01-01-89SEE OVERSIZE DRAWING(S) MICRO ~ bfmtitioa tad ~r)s lfY~gsis 0 i• ~~ _~ j 7~ -J ~ROEN . LANE N L O C A T I O N 1 / ,~ X07 • I ~ 1 ~•' r , i i I I j 1 1 , ~~ I ~ ~ C ~°I. I 1 ~ r ~ io r P' ~ r ~ ~ r ,; ;~ i~ ~. ~ 1j ~ jil ~. c... ~ ..c.wwu~ rwrw MnrroF:T au4ln,F 1fICH scrlo~~ F~ra Uec~rt~b er i 7, l :£16 iin ~E,half Lh= ent,; _ F7.: c-::rd . fr,.ri~orc dun~or I!i qh be r,oc:.I 'C~ liVe tc c,:pr~ r.,-ir =_i m.::-•'e Upr e•:iat: en tc. v~u for •_he tir,c- anC cc~per -tinn _ n:•, u= d~.iri~-- tt~.a rec er~t Fr ~~. Fr/ c-por.ser:_C L; .:c •;pcr t•r'r~.nior li: ph .-, -::~01 and First ~..-s`'t Fi=_Ler men. v1F u,:.~F real l~, 1~1-:. _.~J GY the use ~-. :r Isar ~. a..,. .'c;!itins at r:us=e1: Farl ..;,C ~.. Ic,-~f cor;:a•d`t.~ wnrFino on rh~•:'ou o p:..!n ui ..,~_ fry. i.ur e. /Sincerely, G~ J 41i 1 ] i am Fisher F'TA Pr esi Cent i phh CORRECTION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REMICROFILMED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY .... it--~~ ii ii \L__JI .~~s. - .~~: ~: ..... ~ ir.._ cc ,,. .. ,pp eci a'_i c~~ tc ~ h a -.. . a- 1. ~ .. t ~', ~ - , ~.~ ,. V ~.,~i ch •.'ou - - h~.,.r.4. ~ ~~~ ..,. i.,_c,-cl 4 . ,.:ii:,,r~ ~.:. r 7., ~ ~ ~~i Ca,i ~:~i~ PAC P. TEN FlI NU1'ES DECEMBER 8, 198E Action on Ordinances - con[inueJ J 0 di nce No. 90-86-Ill - Final Reading and Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE AMENUINC CHAPTER 24 OF THE C018'REIIENSLVE ZONING ORDINANCE THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF PROP- ERTIES ALONG LEVY ROAD, SOUTH TO WEST FOURTEENTH STREET; FROFI BLOCKS St AND 55, SECTION H TO MAIN STREET TO PROVIDE A MORE SUITABLE. LAND USE CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAti; PROVIDD AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Ilowell Presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90-86-111 on second and final reading. He opened the floor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or againsc, the Mayor declared the Public Nearing closed. The Ci[y Manager advised all property owners had been notified of [he proposed Ordinance, and all were in favor of [he passage. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 90-86-111 on second and final reading. No discussion before [he vote. Fb tion carried unanimously. * * * * * * k fi * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 14. Hiacellaneous Covwissioner Cook commended whoever was responsible Eor the decoration outside City Nall and also decorations at the entrance to the city. He wished all Happy Holidays. Co~mnissioner Edwards, Gull iford, and Flo rris wished all a Merry Christen and a Happy New Year. Mr. Mullis advised [ha[ he, Mr. Fellows, and Mr. Weathers were meeting on Friday morning with Nr. Livermore so [hey could present an indepth report on special assessments a[ [he next meeting. Mayor Howell introduced Mr. Eckert of eessen t, Hammack S Ruckman who w present in the audience, and thanked him for coming. Mr. Eckert had fu nished the Coaunissfon with various assessment maps and roll on Section [ha[ will be discussed in detail a[ the meeting in January. There being no other business to come before [he Cormission, Che Mayor wished all A Merry Christmas and declared [he meeting adjourned a[ 8:4 William 5. Howell Mayor/Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide R. sucker City Clerk NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N F i i Cook x Edwards x x Gull iford x Morris x x Howell x i S p.m. PACE NINE _ N1 NliTES UECEHBER 8, 1961 Action on Ordinances - continued H Ordin e N 26-86-19 - Fi al R ~dinR and Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE MIENDINC THE ORDINANCE COllE OF 'fllE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA; AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 25-86-17 KNOWN AS 1'IiE "COASTAL CODE"; AMENDING CHAPTER 6, ARTICLE I1, SECTION 6-20 SUBPAILIGRAPII (b)(4) AND SECTION 6-21 TO CORRECT TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS ANU ADD ADDITIONAL DEFIN I' IONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Nowell presented in full, in wri[inK Ordinance No. 25-85-19 on second and final reading. lie opened [he floor for a Public Hear lnq and invited common [s from the audience. As no one spoke Cor or against, Che Mayor declared the Public Nearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 25-86-19 on second and final reading. No discussion before Che vote. lb [ion carried unanimously. # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * # i k I. Ordinance No. 90-86-112 - Final Reading and Publ it Ilearin AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS OF TIIF. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA, TO REZONE THE AREA KNOWN AS SEMINOLE BEACH ANU OCEANWALK FRO: RCA, RGC, AND RCE TO R51, R52, RG2,AND RGJ, AS SI{OWN ON THE HAP A'!TACI HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF; PROVIDING FOR THE E%T ENS ION TNERF.TO OF ALL THE REQUIRED SETBACKS ANU HEIGHT LIMITATIONS AS CURRENTLY PkOVIDEI FUR IN CHAPTER 24, THE ATIdATIC BEACH COl4'REHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in Eull, in writing Ordinance No. 90-86-112 on second and final reading. He opened the Eloor for a Public Clearing an. invited comments from the audience. Nr. Sam Kredell, representing his brother, Nark Kredell, 1851 Beach Avenue requested [he zoning for his property be changed [o RG2. Legal description vas Lo[ 40, North Aclan Beach unit one. He explained his brother had recently purchased the 1 which vas zoned for eight units by [he City of Jacksonville. the prop presently had a house and cottage and I,e wanted [o build Six addition units on the property. Mr. Kredell was [old he would have [o apply fo a variance on his request Ior 10'side yards. Ps no one else spoke for against, the Hayor declared [he Public Nearing closed. lotion abve [o zone Lot 40,NO rth Atlantic Beach RG2 instead of R52 Substitute Hocion: Pas=age of Ordinance No. 90-86-(12 with amend- ment chat the zoning map be amended [o reflect RG2 zoning down [o the south boundary of Lot 40 on [tie oceanfront. No discussion before [he voce. No Cion carried unanimously. k * * k * k * * * * * * * * * k * k * * * * * * k * * * k k * k NAME OF COMMRS. M S v Y v N i Cook x x Edwards x x Gulliford x Norris x Howell x I IF U 1 [ c a d e ty r r Cook x Edwards x Cook x x Edwards x x Gulliford x ibrris x Howell x a PACE RIGHT MINUTES DECRMBRR 8, 198 Action on Ordinances - continued Due [o the Constitutional provision on dual office holding, Coaanis- sioners Culliford and Ilo rris submitted [heir resignations [o [he Pension Board of Trustees. Their resignations were accepted by the CSty Commission. The City Hanager advised [he Ordinance provided for him [o continue as Secretary, but not as a voting member of the Board. Mayor Nowell recommended Che appointments of Mr. Peter Corbin, attorney, and Mr. Richard While, CPA. to serve on the Pension Board of Trustees. ib [ion: Appoint flr. Peter Corbin and Mr. Richard While [o serve on [he Pension Board of Trustees for a period of two years. No discussion before the voce. Mo [ion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * F. Ordinance No. 95-86-J1 - Final Bending and Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE ANENULNG 1'HE ORDINANCE COllE OF Tk1E CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE II, SECTION 14-17, TO PROVIDE MEMBERS OF TIIE ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD SHALL BE REBIUF.NTS OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA1 E. Mayor Howell presented Ordinance No. 95-86-31 in Cull, in writing on second and final reading. F{e opened [he floor for a Public t{earinR and invited comments from [he audience. As no one spoke for or against [he Ordinance, [he Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. !fo [ion: Passage of Ordinance No. 95-H6-J1 on final reading. During discussion before [he vote, i[ vas pointed out [he Ordinance would become mule if [he new Ordinance consolidating the Advisory Planning Board and [he Board of Adjusrmen[ became effective on January 12, 19g 7. The question vas called and [he motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * C. Ordinance No. 65-86-14 - Final Reading and Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE NAME OF GARAGE APPROACH ROADWAY IN NORTH S EHINOLE BEACFI TO BEACH AVENUE, ANU SEMINOLE B&1CH ROAD TO SEMINOLE ROAD; PROVIDING A17 EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Novell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 65-86-14 on second and final reading. Ne opened [he fioor for a Public Heating and invited comments from [he audience. As no one spoke for or against [he Ordinance, [he Mayor declared [he Public Nearing closed. !b [Son: Passage of Ordinance No. 65-86-14 on second and final reading. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. fi * * * * fi * * * * * * * * k * * * ie # # # * * * * * * ). NAME OF i COMMHS. M S V Y V N Cook x x i Edwards x Culliford x x Ma rris x Novell x Cook x Edwards x x Culliford x Morris x x Howell x Cook x x Edvards x Culliford x x Morris x {lovell x i J i PAGE SEVEN MINUTES DECFJIHER 8, 198E Action On Ordinances - continued Hayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 5-86-18 on first read Sng. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 5-86-18 on first reading. No discussion before the vote. Mo [ion carried unanimously. Mayor Howell se[ [he Public Hearing for January 12, 1987. * * * * k k * * * * * * * * * * R * # * * * # * * * * * # * * D. Ordinance No. 47-86-3 - Firs[ Reading AN ORDINANCE MIENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THF. CITY OF ATLA,9TIC BEACH, FLORiOA; REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY ARTICLE %V, SECTIONS I32 THROUGH 14: REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 14, SECTIONS 14-1 THROUGH 14-22: CREI ING A NEW CHAPTER 14 TO BE TITLED PLANNING/ZONING/APPEALS; PROVIDING RULEB AND REGULATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 47-86-3 on fii reading. Mo [ion: Passage of Ordinance No. 47-86-3 on first reading. During discussion, Commissioner Morris asked if both boards had been advised, and [he City Manager said no, firs[ consideration of the Ord i~ nonce should be by [he Ci[y Commission. The Advisory Planning Board wu uld bo odviacd ::t [belt :ucullug m: Uu cumbc[ lbth and at ChaC CLnc chey would have [he opportunity of giving [he Commission input for the Public Nearing on January 12, 1987. The Ci[y Attorney advised Growth Management Law required the city to take some action [o consolidate [he two Boards. 1'he question was called and the motion carried unani- mously. Mayot Howell set the Public Hearing foe January 12, 1987. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * E.Ordinance No. 58-86-6 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF TIIE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI DIVISION 3, SECTIONS 2-266 THROUGH 2-270 TO AEORGAN I'LE T1IE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BRING IT INTO CONFORMITY WITH FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 175 AND 185; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Nayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 58-86-6 on firs[ reading. Notion: Passage of Ordinance No. 58-86-6 on firs[ reading. No discussion before Che vote. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Howe ~ si i ta' i Pi b<ii i~oi r~ ni~ ~ xr ~ ax xa r~ *J z i ~8 k * NAM£ OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N Cook x x Edwards z Cull iford x x Morris x Howell z C Cook x x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x Howell x Cook x Edwards x x Cull iford x ibrris x x Howell x PAC F. SIX MINUTES UECEhIBER 8, 1986 Action on Ordinances - continued Ordinance No. 45-86-7, AN ORUINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE COUE OF THE CIT'r OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE III, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ThYF.S, SECTION 20-59 TO PROVIDE. AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CATEGORY FOR JUNKYARDS/SALVAGE YARDS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Novell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 45-86-7 on firs[ reading. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 45-86-7 on firs[ wading. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Novell set the Public Bearing for January 12, 1987. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Ordinance No. 90-86-I13 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH. FLORIDA; AMEFDING CIb\PTER 24, ART ICLF. IlI, DIVISION 5, SECTIONS 24-104. 105, 106,107, 108, 109 ANU 110 TO ELIMINATE THE REQUIREMENT ftECARllING MAXIHUM LOT COVERAGE; PROVIDING AN EFFECT IVE DATE. Playor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 90-86-113 on Eirs[ reading. Fb [ion: Passage of Ordinance No. 90-86-113 on firs[ reading. The question vas raised why [he Ordinance was necessary. Playor Howell stated i[ was noC in [he city ordinances prier [o July, 1983. He noted present conflictions: City Ordinances say you can build up [0 20' in Eton[, 20~ in back, and a total of 15' on side. If dis lance vas [aped, i[ would be greater than 35 percent of the lo[ coverage. Mr. Fellows explained the regulations were developed years ago by insurance com- panies who wanted [o make sure there vas sufficient room between build logs [o eliminate the chance of fire spreading rapidly, etc. He Calked with several communities - some had maximum lot coverage which they did not enforce, and others had none. Following discussion, [he ques[i was called and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Howell se[ [he Public Hearing for January 12, 1987. * k * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * C Ordi a No. 5-86-18 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE APIENUING THE ORDINANCE COUE OF TIIE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACI FLORIDA; A`fENUING CHAP'I ER 2, ARTICLE VLI, DIVISION 4, SECTION 2-36E T( REUUCE MINIIRJM CHARGES FOR BACKHOE ANU TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERR( OM THE COST OF LABOR, FROVID ING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y Y N Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris z x Rowell x Cook x x Edwards x Gulliford x z Pforris x Howell x 0 I, lR PACE FIVE MINUTES UECEIHSER 8, 1986 11 P bli He ri g - Applita[ion by Raymond Flo[[ - continued fact the contract was in exis cence prior Co the time the Ordinance de- claring [he moratorium was passed, and in addition, i[ being beyond the area which [he city presently had any plans for the immed ia[e future of instituting any improvements. Of course, once [he area was extended to include Mr. Flo tt's properly for improvements, the owners would be on notice [here might be assessments at [ha[ par titular time. Mayor Howell opened the floor Eor a Public Hearing and invited comments from Che audience. Mr. Donald Dagley, owner of Block 139, adjacent [o Mr. Flo[['s property, opposed approval of the application, and advised his plot plan,(Blk 139) stated [he land was in a hazardous flood Zoning "B" and "C", and he expressed [Le opinion Mr. Flott's land vas no[ acce able for a septic tank. If they built the land up like others in [he ac the septic tanks would be approximately 3'4 feet off [he ground, and woc be Eating Mr. Dagley's front yard. Mayor Ilowell [old Mr. Dagley that al [he dty did was remove those six lots from [he moratorium. Mr. Flo t[ still must go through [he S[a[e Board of Hea1[b for approval. As no one else spoke for or against, the Hayor declared the Public Hearing closet Mo [ion: Crant Mr. Raymond Flo[[ approval for a septic tank on proper[}' in Block 138, Section Fi. During discussion, Mayor Howell commented action by the Co:mniss ion did not gran[ Mr. Flo[t [he septic tank. The City only advised the Slate Board of Health [he city vas removing him from [he restriction of uur moratorium, and he would still have to meet all the Ilea 1[h Uepar anent': requirements. Discussion on whether [o delete certain requests '. rom having to come before the Commission vas held, and the decision vas nai [o make no changes. The question vas called and Clce motion carried anal mously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * and action on apDl ica[ion by Mr. S Mrs. Hayor Howell stated the Advisory Planning Board had reconmended approv of [he application. He opened tlce floor for a Public Hearing and invit conuoen [s From [he audience. As no ore Spoke for or against, [he Mayor declared [he Public Hearing closed. Mo [Son: Approve the application by Mr. b Mrs. Terry Norton request- ing a septic tank for installation in Block 217, Section H No discussion before the voce. Motion carried unanimously. * k * * * * f. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A * x * f. k * * * k 13. Action on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 45-86-7 - First Reading NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V~ ~ N [- ' a Cook x x Edwards x Cu1li Eord x x Alorris x ^owe11 x i c - i 3 e Cook x Edwards x x Culli Eord x Morris x x Huvell x PACE FOUR MINUTES UBCFMBER 8, 198E 10. Puhltc Hearin¢ and attion on an application by [he Oceanside Churcl'. Mayor Howell stated [he Advisory Planning Board had recommended approve. for the request for a Use by Exception by the Oceanside Church of Chr i_= He opened [he Eloor for a Public Hearing and invited comments from the audience. Mr. Larry Paulk, Minis cer oC [}te Oceanside Church of Chris[, presented their project for a proposed Church. The construction would t block with brick veneer, approximately 4700 square Fee[, with an and i[c rium for sea[tng capacity of 160 persons, and [he addic Tonal support facil Sties [hat would compliment such an auditorium. The Church of Christ congregation vas composed of approximately 70 members a[ present They used no instruments of music, and [he singing vas a cappella. The services consisted also of prayer, preaching, and communion. The build- ing, hopefully, would be completed within one year. Mayor Ilovell asked if [he Church vas aware of the major improvements planned for [he Sec F1 area, as there could be assessments placed ago ins[ [heir property. Mr. Paulk replied [he Church was aware of [he proposed improvements and pay ing of Orchid Street. As no one else spoke for or ago ins[ [he request, the Mayor declared the Public hearing closed. Motion: Approve the application by the Oceanside Church of Christ requesting a Use by Exception Eor a Church at Yes[ Eleventll and Orchid Streets in Section H. During discussion before [he vote, Covvnissioner Morris announced since he vas a member of [he Board of Trustees, be had contac led [he Ethics Commission in Tallahassee to determine iE be would have a conflict of interest, and also [he City A[[orney. He stated he would vole on [he issue based on [he Stale of Florida Ethics Commission's opinion CEO 84-50 of June 7, 1984 where a Planning Council member vas also a member of [he YMCA and [he Board found he had no conflict of interest in Chat i[ did no[ inure ro his personal interests. The question vas called and the motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mayot Hovell declared a five minute recess a[ 7:45 p.m. The Mayor called [he meeting back to order a[ 7:50 p.m. * * * * * * k * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * alld re- Hayor Hovell advised [he Planning Board had recommended the appl ica[io no[ be approved as [hey did not consider i[ a hardship. Ile announced [he property vas outside the area proposed for sewer, water and steels Hr. Flo [t had a contract for sale dated 8/13/86 which vas prior to the readings on [he moratorium. In response Co [he Hayo is prior request C research, [he City Attorney advised is would be diECic ult to sustain, in a Court oC Competent Jurisdiction, the denial of a Dermi[, due [o t NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N 1 Cook x x Edwards x x Gulli[o rd x llo rris x Howell x le l 1 { PACe zHRee MiNUies UECEMBEP. 8, 1961 i 7. Action on Resolutions - continued B. Resolucion No. 86-28 Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 86-28 In memory of Waller R. Mur r. Mo [ion: Adopt Resolucion No. 86-28. Copy of Resolution 86-28 attached hereto and made a part [hereof. Original [o be presented to [he family. No discussion before the voce. lb Lion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * k k * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * # * * * s[o ra 1layor Novell announced the Advisory Planning Board had considered [he request and recommended approval. Ne opened [he floor for a Public Het ing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke for or against, [he Mayor declared [he Public t{eating closed. !b [ion: Approve the application filed by Tom Wes[ for a Use by Exception Eor a ronLrac tot's office with no outside s[orag~ a[ 61-63 Nest Second 8[., Sec. H. in a CG zoned district. No discussion before the vole. !b [ion carried unanimously. * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * k # k * * k * * * * * * * * # :. a and Mayor Novell announced [he Advisory Planning Board had considered the request and recommended approval. Iie opened [he floor for a Public IIe: ing and invi Ced comments from. the audience. Mr. Uanny Lay, represent i~ the owners of Nayport Minf Storage, advised the request vas Eor an es pans ion of the ex is[ing Maypor[ faciii[y. His clients agreed with all recocmenda[ions made by [he Advisory Planning Board with one exceptioi The Advisory Planning Board did no[ van[ them to have access on Levy Road. They asked for an emergency gate on Levy P.oad which would be to except for emergencies. they agreed to have a five Eoo[ landscape are. Levy Rd which the Pl annin3 Board had requested. Motion: Approve Che application filed by Ben Aronson requesting a Use by Exception for mini waref~ouses in Section N on pro- perty directly vest of Nardee's and nor[b of Levy Rd. with [he provision for an emergency gate on Levy P.oad. No discussion before Che vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * k k * * * k * k k k * * k k * * * * * * R * * is * * k * * k * NAME OF COMMHS. M S v Y V N Cook x x Edwards x Cul liford x Morris x x t{owell x [- Cook x Edvacds x x Gulliford x Morris x z Howell x i c ed a on Cook x x Edwards x Gulliford x x Pbrris x Novell x PACE TWO l1INUTEB DECEIUSER 8, 19 5. Ac [ion by the City Commission [o approve a budget amendment [ransf ring $25,000 Crom cash reserves [o the Fire U p t t p [i g The budge[ amendment would authorize [he implementation of [he recomm da[ions made by the CSty Manger a[ the Fire Department workshop meet i'. on November 25, 1986. Mayor Howell presen ced in full, in writing, Resolution 86-29, a Resolution transferring certain monies between fw Budge[ Adjus tmenC No. 87-02. !b [ion: Approve Resolution 86-29, Budget Adjustment 87-02. Mayor Howell asked [he Ci[y Manager to Earn Lsh an update on the Dep [. in ninety (90) days. Ne also asked for rules and regulations relative [o work schedules. The Ci[y PWnager advised [ha[ was already in proce: Commissioner Culliford asked [he Ci [y EWnager to [rack the response time during [he ninety day period. Commissioner Cook noted [he morning paper said [he CL[y of Jacksonville Lad l9 Cire engines with twe-iron crews. Following discussion, the question was called and [he motion carried unanimously. * * * * z * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k seek The City Manager advised he needed price quotations for engineering we [o close Sn two drainage ditches: behind Fublix that runs east and we= and Seminole Road [hat runs north and south. T'he one [hat runs down b) Aquatic Gardens is under Slate maintenance. Re would report back in January on engineering prices [o close in a small increment each year. ib [ion: Authorize the City Manager [o seek price quotations Erom Smith and Gillespie under [heir continuing contract for engineering work in connection with the closing of drainage ditches. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * k * * k k * k k * k k * k * k * * * * * k * * * * * * k * 7. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution No. 86-27 Mayor Novell presented in Eull, in writing, Resolution No. 86-27, a Resolution in appreciation for former City lWnager, Robert Vogel. Motion: Adopt Resolution No. 86-27. Copy of said Resolution attached hereto and made a part hereof. The motion carried unanimously. lWyor Novell said he and Commissioner Cook were on [he Coavniss ion and Covmiss inner Edwards vas Director of Public Works at [he time Nr. Yo gel vas Ci[y lWnager. Ile said he had never known a finer gentlemen or more ded ica[ed Ci[y Manager than Bob Vogel. The t1a yor prosented the Resolution [o one of Lis daughters, Andrea Vn gel on behalf of the Eami NAME OF S6 COMMHB. M 5 V Y V N ~r m . ~n i d , Cook x Culliford x s. Cook x Edwards x Culliford x Morris x Howell x t Cook x x Edwards x x Culliford x Morris x Howell x Cook x x Edwards x Gullf Eord x Morris x x Ilovell x Y• MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEE'L ING OF THE ATLANTIC BEACI{ CITY COM- ![ISSION NELD AT CITY HALL ON DEC&~llSER 8, 1986 A1' 7:15 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayoc-Commissioner Robert e. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards William I. Culliford, Jr. John W. Morris, Jr., Commissioners AND: Richard E. Fellows, fi[y lfanager Claude L. ltull is, City Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, Ci[y CLe rk Tl~e meeting vas called [o order by Mayor Howell. The invoca[ion,offeri by Commissioner Cook vas followed by [he pledge [o the flag. I App al of [he i Ces of [he regular meeting of November 24,1986 Commissioner Norris corrected [he Public Hearing date on Page Three, Item F. The minutes reflected Public Nearing vas set for l2 /9/86. the correct date vas l2 /8/86 and vas advertised as 12/8/86. Mo [ion: The minutes of [he meeting of November 24, 1986 be approve as corrected. No discussion before [he vote. Me [ion carried unanimously. * * * k * k * * k * * * * * * k * * k fi * * k * k * * * k * * 2. Recognition of Visitors - None 1. Action by the Ci[y Commission on a request from [be developers of Oceanvalk to approve [he plat for Unit ~. Motion: Accept the plat for Unit 3 Oceanvalk and forward same [o Che Advisory Planning Board for Cl~eir consideration and recommendations. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * k * k k * * * * * * * * * * * * £ £ * £ £ * * k * * £ k * 4 At[1 n by [he Ci[y Commission [o adopt [he Personnel Rules and Regulations effective October 1, 1986 The City Hanager advised all suggested corrections had been made. Commissioner Norris tommen[ed he had read over [he rules and guaran[e i[ would never encompass every problem [hat might come up, but he tho i[ vas a good approach. llo tion: Approve [he new Personnel Rules and Re gul a[ions effective October I, 1986. No discussion before [he vote. Notion carried unanimously. * * * * * k * * * * * £ * * * £ £ £ * £ £ * * k * * * * £ * * * * ME OF COMMRS. M O T 1 O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E 5 V O T E D N O 1 1 Cook x Edwards % x Culliford x Morris x x Novell x Cook x Edwards x x Culliford x Morris x x Howell x e u h[ Cook x Edwards x x Culliford z Morris x x Novell x ~_, ._ o Pe[e Dowling has been in touch with me and asked [he Ci[y [o '. consider accepting [he utiliq• system in Ocean Edge. At this writing, ' however, we have not ye[ received the necessary documents Co certify [his system to [he City for acceptance. Provided we receive [he proper documen[a[ion, we will plan to have [Lis as an agenda item nn Monday night. o Five Ord finances will be up for public hearing on Monday nigh[, all of which were introduced at [he last meeting in December. They include the following: 1. An Ordinance creating an occupational license tax for junk yards and salvage yards 2. An Ordinance eliminaC ing [he requiremenC regarding maximum lo[ coverage 3. An Ordinance reducing minimum charges fot backhoe use 4. An Ordinance transferring C7:e responsibilities of the Advisory Planning Board and Board of Adj us[men[ [o a new board to be called [he Community Development Board • i 5. Re-vr ite of the Ordinance relative to [he Pension Eoard of Trustees [o bring i[ into conformity with the Florida S[atu[es. ' o Intersection improvements a[ Maypor[ and Plaza are due to be ~. received in [he form of bids at [Le meeting on Monda}• night. IE [he '. Conmiission is to agreement we would like [o recommend Che bids be turned over [o a cocm~ittee for report back at the meeting of January 26. ' o We will ask your approval of a budge[ adj us[men[ transferring ', $27,000 from [he prior }•ear's cash carry fonard to equipment expenditure account in Uie Police Department to pay for the new police co~mnunica[ions equipment for Hie kiddies. The Ci[y wind plan to charge a regls[ra[ion fee Cor any people vishing to participate and Che money you ld be used for maintenance and clean-up. The proposed fesc iv al would be coordinated with [he Community Presbyterian Church which will hold a similar activi- ty in March, and [he Beaches ofClc ial Opens nR Day Parade on Aoril 25 and 26. Absent any strenuous obj ec[ions from [he Ci[y Commission, we would like [o star[ planning for Hie event. Rose has also suggested that ve develop some sort of official recognition of Che two hundredth birthday of H'.e Constitution vhicL will be Batu rdaq, October l7. la [h your permission, Rose will be trying to put together a suggested program of observance which might include a mass resita[ion of the Pledge of Allegiance, a re-en ac [men[ of the signing of [he Constitution utilizing members of [he City Commission, and some other ideas. In any even[, we will keep you appraised as to the progress of [his proposal. o The Advisory Planning Board met on December l8, 1986, and a copy of [heir report and recoamiendations is enclosed. Each of the items addressed vlll be included as ar, agenda item a[ [he meeting on Monday nigh[. o The developer of Oc eanvalk, Unl[s 1, 2, and 4, have asked the City to accept for maintenance Che public improvements in those units. In support of that request ve have received [he following: 1. As-buil[s for units 1, 2, and 4, including [he lift station 2. Television log reports of tine sever Collection system for Units 1, 2, and 4 3. N.R.S. Bacteriological clearance [o place the system in normal operation for Units 1, 2, and 4. 4. Letter of cer[if ica[ion from the developer's engineer that [he system has been constructed in accordance with [he plans and , spec if ica[ions. 5. General warranty deed transferring ownership of the lift station site to [he City of Atlantic Beach. 6. A Bill of Sale from Oceanvalk Assoc ia[es transferring owership of Che water and sever system [o Che Ci[y of A[lan[ic Beach 7. An affidavit signed by the developers stating there are no mechanic leans existing or. [he properly. 8. A letter from [he Clty Fublic Services Direccor certifying [he unit is complet> and ready for acceptance for maintenance. 9. A let cer of credit in the amount of $554,484 guaranteeing the i improvements for one year. Ae recommend [he City Coaw iss ion attep[ Hie improvements for maintenance. made Cor approval of the [wnsf er of the 6eneCits of [his agreement [o CdF Seminole Associates, 30 Wes[ Broad Street, Rocl~es[er, New York. This routine request will require [he action of [he City Commission. o Smith and Gillespie have undertaken die drawing of the plans and spec ifica[ions required by FDER Sn connection with our application Cor financial assts[ance in our collet [ion system rehabilita[fon. The preparation of [he plans and spec if ica[ions will be done at a cos[ not [o exceed $25,000 and [he expenditure of these funds should be ratified by [he Ci[y Commission on Monday nigh[. o Ne have received our program contract from [he llepar[ment of Community A.f fairs which Rran[s to [he City $17,224 for planning assis- tance. The Ccmmission should authorize [he Mayor and Clerk [o execute the contract. o Financial consultant, BI11 Weathers, has prepared an updated financial report on [he assessment program in Section H. We are includ- ing a copy for your perusal. You will note engineering costs total $521,314 which covers the engineering aspects for [he entire Section N area. Before proceeding, we need [o take action on a couple of things: 1. Autlmrize [he engineer to proceed with the preliminary design documents for a lump sua not to exceed $149,273. 2. Adopt a Resolution containing inf orma[ion about [he nature of [he proposed improvements and the location of same, and the portion of expenses [o he paid by special assessments, etc. This will to an item for action by the City Coe®ission on Monday nigh[. o The third tank in [he Buccaneer Water and Sever District has been completed and is ready to go on line. Capacity in [he [h ird tank has keen totally obligated and we have pending a request for another one thousand connections. Growth continues at a rapid rate in [he dis [ric[ and planning for [l:e fourth tank should be gotten under way famed iately. There are two ways in which [Le engineering for [his may be accom- plished. We can advertise under the Consultants Compe[S[ive Negotiation Ac[ requesting proposals from engineers for the design work in con- nection with [he fourth tank, or we could award the work for [he fourth tank under our continuing contract with Smith and Gillespie, wh is ii would do away with [he necessity of going Che Consultants Competitive Nego- tiation route. In addition to having [he design work undertaken on the fourth tank Che Commission may wish to expand [he engineer's authority to include a report on the long range prosper is for further deve:opmen[ and [he need for additional facilities in that area. In any even[, [his will be a matter for Coamission ded lion nn [he agenda Monday night. o Parks and Recreation Coordinator, Rose Blanchard, has sugges [ed holding a Spring Festival aC Jack Russell Park [o attract attention [o the facility during the period April 3 and 4 this year. the festival would consist of a number of people involved in arts and crafts, school bands would be invited to participate and there would be games and rides CITY OF ~tfa.Kta $eaele - ~fouda ]160CEAN BOULEVARD -- P. 0. BOX 25 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORHIA a2223 ~ TELEPHONE X901121921% January 8, 1987 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners From: Richard C. Fellows, Ci[y Manager ~~~ Subj ec[: STATUS REPORT o A[ [be meeting of November 24, recommendations of [he old Pension Board of Trustees for an Increase in retirement benefits for all employees from 27. of salary to 2!p$ of salary were forwarded [o the City Commission. This matter was referred [c [he Cit}•'s actuary for calculation of financial impact. In addition [o [he increased benefits, a study was also made as Co [lle financial impact of a five-year vesting program as opposed to [he present ten-year vesting. The results of these studies are enclosed and you will note [he calcul a[ed cost foz an increase in benefits is $34,638 per year, and the calculated cost for reducing vesting from [en years to five years fs $2,312 per year. Further action on these recocwenda[ions will await your decision. o In regards Co the Pension Board of Trustees, be advised elections are being held on Friday, January 9 [o select a board member from [he general employees and one from [he Police/Fire group of employees. These two will meet with [Le Comm Lssion appointees, Peter Corbin and Ricbard Mhite Monday evening a[ 6:30 PM prior to the regular Commission meeting, and hopefull}• will be able [o recommend to the Cocunission at [ha[ time the fifth member vho must be confirmed 6y ac [lon of the Ci[y Coaunission. The board will [hen be duly constituted. o Anneza [fon of the North Seminole Beach and Oceanwalk area on January 1 went off wL[hou[ a hitch. The transition from prlva[e [o public sanitation service went well and we have received no ~complain[s whatsoever. Al Klnatd of the City of Jacksonville vas most helpful in ob[a ining for us from [he various divisions of [he City, maps, charts, files, etc., as required for our ongoing activities. 0 1 am enclosing herewith your copy of Che minutes of [he last regular mee[Ing on December 8, along wit}, a [hank you letter to Rose Blanchard from [be Mayport Jr. high School P.1'. A., and any oUler corre- spondence from your mail box which had no[ been picked up aC [his Cime. o In accordance with [be terms of [he utility service agreement be[vicen the City and S.G.M, b O. Join[ Venture I, application has been ~' ~: ~. ~,. is 13. Action by the City Commission [o grant authority tc Parks and Recreation Uepartment to hold a Spring Festival in Jack Russell Park April 3 and 4, 1987 14. Action by [he Ci[y Commission to approve a request from Thomas Cibson for relief from [he septic tank mora[orfum to construct a home on Lo[s 5 and 6, Block 108, Section N (Advisory Planning Board recommends approval) 15. Action by the City Commission [o approve a budget adjustment transferring $27,000 from prior year's cash carry forward [o equipment expenditure account in the Police Department to pay for the new police communications equipment 16. Action on Resolutions: A. In [roduction and adoption of a Special Assessment Resolution for Section li B. Introduction of a Resolution authorizing a method for the collection of special assessment leins 17. Action on Ordinances: A. Ordinance No. 45-86-7 Public hear irg and final reading of an Ordinance amend Lng [I:e Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to provide an occupational license category for junk yards/salvage yards B. Ordinance No. 90-86-113 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, [o eliminate [he requirement regarding maximum lot coverage C. Ordinance No. 5-86-18 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, to reduce minimum charges for backhoe rentals D. Ordinance No. 47-86-3 Public hearing snd final reading of an Ordinance am ending. the Ordinance Code of Cite Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, Co transfer [he responsibilities of the Advisory Planning Board and Board of Adj us[men[ [o [he Community Development Board E. Ordinance No. SB-86-6 Public hearing and final reading of an Ordinance amending the Ordinance Code of [he Ci[y of Atlantic Beach, Florida, [o reorganize the Pension Board of Trustees [o bring it into conformity with [he Florida Statutes 18. Miscellaneous Adjournment c AceNe~ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH January 12, 1987 Call to Order Invocation and Pledge m [he Flag 1. Approval of [he minutes of the regular meeting of December 8, 1986 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Bids returnable: A. Receipt of bids for intersection improvements at Maypo rt Road and Plaza Boulevard 4. Action by [he Ci[y Commission to authorize [he Mayor and Clerk [o execute the plat for Uni[ 3, Oceanvalk subdivision 5. Action by [he Ci[y Commission to approve [he preliminary plat for S[evar[ subdivision, Section H (Advisory Planning Board recommends approval) 6. Action by the Ci[y Commission to approve [he transfer of a utility service agreement between the City and SGM b 0, Joint Venture I [o C6F Seminole Associates, Rochester, New York 7. Action by [he City Commission [n ratify and approve authorization for Smith and Gillespie to undertake plans and specifications for major sever system rehabilitation a[ a cost not to exceed $25,000 8. Commission action to authorize the Hayor and Clerk to execute a contract be meen tl:e City and the Department of Community Affairs for a planning gran[ in the amount of $17,224 9. Action by [he City Commission to authorize eessent, Hammack and Buckman [o proceed with [he preliminary design documents for public improvements in Section H £or a lump sum no[ to exceed $149,273 10. Action by [he Ci[y Commission to approve [I:e preliminary plat for Ocean Edge, Pi:ase II (Advisory Planning Board recommends approval) 11. Action [o confirm fifth member of the Pension Board of Trustees as rewmmended by [he Penslen Board and discuss further actions in regard to increasing pension benefits and reducing the vesting period from [en to f!ve years 12. Discussion regarding [he need for undertaking the necessary engi- neering design and development of specifications for a new 400,000 gallon sewage treatment tank in the Buccaneer Na[er and Sever District %~.2J. /". L/'~ ~~, o,~~ ~aau~~~eJ .: ~,~.~ ~ two ~ ~ ~C~C,~«c irn~ ,~ i3 ~ Pew- 1 ~z~~~ -C.-~ . i CLUI~ ~ G C'~z ~,LYx~ ~ -`~ ~,~ .rte- ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ,~. VW V ~ //~a.v /Y/~A AMN~ ~Y~ ~V .;~ : Cuad Cc.t",~.LQ~ Qu.6.eye - ,Qe'x-OL . ~ `. Can -ecl u C'~ cL- %!n cc~vn ear-. : , ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~,o a ~ ~ c?~d a ~'ca-° t-~rnl'-ar~-aa. ,,; ~4 )' i. ~. ,. r w :~ l~~~l David E. Thompson Chief of Police Atlantic Bench Policy Department B60 Seminole Rond Atlantic Dcach, Florida 32233 Denr Chief Thompsml, U.S. Drparhnent of Justice UnftrJ Stales Alarshals Service ,Iliddlr Uistri<T of lloridu u0 UnvJ Sram fbrr q)n. anJ CnmJv,ua AlI Mm U, Florida .l.anua Parr OIlu. aor '4UT TmuFa. F1..,iJo JJSaI January 9, 1987 On December IG, 1986, Inspector Ralph Corr oC my Jacksonville Office was contacted by Special Agent Darlow of the Naval Investi- gative Service [o assist in the arrest oC Richard Benny Crean, wanted by the U. S. District Court for embezzlement. On the evening of December 16, 1986 the subject Green was arrested at a trailer on the north end of Atlantic Beach at which lime the subject broke out of the trailer and escaped leaving Inspector Carr with two broken fin- gers. Atlantic Bench Police llepertment was called for assistance and officer P.andy E. Beaty arrived at the scene. A search pnttern was set up where the subject was last seen. ACter a short period of time Officer Beaty discovered the subject under a travel trailer. The sub- ject was arrested and charged with Escnpe and Assault on a Federal o[ficer. Specifically t would like to cite the professional attitude end per- formance of O[tcer Randy E. Beaty, Badge number 1434, in the erred of this Cugitive. Law Enforcement officers like Officer Besty ere e credit to themselves, their Department end the entire Law Enforcement Community. Warrn Regards! mcerely, 'I \ Richard L. Cox, Jr. United States AIDrshal Sliddlc llistrict of Florida RLC/slr ce: Officer Randy E. Beaty Inspector Rslph Carr ^ ~_ ._. -. __. .. -_ - ._ ,~r ~~ k<-`- li _ ; Jig ~I ~~ ~~ - __ ~. i 'I ~i ;: _,~ 1i .t _L - - - --- - -- - - - -_____ _ _ --- - -- _ _ -_ - _._-_ t ~' :~ I ,~ t•~ it ~ > ~, ii - - ~Q- j t!'. jvs::t t~ :~ -)i~~Fi t.~ t -i I .";1'i:~ t t IS n N - t~ L ~.- i t '~~. Y~ :~ . ~5.: + v 1~.. f S ~~ 5 r ~.y~l 1 ik~•~ '~ t ! p ' ~~ + rrRte+ 'h - r Y 1 Y, i + ~ ltYS: C ~ " Q lV _.. . C ..A ° l o G . ~ L L ~ P'.9~p, p l K w~ a V ~Q y f E ~i p F f • X w H ( ~ F ,~ y j c ~ p oRF AIa F ~. " ~~~' ~ 1~ N t~ ~ .~ O ~ / 1 N b' 7 1 Y > p p o~HtrM11N0 a ~an o ~~f~~h ~n '~~'~ ~~v~ ~S 6 lfl a'•o1S O a•Ol ~/~ N b'Sl ~ f~ ~ At-6 of 1 ooRlFa j< V ddD' d/~' _~NyE,O~}~S ~ 1/ fy,Cy .f ~__' I A ~ U aC .n wn ~i ~. ~ pry~ 4y I~~~,,`~~S ~J c Nail YI TTY/~~%~n•l/N ~ I ~ ' q aOFi.I• ~ J~ ~I~ /~~ ~' ~ ~f0'OS~ ~ ~ ftl ~ %~ '~ © i ~~ ~~~ ~q _ 'agYN/ G eeeY/.4 ~~ WWW !! I / ~iI 1 ffii F•y4 pFbb H0. FGGH1IO n(M ~liG qli N}a ~..c.., )1_/ ~ .l /fC/'2i I i.)wi i o~ ~ I f• ry O Oa~H 0.~I4 F 4q NOJJ I l/9OH J VAN v ~y' e. I t..1 ~t1 nii a..r I ~ I J a rz ~H~ iia "o Q v ~ I .SZ .os I 1 a Gai ~~+o ~~G K W I I " I ~ osaa a sA~.~ L ~ I I ,,, ••l. 0.O0.aUG ~f ~ !~I ab: ~ rno< + v~W ~l,i ~ • I - - f 1 C e~~•[NC4. n. ~ - - ~ I ° - I _- • a~fca a~ J ~~ V I G 1 ~ M:<FOOY ~ .. 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I ~ ~ iIW :. . ' I • ii I ~~ I ~ ~ ~ L ... ' ' 1 ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~. , ~°~ Page 3 of 3 Cf1ANCE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION REQUEST PAITIENT OF TIIE OFFICIAL FILING PEE AS SET 6Y TIIE CITY CCD1t9ISSI0Ct: Dale Paid /- l-8'7 $ /u~- °L THE SIGNATURE OF EACIni AtiD EVERY OWIJER OF TIIE LAC]DS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVISORY PLANNING BCARD'S REPORT APJD RECOF1CiENDATIONS: '.. DATE REVIEWED: PUBLIC HEARING DATE 1 Page 2 Of 3 Cf1ANGE IN ZONING CI,ASSIPICA'1'I Oti REQUES'T' A complete list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions for all property within three hundred (300) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse. Attach Seperate Sheets if Needed Property Owners and Mailing Addresses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 6. ..._.... . 9. Legal Oescriptions A STATEMENT OF SPECIAL REASONS FOR TIIE REZONING AS REQUESTED: Mra. Price has owned [he subj etc property since [he 1960'x. Although originally zoned for four residential unS[s, zoning of [he property prior [o annexation allowed three zealdential units. Hrs. Price has plans to construct three units. ' Although living here a[ [he time of [he annexa [f.on vote, Mrs. Price was not aware of [he annexation and zoning change and assumed her property was still zoned ~- for three units. She had met with City of .Iacksonville personnel In October 19E6 [o tonflrm [he zoning of her property and no men[Son of Che possible annexation was T.r.. e' Page 1 Of 3 CIfACJGE IN ZOCJ IIJG CLASSIFICATION REQUEST' Date Filed: January 8. 1987 NAMES AND ADDRESSES- OF ALL OWCJERS OF TIIE SUBJECT PROPERTY: Ellen C. Price - 1810 Sevll la Boulevard Unit 306 Aclan[ic Beach, Florida 32273 Phone: - 246-9506 Home Phone: - Home Work Work TE1E LEGAL DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING TIIE LOT AND BLOCK NUMBERS, OF T[IE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED: Lo[ 80, North Atlantic Beach, Unit No. 3 Annexed from the Cfty of Jacksonville effective January 1, 1987 PRESENT ZONING GF PROPERTY FOR W21IC1I CIIAJJGE OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION IS REl1UESTED: RS-2 Residential Single Family PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION: RC-2 Residential General A STATEMENT OF TUE PETITIONER'S INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF TIIE LAST RECORDED WARRANTY DEED; AND: If joint and several ownership, a written consent, to the rezoning petition, by all owners of record; or if a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the seller/owner; or if an authorized ~ ~ - agent, a copy of the agency agreement or written consent of the prin- cipal owner; or if a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the deleyated authority to represenE the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that the person is, in fact, an officer of the corporation; or if a group of continguous property owners, the owners of at least fif ty~~ (50) percent of the property described in the petition must provide .- writter. consent. Owner of the subject property. Have owned Bald property since [he 1960's ~~ , U~.~ no vF L3n Cb0°Q~~~UO :~ ~~a oFC oou~o.nooo ,. ., W ~o,~ Fao ~~~hl9o4n~ o: von Q~h apoc'0v~o~ ', ,. , h pu*u n. ~ W0~' aD U _ Ob~v, o~n ~ , h W~.ga~u\,oo' ,. tio~hokOroe, L ;~ u ~txi `Q`~a40 U3" sz sz ~~ 1o/d~a-r~~uuop~- ~ .~ x3`U`,O,~QVb r ,y ~ .0 eh e~~ ~ -~ - tiJ o~ • ' .yU~o,oao\l 1 I.. .. Cv.~.CUhC u .~:ID ~U.4UV CJt ~1500V ~ C n ~ d I' C' .°. - \ " IB . .. ~U~pOn~C ~~ C~~\\pq ~° 'r '~~ I 1 0 UO ~ .oRo"5~eoa`' ~`~a~°s~, . ~~ . n ~ ; I o ~h ` k° ~3oX I ~ ~ ~ . ~ Ob `°o~,.n~. ~~u ~ tinu.nogo~0 ~ ~ . . „ ;~IU : v,. ~ ~h~~ah~~.eo ~' ~ ,o. S~~3be~°~~ o ` J CCpu~ou~pR_ o I~ : . ~~0~'~x UJC~\ ~~ k V U i ~Cn ~~~~ U~~U~~O~US' ~ I? o 2 , ~~~oa~~k3a.: ~ ~ I` s z ~4 o p d UO v ~E 6899 i.09: ,09 / , ~' ~ W ; v.. o u u 7 v:p '. v ° ~., ~ . -: ~ F6 "99/ ". ' ' 3 6Y.90,/S q V , . , . , ,G6'O$/ ,.~ m N ~ v h, ` -.. ~ h v ,oo SB, 0 0 ° h V m ~ z zif ti-_ • I ' ~ ~ I V n ' V W \N' JI SON ~~ 0~0 L oy si - - V 1s o ~~dd - _-- ~ b a "' a Q ~ ,t n y t n ~,. F/o7 %no9 Q UpUy~- O, x~~: - ~ of M. 5Y,90e//,' p/o7 -/,nom .oF I: , ~ I i. t{: :'~ . ~ ~ • :i i :~: ;::.: ; ~~°~ ~ ~ ~-.1 u143 11.771 '~ OFFICIAL I(ECUHDS ~~ i' 4 J ATTACt1ED SCHEDULE 'A' THE WEST 1/2 OF THE FOLLO'r1ING DESCRIBED PROPERTY: A PART OF GOVERNMENT LOT 3, SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 29 EAST AND DESCRIBED AS COMt1ENCING AT TIIE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3, AND THENCE NORTIi ALONG Tt1E SAME TO TIIE PLACE OF BEGINNING, EXCEPTION THEREFROM TIIE NORTH 25 FEET OF TIIE WEST PAGE 11. EXCEPT PART IN CIIU RCfi 1185, PAGE 11. EXCEPT PART IN CIIURCIi STREET, GEORGE STREET NORTH 25 FEET OF TI{E WEST 469 FE F.T THEREOF, CONVEYED TO DUVAL COUNTY BY DEED BOOK 1185, PAGE 11. EXCEPT PART IN CHURCH STREET, GEORGE STREET AND ALLEY TO SOUTH OF SUDJECT LANDS. SUBJECT TO covenants, restrictions, easements of record and taxes fo[ the cuzrent yea[. Said property is not the homestead of the Grantor(s) under the lays and constitution of the State of Florida in that neither Grantor(s) nor any members of the household of Grantor(s) reside thereon. C~ JL'~~_P J~(~ ) r ,, ~~! .n. -I ., ,:I I,f .. . ~ -~~ ...r rt ~. 1 r (!, ~.. .. Yll IJl~'.~ f~~ ~ I~) /3 y~-- W1LLf AlI G. NOE, JH. / !""'>' NO E 6 EA K 1 N .'r Uff ICIAL ItEIORUS ~ 599 A'f LAtJT IC DOU LEVARD, SUITE 6 _ __ .... "' ATLANTIC BEACH, FP.. 32233 (lQ~~is ~S61r[HUIk ~t1rrD "Mad<the 5 day of .June A.U. 19 66 by CARL K. HOWELL ANU CYNTHIA M. NOW ELL , IIIS WIFE her<ina6rr called the Rrantor, to STEPHEN H. MARRY , A MARRIED MAN JOI1N fi. TALOERT , A MARRIED MAN whose poll office address is: 762 7T11 AVE. N., JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Florida 32250 Located in DUVAL County, Flo[ida hereimfur called the Rranme: I WM.. .rd Mu .xr .M1 "pr ~ ' L+bdr dl ,A. N° o db Nammrm .M Ae Fm.. Irnl r.r,.vm,um rM ..; ate, d le.l;adml...d ,M ri,rvrwrr ad rnlrm d ro,r..ril.M+l v I IIIICSSCIII: Thas the gnome, (or and in consideration of the sum off TEN 6 IjO~j00and other valuable eomidevtions, rtccip[ whcuo( is hereby acknowledged, he¢by Reams, bargains, sells, aliens. remises, ¢leas<s, conveys and confirms unto the Rnme<, all that certain land situate in DUVAL County. Florida, vie: -•'~ •~-- See Attached Schedule 'A' I' .P STA"~E of FLORIDAEI ~~ DOCUMEId1ARY STAMP TAXI ° bEP I. Of ^EVENUE ;^~' 4"1 : "•I ~, I ~. o _ Ps _'JUII:I 16 E!=~.~ J Q. Q 0. I I -' . - 11029 ~ 1 I I' l'Ya~CIIICC with all the tenements, haedinmems and appurunanas darcto belonging or in anywiu appertaining. ~ _ ~tf~[t ~lIUC Nlill f0 ~i~Uft~, the same in fen simple forever. ~I171 d+c grantor hacbY covcnann with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seiad of said land in fee simple, that the Rrantor has good right and lawful authority to sdl and convey said land; that the Rrantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons wLomso<vrr; end that said land is free of all encumbrances, except wits accruing subsequent to December 31. 19 DS ~11 ~~IIIICSS ~iU7 ~ICCCOI, the said grantor has signed and sealed thcs<presems the day and Year first above written. Si ed and livered in u resencr: - tJTHIA M. HOWELL STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF OUVAL 1 HGREDY CE0.TIFY that on leis day, Sefore me, an of(irer duly mthorir<d in the Snte aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeased CARL K. HOWELL AND CYNTHIA M. HOWELL r HIS WIFE to me known to to the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me chat they <xecu[ed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this ~•t D ~ day of ~.' A.D. 19 • June 66 ~~ ~ .(: Nouq Public `:'~. ..r'.,' Ibt,ly fsF.et. Aa:e c; Ceu:ia ~~ :...:. ~ ~ ' h1Y Ca.u:i,tion Ec:r: f-t is f„; ~...D--6318 Page 3 of 3 CIIA[7GE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION REQUEST PAYPIENT OF THE OFFICIAL FILING FEE AS SET BY TFIE CITY C014CtISS ION: Date Paid ~ ~' i ~ j 7 , $ / °O , "~ TI7E SIGNATUP.E OF EACH AND EVERY OWNER CF THE LANDS: !~ ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD'S REPORT A[7D ltECO[R~fENDATIONS: DATE REVIEWED: PUBLIC fiEARII7G DATE Paye 2 Of'3 ~ CIIANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION ItiQUEST T complete list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions for-all property within three hundred (300) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse. Attach Seperate Sheets if Needed Property Owners and Mailing Addresses 1 tNtl~le C~'~ro1u~J ri4 e~.wc~ 4st" 2 ~ ~ l~ u -!~] eJ Kn~, 5011. F ,I, ~r-1Ve Q~I. ~c~. Flo 3223 - Legal Descriptions ~ A, _dJO~ners I~~P ~ MC 3 e~,~-1,~_~0 131? ~ a,~N~s ~~r ~r ~f.~ 3.GQ.~-~L~ 5 I,._ t'3 Sc FASrf f?su~.S~ ~~ Izson~ /t [[e~ LI A 3ZtDS 4 W l ll l ant M Sau~ gu ~ ~T t_~~~2-(~ s•Ili~~w~~ G ~r ~J~klr' 1O17A C~7Po/an 'Y\ _,a..L L, na c 1a ~-z2 33 s. Al. ~~ 1 S tsd w 1 ° t., -,~ RX. GIg ~iZZO°I _ _m t W / G 5~' _~° Y ~ I w, -Sze-o S e. tt 9lllly E PVr 5 -- r~l, u y O~o ul ~ ~AkL ~ t, G~ ~' ~z~ 3'~7 e. ~~ ~,,,.~' ('ol.~.s 7,$ac.) I,,e luA+ Cif W `~,C ~~~ 220 ~;)~„L~~IP No v ~-~,t Olk r ..... ~ ~-t~ !Jv 2~ l ~-1- ~~ C3(_k t ~.M n1vAC ~i-Il F-7D i • 1 ~-~ ~ 4Y Ic I ~ ~! ~ ~,~- I$ r~ 17y'(\NG^ KIP ~.YJ Z Ib auc t ti? o PT ~ s ti, L I ~ R~llcl., u ~P ~ 3 I L t3Ck~z ~nr~u".s 2~ ~ L~ 3 L .~- t lg ~~~ z ~. mrn~Q~ ,2~~ Page 1 Of 3 CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION REQUEST Date Filed: / J 1 ~S~O NAMES AND ADDDRESSESOF ALL OWtJERS OF TIIE SUBJECT !7oa 7 /!ve ,c,~, ~ i a l o ~"~ A,tP troth ~Qj~ Qcl.. F"/a. ~zasn -sa>< L~x~., C,6 szzso Phone: a41 OSSb home Pllone: ahq x517 Home al{I OS $U work o14C{aSl'1 Work TIIE LECAL DESCRIPTION, INCLUDING TO BE REZONED: 1',-7_g~~t LUT AND DLOCK NU[ADERS, OF TIIE PROPERTY PRESENT 20NIN~ OF ?ROPERTY FOR WIIICif CIIANGE OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION IS REQUESTED: / ~ _ PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATIONI: ~ ~-~ A STATEMENT OF TIIE PETITIONER'S INTEREST IN TIIE PROPERTY TO BE REZONED, INCLUDING A COPY OF TIIE LAST RECORDED WARRANTY DEED; AIJD: If joint and several ownership, a written consent, to the rezoning petition, by all owners of record; or if a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the seller/owner; or if an authorized agent, a copy of the agency agreement or written consent of the prin- cipal owner; or if a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that the person is, in fact, an officer of the corporation; or if a group of continguous property owners, the owners of at least fifty (50) percent of the property described in the petition must provide written consent. I l{ene.~-~ C'ar..n~ ~a ~~ ZI e~nN ,.,3~~ues}' ~ N Twll~~,-4- A.>~ s-~-RI....- is fries...) n,.~ ~,- Please Print or 'type rncE I of I '11SE RY ERCEI'"I'IOII' AI'I'LICA'1'lON DATE FILED: I-y-37 NM1E & AUUI2ESS OF OWNE2 OR 'fEtIAIJ'f IN }'OBSESS LON OF I'RE1115ES 54„rit~, Cam,»,~,~,~;~~ CI.,,..i. k'IIONE 29`d ~9~i„nE(~. Dr,v< WURK: 245-3y3i~ 14 {•7~., E:c Be.,..), fL 3z L33 IICNE: STREET ADDRESS AIJD LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 1'IIE PREMISES AS TO W111C11 THE USE BY EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED: A DESCRIr1'lON OF '1'IIE USE BY IiY.CCI"1'IOiI UES IRF,U, WIIICII SIIALL Si'ECLFLCALLY AND PARTICULARLY UESCRI6F, '1'lIE 'TYPE, CINRAC'fER AIJU EXTEIJ'f OF 171E PROPOSED USE 6Y EXCEY'tION: Cl~..,.~, ]~1 Cc.,-~. w~,tl, C=di.col*ol.nl V~ro~rarn r- SPECIFIC REASONS WIIY '1'lIE APPLICAN"1' FEELS TIIC REQUEST SIIOULU RE GRANTED: PRESEWT ZONItJG:~[p-Z-. ``~lz-,~tw- Sign ~ e o np ican~' t or Ap icvit s Authorized Agent or Attorney. If Agait or Attorney, Include Letter of O.uner or Tenant to that Effect. Sigrn e o Owner o the r rty (Clecessary to Process Application) ADVLSOP.Y PLANNING BOARD'S REPORT ANU RECOCL'~fEt1UA'IIONS: iT `tpA'FF~~,REV1 EIJIiU: l: ^.r. ., :. ' .. ,~.}; Please Pi iuL ur lype PA'CEi~l~of 1 :'~I:! /i % )',~ 'USE UY EXCEI"1'LON' AI'I'LI CA'IlON DATE FILED: ~,~-/D - Q~o SSION OF PILEFi1SES: PHONE _ WORK: aSJ(o - oZ ~~ (7 ~a- uorfe: STREET ADDRESS ANU LEGAL UESCRLYT'ION OF 1'IIE PREMISES AS 1'0 NIIICII THF. WIIY '1'lIE AI'PLLCAN'I FEELS 111E REQUEST SIIOULU UE PRESENT ZONINC:[~.p~ ~,'`" ' ~ y+~ ~Q C ~ ~~~~ i lure o .n Icant or pp cults ~Lmature o ~ Owner o ie Yzoperty thorized Agent or Attorney. If. Agent (Necessary to Process Application) . r Attorney, Include Letter of Omer or Tenant to that Effect. AUV150RY PLAIJNIt1G ISOARU'S REPORT ANU RECOF09ENUA'f IONS: DATE RP;VIE!JIiU: A DESCRIP'I LON OF '1'l1E USE RY EXGP•. P'1'LON DESIRED, WIIICII SHALL SI'IiCLFICALLY AND PAR'IICVLARLY UESCRIRE '1'lIE TYPE, CIfARAC'fER AND EXTENT OP 1'lIE Page 2 ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD advised [bat [},e developers of Aquatic Ca rdens (Ron Cro Cton) would agree [o alloy Cornell Lane [o enter into the development if Cornell would serve as his secondary means of ingress and egress. Mr. floss stated this was not an acceptable trade-off and [hat access [o Che Aquatic Carde ns should be further north. tir. "toss advised that Ron Cro C[on preferred no[ have access onto Comell_ Lane Crom Beaches AquaC jc Drive. llr. Cole stated Gha[ [he Cornell Lanc vas not paved up to [he property line. Iic. !foss stated that the Ci[y •'tvould insist that the church improve Cornell lane up to the property. llr. Cole stated that tha church had agreed to do so. Discussion ensued regarding water and sever. tor. Moss advised [hat the same engineer working on the Crofton project was also assisting [he church in [heir water and sewer needs. Ctta irman Mc Caul ie summarized [he plans and again asked whether the church intended [o build a school. Mr. Cole advised that [he school had no[ been disc cased and that one was no[ projected. Mr. lb rris stated td= main concern for additional de velopmen[ on the property centered around [he ade qua[e provision of police and Cire protection [o [he area. Hr. David IJiti[e, representing [he du¢dt, stated [ha[ [hey 'c annot do anything more a[ tb is time, but did no[ want to be restricted for future development. Chairman McCaulie advised that [he City did uo[ want [o give a carte blanc to the church for all types of activities. Uiscus lion continued. regarding traffic congestion on llayport Road, the potential for development around [he area, etc. tir. Cole reiterated that [he church would be granted a 30-Loo[ Casement Crom [he property otrrte rs to the south to allow access [o Atlantic Boulevard. They would also use Cornell Lane to llayport Aoad. ltr. }toss advised that he was not comfortable with the access [o A[lan[ic Boulevard. Because [he street going to [he south would be private, Che Ci[y would no[ be in a position [o ma iota in [be street. The potential for future conflict exists. itr. Cole advised [hat the sales agre emen[ assured that [he propert}• owners to [he south would maintain tf.e private drive. A discussion regarding access to [ho Beaches Aquatic again ensued. Nr. doss advised that fir. Crofton was concerned with traffic going through his Bevel opmen[ onto Cornell Lane. llr. Voss also advised that Che Ci[y is not in a position to require Cro Etnn to change his plans after granting preliminary approval of [he Aquatic Gardens Subdivision. IIe also advises the Slate may require [hat the Publ ix Shopping Center use Aquatic Drive as a means of egress and ingress. •f Chairman 11cCaulie called for the question. Offering clarification, the church was advised [ha[ a "Use by Exception" would apply to the Church and not For a school or any other use. Ftr. Gray made a motion that the "Use by Exce pion" as requested be approved. Ffr s. Gregg seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously, with 11r. Jennings abstaining. the Chair called Ior consideration for [he second item of the agenda. Consideration of a Request [o Clmnge Zoning Cl assiFicat ion submitted by Ruth 13ae Spivey - Owner - Dormer's Aepl at - Block 23, Lots 2 b 3 Ht. Jennings advised the Board [he he would refrain from discussion and voting on this matter because of a potential conflict of interest. lfrs. Olson, repre- senting Fatson Realty, stated [ha[ [he property in question was zoned P,G-2. The building on the property was nri ginally constructed and operated as a restaurant. The proper [y, loc aced a[ the southeast Corner of Church Road and 11INUIF.S OF TIIE AUVISOItY P1.1':N ING 60ARD OF TII F. C1TY OF ATLANTIC eFACII, FLOIilUA January 25, 1983 7:00 PM Ci [y Ilall PRES Et7f: W. Gre g6 11cCa ul Se - Chairman Ron Cray Ru [h Gregg Cuy Jenuin gs Commissioner Jolin W. iforris AND: A. William Noss, Ci[y Plana ¢,er Pia ry L. ComL rowsk i, Recording Secretary ANp: Joan Pullen Eileen Olson Tim Shea Stan Cole Jim Cheshire John Heard John Carter The meeting was called [o order a[ 7:00 PH by Chairman HtCaul ie. Commissioner John Norris advised the Advisory Planning Board members that the O City Commission had appointed firs. Ruth Cregg [o [he Advisory Planning Board for a period of four more years, wi Cli I~er term [o expire on January 25, 1987. Chairman NcCaulie requested [iie Board [o direct their attention [a Lhe firs[ item on the agenda. Application for "Use by Exception" Submitted by JNU1H, Inc., on Behalf of the 5 prise Cormu sty E g 1' al Free Church The Advisory Plam~ing Board reviewed an application submi[ced by Hr. Shea on behalf of [he Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church. T1ie church has requested a "Use by Exception" fot a tract of land currently zoned RC-2. The request for a "Use by Exception" is for a church in a area zoned RG-2. The chair asked for any questions from the Board. Guy Jennings advised that because of a tonfl ict of interest he would abstain from voting on the matter at hand. ifr. Jim Cheshire, Pastor of the Clmrch, stated that the church planned to construct a building on the five-acre site directly east of Cornell Lane (extended). iu-. Gray questioned wl~e[lier or not a school would be part of [he church activities. tit. Cite shire responded that there were no plans (or a school. ilr. liorris advised of the future expansions of the City, and that bars and restaurants serving alcohol in commercial zones around the church may affect church activities. ilr. Cheshire responded tL a[ that would be no problem and that the thatch would have [o live with wdia[ might happen. Nr. Ci:esh ire advised [hat [he church was ready to begin construction imradia[ely. ttr. Cray questioned Che Status of Cornell Lane. FIr.Col e, representing the church, advised [hat Cornell Lane would serve as access on the west side. Theis deed would provide a 30-foot ea semen[ to [he chu reh U:r ough the south part of the property. iL:. Cray advised Chat Cornell Lane was necessary for access. }It. Cole advised that [Le plans did not provide for Cornell Lane to extend [o Aquatic Drive, although [he thatch would prefer that Cornell Lane have en access onto Aquatic Drive. lit. }bss The Board's major concern was the increased traffic on Aquatic Drive. The Board considered an application for expansion of Ragtime Tavern's current use by exception. They requested approval to eell liquor and to add 50 seats by expanding into the adjacent units. The Board roe very concerned with the traffic problem and asked that the applicants withdraw their request and come back with alternative parking plans. Re~ap7ectf idly Submitted, ~/i-t~~c ~ ~Ti/'L~/ Rene' Angers o Secretary ~~ CITY OF rQtfa«t~e ~eaelc - ~lduda ]l6 D('EAN BOVLEVARD _.___._ __ P. O. BOX RS ATLANTIC BEACH, rLORmA3R23] ~1 TELEPIIONE 19011 N9-R396 January 21, 1987 MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: The Advisory Planning Board Subject: Board Actions of December 18,1986 rith Recommendations Your Advisory Planning Board considered tro applications for rezoning and three applications for use by exception and made the folloring recommendations at their regular meeting of January 20, 1987: The Board considered an application for rezoning from RS-2 to RG-2 by Ellen C. Price for her property on the ocean at Trentieth Street; Lot BD, North Atlantic Beach Unit No. 3. ttrs. Price's property vas zoned multi-Family prior to annexation. The Board vas in receipt of a petition rith 61 signatures and five letters Erorn surrounding property orners expressing opposition to the rezoning. Due to the spot-zoning effect and the great opposition from the neighhorhood, the Board recommends denial of the application. The Board considered an application Eor rezoning from RG-1 to RG-2 by Steve Mabry and John Talhert far an unplatted parcel bordering Church Road, George Street and Donner Par Y.. They propose to construct four quadruplexes on lots 100' x 185'. The Board felt it rae a good use for the property and that it would help meet the need for additional housing in the area. The Board recommends that the application be approved. The Board recommends approval of an application for use by exception for an automotive service garage at 61-63 West Second Street. Their recommendation ie sub,ject to general cleanliness of the premises and no outside rock or storage. The Board recommends denial of an application for use by exception for a day care program at the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church on Aquatic Drive. The recommendation for denial is based on the original use by exception granted Eor the church (excerpt of the minutes la attached) in which the applicants stated they could not have a school at the church. z There being no futtl~er discussf on, the committee adjourned at 2:55 PM. NOTE: Fo lloving the meeting, Ci[y Managet Fellows researched [he 1986 supplements to the Florida Statutes to determine whether any changes had been made in Chapter 287.055, and found [he threshold categories of $5,000 for a study and $100,000 basic construction costs had been amended [o increase [he basic study Provision from $5,000 to $6,000 and the basic construction cos[ from $100,000 to $120,000. This does no[ change the situation. a, MINUTES Minutes of a meeting held by the committee appointed by [he City Commis- sion [o evaluate alternatives in construction of the fourth sewage treatment tank 1n the Buccaneer Water and Sewer District. The meeting was called to order on Tuesday, January 14, 1967 a[ 2:00 Pm Sn [he City Manager's office, Clty Nall, Atlantic Beach. Present were committee members Commissioner John Morris, Commissioner CLenn Edwards, City Manager Fellows, and tub lic Services Director Braid. CS[y Manager Fellows gave a brief overview of the several discussions he and Public Services Director Braid bad had regarding [he status of sewer capacity in [he Buccaneer Water and Sewer Dis [ric[. Following the overview, Commissioner Norris asked when [he Eourd: tank was projected during [he hearings held on acquisitions of [he Buccaneer Water and Sewer Ois[ric t. Public Services Director Braid indicated it was 1988, but [ha[ growth was occurring so rapidly ir. the district, projections were coming up much quicker than Clie study had indicated they vculd. Commissioner Morris stated he had been [6inkinR a need appeared [o exist for a detailed engineering study regarding build-out proj et[ions in the district as well as additional water and sewer capacity, additional land acquisition, etc. In this regard, Public Services Director Braid reported a recent Navy study had indicated a population in the area of 16,500, while the S[. Johns Water Management Dis[ric[ had projected a figure of 16,000. Commissioner Edwards suggested additional land migl,[ - be available Co [he sou [fi of [F:e existing plants. Cemmissioner Morris Chen inquired into [he status of [he Oak Harbor plan[ and land available in this particular area. In discussing [his possibility, Co~moissioner Edwards pointed out the plan[ was of very poor condition and probably not worth much of any[h ing, and t}:e collection system was probably very old and also in poor condition. Further discussion ensued with the co~lU ee finally coming to [he conclusion [hat a join[ project should probably 6e undertaken which would include [he design of [he Courth tank and assodated grit chamber along with an engineering evaluation of [he projected needs of the system and possible population projections. Further discussion ensued relac ive to whether of no[ is vas possible [o make a recommendation [o award the engineering work [o Alan Potter. who had been associated with the development of the Buccaneer facilities from its inception. City Manager Fellows quoted from Florida S[a[utes 287.055 and pointed out [hat a project whose basic construction cost exceeded $100,000, or a study whose cos[ exceeded $5,000 would require [he Ci[y Commission [o go out under Che Consultants Competitive Nego- tiation Act. With [his information in hand, the committee, therefore, voted unanimously to recommend [o Che CCCV Commission the current project and proposed engineering study be authorized under the conditions of the Cousul[an[s Competitive Nego[ia[1 or. Ac[ and the committee be authorized to select from those interested engineers responding, the three top Eirms for further tors ideratlon. e. 9 :!.: Mr. Richard C. Fellows, City Manager City of Atlantic Beach January 23, 1987 Page Two Ne refer your attention to the December 6, 1986, letter and attachments for detail and discussion of individual items Nos. 1 through 5. Item No. 6 1s a credit offered by the Contractor for deletion of an amperometric titrator from specified laboratory equipment. The City had to purchase such a unit directly previously to meet DER/EPA requirements. Also, refer to the Contractor's price quotations and requests for time extensions, copies attached. Ne have reviewed these submittals, found them to be reasonable, and recommend your acceptance. If this recommendation meets with your approval, please so advise. Upon being so notified by you, we will prepare the necessary change order forms and documentation for execution by all parties and submittal to FUER for grants approval Respectfully, RDBERT BATES A ASSOCIATES. INC. Consulting Engineers Robert L. Bates, Jr., P. ' President RLB/cel Enclosures cc: Mr. Bob Braid (w/encls.) Mr. Tim Townsend (w/end s.) Neadors Construction Company (w/encls.) Nr. John Birkbeck (w/encls.) (~! : (. i Robart Bates & Associates, Inc. LL1LW u"we~C f+qn.m ~ 135 Riversi0e Avenue Suite 205 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 tso413s+~zae3 January 23, 1987 Mr. Richard C. Fellows, Lity !tanager City of Atlantic Beach 116 Ocean Boulevard Post Office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Re: Sanitary Sewerage Improvements Part 4A - Existing Plant Modifications EPA Protect 0120747030 Contract with Meadors Construction Company, Inc. Recommended Change Order No. 1 Dear Mr. Fellows: Ne refer to our letter of December 6, 1987, and attachments in which seven (7) potential change orders are detailed, discussed and recommended for your consideration and ultimate approval. In the interim, Mr. Robert Braid has advised that the initial four (4) items so discussed, and deletion of the aeration tank hoist (originally discussed with potential Change Order No. 7), should be 'packaged' for presentation to the Commission as recommended Change Order No. 1. This letter is our recommendation of City approval of Change Order No. 1 so constituted. In brief, Change Order No. 1 comprises the six (6) generic items, modifica- tions of contract price and time as follows: Item Change in Price Change in Time Da s No. DescriDtton 1. Modify Chlorine Handling Facility ; 6,526.00 60 2. Modify Electrical, Controi and Instrumentation Systems 5,309.00 - 3. Modify Layout of Expanded Operations Building/Laboratory 704.00 - 4. Modify Plant Piping (7,119.00) 90 ' 5, Delete Aeration Tank Noi st (5,640.00) - 6. Delete Amperometric Titrator 856.00 - TOTALS - CHANGE ORDER N0. 1 (;1,276.00) 90 * Contractor proposes that time extensions run concurrentl y (not consecutively): thus, longer time (9D days) is recommended. - continued - PAGF. TEN MINUTES ]ANDARx 12, 19~ Mayor Howell objected to [he far[ that neither proposal was retroac[i~ Me said he would no[ vote for [he increase [0 2.SY. if [be employees tl had already retired did no[ receive [he same benefits. There were als obj a<tions raised relative [o reducing the vesting period from [en [o five years. The comment vas made [here were nine employees, no longer with [he city, [ha[ had five or more years service, but less Chan ten, and they should be included in Che program. Also, when [he Re [iremen[ Program first started in December, 1975,[he employees gave up a raise for [he year in order to help fund the initial payment of $200,000 Foi [he program. Contributions were made annua Lly for [hem until their termination. Commissioner Cook suggested [he new Board also give same justification and comparisons from other pension funds when they sub- m1[[ed their recommends [ions Co [he Commission. Following discussion, Commissioner Culliford moved for [he following: M.o Cion: Send [he recommendation back [o tl~e new Pension Board for [heir evaluation and review and ask [hat they come back with any recommendations [hey see fit relative [o the two proposals. No discussioh before [he vote. :b tion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * k * * * * * There being no other business to come before [he Coauvission, [he Mayor declared the meeting adjourned ac 9: IS p.m. William S. Howell Mayor{Presiding Officer ATTEST: Adelaide k. Tucker City Clerk NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Cook x Edwards x Culliford x x Morris x x Howell x `r PACe Nlr}e MINUTES JAHL'ARY 12, 198i Miscellaneous Mayor Howell advised Beaches Aq ua[ic Gardens bad asked [he Commission to accept for maintenance the retaining pond which vas deeded back [o them. lb Lion: Accept the retaining pond a[ Beaches Aquatic Cardens for maintenance. Commissioner lb rris said he was no[ sure [he original proposal sub- mitted by Mr. Crofton shoved plans [o deed the retaining pond. The City Attorney suggested [he Commission defer acceptance until Che next meeting. Con®issioner Cook wit hd rev his motion and Commissioner Gull iford vith- drev his second co [he motion. The City Attorney suggested Che Commission also rev iev C}~e conditions found on [he plats of Oceanwalk relative Co Che language of ponds, lakes, etc. Mayor Howell recommended the following individuals to fill Che vacanci of [he Code Enforcement Board: Hrs. Hattie Freeman, Royal Palms, replacing Willie Davis who resigned Mr. William lScGee, Selva Marina, replacing Alan Potter who resigned l1r. Herbert No11e q N. Atlantic Beach, replacing Marjorie Dunson who res: Re-nominate Hr. Fred Hills. The terms of office would expire as follows: Flr. George Bu11 10-1-87 Mr. William HcGee 10-1-87 Mr. Fred !fills 10-1-88 Mc s. Mattie Freeman 10-1-88 Mr. Jerome S[rayve 10-1-89 Mr. Alan Balfer 10-I-89 Mr. Herbert Moller 10-1-89 !b [ion: Approve [he nominations co [he Code Enforcement Board as recommended 6y the Mayor. Ho discuss ion before Che vole. Motion carried unanimously. * k k R R * * * * * * k * * k * # * * * * * * * R * # * * * * *{ There being no ocher business to come before [he Commission, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * k k * * * * k k # k # k * * * k Mayor Howell called the meeting back co order ac 8:50 p.m. to discuss further action on item 11 of [he agenda relative [o increasing the pension benefits from 27. [0 2.5%, and reducing [he vesting period from [en Co five years. The suggestion was made [o send the proposal back [~ the Board for rev iev, as i[ was a new Board, and le[ [hem come back to the Cowaiss ion with a reconmiendation. NAME OF COMMITS. M S v Y v N Cook x Cu111ford x ned Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Norris x x Ilovell x PACE EIGHT F1IYUTES JANUARY 12,1987 Ac [ion On Ordinances - continued No. 47-86-3 AN ORDINA.N CE AMENDING THE ORD IN7uYCE COUE OF THE C11'Y OF ATLAF;T IC BEACH. FLORIDA; REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY ARTICLE XV, SECTIONS l32 THROUGH SECTION 147; REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER l4, SECTIONS 14-1 THROUGH 14-22; CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 14 TO BE TITLED PLANNING/ZONING/ APPEALS; PROVIDING RULES ANU REGULATIONS, PROVIUING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing, Ordinance No. 47-86-3 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Charts requirements. He opened [he floor fora Public Hearing end invited comments from [he audience. As no one spoke for or against the Ordinam [he Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed. The City Ffanager stated he had consulted with the City A[[o rney and Ihi suggested [he following amendments [o [he Ordinance: Section 14-20, Subparagraph 15 should read as follows: To act as an Appeals Board or Board of Adjustment where i[ is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Ad minis[ra[ive Official in that official's interpretation of [he terms of Ordinances relating [o planning, zoning, or other technical codes of [he City. The Board shall not have [he authority Co grant a variance or exception [o [he provisions oL these above men [ioned Ordinances except as set forth in subparagraph 14 above. IC was the general consensus of [he Comnii ssion that the wording of the suggested amendment was vague. lb Lion: Defer accion on Ordinance 47-86-3 until the next meeting. No discussion before the vote. tb tion carried unanimcusly. * * * * * * R * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E. Ordinance No. 58-86-6 - Public clearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE, CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, DIVISION 3, SECTIONS 2-266 THROUGH 2-270 TO REORGANIZE THE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BRING IT INTO CONFORMITY WITH FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 175 AND 185: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 58-86-6 on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Chart requirements. He opened the floor fora Public hearing and invited comments from the audience. As no one spoke Lor or against, tl~e Mayor declared [he Public Hearing closed. Motion: Passage of Ordinance No. 58-86-6 on Second and Final No discussion before Che vote. Fb [ion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * R * * * NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N r Cook x x Edwards x Gulliford x x Morris x Howell x z Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x x Iiowcll x PAGE SHVEN M[NU'IES dAt:UARY 12, 1987 Action on Ordinances - continued Public Hearing closed. Mo [ion: Passage of Ordinance 90. 45-86-7 on second and final reading. No discussion before Che vole. Pb Cion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. Ordinance No. 90-86-113 - Public ^earing and Final Reading A.N ORDINANCE AN.ENDINC THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 5 SECTIONS 24-I04, I05, 106, I07, 108, I09, AND 1I0 TO ELIMINATE Tk1E REQUIREP~NT REGARDIN lfAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Howell presented in full, in wri[inK Ordinance Ne. 90-86-1!3 on second and final re ad Sng. Said Ordinance was posted in Line with Chart requirements. He opened the floor fora Public Nearing and invited comments Lrom [he audience. As no one spoke for or against, the Mayor declared [he Public Hearing closed. Motion: P.e ssage of Ordinance No. 90-86-113 on second and final reading. No discussion before Clue vote. lb Cion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t. C Ordinance N 5-86-18 - Public Bearing and Final ReadinK. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIIE ORDINANCE COUE OF THE CITY OF ATLM7TIC BEACF FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, DIVISION 4, SECTION 2-368 T( REDUCE MINIMUM CHARGES FOR BACKHOE AND TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERA( ON THE COST OF LABOR, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Nowell presented in full, in writing Ordinance No. 5-86-IB on second and final reading. Said Ordinance was posted in line with Chari requirements. He opened [he floor fora Public Heating and invited comments from [he audience. As no one spoke for or against, [he Mayor declared the Public Nearing closed. Mo [ion: Passage of Ordinance No. 5-86-18 on second and final reading. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * D Ord in a No 47-86-3 - P bl is hearing and Final Reading NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x fbrris x x Nowell x Gook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x Pbrris x Howell ~~ i x Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x lb rris x x Howell x PAGE SI% HINUTF.S JANUARY 12, 198: 16 Action on Resolutions - continued Motion: Adopt Resolution 87-2. No discussion before the vote. !b [ion carried unanimously. Copy of Resolution 87-2 attached hereto and made a par[ hereof. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * 16. B. Introduction of R_solution 87-3 Mayor Novell introduced for fur [I~er cons ides[ion, Resolution 87-3, a Resolution au[horiz ing a method for the coilec [ion of special assessmei liens. Mr. Mullis advised the Florida S[a[u[es provides that Froperty Appraisers are authorized [o enter into agreements vi[h Mun is ipali[ies located therein for [he provision of putting improvement liens and spec assessment liens onto [he [ax roll, iE so done by contract. The Reso- lution would no[ be adopted until after a Public Hearing vas held and ' Property Appraiser had agreed to enter into an agreement ui[h the city !b [ion: Authorize [he Ci[y A[[orney and Ci[y lfanager [o make every effort [o negotiate vith the Property Appraiser entering into a contract [o place our special assessments on the tax rolls every year. No discussion before [ire vote. llo Cion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * k * * * Mr. Fellovs advised Oceanvalk Units 1, 2, and 4 had been inadvertently left off [he Agenda, but there vas a long discussion of [he units in [he S[a[us Report. All necessary documents had been received and [he CS[y Manager recommended [he Commission accept [he improvements for maintenance. Mo[SOn: Accept [he public improvements for maintenance for Ocean- valk Units 1, 2, and 4. No discussion before [he vote. lbtion carried unanimously. * * # * * * k * * * * # # # # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 17.Attion on Ordinances A. Ordinance No. 45-86-7 - Public Hearing and Final Reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE COllE OF Tllf: CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTEP, 20, ARTICLE III, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TA%ES, SECTION 20-59 TO PROVIDE AN OCCUPATIO;}AI. LICENSE CATEGORY FOR JUNKYARD SALVAGE YARDS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Novell presented in full, in vri[ing Ordinance No. 4i-86-7 on se and final reading. Said Ordinance vas posted in line vith Charter requ men[s. He opened [h¢ floor for a Public Nearing and invited comments E [he audience. As no one spoke for or against, [he Mayor declared the NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x Fb rris x ~; Howell x ~ i I al ie Cook x x F.dvards x Gulliford x x lb rris x Nowell x Cook r. Edvards x x Gulliford x x lb rris x Novell _ x nd 1 e- m PACE FIVE MINUTES JP.NUARY 12, 1987 .. _~_ .., _.. ~___.__.,... ... ~.... r,..,r ~ rr.,~~rar from Thomas Cibs The Ci[y Manager read a letter from Mr. Gibson stating he had purchased [he property on August 2, 1986, with plans m build in November of 198E Nad he known he would be unable to build a septic tank, he would no[ have purchased [he properly. All financing and construction plans had F arranged. Hr. Fel loos reported the Advisory Planning Board recommended approval, only provided [ha[ Mr. Cibson agreed to hook up to the sever system when available. lb Lion: Approve the request from Thomas Gibson for relief from the septic tank moratorium Co construct a home on Lo [s 5 and 6 Block 108, Section H, with [he condition [hat Mr. Gibson agreed to sign a document binding Che owner, successo[s, and assigns of Lo[s 5 and 6, Block 108 [o hook up to tl~e sever system when available. No building permit shall be issued until such instrumenc has been received by [he city and recorded in the lluval County Court of Records. Durin6 discussion before [he vote, Mayor ^ovell noted he would vote ayi on Che assumption Mr. Gibson was building his home, not speculation, a: he vas not going to se[ a precedent of voting for speculators [o build houses in Section H. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * cations equipment. Motion: Approve budget adjustment (Resolution 87-1) transferring $21,000 from prior year's cash carry forward to equipment expenditure account in [he Police Depar [menC [o pay far the new police common ica[ions equipment. No discussion before the vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 16. Action on Resolutions: A. Resolution 87-2 Mayor Novell presented in full, in writing, Resolution 87-2, a Reso lu[ adopting [he assessment plat and plans and specifications submitted by [he consulting engineers; determining to defray a portion of [he expen thereof by special assessments against Che properties specially benefi [hereby; stating [he total es[lma[ed cost and portion Co be paid by sf assessments; direr ling the engineers Co make and file with tl~e Ci[y Cc mission an assessment roll covering suct~ local improvements which sett forth the assessment aga ins[ each lo[ and the number of annual instal] and providing an effec live date. NAME OF COMMAS. M 5 V Y V N n en Cook x Edwards x Gulliford x x Morris x x Howell x i- Cook x x Edwards x Gulliford x x 1"AZriS % Howell x n d ial n[s; PACE FOUR runuTes JANUARY 12,1987 10. Acticn by the Ci[y Commission Co approve the preliminary plat for Ocean Rd Re, Pfiase II. Mayor Howell advised [he Advisory Planning Board bad considered [he preliminary plat and recommended approval. Mr. Pete Dowling explained he wanted [o down-zone [he property [o four ('.) single family lots. !b [ion: Approve the preliminary plat for Ocean Edge, Phase II. No discussion before [he vote. lb [ion carried unanimously. R * * R R * * * * * * # * * # * * * * * * # * * u is * * * * * * fi Item 11 vas deferred until [he Commission was so notified 6y [he Board of Trustees that Chey selected [he fif [h member. * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * need for a new The CS[y Manager reported Che [hi rd tank vas complete and ready [o go line. Capacity in [he third tank had been totally obligated and Chey h pending a request for another 1,000 connections. 1'he Co~mvission could either authori?e [he City Manager to advertise under the Consultants Competitive Negotiation Ac[ requesting proposals from engineers for [i~ design work in connection with [he fourth tank, or award [he work for fourth tank under our continuing contract with Smith and Gillespie. Discussion vas held on whether Chey could use the same plans that were used for [he third tank, possibly with modifications to eliminate the manual grit chamber, and construct a central I'i million gallon grit chamber to take care of pre-treatment for all Eour tanks. Following discussion, Commissioner Pb rris moved for the following: Notion: Send [o Committee. No discussion before the vote. Potion carried unanimously. Mayor Novell appointed Coimnissioners Edva rds and 26 rris [o serve on Che committee. * * * * * * * k * * * * * * * * * * * * * # * * * * R * * * * 13.Ac Lion by Che Ci[y Commission [o firanc authority to Parks and Recreation Department [o hold a Spring Festival in Jack Russell Park April 3 and 4, 1987. Mrs. Rose Blanchard reported a change in the dates for the festival [e April 4th only. The outdoor festival would be primarily to introduce e beautiful 16 acre park [o the public. There would be arts and crafts, for [he children, and er.[erta inment by the school band, and some local Fo Moving discussion, authority was granted [o llrs. Blanchard [o hold Spring Festival on April 4, 1987. NAME OF COMMRS. M 5 V Y V N Cook x x Edwards x Gull iford x x ;forris x Howell x in ie Cook x Edwards x Gullifotd x x Morris x x Novell x r ides he PAGB 1'I{BEE MINUTES J.VYU:IRY 12, 1981 6. Action by [he City Comm' t ppr [le transfer oC a utility Mo [ion: Approve [he transfer of a utility service agreement between [he City and SGM b U, Joinr Venture I [o C6F Seminole Assoc. Rochester, New York.- No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * x # * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * [he 1b [ion: Authorize Smith and Gillespie m undertake plans and speci- fica[ions Eor major sever system rehabili[a [ion at a cost not to exceed $25,000. No discussion before the vote. Ib tion carried unanimously. k k * k * * * * * k * k k k * * * k * * * * * * * k k * k k k * and C Motion: Author ire the lfayor and Clerk to execute a contract be[weer [he Ci[y and [he Department of Community Affairs for a planning grant in Cie amount of $17,224.00. No discussion before the vote. :b [ion carried unanimous Ly. * * * * # * * k # k # * # * * * * * * # * * k * * k # * * * # * * [he City Commission to The CS[y Manager reported [his vas in accordance with the continuing contract executed between the city and Bessent, Hatmnack and Buckman. There will be three other items to act on: final design services, bidding or negotiating phase, and construction phase, which included on-site inspections for construe [ion of [he public improvements. The contract provided for the Commission [o authorize each step in sequen The City A[[orney advised authorization must be given iE the Conmissi desired [o proceed any further with Che project and to determine if i vas feasible to be financed. lb Lion: In accordance with [he continuing contract executed betvee [he City and Bessent, Nammack and Buckman, authorization be given Co Bessent, Hammack and Buckman [o proceed with the preliminary design documents for public improvements in Section fl for a sum not to exceed $149,273.00. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * x * * x x k x * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * k * k * * * NAME OF COMMAS. M S V Y V N Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x Morris x Novell x Cuok x Edwards x x Gulliford x Iforris x x Novell x Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x x fiowell x C n Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x x }fortis x t{Dwell x PAGE TWO rtlnures JANUARY l2, 198: 3. Bid opening - continued 4. E.W.P. Construe [ion, Orange Park,Fl. No bid 5. Jenson of Jacksonville, Jacksonvil le ,F1. $17,400.00 Bid Bond, Seaboard Surety Ce. Bid tabulation attached hereto and made a pare thereof. A lengthy discussion vas held on bid bands. The City At [orney a%p laine~ a bid bond guaranteed the bidder would no[ withdraw the it bid and vouL enter into a contract if presented co [he bidder in acccrdance with the plans and specifications. A bid bond did not have any bearing on [he performance of the work. He cold the Commission, if [hey deemed it adv able, [hey could waive, providing a performance bond vas furnished, am contract was entered into. Following discussion, Commissioner Cullifor moved for [he following motion: Mo [inn: Award the bid for intersection improvemen [s a[ Ffayport Road and Plaza Blvd. [o Bancorp, Inc. ,Jacksonville, Fl. in [he amount of $16,200.00, as Cbe lowest and most responsible bidder meeting [he call for a bid band. No discussion before [he vote. No cion carried unanimously. 4. Action by [he Cf [y Commission to authorize [he Mayor and Clerk [o execute the ola[ for L'n i[ 3 Oceanwalk subdivision The City Manager slated he had received the necessary bond, irrevocabl letter of credit, etc. and recommended Che Commission authorize execu[ of Che final plat. The plat was approved at an earlier date.. !b [ion: Authorize the Mayor and Clerk [o execute [he final plat Lor Unit 3, Oceanwalk Subdivision on behalf of Che city. No discussion before [he vote. Motion carried unanimously. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * k * * * * * k * * * * * S.Ac[ion by the City Commission to approve the preliminary plat for Stewart Subdivision, Section N The Advisory Planning Board had considered [he preliminary plat and recommended approval after Mr. Waters had redrawn the plat Co increase the size of some lots so [he lo[ owners would be responsible Eor main- taining [he drainage/retention areas. No representative vas present u discuss the request for approval of [he preliminary plat. Motion: Defer action to approve the preliminary plat Eor S[evart Subdivision, Sec.H until the next meeting. The City Mana gei will contact Mr. Sam Waters to be present for discussion. No discussion before Che vote. Motion carried unanimously. * f * * * * k * * k k * * * k * * * k * * * * * k * * * * NAME OF COMMRS. M S V Y V N I e- a Cook x x Edwards x Culliford x x Morris x Howell % n Cook x x Edwards x Culliford x x Morris x Novell x Cook x Edwards x x Gulliford x Morris x x Howell x MINUTES OF 1'f1E REGULAR ftEE1'1 NG OF Tt{E ATLANTIC BEAC{1 CITY COfI- MISSION HELD AT CITY IIALL ON JluYUARY 12, 19B7 AT 7:15 P.M. PRESENT: William S. Howell, Mayor-Coauni ss Toner Robert B. Cook, Sr. Glenn A. Edwards William I. Culliford, Jr. John W. fb rris, Jr., Commissioners AND: Richard E. Fellows, City Planager Claude L. flu llis, Ci[y Attorney Adelaide R. Tucker, Ci[y Clerk The meeting vas called to orJ er by flayor Novell. 1'he invoca[ion,oECere by Commissioner Cook vas followeJ by [he pledge [o the flag. 1. Approval of [he minutes of [he regular meeting of December 8 1986 fb [ion: The minutes of the regular meeting of December 8, 1986 be approval as written. No discussion before [he vole. flo Ciao carried unanimously. * * * k * * * * * * * * * # * * * * * * * * * * * # k * * # # # 2. Recognition of Visitors Mayor Howell in[rod used four of [he five members oC [he Pension Board, Messrs. Peter Corbin, Joseph Garvin, Claudio llogans, and Richard k1ii to The four members will elect an Atlantic Beach resident as their fif [h member. Mr. Peter Co rhin advised the Commission the names for [he fift member would be submitted a[ [heir first meeting [o be held on Thursda January 22, 1987 at 6:10 p.m, and they would advise [he Commission of their choice as soon as possible. Mrs. Vicki .toe Kennedy, 331 fla in S[. expressed her appreciation [o [hs City Manager for his promptness in grading Nafn Street She asked for stop signs a[ every street as cars were using (lain street, now [ha[ i[ had been graded, instead of Mayport Road and driving i0 to 60 mph. flay Novell suggested the Police Chief station a man on Main every day anti the problem vas stopped. The City tianager will check with Mr. Hogans a Chief Thompson on a possible solution. 3. Bids returnable A. Receipt of bids for intersection improvements a[ Mayport Road and Plaza Boulevard The following bids were rere ived and opened: 1. Atlantic Coast Asphal [, Jac ksonville,F1. $14,342.00 No bid bond 2. C. N. Banco - No bid bond 3. Bancorp, Inc., Jacksonvi 11 e, F1. $16,200.00 Bid Bond, Transamerica ME OF COMMflS. M O 7 I O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O Cook x Edwards x x Gull iford x Morris x x Novell i x r d o The Uepar[men[ of Transportation in Jacksonville held a special hearing on the fiv¢-year work program affecting [he eighteen northern muntles of the state a[ the DOT office in Jacksonv llle a[ 7:00 PH last nigh[. Mayor Howell vas unable to attend and I had a meeting with the retirement board so I asked Bob Braid to represent the Ci[y of Atlantic Beach which he did very well. We i~ad entered into [he record a request for lighCSng on [he San Pablo Intracoastal Waterway bridge, removal of tl~e medians on Atlantic Boulevard between [he overpass at Maypor[ and Third Scree[, and requested information on [he inte rsec[ion Improvements at Maypor[ Road and Atlantic Boulevard. Bob Braid [ells me the Department informed him [ha[ lighting for the Intracoastal Waterway bridge has been programmed in the 1987/88 budge[. The A[lantit Beach/Neptune Beach median mod if icacions had not been planned but will be Included Sn a 1967/88 study program. The interchange improvements a[ Mayport Road and Atlantic Boulevard is still under study. Bob also informed me the Wondervood Drive and bridge prof ect is very much alive and the DOT feels additional action will be taken prior to July 1987 on this. o Robert Bates has ind ica[ed Change Order No. I on the improvements [o [he existing plan[ has been prepared and will be presented to Che CS[y Commission Nonday night. I don't have the Change Order in hand yet but I understand Lt has [o do with prodding a larger electric hoist for [he lifting of chlorine cylinders; providing overhead lighting at the chlorine contact tank; replacing [lie existing return sludge pump controls with an electric gauge control panel, as well as the relocation of an automatic transfer switch and floe recorder loco the new operations building. The net effect of the Change Order will be to give [he CS[y a tredi[ of $1,000.00. We will provide each of you with copies of the proposed Change Order a[ the meeting Monday night. ~. o We have identified [vo residences and four businesses which cur- rently are being served sewer by [he City of Atlantic Beach, but no[ water. Prior [o Che adoption of [he new sewer Ordinance which provided for a flat race, this posed no problem because [he amount of water consumed was not pertinent. In order co address this problea and enable us to calculate [he proper volume charge for sewer, we have provided these six people with [he following alternatives: 1. Allow [he Ci[y [o meter their well supply; 2. Connect to the existing City water mains which are available in front of [heir house or business; 3. Make an estimate of the volume of water used based on Depart- ment of Environmental Regulation requirements for sewer capacity reservations, or by utilizing usage of similar type residences and buildings. We are enclosing a copy of Che list of the residences and businesses in case any of you receive a call from same. o Claude Mullis and I think we have resolved the problems with Ordinance Ho. 47-86-3 and include ano[lier copy of [he Ordinance for your perusal. In Section 14-20, subparagrapt, 14 we have removed [he words "and variances" and we have rewritten subparagraph 15 to more precisely define the jurisdiction of tl~e appeal process. Ne have also added one sentence [o Section 14-23 which established the requirements for a quorum and have rewritten Section 14-24. Section 14-25, -26, and -27 have been eliminated and we have rewritten Section 14-28 and numbered it Section 14-25. All else remains the same. o The Pension Board of Trustees for [he City's Pension Fund met on Thursday nigh[ and selected Ron Wingate of 1675 Selva Marina Drive as [he fifth member of tF,e Board of Trustees. In accordance with [he Slate Statutes, the City Commission must confirm his appointment, a[ which time [he board will be duly organized, and they plan co meet again the latter par[ of February to cake up the matter recently referred to them by the City Commission in regards [o increased pension benefits and changes Sn the vesting period. This will be an item far action llonday night. o Dan Livermore's firm is preparing a Resolution in connection with setting a public gearing regarding the special assessment program. The purpose of this Resolution, which will be introduced llonday nigh[, will be [o set a date for this public hearing when [he Ci[y Commission will act ss an equalizing board to hear compla in[s regarding the proposed program, the proposed amount of assessmen c, [he method of collecting the assessment, etc. I[ has been suggested the date for [he public hearing be se[ no less than thirty (30) and not more Chan forty-five (45) days from Sanuary 26, 1987. this will give us time [o notify all of the property owners in Section H by mail and we will then have complied with all of the necessary pre special assessment procedures required. CITY OF rf?tla.ct~e b'eacls - ~lo~uda ]160CEAN BOIREVARD ~__ __-__ _.--__-_ P. O.BO%26 ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORD)A aaaa ~~ TELEPHONE ~901I 4~?1396 January 23, 1987 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commiss(i~on From: Richard C. Fellows, C3[y Manager ~.v Subject: STATUS REPORT o Enclosed you will find copies of the minutes of the last regular meeting of January 12, along with copies of letters in connection with a rezoning request which will be introduced to [he Commission Monday night and be se[ for public hearing at the meeting of Februar}• 9. We are also enclosing copies of two letters relative [o activities in our Police Department which we thought you would be interested in. o We have received requests for Hie CI[y [o accept for maintenance the public facilities in t11e Ocean Grove development and [he Ocean Edge development. We have received all of the necessary documentation on both of these projects as well as [he necessary maintenance bonds and [hey will be an item for consideration on Monday nigh[. o A number of items were considered by the Advisory Planning Board at theft meeting of January 20. Thay have recommended [he following actions: Approve [he rezoning of property located on Church Road adjacent [o the Donner recreation area from RGI [o RC2; 2. Denial of a rezoning of property in north Atlantic Beach near 20th Street from single-family to multi-family; 3. Approval of an application for use by exception for Tom Wes[ Homes for an auto service garage at 61-63 Wes[ Second Street with the provision [here be no outside work and no outside storage; 4. Denial of an application for exc ep[ion fur a day-care center by the Sunrise Community Evangelical Free Church on [he basis the church had specified in its original application they would never have a school. We are enclosing documentation on these for your information. These items will be subject of our agenda for Monday nigh[. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH No[Sce is hereby given the City Commission of the City of A[lan[it Beach will hold PUBLIC HEARINGS on January 12, 1987 at 7:15 p. m. ai City Hall, 716 Ocean Blvd. for the purpose of hearing and considering [he views of [he public concerning [he following proposed Ordinances: ORDINANCE No. 45-86-7, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 20, ARTICLE III, OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE TAXES, SECTION 20-59 TO PROVIDE AN OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE CATEGORY FOR ]UNKYARDS/SALVAGE YARDS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE No. 90-86-113, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 24, ARTICLE III, DIVISION 5, SECTIONS 24-104, 105, 106,107, 108, 109, AND 110 TO ELIHINATE THE REQUIREMENT REGARDING HAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE ORDINANCE NO.5-R6-18, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VII, DIVISION 4, SECTION 2-368 TO REDUCE MINIMUM CHARGES FOR BACKHOE AND TO CORRECT A TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR ON THE COST OF LABOR, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE N0. 47-86-3, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY ARTICLE ]{V, SECT?OHS 132 THROUGH SECTION 147; REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 14, SECTIONS 14-I THROUGH 14-22; CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 14 TO BE TITLED PLANNING/ZONING/APPEALS; PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ORDINANCE N0.58-66-b, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA; AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI, DIVISION 3, SECTIONS 2-266 THROUGH 2-270 TO REORGANIZE THE PENSION BOARD OF TRUSTEES TO BRING IT INTO CONFORMTY WITH FLORIDA STATUTES CHAPTER 175 AND 185; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. All persons interested are notified co be present a[ said time and place and they shall be heard. Copies of the Ordinances are on file in [he City Clerk's office at City Hall. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by [he City Commission with respect to any matter considered a[ any meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose he may need co ensure that a verbacim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the tes tinony and evidence upon which appeal is [o be based. Published: Beaches Leader 12/10/86 - Purchase Order 01656 Posted: City Hall Post Office Commission and be heard as [o the propriety and advisability of making such improvements, as to the cos[ thereof, as to the manner of payment therefor and as to the amount thereof to De assessed against each property so improved, all in accordance with the Act. SECTION 5. PUBLICATION. The City Clerk of the City is hereby directed to cause this Resolution to be published one time in a newspaper of general circulation published in the City, and if there be no newspaper published in the Ci[y, this Resolution shall be published once a week for a period of two (2) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in Duval County, Florida. SECTION 6. EPPECT[VE DATE. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted this day oC 1987. Approved as to form and correctness: ity Attorney CITY OF ATLANTIC BRACH. PLOEIDA Mayor Attest: City Clerk r LKL-01/09/87-95A-2548 -3- j determined to construct the Project and to defray a portion oC the cost thereof in the amount of 53,800,000, comprising 95.327% of total estimated construction costs, b}• special assessments to be levied against the properties specially benefited thereby. SECTION 7. PAYMENT AND COLLECTION. Such special assessments 5he11 be paid in no[ exceeding 18 equal yEarly installments with interest a[ the rate of not exceeding eight and four tenths per centum (8.i0%) per annum on the unpaid balances from the date of acceptance by the City of the Project, to which, if not paid when due, there shell be added a penalty of one percent (1%) per month until paid; provided that such special assessments may 6e paid without interest at any time within thirty (30) days after the Project is completed and a resolution accepting the same has been adopted by the City. Such special assessments shall be levied on a front foot basis against all lots and (ends adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon such improvements or specially benefited thereby and further designated by the assessment plat. The special assessments shall be levied against such properties in a direct proportion to the benefits received from the construction o[ the Project. The special assessments as finally determined and adjusted shall be payable at the office of the Tax Collector. The first installment of the special assessments, together with interest upon the whole assessment, shell be due and payable in cash on the first day o[ November after the date of acceptance oC the Project by the City, end like payment, together with interest upon the unpaid balance of the special assessment, shall be due and payable on November 1st in each and every year thereafter until paid in full; provided, however, that such assessments may be paid in full without interest at any time within thirty (30) days after the adoption of a resolution Dy the City accepting the completed Project; and provided, further, that unpaid balances of assessments may De paid at any time by payment of the principal and interest thereon to the next interest payment an any bonds issued which are payable Crom such special assessments. SECTION 4. ASSESSMENT ROLL; PUBLIC HEARING TO BE 3ET UPON COMPLETION. The Engineers are hereby directed to promptly make and file with the City an assessment roll, on a front foot basis, as aforesaid, showing the lots and lands assessed, and which includes the amount of the assessment against each lot or parcel of land, which special assessments, if not paid in cash, shall be divided into not exceeding 18 equal annual installments. Upon [he completion of said assessment roll, the Ci[y S Commission shall by resolution fix a time end place a[ which the owners of the property ,. to be assessed, or any other persons interested therein may appear before the City LKL-01/09/87-95A-2549 -2- RESOLUTION NO. 87-2 A RESOLUTION OP TILE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACfi, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT PLAT AND PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBMITTED UY TIfE CONSULTING ENGINEERS DETERMINING TO DEFRAY A PORTION OP TIIE ERPENSE THEREOF BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AGAINST THE PROPERTIES SPECIALLY BENEFITED THEREBY; STATING THE TOTAL ESTIMATED COST AND PORTION TO BE PAID BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS; DIRECTING THE ENGINEERS TO MARE AHD PILE WITH THE CITY COMMISSION AN ASSESSMENT ROLL COVERING SUCH LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS WHICH SETS FORTH THE ASSESSMENT AGAINST EACH LOT AND THE NUMBER OP ANNUAL INSTALLMENTS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida (the "City") has previously passed a motion directing preparation of an assessment plat and plans and specifications, and directing a determination of estimated construction costs to be placed on file with the City Clerk for inspection by the public; and WHEREAS, such action has been accomplished; and WHEREAS Chapter 170, Florida Statutes (1985), particularly Section 170.03, Florida Statutes (1985), and other applicable provisions of law (the "Act"), requires that the City designate by resolution the lands upon which special assessments shall be levied, declare the total estimated cost of the improvements, and declare certain other matters pertaining to such special assessments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OP THE CITY OP ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. ADOPTION OP ASSESSMENT PLOT AND PLANS AND i ., Y SPECIFICATIONS NATURE AND LOCATION OF IMPROVEMENTS. The assessment plat and plere and specifications Cor certain local paving improvements, consisting of new and reconstructed streets and storm drains, and other appurtenant facilities as described in Section (H) of the Master Plan for Roadway, Drainage, Water Distribution, Fire Protection and Wastewater Collection Conceptual Design Report prepared by Bessent, Hammack & Ruckman, Inc., [he Engineers, and presently on file with the City Clerk of the City, are hereby adopted and approved. The location of such local improvements (herein celled "Project") includes all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous or bounding and abutting upon such improvements or specia:ly benefited thereby and are further designated by [he assessment plat, all as more particularly described in the maps attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and hereby made a part hereof. SECTION 2. ESTIMATED COST; PORTION TO BE PAID BY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The total estimated cost of the Project is 54,43,417. It is hereby LKL-01/09/87-95A-2548 -1- i CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA DEBT SERVICE SCHEDULE Issue Size: $3,800,000 Interest Rate: 7.404 per annum Based on market: December 1986 Estimated Issue Closing 1988 No. of Years 20 year issue (first 2 years interest only) Year Principal Interest Total Payment 1989 281,200.00 281,200.00 1990 281,200.00 281,200.00 1991 211,100.00 281,200.00 492,300.00 1992 211,100.00 265,576.60 475,678.60 1993 211,100.00 249,957.20 461,057.20 1994 211,100.00 234,335.80 445,435.80 1995 211,100.00 218,714.40 429,814.40 1996 211,100.00 203,093.00 414,193.00 1997 211,100.00 187,471.60 398,571.00 1998 211,100.00 171,850.20 382,950.20 1999 211,100.00 156,228.80 367,326.80 2000 211,100.00 140,607.40 351,707.40 2001 211,100.00 124,986.00 336,086.00 2002 21],100.00 109,369.60 320,464.6C 2003 211,100.00 93,743.20 304,843.20 2004 211,100.00 78,121.80 289,221.80 2005 211,100.00 62,500.40 273,600.40 2006 211,100.00 46,879.00 257,979.00 2007 211,100.00 31,257.60 242,357.60 2008 211,300.00 15,636.20 226,936.20 TOTALS $ 3,800,000.00 $3,233,925.80 $7,033,925.80 Financ i~ The following reflects a Conventional Financing Plan based on current market conditions. Since Bonds cannot be issued until construction contracts are let, we will update the financing plan prior to that time. We will also investigate private placement of the issue. Water 6 Sewer, Drainage b Road Improvements - Section H Construction $ 2,719,380 Engineering 521,314 Contingencies 407,908 Sub-Total 3,646,602 Less City Contribution 653,417 Sub-Total 2,99:,,185 Issuance Costs 82,000 FA Fee 25,275 Underwriter Disco wit 76,000 Bond Insurance 57,775 Capitalized Interest (2 yrs.) 562,400 Surplus 1,365 AMOUNT OF BCND ISSUE $ 3,800,000 We have estimated interest at the rate of 7.40 per annum for the bonds, based on current market rates. The estimate for bond insurance premium is based on the 7.40$ rate for a 20 year issue. The Assessments would be for an i8 year period. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION The Bond Issue of $3,800,000 divided by 72,062 linear feet of project equals $52.73 assessment per linear foot. Example: A 50 foot frontage would be assessed $2,636.50 payable in cash or payable in 16 annual payments plus 8.40b on the declining balance. Computations for the first 3 1t years would be as follows: ~~S~~cSment Annual Payment Interest Total Annual Payment $2,636.50 146.47 221.47 $367.94 2,490.03 146.47 209.16 355.63 2,343.56 146.47 196.86 343.33 (The interest amount fer the first year ma}• be different since it may not be for a full year.) City of Atlantic Beach Page 2 Interest Rate Paid By Property Owners State Statutes provide property owners may be charged an interest rate of 19; above the interest paid on the Bonds. A fee of 1. per month may be charged on delinquent accounts. Normally, the assessments may be paid without interest at any time within 30 days after the improvement is completed, if a resolution accepting the improvements has been passed by the City Commission. Mr. Daniel U. Livermore, Bond Counsel, is preparing a new . timetable and will transmit to the interested parties at an early date. Please note that Jecry W. Eckert, Engineer, estimates design services will take approximately eight months and it normally takes four to six months to receive drainage permits. Mr. Livermore is preparing resolutions to be adopted by the City Commission on January 12, 1986 If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely yours, yS//OlUTHEASTyER {N'y/AfUNZCZPAL EONDS, ZNC. NN ' /I William W. Weathers Vice President WWW:jz Attached: a. Financing b. Debt Service Schedule cc: 6fr. Livermore, Esquire Mr. Mullis, City Attorney Terry W. Eckert, Engineer SME, inc. - Orlando i December 16, 1986 ^^~~^ ^~~~s ^~~ww ~~ lipUiHEHRER0111Ut11CIPlll80f101.IOC. INVES iMENt BANKER58 FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS PO.BONNBBJ. UNNER51iY5TA ^ON. GAINESVILLE FL 3]604 ' TELEPHONE (BO4)]]]-135] MAIN OFfICE: ORLANDO. FL Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission City of Atlantic Beach Post Office Drawer 25 Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Attention: Mr. Richard C. Fellows Manager VIA POSTMASTERS Re: City of Atlantic Beach Road Improvement and Water and Sewer Special Assessment Program - Section H of the City Dear Mayor and Commissioners: Loan Security It is our recommendation that Special Assessments be utilized to pay the costs of the improvements with a back up pledge of the City's Electrical Franchise Zax and Local Option Gas funds to be received by tlTe City. It is necessary that both pledges be used since the local gas tax revenue can IegaL'y be used only for transportation purposes, including drainage. Zn additlon, the Local Option Gas Tax expires August 31, 1996. The Bond Resoluticn can be drawn to specify that once the required amount has been deposited in required fund accounts, the remaining funds from the Electrical Franchise Tax may be used for any lawful purpose and the Gasoline Tax may be used for transportation purposes. Amortization Period c-]e recommend that the Bonds be amortized for a period of 20 years, with the assessment for a period of 18 years. We suggest that the Bond Issue include capitalized interest for two years. City's Contribution - Road Improvements We have deducted the City's Contribution (estimated to be 5653,417) from the construction cost of the project before structuring the amount of the Bond Issue. Florida Statutes require that the amount of Bond Issue cannot exceed the amount of assessments. N 6 u _N w ZF <m Wn m¢ F UZ •.m Fu l2 Fa <b 4w 06 }4 FO UZO F F L O U : ~ ~ : . a ee.nrvennnmb a mb m N evnrvrvn b..e nn~n. m m-.1 m. ~J OqP-~mm~mnBglO• P nP~•• 1< ~ : i ~ IF to ri<rinrien-:mdri c w+n nrnnm..n.n. ri m v~n r nb~b• , J~F t-. y ~O• n ~n• - J~ ~ O. ~ m. rl n gin: <~ b .b• 61W n ~n• i ¢ ~ : . . o w.4 n r n .n• FI 1 n w. of m. b gib: pIW mIV B ~B• J~J <10 v ~•• m Iq• J~6 ~ CI ~n• Z~ Z~ <~J ss-.nnesnnmq ~-.i • minim. ~< svnrvrvn ~srvn~•. m m~lq. 16 BmP-.rvb gClBmlm• P nPIO• IW Iz rierir ri~u -id eri Sri: n ed~~i ~W wwn nm nP..rv ~P• q wglm• u ~ . .v. .. In• I zl al N~ W~JNI _ B ~B~ ~ ~bOP~q• i•PPiry~ 6100 B ~B• J~mBb~n• J~nbB1..• IOC. J.Z<~ n ~n• <~PP-.~B• F~ <Ibnvln• t~ ~ <~U~I n ~rv• O~Yrvb ~ Ip uiNmi in• F Z~ W~ 1 - W~ 1 w~N NIW NIW O~m B ~O• <~N r• ~<• <IN Iq Im• I¢ ZI< O ~9• B 10• wll+ IP IP• ~¢m l(t ~n• WPM Im IP• ' ¢~¢mlb Iq• ~O ~ U~62~ ~ ~ U142~ IU N b~ Z~¢JIN b L~¢71 m~W n In• _ ~W4~ IW41 W~4 O~ ~ IF F~ ~F FIS 7~J NSW 1 NSW I J~ O~ OI UI n ~n• U~ InnNif• UI IbPm~•• z. .z J q Ib. n .n. Inebla• •.J ~nP..Im• a ~nbe~+ o~J Imrv•Ib: IW .• ~<m~ .• O 1<OI F~L n .n• I¢Zlmnmin• 1¢z~ Z~6 LL~ W 1241 Iw 6 IW N~4 WI ~ IN W ~O I I W~ I ~ L I I w W O10 b ~b• IN ~m ~q• F ~N Iq .m• J.Ww~ 61LU1 q ~q• N F ~q ~q• ICOIO ~f• O Iq Iq• I¢OI! If• L~6M~ .• w N:62~ .• i ry NIiZ~ wloJ~ • .v. 4 W~¢o~n n. wl¢olri Iri• ~40~ C~N61 m Iq• n ~n• W 2 IW41b IN• CAF ~n ~n• F N r~l W4~b Ib• CI/- In In• OIS ~ W <IS W <IS 41p m JIW 1 > JIW 1 <1 <1 WI CI q Iq• w IJ IV-.b~rv• w ~J Ifwwlry• W~ IV ~rv• <~<O~mOO~O• J~<OtbBOlm• 6~}O~ N ~62~ Z <~62~ <11-<~ B 10• W F~wO~rvvn~•• O FIw71tl1n1f• J~MSI <IU<1 • It• ~ < OIZ41Nmn10• FIW 1•Ow10• F OIZ41Tgnln• Flw Iln.~l0• N C~ W lU• U 10 J 2 ~ ~ ~w• 7 1 Iw• BB-~nnOnnnPq~•~ • mb~m~ U 2 wl m W w. F~ B9nnrvnq-.9 nn1q• q m-.I m• .n FNI ¢ FNI JWI q..m yrvOOgObb~P• P nPlf• N<I::x% N<I%%x U~ ... .. .~.• ~.• O OWIaNn O Ow~mnb FOB nnnnnPn-Ib bn~rv• n vb~n• W U¢~nnP W U¢~~•Brv OOH Fm~ -.nn ONnnm~rv~B• •-• q Nglm• -• ~n• N O U~... %w~-.nn N O U~... %SI 6 6 In• ~ • O . O 1 C C 6 6 O Z .-.rvnnn-.na..ns n na 6 o 6 0 nnnvnm o o n nn 4 4 nnnnnnnnnnn z - n nn • ~ N z G 4 O O O J ~ t 61 F CI O < LL < 7 1 < :!1 C J O~ J O~ ~ W W ~ ¢I ~ ¢1 4 2 N U O~ U UI NNNNNNNNNNN W N NN J ~ J J WWWWWWWWWWw O ¢ W WW < FIJ < FIJ < C a C¢CCC¢CCC¢¢ J C C N ¢¢ J u ~<W 4i¢V u wl<w 4~¢U W 2 «««««< < W JJJJJJJJJJJ F F < J « < JJ F F N w~WVW S~ZJ¢ F N W~wnIW ZIZJ6 W ««« ««< O Z < « O O m;WOH O WIWOw U NNNNNNVNNNN F W N NN 1- U U44 U g1O44 110 RIVERSIDE /,VENVE JMCKSON V IL L E. FLO RIDS ]2202 (909J ]5E-205 December 16, 1986 Mr. Richard Fellows, City Manager Ctty of Atlantic Beach City Hall Atlantic Beach, Florida 32233 Dear Richard: You have undoubtedly heard that S G M d 0 Joint Venture 1 has sold its interest in the property between the "Dunes" and "The Bluffs" to C d F Seminole Associates, 30 West Broad Street, #f505, Rochester, New York 14614. Please transfer all payments for the connection of water and sewer services to their account and use. I wish to thank you for all the help you and the members of the City Council have given us during our effort to develop this property. The purchaser's intent is to build less units and their plans should be an asset to the city and the neighbors. I look forward to seeing you again soon as they progress with their project. Siyn/cerely, .'! (/~ Michael A. Akel MAAfpb Copy to C d F Seminole Associates / ~' ~ _ ,~ i a f ~ ~`1e w~'~ /!r~/ ~ ~I ~~- i• J 2~ 2~ \ ~ ~ pr~- ~.C ~' ~ ~\ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ t ~ - T f ~~y T i T A • in sr i r • r w J :rl w1 , _~ Cy 'Y . Y f f f T s i r r r r r ~ + - J T i T :e • i • am fr r _ i r r '~ Y i J i ~ _ 1 w. •i „o ~~+1~ ~~ J f r r i ~ r t _ • J f f f i { t { \~ /~ (~ / ~ / © ~ ~ :-_ Thomas E. Gibson P.O. Sox 702 Atlantic 9?ach, FI 32233 Dec. 2, 1986 To HS•hn IL May Concern: I own proparty in section N, 91ock 108, nu nber 5, that I Durchased in August, with plans to build in Norember, 1986. 4a7 1 know that I would be unable to have a seer is tank I would not have nurcha::'A the property. A11 my financing and construction plans have been arranged. If an emergency permit can be obtained please allow me one. This most unfortunate situation has caused me and my family undue hardship. I would greatly appreciate any assistance that you could provide. Thanking you in adiaa:e. Tho~nas E. Gibson j~ `~^1 ~ b ~- 'J ` ~! 0 :~ ~= -J (AROEN . LANE N ,~ ~~ ~~ r I I ~~ x '/ (`. ,, ~, ~ .._ , , - , ; •; ,'•` ~~ l ill r - , , .... I I I I I' , I I i l l l i 111 ,1 1 1 I Illli t 1 I I, 1 i ~ `• , i I I I 11;`; ~ i 1 .- '~~~ ~ 1 i I Nl( q y,~, 1 i.~T', j l l i I I I ' ill I ~ 1 , 1 1 ~v „~ , I ~'I i a ' ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ -- -- ~, --- . 1 ,, , -. •, . ~-, ~ ~ I ~•• I I s `. Oeeemhar 9, 1986 Renee Angers Community Development ^irector City of Atlantic Beach RE: OCEAN EDGE PHA6E II, .81 Acres Geer Renee: COM Properties, Inc. owns the above referenced property in Seminole Beach. Although RG-2 zoning, soon to be inacted under ennexation~ will allow 12 multifamily units, we prefer to reduce this potential density to 4 single family lots. The lot sizes vary from 6790 SF to 7,473 9F with building areas similar to those in 9elva Gardens. Included Far submission are 7 location maps and proposed site plans, flea fully s t w d A. Dowling, Jr. ~P. C r¢perti¢s~ Inc. I CDM PROPERTIES, INC. 810 3rro ST. SUITE A NEPTUNE BEACH, FL 32233 (904) 241-4455 e ~'~ j ~ N I ~ W ~ I W ~ ¢_ ~ `-3 ' ~ w Ns I ~ I O I }n I p W I O I ~O I o I I ~~ i Q i i i 2 ~ r i ___ -- - - _ --1-1 --_- p __...- -. 133h1§yAlV3Yi --- -- I ~ ~ --- - -- -1 i i~ ~ ~ ~\ I L----A4iz^.__3A~5~1u ~o0;610 o ~ - -- ~ ,°n ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~)~ ~ -___ _, 1 ,~ ~ `I S - ~I _ ~ N _ ~ _ F 2 ^ W 1 ' - - V~__ W ~~ 3 ¢ I ' W W I / ~ ~ O VI _ 1 W ~ np 3 I ~~O -~_~__- v <~ ~ I tau = ~ _ ~mw~ ~ m .: ': - _ rN ~- ~ ~.- m r = I- rl -, m ~ i i .+ i ~ ~ - ~ - - ~ OB2 M'0061 ;CN ^-~ ~ I - I I 'i ~ - N,~ ~; A33ais Aavw i ~ --- ~ I I ~ i I ~ ; ;~ '~Y` 'v that the CSty Commieslon may connlder the eituatlon a herdehlp end grant the variance. Candace Nordan seconded the motion rhlch carried unanimeuely. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS (Taken out of Order> A. Relief from Septic Tank Moratorium - Terry Norton Terry Norton, 2166 Sallie Lane, Atlantic Beach, stated that he had moved out of state 16 years agc to rork in the oil Snduetry. They had moved back 10 days ago to build their home on Block 217, Section H when they learned of the septic tank moratorium. He stated that they were living with hie mother-in- lav until construction of their home vac complete. He stated that they would hook up to public utilities Then they hecame available. Mre. Norton added that they planned to spend the rest of their lives Sn this home. After a general discussion Ran Gray motioned to recommend approval of the requeet subject to hooking up to serer when it becomes available and complying rith the rules and regulations in effect at the time. Ruth Gregg seconded the motion which carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS (Continued) F. Determination of Zoning Df etricts for Seminole Beach Area The Board studied the proposed zoning map of the area. After a brief discussion, Ron Gray motioned to recommend approval of the zoning dietricte ae indicated on the map. Ruth Gregg seconded the motion rhich carried unanimously. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting roe adjourned at 0:45 p. m. Gregg McCaulle, Chairman D. Request for Use by Exception - Johnson Properties/Oceeneide Church of Christ. Bobby Joe Ford, 632 Bay Street, Neptune Beach, stated that he represented the owners Sn the application for Use by Exception. He introduced the minister of the church, Larry Paul k. Mr. Paulk stated that their church had approximately 70 members, moat with a military background. He stated that they desire a location in clone proximity to the naval base. fie stated that they proposed to construct a 4,700 square foot block building with brick veneer. The facilities would include an auditorium with seating capacity of 160, a nursery, of £ice apace and classrooms. He stated that there would 6e no fund raising activities on the premises, such ae cernlvale, bingo games, craft Bales, etc. - Commissioner John Horris stated that the proposed building could take-up approximately 10% of the 50,000 equate coot parcel, and that less than half of the land area could be covered by building end paving. Jane t{allenetein, SSB Clippership Lane, and Johnny Tucker, 92 11th Street spoke on hehalf of the church. There being no further discussion, Ruth Gregg motioned to recommend approval. Ron Gray seconded the motion rhich tattled unanimously. E. Re11eE from the Septic Tank Horatorium - Raymond C. Flott Mr. Flott, 2624 Landsdowne Drive, Jacksonville, stated that he hoe a contract to sell his property, Lota i-6, Block 138, Section H, subject to the buyer obtaining septic tank permits. The salsa contract vas executed prior to passage of the resolution and the ordinance establishing the moratorium. hr. Flott stated that it vas imperative that he sell the property before the first of the year due to the changes in the tax lave. Ne added that he tae told at a commission meeting that his property, being located rest of Jasmine Street, vas not included under the moratorium district since there were no plane for improvements of that area. Donald Dagley expressed concern ae to the elevation of the property. He stated that he did net want to look at elevated septic tanks. The Beard pointed out Section 3 of the ordinance rhich states economic hardship is not grounds for relief. They expressed concern that approval may set a precedent. Ron Gray motioned to recommend denial of the request, recognizing NEW BUSINESS A. Request for Plat Approval - Sam Waters Hr. Waters, 12D2 North 21st Street, Jacksonville Reach, stated that he wished to plat the property into 6 duplex late, each 75' x 100', rith an 80' x 225' tract Sn the center fnr drainage/retention. The property Se located in the Lerie Subdivision between Church and Steuart Streets. Mr. Waters stated that he would maintain ornershlp of the lots and the retention area. The Board expressed concern over maintenance of the retention area. Ron Gray motioned to defer action on the request and refer it back to City Hall for additional concept review. Ruth Gregg seconded the motion. Hr. Johnny Tucker, 92 Eleventh Street, spoke on behalf of Mr. Waters. He stated that Mr. Waters wants to maintain ovnerehSp of the lots and that he should be permitted to maintain ownership of the retention pond. The vote vas called. The motion to defer the Stem tattled unanimously. B. Request for Use by Exception - Hark J. Doll This item had been withdrawn 6y the applicant. C. Request for Use by Exception - Hinl Storage Aseociatee, LTD. Mr. Danny Leigh, 4001 Confederate Point Road, Jacksonville, stated that they of shed to expand the existing Hayport Hlnl Storage facility, located north of the Ilardeea Restaurant an Hayport Road, to an area directly behind the Hardeee Restaurant, fronting on Levy Rcad. He stated that the property tae bordered by The restaurant and Forler's Manufacturing, and that there ras a storage facility for natural gas and a carvash acrose~ the street. He added that there rould be no access on Levy Roa d'for Security reasons. Ron Gray motioned to recomme nd approval subject to Snetallatien of a 6' shadow box Fence <rith the moat aesthetic aide out) Sn a 5' buffer zone, rith three 2' insets, and with trees, 3' in diameter planted in each inset; and subject to no ingress or egress on Levy Road. Ruth Gregg seconded the motion rhlch carried unanimously. ~, MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING BOARD CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA November 18, 1986 CITY HALL 7:00 P. M. Present: W. Gregg McCaulie Ron D. Gray Ruth Gregg Candace Nordan And: Rene' Angers, Secretary And: Tom Weet Sem Waters Danny Leigh Commissioner John W. Morrie, Jr. Bobby Joe Ford Larry Paulk Raymond C. Flott Mr. and Mra. Horton Absent: Guy M. Jennings The meeting vas called to order at 7:00 p. m. by Chairmen McCeulf e. He asked for a motion on the minutes of the meeting of October 21, 1986. Ron Gray motioned that they be approved as presented. Ruth Gregg seconded the motion rhich carried unanimously. • . . ~ . . e OLD BUSINESS A. Request for Uee by Exception - Tom Weet Deferred from October 21, 1986 meeting end sent for Cade Enforcement; operating without proper licenses and with open storage of materiels end equipment. tom Weat stated that he had no intent to violate any ordinance and that rhen he learned of the situation he had it corrected. He stated that he roe requesting a uee by excepticn for a - contrector's of Elce, with no outside storage; end for small engine repair, such ee lawn movers. Candace Nordan stated that Mr. Weet had cleaned up the operation since the previous meeting. She motioned to recommend approval of the application subject to no automobllee and no outside storage. Gregg HcCaulie seconded the motion rhich carried unanimously. The Board held the special meeting on Jenuery 6, 1987 rlth members of the Boerd of AAJuetment to diacuea Ordinance •47-86-3. There rae a general consensus of agreement from the Boerd members. Respectfully, Rene' Angers Secretary, Advleory Planning Board ;Y CITY OF ,~ a~ - ~i January 2, 1987 MEMORANDUM ]160CEAN BOUIEVAAD P. 0.90%26 :.TLANnC BEACN, I7DIBDA J22J9 TELEPNOWE I1m~12~42996 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commission Prom: The Advisory Planning Board Subject: Board Actions of December 1B, 1986 with Recommendations Your Advisory Planning Board made the following recommendations at their regular meeting o£ December 18, 1986: The Board recommends approval of the Steuart Subdivision Plat subject to owner maintenance of the drainage/retention area being written into the covenants and restrictions. The Board recommends approval of Ocean Edge Phase II. The developers are reducing the potential density of 12 multifamily unite to four single family unite. The Board recommenda approval of Ocean Walk Phase III containing 50 lot e. The Board recommenda approval of a request by Thomas Gibson for relief from the septic tank moratorium to construct hie home on Lots 5 b 6, Block lOB, Section H. Mr. Gibson purchased the property on August 2, 1986, prior to adoption of the moratorium. The Board deferred action on a request for rezoning by Stephen Mabry and Sohn Talbert and asked that they apply £ar preliminary plat approval and rezoning of the property simultanecuely. The Board discussed proposed Ordinances 090-86-113 and 047-B6-3. They recommend approval of Ordinance 090-86-113; ellminat£ng maximum lot coverage from the zon!ng code. The Board called for a special meeting to discuss Ordinance 047-86-3; creating the Community Development Bcard. JANUARY MICRO CRAPHICL 'Ss Iafms~tls ad I~q~ lfo~gsly