07-13-87 AGENDA CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN July 13, 1987 Call co Order Invo cation and Pledge [o the Flag 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 22, 1987 2. Recognition of visitors 3. Bid Opening: A. Recefpc of sealed bids for paving and drainage improvements Sn Russell Park 4. Committee Reports: A. Report by Commissioner Nilliam Cull iford, Jr. on a meeting of Che comma [tee reviewing [he app ralsal of Broom, Moody and Johnson on abutting lands owned by [he City of Atlantic Beach and the Selves Lakeside development 5. Action by [he Ci[y Commission on a request by the Pension Board of Trustees to approve [he selec[Son of Merrill Lynch as the board's Pension Consultant, and agreement [o fund the fee of $3,000.00 per year `_~ 6. Uiscussion by [he Ci[y Commission on the desirability of au[horiz- ing an Ordinance be drawn to close an ezis[ing right-of-way across Lo[ 725 and a portion of Lot 736 adjacent to the Coamiuni[y Presby- terian Church in exchange for an easement for drainage and util- i[fes across Lot 727 and a par[ of Lo[ 736 7. Action by the Ci[y Commission co approve a Change Order on [lie sewer tonstruc[ion project [o provide, among other things, landscaping and demolition of two existing structures 8. Discussion by [he CSCy Co®ission on the naming of neighhorhood parks at the intersection of Rose and Orchid Street, and north of the new sewer plan[ between Prancis Avenue and the public works yard 9. Further discussion by Che CI[y Commission relative to beach access- es at Seventeenth Street and Twentieth Street 10. Action on Resolutions: A. Adop[!on of Resolu [ion No. 87-23 authorizing the acceptance of a federal grant in the amount of $85,450.OC, represen [ing SSS of the cos[ of sever rel,ab111ta[Son in Section "A" B. Adoption of Resolution No. 87-24 authorizing a budge[ adjustment Misce llaneous Adjou rnment