t x• uwruYS W rja'clivrs, > IKtluk. umvninu a1W vi~ Iona. ind rJinN apx< rcyuircnrcnrs aN redknNrgN., Ikxi~ Fililc. cgnnJahilin'. apra bi nplipnKnl, sy:wemx xxl Nlc nTp nn'u N'Irh 1 1•Z "I1K UwIKr{Ipll cAlaI11K11 LIJ 1rlYl]If alr 11\'fn111MN11(('I fn! OKI'nrjea. uxluJing the Cnnsvuakm Gru,Jr. Uwnn't rNhcr arms xW rnvnuhk camlingclraks rcbKJ m all of JK.K uwa /.3 If m1lxsleJ by JK An hiKn. the Uw'IKr Null funiaNl rvi :kinr Ild hnxxd arrwgnlrcnn trn'e IKnI nook er fulfill Ju' Uwrlcfs INNigalk nn vnJcr This Agrmllnn. IA 71K Owrxr sldl skNgrum a rcprc.Klualia'c amlwrvrJ Iu act un IIK UwrKr's hchal! will reyKn lu IIK Prajccl. the Uw'IKr Ur 4ph ]UIIMIrI)[J rr(1rfKtxall\'C flpll rCI1JCr 1kt Rkrllt in a IInINy IIIxIrKr IKruinhlg w dKVnann subrnNKJ by IIK Ara hiltt'I in rnJCr to avuNl unrnanubk' akby in IIK unkrly anJ sallxtnbl pnryNCxs u( JK Arcbilra YS an. krc /.5 "Ilx' UwrKr Null furnish sunry's sksa rihiug physkJ durxlarwkn, k'g;J IulriulNma anJ milit}' knalkma for IIK Wr of IIK 1'nr{at, anJ a wrilirn krypl akscriMkm of JK siK. 71K survq's vxl kWl inkrmplkm dull ilnluck, x ;tltikalrk. gooks vxl tines of weeta, a0cys, pavrnxmis vxl aJh+lskrg IxsryKny anJ slnKlvra; aJlxrnl Jnlruge; rigln u6w~y, rcclrk'Ikmt rASenKnls, crKnrxhnlnns. xming. akcJ reslrk- Iilnts, IxrulNluk, aN ctmnmrs of JK sile: kKalkms, Jinxtr sM rot alai IKtcsvry Jau IKnainillg w cnivillg Imlklilrga, InIKr imprvvrnKnta vxl htta; anJ inhTmutNm cwxrnrilry, avaidrk u10Ny amka arlJ tines. bxh puhtic arKl priralc, aWve vNl heklw grxk, knilNWg Mvertt arxf skplhs. All 11K InfurmxkNl un IIK wrvcy shah be rekrrncN trr a pnIIKI hatKhmxk. /.8 77K UwrKr Aldi famish 11K snvkcs of gttxttisnical rngj. I KCR w'IKn such services arc rttgKVN h)' JK AratlNttt. Such snvicet may include Inn xe nrx Iuni1N Iv IeN haxkrga, lal pia, sMcrmkdkxu d sdl hrntisg vakKS. IKrcaNrNm Irns, cvaluxkxn of hanrdrxrt mxniais, gmm~J amnnNm anti relic livhy ItAa, Nxi1n011g rKCesvey' IgKralixts f x xxkipxing Nrtr- uril atxNlilkmt, wNh rcryrttt arx) aplmrprdc pnrft<si nul rKtxlmKrNhlk)In. 1.9.1 7M f1MIKr aha6 fumiN rhr Krvkrs of lNIKr ar NVUJ Imtt wlKn zllrh services arc raxmaMy reyuirN hr the sAlgrr of IIK Pntlecl aN arc rcqueslN hp IIK Archilm. 1.7 7M UarKr s11Y1 furnish vnrmnl, rrKC'hank~l, tixtnk~l, air vrJ wyln (rIN1uINm ICY.t, ie9s fvr IunrJlran mxcrbh, aril rniKr I]bNilVry arlJ rnvinmmrnlL Ieslt, inspcrlknts vxl ralxms reyuirN by bw m IIK Gmlrxt Uxunrcnu IA 'I7K UwIKr dlati fumih alikpl.x wmirrylxxl kaunxxr ar nlluKling scrrkn az nay' IK ncarmry x vIy' bIK Ilx JK I`nrjav, hx'IUJilrg xvlNing ecrvio IIK Uwlxrr ruay mpum v. vcnl)' JK l.muxv x's AIMNimknn firt 1'apuKlN IN x 1 xaonain Ix lw u1 for wlpl pWprp611K (.arrlltxLx It1 LLVYI IIK IInnK\' pakl by Ix rm hduif IA IIK OwrKr 1.9 '1 he scrvkxa, inlumdkm. wn'e~s anJ rerynts rnryirnl by Pxagnpht 4.5 Ih«xgh 4.g NWI IK furniNKJ x IIK Uw'nn'.c czllenr, vxi IhC Archhttt shall he rntilkJ ur «iy IIjNm IIK xaurxy alxl amspknerKSt Ihcrnrf /.10 PnmlrN w(Illrn nnkc shall he givrn by IIK l)wlKr lu IIK ArchNen i! IIK Uwnn hntmrea aware rd my bvh rx Jrkn Nr IIK 1`mFa !x nmtaxlfdmarKr wish JK Gmrtx r U x mlxtna. 1.11 'ITK pnrryrKJ brylvage of crnifxalrs Ix <rnifxalinn rcyucvN of Ihr NchNM rx Arrhnttt :s ttrnwltarle NnR hr •uhmNlN ur the ArtiWm kn rrvkw anJ ap(Inrval at law Id rbys prNn Iv t'zatwkm. the UwrNn Na0 Ixx reyuw trrrilira INnn Ihx wamld rerpnre krrnw•kalge nr rrvkcA IKyr mJ IhC srlgK v! Ihia AgrmsKnl. 5 BU7.19A W OOCIIIIBff 9q1 ~ IriNia AM.r I:TF,LT MdiFlliNf ~ FnKTflbill iJNTNIN Tlli ANFtF AN Ixt11T~'ik lF APl'.IIITiITS, 1)it NAB ~ GIy1r Nfi Y1111N AViNI I{_ N i. iA VINn:TIN_ U f MNK .. _. ..... ..•a<va_...r...~.. . .-.:.-..rar.cs~.;at 2.8.15 'I1K Arthnav shall inagxcr xul ikrkk wuvrs am rrminp IKrknnulxc of dx UwrKr mJ (ixxrxnrc woke JK Inplinm umis of the lirmnal 11 Klrnxnlxrm wrinrn IapKSI of riJxr Ihr Uw'arr ur Cunnxtur. "ItK An'himn :t raynxt4- ro slx'h rnpKSls gull Ix mxk wish rc amabk pnxnptlxct anJ wnhin any IinK Ixuils apnrJ urym 2.8.18 Inlcrprrblenn xul Jttiskxta nl tlK Anhixrl dull In' -umiwml with tlK iman of xW ra mabh' inkulrk fnnu tlK limhxl hrKlI11K1115 mJ shill he in w'rilinp ur vl the form of Jnwinpa WIKn nnkinp soh bnrgxavlkxn xxl inilbl JcaF abns, tlK Archircal dull a'rulnvur w snurc faithful IxrGm nbntc by M xh Uwtxr anJ Cunuxtul. shall rml slww lurtbliry' ur cidux, anJ shall nor iK luhk fur resJls of inlcgnrblbxt ur Ikx'nk nla 4r RmakrcJ in prod faith 2.6.17 "Its AnhiKds akchb~a rm nnucn rclalinp u. x'mIK Ik- d4rr dull IK linal if roudamnl w'ilh IIK imvn cxprc+4~J in Iha' (]mllxl Ikxml Klnz. 7.8.18 'ILc ARhiKat shall unakr wriucu Jraiakms wilhln a nuhk lime on ]II rlaima, disputes ur odxr nuuas in qaz Ibn IKS w'rrn Ilx owner and Umuxvrt eebling ul Jx rnew Ibn ur purprtsa of Ilx U'nrk at pn n'akd in dM limns) Ix K1111K111t 7.6.18 -IIK Artbnm'a Jaiakxu un dainla. J yrurrs ur rxlnx nuurrs, indrdinp nnrsc in yuakm IKIP'nlr tlK 1)WIKr xxl (uuuxtor. cxtcpl hx gxnc rcblilrp al xsl Klk d!m xv ph r~ rirktl in tiuhlnlapnlrll 1 fr I ], shall IK subjar, Ire ulriuxkm as pn ukkzl in Ihia Apmrlnvn anJ in dx Gmlrxl Unmxnls ANTICLE 3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES 3.1 GENERAL 3.1.1 'I Ix's~n'k as ik4nhnl in Ihia Ankk i arc nrl ilx hxkJ in IVasx S'nxo unksa w irknrlifrJ in Altkk 1 [, xnl tlxv mull Ix pakl for bt IIK Imt¢r as prordtJ in Ibis Apn~nlxml, in adJilbu x. Ilx vmgKnaalk nl fur Ibtia 4~rviaca 'IIK srn'kcs rkti rilxxl ulxkr Panpralrha it xxl i 4 dull rnlh' tK pn n'Nkd if ]u1lxrriuJ ur cnnhnlKxl in writing by IIK uwlKr. If scn'ka aksi ril KJ unakr (unlinprlu AdJirknul 4n'kts in 1`mpnlrh 5 5 ] oquiral Jlx~ lu i in mnablxl+ ha'yornl dn' A¢hilcn'a n nnnrLldK Ara llixv dull Ix reify dK llwln'! Vrkn xr von iup 4K'h 4+ekas Il lhr uwtKl akvlta Jul 4nh_4nkss Jixnlnrl unikr Ibbpnph i i arc Ixn ¢rpliml, tlK uwlKr shall give Pn mqn w riuru rnxkc m Ihr An bona 11 tlK uu'IMr .nJknrx h wrihnp Iha all ur Inn u! ssxb Guminganl Mldi G nut 4~nx as ua Ix n mquirrJ. the Ara Imm dull h:nr nn r:lili p.xNxl lip Ynr\I: k' IIN r4' 4'r \'n \'a 3.7 PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES 3.7.1 II 1 asn ini\,- rapn tnalN nl al Iha sits Ihao i Jrv ulKd in Subs upuph 1 G 5 n npn oJ, Iha Au Lora 1 Jull pnnnk our nr n , c 1'rnpxl N9xr4~walivo ar as4a hl urn ing um 4nh xkhu nut un vlr resp nuibdil Ka 3.72 I'n •jvu I4pn'4'nldivva doll In' 4kr KJ. rnp4n cJ xnl Ihla alvJ by IIK Aralma.l. Ural dm All hilcal dull Ir uxnlKR wloJ tlKmlr,r as axu.J by Iho Uwtxr vrJ An Lilnl 'IlK Jule.. nyx nlalhdxlra xul hnnulx net of autlN mis rd 1'n Aral W pvv'ruxnara dull In' as rkv nlxJ hl Ibe oilbmu nl AIA I x x unnn! II tit nmanl n r d IIK iblr i rf Ibn ARrmlx'nl, unksa ~nhrn. iw-agual 3.7.3 lLnngh drc adwcraad na by auah 1'urjav Ngntxu brims. tlK Ndlilnl doll axle vur m pnrvkk fool Kr ryrxm Iknl flx IIK ()w'IK! ]pLRil Ikf[\IS ]Illl lkfKKlltIR 111 rIK Wank. bur the fumislunp ar sorb project rtpresenurbn dull Ixn nx dify' IIK rights, Icsrymsibilirks or uhlipalkrns of IIK Arrbirttl as aks'rilKtl d¢wixK in Nit AprmlKUl. 3.3 CONTINfiENT AOOfTIONAL SERVICES 3.3.1 Making ¢viakm• in Ihaw inga, tilrrifxxlbns m rxher sk xTlnxeua wlKn such rcviak ma arc .1 inaunaklrnl w'ilh approvals ur irtsumtbrn prcrknnly gircn by drc uwlKr, ibaudinp rcvLairnn nrnk nn az aan' by xlluwurnlt iu IIK ow'ner's pn rRnm ur Prul cal hualgcl: .7 Kquunl by Ihr alxtmcm ul rrviabn of tuks, lava x repulabnn wOwyaxw xl the prapuxkw of slxh akxllllx'llla, rx .3 duemdulrpts myuirrJ aaa usull uftlx UwrKYa bit urr m radcr akciabnt in a rinxh mannv. 3.32 Yurvkknp Knkn RyuircJ Ixxausr u! siplrifx~w t'llLrpCf IIr IIK PrrrlRl i1KluJlnp. It1rl lxx IinliltYl IIr, tVL. 11lYJl ir)', tr mrpkxin. rIK <)wlxr a %'hcJuk, ur IIK nKIMd of hkl Jinp ur rxllr xblillp and rrmlrxtinp for crmalrlxtkm. cxacry fur acrrkcs rtxla!ircJ ulxkr sufrlnnpnlil 5.1 5 3.3.3 Yrgnrinp Ihaw'inpa, tipa'if vlbna auJ udKr Jlx uuxnl Ixbn aril .wiry*'rtinp Jara. cvillnlinp (;amuxurr's pn lrytcah, aril pnrvklirrp odKr scntitet in amrKnkm with tLarryle ()tikes xd (imvrucrkm t]urlpc fArntivra 3.3.1 1'nn'dinp scn'ka in iunKTltm wish cvahulirlRwhtri- IuGn s pnrryrarJ hp IIK Cunuxhrc aril nukirryf whscyucm ro'takxu ur Ihaw'inRa, Slxxifixk ma nd rxlKr ikxwrxnblkm rcwhinp Ihcrcfrnm 3.3.5 1'rusdmp unmJUlkm nxxrrnilryf rgrlxtmxml of R'urk JxrlapC(I Ir)' hre Ix rNllel laalY \Illrlllp ar111HrIxIM x1, alµl flrf nidlinp scn'ka rcgvircJ iu anvKaknl wnh tlK rgrlx±mxm of vxh R'urk 3.3.6 Ynn'iJinp •cnxo nuJc rKta. aa0" by dx' Jrbuh of dK (ixnrxun. by nnprt Jcfrca nr JrfxklKks iu IIK Wlxk of IIK a iruuxvx, r rt by failure u/ pcrhrtrulKr of rhhcr Ore t IwIKr 1 x t mrrx mr unakr rlx' r innrxa fur Umavlxlbu 7.3.7 Ihucklinp un'ka in cvalmlirlp an rsrcnairc nunllKr u! a binn slNnnincJ by dx (imhxvrt nr rxlxra in axlmatim will IIK Wurk 3.3.0 Pnrvdvrp senses in amllrtlkm w'ilb a pulrlk IKarinp. xlnlulbu Im nmlbp ur kx]I pn xailirlp rxsalx wlKrc Jx ARbnnt r Inny IIKrcm 3.3.9 Yn7nnnpdxmlKms lur aNCmmc. separate ar sclpKlxul hkh ul per n'iJinp 4'ItF n nl s r mlxY IM.11 wtrh hkkhlryl. Ix'RrNu Ikm ur ron4nxlvm prix ar tlx' nxulrkxkm .d Ihr I.nnlnx ^rn Iha unmua 1'ha4 3.1 OPTIONAL ADfMIMIAL SEAVILfS • 3A.1 Yn n'dlnR aluhara rd IIK uwrcr's rKCJ• vnl pn xuxu mine Jx rc+plirmrRrlls of dx !'wICYI 3.12 I'n rvdinp Nnmx ul frntlxlm rn rxlKr ynul 41ahn 1 3.1.3 Prnrxhrry{ IrlaonulR wrtrcya, urr rralmlk ms rn uml Inrxi•'r ywlks of Iniwprr!nr 4rn 111 pOQ1aEM ebt . r iPY.r .allr Ilnir 1 N.IIif MfM • f(N xIiIJ..'TI il11TxM • AIAn • <'Iwl' rrn....vl..l lalln orn]rnnnr tar.: nawrrnlxavvm la.ne.~AVrrw;um.ul. r.Nr. 8/1149Y/ 1 2.6A ILx An hiurl slnlllKanyr<-enurirc of nxl slnli xlviax vIJ an wh ailh tlK Ua'IK! I q dmklp amurlxlkw unlit foul paynum h1 dx' (nnvxrur i< JsK, anal Itl xs ml AJalirxxul Ar vkc n tlm Uw'IKYn Jirmbu hrnu IinK m IinK Junnp tlK a x" rn rkw IKrkrJ akxrilxJ in pK (iwoxt fur (imsvlxtk m. "I1K A«hilm l dull have nnlwril)' ur xt rm tx1nlf of tlK UwIKr only to JK cxlan pnrciJCal in Ihk Aprmlxm unkt<INIKrwir ml nkfrJ by wrinrn inwrunKnl 3.8.8 "IIK Anhilnt Anti vial the dle x xnrrvxs al>,w lprurc w IIK suite of nwwrurlkm m x IrhrrwiK agrml iy tlK Uwnn xW A«'hiltt'I in wrililyi n) heClmK BaKNIy familiar w'iW tlK pnrprrYS aW yu]lily of OK Wurk nnnjlMN xxl nr (Mcr I u BvKd if IIK Wurk is tKing pcAr nnuxl in x nun" IKr inJkminµ Iha tlK Wlxk wlKn oxnpklN w"ill Ir in xoK IUm wish dK l:xnrxt Ixxvn Klns Iluwavcr. JK Ardlilav Aull ran IK leyui¢J to nuke exhauvive ur nwlina %n Im siu' i«y K(Ik xn m dlnk Ihf yualip~ ur yuamiry' of tlK Wurk. un JK tnsis .d unFm rxvw'nvlkm<xs an a«hiKn, tlK Ara hilatil dull knlr IIK Uw'rxr inknmN of tlK pnrpr(wt mJ ylnlily of the Wurk, axl Anll erxleanx 4r puarJ the UwIKr grAiusl (kin is mrJ (kfuielx'ks in IIK Work (ALrrr mrnvOV sirr r ynlvnbnvm neq' Ix• «grety/ nr « a nu Ar)drtxnud 4'nnr, ra r/m rilxrl ru I iungru/Jr f ! 2.8.8 "I1K Arrhilm Avll ax Imx clmtrd uarr ur dnryK of vul .hall rxx he rayxNwilpr hx axvvrlxtkm m~ln, nwtlxxl<, mAmkpKS. scylKlwa nr pnxNura, ur fur vftly prmut[xw arnl pit grams in umlK(Ikm wish IIK Wrxk, Nlwr tlxx ara- wrkiy JK Gnnrxvrr's reyxxvsilpliry' mxkr IIK (imllxl !or I.r XLwlytk Xl. IIK A!(Ir11Kt Slnll rµx IK ffyrlxL`.xrk (IX IIM 1 ixnrxvx a vixtluks ur 6ilurc m axrry un IIK Wurk in xam J]Ixo wkh tlK f nnrxl !krnnumlA. '1lK A«'hin~I dull Ixx loot n min d urn ur rlurgr u(xYt onm:i<til m<uf tlK G mnx'~ un, tiul%.xnlxu na. .Ir grit xgerle<ur rngrkrye~. Ix of my .rJICr I;rV nla IK(fIHnII11K Ix rrlkxLa of IIK W'Ixk. 2.6.7 'I Ir A« hixti l Gull al ali !inns Inrr x ass u1 IIx' Wurk wiwmn'r n k in pnlvnikm ur pit grass. 3.6.8 Per opl as nut rxl Krw"i•c IK pit n'iJaJ in IIK Gnmxt IFx llnµlxi I xlKll lli«'ll a.rI11111U111a]Illxla InYa' IM'Ir .yK i]Ily nnhnlin'J. JK UwIKr xul Conoxu n Null axunnnik ao 111«nll(Il Ilia' AI(IIII('lI IAmI111 VIIk lIM Mta ha' alit! P'lllr IIK A((l1I RI I a armwlnnla Null IK IIIn wRir IIx' A¢hil(t I. 3.6.9 InIwJ .NI JN~ nn boon t obv~n:nN xl. xnl ccalmlk nr. rd Wr Ilnmx wrt'n AlMdk nkun hrt ni\llKlll. Jx' A«Li«I I dell reakw ]ml Irnily IIK alxnml] Jm' IIK Gmux rut 3.6.10 lix' Ndlilca Ya wniha alnn fro luynxrn shall nnwi unc a rcpnvnutknl m Ilu' ONIKI. IuvJ rnl IIK An hiln'fa n11v'n"axon x Ux~ silo as p«nirkd in SUlquukraph 1 G.5 anJ ,nl Ihr J]n r~ wlxnink :iN' I.nwxlur'a Aplxk ]Ik nl lur I'm I. ILvI pK urnk hit pu g«zafJ e1 Ihr innm hlJx noJ vnJ Or,n' w Ihr Irv ..f Ihr MI IuutYa krv m: kJIK, inhxnlabn axl Inik-I. qu:dm n( Ihv Work n III x nJn«c wllh Ihr I~nwxl Ixx rllln lila -IIK /u«XowR «p«vIIIllk ms ]rc suhkrt In a rcalxnvxl .d rhr Wink Ism uxll minlxc w'ilh IIK f)nmxl Ixnun Knla up.I Sxlnunnxi Gnupku xl. Nr «avh<rx udxr gnrl n o-an vnd inyxr Ix ma. x r minor 14wixu ma In nn Jx~ U m un I IxN mnnn• u. n Ubk pro r m urtnpklk xl anJ e1 yK ulk gn.Iihuu nn ryn(.arJ by IIx' An binxl l IK isw:uxo of a I rnilx ar I~ n Ib: mrw alit!! hvlhrr r r nmihnv ] « prr.rmanm Jul Ihr t.nllul lul Ia vmkJ n1 pmnrm in Jx' mnum (fro IvII ^on rlal. JN~ n ..f ] timifx ale Lx Yia nKtn Null I .n IN' ] r.Imv~nu14 m1pvlclLr Archon I has III rnxk rxhan mr,.r ,rnnimxxn .m vx lyN.umamJKrk pr gminyl yvanity of IIK Work. 111 rcvkwcd almm~Klkm nnvns, n%ih- (%ls, Inhnkryes, scyuen(>•s Ir prcxeJUrrs, (i) revkwN urpirs nI rnll1iV111 xLa rnflYnl Irl Nll CIII%"nlllrx!nrA ]IItI IlnlfrYl <Illr IrIKTS xlxl (xlKr al]n rcyUrSlfJ h)' Ihr UwIKr 111 sulxumum tlK 4muxurr'A ri61u hr payrtlnu or 14) as(cnahxrl Iww ur fur wiul Iwyxrr tlK (innrxtur lu uud nuxKy prrrkwdy pail un xallmnl ul IIK (imlrxt tium 28.11 liK Architcrl dull ha'c mpwriry' w rrjttt Wurk whkh ak KS Ixx nmkxm w IIK (imlrxl IhxvnKnu. WhaKarr IIK Ar:'hirnl nor+kkrs it IKCCxvry or xlvivhk (ur inlpkmKnu Ikm of the inlcm of IhC Gmlrxt Uxvnumu, tlK Arahilm will h»~c aulMxily ar require xWilkxul inspttum ur lasting of tlK Wort[ Irl x'IIxQL x'f WIIII IIK (lruri<IInL<Uf IIx' linllrxt IA%'ll- nxmis, alKtlKr ul run ulab Wurk is 6hrkmal. i«valkJ ur rlrculrktN. I luwcva'r. IxipxT Ihic vadwdl )' of tlK Ndlima Ix rt a Jarkkm ulxk in M•kl faixl ripKr ur ru'«iu~ In Iwl m Dort risf uxh autixrcily Nall pivr rim hr x alury ur «yxxnihiliry' rd IIK Ardlilm ur the (innrxv rc. tiulxunlrxuxs. nulerul and cqugmKnl sulrypkrx, (heir a8rnu (x rnlpkrvm rrr (pher IKr vxaa prrhxming jxrnkln u( IIK Wurk 3.8.13 "I1K A«hirni gull revkw anJ ]fryxurr rn Ixkv of%~. alrpn gxulr x4m nlxm (imuxrur i ulhmiuah Auah as til%1r IhawiniR, Pn%kxl luu foal tixnlixas, Iwl Imly (ur Ihr limilatl puyxne of dwckkrp kx ttmkrnnalx'e wxh inkxnufim giavr arxl tlK Iksipl nnKrlx exprexsnl in the (imlrxT ill xvrlxtns. "IIK A«fihttii xrim dv9 tre lakrn wish w<h reiuxuhk Iwxryxllrtct n lu Dose 1x1 (kiay M JK Wnrk ur in tlK nxl- unxlkm u(IIK Ow'IKr rx of sgnnK amirxlum, a$ik albw" inp wffxknl IIrtK in IIK Archiltt'I's pndetakmal ju(lgnlrnl u1 IKrmk aalnputr review'. Review of su('h suhmiluk k Ixx nm- ahxtd Lx the purprse u! aNmninlrgS IIK xaurxv anal a ma plnnKx< of rxlKr (kuua uxh xs JinxTnkrlas anJ yavnikks ur AN wlwamulilq(irtwnKtkmn hrr snalillaf mot pcrxmntm'r of cyulpllxnn.x syslrna dcsiRrKJ br the (imuxro p, a9 of whk 11 mmko IIK rrsplxrih3ilY of IIK (imlrxvrr to IIK talon «'yui¢J by tlK limlrxt Ik n'unxmu. IIK A«bitc(Ts rcrkav shall Ixp anWilvK approval of vkq' prmwkxts Ix. unkas ullww'iac .yaifnally NaIN by the An hirnl, of (rpvurutkm mrnln. mcpxxls, IfchnkpKS. anrycncaw nr pnxttluns. IIK A«bntt TS alrprural of a sprcifK 9rn1 dull Iwl inJk mr alyxmal of an a<s(tnMy of whk'h tlK iron « x ar mlplnxtn. W'Ixv ixufasak%nl ccnifnnikm of parkxnurxc rharx «Iiuka .d nrnvkAk. spvrnw ur ttlWprKm n rcquind 11y JK 1 axnrxl 1xx'unxmin. tlK An hihtt dull IK npilkd hl rak urym uxh I cl Glkatkm w ouMiNl Ihx Ila' nnn•ruk, mnrrun ur eglxl. mop will nrtti tlK Intknnulxr rri«nu rcyuirN by rlx' lim Irxt IA xvnnnn. 2.6.13 "I1K Ar('hilm scull prqurc (7myic llrakts mnl lim slru(Tk%I <hanRr IRrmivfs, wish aupplminR ak xunxmlalk nl vul al]u if (kKnna rxtcsmy by IIK An'hirtt'I a pnra'kktl in Subp+rapraphs i I I and 4.; 4, fur IIK UwIKr s alryxurxl and t']n VlFxl Irl xt.xll]IK[ wllll IIK (j nllrxl lA %Ilrr Klrl<, ]1111 may xnlwrilr mivrt dunµn in IIK Work mrl invldrilg an ]d1114nx1r1 OI IIK (ANIIrxI C1r111 rx in f\Ifnak x111! IIK I.1 xllnl l "finK w'hkh arc Ixp imtms vrnl w'ilh Ihr unnn of dK (imtrxl Ikx unxrns 3.6.11 'ILc A« hover shin aonJlul nulKCG nra x. (krrnuim' IIK .bm In Ja«s ul tiulwanGAl (~ nnpMk m and IIK alas I II nlul o mgrktk nl. dull rn cirr aril furor nrJ mIIK uwlKr for Ilr UwIKr :~ mvkw' vul rn'nJa wnuol w'xmmka axl reblrJ t4N1111 Kt na rplllirnl Ir) IIK 1]xllrxT UxIIIM'llta JIKI aa4TP hkal by IIK I:muxax. a1W shall iasu(' a fnnl4ml'x ne kx Ib}" nlnp vpm Ilnuplmnr wish IIK rrquirrnxnls .lfllK rimlrxt Ix;unrctna 3 8711.19!7 n'" r^1P~^r w'a . nwNrk Akunrw~ Arw[Irnrr • krxlR7trxrx uxnrx(. Au• . N11tN` Illr AMikN'AN INa I I l1UI I N Akr'xRn Ta I>IS Niw' YINk AVnn N. N O, iAVxW iTr Mn, n a jwkk, "I'IiRMS ANU CONDITIONS OF A(iREEMGNI' BETWEEN OWNER AND ARCHITECT Af1TICl.E 1 ARCHITECT'S RESPOI~BIUTIES 1.1 AR(:WTEC7'S SERVICES 1.1.1 11K Ardhitm's scrvkcs nmsiu of Unnr servkss pre IumKSI h)' JM Ardlilm. Architm's engrkq'ccs aril An bircdYs n nlsultmE<as enunxrncJ in Ankles 2 arul 3 of This ARrmnau anJ wn mlKr vrrkcs indlxkJ in Ankle I1. 1.1.2 l6r Ardhilcti s savkcs .alrill IK iKrfmnxd as ax{xtli IWlrch xa a amsiuan w91h prMccaknul skill anJ uK alxl JM rxllYl)' pn:RfK of IIK Yk'Mk flplm ffy1K5111f JK <)w'IKf, fIK .Anhilm doll sulmli: Lx the OwrKr's alryxnvil a sa'IMJuk hrc IIK Itthrrmvxc of JK Archirmi scrvkn whkh nny hr aJPw1Y1 x IIK Yrulen prrxmk, amt shall iMude alkrwances Lx pcrkxt of UnK reyuxeJ for the OwiKr's roicw anJ fur alryrcural ur slAMisakxrs Ay amMxista loving IuriaJktbn over Jx Pn ryua. Time limits ewaMidKxl by shfa sdMJUk alry'n rval I ry UK s )wrKr dd mn, cxagv hx rnaxdxr aaatM. IK cxcccslcsl by ux Artirism w Uwmr. 1.1.3 "I1M acrvka anrrcJ by the Agrmlxrn arc ulbjttt u. Ibc IinK limhmkxw omu'uKJ iv SuhpangnlJl 115.1. ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF ARGRTECT'S BASIC SERVICES 2.1 OffNff10N 2.1.1 l1K Archunr's,.B.a1sic Scrvkes arns¢r of IIxrM JrsarihcJ nl i'aragolAU 2 Z Ihnmldl Z (NJ YI)' IXIMr XnAYT xkllrlfKJ in Artkk 12 a pan of Ibsic Scrvkcs, vsJ irxlmk rwmnl suua'~ tool, IlKSilvrkil vIJ ckdlrkil cngirKCring an'ka 2.2 9CIIEYATIC OESIQl1 PMI15E 2.2.1 'I he Archhm dull revkw 11K prugrvn fumislxJ by JM uwrMr m asdcnain IIK rcyuiranena of Ilx 1'nrjcu vxl dull unrc n a mwml urnkmrvxJirrg of such rcquirrn Klns witlr the 1 Iw IMr 22.2 "ILc Arcbilm doll pruviJe a prrlimimry es'ilmlkm of the UwYMr's ImryVanr. ulKJuk arxl nmurmkm MxiiMl mquhrnKn~, nth k: Krma of UK IxlKr. wblm hr JK limiu- Ibm ssY Lath in Suhparapnph 5.2.1. 21.3 l lx AuLiledt dub ro~kw wxh IIK Uw'rKr ilKnnuvc alxm.xlKa ro lkaign arxl umvrmlkm of IIK Yrnjccl. 2.2./ ItassYl rm IIK nmhdlY aRrccJ-upm pis prvn, x'Iesluk vul amwrw-Ikm blxlRa ra)virrnxmu, nc~ Ardritm slnll prgnrp for alrynnril by Jx Uw'IKr, Salrrnnik Ocdpr IAxv niana omvaing ul Jnw'inga amt rxlKr dnunxnu illmuninR Jm vale xxl rdvirndnp of Ynrjca aMlxrcrana. 2.2.5 lh< An Lima dull wlmlil m the Owlxr a prclnnimry rainum of U vawln IY m G xa IraMJ rm currrnl arn, vrdunx r rt oiba oun s. nu 2.3 OESIOIi OEVELOPIIEIIT PHASE 2.3.1 IIxJ rxl rIK agxnvcJ 41Knutk Ikvgll ^nunxnn nnl am aJpntnxTna auJxxbmJ by JK (iwnxn in Jx lro rgrml, aclKJuk ur nxtarnxYkxs huJAe4 she Archhm drill prepare. fur approvil by JK Owner, Desiµn Jeveb{Mem IkMUrtlans dmtterinq of JnwlnfES anJ rxha skxvnKnu ur fix anJ skserihe she sine vM character u( UK Pmlm as Io arcbilnlunl, slnx'- sural. nsechanknl arrJ eknrkal sysrrntt, nnrerbla anJ nxh other ekmcnd as may be apprsrprbrc. 2.32 llK Archhm shall aJvisc nc~ Uwlxr of any xljuaurxlm w UM preliminary eSlimase u(C xWnx'Ikm siasl. • • 2.1 CONSTRUCTION f10C1A1E1/TS PHASE 2.1.1 IsueJ Im tIM appruveJ Uesign IRvckrlulKnl Ihxv maul vxl vly funher adjuurrMnu In the xarpc or yualitg of the Project or in JK avnvrsxxiun hIIJBeI auslMizexl by rix UwrKr, Jx Archhm shLl prryruq hx approval by JM OwrKr, (ilrwlmalXxl WcunKnu atxtsistirs2 of OnwinQs amt Spetifx~~ IWna sannB (ooh In Jaill the rcysdremm6 far Ilx axmrua Ikm of OK Ynrlm. 2A2 TiM Md1ilm shall riser the Uwrxr in JK Ixepanikxs u( JM rKCCCSary bklding Infomntivn, bidJirgt hams. Ihf Oxxli- Ibns of JK (imlrxt, vxl the furor of ARreenran bttwmr tM OwrKr aril Wuraaur. 2.1.3 7lK Arai)iIm ddl xlvee UK Owrxr of anY xllustmaKs ru pmkxrs prelimwry airtutes d Crxgsrsla4m (iBl bxli~ rneJ Ay changes N requkrnKrxs sx RaMN rrurka axmJilkr.n. 2.1.1 7M Archhm shall a+el the OwrKr in nxmttikm with Ox Owner's respsxWdgsy f« IBug sbaxrKms rc'yuireJ fur tIM apprraval u( guvemmenul ausMxbics having jureslkrkm ova slx Prsrjm. . • 2.5 BIOOHf7 OR NEOOTNTION PHASE 2.5.1 l1M Ardrrm, fdkrwing Jx OwlKrs alrymrval of sIK t:.Imsmrlkm Ihx~rtrraru amt lil the blast prchmilurY s'vgsme of On¢trualkm Guu. shall asses IIK OwrKr al IAxaining hkls ur IMgIxbIN prgxeaL+ anJ asset pr awvJing arM prefnrirryl (r xllfXlt h:( C1mN.'IhIXT. 2.8 CONSTRUCTION PNASE-ADMMISTMTION OF THE COI/SiR11CT10N CONiRACi 2.8.1 'fM Archilm's r6pUrEdblllly Io provide Boric Srnkzs fur she [ixurrsxiiun PhaM umkr Nis Apreemrnt axnnxna'es w'iIh IIK aw7N of JM Gmtracr fu CsxEVrmkan anJ tennilures v the nriier of she Issuanac ur IIK Owner IA IM Brul Cerlifxwrc for Paymrnt Ix ffl Jays aha she Jale of Suhsunriil GMplnkm of UK R urk, unless exserrskd umler she semis of WhpanpPalsi• w.3.3. 2.l2 l7K Arcirirm shall prrwMc ashninelnl'rm of the Om- Irxa hx UnttatUdlkm a M hrnh hckrw amt M she eJnkm of AIA IAxnxrKnl A2U I, (:erKnl (wxxli&xu uI she (imlrxt fur (ixNmaikm, avrrrnl a n( she dale rd the Agrmrent, unless InhawiM provirkd in the Agrtenent. 2.l.3 Wlia, rafxxEtibBhies anJ IYnlulkxn of audxxiry W the AICIIIIRY Shag rxx be rGSIriCIN. rmrtM(Kd m Ciierxkd wpMM worsen .tgreelrlenl M she f)rrxr and Archhm w4h (Y)raaenl M IIK linxrxtrx, whkh axurnt 9uB mx ire unrasrxulriv w'xhIKIJ NA pOQIEEIIT lUS • rlWnfa xar Illl it t .aqa{rLiM • HN'aIEENIII EmTFIn • AIIP • PIAa ullswn nvlw.vnar nr sn non nr.axrw nrrx nrmla.nw, waunr«orxs,nr'pnr, 8711-1 N7 2 T II ~F. A M E R I 1; A N I N S T I T II T E A/A /Axunlenl 8141 Il F A R I; II I T F. 1: 1 $ Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect 1987 EDITION /7//.ti /XX,'UAfh.'NT HAS IMYOK7AN'!' LlGA/. GUN.SF,QUIiNCF_S; CONSU/.TAT/UN W/TU .IN A''/T(rKN/iY /.5' F.NC(11/KAGF.U R?T!1 KESPF.(,T TO /TS CUM/'LF.T/ON (1K AfODIF/U7/ON AGREEMENT male as of the Jay uF in the year of Nineteen Ilundred anJ BETWEEN the Owner: Lr,•xx~,•,4/.xFlm.) City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 and the Architect: la.,x•r,••N/rrrFn,../ Fleet S Associates Architects/Planners, Inc. 4041 Sunbeam Road Jacksonville, FL 32257 Fur the following Project: (l•F hrrM ArY.xMl rlp4ll/Mrvwl ry /YrgNY, lrRnlnv, MFlml lx4l V rMr' 1 Expansion of the existing public safety building as described in Attachment I. The Owner anJ Architect agree as set forth Ixlow. ril~.\irh~fY~ 111551Hrw9%r~xY~rrnvr.\N V , i'Y\h1rNNUn, I~• l1xMX• IyIU, IY]I. 19]].01911] Nr The Amelksl lmvxulc RlimnxxxiYln d the nlacWl hcrcN IN MlbelalNM r/rnNnFm UI il\ /rrnvirwnn vNMM rlNlex (re,miarYm rrf IIH.YIl1 rY11Ntx Iht t111rrtR011 bwf M IIK IMMIO AaCf aW w'm h[ 411r1rrl lrr l(g]11Hrwfl UIYN1 IW DOQIIpIr X191 • IiiryfJl \Yr.111TEGT M:IIfEIFNI • NMl/3XY11 nMTN1K • NFx • 0191n 111i.\MiYN.\N IMllilRilN.M1)Iliil,Tt,l+\SMCV YIlI1F FViM R.Ni, iF4lMf:l(x1,nf TN11/r ~1Ii•~x> i ~f/2G~93 i all~olf~/ i7f ,j„rz~r~ moo,-~"..~-.-,c/ ~~ dt`~~~s~^i ~as-~fl /ylff~-may , / n~,.,c E t~~ s ~/ ~ y~,~c-mss ; o% ,- i~~ Ci r ~o~ ~ ,ss• crFf^- f.~c~s ~~ , ~~,~,Y ~~F~Y ~~~ s ~~-~~~" ~~i, /1.1.1. 32G S~fr~~ /,y i9T/ ~~~ FL3zz33 I ~1 LOT 33 i ~ I z I m z III--r. -. m I T I m ' ; I 8 I rn T ^' o T m ~J a K -G g OI N O_ 2 ` s Q f ~ F t e i < 2 m m W W a + o ,r 0 Q ~z ee N O 1/1 NO < .£ 0 p Tr i ~ N. 8 3.4 2' LOT 33 I C LOT i -- - O I - - _ I I L07 E• IOI.ISI z4.5~ __-- _ _._ ..__._ sz o ~3~ y .; Concrete i'oundatlon pe pourg0 & Framed w ~. _ ~- n W ~' z O V h K ~0 ri .[' S.B3. 42'OON W, Y3.46 i LOT 34 i -1 ~ S D ) 0 a m fl i J I IOVNO I/3'INON .1.[ MO CII tt.is' . ___ 50.00' 1343' ~ ~W T N.83°s2'00`E. ~~w,•..__ ~ L..lb. THIRD AO'R/W(PAVECI S T R E t ~17~' PN7VF:N7'Y StIL1M FO•RFX1F7 APVPJ~RS 7Y1 f,T F. [N tl.tYY1 ~r WF. •%' (AREA OVI$(ng Sn0 YP.AR Ft.00r1 PIAlN) ~^ Wg7,f, Ac <'AN FIt IIFIERMINF.n IlY TNF, •ftA0i1 INSURANCE 1L1TF, 'MP' tVR ATI.ANPTC NFX,'H, F1gRif14. ~ . THIS SURyE V NOi VALID UNLESS SEALCD WITH AN EYROSSED SEAL Of S~f RI'f'/GR C._•'~n y!Rrryl 1 NF7tfAY fFJ+T;: FWRIIYI THAT ; TFE AFY7yE CAPTIOF REPRESprt'ATION 0: SEMEn Fff1~7711 t OF TFg F1,ORI1a ANn THE tl,ORtrx r 1 C f WI<{ryy brH ~Ilis Quit-ilnim ~ttdr a=rr~Fre)tC1r~tAIa~CORDSJ FEBRUARY 1 D 1089 , by r- SAN MAR00 PROPERTIfrS, LTD. GROUP I, A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP /tot pony, to _ . MARK J. KREDELLr A MARRIED MAN i I uden po,to/(ire addrer, .r 1930 SAN MARCO BOULEVARD, JACKSONVILLE• FL 32207 i arrond parlyv , M'h..n.r avr 4mu yMr xrr '•pm aM •• xr~,anY' due 1 I w danWr +~ o rrt ~ Y M~~~~ I~ aM r~I. Mlq LrN .` JE~ r Tim.) r wi,r ~1 .Maw eY ,M .. n ~lltntSitth. 71rn1 the sold Jint party, Jer end in coruldrrellen rJ lAe rum of S in hand paid Ay the raid rroond 10.00 pony, fAe rrulpl wlrnroJ b Am6y aeltnewlydped. done Arre6y nm4r. ra- bnre and quit-cletm unto tAe raid srmnd party Jwepeq all the npAt, fll(.. INOOt, claim and drmnnd wAicA tAe raid Jim party Au an and to tAe follpur/np dercrt6rd tat, place or parcel o rn the Ceu t. of J load. ritrute. Irinp and 6etnp V ~_ DUVAG State of pLORIDA , to-wit: LOTS 27,'130r 31r 32,. 33r 34, 35 AND THE WEST 1/2 OP LOT 28, BLOCI( 5. ALSO THp.T STRIP Oir LAND LYING WEST OP LOTS 39 AND 35. BLOCK 5. AND EAST OF THE EASTERLY RIG7IP Op WAY LINE OF SHERRY DRIVE (A 60 FOOT RIGHT OF WAY) AS SHOWN Oti PLAT NO. 1, SUBDIVISItIN "A"r ATLANTIC BEACl1, PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 69, CfA2RENT PUBLIC RECORDS OF DWAG NlR'TPYr FLORIDA. r 3AN MARCO PROPHa'1~4, L'ID.r GRQ1P I, EPAS INVOLUNTARILY DISSOLY® II7 1982; r MAR& J. RREOELL lil4 Tgg 80LB G@~1L PMi}>ER AND MARK J. IDiPDPI,I,r DAVID I IUID}IIAN' AND ROBffiiP D. E@PMILLi 1F~1E T~ LL~IIT®. PARTNPRS ~ SAN MARCD 'iB.S, ~ IMC.r DROOP-I, 41~ I AT 1t~ 5776 CF DISSDLVlIQI; f1~3r MARK J. RRBOFLL BA4 PDR(~114® TBE LDSTI4D PARTNPRS9Ip INTEREST OP DAYID~~ iiAl>~l1 AID ROBIRa D. BDpPMAN OA DBTH~BOt 31e 1986; ~^o, 171E E#IAIilOR NQf D~ SD ORiYtD! ANY AND ALL »P IN TFffi ABOSP, i DC90tIB® REAL PIIOPERTS 10 E3tAlil48. , ~. ST TE of FLORIDA ' ~C .~ DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX l .,G~ AIL _UEPT.Or AEVENVE r .I 33 Y; _ Pp.=r¢elE•ee ~ 0 0. S 5.1 70 t a/1d t0 11Y~ tAr wmr teprfAer wHA all end rinpuly tAr appunrnenen tAnrwro Arlonping ar in enywire epperlelnlnp and all IAr rsfele. npAl, Iltlr, Inlmerl, l(en, rawly and elNm wAel- mrro of IAr said Jtrst para. rnArr in law mTryfy, to tAr enly proper rue. 6rnr/tt and 6eAooJ oI tAr ratd ,r, onA pony Jrxrnn. I ~n iUttnas ~ItttOf, TAr mtd Jtnt vary Anr stpnrd end sro4d tArsr p.omb tke day end yeort Jtnt nAevr mourn. Scpned ,ruled and drlirord in presence oJv SAN MARK PROPERTIES. LTA, (Zi 0[JP I MARK J. KRID.... .. ..__... ...... . RF~ELL, ITS SIX, GFI4ERAG PARTNER `ter L- vo16658 PG2098 MARK J. RR LL ~ ~~~~~ rI HEAElY CERTIFY <hu on rho daY, hefers me, an ofLr rr dul. amhorud In rhr Sum sfoxuid end in the (:ou nrY almrnid re u\< r<kee~.kdEmrno, peranallY apysued pMpA~RyRp~Jq. KREDTF~TLLD..INDIVIWALLY AND AS THE SOLE GENERAL PARTNER t>E' SAN MARK -:~~ n~~ f~.•I ~,u 6r-T=rp Li~wn~dn rlb<d fn and mho <ac<m<d rhr forrpelee innrum<m and HE arino~icdKd L t„rr ,,,..h.,, pg .an+rea Inr umr. MITSE55 mY hand •nd efliCci~a((l'1~xsl iqn r)h< Cov)my and Suu b f ntld r u 14 h d f ,y/~~y aY o FEBRUARY n. D. 19 69 ~7J- lr( O6Fi / ~y.~1-~ ~g i fa~rldY v~. - STnT'E OF FLORIDA, M1sLL'-~<r~+-~"Fiaa.w., ~'O: ;: •R~I; I.I<1~+~' ~ ~i :'[:c 5;rle of E~br /ln~ bt~rnnnrrr! n' ;n.l h Eb, EI ln~ll .f~4~..~:.. p H/tanasua: Eappry l/1 .1,llq:,. IC ...a U 3 rTITL~ 6 ESCROW OORPORIIT IDA ACNE SAN JOSE ,P[17WEyi~I1'rM16, JAQCSONYILLE, ET. 32257 i APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ~~~~~ V ~ D NF;iC'1' MEETING DATE: ~ J{IO_ ~l_ 3 ~ ((~~ QPR 61993 FILING DEADLINE: `f~-x-9.3 ~' •- Building 2nd Zoning PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ~ ~ APPLICATION FEE 575.00 1N BLACK INK ~' ~ i 7'U REQUEST A VARIANCE FROH, THE RECULATION6 INDICATED HEREIN, BECAUSE THERE ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS IN CARRYING OUT THE STRICT LETTER OF THE CODE OR ORDINANCE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A VARIANCE AS FOLLOWS: Barbare Nubba rd Name ; 329 Sherry Drive Work' 724-7800 Address ~ ~ ~~ Atlantic Beach F1. 32233 ~ Home: 646-9727 City, State, Zip - I Locations of building or structure: on the East side of Sherry Drive b cur n 3rd erd 4CIh St n e or w ~ street Street a dress and legal description of property: Note: Attach copy of deed, and survey or )Ll o4_ is ram indicating proposed construction. 329 Sherry Drive Lot 34 t of ~'32 61o k ,„ ~, zoning classification: Rr._t' Section of Code from which variance is sought:__Rear verd sec back = Describe variance requested: From 20' to 15 ' for rear and The reason variance ie sought: Backyard is 24' deep existlnR coot re*e patio slab extends 8' bark from rear of home ..,a ~e toy ... ~_ __ ___.. ... data which should be considered by the Board: ~I '", P.re con s,~t ruction plans submitted with this application"! yes what is the applicant's interest in this variant r. .4 oolicont is purchesin¢ this home aid desires [o ha e a screened in Dario IIV FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS IT BECOMES A PART OF THE OFPICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KIJOWLEDGE. ~~~" ' w_t(P/~-~ t~r0a.~,~.-~R~ r~,GL~ 3 r~ rro7 Signature of owner E the property Application cannot be processed without owner's signature Mr-: Mark Aredell introduce3 himself ±n the board as builder of the residence and stated the reasons a variance was requested. Hs. Hubbard also introduced herself to the board and presented picturos of the property. Mr. David Johnson, adjacent property owner, introduced himself tc the board and voiced no objection to the proposed construction. After discussion, Mary Walker moved to deny the request for variance. Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion and the variance was unanimously denied. I JLD BUSINESS: I. The' board reviewed and discussed the proposed amendment regarding the definition of accessory uses and structures. The Director of the Board will make the changes discussed by the board and present the draft ordinance to the City Commission for the first reading. There being no further business to come before the meeting on motion duly made and seconded it was adjourned. Sir,NED: ATTEST: mre~. - ~.. six.. III. Application for Change in Zoning from Residential Genera' Gne (RG-1) to Commercial General (CG) to operate a mini warehouse business at property located at 310 Mayport Road. :he applicant, Mike Ashourian, introduced himself to the board and explained that the rezoning was required to operate an existing mini warehouse business at said location. He presented a map showing the existing facility. as well as the additional property in question. Ben Btrozier introduced himself to the board and voiced his objections to the rezoning and presented a petition and letters from other adjacent homeowners. A Eter discussion, Ms. Gregg moved to recommend that the City Commission deny the application. Mr. Wolfson seconded the motion end it passed unanimously. ?V. Application for Variance filed by Robert and Leona Lowther to enclose a porch that will encreach the rear yard setback at property located at 251 Ocean Forest Drive North. Mr. Lowther introduced himself to the Board and explained why khe variance was requested. :after discussion. Mr. Wolfson moved to deny the application. Ms. Gregg seconded the motion and the application was denied by a nnani mous vote. - V. Application for Variance filed by William H. Dukes. Jr., to a11ou a 10-toot x 36-foot trailer for office and storage space a. property located at R80 Mayport Raod. Mr. Cuk es introduced himsel"f to the Board and explained that the variance was requested for storage purposes at his property for 12-month period. ?fret discussion, Ms. Gregg moved to grant the variance for a period of six months. The Chairman seconded the motion and it vas 7x anted by a vote of 3 - 1. This matter will become an automatic ~yenda item for the October 1993 meeting. 'J?. Application for Variance filed by P.arbara Hubbard to enclose patio w},i ch will encroach the rear yard setback at property located at 329 Sherry Urive. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA April 20, 1993 7:00 P.M. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg McCaulie Ruth Gregg Don Wolfson Nary Walker P.ND Alan Jensen, City Attor.^.ey Geocge Worley, II, CD Director i Pat Rarris, Recording Secretary ABSENT i Hark McGowan Robert Frohvein Pat Pillmore Chairman Gregg McCaulie, called the meeting to order and asked fcr approval of the_ minutes from the meeting of Narch 21, 1593. UPOn motion duly made and seconded said minutes were approved. NEW BUSINESS: I. Application for Use by Exception tiled by Thomas c. aohnscn to operate a neuromuscular therapy clinic at 447 Atlantic Boulevard. Suite 3A. Mc. .Johnson introduced himself to the board and explained the nature of the proposed business and presented letters of reference tc the board. After discussion, on mot i,on made and seconded, the board voted cnar,imously t_o recommend approval of the Use by Exception to the City COmmisSlOn. II. Application for r_hange in Zoning from Commercial General (^_GI to Industrial Light and Warehousing/Storage (It.W). Terence P. xane introduced himself to the board and erplarned the chance of zoning vas needed to alloy outside storage of automobiles at a mini-warehouse/storage facility at property located ar ?'2; Mayport Road. After discussion, Ms. Gregq moved to recommend to the City Commission the the request for rezoning be deci ed. The motion vas seconded by Mr. Wolfson and unanimo~is ly approved. ~. - ~ -T~ I ~'S' -=~--,_~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ t a ~~ ~' ~ a ~i as ~ .. `~ ~`i - \ ti 7 n u~j ~ W J ~`a ~~ i ~ T n ~ ~ v .~ :~ 0 no construction is underway or anticipated xt. this location. •Stxff finds na ob.iection to this request provided a specific time per od and use is apecified.~ Staff~eggmmepds_Appro v_x l_ su h.lezrt _4 Lhe-_stipulxy3o L vel ve moot n tl+al~the tra~,~r ¢g~gFAl3Steri_fpr ~it_QRl r_ansl that n(i Hart of ~hg tFa 1 6 an . e exCP,D~toragg. ~ gF g_used_for At:ENDA ZTEM: 3f. Application for Ve ri once to enclose patio at rear of 329 Sherry Drive encroaching into rear setback. Appi icant desires to enclose an existing patio slab with a screened room addition. The proposed addition will encroach 4 1"eet. into the rear yard setback leaving ]6 feet to the rear Property line. R b:COFtAI ENDATt ON No hardship is show by applicant. ,S,~nft_recommenriL Denial. :u: F.NDA ITP:H: •ie. Proposed ordinance amendment. to clarify Accessory Uaes, and Accessory Stnwtn ree:. Staff recommends approval of this draft amendment for Lrxnsmission to the City Commission For first reading. ,..r.__~_. ,4,.. AGD•NDA ITEM: 3c. Application for rezoning of RG-] lots at 310 Hal'POrt Rond to L'G as part of n Mini Storage business. Two of the lots are adjacent to the Mini Storage and two are across the road. The twoadjacent lots are fenced in as Part of the mini storage use.; The two lots on file sou t}r side of west Third contain existing mini storage buildings. The '+Pplirnnt requests that these.lots be rezoned to assure that he Eras the capability of expanding the existing buildings onto those lotx. He has not expressed the intent to construct such an expansion at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Due to Lhe ad,j scent CG uses on both sides of the street and the fact that, the applicant has common ownership of the adjacent :fi ni Storage business, Staff recommen .S aperova7, of, t_h is request rq.i Lf} the _s tipulatipn that the use of these lots be mark in strict compl,i xD,c e_yith the CG district re ulnt,}on5 inc lLlriing_m 9utsde_stprage of oeh ?=_~l es. A'; ENDA ITEM: 3d. Application for Varianre to mar yard setback at 251 Ocean i~o rest llrive for the construction of an encLosad Porch. Applicant desires to construct a room addition onto the rear of the residence at 251 Ocean Forest. Drive North which will encroach into the rear setback requirement. The addition will be 10 feet from the rear property line. The required setback is 2U Ceet. ItECOMHENDATION: No hardship has been demonstrated by the applicant. The original. building was constructed to the Ocean walk setbacks ].caving no additional space behind the building for additions. st.nff recommends Daniel. A.;ENDA TTEM: Jr. Application for Varianr. r, to permit the placement and use of a mobile office ' trailer at 880 Haypor[ Road. The applicant desires to install, nn w temporary basis, a canst. motion office type trailer for storage purposes behind his exists ng office hnilding. i Ii F:COMl1ENDATI ON: i ~ ~ i ~ section 24-Gf, prrmi is such trnile rs dnri nq conkl.rn r,tion and !or periods of six months only. The request. is far-oar year and CITS' OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMMUNITY DEVF'LOPEIENT BOARD STAFF REPUk"1' `I h; E'.T INR DA'Z'E.: April ZU, 1993 AGENDA [TEM: p 3a Application for Use-by-E:x cePt.i on to operate n neuromusculnr therapy clinic at 4.17 Atlantic Boulevard. APplicnnt desires a Use-by-Exception to Permit a neuromuscular therapy clinic at a location in a C'G zoning .iistrict. This bu sinesx is similar to a massage therapy clinic. The location has adequate ingress/eq re ss and parking. RFCOAIMGNDATiON: Considering the low traffic generation, the ingress/egress and parking, and considering that this use is similar to one approved approximately six months ago which has not generated any complaints, Staff recommends approval~of this request. AGENDA ITEM: !36 Application for rezoning of 2283 Mayport Road from CG to Il.ii for the operation of a Eli ni warehouse fee i7.ity with ou is idc storage of automobiles. The applicant. currently operates a mini stn rage facili t.c in „ CG district along with the outside storage of nutomobiles on 'he same site. The storage business is Permitted ns a Ilse-h,y-E:xcept.i on in the CG district, however, the outside storage of nutomobiles is only Permitted in the IL~% distri r. t. The area surrounding Fan Am Mini Storage is all zoned CG. kIiCOMMFh DAYTON: Staff agrees Lhat in all probability Pan Am will keep n clean and unobtrusive operation. Rezoning this location will I~~gitimize the outside storage of automobiles. IL will also nflow as Permitted Uses bulk storage ynrds, mnuufxc to ri ng, contractors storage yards, vehicle repairs end similar uses. Thn.se would be lou~ted adjacent to Mayport Road. Outside st.o rage has the potential to become a collection 1+nint, for disabled and abandoned automobiles. Mnintenance of such sues is difficult at beat. Rezoning this CO property tc 1Lw could open the door to many more requests from the other sf.o rage bnsinesse ,. In addition, this is a drnstic step to [=tke Lo Permit, outside storage which could lead t.o n downgrading of thr nd.incent :v eas. Because of the potent.i n] for degrading tin• n roa and hrc av se• of the ether permitted uses of ILM', Staff r.~eommends Denial. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAPF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial 329 Sherry Drive SUBMITTED BY: George Morley, City Planner ~~~ DATE:- May 3, 1993 BACKGROUND: The applicant, Mrs. Hubbard, applied to the Community Development Board for a Variance to permit the construction of a screened room addition to the rear of her residence which would encroach the rear setback requirement by four feet. At the hearing, the Board found that no hardship existed that justified the proposed encroachment. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that this appeal be denied based upon the lack of apparent hardship, and that the granting of this variance would confer upon the applicant a special privilege denied by the Zoning Code to other lands in the same district, namely a sixteen foot rear setback where tr.~enty feet is required. ATTACHMENTS: 11 Application for Variance. 2) Community Development Board Staff Report. 3) Minutes of the April 20th Community Development Board Meeting. - i / _ REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER AGENDA ITEM NO. Y FINDIMOS OF FACT i. Irgrees end egresw to property •nd proposed YES structures i• adequets. Pwrlioulwr reference i• NO made to ^ulowotive and pedestrian swfsty and convenience, traftia floc wnd oentrol and wcoess in case of ostestrophe) 2. Off-etrvet perking wnd loading i• adequate. Pertieuler attention i• paid !o the !teas in 1. above end the eoonoalo, noise, piwre •nd odor affects of the speoial sxeeption oo ad~eininp propertiew end properties generally in th• district= ; 3. Locstiona of refuu ^nd srvioe ^»es •re compatible rith surrounding poperties and ere easily aeeeasible. ~__ ___ 4. Locations, availsbillty end eowpetibility of utilities ere adequate. 5. Type, diwensione wnd oharaoter of screening and buffering ere wdequsle. 6. Signs wnd proposed exterior liphling, rith reference to glare wnd traffio safety, are in harwany end wre eewpatible rithother properties in the diwtriel. t 7. Required yards end other open spacer wre adequate. ©. The uu is penerelly eewpwlible rith edleoent properties and other property in Lhe district. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS, ACTIONS SY THE CITY COMMISSIOMf Please Typo or Print in Ink Application Fee •73.00 APPLICATION FOR •USE BY EXC~~~ D Date Filed~~_9 _~ ~ ___ MAR 181993 i Building and Zoning NeN~an~d1l~~Addrea~e of~Ornor or Tenant in Poauaaion 62 P»aiagi ''// Phono __________________________________ Mork a ?~1T ~0 ______________________________ NONt ' Street address and legal doaorlplion o! tho p»a1Na N !o rhich !M •W, by Exoeption• i^ roquoated~ ----------------------------- _ ~rax_>~~.~G----------------------- ------------------------------------ A description of the •Uaa 6y Exeeption• desired, rhich shall apocitieally and particularly deaoribe the type,- oharaetor and extent of the propoaeo "U~-s-e77~~by Exoeption•~ __lCfrl4t°O1!•1~6~fK+9'~. /AYif/.4s~f/ - Q r~./b e. en.,~..._ ~ Spooitie reuena rhy the applicant ieela the request should be granted 7-~/` =---°~-w-~=%~.e°'~¢-- ~`~--- '~IIGUiCL__ ?a--l~ ~iJr~ -~.~i-fC'i°~-------- Signet o of applicant/applieant'~ Sign~tur~ of orner of the property. author zed agent or attorney. It Appliaation oannot bo prxooaed agent or atternoy, inaludo letter rilhout ornery signature. frog applioant to that ettecl. Applicants Do not till-in beyond thin paint. Novver, M prepared to respond to the tolloring iteut ~ Zoning Claaaitiaation~__~~____________________ ZONING AND SURDIVISiON REGULATTONS 4 241] 1 f6) Retail sale of beer and wine; (7) Auto service station, maintenance and minor repairs, car wash; (3) Theater; f9) Government buildings and facilities; (10) Produce markets (no outside sales); ~(I U Those uses permitted in Commercial Limited zoning; (d Uses by exception In these districts, uses 6y exception are as follows: (1) Animal kennel; (2) Veterinarian clinic; (3) Child care center; (4) On~premiae consumption of liquor, beer and wine; (5) Limited wholesale operation; (5) Contractoq not requiring outside storage; (7) Limited warehousing, including mini-warehouses; (3) Motels; (9) Churches; (10) Cabinet shops; (11) Hospital, nursing home; (12) Sale of new and used automobiles and boats; (13) Automotivekruck service garage (not including semi tractor trailer repairei; (14) Those uses permitted in Commercial Limited as uses by exception. (d) Minimum bt or ai# r<quirem<nrs The minimum requirements for Iota and sites in these districts are as follows: (D Lot or site area: None; (2I Lot width: None; (3) Lot depth: None. (ei Minimum yard requrementa The minimum yard requirements in these districts ere as follows: (ll Front yard: 20 feet. Y buildings adjacent love provided a lesser front yard, (rant yard shall be the average of buildings on adjacent Iota. Where lot u adjacent to RS end RC districts, front yard ahaB meet the requirements (or such adjacent property; (2) ,Rear Yard: 20 feet; (3) Side yard: 10 feet.. . (O Building restrirtions. The building iestrietions in these districts ere ae follows: (U Maximum lot coverage: None; 4 24-110 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE _~ (9) Aummotiveliruck service garage (not including semi-tractor trailer repairs); (10) Restauraa(s (d) Minimum !of or ai4 requirements The minimum requirements for Iota end sites in these districts ere ae follows: (1) Lot or site area: 5,000 square feet; (2) Lot width: 50 feet; t3) Lo[ depth: 100 feet. (e) Minimum yard requirements The minimum yard requirements for thes¢ distri -ts are as follcwa: (ll Front yard: 20 feet. ff buildings adjacent have provided a lesser front yard, front yard shall be the average of buildings on adjacent Iota. Where lot is adjacent to RS and RG districts, front yard shell meet the requirements for such adjacent property; (2) Rear yard: 20 feet; (3) aide yard: 10 feet. (D Building restrictions The buildings restrictions Cor these districts are as (allows: (1) Maximum lot coverage: none; - (2) Maximum building height: 35 feet. (Ord. No. 90.82-74, 4 2(iII, F, 2), 7-26.82; Ord. No. 90-AS-96, 4 1, 30~14~85; Ord. Mo. 90-B.', 9A. F 1, 1-13A6; Ord. No. 9p-86.113, 4 2, I-12.87; Ord. No. 90.gg_13q~ 5 1, 8~~88) Sec- Lt-Ill. CC commercial general districts. !a) Intent The CG districts are intended to provide general retail sales and servic¢s far the city as a whole. These districts should have direct access to major thoroughfares and are well suited (or development of community shopping centers- (bi Permitted uses. The uses permitted in these districts are as follows (ll Retail outlets for the sale of food and and notions, books and statioae 1 drugs, wearing apparel, mya, sundries, sundries eras, Photographic supplies, ry uggage, jewelry, art, Iloriat including silks, ram- kennel ar veterinarian , sPOrtrng gds' hobby shops and pet shops (not animal ) bakery (but not wholesale bakery), home furnishings and spphances, ofTce equipment and furniture, hardware, lumber and building materi~ als, auto parts, end similar urea; (2) Service estebliahments such ae barber or beauty shoe, shoe repair, restaurant, gym. nasium, laundry or dry c]eaner, funeral home, joh printing, radio and television repairs, lawn care service pest control companies, and similar uses; !3) Banks, Iwo coin ponies. mortgage brokers. stockbrokers. and similar financial inq rtu:rors: !4) Business and pro(¢ssional o(Rces; ~ !51 Retail plant nursery; Supo. Nc.l 1444 § 24-110 ZONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (2) Maximum bui1di1O14S5;tOrd f N°~ 908-113, 4 2, 1-1287; Ord. No. 90-88-132, 4 1. (Ord. No. 90-8596. 4 7'25) 1, ado red October 14, 1985, repealed former E Editor's note-Ord. No. 9085-96, 4 P 24-111 in its entirety, renumbered former 44 24-109 and 24110 as 4§ 24110 and 24111. and dos is t and derived (r9om O deNo. 90.82'74, 4 'VIII, Fn2d1, adopted July 26 n1982. ial intensive Sec. 24.110. CL commercial limited dtstn`otr low intensity cemmercial uses and businesses (a) Intent The CL Districts ere intended and cemmeniel offices which are suitable within close Proximity to RS Districts, however, with regulation and oversite certain uses by exception within this district would be apPr°~ priate. , (b) Permitted uses The uses permuced in these districts are es fotlaws: (1) Service establishments such as harbor or beauty shops, shoe repair, laundry or dry cleaning Pick-up, tailors or dressmakers: low in~~Yand stationery' uggage a d weaRng apparel, Wye, sundries end notions, jewelry; but not sale of ]umber. hsrdware or building materials or similar uses. (2) AR galleries, libraries. museums: (3) Medical and dental offitea, but not tlinia or hospitals; (4) professional offices such as accountants, architects. attorneys, engineers, optome- triete and similar uses; (5) Business offices such as real esters broker, insurance agents, manufacturing agents and similar uses: (6) Banks end financial institutions; (7) Convenience food scores but not supermarkets: <g) Apothecaries; (9) Government buildings and facilities. ex Lion ere as follows: (c) Uses 6Y except1OM1 In these districts, nxe by ceP (1) Those ones permitted in CG districts: (2) Medfcal or dental, clinics: (3) Child care centers: (4) Churches: (5) Limited wholesale operations: (6) Convenience food stores with retail sale of gasoline; (7) Contractor, nd requtnng Dotards storage; ' "' (8) Limited warehoudn8, not. including mini warehouses: 5°pp. Ho. 7 lµ3 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Neuromuscular Therapy Clinic SUBMITTED 9Y: George Worley, City Planner [-r /L~/F DATE: Nay 3, 1993 BACKGROUND: The Applicant is a licensed Neuromuscular Therapist in the State of Florida. He desires to open a therapy clinic in an office at 447 Atlantic Boulevard, Suite 3A. He intends to have a limited number of customers at a time. The zoning designation of the proposed location is CG Commercial. This category permits medical and dental clinics as Uses-by-Exception if listed as a Use-by-Exception in the CL district. Adequate parking exists. RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Board reviewed this application and unanimously recommended approval after finding that this business appears to fall into the category of "Medical or Dental clinic", is a listed Use-by-Exception in the CL district and will conform to the general character of the CG district. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Application for Use-by-Exception. 2) 31 Section 24-110, CL ~aInd/34-lll, CG districts. RF.VIEN'ED BY CITY MANAGER----_~'i... i11 /_ '~'~~/~'"~ AGENDA ITEM NO.~Q~ 414 Sherry Drive Atlantis Beach, Fla. PO: Mayor William Culliford k Commieeio ne rs Gity of Atlant[c Beach, Florida SUBJECT: Ongoing Situations "Denial o[ V ariances for Screened Enclo sores" 1. Ordnance (20' Setback) ie mute when property adjoins other than residential areas; ie Golf Course (Coutu ry Clubel, Parka or the like. 2. Ordnance [• mute when "all" the neighbors unanimously approve subject varience. That they approve of the citizen's desire to enjoy a Daeic way of lice in our country to enjoy the ;o tadoore, fresh air etc., without being the victim of bloodsucking mosquitos. >. So what if [here ie a detached eto rage building. A covered ac rc ened porch surely will no[ cause the world to end. Eae lely, the ordnance denying this small request ie creating a hardship. A person hie the unalienable righ! to enjoy his or her property eo its fullest extent. Denying this pleasure unqueet ionable ere aces a hardship. 4. A simple solution would be to utilize a dens lty (actor not to exceed a certain percent of the property; which, In many eases, to the pie aeure of many of our citizens, exceed with landeeaping. ie Swimming pools, patios, bushes, shrubs ry, trees, cane rock gardens etc. OR amend the ordnance eo ae to accomad ate screrned and rooted enclo cures in addition to the outbuildings, eleminat ing :he hardship. S in ee to ly _ _ ~ ~~~ n "~_ J P. (M ararc) Marchioli t 414 Sherry Drive Atlantic Beach, Fla. TO: Mayor William Gulliford dt Commbsbner• City of Atlaatle.Beaeh, Florida SUBJECT: Ongoing Sltuat tons "Denial of Vu[aaee• for Screened Enclosures" I. Ordnance (20' Setback) is mute when property adpin^ other than residential areas; ie Golf Co arse (Country Glubs), Parks or the like. 2. Ordnance la mute when "all" the neighbor unanimously approve subject var fence. That they approve of the eltlsea'• des[re [o enjoy a basic way of life [n our country to enjoy the ;outdoors, fresh wiz etc., wtt ho ut being the victim of bloodweking mosquitos. 3. So what if there b a detached storage buildlag. A covered screened porch surely will not cause the world to and. Bea leiy, the ordnance denying this email request Is creating a hardship. A person h!s the malleaable right to enjoy hl^ or he: property to 6• fullest eztsat. Denying this pleasure unqueet ionable creates a haldshlp. 4. A simple wlut ion would bs to utlilse a density factor not to ea;csed a certain percent of the property; wh[eh, la many cues, to the pleasure of many o[ our tit iaens, exceed. with landscaping. Is Sw[mming pools, patios, bushes, •hrubery, trees, cane rock gardens etc. OR amend the ordnutce so as to ac comad ate ecrcened and roofed enclo sores [n addition to the outbuildings, elemin atiog the hardship. ~Sinee re ly ~_,_ - ----- . 1. P. (Mare) Marchioli 414 Sherry Drive Atlantic Beach, Fla. TO: Mayor Will ism Gulliford ~ Commies[onezs City of Atlantis Beach, Florida SU BJEG T: Ongoing Situations "Dental of Vuiance• for Screened Enclosures" 1. Ordnance (20' Setback) is mute when property adpina other than residential areas; ie Golf Course (court ry clubs), Puks or the 1[ke. 2. Ordnance i• mute when "all" the nelghbor• unaalmously approve subject varie nce. That they approve of the ctrl:en's dest:e to enjoy a borate way of life in our Country to enjoy the ;o trtdoo», treeh a[r etc., without being the victim of blood•ueking mosquitos. 3. So what LL there Is a detanhed storage bulldiag. A covered •ezeeaed porch surely will not cruse the world to end. Bas iely, the ordnance denying this small requed is treat iag a hudship. A perwa his the inalienable right to enjoy his or her property to Its fullest a#ent. Denying this pleasure inquest ionable ereate• a hafdship. 4. A simple color ion would be to ut litre a density factor not to ezceed a certain percent of the property; which, in many cues, to the pleasure of many of our citizens, ezeeed: with landstaping, le Swimming pools, patios, bushes, •hrubery, trees, cane rock gardens ett. OR amend the ordnance so u to accomad ate ecrsened and roofed enclosures in addition to the ontbulldinga, elemin sting the hardsh[p. Sincere ly \ _ - ----_..7~P. (Marc)Muchioil ! STRUCTURE TYPE ' 17AXINUN AREA _! MAXIMUM HEIGHT ! ! ! Flat roof 10 ft. . ! Gazebo ! 150 eq. ft. ! ' ' 'Peaked roof_12 Ct _I ! ! ! Playhouses ! 36 eq. ft. ! 6 feet ~ ~ ~ ! ! !Private ball court! N/A ! N/A , ' i ~ i ! ! ! Flat roof 10 ft. . Tool/puup shed ! 160 aq. ft. ! , ' ' 'Peeked roof 1 t r ! r !Screened enclosure! 600 eq. ft. ! 15 feet ~ r ~ ~ ! ! !Hsu radio antennae! N/A ! N/A ~ ~ ~ ! i i ! Dog Houses ! 12 eq. Pt. ! 5 feet ! ! ! ! ! i ! Sr+iuuing pool ! N/A ! N/A ~ ~ i r ~ ~ Detached garage ! 600 aq. ft. ! 12 feet front of the required setback line on either street. Space in an accessory structure shall not be leased or let. SECTION 3. Severability. If eny section, sentence, clause, word, or phrase of Lhis Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity oY the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shell become effective immediately upon final pasange. PASSED BY THE CITY CONNI33ION ON FIRST READING: PASSED BY TN6 CITY COlR1I38ION ON SECOND READING: Nilliam I. Gulliford, Jr. ATTEST: Maureen King, City Clerk Approved ae to Form and Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney b. Child rens playhouses not exceeding 6 feet in height and 36 square feet in area; c. Private tennis, volleyball or basketball courts; d. Tool/storage sheds not exceeding ten feet in height for flat roofs or 12 feet in height for peaked roofs and 150 square feet in area; e. Screened enclosures without solid or impervious roofs and not exceeding 15 feet in height and 600 square feet in area; f. Hem radio antennae for the private use of the residents of the property; g. Dog houses or similar structures for the keeping of commonly accepted household pets not exceeding 5 feet in height and 12 square feet in area; h. Private swimming pools; i. Detached private garages not exceeding 12 feet in height and 600 square feet in area. (21 In any zoning district; e, No accessory structure shall be utilized unless the principal structure on the lot is occupied or utilized; b. All accessory structures shall comply with the use limitations applicable in the zoning district in which they are located; c. No accessory structure shall be used as a residence, temporarily or permanently; d. Only one accessory structure shall be permitted on each lot; e. An accessory structure shall only be Permitted in the side or rear yard of a lot. No part of any accessory structure shall be nearer than Pive 151 feet to any side or rear lot line, except as to detached private garages which shall not be nearer than ten 110) feet to any side or rear lot line. In addition, no pert of any accessory structure shall be nearer than ten 110) feet to the principal building on the lot except Por attached screened enclosures. On a corner lot, no part oP any accessory structure shall project in __~__. .. ,_....v ___• ~....~ ~i~ai~l~ ORDINANCE NO. J 3 L~ I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING SECTIONS 24-17. DEFINITIONS AND 24-151. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Section 24-17. Definitions is hereby amended by deleting the definition ~~Acceasory buildings and uses" in its entirety and substituting the Yollowing: Accessory Structure shall mean anythin3 constructed on a lot, not attached to the principal building, and ancillary to the principal building. Accessory structure shall also include attached screened enclosures without solid or imps rvioua roofs. Pump houses for exterior well pumps not exceeding nine (9) square feet in area and Your 14) feet in height shall not be considered an Accesory Structure. Pump houses larger than nine 19) square feet or four feet in height shall be considered Tool sheds SECTION 2. Section 24-151. Accessory uses and structures is hereby amended by deleting the existing and substituting the following: Sec. 24-151. Accessory structures. (a) Authorization. Accessory structures are permitted in any zoning district when the use of the structure is ancillary and incidental to the principal building on the lot. Ibl Accessory structures by zoning district. Only the following accessory atructu ree shall be permitted in the zoning districts as enumerated in this division: 111 In all residential zoning districts; al. Gazebos not exceeding 30 feet in height for flat roofs or 12 feet in height for pitched roofs and 150 square feet in area; ORDINANCE NO. 60-93-7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH AMENDING CHAPTER 17; SECTION 17-1, CERTAIN SIGNS EXEMPTED; PROVIDING FOR LIMITATIONS AND REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATE SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH: SECTION I. Chapter 17, Section 17-1, Paragraph 1131 is hereby deleted and replaced as follows: Sec.17-1. Certain signs exempted from operation of chapter. The Pollowing signs are expressly excluded Crom the operation of this chapter: (131 "Signs placed by property owners promoting the candidacy of a candidate for public of Pice, not exceeding Your 141 square feet in area and limited to one such sign per candidate per occupied residential property. These signs shall not be placed on public proper~y. No such sign may be placed closer than ten feet from any other such sign. Signs promoting the candidacy of any person shall not be placed prior to the qualification of that person as a candidate. All candidacy signs shall be removed within seventy-two (72) hours after final election." SECTION 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, word, or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the vel idity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon final passage. PASSED BY TI{E CITY COMMISSION ON FIRST READING: PASSED BY THF. CITY COMMISSICN ON SECOND READING: William I. Gulliford, Jr. ATTEST: Maureen King, City Cler Approved as to Form and Correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorney CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACR CiTS' COMMISSION MEF.TISG STAFF REPONT AGENDA ITEM: Political Sign Regulations v, City Planner C-. ~Gfr SUBMITTED BY: George Worse, DATE: May 3, 1993 BACKGROUNU: Some time ago the Commission directed the city staff to give thought to amending the regulation of political candidacy signs. City Clerk Maureen King and I worked to reach a reasonable compromise between too much regulation which could interfere with the First Amendment right of free expression, and too little regulation which could see the city plastered with oversized campaign signs. We believe the attached ordinance fairly balances these concerns and present it for your consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Passage on first reading. ATTACHMENTS: A /~ 1~ Draft Ordinance. ,/~/I~/ ~-~`'~~~~~// (/ REVIEWED BY CITY MAVAGER_~~y~- ;l ',/[,(_!/~~J ( AGE~D.4 ITEM 40. ~~_ CITY OF ~4lla.rtle b"eaek - ~lestda ~ra~clamtt#ian WHEREAS, Public Works services prcvided in our community are an integral part of our residents' everyday lives; and WHEREAS, the health, safety, and comfort of our citizenry greatly depend on these services; and WHEREAS, the support and understanding by an informed citizenry is vital to the fiscal management of Public Works' systems and programs: and WHEREAS, the quality and effectiveness of Public Works' activities, as well as planning, design, and construction, is vitally dependent uoon the efforts and skills of employees working for governmental entities and of businesses whose livelihood is from the Public works industry: and WHEREAS, the efficiency and morale of the qualified and dedicated personnel who work in the Public Works' profession is greatly influenced by public attitude and understanding of the importance of the work they perform; NOW, THEREFORE, I, William I. Gu lliford, Jr., by virtue of the authority granted to me as Mayor, do hereby proclaim May 16-22, 1993, as Pvblic Works Week in Atlantic Reach and encourage all citizens to acquaint themselves with the issues involved in providing Public Works' activities and to recognize the contributions which oublandwqualiteLOfnlife~ake every day to our health, safety, comfort, Y In Witness WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of Atlantic Beach to be affixed on this 10th day of M~v, 1993. William I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor ,.- ., Continued STORAGE BUILDING FOR AB DISTRIBUYION CREM - Since the City Commission felt the estimate of 870,000.00 to 490,000.00 for a separate building rould be too high end the engineering estimate for design rae too high. Bob Nosoy met rith a vendor and Consulting Engineer end Se attempting to obtain plane and specifications for a fro bay addition to the existing Public Norks facility. HELLS AT ASSISI LAME - Harry NcNally reported that on Apr11 t8, 1993 Larry Floyd televised the eastern roll at NTP •3 1A963 si Lene ). He Sound a bad leak at 103 feet Srom the top and the repair rill coat Detreen 65,000.00 and 410,000.00. It rae recommended that re speak to St. John's Catholic Church aDOUt obtaining property or. the east aide of the rater plant. 5. ENCODED REGISTER rATER METERS - The Committee recommended the immetliate purchase of encoded resister rater meters Sor all mar inats11et1one and retrofits. 6. ADMIRAL'S MALK - Tne ornere of Admiral's Nalk have requested that re read and Dill their individual waters instead of their waster water. Bob Koaoy responded to Scott Keith, in rriting, rith the problvme and coats of such an errangenent. SANITARY SENER REHAB OF AHERN AND 9TH STREETS AND SENZMOLE ROAD FROM 17TH TO 18TH STREETS - The Cowwittee recommended that the area from 17th to 18th S:reete be videotaped very earetully prior to any construction. ASSESSMENTS - The Cowwittee reeowaended that •reae vhere sever lines ere installed end service is available, the homeornere be notified properly and be given one year to connect. In addition, it raerecommended that the Basch Avenue project De constructed in phases, i. e. re should Degin installing lines vhere the rorat rater and/or serer problems are occurring. RSK/iD cc: All Attendees F11e - 93-NSCR CITY OF ,gila«ue a~ - ~ May 3, 1993 M E N O R A N D U N DDO SAtmWPPA IANE nnwNr~c aetcx, rwamt ruu{.a rEIF%pWE POe 2iLiti~ nDC OMI Hi5[tl TO: Kim D. Lelnbach/City Kenager FROM: Robert S. Kosoy/Dlrectar of Public Mocks RE: WATER AND 5EMER COKMITTEE REPORT f39 The Water and Serer Committee met on April 29, 1993 and the attendees rere: Kiw Leinhach, Lywen Fletcher, Maureen King, Kirk Mendland, Alan Potter, Tim Tovneend, Harry McNally ^nd Bob Koeoy. Items of diecuweion rere: 1. MAYeROOK TRAILER PARK - Bob Kaeoy reported that the meeting on April 26, 1993 .ith the residents of the Naybrook Treiler Park raw very useful. Many questions regarding relocation and reiwbureewent rere anerered •nd many residents hnd aiwllar eowpleinte that nearby trsiler perks will not accept their trailers due to their age or condition. Soave quest lone regarding cowpenestlon rill need to be addressed by the City Attorney. 2. AB WWTP EXPeK5I08 - Alan Potter reported that the westing on April 28, 1993 at the Bayweadore DER offices roe very productive, particularly rith the input of Jerry Ovens frow DER. The imwues of ^ntidegradation ^nd reuse mhould be sddreased Eor the entire aymtew, i. e. Atlantic Bsaoh and Buccaneer. and preferably for all three beaehee. Kaureen KSng rill obtain a copy of the Interlocal Agreewent. The Sdea of diverting floc from Buccaneer to Atlantic Beech vas discussed end received little support. Tow Nark reported that he raa advised by Twllshasaee DER offlcee that a Glsee I Analysis could be required for the permit and Tow roe advised that he should conf ir• this dlecueaion rith a letter. CITY OF ATLAMTiC EEeCB CITY CO!lfISSIOM MEEYIAG STAFF REPOBY ACEImA ITEM: USACE OF ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER FOR APRIL, 1993 SUBMITTID BY: ROSE H. BLANCHARD. PARKS 6 RECREATION DIRECTOR DAlE: NAY 3, 1993 bACKGBOUND. OF THERRECREATIONALEFACILITIES SERVED THROUGH PHARKSSdRECREATION ADELE GRAGE COMMUNITY CENTER: 49G Classes, meetings, ABET workshops and Coffee House/Poe[cy Readings, Habitat Board Meeting. Tax Aide, State Attorney Hearings, etc. JACK RUSSELL PARK: 628 These reflect field [rips and Egg Aunts. including [he one put on by the Cicy of Aclancic Beach, as yell as a Picnic/Volleyball Game 704 DONNEA PARK COMlNN ITY CENTER Besides the daily participants, Nrs. baker also had a Basketball Game on a Saturday and a scrimvage Baseball game one evening AARET only had 2 weekends of Coffee House/Poetry readings, 3 weeks of Children's Workshops (off on Sar. before Easter) and 4 Adult Workshops for a Coral usage of approximately 199 RECO~IDAYION; NONE AT TH75 TIME A1TAC~!®115: NONE //~/ I / ~/ REVIRWED BY CITY MANAGER: A HM OV ~ ~yl -~'~ ACBm1A IrBl1 110. area was involved than staff had anticipated. Mr. r~rcnv ernlained further concerning what had t.ra n tired to result in water outages. Navnr cu]liford suggested an explanation and lettar of apology be placed in the City Newsletter cc:nce nsinq the water outages. ~. Mavor to call on Citv Coo issioners. Citv ____ At--,torn. and City Clerk: commissioner waters referred to the property avai]able for purchase near Jordon Park which Ge.::rae Worley reported on earlier in the agenda. ue indicated he would like the property to be dedi rated for parks, only. He referred to a park that at nne time the City contemplated naming "Ade]e Grage Park" where Ocean Drive and Seminole Ynad intersect. He felt perhaps the park could he sold and the money utilized to buy the property n<ar Jr.rdon Park, and he asked that this matter be rccearched. commissioner waters referred to a business called "The 7.a ke Doctor" and an article that appeared in the newspaper indicated they had sprayed illenally. He asked Mr. Kosoy if staff called DNR for reports concerning vendors, to which Mr. Kosoy ranorred he called DNR for reports, and that he was monitoring the work of the Lake Doctor on a daily basis. Commissioner waters referred to a leaking well on~ Coral street and Mr. Kosoy reported this was being investigated by Staff, HRS and St. Johns water r+a nagemen t, District. He indicated the problem shni~]d he resolved in the near future, and as soon as it is determined who the owner of the well was, the w.ll would be capped off and abandoned. Mavor Gtll7iford announced JCCI was looking for stcdy issues and he asked that staff respond to fha request. There being no further business the Mayor adinnrned the meeting at 9:35 p. m. William I. Gulliford, Jr. Mayor/Presiding Officer A T T E S T: Maureen King, City Clerk Page 30 March 8, 1993 Nn discussion before the vote. The motlon carried ,;n nnimnusly. F. Action on proposed CDBG contract with the City of :Iacksonv111e renrne wnrley, r_ity Planner, reported concerning the nrnonsod Contract with the Clty of .tacksnnvil.le for the combined 17th and 18th year root, vrngram. He explained because of the delays in netting the contract the City would have a rrtativr-ly short time to spend the funds. He felt now wnntd he an appropriate time to pursue as much of rho draiuaye and right-of-way acqulsitions as nnseih]e in the DOnner's Subdivision. He exn7 ,,,nod any continued upgrade of the housing st nrk in the area was somewhat offset by the poor infrast ntvture situation, especially the roads for ar_re ss purposes and the drainage system for health nurpones, tIe added the seven housing rehabs identified in the proposed contract included four by the city and three by the Donner community nevelopment corporation. He recommended approval of the proposed contract and the signing of the four orioinal copies for submittal to the .~~~-k cnnvii7e Mayors Budget Review Committee. Motion: Approve proposed CDBG contract for submittal to the Jacksonville Mayors Budget Review committee Commissioner Fletcher asked Mr. Worley for a report indicating how the funds would be used. The question was called and the motion carried unan:mnusly. B city Nandder ReDOrtS ~^rl~or ['nrrA8lDOmdeOCe: ~ __' Kim ~.e;nt>ach, City Manager, advised that Al an Pnrrcr had prepared request for proposals for nrrn,nsed bank financing of the City's capital imnrnvoment plan. He reported proposals would be ;uv;nirnd in the near future. r,im i.einhach asked Bob Rosoy to give a report r]nnrern Ulq water outages that had recently occurred. Mr. Y.osoy reported many complaints had peen ,-e,~arived concerning recent water outages on Febru:,rv 26th, Narch 1st and March 3rd. He ozrin'.„ed nn February 25th the City had a closed vat :~> :~r. Donner and Francis which had to be ,eu;,,, .•d. Some residents were notified via ,nac;,.;: ~ flyer on Lheir door, but a much larger VIy COMMRS. IMIS~YIN Edwards Fletcher Tucker waters Gullifor Page 9 March 8, 1993 hi n fir•ancinn. ~+,, t:osny reported Mssrs. Beadle, McNally, Tr.wnsand, and Josoy evaluated the proposals. The vv:+t:+ation took place over three days and each ind;viPw al assigned a numerical rate from 1-10, ::; tt. to being the highest and one being the lowest in ear•.h of the six categories. He explained name, i.-a1 rankings were scored independently and ~~r;res wr re then added, averaged, and multiplied by appropriate weighting factors. He explained staff made a r_onsiderable effort to maintain cnmolera objectivity in the evaluation process. rF explained the short list of three firms were as ,,. ;.; nwS: 11) Flood Engineers, Inc., (2) ^trmau He rtenstein h Associates, Inc. Engineers, tl) waitz s Moye, inc. h Briley, wild and p..::n r,i ates. Inr.. a. di.srussion ensued concerning whether or not this matter should have been referred to the water and Viewer Committee, but it was felt staff had been directed to present a short list to the cnmmi~sron. The Mayor explained the water/Sewer committee served in a advisory capacity and not a teai.stative capacity. He explained the committee cocid assist staff in asking proper questions and providing expertise. It was decided the top five choices would be referred to the water/Sewer Committee and the city commission will conduct interviews with the too ranked firms on Monday, March 29, 1993 at 6:30. r.. m . E. ni scussion and related action concerning repair of weirs on DAVCO plant clarifier Boh ro ;ny reported the weirs on the $2 sewer plant wero ro rroded and getting in worse condition. Ne explained several areas along the weirs had experi?need sudden rupture and were causing severe "short circuiting" or rapid hydraulic overflows. He explained new weirs needed to be quickly built and installed. It was recommended Viapex welding ho paid 56,594.96 for the replacement of weirs on r,h? u2 sewer plant. Motion: Authorize expenditure of ;6,544.96 to Viapex Welding for the repair of weirs on Davco plant clarifiers NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N Edwards x x Fletcher x Tuckez x x Katers x ~ Gullifor r . Page 8 March 8, 1993 He explained the project called for tree planting on the ornunds surrounding the City Hall complex, and the amount to he awarded was ;4,800.00. The match by the City was 52,805 for tree cost and plan r,i no, and an additional amount of ;1,493 for mainrcnanra for a three year period. Motion: Authorization to proceed with Grant Agreement with the Plorida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unani mr n5ty. B. Discussion and related action regarding people holding "we'll work for food' signs (this was addressed earlier in the Agenda) C. Authorization to purchase software package to track Section H assessments Maureen King, City clerk, explained there was a need in the Clerk s office to purchase a software package which would accurately maintain records and generate reports relative to Sectlon H assessments, and any future assessment programs. she explained Commission authorization was required to expend ;2,400 to purchase a software program from Byte Technology. It was decided water/sower restricted funds would be used to pay for the pa r_kage. Notion: Authorize purchase of software program from Byte Technology in the amount of ;2,400, for maintenance of Section H assessment program, utilizing water/Sewer restricted funds xo discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. p. staff evaluation of techIIicel proposals for expansion of Atlantic Beach wastewater TreaTment Plant - Bob Kosoy reported 19 proposals had been received for the consulting Engineering Services associated with the expansion of the Atlantic Beach wastewater Treatment Plant. In addition, the Consul tams were requested to demonstrate their NAME OF COMMP,S M S V Y V N Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker Waters x x Gullifor x Edwards x x Fletcher x Tucker x x haters x ~ Gullifor x Page 7 March 8, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carnea unanimnu el v. Ordinance 1f33-93-5 AN ORD7NANCF. OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO AMETTD CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE II, BY ADDING SEC., 2-21 wHTCH P.STABI.I SHBS THE PROCEDURES TO BB USBD TO FTI.I~ A COMMISSION SEAT iiNICH IS BEING VACATED BY A R 117MFOR.TOANOTHER OFFTCEGANDLP OVIDING ANIBFFBCTIVB HATE. Mavnr c;nlliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance x37-93-5 on first reading. Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance s33-93-5 on its first reading and set public hearing for March 22, 1993 Commissioner Fletcher suggested changing the time a member of the City Commission seeking to run for another elected office shall submit a letter o'_ resignation from IS days to 30 days. Substitute Motion: Approve passage of Ordinance Y33-93-5 on its first reading, as amended, and set public hearing for March 22, 1993. Amendment: change amount of time member of City Commission seeking to run for another elected office shall submit a letter of resignation from 15 days to 30 days. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried :m animously. ? NFw Rosiness: A. Report and recpmmendation Concerning the state grant for tree plenting xarl Walker, Beautification Coordinator, reported an annl ication was made in 1992 for the National Sma71 Rosiness Tree Planting Program. Recently, he added, the City was advised by the Florida nepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs that it was chosen as a recipient of the grant award. viV NAME OF COMMFLS. M S ~ Y N Edwards Fletcher x Tucker X Waters Gullifor Edwards Fletcher Tucker Waters Gullifor Page 6 March 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 v Y V N --its=e~6~I A. Resolution #93-11: A RESOLUTION TRANSPBRRING CF,RTA7N MONIBS HBTNSBN FUNDS Mayer .ul]iford presented in full, in writing, ncsolnrinn #03-11. navirl Thompson, Police Chief, explained a citizen whc wished to remain anonymous donated E1,695 for the onrnhase of a mobile video system. Edwards Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher x~ x~ Resolution #93-11 Tucker x xi waters I xi Gullifor x~ 6o dissuasion before the vote. The notion carried mranimnas'_y. B. Resolution #93-12: A RESOLUTION TRANSFERRING CERTAIN MONIES BETwB13K RUNDS Mayor Gul liford presented in full, in writing, Resolution #93-12. Edwards x r. Notion: Approve passage of Fletcher xl Resolution #93-12 Tucker I x Waters x x No discussion before the vote. The motion carried Gullifor x unanimcnslV. fi. _tirrii n_ant•.es• ~ A. Ordinance #95-93-55 - Publie Hearing , AN ORDINANCE OF THB CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, AMBNDTNG CHAPTER 18, SOLICITORS, AMElR)ING SECTION lA-1R, PEES, TO INCREASB THS COST OP ZAVESTIGATZON OF APV7,TCANT, AND AMENDING SECTION 18-19 ISSUANCE, TO REOt1TRE RECEIPT OP INVESTIGATION REPORT PRIOR T'O 7SSUAti('E OP PERMIT, AND PROVIDING AN BPPECTIVE DATP.. Mayor r-,nlliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinan~-e #95-93-55, said ordinance having been nnst.ed in ar_cordance with Charter requirements. He noened the floor for a public hearing and invited crmments from the audience. since nn one wished to speak the Mayor closed the vnhlic Roaring. Edwards r. : Notion: Approve passage of Fletcher x x ordinance #95-93-55 on final reading Tucker x Gulliford Page 5 Narch 8, 1993 p?rkinn was used ?nd pedestrians walked behind .~r rs. inns creating unsafe conditions. It was Fnnn~•q rP~] naral]el Parking would be more safe, ns~np iwo-way traffic, with the installation of a ,; dPws,tk. A discussion ensued concerning parking spacer: that would be lost and it was explained some 'h ;p parking signs" would be removed which would result in additional parking. It was decided this would he an agenda item for the next comm issinn meeting of March 22, 1993, at which tame the Committee would present plans to the Cpmmi scion. Boh Kosoy was asked to examine sireef Pnds to ensure beach accesses were in good repair. Item 7B was taken out of sequence and acted upon at. this rise. 7R. niscussion and related action regarding people holding "he'll work for food' signs Nayor Gull iford explained it was the intent of the cnmmiseirni to help People that were truly in need; t,nwevor. it was felt citizens were harassed by soma oeonle holding "we'll work for food" signs who were not sincerely in need. Commissioner Fdward6 presented several ordinances other cities IISPd ±o alleviate the problem, and the City Attxnay was asked to prepare an ordinance for commission action for the next Commission Meeting pf M?rch 22, 7993. 4. Consent Agenda: A. Community Center usage report for Pebruary B. water and Sewer Couittee report Commissioner Edwards referred to the water and SPWPr Committee report dated March 2, 1993, and questioned why the water project would be completed in two phases. Ne felt the work should bP done at one time. Bob Kosoy explained the engineers would determine the feasibility of rhases, and the Commission would have the final deci lion. Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda No discussion before the vote. The motion carried nnanimnnsly. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Edwards x Fletcher x x I Tucker x Waters r. r. Gulliford x Page 4 v V Narch 8, 1993 NAME OF COMMAS. M S Y N Edwards x Motion: Defe[ action on proposed Fletcher r. x sign for Shoppes of Northshore until Tuckez x the next Commission meeting of March Waters x x 7.2, 1993 Gulliford x t7o discnssion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. ni scussion and related action concerning D . architect for improvement for Public Safety building Motion: Direct City Manager to Edwards x x enter into negotiations with Fleet & Fletcher x x Associates for architectural design Tucker x for expansion of the Public Safety Waters x ~ Gulliford x Building 7t was explained the City Manager would engage in negotiation with Fleet a Associates. if nego r.iations with Fleet and Associates did not Dursue to the City's satisfaction, negotiations would then commence with the second ranked fires. The question was called and the motion carried unpnimatsiy. F.. Inreriw report from the Parking Studp Committee Commissioner Pletcher reported the Parking Committee had received good response to their ' survey. He indicated the Committee was (1) the possibility of i ssues considering two having a shuttle which would be handled by the iacksonville Transportation Authority (JTA). The , shuttle would run from shopping areas to transport people to the beach. commissioner Fletcher indicated it would be necessary to have authorization from the Commission to enter into an agreement with the JTA to provide the shuttle. Edwards x Motion: Authorize entering into Fletcher x x agreement with JTA to provide Tucker x x shuttle service waters I x Gulliford x No discnssion before the vote. The motion carried iin poi mOt157 Y commissioner Fletcher explained the second area the Committee discussed was the possibility of havinn parallel parking on 19th Street. It was ezntained 79th Street was not safe because it wes a narrow street with two-way traffic and had no Page 3 Narch 8, 1993 v ~ v NAME OF Street, to which it was determined the Cit would COMMRS. M S Y N e or ree an S ree an i~ was agreed bidding requirements could be waived. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Bob Weiss announced a St. Patrick's Day party would be held at the Day's Inn from 7:00 p. m. until 9:00 p. m. regarding forming Beaches County. Alan Jensen, City Attorney, announced he had I filed the City's lawsuit against the City of Jacksonville on Narch 8, 1993. 3. Old Business• A. Discussion and related action concerning authorizing the architect to proceed with plans, specifications and bidding relative to improvement of Jack Russell Park concession stand Motion: Authorize the architect to Edwards Fletcher x x proceed with plans, specifications Tucker x x r and bidding relative to Lprove~ent Naters .• x of Jacks Russell concession stand Gullifor x, No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. B. Report with related action relative to property for sale adjacent to Jordan park George worley, City Planner, reported concerning the availability of property for sale in the vicinity of Jordon Park. He indicated the assessed values of property near the park and he advised the Commission he would aggressively pursue if the land was for sale and the asking price for the parcels. C. Purposed sign for Shoppes of Northshore George worley introduced Paul Perber, representing Shoppes of Northshore, who presented the Commission with a sketch of a proposed sign which would replace the existing banner. It was decided to defer action until the next meeting to give the Commission time [o study the proposed sign and, in the meantime, Nr. Ferber will provide each Commissioner with a colotr sketch of the proposed sign. Page 2 Narch 8, 1493 NAME OF COMMRS. 2_Reroonition of Visitors A Representative of Vision Bnergy explained he would answer questions concerning problems residents might have. Commissioner Edwards reported he had suffered four outages in four months. It was explained Vision Energy had a problem with people turning tanks off. It was decided to lock the tanks and provide the Fire Department with keys. Alan Potter suggested having dual locks, one for the Fire Department and one for Vision Energy. John Barnard announced a free Department of Transportation bicycle and pedestrian seminar would be conducted at the Sea Turtle, March 30, 1993. Ne reported two sessions would be held: A:30 a. m. until 4:30 p. m., and 7:00 p. m. until A:30 p. m, Raysee Pigford, 1735 Seminole Road, reported concerning the septic tank system at her residence which had failed. She reported she had solicited bids from several contractors to install sewer lines, but that she was able to get a response from only one contractor. She reported she was still forced to use a port-o-let. commissioner Pletcher reported the Mater and Sewer committee discussed the problem and recomaended a pilot project of 980 LF from 17th StreeC to 18th Street with an assessment to the affected homeowners for the cost of the project. sieve Johnson, 2835 Seminole Road, stated he felt the problem should be taken care of because all the septic tanks in the area would eventually fail, and everyone would have to pay for a sewer system in the future. After discussion it was decided to purchase a grinder pump, install it in the septic tank along with a 2" line to the manhole at 17th Street, to provide temporary relief to Ns. Pigford. Motion: Authorize acquisition of dwards grinder pu•p, and establish a letcher temporary hookup to the manhole at ucker 17th Street, as a temporary measure aters until the city installs sewer lines ulliford HIV M~S~Y~N Ix x xi x it was determined the grinder pump would cost aPpror.imately 5600.00. Mr. Rosoy asked if the City was going to bid for 17th Street and 18th MINUTBS OF THE REGULAR MSSTIIIG OF ATLANTIC SBA($ CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, BOO SHMZNOLS ROAD, AT 7:15 P. H. MONDAY, MARCN 8, 1993. Present: William i. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor Glenn A. &dwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. DeZmond Waters, III, Couis6loners And: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. The invocation, offered by Commissioner Fletcher, was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Anoroval of the minutes of the r Tar _ meeting of Pebruarv 22 1993 Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of February 22, 1993 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Hayor Gulliford referred to Poinsettia Street and problems residents were having regarding parking and drainage. Bob Kosoy, Public Works Director, reported drainage xould be installed in conjunction with the Church Road project which was still under design. He added the shoulder on the eastern side of Poinsettia Street would have limerock installed, along with signage. Ne explained it would save the city money to have work done on Poinsettia Street end Church Road at the same time. The problem of resident parking was discussed and it was decided to allow parking on Poinsettia street. Motion: Allow parking on Poinsettia Street for benefit of property owners Police Chief Thompson asked if parking would be allowed for everyone, to which it was determined parking would be allowed for everyone. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. ME GF COMMAS. M O T 1 O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O Edwards x x Fletcher x Tucker x x Waters x Gulliford x dwards x fetcher x x ucker x x aters x ulliford x CITY OF ATIdNTIC BPACH BEGOLAR MEE'[ING OF THE GI1R COM(ISSION, MAY 10, 1993, 7:15 P.M. AGENDA Call to Order Invocation and pledge to the flag 1. Approval of the minutes of [he regular meeting of April 26, 1993 2. Becognition of Visitors: 3. Old Business: A. Discussion and related action regarding plans and specifications for the Russell Park concession stand (City Manager Kim Lelnbach) B. Discussion and related action concerning fees for Adele Grage Commun icy Center C. Update report on proposed Interlocal Agreement as i[ relates to Tovn Center ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO eE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COlLMISSION AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. THERE GILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND HILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS NAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY C014fI SSION ON THESE ITEMS. 4. Conaeat Agenda: A. Adele Grage Community Center usage report B. Water and Sewer Committee report C. Proclamation designating May 16-22 as Public Works Week 5. 6esolutioos: A. Resolution 893-19 to approve refund of Gulf Breeze loan 6. Ordi~ces: A. Introduction and first reading of Ordinance i60-93-7 amending political sign regulations B. Introduction and firs[ reading of Ordinance 790-93-159 amending accessory st ruc[ures 7. Ner Rosiness: A. Public hearing on Use by Exception on neuromusc~~lar clinic by Tom Johnson (City Planner Ceorge Worley) B. Appeal of Variance Denial for screen enclosure by Barbara Hubbard (City Planner George Worley) C. Discussion and related ac[Son concerning contract with Flee[ and Associates (City Manager Kim Leinbach) D. Discussion and related action regarding use of the Commission Chambers by the general public E. Discussion and related action regarding Pension fund proposals (Finance Director Kirk Nendland) 8. City Manager Reports and/oz Correspondence: 9. Mayor [o call oo Ci[y Coa~iesioceza, City Attorney and City Clert: Adjournment cuMMI55 HAY 1993 i r ~.: