12-01-92~: STRTIIS a IvzeY9z YrA n - YTWlI1C a St1Cna v1AIx6 a IlS l+lt~5 A1O a DISCNYtfiE RIAIN6 RT EIISTIMS B1110.INF. YTR k - {OaIM6 a IOIS1Iis efan Rr fHIIRIIF WIOLIN6 fRLILITY. PILL1116 YIA6 RT CDIITR0. qEA p0 EIISTIN6 YELL t1 MD STATUS Og16F. 1EtlIE41N6 oLit6, AFAMITS a1O SFEC'S. E COPIEIID ININ U!E pO SERVIfES a a 97N STREET. PIACIN6 12' FVC IYl1ER 1p1N a IITN STREET. YILL buc ID sES'IrFS ~xr Imc a Isr srRrfr. sTATIS a 1zYe9Y9z YTD tl - INSip11N6 IIDDD FAg11N6 AT CNLIYtINE ROa YIN-IIN roENlic. PLDF OECMIN6 RT NDATN F1D1 DF RUILDIMS. YIA >2 - 40ft(IN6 RT YFIl 10. 3. PDlti COUETE RAD FDR MEY YAiIAl1 DAIM!NS SYSTEM. S1AFf RfFORT AAFPIIAm FOR OECENSER 11, 1992. GOER T£VIEY. Rl1 ININ LIIFS AIE Ih5Tg1E0, TESTING COPLErED. 4RTER 51VPLIN6 IN DAfGff55, !GB NIPLETED 9Ri. ND SPRMIMS TNIS YEEIt, DAfbA6LY CDMTACTED CaTNRCTDR a 12/4/92 al® 1E NETT YEIX. Gilt6 TD ERaTY DITOED a SRTU~IIY LEfD6ER 5, 1592. WPIFTm T.V. ff LIM6 a pE1Rt STREET. AFR'S M Fa nfRN STREET a1O YILL REVIEY TINES MISf}..lAElR6 PoINI RFPRIAS. UEII TILT UD RT 9TX STREET p0 PP1E CDNTRlY:TIM6 IIDOlIN6 a WINi SEMUQE TOAD a SfAEET CROSSING - AEARIPS FDA CITY. (G SDa IG IE CIW MIOR DININASE REDRIA. ff YILL ffT eAOC a PIP RAP RRlS. Kteti ~ '¢- Kati mrsTacTla DralECis STRiUi a ll/13!92 YIP 71 - PLICIM6 fOfJETE Fqi FDOTEf6 RT IEY YILVE ElCLO9RE BIIIIDIN6 Ri Y6T IEff1W10R 1YO BORa SLAG AT IEY FUF1 fORRINENI STRUCTURE. YID Q - STRRTED INSTHIIlAila ff DIDIN6 a RS PAPS i3, t,t S STIFF IEV1dIN6 ff.E RIU JENSa'S PR~6fl. STRTUS a Il/2H/92 YTP 11 - YOIMIN6 a SICTIa DIDIx6 ff M. S. T17F5 PID a OISClNQ6E GIPIN6 Al EIISTINS BUIOLII6. YID !2 - WAICINS a I~ISTIN6 BEAM RT CKatINE HAI®Lllb FICILItt. PU11N6 YIAES RT CaiROL AAFR NO EIISTIN6 YELL t3. W STR1U5 CNONEE. ABEIYFD 8116, PERMITS, 44L'S PAD RPPLICIYIUS FRa 1. WC16 a 1/10/92. RICHE $m a ISf STREET aln CONCRETE IRIIBIMS CDIPIETIIE WTER SERVIfFS a fD1 SHFEf. PIACIx6 12' PVC WTEk twX a 12tx sTREEr. No TIgYIX6 THIS fit. REVIEYINS RJM6, PERNlTS 170 SFft'S. LOPLETED MAIN LINE PtQ SERVICES a 9TH STPFET. PLALIN6 I2' PVL WTEP MIN a 11TH STREET. YILL xoa IP SERV[ff5 NETT IFEiI a ISf SiAFET. NO SDfd•IYIN6 THIS YEIX, DfY IEYT YEIX. RDR11A RIPE TEa TO T.V. lilES COPLEiFD T. V, ff LINES a pERN STAFFi. ON ll/IB/VL FUIOS AWPOVED a 11/89/92. YILL REVId TPFES. NE TD Hla Tlgl PCfla OFIAYFD IORI IIITIL IQT PEEN. CAd TIED UD AT 9TN STREET AND SENINOLE RdID a STREET CADSSIN6 N11Ia DAAINA6E AdRIR. STRTUS a 12/Ml92 YTD tl - INST{LLIN6 YWD FRA11IN6 pi CIla1NE ROa YINDa DPdIN6. NTff OECHIN6 RT I~RTH END ff &IILOIN6. YiP t2 - WR(INfi NT IFJ.L N0.3. Gg1AE0 CftlCTETE PP0 FDA Nd YPL11N DNININ6 SYSTEM. STIFF PFFOPT fD TOR 0ECF1@EA IR, 1992. U'CEA lEVid. ILL IgIN LIXFS WE INSTRlED, P TESIIN6 CONPLF'fm. WTER SNPLIN6 IX ORO6RF5S, 1GB FIIIPIETED 9D%. caraTm rortWna a Ivt/9z No lE 0.1V6 TD SDWY DITCHED a S1ITUABAY 0ECENBFR 5, 1992. PEP'S OUT fa MERI STREET p® NISCEl1A1F116 f91NT REPAIPS DACE mOAPCTII6 YDw(IX6 a POIXi (fPAlf6 Fa cln. As WUI I61~ uw If Y[LL EET BRLN a RID ROD BIB. ^ :- ETY6TAICi ^xYETfT PIOIEETS Df61ECf 16 STRTI6 OI Il/13/92 1. RR YTD tl { t2 IIpIOVEAITS 91~IB-YIV YID tl - DllCll6 ATE FOQ RT IEY VALVE EIIRD5IMV: BUiI-IMS R IFST RgAYIDR RIO BDITOI 4AB RT FIEL EDITAIMIpYI SIIIICTIA- YID a - STRRIED II6fA111Ai1TM if DI ws. cups t3,+,{ s 2. Dill( HARBOR SEIEA VE1pB 91-D-0x STAFF REVIEYIXfi lif WO JEIE'llDS P10POSit. 3 BIECRIfER OLORIIE gtITRCf 92-B-CCC nl IT . Lif% of 1/I ADttIIATlOS FRO1 J. 1 REPRIR AB YATER DISTRIBUTIOI 42i1BiOL . ~ ~, ~ET116 ~ SERVI L1TE5 91N STIFEi. OLIIOIIIfi lY DVE YRTE Itllx OI t'[TY STREET. i. DIT05[9Y1YIM6 92i{MITLY ND $DItl191x6 Tx15 YFEx. 6 CtlVi { iY LIIES 92-fOB-iY FLxf1011 DI[£ iFf7f 10 T.Y. LIIES . rtY une/9a Funs roDnoRED a u 7 II6Tit1 RID RAD BA6 RT 921 DIE TO MI91 TIDIV. 11CTI01 Ofl1nFL . ceTOilla Roo urtn IEx*. YEEM. STR716 a 11/81/92 xo srarus on6F. to Rtyaar To Faint, Im pro. HaDIM6 FOR FIIO6. IO Stalls awrff. stuns a Ivw/92 Yo sralus otwsE. FI1NL PaY1Drt le<rlFatn TY FRStIFFY. InDI16 GO0. FUIOS. 10 Slalai CINH. vlEmsllucrla rnF~ samllm IF1D DIE{III a u/s/9z. ImICE FOa 11/ai/92 aT 1:M D.ILP PUBLIC Y001S TO DAOffFD 61VEM TO m1fa1C10R. Y®ro aFSFao to I~slmn ar 199e Dart srl~r Ala nrnr~ mwntYr. nY Ta/®0 dBFTEn 1@~T. sort YoawaBl m 3.IINYIF a wzv92. STPFT IFDOBf PFEIYYFD Ia'ID a Dl~a'/L FIOI a11EILY { YIaIFA IO Ip11F5 IY 91~ffT. YILL PUf IY FOR lmlFS I~r Fr 93-95. LETTER To IESIBExT a 199e PPNI srYTET EBDUYIIi6 SaE. nu Pur a afflaa Fpi Iv15/9L a11HLY t YIOFA 6INal IOTICE TO PBOCFFD YIIY BFSIa. i i I msrnena vYalecTs suns a un3,u IIOiN>KS PIE YWIRIMS YEIIfR CIT1 NT10iEY IIG IEYIDED 1NEIR FIND ANS. WRFIED Paa USf ITE16 Flla. ANY 6fINAIE RNNtlYFD. XLLDIN6 Fa FADS. ID SINTIS Oriff. aasFD a umm TD scars IETAI YdILS, DL DID,kCf 10 rt DF1~Ym FAa mslrcrla Pf07F1'f. Tp IOYNSFIG 016YiI1G SIRE ABURI. STNTl6 a It/[B/92 NO STP1115 OIFIH. NO AEDOAT TO FRlLM, 1® CQN-FTm• ILLDIM6 Fa FADS. MO STATUS f1iN6E. sraTUS a luel/9z NY STNTUS UYR6E. FINAL DPYIFYI AEIYNED TO EIEINEER. IaDIN6 Fa Faos ND STAIIb OIAIRF. FAFmISTrtllcrla CoFF3El~ 51)EDLLID Ian vF~tsN a was/9z ImIIE Fa !1/3Q/92 AT 1:iR D.N.P HHIC YDAMS. TY PRDCFED 6(Yq 70 m1iAA('TDfI. N® TO AFSF9D TD AESiDDn Ni 1998 Pax STREET AFEAAl11N6 Dmllgff CUgAINr. TIN 701R6FTO DRFFTm AFDDRT. Saf IEIONRaN TO J.IAWxE a 11/73/92. STTfF REPINT FIEDA~ID RILgD a DFDP~0. FAa tlMaLY L YIOD:A ND IOIIES YI BID6F7. YILL T1n IN Fa MaIES IEYT FY 9311. lEf1ER TD pFSIDENT a 199e Fax srIFET Euvwlls sD>E. YILL FUf a A®OA Fa 12/11/9L CO1Ra1Y 6 YIQYA 6IYEM NDTICE TO PAO(fID YITX DESIa. ~. casTanla p CUPAENT PA0.1E[IS 6. BFAf71 PrO1E W1ER i SEYEP 9. 61N STAFE7, XOFi1 PINK, k55EI.L PqN~ SEAEA PF11AB !& INTEA MAIM EI7E16Ia FDA f]TWIMq PLPIF 11. PADITIO7L 6Ta7D STDARff NO XYPfO TNN AT {551ST LpE YID IL YYID - RTLRNTI[ BEACH H70aILS 170 I7l1aNY5 MunY PfO3ECT 13. PARR STAEE7 PTO3EL1 10. 816E 92i1B-SEIICQ 9e~6-INTER vziN-RAILS 9e-KIRt STATUS a 11/13l4[ ~ &OIM76 PNE IAYUI7116 YlETIEA CITY ATTDRIEY IY5 AEYIEYEO iIEIA DRtV64 AGAE!)OR. LOFIEIED NIOI LIST I1FJ6. fIMAL P ESTIINTE PPPIOYED. I IOLDIMS Fa Fa05. MD STATUS OIAIISE. awnnm a ulnnz rD swirs lera AowS, tRC. PANECf TD BE AEIOYED FRa CaSTNLTIa DfAkCT. 14. LEIIHL AEHRBILITRTIa I5. CIIN01 STIEET ADApBIY IIVADYDEMTS ~bK. i k~`._ VYS^tc.... 92-i1B-IY 92-07N0f TIII lall~D PAEPR11116 SFRFF CITY OF y~laatie $taels - ~ldaula Tl60CRAN BOULEVARD P.O. BOX9b ATLANTIC BEACN. FLORIDA JPt9J November 23. 1992 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners Fr~on: -Carl Walker, Beautification Coordinator~l Rt your regular meeting of October 26, you deferred to the Recreation Rdvisory Board fer their recommendation, the pro- posal to acquire two lots adjacent to "Singleton's Trailer Park" far a small City park or playground. This issue was discussed by the Recreation Board at their meeting of November 12. R decision was deferred until the Board's next meeting to allow the Board members to further research the property and it's feasibility For use as a park or playground area. cpy: Rlan Jensen, City Rttorney Kim Leinbach, City Manager Rose Blanchartl, Parks 8 Recreation Director ts. CITY OF J'~artie $cae% - ~losula 800 5EM1!:OLf aDAD ATLA\TC BF 1CN. FL9RID1 J2i115M5 TFIFPFIO\E I9WI 2lSSl00 FAX 11A~1 ZA*5~ Decewber 7, 3992 M E M O R A N D U M =- i i TO: Kin Leinbach, City Manager FROM: Dan C. Ford, Building Oif iciel RE: Building Perwits Please be advised that the iolloring pernita rare issued in the wonth of Novewber, 1992: TYPE PERM I7' NUMBER OF PERNITS COST OF CONSTRUCTION Ner Single Family 4 e 557,989 Nev Duplexes Ner Tornhoueea Additions/Rewodels 2 110,000 Cownerciel Additions 000 60 Rewodela 2 , Gsrege/Carports 1 7,8% DCF/PAH ~,~. _. ,m .x c t~~"'7 1'` U ~ i !{~~~,~( E' J.. V e:.:. _. ,;; ;~ ;; ;~ . •,. • L~ ~i ~`5'v~ S+ t'?~:} ~~ ~f ~Y n 3; :.x 3 N F i ~ ............. .... ~.. r W ~ W . ~' F N Q L N ~ ...... ~............ ~.~ 0 W F- I d K ' _ _.......:.~.:.:.:. __ ... d =j ~: ...:.:.:. 4 .:.: i ~ is ?sq ~ ~: sa~ I 1: $~ ~.:.: . :-:':': ~, W J ~ W : :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.: .: C a 1 ~ ~- ~ a :~~I. .: i '~ T. L ~ {{c e K a ~~ e ~ i as ~~ E € ~ S :~ ;~ ;s§: - b gee - ~: ~z ° k _ 3 2 ~,,.ia. ~..a ....o.r n'ww~-a-.~r 8F1.CH AVENUE ~~ ~<z o~~ t[ ~..U=_A Jf< n Yam ~3 ~ KOV ~3q z ~a<°~~ ~a< ~ & a4rc « 0 z ~.. .. b n~ ^<~ a= d~ i ~ a ::i 1~l: i S.~e y~ - i: S{~~ - d! i€yry.. : SS ~ z ~s ~ `~ t lil~ff i ~ 3 _ i Y ;:39. [ F ~6 ~f~` ~:f { #- &.~c ga _ 4,3sa ' `i C + '" f ' ~ t £ ~Si ~ . / 1III s wvz w 11 ~ K Y 1 Qe e mm - $ I .: I \ I V • _~ ¢" ~ - _ o ,; - '< g o S~ 3 4 i ur o<es W 1 _ - - = ~E m $E u:' I ~ it§ $ w d ' ~ c .. ---- `s E 4 ___-_ I J ~ O! - ~ $ $EYINIXE ROAD ears-.. _. After discussion, Mr. Malfaon moored to deny the variance. hr. McGoran seconded the wotion and it passed by a vote of 9 - 3. V. Application for Variance filed by Torneend and Virginia Narkea to construct a garage apartment on a nonconforming lot located at 1771 Beach Avenue. Nr. and Mrs. Torneend Rarkes introduced thewaelves to the Board artd explained that the variance vac requested to allay thew to construct a garage apartment on a 50 x 50 lot on the •eet side of Beach Avenue. Variances are needed for minimum lot size end rear yard setback. After discussion, Mr. Molfeon moved to deny the variance. Nr. Prohrein seconded the motion and the variance yea denied by a vote of 5 - 2. VI. Application for Plet Review by Milliaw Morgan for property located on the north corner of 19th Street. Mr. rilliam Morgan introduced hiweelf to the Bonrd end explained that De desired to replet the property into six separate lots for the purpose of selling thee. After discussion, Nr. Yolfson moved to recowwend the replotting to the City Comsleaion end to encourage the proposed use of single Easily Doses es yell ae one-ray traffic on the street. Ms. Pillmore seconded the lotion and it roe unanimously passed. There being no further 6ueineee to cove before the board on lotion wade end seconded the seating ras sd~ourned. SIGNED: ATTEST ~.._ °. - NEM BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filed by Margaret Cresson to enclose an existing rood deck rhich rould encroeche the rear yard setback requirements an property located at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive. Na. Cresson introduced herself to the hoard and explained that the variance ras requested to alloy construction of a screened enclosure on an existing deck. After discussion of vhether a hardship existed and the impact on other properties, he. Gregg moved to approve the varlence es requested. Mr. Horie seconded the notion. The notion failed by a vote of 2 - 5. II. Application for Variance tiled by The Church of the Living God to construct an addition to the church rhich rill encroach the setback requirements on property located at 390 Church Roed. Mr. James Rivera introduced himself to the Board and explained that the Church ras requesting a variance to add needed room for the congregation. After discussion, Ms. Pillmore moved to approve the variance. Ns. Gregg seconded the motibn and it vea unanimously approved. III. Application far Variance filed by Clyde end Elizabeth Asbury to park s motor hone in the front setback of property located at 545 Seespray Avenue. Mr. end Nra. Asbury introduced themselves to the Board and explained that the variance roe requested to permit them to continue to park a motor home in violation of the front yard setback due to health pra6lews. The Chairman presented a letter from a neighbor expressing approval of the variance requeai. Mr. Asbury stated that another 19 approvals rare submitted rich their application. After discussion, Ms. Pillmore moved to approve the variance on a tewporary basis until each time as Nr. Asbury could no longer operate the rotor hove. Mr. Horie seconded the moil on. The notion fall ed by a vote of 3 - 9. IV, Application for Variance filed Dy Gudron Morrison to retain a screened enclosure in violation of the rear yard setback on property located et 903 Seaspray Avenue_ Ne. Lori Heeketh, a Sriend of the applicant, introduced herself to the board and explained the reasons the variance roe requested. Reasons included mosquito infestation end raccoons. She explained that the structure had already been constructed. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Noveeber 17, 1992 7:00 P. M. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg McCeulie Sewuel Horie Ruth Gregg Don Wolfson Rohert Frohrefn Pat Plllwore Mark McGoran AND Alen Jensen, City Attorney George Morley, II, CD Director Pet Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT Chairaan Gregg McCeulie, celled the westing to order and asked for approval of the einutva trove the weetlnp of October 20, 1992. Upon notion duly wade and seconded said ainutes rare approved: OLD BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance tiled by Dorothy and Stan Jones to perk a wotor hove in the front yard setbsek of property located at 2051 Sewinole Road. Stan Jones introduced hiwself to the board and explained the reasons the original Variance res requested. He requested an extension of that original Variance until the certificate of occupancy res issued for his nar hove currently under construction. After discussion Ms. Gregg wooed to spprove an extension of six <6) soothe. Mr. Horie seconded the cation and it rae approved by a vote of 9 - 1. II. Application for Variance tiled by Jawen Barrington Derby to construct a carport rhich rill encroach the side yard setback on property located et 350 Ocesn Boulevard. Mr. Derby introduced hiwaelf to the board and stated the reasons e variance rse requested. After discussion, Mr. Horie wooed to approve the variance rich the condition that the structure be constructed rith non- tlawwable wateriale. Me. Gregg seconded the motion end it passed by a vote of 9 - 3. 4._.Y _. - C` CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Submittal of Preliminary Plat by William Morgan SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner DATE: October 20, 7992 BACKGROUND: Mr. Morgan owns Tract "A", North Atlantic Beach, Unit 1i3, which comprises the entire block from Seminole Road to Beach Avenue on the north side of 19th Street. This tract is zoned RG-2, Multi-Family. Mr. Morgan desires to subdivide the Tract into six lots, five to be 60' X 100' and one to be 100' X ?13'. Attached hereto is the proposed Preliminary Plat of the tract. The proposed use is to be Single-family residences fronting on, and having vehicular access from, 19th Street. Preliminary engineered utility drawings are to be submitted to Lhe Public Works Department for review as part of this submittal. RECOMMENDATION: Standard procedure per the Zoning Chapter is for the City Commission to accept the submittal of the drawings and direct them to the next Community Development Board Meeting for a review and recommendation. The next scheduled meeting of Lhe Community Development Board is November 17th. The potential disruption of traffic flow and vehicular conflicts resulting from the creation of driveway entrances along the north side of 19th Street along with the existing angled parking needs to be considered. various methods of addressing this situation have been volunteered, all of which reduce the total number of spaces. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Preliminary Plat map 2) Utility Plan and Profile 3) Parking Modif icatlon propo ed byby Mor-.~n~' REVIEWED 8Y CZTY MANAGER AGENDA ITEM NO. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Final Plat approval for William Morgan SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner DATE: December 8, 1992 BACKGROUND: Milliam Morgan, owner of the property on the north side of 19th Street desires to subdivide that property into six lots for future residential development. Mr. Morgan has submitted a Dlat drawing which was reviewed by the Community Development Board at its last meeting. The Board unanimously voted to approve the proposed plat and encouraged the building of Single-family homes on the new lots. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the plat as attached. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Original Staff report 2) Minutes of the Community Development Board 3) Reduced Plat drawing REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER AGENDA ITEM NO. `~ x NOTE: The Parking Stutly Committee has reviewed the parking situation on 19th Street in conjunction with its review of the parking all along Lhe beach area of Atlantic, Beach. Z have been informed that a report and recommendations can be expected soon. The approval of this Dlat will not in itself result in a need to modify the existing parking. It will, however, allow the sale of these lots for future development which may necessitate modifications to the parking arrangement. `_ ,~ -. [F: PivOr~.. Nheft ie the applicant's interest in thi• varianoe7 ~", To build a retirement garage apt. where we can 11Ye our T4~ years-on-our emalI-Fe EfF€mg~fL-MartatRrr---w,.-.. _~__ IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERBIONEp ~U! BECOMES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF TN6 COMMUNITY ~ptYEL AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED NgEIN THE BEST OF NIS/HER KNONLEDGE. K~_ . ~J-~.I~Yi~_~L~_ ~j Sige. of applicant/appllcant•o -- i~/.~ authorized agent or attorney. It Sipn urs oZ orner OZ agent or attorney, include letter ApplioelSen wnnot.i.glw iron applicant to the! effect. rithout orMre sipss``t''W _-_-_......_______-_. ~ ~~`:jY Applicants Do no! till-Sn beyond thin polo!. Ner respond to the tollorinp itaae~ I. Special eonditione and~eireusetanoes ekiet rhiah are peeulisr to the land, structure, or building Snrolred ..~,~"~ and rhieh ere not applicable to other lands, etruolures or buildings in the came zoning district. -~ 2. the epeoiel eondition• sod cireuestanca do not ~~ result troy the actions of the applicant. '~ 3. 6renting th• variance requested rill not confer on ,I ~. the ^ppliesnt any special prlvilepe that is denied by .i :; the code to other lends, buildings or etruoluree in the ease zoning diolrict. ., .. t. Literal interpretation of the provisions of tM soda ~~f,' could deprive the applicsnt of rights eoaaonly enjoyed by other properties in the ease zoning dietriat and could cork unneeeeeery and undue hardship on the ^ppliaant. .•- (i f. 3. The variance i• the miniaue variance that rill asks ~~~~~~ possible the reasonably use of the land, building or structure. :__ 6. The variance !s in harmony rith the _~~~ and purpose of the code. general intent ~~.~; ,.. ~r;;° ' " ~C:.w. 7. The variance rill not constitute any change in the 1~r,; dietriete shorn on tM zoning sap, ::~ ,--. 8. The variance rill not impair an adequate supply o! light ^nd air to ediecent properly. '! 01 9. The variance rill not materially Sne»ase th• ~fl~ eongeetion in public streets or Sncrwee the t X~ danger of Sire and oatety, public .'~..~ i ~~# f0. The vnrlance rill not moterlelly diminish or Smpalr este bllehed property valuers rithin the surrounding area, t -~~ tl. The variance rill no! impair the health, safety, ~~ morals and general rslfare. ~'- ~'""' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND ACTIONS f ~~:." _ ;.1 ,. ,PLEASE TYPE OR PAINT IN INK APPLICATION FEE 350.00 i APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE - - ..p__ t) f.:.i,~;'' 1. i l .. • gAnnLmi_NoV3. 199 ~~_, , ~~_ :i; y' ' , ,, ~ : + :; 1992 =~ . TO REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM THE AECULA7ION5 INDICATED HEREIN, B!•;CAUSE T1)ERE ' ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICUL?I!S OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS IN CAR®(lNCIA{ji t^l [J'ila% STRICT L617ER O- TH6 CODE OR ORDINANCE THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR ..:. A VARIANCE AS FOLLOVSt »o . v rra ~~'. '.^, Her amd addHas of applicsnt requesting verlanee: Note: I[ the applitanc ' is othK tMe all tM ori:ers of the property, rrieten consent signed Dy all .,,i the oreers e[ the proAperty shall be attached: ` ~OVJ A/.S ENn Q Nd(ail~CeS PHONE A,~j L~i. .a..i Y~ ES Norki .~~ '~- n[7// }rr .Ei r•' . }~~ a:~..l Yariamea is sough[ from the provielons of the: f!.' '!C' ~ (x) 2oming Code ( ) Building Code ( ) Plumbing Code §~ ~,..•( ) Electrical Code ( ) Mechanical Coda ( ) Ocher H .~'f''i.~ii 3. tCe~aQlom of bmildimg or structure: the - ",,,.,a: ce. W'L£sf eiae of_ 8Fd c H Avr ARn~r 171 ac-'-'t~(Ve na eorr ~`~ ,;,~ ~ (We think 1792 would be in rthe rear of 17y1 Eeach Ave.) vv„ ',y Streai addroa and legal description of property: Note: Attach copy of '~~~,'.o~.. dmed,_amd ausvaY or plot dfagro indieaefn .~ g proposed conseruetion. °.~aPr~ _ Legali Pt Iot Recd O/R Bk 3098-y21 '• ~ ~ (Re sr of 1~~1 Beach Ave.) atrt t E,. zoming CLaauieatlos /L (~ -~ `.. _ - Saetioe e[ Ceda froa vhleh varLnu is sought: "w ~aaeriba grfarua to noted: To build a retirement . Y garage apt. where we )A. can live our remaining years on our small retirement pension. lie have been taxed out of our big oceanfront home. !*4 .., i .. •i . Tea reason variance Se being sought: ~_ `)"'t "' To build a retirement arage apt. where we ay can live our remaining years on our small retirement pension. r. . -:o•:.-~ Me have been taxed out of our big oceanfront home. e Sbpporeiag data vhieh-should be considered by the Board: N 1.1 Are conacruction plena subml [tad vi[h chin apps ice[lon? Yes § 24-82 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE considere the a:terml configtustion end appearance (i e, roof, outer wall materiak, window size and design, end other like charec4rietio) d structures. In steord with the foregoing, similar w duplicate homes shall not be mneWtled within close prozimiq d each other, end shall be st kent five hundred (500) feet sport J any one similar dwelling ie risible from any other similar dweBiltg. (h) Temporary nsidence No trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, romper, bus w other accessory building w vehicle in any district shell be used ee s residence, temporarily or permanently, nor ehnll any such residence d temporary character be permitted. (i) Minimum lot courragc (1) One (1) story:-One thoueaad (1,000) equarc feet enclosed heated living arcs. (2) Two (2) etory:~)z bundred fifty (850) square feet enclosed coverage on the ground flow end not lees then a total d one thousand (1,000) square feet enclosed heated area- (3) Tvofamily raridearc (dupkz).-Each living unit shall boos nine hundred (900) square feet d eaclaaed living area. (4) Apartment type: s. ElCicienty with bedroom Brea combined with other living areas, four hundred eighty (480) square feet rtet era. b. Oae (1) bedroom with individual bedroom arcs pettoanently partitioned from other living areas, five buadrcd seventy-floe (575) square feet stet ern. c. 7bo (2) bedrooms with each individual be~aom arcs permanently partitioned from the living arses, seven hundred (780) square feet net area. d- Thrcc (3) bedrooms with earl individual bedroom area permamntly partitioned from other living area, eight hundred forty (610) square feet net area. e. Four (4) bedrooms with each individual bedroom are• permanently partitioned fmm other living areas, nine httad<ed ninety (990) square feet net era. f. Orer fonr (1) bedrooms, add one hundred filly (160) aquere feet per additional roam. (Ord. No. 90$2-74, § 2(III, E, 21, 7-2682; Ord. No. 9P90.153, § 1, 8-2890) Bee. f4Ag. 8ubataadard IoN of euewrd R7tere s lot or panel of land hoe an errs or (mntage which does not mnform with the requrements of the district in which it is located, but was a lot of remrd on July 26, 1982, the Iot or pawl of Iand may be used for one single-family dwelling in any residential district, provided the minimum yard requirements for that residential district are maintained, and provided that the owner of said lot has obtained relief through action of the community development board and the city commission. ford. No. 90-82-74, § 2(111, E, 3), 7-26-82; Ord. No. 90-90-15, § 2, 6~2:r~901 Sapp. No. 11 'S e 5' .~,. 1432 S 32' " 2ONINC AND SUBDMSION REGU WTIONS § 24-E2 I 6) (51 In case the exact location of a boundary cannot be determined 6y the foregoing '.. methods, the board of adjustment shall, upon application, determine the location of the boundary. or (Ord. No. 90-82-74, 4 2(Ifl, E, 11, 7-25 821 ia- Sec. 2482. General restrictions upon land, buildings and structures. ng la1 Use No building or structure shall be erected, and no existing building shall be w' moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land, building, structure or premises be on used designed or intended to be used for any purpose or in any manner other than a use designated in this article, as allowed in the district in which such land, building, structure or .~ premises are located. ion ~ N) yeight. No structures or building shall be erected, or shall any existing building be moved, remnditioned or structurally altered so as to exrced the height Bmit spetiLed in this article for the district in which such building or structure tr lorated. However on substandard By way of example, if in a five thousand 15,000) square fod minimum lot area inning district a building or structure is proposed on a substandard lot of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet, the percentage of fifty (50I percent would be appBed to the thirty-five-foot height resi.ridions, resulting in a net allowable buBding height of seventeen and one-half (17.5) feet. 1'he same restrictions end percentage calculation shell also apply to mobile homes, secondary awn dwellings, and amrssory buildings, provided they are to be lorated on a substandard lot of record. tely ~& (cl Perttn(age of lot attupaney. No building or structure shall be erected, nor shall any and existing building or structure be moved, altered, enlarged or rebuilt, nor shall any open space surrounding any building or struRUre be encroached upon or reduced in any manner, except in conformity with the building Bite requirements and the area end parking space and yard >efa, regulations established by this article for the district in which such building or structure is .ittea looted. d at the (d) Density o(popaletion No building, structure or Premixes shall he erected or oavpied or used eo m w provide a greater demity d population than is allowed under the terms d this t. article (or the district in which such building, structure or premises ere lamted. 6ieh arge (e) Open span uu limitation No yard.u other open space provided about any building or atire structure (or the purpose d complying with the regulatioos d (hie article s}ull be ceasidered as providing a yard or open spare for anY other building or structure. Lions ID Required tot and oaupattey. Every building a etrurture hereafter erected shell be or located oo a la or treat u defimd herein; and in oo ease shall there be avers then one (1) buiding o0 oae (])lot, a:xpt es provided in this article. j (gl Otgrlicates or estermlly rimilor dtoel(inga Goo.truction d nearby single-family end duplex dwellings which arc duplicatd a ezteroally similar shall be avoided. Such similarity { Hopp. No. tt 1431 f 4 ~,yg ATLANTIC BEACN CODE apetifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in the form prescribed by the rules of the board. The administrative official shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, transmit [o the community development board, all the documents, plans, papers or other materials constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. e. Stay of urork. An appeal to the community development board stays all work on the Dremiaes and all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the administrative official shall certify to the community development board that, by reason of (acts stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings or work shall not be stayed except by a restraining order, which may be granted by the community development board after application to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. b. Hearings o(appeafa The community development board shall fiz a reasonable time (or the hearing d the appeal, give public notice thereof, as wall as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person, by agent or by attorney. (8) Appeals of decisions o(the mmmunily deuefopmeni board Any person or persons. jointly or severally. aggrieved by any decision of Che community development board or any taxpayer, or any officer, department. board ar bureau of the city commission, may present W the city wmmission a petition, duly veriRed, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. The petition shall be presented to the commission within thirty (30) days aRer the filing d the decision in the office o(the board. (4) in a:ercisiog the powers granted by this section, the community development board, by Ne concurring vote d Ne majority of members, rosy reverx or affirm, wholly or partly, or modify Ne order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from. and may make sash order, requirement, decision or determination es should be made, and b Net erd shall have all Ne powtr d the official from whom the appeal is taken. Rulings and decisions d Ne community development board shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of such ruling m decision. (Ord No. 90.8274, 4 2(III, B, 4), 7~26b2; Ord. No. 90$7.117, 4 1, 39-87) gad. t~da-2410. Beaenad. . DIVLSION 3. APPLICATION pROCEDURI+B Bee. f4•gl. Amendment. repeal. W The rity communion nnY from time m tine amend, supplement, change or repea i :he mniog negulatumte, rastrietioru a district boundaries n eK out in Nis chapter. (b) proposed changes std emendtoenu may be suggested by the dty communion, the planning agettcl. ^ property oa.ner for hie own land or hY petition d Ne owners d fiftyone Svw. No. s 1421 "LONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS 4 2449 lions of this chapter will result in unnecessary hardship. In order to authorize ne any variance from the terms of this chapteq the community development board must find that: et- -~ I. Special cottditiom and cireumatattcea ezist which are peculiar to the lend, (71 structure or building involved and which ere not applicable to other lends, ', 's; etrudurea or buildings in the came district; d 2. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the utiom of the applicant; to 3. Granting the variance requested will not udder on the applicant any epeeiel d Drivilege that ie denied 6y this chapter to other Ianda, buildings or strut force in the acme lining district; 4. Literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant d rights commonly enjoyed 6y other properties in the same caning ~ district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; 5. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the d~ reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and d- purpose of this chapter and the variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. ,n c. In granting any variance, the community development board may prescribe car appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this division and any ordinance enacted under its authority. Violation d the mnditioris and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be al• deemed a violation o(this chapter. d' d. Under no circumstances, except as permitted above, shall the community devel~ br opment board grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted or eh permitted by a:ception in the zoning district involved or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this chapter in the zoning district. No noncodorming use of neighboring lends, structures or buildings in the come zoning district end no permitted use of lands, structures or buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered grounds for the authorzation d a variance. Rte e. In exercising its powers, the community development board may, upon appeal tgs, and in conformity with the provisions of this division, reverx or affirm, wholly tall or pertly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination being appealed, and to that end shall have the powers to direct the issuance d the necessary permit. ~ (21 Appett4 o(adminisfra[iue anions. Appeals to the community development board may in be taken by any person aggrieved ar by any officer, board or department d the city nlfecled by any decision of the administrative official under this article. Such appeal for shall be taken within thirty (301 days after rendition of the order, requirement, i1K dectaion or determination appealed from by filing with the officer from whom the rvi ~ appeal is taken end with the cemmunity development board a notice d appeal Sapp. No. s 1423 g 2gg7 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE f9) To poet signs on property undergoing zoning proceedings and promptly remove these signs after the zoning prates is completed; (10) To mail notices of zoning requests to be considered at the regularly scheduled meet- ings of the community development board to respective members at least seven (71 days prior to the meeting date to allow members ample time to review the requests; (11) To hire such persons as necessary to assist in the fulfillment of the requirements of the once end delegate to these employees the duties and responsibilities assigned to the administrative oRcial as may be necessary to carry out properly, the functioru oC the once. (Ord. No. 90-8274, 4 2(111, B, 21. 7-2682; Ord. No. 9087-1 l7, g 1. 3~9-871 Sec. 3448. Plaarting agency. The community development board, as established by the city commission, shall serve as the planning agency and shall have the following duties and responsibilities' (11 To review those matters referted to the planning agency and hold regululy sehed~ uled meetings for the purpose of reviewing cueh documents; 12) To review site plans for all proposed subdivision development redevelopment, includ- ing planned unit developmenLS, in the city: 131 To lrarumit to the proper governmental bodies, agencies or departments the written recommendation of the planning agenty. where the rerommendationc ere tolled for by this chapter; (4) To provide (or internal procedures, with the assistance o(the administrative oRcial, required to carry out the intent of this article. Such procedures shell include desd~ lines fm filing applications prior m regularly scheduled meetings to sllow time for adequate review and the preparation o(a written report sod recommendation of tech application. (Ord. No. 90~82~T4, 421111. B, 3), 72682: Ord. No. 9087117, 6 1, 3-9871 Set. 24-08. Community development board. The community development board shall be appointed by the city commission. The orgeniration and procedures under which this board operates, its arrangement of meetings. adoption of rules and its method of handling appeals, variances or other related matters shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 14 of this Ordinance Code. (1) Power and duties. The community development board may: a. Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an ertor in any order. requirement, decision or determination made 6y the adminietrecive oRrial in the enforcement of this chapter. b. Authorize, upon appeal in specific cases, and upon findings of fart, such minor variances from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interes! where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provi- $upD. No. 5 1422 a E s After discussion, Mr. Molfson saved to deny the variance. Mr. McGoran seconded the Botion and it passed by a vote of 9 - 3. V. Application for Variance filed 6y Tarnsend and Virginia Narkee to construct a garage apartment on a non-conforsing lot located at 1773 Beeeh Avenue. Mr. and hrs. Tornsend Harker introduced thesselvea to the Board end explained that the variance roe requested to alloy thes to construct a garage apartsent on a 50 x 50 lot on the vest aide of Beach Avenue. Variances ere needed for sinisuB lot size end rear yard setback. After discussion, Nr. Molfson sowed to deny the variance. hr. Prohrein seconded the notion and the variance yes denied 6y e vote of 5 - 2. VI. Application for Plat Revi.er by Millis Morgan for property located on the north corner of 19th Street. Mr. Nillias Morgan introduced hisself to the Bosrd and explained that he desired to replat the property into six separate late for the purpose of selling thee. After diacusalon, hr. Molfson roved to recossend the replotting to the City Cassiselon and to encourage the proposed use of single fesily hoses ss yell as one-ray traffic on the street. Ma. Pillsore seconded the aotidn and it ras uneniBOUSly passed. There being no further 6ueinees to core before the board on sotion Bede end seconded the Besting ras adjourned. SIGNED:______________________________ :x,4 ~. NEM BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance Siled by Nargaret Cresson to enclose an existing rood deck rhich rould eneroeche the rear yard setback requirements on property located at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive. Ms. Cresson introduced hereeli to the board and explained that the variance ras requested to alloy construction of a screened enclosure on an existing deck. After discussion of rhether a hardship existed end the impact on ether properties, he. Gregg moved to approve the variance ee requested. Mr. Horie seconded the motion. The motion failed 6y a vote of 2 - 5. II. Application for Variance filed by The Church of the Living God to construct an addition to the church rhich rill encromch the setback requirements on property located at 390 Church Roed. Mr. James Rivera introduced Aimseli to the Board and explained that the Church ras requesting a variance to add needed room for the congregation. After diecuasion, Ms. Pillmore moved to approve the variance. Ms. Gregg seconded the motibn end it ras unanimously approved. III. Application for Variance filed by Clyde and Elizabeth Asbury to park a motor home in the front setback of property located at 545 Seaspray Avenue. Mr. mod Mre. Asbury introduced thesselvee to the Board and explained that the variance ras requested to permit them to continue to park a motor home in violation of the front yard setback due to health problems. The Chairwan presented a letter from a neighbor expressing approval of the variance request. Mr. Asbury stated that another 19 approvals rare submitted •ith their application. After diecuasion, he. Pillmore moved to approve ±he variance on e temporary basis until auto time as hr. Asbury could no longer operate the motor home. Mr. Horie seconded the lotion. The wotion tailed by a vote of 3 - 4. IV. Application for Variance tiled by Gudron Morrison to retain a screened enclosure in violation of the rear yard setback on property 'located et 4G3 Seaspray Avenue. Ms. Lori Nesketh, a friend of the applicant, introduced herself to tAe board and explained the reasons the variance ras requested. Reasons included mosquito infestation end raccoons. She explained tAat the structure had already been constructed. t r ~: d ~` s MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Novewber 17, 1992 7:00 P. M. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg NcCeulie Samuel Hovie Ruth Gregg Don Molfaon Robert Frohrein Pat Pillwore Mark McGoran AND Alen Jensen, City Attorney George Morley, II, CD Director Pet Harrle, Reoording Secretary ABSENT Chairaan Gregg NcCeulie, called the we¢ting to order and asked for apptovwl of the winutee crow the westing of October 20, 1992. Upon stion duly wade and seconded acid sinutee rare approved. OLD BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filed by Dorothy •nd Stan Jones to park a sotor hove in the front yard setback of property located wt 2051 Sewinole Roed. Stan ]Dose introduced hiwwelf to the board and explained the reasons the original Variance roe requested. Hs requested an extension of that original Vwrience until the eertlflcate of occupancy roe issued for hie ner hose currently under conatruetion. After discussion Ne. Gregg wooed to approve an extenalon of Bix l6) soothe. Nr. Horie seconded the motion and it roe approved by a vote of ~ - 1. II. Application for Variance i11ed 6y Jawea Barrington Darby to construct a carport rhich rill encroach the Bide yard setback on property located et 350 Ocesn Boulevard. Mr. Derby introduced hisevlf to the board end stated the reasons a variance rse requested. Alter discussion, Mr. ilorie wooed to approve the variance rith the condition that the etruceecondeG thewotioneandrlthpesaed Slawwable weteriale. Me. Gregg by a vote of ~ - 3. t 9fif I o -PROPOSED 2.5TORY I pRAME STRUCTURE o) N ~ ~ ~ ~ V1 i ---' ~_ UILD1 G pyEQNA G ~_ . _ i ~. . ~ ' •_ ~.O~.oa -. p L. - = -. 6EAGH AVENuE ,4 ~~~`` - LEGAL D~SCRIpTlOlJ : • ,. . ">~.. AR O T GD ED IAI OAR BOOK 3098-721 ~:, ~ • t C- C•, ,.. y.. L I _._~ C) J ~a u~ ti Q ,~ .;. ,.-. .:.; .~ 7 P n d ~~ ~~ =twit-_,. . __~-I I ~~ i ' i ~ ~ ~ ~_~ .i i ` dry r . <n nyp I i u ~~ ' ~ ~ ~~ ))~ i J of i` n ' S. i ~, i'. is 0 =i L1 W 1 ~"' W W rr ~, i U i'~~i ~~~ I,; i II I~I ~~:~ ire ~~ ~ ,, _:~i•~ :. -~ r_ -; ~ I i i_:=: '~ ~ i ': n ,, I ~!~' '!I;- j -;~ij~, ~Tl i ~ i ~~ ~I ~ -_ _~ ~~=~_ IfLll. ~~ `~ `_i y is `1 .) S1 . ;~-,~ ,. If you deei re nny further information or clsrificaLion, or _ assistance with an application 'for Variance, please'do not hesitate to contact the 8ui iding end Zoning Department at City Hall or by telephone at 247-5826. Sincerely, ,~. ' ~ .. . +. ~ ~OIA~~ -- -_ ..__- sa '.=.. ~ ~ GeorG .. Pl i . :~.? ~~ T'~ anner c ty ee: Mayor and Commi seionere ~ ~~ ~ " Kim Leinbach. City Manager Alan Jensen, City Attorney _ r_ : ~, . . .~j • YJ Y.. ~: ~`.. ' v` T, v'~.'- :. CITY OF rQtla+rtc"e easels - ~loscila ~. ; ;.: fir'- __-___. l.. n, i ~l ~ August 19, 1992 Mr. Townsend Hawkea ~ ' 500 North Third Street Jacksonville, FL 32250 gc~C.L,OP(c~c NEL~a(1 ~~~ ~ -. N~~ ~'~~ R~r~a+~ la `( l,-03 ~OcAOV ~ - ~occoarats ao.o wnwxnC au®, etasayavysw tF7~11gtQ ~ ]fI~ B1i e~07olr __ re: PL Lot Recd O/R 8ook 3090-721. 60 x 50 lot-west oP 1771 Beach Aw. Dear Mr. Hawkes, ~ ~ - .~''-, We are in receipt of your letter dated August 1, 1882,' regarding the above referenced lot. Research into the hfetory of the subject lot reveals several points which effect your claim and which present courses of action other than a Posat6ly protracted and costly lawsuit ati£empting to prove a 'Taking'. '' Regarding the Zoning and permitted uses of - ' lot, you should be aware that the applicablarzonnp taop8~j~ This elaseifieation requires a minimum lot size of b0 z 1QQ, with setback requirements of 20 feet in front and roar, and a minimum of 5 feet, total of 15 fpet for Lhe two citlae. The City of Atlantic Beath has provisions in its Zoning Coda that allow property owners to aDp1Y for dimensional `Vartancas' if a hardship exists which preciutleP Lhem from complying with coda requirements. e -'. :' ~',. The lots on the west side of BegCh Avenue between 17th StrNt'^ and 10th Street were originally platted for Lhe expressed .-. Durpose of providing additional perking for the lots on. the :~ east side of 0each Avenue. This unusual procedure was Cone many years prior to annexation of the area by Atlantic Beaeh. Since that original platting, there have been seven atructjures built on these lots. Of the seven, four combined yhese Iota with larger lots to Lhe west, Lwo applied for antl reutvsd variances of one kind or another, end one pre-dates the annexation and no records are available on it. - Given Lhe above• conditions and history, we recommend that you make application to the Community Development Board .requesting a Variance to the minimum lgt,size and •setback requirements for the purpose of constructing a private garage on the iot. Applications are, available from Lhe Building and Zoning Department at City Hall. I~ I .® ~ - , . fOWNSEND C. Hnw T. E: ••^~J^~ BEACH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 500 No,ih Thbd Slree! ~ F.O. Bo, 5130] Jedsomlile Beech. Florlde 32250 i elephona X904) 2499011 Nov. 2, 1992 Atlantic Beach Community Development Board 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Attn, hir. George k+o rley, City Planner Y•.%.t /b L.rM Siw IfH Gentlemen) Re; Pt Lot Recd 0(R Bk 9098-721 Rear of 1771 preach Ave. Recently I asked a mortgage broker, one Robert Tipton of Florida . }come Equity filortgage Brokers, for a small loan on the above lot in the rear of my residence at 1771 Beach Ave., and after an inveeti- Pation at your City Hall, he discovered that the zoning had bean changed on this lot so it can be used only as a flower Ded or poss>.b ly for parking cars. When I purchased the property early in 1970 I understood that this lot was zoned Yor a garage for the front house should we decide that we needed more garage space. which we do. The same principle that the oceanfront owners are going to sue in Federal Court against the State of Florida for partly "taking' their homes through defacto condemnation applies here and, of course, the supreme Court of South Carolina in a similar suit ruled that rhea the State or City rezones a property so it cannot be used Yor the purpose for which it was originally bought, this, indeed, is a "taking" and moat be paid exactly as a condemnation taking. I fix m loss at $$0,000 through the action of the City in changing the zoning and this is the settlement I would expect fmm the CIty for rendering my lot unbuildable. Of course, you realize that thxze new garage apartments have been constructed within the last two years adjoining, or almost adjoining, my property on similar sued lots. TH/vh - .~._.,. •Fn ce REAaG[i A . r. V:rM [~L 6rieG SitnCE D[ JACCOVViLL%. t[<".. '. ~y : . truly yours, S TOWNSE~HG~E. ~h~y~/VIIV. T-r.. l.~r lr..i1..+ ~~ J.vtUrcn,E ,fACHFt RFwUOtS wSSSDG.iI:On bn l.nN.., _ .. anal VaCMF1 ~+o:,^K .St<OC UiiO•: .;. ,~-. -2- 4 g S ;~.. A number of garage apartments have been built in our area and have been passed Dy the City of Atlantic Beach and these have been on So'x50' lots except that the ploy was used that they had aide yards although the buildings themselves had yards only 50• deep such as we have. In conclusion, we do request the City of Atlantic Beach to live up to its promise to the City of Jacksonville and to the older residents who purchased homes and lots while under the jurisdiction of the City o£ Jacksonville and permit us the free use of our land for the purpose for which we originally purchased it.' To deny us the right of private ownership is contrary to the Izws of the United ^tates and to change the zoning, so that we could not use the property for our original purpose calls for the City o£ Atlantic Beach to compensate us for our monetary loss according to a recent decision by the Supreme Court concerning ^outh Carolina oceanfront in an exactly similar case. Thank you for your attention to this matter and enclosed are copies of the plans for the home we wish to cons truct, and as to height, it is substantially less than the defac to hei ghte of neighboring garage apartments and duplexes both to the north and south of the lot in question in actual measurement irom~the pavement and some of these lots were built up 4• to 5' higher than the street level to maintain a greater height above sea level. Also our proposed structure will meet all the setback requirements and will not in any way hinder the access of emergency vehicles to Beach Ave. Incidentally, for your Snfoxmation, according to Mr. Bob Cook, past member of the Atlantic Beach City Commission, and former Mayor Billy Howell, the original name of Beach Avenue was ••Garage Approach Road^ and as stated above, most Atlantic Beach garages had living quarters above. T}(/vh Ence. Very ttu ly yours, TDWNSEND HAWKES ®. ~ 1 R . J TOWNSEND D. NAWKL' /""•"' BEACH RFAL E57ATE INSURANCE L..+a rb pr.rbn 500 North Thhd Sheet . P.O. Bo. ii30) L"' u,. Jeckzonvdle Beech. Floride 32[iC Telephone ~90+J 219901 I Dec. 2, 1992 61r. Kim Linebach City S?anager 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, ?L 32233 Deer Mr. LinebachF Regarding the matter that we wish to bring before the Atlantic Beach City Commission on Nbnday, December 14, 1992. this pertains to our desire to build a garage apartment to serve as our retirement home on our 50'x$0• lot immediately west of our original home at l~yl Beach Ave. which we are forced to sell because of financial reverses. The rationale that we use in claiming that we have a legal aTd moral right to build on said lot is that when we originally purchased the lot in the latter part of 1969. this was a part of the City of Jacksonville and the City of Jacksonville did permit garage apartments to be built on these small lots lying westerly of the large oceanfront houses for the purpose of garages and servants' quarters and, of course, later these servanta• quarters became guest houses all up and down. not only this Seminole Heach area, but the entire Atlantic Beach area all the way down to the Sea Turtle. }ii etorically, these were built either on the westerly por- tion of the oceanfront lot or immediately across Beach Ave, and, of course, maT~y of them were built on $0'x$0' lots. It is my understanding that when the City of Atlantic Beach agreed to take this North Atlantic Beach oceanfrontage and make it part of Atlantic Beach, one of the a~eements to this transfer of property was that Atlantic Beach would honor the commi 4Dents made to the residents of North Atlantic Beach, such as ourselves, and one of the important commitments, to us, was that this 50•x50' lot could be used to erect a garage apartment with living quarters, but now the City of Atlantic Beach denies our right to build such a structure, Our neighbor, Judge Nottingham, has offered to either attend the Dec. 14 meeting or to give us his affidavit attesting to the £act that he did go to the City Hall of Jacksonville about the time o£ Hurricane Dora (1964) and was assured that he could build a garage apartment with living quarters on his 50'x50' lot which adjoins ours immediately south of our lot in question. Indeed, Mr. Nottingham informed me that he also would pxvbably be interested in building a garage apartment for himself and disposing of his oceanfront house due to the increased taxes on the big oce5panfront houses whichPia over $6,000 a year in our case and about actuallyybei npntaxe dnouPhofrourchomes,In brief, we older people are - Nvb. JnC[SOrvvp tf FFACN lFAL1015 ASfOC1AliOn WLSVLF IISiING SEt nCE Os JACeYJM10.f I4Ce L: Tnin An )ruJru il9b'Jn tU~lOiS ASSObnbOrv JnC.50rv rlllF FEACN Ff FFALIORi A1550CWiOrv N Ai~O..R ni10CL5u ON OE IfALl015 /.n Ir.M,u itOl~en n5'.OCiniiON OF NOOGAGE „O.E r. JnC bOrrviuf ,fACNEi INSUI O,f nSSfOCInpC ~' NATIONAL ASSOCIAi!ON Of REALTORS' Ikttmber 2, 1991 Page 2 Court of South Carolina held that property owners who were denied permission to build on their oceanfront property by the South Cazolina Beachfront Preservation law need not be compensated because the taw is intended to prevent erosion and o[her injury to the ocean- dune system and beach area. The Supreme Court will review this decision and the question of whether compensation must be paid in such a case to the property owner even though the ordinance at issue was adopted to serve the public purpose objec[ive of preventing injury to the beachfront. The utxs case will be briefed and argued early in 1992, and decided in late spring or early fall. I am sure the general news media as well as the various NAR publications will carry items about the decision when it is rendered. We appreciate yotu interest in these important issues. Sin / / ~Q ~ t^'r Ua~ p6 W. Holmen RWl~bh ~.,_ r~. L[[~ tNiGI~~ REALTOR NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® a~~~a~ X70 N. dluipal Aaxs pyr~pp, Wpi560r11-~ also a a. s..~r ca.a.l ° The~oicefor~a/ESbte'Y ~""""~'29°9° Fa 3L^ 329ffi76 TO CALL WRITER DIRECT: 312 329-8375 December 2, 1991 Mr. Townsend Hawker President Townsend Hawker & Company, REALTORSaP 500 North Third S[reet P.O. Boz 51307 Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32250 Dear Mr. Hawker: ' Lauretu Janilt has asked me to respond m your letter of October 26, 1991. I can advix you that the National Assottia[ion haz indeed been active in supporting the efforts of private property owners in resisting unconsti[utional appropriation of their rights .by government en[ities. NAR actively supported and lobbied for the Private Property Act of 1991, and haz participated az ~cu curiae or contributed money in a number of taus imoWing such issues, iaduding First English Lutheran Church v Lr+s Aneeles (twist), Presault v. ICC. Pennell v. San Jose. and, most recently, Loveladies Harbor. Ine. v. Unfired States and s'ulberrv Hill D~+elopment . v. United Stales. The latter two cases imrolve wetlands preservation undtr Sectioa 404 of the Clean Water Act, which at the present time is one-of the most prominent and activey debated areas of property use regulation. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with the New Jersey decision which you desrn'be in your letter. Although there is rto doubt that a government is liable to pay compensatory damages to a property owner fora "regulatory taking" of proper ty, the extent and nature of regulation which constitutes a "taking" is not w.:ll-defined. Under Federal constitutional law, a rezoning of property to a less intensive uu is not generally a taking unless the owner has alreadly clearly established reasonable "investment-backed expectations" of using the property in a particular fashion You will Jx: pleased to know, if you are not already aware, that the United States Supreme Court has recently accep[ed for review a case based on facts much Gke thou briefly aet forth in your letter. !n Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Commission. the Supreme If/~gly", t,I W,OYy s.Y1 qY,Y I/Y YY/IYY~ W ~ 06,1 Y W Wl nR0GY1 •r RN9T ~ Y,YYY~YY~IC4Y"YY ~. ..r.. -:-~. ~~ rowEfswo o. Yww[fs w..ff.., 1 ' 1 .- OEAd1 EEAI ESTATE INSUgANCE 500 North Third StlNE - P.O- eo. 51707 Je[k,anril4 aaerh. Fhride 32250 Tskphone ~90{~ 219.90E 1 Dec. 24, 1991 The Honorable William T. Gulliford ((try;.-'.•.!_ISC ,!,%~ Etflyor, City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road L(21~ FJ- i'r .:' Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Rtayor Gullifordf LrvYI ,4 IrrYl fNrc InI .::: ~ Regarding the Property Rights preservation Association battle vs DNR Coastal Construction Control Line, here is a letter that I received from the National Association of Realtors in regard to Pederal Court decisions involving Coastal Property Rights when Governments have taken property without compensation. In Paragraph 2, Nr. Holmen, who ie very active in this phase of the National Realtors Association's struggle to preserve private property ri ghte, mentioned that he, too, did not remember the New Jersey decision, and now it comes to me in a blinding flash why he didn't. The New Jersey Decision actually did not involve Private property RS ghte but inete ad was centered around the right of Realtors to put signs on property for sale based on the First Amendment regarding freedom of speech, and it was an embarrassing trick of my memory that made me think that this decision which said no community could prohibit Real Estate signs in the U. 5. had anything to do with private owners. In the Incas vs South Carolina Coastal Commission, this decision could be bad news for us except that we can easily prove that the Florida DNR regulation of the Atlantic Beach setback line would not do anything to prevent erosion or injury, the only injury Doing to the property owners who lose control of their property, just by a whim of the State Government. Very truly yours, TOWNSEND HAWKES T}(/vh Bnc, - Nufu JAC[fOMVIILE IFACM lfµlOEf wSSOCIwIIOrc YVLIIRE 4511N6 ffEYICE OE !M1C[fpNYIUE [fwCMFl )~.1. /,.. I.IIYI.I il0[IPw [FAL10[5 11fSCClnlr(H1 1wC[fONrrLLf [FAGNff lFwLIOfS ASSSOCU(IOM NAf1OMAL w$SOCIw11OM OE [fAL1Olf /W /p,i1..1 FldlOw w1fOCiwIrON pi YpiGFGE HO[F[f lAC[SONlrltf NwdEf ,NSV[O[S wfffOCU110N 1' TOWNSEND D. HAWKES I..u... 1 ' 1 a .• BEACH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 500 North Third Street - P.O. Bo, 51307 Jecksonvilie Beach, Florida 322 iC Telephone ~904~ 259.4011 Dec. 5. 1992 The Honorable William T. Gulliford Mayor, City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Dear Mayor Gullifordf 5...-;a rb le.rb.~ S.re 191. Enclosed please find a copy of a letter sent to City Manager Y.im Linebach supporting our request for a permit to build on the vacant 50'x$0' lot in the rear of our home at 1771 Beach Ave. which we originally bought in a separate Bale for the express purpose of building a garage apartment. Perhaps you have for- gotten that I did some research on this for the Property Rights preservation Association and I discovered that on December 24, 1991, I sent you a letter Prom the National Association of Realtors regarding not only coastal property rights but constitutional rights of private ownership as in the case of the First English Lutheran Church v. Los Angeles. The Federal Court held that a regulatory taking of the property had taken place when the Church could not build. This deci aion said the "taking" had to be well defined but if the deprived owner could establish beyond reasonable doutba that he had "investment backed expectation" of using the property in a particular faehionl namely, in this case to build a garage apart- ment, that tie could prevail over the Government agency denying this investment backed expectation. Trust you will approve our building this garage apartment for our retirement home on moral and legal grounds. Very truly yours, .~E , TO'xiNSEND HAWKES KY. o_. TH/h Enca. - M~br - JACKSONYILLf IFACN IFALlO15 ASSOCIAIIO" 4 UlTI IIE LI Si1N6 Sf [VICE Of IAC RfONYl llf ffACNES fl0[IOA fFAIiORS ASSOCIATION MAiIOMAt ASSOCIATION Oi [fAllO[5 il0[IDA ASX1C IAliON Or YOL'GAGf f[ot[r; Prize Lu PruNm JAC[SONVItIf fFACNES ffAli08 AfffCCIApON 1... Irr.;I.v JACRSOIrvILLE EfAC/ES INSUROfi ASSSOCUf10\ ~ . CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial by Townsentl Hawker SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner DATE: December 8, 1992 BACKGROUND: Mr. Hawkes is the owner of an oceanfront home at 1771 Beach Avenue and a 50' X 50' lot directly across Beach Avenue. Mr. Hawkes desires to construct a freestanding garage apartment containing two living floors above a garage level. The proposed structure would encroach to within ten feet of the rear property line. A 50' X 50' lot is a substandard lot in Atlantic Beach antl requires a Variance for any construction thereon. In addition a Variance to the rear setback requirement is also needed and Lhe building height limitation is reduced in direct proportion to the reducetl size of the lot (permitting a maximum height of only 17.5 feet as the lot is only 50x of the minimum required). At the Community Development Board meeting the discussion was primarily regarding the original purpose of the lots on the west side of Beach Avenue in that block. It was pointed out that the lots had originally been platted to provide additional parking for the oceanfront homes and not intended for the construction of homes. The Board also expressed great concern for the potential adverse impact of additional traffic and restriction of parking in that vicinity. A motion was made and seconded to Deny the request and carried by a vote of 5 to 2. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is concerned about the potential for setting a precedent for allowing the construction of full sized structures on half sized lots. There are 10 lots of the same size as Mr. Hawkes lot remaining in that block, all of which can claim the same privilege as requested by Mr. Hawkes. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter of Appeal from Townsend Hawker 2) Application for Variance 3) Minutes of Community Development Board 4) Sections 24-49 (1) b. 1-6, 24-490(•3 )~, 2^p4-82 (b), REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER ',~ i AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~'~(~-` TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ~' ,N , I HAVE NO 08IECTION TO THE MOTUR HOME TiIAT IS PARKED AT 545 SEASPRAY AVE, I SEE NO ]cF.ASON FOR £. "0 Br'. REMOVED AND I WILL NOT, OBJECT :'0 MR CLYi): ASBURY, OBTAINING A VARIANCE TO KEEP":' ON HS i'.'20PER:`f ~.• IN ITs present iocatlon ~ dd !" _, // i.A~..7:. name. '---f~- - '°'~<------------------"- y • ,, :~. /~; ?°~' addreas, __3Dl?___~CbYE?.~'~___~±~e_~1f!~g_~~u,~naY ;r: •' . !? Cp ~NER .~> y '..,,~. ~.. i TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN. I HAVE NO OBIECTION TO TH': MOTOR HGMF: 'THAT ZS PAdKF:D A'i 545 SEASPRAY AVE. I SEE NO REASON FOR i': '.'U BE 2EMOYF:D AND WILL NOT OBJECT TO MR CLYDE. ASP.U3Y. OP:AI NING A ' VARIANCE TO KEEP IT ON HIS PROP=:RY'f IN Z.s PRESENT " ~ LOCATION. .:, NAME ~ 1/!~C^[1r~7~._._1=_/t_" _ ~~ ___ _ ADDRESS _`1~f___1_'-' :'`.~;wu-~1___ ~~__.__._ TO WNOM IT MAY CONCERN, .i,i I HAVE NO OBiECTION TC T.HE MOTOR HOMi: ?HAi' IS PARKED Ai ~' 545 SEASPRAY AVE. i SEE• NO nEAS0t7 FOR .T 's0 BE REMOVt.D AND L WILL NOT OBJECT TO M3 CLYDii ASBURY, `~'=~;,~,;; OBTAINING A VARIANCE TO KESti.Y IT ON H?S 730PERT'i IN :~ ~~~ ITs PRESENT LOCATION, ~~ (~ ,P'. ~g~~~~y~ R'::. t ;•. 'k, .. NAME,-- f o i St`PJ/its y /I "~ . ~ S A,~...~ . J31J ADDRESS, ~.._ to whom :his may concern, i have no ohiection to the motor home that is parked at 545,seespray, ave. i see no reason or it to b:' removed, and i will not object, to MR, Ciyde Asbury, obtan:np, a variance to keep it on teis Property in its present location, NAME, ,___ ADDRESS ~ ~ _ Thank you. I To whom this may concern I have no obiect:.on to the motor home -.hat [s p~r!ced e. 545, seaspray ave, i see ro reason `nr .z to be r<•noved And 1 will not object to Mi, C: de Ac b~.r.-y, ~ obtaining a variance ro keep un his Property in its present iora:. i.on; i K~ I' ~ -.: .f a . ~ < ~ ~,.-. . ~,. y._ Address, __-.-_~_._~._. ;i r .. . i i )b ; .: s r. .IF L . _.. i ~-.. 1 . .,a ~. ~ _ {4.1 . ^'I~' yru.. ,f. .;. d"r. ~, ~_. '~ri ':.Y';{_ ,} . 6)1-: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I HAVE NO OBIECTION TO THE MOTOR HOME 'fHA"i IS PARKED KC 545 SEASPRAY AVE, I SEE NO SEASON FOR I3 TO BE REMOVED AND I WILL NOT OBJECT TO MR CLYDE ASBURY, OBTAINING A CARIANCE TO KEEP IT ON HIS PROPERTY IN ITs PRESENT LOCATION, ~ % -~~ r NAME ~~~~ _ `_ _ --!1-L~s~ . _ .'~- ... ADDRESS _r~ / 5~l6~-~'(;~~4 >ivt !'Tl PFD TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I HAVE NO OBIECTION TO T}I:i MOT03 HCML• THAT IS RARKE'v A" 545 SEASPRAY AVE, I SEE NO REASON FOR IT TO RE REMOVED AND I WILL NOT OBJECT TO MR CLYDE ASBURY OBTAINING A VARIANCE TO KEEP ON HZS PROPii:tTY IN ITs PRESENT LOCATION ~~^,Jl// /\P ~., NAME -~~~d--7~'~a~___.... ADDRESS, SB3 S~y(cr~yf~//}yly 71/h/A fit-'/poly TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I HAVE NO:ABIECTION TO THE MOTOR HOME THAT IS PARKEU A'i 545 SEA5PRAY AVE, I SEE NO REASON FOR IT TO RE REMOVED AND I WILL NOT OBJECT TO MR CLYDE ASRURY OBTAINING A VARIANCE TO KEEP IT ON HIS PROPERTY IN ITs PRESENT LOCATION, ~ 11 .~ NAME--1 =F--^~=-------------------------- _ , ADDRESS ~ " ' ~"2.'^c~.a-~~ 1~~~~C',-_ !1~_~l__I" l- ~~ . ----------------r--t------- 7-` ~- !`- '.r ':'- .} ,.. < t/ j ADDRESS _ V ~~ ~~~%,.'~_ (~ ~, ~ ~; ll~l-' to whom this may concern i have no obiection to the motor home that is parked at 545 seaspray ave, i see no reason for it to be removed and i will not object to mr Clyde asbury, obtaining a variance to keep it on his property in its present location, _ to whom [his may concern, i have no obiection to the motor hone that is parked xt •' 545 seaspray ave, i see no season for it to be removed and i will not object to mr c`yde asbury, abtainng a variance to keep '_[ nn hie, property 4. Sn its present location, r ,/ name -t____ -----------'-----"-- ~-y ~ C'/' ADDRESS ~ 7 ~ Ic~/> ~C~i ~"' f~t~ i0 WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN, Z HAVE NO OBIECTION T.0 ?HF. ±%i)?03 HOM ^'4A° iS PA3KED A: 545 SEASPRAY AVE. T_ SEE NO SEASON FUF i_ ?v B 3EMOVED AND I WILL NOT OBJECT a0 Mn CLYDE ASBUA`f OBTAIINING A VARIANCE TO KErP ?T UN N_5 PFOP'~?`! IN ITS PRESENT LOCATION ?HANK vBU ~/ 1 ~ :LAME ~~ V/ /('~/~~l~fJz~ ~ ~ ll NAME - ~SS'_ 1~1~____~____! ~_Ll~-~?'_' ______.__ ADDRESS- ~~ L"____ ~~'_`••_~ L_, ~' _l.; _~_~~____ 1_1_~l r~ .~ `., p-ecut..~iZ, -- - ; I X1.1-~.e R V czt .s~~s.~'rau~~~~ .~. ~2~ ~- -- --:.~~e~r~.t/;,n.e .cva~.,~ -tit `-~..~~~, a'n~ _...-- ; C~cE'~.ec.~oz..~C-~ etnu~C~~.t a~u{~ -c.~ ,t~cF __._ - ~L o-~z su-f mount . Jai E.. 2,ti.~ :~~y~C//an2~BL.(~~~1i_¢_ Clio-~. ~Y C~~r~.JQL ~+vl. _ ' eli.i.~iQ,lA.r~-cu-~ia..rL .L apt.. du.z' ``~ ,, -,-:. ~ .. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I HAVE NO OBI ECTION TO THE NO'f0a hbM': TnA': :S PAtKEu A:' 545 SEASPRAY AVE , I SEE NO :ii?ASON FO"i . _ .; 9.i :tEMO'~1::Ii AND I WILL NOT OBJECT TO M.'c, C!.''L'l ASRU2':' OBTAINING A '/AR:ANCE TO KEEP i'i OiJ !i=:S ~'aOi°F.~e'Y N iTs PRESENT LOCA?ION, NAME, .~'it /~/fG /.! ~ -^^-c ~ ~-~~ .'~ ; ~;;_(.~. i ADDRESS, .S >' 3 ;-,^ " ' '1l; Nr tic, rte' ._~1' .. - '~ "~~: -. •~. .~ : : ~ , `i/ a„ . ,m,.o... WNO W. prtuu sR. a. r~. y'°~~.,...~,~., mts faa~>~o nsMa Hama wr '~.~~ r~ j' ~ .l /~ w ~l ~+.. ~ ~4"1 mil' /~ 1~..~~4-- I 1 /Z. m w we.s~. ^ .an ~ ~Y zf ~r ".. ~" `. ~ ~ . '~ f t ' ` ~ ~ '~ s. ~ +~,~. ,~ ;r ~f ` ~~ ' :r. . .. r,-.. .. [ .i. • r.. :. / il t' . :~' ~~~• l 4 ` ~ . .: .. . „w. xciNics'.A: ~. To the members of the zoning, board; L, Clyde Asbury who resides at 545 Seaspray Ave. in Atlantic Beach request the zoning board to extend the priveledge of keeping my motorhome whe-e it has been fo- the past four years. ' I am handicapped and moving it from a storage facility everyday to work on it would be to hard on me bes!des heing very expensive. I keep myself busy by working on •_t keeping it Ln top shape and cleaning and waxing it. It keeps me active and has helped me to keep my muscles excerc!.sed. The generator must be run at lex,st :and 1/2 hours every month and also it must be allowed to air cut a minimum of every two days. It takes at least one full day to get it ready for a [rip and 24 hours to have the refrigerator cold. It is perked 10 feet from the top of the curb which !s the grass line. There is no room on either side of our house Co park it or I would park it there. Nnne of my neighbors have ever complained and have said that it is kept up neatly and does not interfere with them at ai:. Please consider allowing me to keep my motorhome parked in my yard in its current place. 'f hank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you. Si n~.e rely 1. ~~ Clyde J. Asbury ~:;~ ' ~~~ ~Ct~~~~ ,: ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ Jv~i ..~-u-e.,o k ~a..+~.o~ a . 3 ./a-c.. .. _ .._ .. _ - G~/ _. _ O~j ~ . a..~ep -~(,.,_ /~ . a tb nx,. ..cam __ ~~ 0 .,ra-•,. ~. d ~ D ~~. _ _ nn,weM -t~'`. fA~^- .~wt ! v"`°p'a~lLm~!-' lJ~~WvQ~^J~_ ,8..~.eruy~, sue: .. .,.d~+- ,..~.. Q.o,~. -R.s-p ~o . ~~ a ~'. _ p ,,•L ~,x.~.+t~ -- :.~- PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICATION FE[ fS0.00 APPLICATION F00. VARIANCE _...~~"'-~ V DATE FILED:J/_ ~ Q G, !'3H 21992 TO REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM ?NE REGULATIONS INDICATED MEREIp~ldngaed Z~onih~ ARC PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UNNECESSARY ILlppgpIp3 IN CARRYING 0pY Y6 STRICT 16TTER OF THE CODE OR ORDINANCE SHE UNDERSIGNED NEREgY APPI.IPf tOR '~ A VARI lNCE AS POLLONS: Nama end address of appllesnt requesting verlennt Notat If the applitimt~ is other then ell the owners of the property, written caseest •lgaN 6y sIi" the owners of the property shell be ettaehedt " PNON6 .. eY ~_..IN _ Works 'h`( _a3l Variance is Bought from the provisions of that (~~~ Zoning Cods ( ) Eullding Coda ( ) Electrical Code ( ) Neehenieel Coda Location o! building or •tructura: On tha NO,C.~f~ aide of_ SC pS~rn.~+ n• eoTw •Ct Street address and legal description of proper[ deed, end survey or plot diagram 1Rdieatfng Dze ( ) P1umDieg Coda ( ) 0[hat '~ (. , Notrt Attach copy o! r t i `s t lJ Zoning Clusifieatiost ~,1~_ ( Section of Code from which variance L sought:~_ Daaerfbe verianee reeusceAe f ~._._ _-_Y~_ 1J :_r ` %; r `'; ~' j E, ~ ~,.' ~,~ S. .~ ~.{ 1 ~ ..N. .: -.; -rr-•--••s ..•..nacn •nouaa Da cone Sdered by the Sorard: `~`d'~'~_. - ~/ v ~ oY. 1 !~ Are conetructlon plans eubwfeted with this applleationt /~~ -~ ~'• The tenon vailsnce !s being sought: >L 41„M,. V,~.~.~. rer ,w mrvnea wena•rr one Thit Inslmmenl PrcDarzd Bf: DOROTHY 11. MCRRI$ vo~5321 tc 240 Warranty deed MelroDOldan LHC b Cuaonp Co. li3f EOllewood Avenue $OYN A-fICUL RECORDS: LcoBroawrw lacksonviup Florida 32YO+ tot IIIDOi1'DiB, Meda this 17th, day o! April . A. D. 108E Be'Lp'EEN I116 NBW NHi COleANY • eaepwetbe w{mlwd end e:inin{ under the laws of the Stele of Florida d do CeEm4 d Dtrvsl ,Stele o! Flo[3 da . Deity M Ne that pert, end CLYDE J. ASBURY AND ELIZABETH J. ASBDRY, 1!is wife 565 Seesprey Avenue, Atlantic beach, Florida 32233 d Bn Cam4 d Dtroel , Slele of Florida pules of the sreend pen. i thel the geld posy of the tlrsl pert, for end in coruldenlien o[ the aum of ------- -----------TEN AND NO/100___________________..________________ Ddlua. Y St ~ Ird poll h7 tha Wd pen l¢a of the second put, lha reeelDt whereof la hereby hoe {noted, iwpined end raid to the sold Den les of the srrond pert [bier hale end earl{tu lorever, the fallowln{ deserlbed Imo riluate, IYIn{ end hYa/gb IM Cau4 K Duvel , Btala d Florida, to wit: Lot 19, Block 2, SFASPRAY, according [o plat [hereof, t recorded Sn Plet Book 35, pages b4 and 64A, of [he F ~ ~~ careens public records of Duval County, Florida, ~S~ ~ OF ~L ~ ~ 5~ STA"rC .sTnMP TAxI oo ~OCUMENTARY/~'~,. I QS tl~ a uCVi. ~F aEVEHUE~'{+~ t 4 O 1 Sub~ett [O rastrietlve covenants, conditions, easements and reeervatlons of record. AV Wa eeN pony d the flat qH don hercDY fully wmnnt Ne title to Hid Imo and wID defend the Ye riPYet the IewfW eleleu d W ptrwtu whotnseever. ~ wYr AM1Mf, tha Wd putt d the Bnt pen hu soused this Imlrummt b h executed In Its eve b EY 1•reeldml and atued 14 Cotparele Seel etlesled by lb Seae/ep to !K herclo affixed the dq W 7eu f4w chow entua .. tOt)•ldAl'i 6tAt.1 THE NEN NET t1PA{{Y ~~ p ~~. ~.. ASRlf •. II Td ~~~1 ~: , , ~ ~rJ !r ~ ___ _ _ __ «~___~_____«____________ BY_ _________ _________________ _ _ _ W. N. NALTON, JR: !4 President W OeaeW7 %'rl...~-.• Bid r frets lreeeeee: .11_: ~s/~~~ RATS Of TIARZDN ) txoYrY t>f DWAL ) erw r e~~•ny +e....a ____H,_A._3f9ki0N~._JA.________ Yid .________________________________ »r'_-'_pweldmt >oGaBttato/ oe________TLL?~IEY.ifEI_COl'I2ANY____ __________________ • tdf me Yen d We BteY eT F1or3 da .tome well known to be Ne Individuals and of/iren ~ eY [idle Yeaeled the fore[olne Imlrument and aeverallY scknowled^ed Ne execution Hereof to M Leh Aa has sal eel deed w each eB n thereunto duly euthorized; end ihet the ofticiei Peal of wid aeBweYr Y rb ettisd iherat4 end the Wd ronveYanceu the eel and deed of said eorpontion wYl11W ep heed and dBelel war thla_1Zth, deY of _______ApCil__________________ _.._, Ip.fi:._. {{ Dtndl ____W---_________, CounlY and Stele reeid. Q (..~ ~ ~~,,,i ;ja~1~ j -~t~~~=Qf`-~__/--~t`~r16_e:1.ht ~1 .+ No Public in end f tRe County end Sta{e Aforndd. ' ; n ~,8) MY Commitsion exDlr4: r -~ es"mss ~ - + y.w..r.IL~ ~ ., ~... Mhdt Se the applicant's in this varlanae7 n 7~. ..1 - IN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDCRSIOMED UNDCR BECOMES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEYE6D-11I AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED NERCIN If THE BEST OF NIS/HER KNONLEDGE. Signature of applicant/applicant'• authorized ^gent or atiorncy. If agent or attorney, include letter f=os-applicant to that effrct. Sip u» d~oine~ o! th 1. APP oatien oannet , a ro4~M_ rithout ornsrs signature. ~::.#C'•~ ~~ Applicants Do not till-in beyond thi^ point. Horever, b• respond to the Sollorlnp itena~ 1. Special conditiens and eircuwetanees exist rhloh are peculiar to the lend, structure, or building lnvolred and rhieA ere not applicable to other lands, structures or 6ui1d1nga in the ^swe zoning diatriet. 2. The apeclal conditions and circueatancea do not result from the actions of the applicant. 3. Granting thv variance requvwted rill not confer on th• spplicant ^ny special privilege that i^ denied by the code to other lends, 6uilding• or etruotures in the eawe zoning district. 4. Literal interpretation at the provisions of the cede would deprive the applicant of right^ coswonly enjoyed by other properties Sn the wawa zoning dlstrlot and rould rork unnecessary end undue hardship on the applioant. YES ;"'x.110_ . ~: '' ~'., i~. d. ~~~ '~~~ ni~~ ~~ ~~ 2,- i- 'W`~^i" S. The varicose 1s the miniwun vsrianq that rill wake possible the reasonably usv at the lmnd, building or structure. ~ .. 6. The varlanee Se Sn Harmony rlth the general intent end purpose o1 thv code. - 7. The varienee rill not conetitutr any change in the dlstriaLS shorn on the zoning map. 8. The variance rill not iwpalr m adequate supply of light end air to adjacent property. 9. Thv variance rill not waterially increase the n~.'~n -p~ubllm etrole or Sncrwee the public .~~ ~~zetr- 10. The varlanee x111 no! ma terlally diminivh or Smpalr evtnbliehed property vaiuee rithin the surrounding area. ___ 13. The variance rill not impair the health, eatety, mornly and general reltare. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 80ARD REPORT AND ACTIONSe 1 ~ W n 9In J^/ 7~y /' °. ~ ° 1 t ~~ a, ~~ i a4 ~~ ~ ~ ~S~ ffi ~:::. ,~ . . Q i ea . 4, 1 ^ Ny .,_ 1`~~' Al~/7.7(1 ~~ ~! tf r 3 I_ i i f I i _~ r _~~-.:. .. ,; . .d-~ ~,3,oti~~ _ . = -~-• . ~, -; ry :~"r ~., r Q `V \~ ~~ x J cn i~ S~'On» 7yJllhyjV ~' ,/ 1~ 1 V ~ A V ~• N.- ~y,, f: ' k: F ~~: f ,. K.: CORRECTION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REMICROFILMED TO ASSURE LEGIBILITY .... ir--~~ ii ii \L__J/ ~~~i- ' ..,.,~ ,J. '-;<. `: i •;:fi' ~:. ~ :~ ,, r.: ,.~.NAyrtcf,c .g~.v0-.S z ~ y v'~ ~ r <, r ,i f` 2 { J •~1 ~~ ~if^ .~.. i ~~ - a '_<' _ . - -___-__~~~oeRJ..ST -. - '~ ~~riaaoLF~, Rp,. ~~ ~~..- J ., _~r~: ~•~'. ..t MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF LOT ~9 F3LOCK_~ AS SHOWN ON MAP OF --- --- sE,es,~ae Y - -- --- ASRECORDEOINPLATBOOK ~s._PAGE 64G~OF PUBLIC RECORDS OF DUVAL CO., FLA. FOR .VFw-Ale,- L:oMaiv/__ _ ___ [~r !f ,rir iwAv W t 0 N ~ t 0 0 ~ ~ O ` ) L"T t4 ~'j0' G.OSdMCNI f G7~ZB FDA^~. / STORY G11s/L !'JCS OwfCSrAp ~ 2i3 ~Sr tCVES .o Map +,oa L•r zs liar Q ~ C 9.L7 ~ ~ N ~ h v ., O '7 9.L I ~'00.L I '~ ~(•.( V~- CON[. 4 N ~/E y/pLE ss ~~, t is: `V 1 HEREBY CERTIFY'TNAT TN[A[ovc_ Lor - __WAS fURV EY[D BY Y[ANO THAT fwV '/MIar1~w ~.!!..6~. A.y64/.Vc"__-_-_ ~ bOCAT[O 11/011 [AY[ At [NOMN AND THAT TM[R[ AR[,NO [NCROwCNN [NTS u1oN u/o LeT CLARSON AND ASSOCIATES,INC. fIGNED ~IQIiYp 6 ly di (~~Jj,~~ /' // SCALE: ~w• 20_ ._-wioX4.~:'U.~~-.: ,acs /L~.vs LEGEND: ^ tune w,+c .....w ~..C.r • vy~.cow~cw i ~..ooo...,... v cywwcw X cwon cur X-X- •Cw<E 4 249 ATLAN'f1C BEACH CODE specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in the Corm prescribed by the rvles o(the board. The administrative official shell, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, transmit to the community development board, all the documents. plans. papers w other materials constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. a. Sfay o(tuork An appeal to [he community development board stays all work on the premises and ell Oroceedings in furtherance oC the action appealed from, unless the administrative official shall certify to the community development board that, by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings or work shall not be stayed except by a restraining order, which may be granted by the community development board aRer aDPlication to the officer from whom the appeal k taken and on due cause shown. b. Hewings o(oppmis The rnmmuni[y development board shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the Darties in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. ~~~ /// Upon the hearing, any Darty may appear in person, by agent or by attorney. (3) Appea4 ofdecisions o(the rommuniey dme%pment board Any person or persons, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the community development board or arty taxpaYeq or any oRcer, department. board or bureau of the city <ommia5ioq rosy present to the city commission a petition, duly verified. setting forth that such decision k illegal, in whole or in Dart, specifying the grounds of the illegality. The petition shall be presented [o the commission within thirty 130) days after thr filing of the derision in the office of [he board. (4) In ezertusing the powers granted by this section, the community development board, by the concurring vole o(the majority of members. may reverse or affirm, wholly or pertly. or modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed from. and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination ac should be made, and to that ertd shall have all the power of the oRcial from whom the appeal is taken. Rulings amt decisions of the rommunity development board shall become effective kn (30) days aIIer the dale of such ruling or decision. (Ord. No. 9b82-74, 4 2(IH, B, 4). 7-26$2; Ord. No. 90$7-117, 4 1.39$7) f3eea_ 246~f4a0. Heaet+ed. DIVLSION 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Bee. IMI. Amendment, repeal. W The dry communion may from time k time amend. suppkment, change w repea ~ :he mniog Pelryktiwu, restrictions w district boundaries asset out in this dtapkr. (b) Proposed ohengn end smendmente meY be wgge~d by the dry commission, the planning agency. a property otvrter fw his own krd w by petition of the owners of fiftyoce Kh. tb.5 14z4 } Y `; 4 'LONING AND SLIRDIVLSION REGULATIONS 5 2449 lions of this chapter will result in unnecessary hardship. In order to authorue se any variance from the terms o(this chapter, the community development board must find that: et. 1. Special conditions end circumstances exist whitA ere peculiar fa the Isnd, (~) atruelure or building involved sad which sre not applicable W other lends, m: atruaures or buildings in the same district; 2. The epeeist conditions end circumstances do not result from the action of of the applicant; to 3. Granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special ~ privilege that in denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or etruc- tara in the came coning district; 4. Literel interpretation of the provision of this chapter would deprive the epplirant o(rights commonly egjoyed by other properties in the same caning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary and as undue hardship on the applicenq 5. The variance granted is the minimum variance [hat will make possible the zd~ reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and cad- purpose of this chapter and the variance will riot be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental W the public welfare. c. In granting any variance, the community development board may prescribe ~° s r riots conditions and sa( far pp op eguards in conformity with this division and any ordinance enacted under its authority. Violation of the conditions and safeguards. when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be ial, deemed a violation of this chapter. ed- d. Under no circumstances, except as permitted above, shall the community devel- fof opment board grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted or ac6 permitted by exception in the coning dutrid involved or any use expressly or 6y implication prohibited by the terms of this chapter in the zoning district. No nonwnforming use of neighboring lands, struRUres or buildings in the same caning district and no permitted use of lands, slruMUres or buildioge in other zoning districts shall be wruidered grounds Cor the authorvation of a variance. .~ e. In exercising its powers, the cemmunity development board may, upon appeal ice, and inconformity with the provisions of this division, reverse or atGrm, wholly shall or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination being appealed, and to that end shall have the powers to direct the issuance of the necessary permit. (21 Appeak oJadminisrr,uiue at[ions.Appealsto the community development board rosy fir' be taken b an d ~ y y person aggrieved or by any officer, board or department of the city elfeded by any decision o(the administrative official under this article. Such appeal shall be taken within thirty (30) days after rendition of the order, requirement, nror decision m determination appealed from by filing with the officer from whom the ublic appeal is taken and with the wmmunity development board a notice of appeal aovi- SvpD. No.S 1423 t,.=.. § 24-07 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE (9) To poet eigm on property undergoing zoning Droa~edings end promptly remove these signs aDer the zoning process is cempleted; QO) To mail notices of zoning requests to be considered et the regularly scheduled mee4 ings of the community development board to respective members at least seven 17) days prior to the meeting date to allow members ample time to review the requests; 111) To hire such permna as necessary to assist in the fulfillment of the requirements of the office and delegate to these employees the duties and responsibilities w=.igned to the administrative oRcial as may be necessary to cam out properly, the functions of the once. IOrd. No. 908274, §21111, B, 2), 7-26$2; Ord- No- 90-87-117, 4 1.3~9~871 Sec. 2448. Planning agency. The community development board, as established by the city commission, shall serve as the planning agency and shell have the following duties and responsibilities: (11 To review those mattes referred to the planning agency and hold regularly sched~ uled meetings for the purpose ofreviewing such documents; (21 To review site plena for all proposed subdivision development redevelopment, includ- ing planned unit developments, in the city; f3) To transmit m the proper governmental bodies, agenries or departments the written recommendation d the planning agency, where the retrommertdations ere called for by this chapter; (4) To provide for interml procedures, with the assistance of the administrative olBrial. required b carry out the intent of this article. Such procedures shall include desd~ lines for filing applicetiona prior to regularly scheduled meetings to sllow time for adequate review and the preparation d a written report sad recommendation of cash application. lord. No. 90-82.74, 4 2tlll, B. 3), 7-2682; Ord. No. 9087-117, 4 1. 3-9871 Sec. 2449. Community development board. The community development board shall be appointed by the city commission. The organization and procedures under which this board operates, its artangement d meetings, adoption of rules and its method d handling appeals, variances or other related matters shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter l4 d this Ordinance Code. ll) Paruer and dude: The community development board may: a. Hear and decide appeals where it is alleKed there is an ertor in any order, requirement, derision or determination made by the administrative otfirial in the edorcement d this chapter. b. Authmiu, upon appeal in specific cases, and upon findings of fact, such minor variances from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provi- Sapp. No 5 1422 e Attar discussion, Mr. Molfeon moved to deny the variance. Mr. McGoran seconded the motion end it passed by a vote of 9 - 3. V. Application for Variance tiled by Tornaend end Virginia Harkee to construct a garage apartment on a non-conforwing lot located at 1773 Beach Avenue. Mr. end Mre. Tornaend Harkee introduced themselves to the Board and explained that the variance vas requested to ellor them to construct a garage apartment on a 50 x 50 lot on the rest aide of Beach Avenue. Variances are needed for miniwum loi size end rear yard setback. Attar discussion, Mr. tlolfson mowed to deny the variance. hr. Frohrein seconded the wotion and the variance rae denied by a vote of 5 - 2. VI. Application Sor Plat Revier by Milliam Norgan for property located on the north corner of 19th Street. Mr. Yilliaw Morgan introduced himself to the Board and explained that he deslred to replat the property into six eeperate lots for the purpose of selling them. After diweuselon, Mr. Yolfson wooed to recommend the replotting to the City Cowwiaeion end to encourage the proposed use of single fawily hooves ae rell as one-ray traffic on the street. Me. Pillwore seconded the wotidn and it roe uneniwously passed. There being no further business to cove before the board on wotion made and seconded the westing ras adjourned. SIGNED ATTEST: NF.W BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance tiled by Nargaret Cresson to enclose an existing rood deck rhich rould encroache the rear yard setback requiresente on property located et 1821 Tierra Verde Drive. Ne. Creation introduced herself to the board and explained that the variance ras requested to allot construction of a screened enclosure on en existing deck. Attar discussion of rhether a hardship existed end the iwpact on other properties, Ns. Gregg sowed to approve the variance ae requested. Nr. Norio seconded the sotion. The nation failed by a vote of 2 - 5. II. Application for Variance filed Dy The Church of the Living God to construct an addition to the church rhicA rill encroach the setback requiresente on property located at 390 Churoh Road. Mr. Jases Rivers introduced hiseelf to the Beard and explained that the Churoh ras requesting a variance to add needed tons for the congregation. After diecuaeion, Ms. Pillsore moved to approve the variance. Ne. Gregg seconded the sotion ono it roe unsnisoualy approved. III. Application for Variance filed by Clyde and Elizabeth Asbury to park a rotor hose in the front setback oS property located at 595 Seesprey Avenue. Mr, and Nre. Asbury introduced thesselvea to the Board and explained that the variance •as requested to persit toes to continue to park a rotor hose in violation of the front yard setback due to health probless. The CAairsan presented a letter iros s neighbor expressing approval of the variance request. Mr. Asbury stated that another ~_ 14 approvals rare aubsitted rith their applicetlon. ~: After diecuaeion, Ms. Pillwore sowed to approve the variance on e g t tesporary baeia until such fire ae Nr. Asbury could no longer 2- operate the rotor hose. Mr. Horie seconded the motion. The r• sotion tailed by a vote of 3 - 9. IV. Application for Variance filed by Gudron Morrison to retain a screened enclosure in violation of the rear yard setback on ~ property located et 9D3 Seaepray Avenue. Ms. Lori Hesketh, a friend of the applicant, introduced herself _ to the board and explained the reasons the variance roe requested. Reasons included sosquito infestation and reccoone. She explained that the structure had alreatly been constructed. y ~: Y:. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPHEN7 BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN, FLORIDA Novesher 17, 1992 7:00 P. N. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg HcCeulie Sawuel Horie Ruth Gregg Don Molfson Robert Frohrein Pat Plllwore Mark NcGoran AND Alen Jensen, Clty Attorney George Marley, ZI, CD Director Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT . Chairsan Gregg HcCaulie, called the aeeting to order and asked far approval of the wlnutes iron the rmeting of October 20, 1992. Upon notion duly cede and eeeondad said winutes rare approved: OLD BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance ailed by Dorothy and Stan Jones to park a sotor hone in the front yard setback of property located at 2051 Seainole Road. Stan Jones introduced hiwself to the board and explained tAe reasons the original Variance raa requested. He requested an extension of thst original Variance until the certificate of occupancy roe issued for hie ner hose currently under construction. After discussion Hs. Gregg sowed to approve an extension oS six <6) soothe. Hr. Horie seconded the action end it raa approved 6y • vote of 4 - L II. Application for Variance filed by Jaaee Barrington Darby to construct s carport rhich rill encroseh the aide yard setback on property located at 350 Ocean Boulevard. Hr. Darby introduced hiseeli to the beard and atsted the reasons a variance raa requested. Aites discussion, Nr. Horie coved to approve tAe variance with the condition that the structure be constructed rith non- flewaeble ^ateri ale. Ns. Gregg seconded the action and it passed by a vote of ~ - 3. %r--~, . CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial by Clyde Asbury SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner DATE: December 7, 1992 BACKGROUND: Mr. Asbury was notified by Code Enforcement that his RV was parked on his property at 545 Seaspray Avenue in violation of the required front yard setback. Mr. Asbury requested a Variance to this setback requirement at the Community Development Board. During the Boards deliberations much Discussion occurred as to possible alternatives and the criteria for granting such a Variance as set out in Section 24-49 (1) b. t-6. Discussion concentrated on Mr. Asbury's ability to locate the RV at some remote location rather than his front yard. A motion to approve the Variance with stipulations was defeated by a vote of 3 yes and 4 no. No other motions were offered. RECOMMENDATION: The ability of the Community Development Board in granting Variances is limitetl by the above referencetl Section. The language therein REQUIRES that the Board make certain findings before granting a Variance. Among those findings are: that special conditions exists, that the special conditions were not created by the applicant, that granting the Variance will not give special privilege Lo the applicant not generally enjoyed by other owners in the district. Staff recommends affirmation of the Boards decision based upon the criteria of Section 24-49 (1) b. 1-6. (attached) ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter of Appeal by Clyde Asbury 2) Application for Variance by Clyde Asbury 3) Minutes of the Community Development Board 4) Section 24-49 (1) b. t- d 24-4 (3 a n C ~ REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER ~~ / ~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~. ;~~. -- 1:: , PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK ~.. ,,t APPLICATION FEE 550.00 • APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ~..~ ~ j~,~~'~f~y'J~r.~~ OATS FILED: II ~. ~/~' D ~~- ~+,. s "'- ~. TO REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM iNE RECUGTIONS INDICATED NEREI F'DV 2 _ "`Eon ng` STRICT LTETTER OFFTNE CODESORRORDINANCEATNE UN ERSIGNED~xERggY MPLIES FOR r .i"• A VARIANCE AS FOLLOWS: iemother Clan dl [hepor::eretof theeprop rtylavrittea eoneen[ i1 applicant 1~ '. the owners of the property shall be •[taehad: - fined by eli J5 GuCJ/////J /Yb/I/Ji r,~, PxoNE ~'~ , ! 0_,3 .~P4J~/CGCi CIUf works /.. .Variance !s aoughC fzoe the provieione of thei ( ) toning Coda (x) Building Code ( ) Plumbing_Code. ,,trii"~ ~~ .~~. ( ) Eleetzieel Coda ((~) Nechsnical Code ( ) Other Location of building or structure: On the~JQ/~,eida of ~ /n s e or v street ~ u l/ __ t Street address and legal deaetiption of property: Note: Attach copy of ~+:~~ j deed. and survey or plat diagrm indicating proposed conatruetien. .. {zy+i f Zoning Cleesifieetion:~~,~~_,? Section of Code from which varLnee is Bought: ~~ ~ ~! Describe variance reouested: T ~ <-~ ice. ~ _. .. _ _ TAe teaepn varisnee fie being sought: .'~y11 _~_ i Supporting dau which should be considered Dy ehs Eoerds ~ ~: '~ S ~ ~ ~ f~i~ F,~..~,~.• ~,. "'r Are conetructlon plane submitted with this sppllca[Sonl 'f~~/J :/' MAP SHOWING SURVEY OF EASTERLY Of LOT .7l8 AND TN6 EASTERLYfh Of' LOT 3IJ; .$AGTA/1! SECT/oN 3, _ A6 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK /O L.. PAGE .- /6 OF THE CURRENT PUBUC RECORDS OF OUVAL COUNTI', fLORIDA. FOR STEVE C/63CLL _~_~. ... ~. o r .~ ,z ~ trr roi AN16 AI/ AMK N ~ SO. D' 71VN 3' so. o' ~~~ 41 0 ~ N 1 0 _ ~~. c fa..o 8 -..YW/N. ~ a X E,ct :: O ~~ L •T L ,~ C 1 ~' ~ ~.1 ,~ . eye ~, - A`LK Y3 /O.B' p -STOQV FRAME ~ co~lua uo.lol E:T_: Y ,9 (I.IRq;6 a, . ~ •r. - Co,.C. • - N4K ... ~ ' COCK: ~ ~ DR/VC EI N y W N 2 3i Q ~ o l o ~ ~ / $ I~. ° ~. 5 0' ~ N pOp 2 N 50.0' - .. ~ F / 7t'n ~IY/D ~ •• /~T ryM Jf/ ~• /AWO i • raw /X,E ¢ -un+• nK SEASP/PAY AVENUE SO' R/ W RECNECXQDi JU/kG /V,/9fi) TO Sr•/Ow /N/ROVCHE/TS. NbTE~ /~ SEE /R!V/Ol/i SU.fVEV aV N•A. DIIROt.V ~ASSOe., /.VC. O~pT60 • FtA !O, ~YdG , .PiGVCrsCO• Mq.P~N:G. /Jet 7O Y//OI/ ~OUw/OgTiuV I MY.bY pI1t1I'/ T,Yt T,1E LMOE Y•Owrl MYI{pr, LiE vnM~M zOI,E _~YWwM OQIWITI Iq./fm75 WTFD•/1//f . IpT V1L10 UML[!6 [N00lfFD WITX /~ EURVl1 CLARY, MILLER i A81 , wlot ~n Mr M •We! 1,.Ew Eur M/M•1n uou ~'Ui LAUD 3URVI w AYO,YZ 3IM},uq OEYCt4 nut MITE M M0 ~pOEtwOIIE EECE•1ME~EIEE,MO MfM4Mt>t,OM, 1011 RpAp NM0M W1t M1NYNtpTN O.owmwramE. iL01110A m1t M ROI,i• EDMp P AMO OEMtML 11EOU1Xt i0 YRG p .. as.r. n.aeE whirs p OECeM6ER SO. 1EOIL_ ECALE /' • Eo' GREGORY , P.L JOB pip, /?2'02 - /34G 9-13227 CHK. 8y /1'~ f(a ~TE6, INC. LEGEND . _ • CV1II.REyI YOIYYIIT /'1~ rE ifMCE o N,pN roE t[T • MIOIi 'T! iDUMD T• a uaw euT F.B. 333 P.G. 97 ~ -. `" Mhat Se the applicant'e Sntereet in thle varlsnceT "+' IN FILING TNIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS BECOMES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPNEMTj BOAI AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED NEREIN IS TRlJ6'' THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNONLEDGE. - - Yi: Signature of applicant/applicant'w authorized sgent or attorney. If agent or ^ttorney, include letter fro• •pplieant to that effect. Signature of o-ner of the preperl Applfamtion cannot be proeewa~ rithout ornera wignature. Applicants Do not fill-in beyond thin point. Horever, ba prepared t respond to tM follaring itesel .. YES NO 1. Special conditions and eircuwetances emimt rhiah •re peculiar to the lend, structure, or building involved and rhfch mrv not applicable to other lmnda, atruaturea or buildingw in the arse zoning district. ___ ~___ 2. 'The special conditions end of rcuwetanaea do not result from the actions of the •pDliamnt. 3. Granting the variance requewted rill not confer on the applicant any special privilege that Sa denied by thm code to other lands, buildings or mlruclurea in th• same zoning district. ~. Lfleral interpretation of the provieiona of the coda could drprive the •pplieant of rights cowwonly enloyad by other propartiaw in the sane zoning diatrfot and could cork unneceaesry end undue hardship on th• applicant. - S. Tnr variance iw tM minimum vsrlmnee that rill make pomwibl• the »asonable uee of the land, building or structure. 6. The variance is in harwony rlth the general Sntent and purpose of the coda. - 7. The variance rill not constitute any change in the diwtriete shorn on the zoning ^ap. 8. The variance will not impair an adaqumty supply of light end sir to adjacent property. 9. The variance •ill not materially increase tho congestion in public etreeto or increase the public danger of Sire and amfety. 10. Tne varimnce rill not materially diminioh or impair eetabliahad property vsluee vithin the surrounding scam. ,..~ it. _ TM varlaner rill not impair the health, safety. morale and general relieve. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND ACTIONS: f 4 ?A-44 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in the form prescribed by the rule of the board. The administrative oReial shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, transmit W the community development board, all the dotumenta, plans, papers or other materials constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. a. Stay o(work. An appeal [o the community development board stays all work on the premises and ell proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the administrative official shall certify to [he community development board that, by reason of Cads stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. In such csx, proceedings or work shall not be stayed except by a restraining order, which may be granted by the community development board eBer application to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. b. Hearings o/appea/a The community development board shall fix a reasonable time Cor the hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the Davies in interest, and decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon [he hearing, any pally may appear in person, by agent or by attorney. (3) Appeals of decisions o/the community de~r[opmenl board Any person or persons, jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the community development board or any tupayer, or any officer, department, board or bureau of the city commission, may present to tfie city commission a petition, duly verified. setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in Darl, specifying the grounds of the illegality. The petition shall be Dresented to the commission within thirty 1301 days after thr filing of the decision in the office of the board. (4) In exercising the powers granted by this section, the community development board, by the concurring vote of the majority of members, may reverse or aRrm, wholly or paNy, or modify the order. requirement, decision or determination appealed from, and may make such ordeq requirement, dttision or determination as should be made, and to that end shall have all the power of the official from whom the appeal is taken. Rulings and decfsioris of the community development board shall become e5ective ten (10) days after the date of such ruling or deciaion. (Ord No. 9082-74, 4 2QD, B, 4), 7.2682; Ord. No. 90-87-117, 4 1, &98W 9eea. 2460-f4A0. Bmer+ad. .. DIVISION 3. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Bee. 2401. Ametodmeet. repel. W The dt9 commission may from time W time emend. supplement, change or repea ~ the coning regulations, reserictioru or diNrict boundsriea u set out in this chapter. (b) Propaaed chenga and amendrtteota may be suggeNed by the dty tommisaion, the pleaaiag agency, ^ propert7 owner for hie own Isnd a by petition of the owaera of fiRy~one Svpp. IJo. S 1424 4 1 }1 1 'LONING AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS § 249 sions of this chapter will result in unnecessary hardship. In order to authorize re any variance from [he terms of this chapter, the community development board must find that: et- ~ 1. Special conditiorra and circumstances exist which ere pervliar m the lend, (7) structure or building involved end which ere not applice6le to other lends, s; structures or buildings in the same district; 2. The special conditiorre and circum..•.,.~-s da oat result from the actioes at d the applicant 1O 3. Granting the variance requested will not confer oo the applicant any special of privikge that is denied by this chapter m other lands, buildiags or struc- tures in the come zoning district; 4. Literal interpretation of the provision of this chap4r would deprive the applicant of rights commoety enjoyed by other properties is the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary and ~ undue hardship on the applicant 5. The variance granted ie the minimum variance that will make possible the d~ reasonable ux of the land, building or structure; 6. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent end rd, purpose of this chapter and the variance will not be injurious to the uea involved or otherwise detrimental m the public welfare. c. In granliog any variance, the community development board may prescribe 'ea a riots condiliore and safe for pprop guards in conformity with this division and any ordinance snorted under it6 authority. Violation of Ue conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be al, deemed a violation of this chapter. ad- d. Under no circumstances, except as permitted above, shall the community deveL for opment board grant a variance m permit a use not generally permitted or tcb permitted by exception in the zoning district involved or any use ezpreasly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this chapter in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structurm or buildings in the same cooing diatrid and no permitted use of Ianda, structures or buildings in other zoning districts shall be rorraidered grounds for the authorization of a variance. .~ e. In ezercisiog its powero, the community development board may, upon appeal i~ and in conformity with the provisions of this division, reverse or affirm, wholly dztll or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination being appealed, and W that end shall have the powers is direct the imuence of the necessary permit. l21 Appeals o(administrotiue actions. Appeals to the community development board may rder, ) ~ be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, board or department of the city slferted by any derision of the administrative oRcial under this article. Sudr appeal shall be rattan within thirty (30) days after rendition of the order, requirement, rinor ublK decision or determination appealed from by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the community development board a notiu of appeal tpvi~ Sapp. Na.s 1423 ~..,,.. _ 4 2447 ATLANTIC BEACH CODE (9) To post signs on property undergoing zoning proceedings and promptly remove these signs alter the inning process is completed; (10) To mail notices of zoning requests b be considered et the regularly scheduled meet- ings of the community development board b respective members at least seven (7) days prior b the meeting date to allow members amble time to review the requests; (Il) To hire such persons as necessary b assist in the fulfillment of the requirements of the once and delegate b these employees the duties and responsibilities assigned b the administrative official as may be necessary to carry out properly, the fUnctiom of the office. (Ord. No. 90-82-74, 4 2tltl, B, 21. 7-2682; Ord. No. 9087-117, § 1, 3~9~871 See. Y4.48. Rlandng ageucy. The community development board, as established by the city commission, shall serve as the planning agenty and shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (D To review those matters referred b the planning agency and hold regularly xhed~ uled meetings for the purpose of reviewing such documenLS; (21 To review site plans for all proposed subdivision development redevelopment, includ- ingplanned unit developments, in the city; f31 To transmit b the proper governmental bodies, agencies or departments the written recommendation of the planning agency, where the recommendations are celled for by this chapter, (4) To provide for interml procedures, with the assistance of the administrative official, required b carry out the intent of this article. Such procedures shall include deed- linea for filing applintiona prior b regularly scheduled meetings b allow time for adequate review and the preparation of a written report end rerommendation of each application. (Ord. No. 90.82.74, 4 2(tlt, B, 31.7-26-82; Ord. No. 90-87-117, 4 1, 39-87) Sec. 24-09. Community development board. The community development board shall be appointed by the city commission. The organvation and procedures under which this board operates, its arrangement of meetings, adoption o(rules and its method of handling appeals. variantes or other related matters shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 14 of this Ordinance Code. ft) Pourer and dutiex The community development board may: a. Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the administrative olfuisl in the enforcement of thin chapter. b. Authorize, upon appeal in specific cases, and upon findings of tact, such minor variances from the terms of this chapter as will not Iz contrary b the public interest where, owing b special conditions, a literal enforcement of the pravi Sapp. No. 5 1422 After discussion, Mr. Molfson wooed to deny the variance. Mr. llcGoran seconded the wotion and it passed by a vote of 9 - 3. V. Application for Variance filed by Tornsend and Virginia Harkey to construct a garage apartment on a non-conforwing lot located at 1771 Beach Avenue. Mr. and Mre. Tornsend Harkey introduced thewselvee to the Board ` and explained that the variance tae requested to allot thew to construct a garage apartment an a 50 x 50 lot on the rest aide of Beach Avenue. Yeriances are needed for winiwuw lot size end rear yard setback. Attar discussion, Mr. Molfaon coved to deny the variance. fir. Frohrein seconded the wotion and the variance vas denied by a vote of 5 - 2. VI. Application for Plet Revier 6y Villiwm Morgan for property located on the north corner of 19th Street. Mr. Billism Morgan introduced himself to the Board and explained that he desired to rapist the property into six separate lots for the purpose of selling them. Attar discussion, Kr. Molieon moved to recommend the replwtting i to the City Comwismion and to encourage the proposed use of i single family homes as tell ae one-rwy trsfiic on the street. 1 Me. Pillmore seconded the motidn end it ras unanimously passed. i There being no further business to come before the board on ' motion made snd seconded the meeting rwe md~gurned. SIGNED: ATTEST: °~ ; NEM BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filed by Margaret Cresson to enclose an existing road deck rhich rould encroeche the rear yard setback requirewenta on property located at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive. ha. Cresson introduced herself to the board end explained that the variance roe requested to all or construction of a screened enclosure on an existing deck. After diacueaion of rhether a hardship existed end the iwpact on other properties, Ms. Gregg wooed to approve the variance ea requested. Mr. Novie seconded the wotion. The notion failed by a vote of 2 - 5. II. Application for Variance filed by The Church of the Living God to construct an addition to the church rhich rill encroach the setback requirewenta an property located at 390 Church Road. Mr. Jawee Rivera introduced hiweelf to the Board end explained that the Ghurch vas requesting a variance to add needed reaw for the congregation. After discussion, he. Pillware moved to approve the variance. Ms. Gregg seconded the eotibn end it raw unaniwouely approved. III. Application for Variance filed by Clyde and Elizabeth Asbury to park a wotor hove in the front setback of property located at 595 Seaspray Avenue. hr. and lire. Asbury introduced thewaelvee to the Board and explained that the variance roe requested to perwit thew to continue to park a actor hove in violation of the front yard setback due to health probleae. The Chairwan presented a letter crow a neighbor expressing approval of the variance request. hr. Asbury stated that another 19 epprovale rare eubwitted rich their application. After discussion, Me. Pillwre wooed to approve the variance on e tewporery basis until such tiwe ae Mr. Asbury could no longer operate the .otor hove. Mr. Horfe seconded the action. The wotion failed 6y a vote of 3 - 9. IV. Application for Variance filed by Gudron Morrison to retain e screened enclosure Sn violation of the rear yard setback on property located et 9D3 Seaepray Avenue. Me. Lori Heeketh, a friend oS the applicant, introduced herself to the board and explained the reasons the variance roe requested. Reasons included mosquito infestation and raccoons. She explained that the struetare had alreatly Deen constructed. MINUTES DF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Hoveaber 17, 1992 7:00 P. M. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg McCaulie Saauel NoHe Ruth Gregg Don Nolfson Robert Frohrein Pat Pillaore Mark McGoran AND Alen Jensen, City Attorney George Morley, II, CD DSrector Pat Harrls, Recording Secretary ABSENT Chairsan Gregg McCaulie, called the seating to ortler and asked for approval of the alnutee frog the seating of October 20, 1992. Upon sotlon duly wade end seconded said einutee rare approved: OLD BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filed by Dorothy and Stan Jones. to perk • rotor hose in the front yard setback of property located at 2051 Sesinole Road. Stan Jones introduced hiaself to tha board and explained the rsasoAS the orlginel Variance rsa requested. He requested en extension of that original Variance until the certificate of occupancy rse issued for hie ner hose currently under COnetraCtiOn. After discussion Me. Gregg roved to approve an extension of slx (6) sonths. Mr. Norie seconded the lotion and it rse approved by a vote of ~ - 1. II. Application for Variance filed by Jaeve Barrington Darby to construct a carport rhich rill encroach the aide yard setback on property located st 350 Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Darby introduced hiaself to tha board and stated the reasons a veri ante rse requested. After diecusaian, Mr. Norie coved to approve the variance rlth the condition that the structure be constructed rich non- fleaaa63e eaterial e. Me. Gregg seconded the notion and it peseed by a vale of ~ - 3. November 2!~, IS? City of Atlantic Reach ATTN: Mayor- Nilliam F. BUU Seminole F'oad Atlantic Peach, Floritla - Florida Gulliford -~2~3 In Fefcrencc to Community Development board f.eetinq November 17,. 1942 Mr. Gulliford, Please consider adding my name to your agenda at th ~~ December 14, 1992 mee*.ing of the City Council. I was on the agenda of the Community Developrt~ent board on Tuesday, November 17, trying to get a variance for a screened porch. I was turned tlown by a vote o4 four "no's" and three "yes's". Dne of the "no's" I question, as he asked me if I had been in the meeting earlier when they turned down an eltlerly latly for the same request. I nodded but =_tated that I thought each case was handled individually. He said they are, however, I question the merit of his question to me. Mr. Gullifor•tl, I want to mention that a porch (which I did not know needc-d a building permit since it had an existing slab) was built this summer because of the extreme mosquito problem in the par /. (the house backs up to Howell park). I believe that because of the excessive rain this season and the lack of sun in the park which caused a lot of standing water, contributed to the unusually high infestation of mosquitos. However, the problem does persist and is not determined by the elements. I consider this a definite health hazard when rumors in the past have contributed mosquitos as a carrier of the Aids virus. This may 6e just a rumor but I still have my an r.ieties. I had hoped for• rt~or•e sympathy board, but did not receive it. raccoon pr•o61em as one he also deal. I do hope with a second your boartl that we can come to to De done other then "tearing Sincerely, ~l(~L!/Gl.V !!!!!/////Laurie HesV:eth 4U3 Seaspray Avenue Atlantic Peach, FL 3_c.~.. r9U4) 249-5~~2 and understanding from the Dne board member di=_missed the has .and basically oat a big chance to tell my story before an understanding of what needs tlown" a much needed addition. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial by Lori Hesketh SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner DATE: December 7, 1992 BACKGROUND: Gudron Morrison, represented by Lori Hesketh constructed a screenetl enclosure at the rear of their home at 403 Seaspray Avenue in violation of the requiretl rear setback. Mrs. Morrison applied for a Variance to keep the structure as built. The Board discussed the fact that no permit was pulled and that the violation could have been avoided had the normal process been followed. By a vote of 4-3 the Board movetl to deny the request. RECOMMENDATION: The majority of the Board voted to deny this request due to the lack of hardship or special conditions peculiar to the property in question, except for those created by the actions of the owners. Staff recommentls affirming the actions of the Board and denying the Variance. ATTACHMENTS: 1) Letter of Appeat from Lori Hesketh 2) Application for Variance 3) Minutes of the Community Development Board 4) Section 24-49 (1) b. 1-6 5) Section 24-49 (3) REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER~AI,~~/ ~.~ ,~I,~ AGENDA ITEM NO. V ~: ~~ VCL 5~6U i'~~.'. ~1 JFFIClAL RECGRDS: coat Coen an intey ral unit of lands suitable for use as ,~ casidrntial build my site, stall U~ :I~~e:ned to tx one lnt. (2) Single Family Residence Only. Each let shall ~_ ased fur t'ne purpo ,e of construutiny a single fa,u ily resi- de n.:e tha coon and Eor no other purpose. Exceut as herein ocher'.+ise provided, no structure shall be erected, altered or ne caitted to remain on any lot other than one single family residence. The height of the main residence shall not be w re than thirty-five (35) Eeet above the normal surface of the ground. tlo bui Liiny ur su-uccu re shall be rented oc Laased se pars to Ly from cite rental or lease of [he emir? lot. :du thing herein shall be construed to proven[ De valoper from •.c; uiy any lot nr portion U:e reof es a right-oE-way for road gurpoues or for access or utility easements, in wiii ch ?vent none of these restrictions shall apply. (3) Minimum 5yuare Footage for any Principal Residence. ;JO principal residence 5ha11 be erected or allowed to reiaain on any Lot wilass [he syuare footage area [hereof, exclusive of screened Hutches, garages and storage rooms, shall equal or exceed 1,400 square Eeet. (4) Minimum Floor Elevation. No principal ray idence shall be erected oc allowed to coma in on any lot anless the .a uii:nma flour elevation is 9.3 feet .,Hove mean sea level. (i) See Back Eor all Structures. No steer to re of any hind shali be located or permitted to remain between the Hair. residence buildmy and tiie front lot line. .JO structu ce of any kind shall be located on any lo[ nearer than 25 feet Co the front Loc line nor nearer than 25 Eeet to any side street line, nor nearer than 10 fee[ to any side lo[ line, nor nearer cnan 20 fee[ to the roar LoC lint. lo) aesubdividiny oc 1'lattiny. :iu bject to epgroval oy the Ve Ca tans 1•lminiytc=tiou, .... ~lop•_r ..., ._r.,s _._ _ii!~._ to r••~; ^'ud iv ide ur Ce ulat any !ut oc !u t:; :;iwwr, on tit•° . lat Eur .uiy purposes wila [sueve r, i::c Ludinl r:~l ::ts-uf-way for road ' ,~, 556U ,ZU2S bFF.ICIAL RECORDS: SvLvA mrcnnq - COVENANTS AND REST 12I CfI OILS A'f iANTIC 6EACti - UUVAi COUNTY, ['LORI DA t:hER;:AS, TRECU, [n c., a Florida corporation, successor or are ryvr Co 'CRECO, formerly [he Darnel[ ;tor[gaye Trust ~ ("De velope t"'I, is the owner of that land in Duval County, Florida, more particularly described in Chat plat of SELVA TIERRA recorded in Plat Bcok 38 pages 28 through 28A of the public records of Duval County, Florida (the "Plat"); YIH EREAS, the Developer intends Chat each of the lots shown on Che Plat stall be used solely Eor res iden[ial pu r- ~. i:JSCS and M15fte5 W llaCl' CCrt,lla COVCna^ts and Ce5[r1CClOns . upon the use of all of the lands described on the Plat for the inu tual benefit of all the owners of lots located thereon, ~. and therefore in[e nds that these Covenants and Restrictions ahall run with [he title [o the land hereby restricted. '~. NU'•:, 'L;LE REFORE, the IYZVeloue c, Eor itself and its suc- cessors and assigns, hereby centric [s tl:e use, as he reir,after provided, of all of the land (hercinaf ter sometimes referred to as the ^Property") included in the Plat, and places upon e:;e Property [he following Covenants and Restrictions, to run ~w ith the title to the Property and a!1 portions thereof. Thy grantee of a deed conveying any lot or iots, parcels or tracts contained within the Property or shown on the Plat shall be deemed by the acceptance of such deed [o have ay reed to observe, comply with and be bound by all these Covenants and Restrictions as follows: (1) Lot or Lots. 'fhe tor;., ^Lo t" or "Lots" means tc_ Lo tJ shown on Che P1aC as ~.nende~.l f row time to time, For p at'pO5C5 Jf rh~sn Co'n'nan L; , cd ~ - .. ~_: i.tinn•;, a~r ;~ _:^.o iGaC:On of contiguous lots or parr:; ,>` lot.; i;;,,;,,r coi ;:von ow re rs);ip ":ep ar~.d Dy: 3¢rt C. S::no^ n.. .c.urn tc: Tom Dodgers irttor ney at Ls.: Gartner 5 '::i::::,s YRECO, fne. 1325 San '::i r~.:o p.ou L';.i r~,l T325 San Marco 3.r.. Jackso n~,~:: .,.. ... 31 >:)' ackso r,ville, 322C- GARTNER AND PHILLIPg ,.,,• •, f h~ ~ /-~ ~ I O -. ~~ ~ y V C h ~_ J q :~ V~ ~. z ~ ~ o ~ ? v ~ ~ ] cl ~ _ `J ~ z I J ` 1 `-'' ~ i G 3 N ° s ~ ~ ~ (~ Q ~. ~ ~ c~ ,~ 1 c~ 0 -~ 00 W 5 :~ J T ~v z •~ ~ ~ z ~J .e ~ 0 J ~ ~ 0 J ~il V t t r~ ~ ~ S ~~ J z ~- CC ~ d ~~ l11 lL _ J f...,... ~.~ ~>~.a.e, b.l - - - inba.o _r.»y - ~~ inlf yba .en) ams ea~L -~ o~~~s ~ wo~e,u ~ ! v j I i ,. i ~ ~ r ~ ~ i ~ I 1) ~ *~ u ~ ~ 'N i F ~ 1 ~ I ±~~ i ~ 0 l ~ a o : i J ~ $ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ z J o d ~ ~o WL z i ~ ~- ~ ~ ? ~ _a y /`u d d Y u z i~ ~ ~~ ~ °_~ ~ I d ~ z s 0 J~ ~ `O~ Y ~ as ! ~~~ ~ ~ 3 a o F d 1 rc z J d a u o p 6 9 LL ~ .u ~a f d ~ d }} ~ ~ u 0 00°.° I ~I~ . E rr ~ ~ d 1 I; q4 a s 9 K i u S fr ~wM•OiO~S'L a~ In a~ab~ 1T ~ +nn aa~s un e.... b..e~ ~ ~irvusv> r~u n'hJ~ i _ Y'a0 _\S Oµtl - J I _ ; i j ~- Y~. ~ a ~.( 4 ~ •` J J ~ a ~~ t ~ \ s; P Wo a ~ za ~d o~- Ay \~ d' t~~- \ A a i= ~ 3 ams e>n O O L < I ong ixo ~$W :. ~~ ~' N 4~y L_. I N ~ ~ J z ~ i -~ • I j ~ ~ /\ ~ ~ Z "~- ~+ 9 ~ ; ~I (~T m '~ ~ a 1 ~ T ~ J W 6 ~ J ` ~ ~~ 3 ~ d il ~ ° ~ ~ w~J o I T ~ . ~ 13° o ~ ~+ 1 ~~a I ~ 1 '" y ; ~ N ~ o V I i 1 y~ 3 ~: ,~,a,.+._._,...._.. i MAP SHOWING SURVEY LF 1[il 45. SLY[ fICiY4, A9 NFCCflIED Ill PLT BDD[ 10. P4C$ ZB WD T94 a fli[ CIIDBfMT AIB1dC Y60-flfi Q DW1L CCIOITIf ~ PI4BLri. FO.P~ REYHAN/ /NL. y)I ~ O>- 4G ?!' y/ ro"EwSEwTL.V1 /aa OagiNn6E U7%<Y>iESj - A.Y _ _JLwI_9t ~Q_ ~~Tl fX \ N '3 '07"E /022 `+ I p9 pbti ~~~ V C .. . _ _ _ _ „ ~ T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P \~ Y r , W 6 Z A y e 3D. $ 2 Q ° $ X , W W ~,.. .... ~h2 ^1 V a \ ~o- O _ nY~ h1~ a[ ~ ~ V ~ ~ v o. ~ ~ ; i : ti Q ~ h2 ~ Z ~- _w 0 --~o` _: _ sor v Q p Q a n ~ R Y` Vt: ,,o NB9'J5~07'"E /OZ/3' \ s ~ ~ W .", I ~ ~ /. yr »6 r ~ !: I ~y" 1 [-UPI~S ~~I n m` ~ c.~osu0.E t G a, (~ ~'. A 5~a ii SAT~Q/gA -- ---- - Building an - -.~ w. In.s „ ~ .wM .Irt• ..vt e. ii ~, /,.v.at ~~~ /G ~ ,a,i0) Jo craw I ~er1G. COni~Y IIr11 fnrf eunOy Tlll[ I^e n~c[I WriN/Oi u/ MI IOflN Oy Ine i:My lyr0 01 LlM SvMY01f. WIIWOI N. A. DURDEH ID $Kib,,,,:OI ~b.ID. 61YD1[[ & ASSDCIATES IX[~~ ~~~~ .D.DDX,.X,[ ..._ _...,~ ti~ M~fO.rc ~l llOl.lO r/.i~cY 1[~i ww.Y Ya . fXl[ l V MlY XOf YeL10 V XL[/[ TM~[ t1.rwT ~[ [..pY[D M~1X TXl H1L 01 Tlt ApY[ \IDX[O. :: Zoning Nhdt Se the applicant's interest Sn this varlance7 ________________________ ~.vGGc15= %LL __Oti__'%/f _ ~d~~_ p~ ~2 f~/s~/~ i i i ZN FILING THIS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE, THE UNDERSIGNED UNDERSTANDS I ' BECOMES A PART OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF THE COlINUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOAR AND DOES HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL INFORMATZOH CONTAINED HEREIN IS TRUE T THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE. ______________________________ ~ ,~ ~',,A~___ Signature of applicant/applicant's Sgnat a of orner of the propert authorized agent or attorney. If ApplicalSon cannot be proeesee~ spent or attorney, include letter rlthout ornare signature. from applicant to that effect. Applioant: Do not till-in beyond this point. Horever, be prepared t. respond tc the tolloring items: 1. Special conditions end circumstances exist •hich are YES NO peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and rhich ere not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. ___ 2. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. ___ 3. Granting th^ variance requested rill not confer on th• applicant any special pr1v13ege that ie denied by the code to other lends, buildings or structures in the ~ sere zoning district. 4. Literal interpretation of the provisions of the code '~ could depriv¢ the applicant of rights commonly enioyed ~' by other properties in the same zoning district and '~ could cork unnseeeeary end undue hardship on the applicant. '~. 3. The varienee Se the minimum varisnee that rill make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or ^tructure. 6. Thv varienee Se in harmony rich the general Sntent and purpose of the code. 7. Tha variance rill not constitute any change Sn the dletriete shorn on the zoning map. 8. The varisnee rill not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property. 9. . The variance rill not materially increase the eongvetion Sn public streets or Sncreae¢ the public danger of Eire and safety. 10. ~ The varienee rile not mn t..rixtty diminton or impntr established property values rithln the aurrountling area. ___ 11. The varienee rill not impair the health, eatety, ' morale end general relfere. CONMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BOARD REPORT AND ACTIONS: ~~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK APPLICATION rEE 150.00 ~ _ APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ~~~ rl `j i1 (; ~fpl ~ ~' i i7 ~ . -:5 DATE FILED: ~~/~~/~L ~!':T 20 1992 '--~ TO REQUEST A VARIANCE FROM 7NE REGULATIONS INDICATED H~ERIE~N,gBL OSEOYNCIL ARE PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES OR UNNECESSARY HARDSHIPS IN CARRYING OUZ 2xE STRICT LETTER OF 7NE CODE OR ORDINANCE SNE UNDERSIGNED XEREBY MPLIES FOR A VARi!NCE AS FOLLOHS: i Name and address of applicant requesting variance: Note: If [hs applleaot is ocher then all the owners of the Property. trritten ronssnt •lgasd by all the owners of the property shall be attached: m.A2rr..~/Inti G/LrsS v PxoNC li;'/~~ ~% /4~ 1/L/L/JE Nork:_ /IiJN ~. .A. Variance Le sought from the provisions of the: ( ) 2oning Code (~ Building Code ( ) Electrical Code ( ) Hechenlcal Code ( ) Plumbing Cede ( ) Other Lo[atfan of buflding oz structure: On the ~S i aide of ,~~/ %~/LUl- t~JtQ£ n e or v •creec Street address and legal deeeript ion of property: Noce: Attseh ropy of deed, and survey or(plot diagram Sndieocing proposed cons[ruetloo. _ L~ t L~J~ / Jd Y/rl %/f ~flt Yf ,drf.d /~~f i~itn,~+ "r~nJ Zoning Clessi[Seation: ~U Section o[ Code Lrom which verienu 1• eought:_[l /Sr»tf.+c: ~'ar Pu~ Deerribe variance requested: _ )o dNG1~S /L fXl i/A/ woo ~n~~.r~ On/ ~r/S~ S/OL o~ ff~E wr ifil The//~~rcoson verf once Se being sought: _l~//ten rniG ~-~ ~~ ~/~i'2<,ac// - ~/vc,2vA~f~ litr`/2 .SET /~A~~f' z.tiE Supporting data which should be considered 6y the Board: _ X11-, «/~ ,-~~/ s v/tvrY Arc construe [ion plans snbmlt[ed with chin appl Sce[lon7 / EJ -. ` ~ _ - ~ ZONING AND SUBDNISION REGULATIONS § 24~g sions of this chapter will result in umecessary hardship !n order to authorize - se any variance from the terms of [his chapteq the community development board et- must find that: ~ 1 Special conditions d i . an c rcumstanta ezirt which ere peculiar W the land, (71 structure or building involved end which ere not applicable W other lands, ' ts; atrudures or buildings in the same dietriM; of 2. The spatial conditions end circumstances do not result from the actions of the epplinnt; to ' of 3. Granting the variance requested will not wafer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by [hie chapter to other lands, boil dings or strut Lures in the same zoning district; 4. Literal interpretation of [he provisions of this chapter would deems [he applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties is the same zoning . as district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; 5. The variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the ed reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and lid- purpose of this chapter and [he variance will not be injurious to [he area involved or otherwise detrimental b the public welfare. ten c. In granting any variance, the community development board may prescribe for appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this division and any ordinance enacted under ifs authority. Violation of the wnditions and safe guards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be ial, deemed a violation of this chapter. eed- d Under no circumstances, except as permitted above, shall the community devel~ for opment board grant a variance to permit a use not generally permitted or ~ach permitted by exception in the zoning district involved ar any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this chapter in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lards, structures ar buildings in the same - - zoning district and no permitted use of lands, structures or buildings in other zoning districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a variance. The e. In exercising ifs powers, the community development board may, upon appeal sings, and in conformity with the provisions of this division, reverse or affirm, wholly shall or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination being appealed, and [o that end shall have the powers to direct Lht issuance of the necessary permit. rtder 121 Appeals ofadminis(raliue anions. Appeals to the community development board may al in ~ liken by any person aggrieved or by any oRcer, board or department of the city affected by any decision of the administrative official under this article. Such appeal ninor shall be taken within thirty (30) days after rendition of the order, requirement, mblic decision or determination appealed Gom by filing with the oRcer from whom the provi appeal is taken and with the community development board a notice of appeal ~W. Ro a 1423 i j § 24-45 ATWNTIC BEACH CODE specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in the form prescribed by Lhe rules of the board. The administrative oRcial shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, transmit to [he community development board, all the documents, plans, papers or other materials constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. a. Stoy o/ruork. An appeal to [he community development board stays all work on the premises and all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from, unless the administrative o1T~cia1 shall certify to [he community development board that, by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings or work shall not be stayed except 6y a restraining order, which may be granted by the community development board after application to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. b. Hearings of appeals. The community development boartl-sha11 ftx aTeasonable time for the hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and decide the same withtn a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person, by agent or by attorney. (3) Appeals of decuwns of fhe eommumfy development board Any person or persons. - - jointly or severally, aggrieved by any decision of the community development board or any taxpayeq or any olLcer, department, board or bureau of the city commission, may present to the city commission a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specifying the grounds of the illegality. The petition shall be presented to the commission within thirty (301 days after thr filing of [he decision in the oRice of the board. f4) In exercising the powers granted by this section, [he community development board, by the wncurring vote o(the majority of members, may reverse or affirm, wholly or partly, or modify the order, requirement, decision or deleratinetion appealed from, and may make such order, requirement, decision or determination as should be made. and [o [hat end shall have all the power of the official from whom the appeal is - - taken: Rulings and decisions o! the community development board shall become eRcc[ive Cen (101 days after the date o(such ruling or decision. (Ord. No. 9ty.82-74, § 2fII1, B, 4), 7-2682; Ord. No. 90~87~117, § 1. 3~9-871 f Seca. 1,1-64-2410. Reserved. DIVLSION 3. APPWCATION PROCEDURES Sec. 24411. Amenient, repeat. (U The city wmmission may from time W time amend, supplement, change or repea` :he caning rcgulatione, restriftiona or district bouadsrin as set outin 1Lischapter (b) Proposed chsttgee and amendments may be suggested by the city commisston, Ne planning agency, a property owner for hie own knd or by petition d the ownero of fiRyone $Vpy No 5 14?A (n(~ G:- ~:. ~:~. -: - _- ~- I 4 2447 AILANT'!C BEACH CODE (91 To post signs on property undergoing inning proceedings and promptly removt these signs aRer the zoning process is completed; (101 To mail notices of inning requests to be considered at the regularly xheduled meet- ings of the community development board to respective members at least seven (71 days prior to the meeting date to allow members ample time to review the requests; (1!1 To hire such persons as nett%ary to assis( in the fulfillment of the requirements of the office and delegate to these employees the duties and responsibilities assigned to the administrative official as may be necessary to tarry out properly, the functions of the oRfce. IOrd. No. 90.82.74, 4 21111, B, 21. 7~26~82; Ord. No. 9087-117.4 1, 3 9 871 Sec. 2448. Ptanoiog agency. The community development board, as established by the city commission, shall serve as the planning agency and shall have the following duties and responsibilities Ill To review those matters referted to the planning agency and hold regularly xhed- uled meetings for the purpox of reviewing such documents; 121 To review site plans (or ell proposed subdivision development redevelopment, intlud~ ing planned unit developments, in the city; 131 To transmit to the proper governmental bodies, agencies or departments the written recommendation of the planning agenty, where the recommendations ere called for by this chapter: (41 To provide for internal procedures, with the axsistance of the administrative official, required to carry out the intent of this article. Such procedures shell include deed lines (or filing applications prior W regularly xheduled meetings to allow time for adequate review and [he preparation of a written report end rernmmertdstion of tech application IOrd. No. 90 82~ i4. 4 2(111, B, 31, 7~26~82; Ord. No. 90-87-117, 4 1, 3~9~071 Sec. 2449. Community development board. The community development board shall be appointed by the city commission. The organization and procedures under whicA this board operates, its arrangement of meetings, adoption of rules and its method of handling appeals. variances or other related matters shall be in conformity with [he provisions o(Chapter 14 of this Ordinance Code. (ll Ynu~er and dunes. The community development board may: a. Hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by the administrative official in [he enforcement of this chapter; b. Authorize, upon appeal in sprific cases, and upon findings of fart, such minor variances from the terms of this chapter as will naL be contrary la the public interest where. owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provi~ Sapp No 5 1422 ~~ After discussion, Mr. Yolfeon movetl to deny the variance. Nr. NcGoran seconded the motion end it passed by a vote of 4 - 3. F z e V. Application for Variance filed by Torneend and Virginia F Harkee to conetrwt a garage apartment on a non-conforming lot located et 1771 Beach Avenue. _ Mr. and Mre. Torneend Harkee introduced theweelves to the Board and explained that the variance vas requested to alloy them to construct a garage apartment on a 50 x 50 lot on the rent aide of _ Beach Avenue. Variances ere needed for miniwum lot size and rear yard setback. After discussion, Mr. Molfaon moved to deny the variance. Mr. Frohrein seconded the motion and the variance rem denied by a vote of 5 - 2. VI. Application for Plat Revier by Millias Norgen for property located on the north corner of 19th Street. hr. Yilliaw Morgan introduced himself to the BoarO and explained that he desired to replat the property into six separate lots for the purpose of selling them. After discussion, Mr. Yolfeon waved to recommend the replotting to the City Commission end to encourage the proposed use of single fawily homes ae rell as one-ray traffic on the street. Ma. Pillmore seconded the motion and it rea unaniwouely passed. There being no further business to come before the board on wotion weds and seconded the westing roe adjourned. SIGNED: ATTEST:_______________________________ yip;,.. __. . Hew BuslHess: I. Application tar Variance tiled by ~ergaret Cresson to enclose an existing rood deck rhich rould encroache the rear yard setback requirements on property located at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive. Hs. Cresson introduced herself to the board end explained that the variance roe requested to all or construction of a screened enclosure on en existing deck. After discussion of rhether a hardship existed and the impact on other properties, Ms. Gregg moved to approve the variance ae requeeted. Mr. Horse seconded the motion. The motion tailed by a vote of 2 - 5. II. Application for Variance filed by The Church of the Living God to construct an addition to the church which will encroach the setback requirements on property located at 390 Church Road. Hr. Janes Rivera introduced himself to the Board and explained that the Church ras requesting a variance to add needed rooa for the congregation. After diecuseion, Me. Pillmore moved to approve the variance. Ms. Gregg seconded the motion end it roe unanimously approved. III. Application for Variance tiled by Clyde end Elizabeth Asbury to park a motor home in the front setback of property located at 545 Seespray Avenue. Mr. end Mrs. Asbury introduced themselves to the Board and explained that the variance ras requeeted to persit then to continue to park a motor home in violation of the front yard eetback~due to health problems. The Lhairwen presented a letter from a neighbor expressing approval of the variance request. Mr. Asbury stated that another 14 approvals rare submitted rith their application. After diecuseion, As. Pillmore moved to approve the variance an e temporary basis until such time as Mr. Asbury could no longer operate the motor home. Mr. Horse seconded the wti on. The motion failed by a vote of 3 - 9. SV. Application for Variance filed by Gudron Morrison to retain i a screened enclosure in violation of the rear yard setback on ' property 'located at 403 Seaepray Avenue. he. Lori Hesketh, a friend of the applicant, introduced herself ~ Lo the board and explained the reasons tl~e variance ras requested. Reasons included wosquito infestation and raccoons. ,f She explained Lhat the structure had already been constructed. 'i ~:.._ ., MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPHEN7 BOARD OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA Hoveeber 17, 1992 7:00 P.H. CITY HALL PRESENT Gregg NcCeulie Samuel Horie Ruth Gregg Don Molteon Robert Frohrein Pat Pillwore Mark NcGoran AND Alen Jensen, City Attorney George Morley, II, CD Director Pat Harris, Recording Secretary ABSENT Chairwen Gregg NcCeulle, called the westing to order end asked for approval of the winutea trove the wearing of October 20, 1992. Upon wotion duly wade and seconded said winutee rare approved. OLD BUSINESS: I. Application for Variance filed by Dorothy and Stan Jones to perk a wotor hove in the front yard setbsck of property located et 2051 Sewinole Road. Stan Jones introduced hiwself to the board and explained the reasons the original Variance rae requested. Ne requested an ,- ~ extension of that original Variance until the certificate of occupancy rae issued for hie ner hove currently under construction. After discussion He. Gregg roved to approve en extension of six f6> wonthe. Mr. Horie seconded the wotion end it roe approved by a vote of 9 - 1. - II. Application for Variance tiled by Jawes Barrington Darby tc construct a carport rhf ch rill encroach the side yard setback on property located at 350 Ocean Boulevard. Mr. Derby introduced hiwaelf to the board and stated the reasons a variance rae requested. .' 1 After discussion, Nr. Horie caved to approve the variance rith the condition that the structure 6e constructetl rith non- flawwable weterials. Ns. Gregg seconded ihe.wotion and it passed - ~ by a vote of ~ - 3. G{~~~~ NOVEMBER 2D. 1992 ME, THE FRIENDS AN^ NEIGHBORS OF MARGARET CRE99ON~ ARE TOTALLY IN FAVOR OF MRS. CRESSDN ENCLOSING HER EXISTING DECK. 1 r i ~ } j{ r f ~i. NAME ADDRESS _ .. d S~sa~ /~ CePela„~ /~ ~~~ Tierna y e*~e Drive /y{~un{ic 8eac~, ~IOTi~O 32233 904-247-1509 November 20, 1992 MAYOR ANO CITY COMMISSIONERS Atlantic Beach City Hall 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 RE: Margaret Cresson _ Variance Request November 17, 1992 Oear Mayor and City Commissioners: In August of this year Margaret Cresson tlecitled to enclose her small existing deck with screen so she could enjoy the ocean breeze while reading. f It has taken three and one-Half months, for one reason or another, to ••reject" Mrs. Cresson's request because /~ the deck was built one foot over the •'set back" area. ((~L Ms. Cresson is eighty years old, walks with a cane and does not venture out after dark. She had even gone to the expense of $300.00 to have a tree removed so the deck could be screenad easily. This decision does not seem fair to me and many others as expressed in the enclosed petition. Margaret Cresson _ is a person who wanted to do everything ••by the book" and look what it got her! _ Please reconsider her request. _ ncerely, t Q ~ Susan A. Copela~~ P.S. This petition represents every home on our street except for those unavailable tlue to Thanksgiving vacations. _ F L. CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION MEETING STAFF REPORT AGENDA ITEM: Appeal of Variance Denial by Margaret Cresson SUBMITTED BY: George Worley, City Planner DATE: December 7. 1992 BACKGROUND Margaret Cresson applied for a Variance to construct a screened addition to the rear of her home at 1821 Tierra Verde Drive encroaching the rear yard setback requirement of 20 feet. Mrs. Cresson proposed to build to within 12 feet of the rear property line. The Board discussed special conditions which could warrant a Variance but after a motion and second to approve, the Board voted 2 yes and 5 no. RECOMMENDATION: The proposed use of this addition is for "reading" space and as such it is merely for the convenience of the owner and granting Lhis request would give special privilege to Lhe applicant which is not enjoyed by other owners in the district. Staff recommends against the granting of a Variance. ATTACHMENTS: S) Letter of appeal by Applicant 2) Application for Variance 3) Minutes of the Community development Board 4) Section 24-49 (1) b. 1-6 5) Section 24-49 (3) Appeal//sPPf Board d is1 ns REVIEWED BY CITY MANAGER~l,~,/}_~~ firi~~ AGENDA ITEM NO._Q r .'f s' r_ ~., .IOm nbach City of Atlantic Beach December 7, 1992 -Page 2 Tl» engineering services will ba performed under our Contrail for Professional Services between the City of Atlantic Beach and Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc., dated December 16, 1990. Compensation for professional engineering services as described above is estimated as follows: Compensation for Design Services: 335.800.00 Compensation for Construction Services: 8 460. TOTAL COMPENSATION: $44,260.00 / Total compensation shat) not exceed 544,280.00, unless agreed in writing. Gee & Jenson offers an excellent team of engineers and designers who spedallze In sewer system rehabilitation. John E. Collins, Jr., P.E. has recently joined our stall and will serve as project manager. A resume of his qualifications plus resumes of other key members of our sewer rehabilitation staff are enclosed. We thank the Cily of Atlantic Beach for tie opponuniry to present our proposal for engineering services on this important project. M you have any questions, please Call at arty tune. Very Vul~yyycoJu/r/s~E /~ James S. English, P.E. Sr. Vice Prosidom JoCollins, Jr.,'P.E. Project Manager JSE/JECsd cc: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E., Director of Public Services William Gullitord, Mayor cr r t dr u~.nr~ Y"-. . ~.- _: ~' TA1K OllRNE AND CO6T PLACE SUAMMY Pra~eel Nerr~: ~ NunROr 1A9Oq COCTs Walk &aekAaen DESION SFfiVKF6 Ferem D.N2aa A+r.b:+.son 2 11tH Vw9~TOpepephY i PrapvPbrVPrclJeehA / ObreYr tlahF lonierw 6 Mar13l 0~ererYBpeNlae0ana e fie111a CamrddwYpe ~I+eee0 7 AnL Ds1e4, Oww 8hwt Prepare Eelme4rDf0 Farm a bNwNe OueIq IMNeN 10 Oly 91M Ibview It Fkuke Pkaa for ~V 12 Aa1M1e PmJea1 &AfTa1d Ded0n 6erN0ee OONSTRUCTMN/ AD W NOJTgATMOH 1 Praear>,etetlon OOnMMCs 2 Holsw 0hep Drewkpl Proew Propeae oeFeyr,e, 1 Pn~etl0NlaeuyAcard deMtpe 6 WerteraF knPe11ar1 D Year) BubTaW Cu WaotlwtAdri44dar TOTAL MAIa1011119 0W1oy Mbar CdY ~d Mry0r Erprwr cADDO}mku BevebrY W,O10.00 i1a,Te0m i16,a3om H,>rooo 118.100.00 REMa1.Rl0BLE OOS1S O0ertalY IM1 Prig Cop AuleMWe 1000 MI. O.S {310.00 Bkro X31 C {000 X 0.10 Mf00A0 'aPFer1 ~ 1000 COPY a.1a 110000 ~ oea~pr w«k arcen kb 210 l1 ae1 NN 1 a.03 i2q.00 33.1um a.e..w S«vlcel w LS f i53m . 9~earnow,e,.WrCar ._N,mao PNDPOSSOVwcE i1l zaz.w 54Y 2( 0 ~44 ~ . e 1 OA!( H1NaOq aEWen 11E/1ABAITATpN, PHASES Y- N 00dOSP Men How wrtgany Neb PM Etp CO WP 105.00 tOS.OD RS0.00 123.00 Cpb e JD 1 0 z 1a Ia o 0 z. teo 0 z e 16 2 1 12 p 16 z • e o o a e o 1 f2 1 1 a 1 a 2 12 e e z e e N 2 2 I 1 2 {2.830.00 {3.600.00 s1Y,ro.oo 3,,310.00 11,520.00 sa3o.ro i>eo.oo i1,9o.00 31,ai0m il,wom i2,I5D.00 0060.00 60 1T0 290 >D 1 e o z 1 1z 1 a a0 0 0 6 1 16 e 1 1 9 B 2 AOOm 11,1)0.00 1t,100m f1,600m i1,al0.W M 12 20 20 1W 212 309 60 O~LUENSON December ~, 1992 Ep~~a•a Md~YCy. Raraca~c Mr. tOm Leinbach City Manager City of Atlantic Beach 800 Seminole Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 Attention: Robert S. Kosoy, P.E. D'uedor of Public Services Re: Proposal for Professions Engineering Services Preparation of Plans and SpecMlcations and Construction Services Oak Harbor Sewer Rehabilitation, Phase II • N Gee & Jenson Project No. 90-285.2 Atlantic Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Leinbach: Wa offer our proposal for Professional Engineering Services for the design, preparation of contract plans and spedflcations, and for construction services, concerning Sewer Rehabilitation -Phase II - N In the Oak Harbor Subdivision. Last year we completed the preparation of plans and specifications for Phase I work. We understand tl i5 now the desire of the City Commission to combine all Sewer Rehabiitation for the entire subdivision into one construction project The Tedtnical Memorandum dated July 1990 defines the locations for the repairs. The professional eng'meering services we propose are as follows: 1. Obtain alt addhional required survey Information, including utility bcatbns, for design of the sewer rehabilitation as described in the Technical Memorandum dated July 1980. 2. Prepare Contract plans and spec cations for the work, and assist ttte City during advertisement, bidding and award phases of the project 3. Prepare the required permit application Corms for the work. 4. Perform construction services, limited to shop drawing review and handling pay requests, for the period of construction, estimatetl at this lime to be six (6) months. 8E CITP OP ATL~NlIC E6AfH CRT OOIQIISSI011 lO~TIBG STAPP B~OBT d0~641 TT@f: ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES FOR COMPLETION OF OAK HARBOR SEWER REHABILITATION gD@1I1T14/ HT: Roberc S. liosoy/Director of Public Works JV'7~ Harry E. McNally/Utility Plant Division Director 11A1Ei December 7, 1992 : In 1991, we received preliminary plans and spec if ECacions for Phase I of the Oak Harbor Sever Rehabilica cion Project. We have proposed in [he Capital Improvement Progzam to complete all phases of [he Oak Harbor Sewer Rehabilitation Project in 1993. We have received a proposal from Gee S Jenson [o complete Phases II through Phase IV in the Oak Harbor Subdivision fora total amount of $44,260.00. This figure will cover completion of the entire design and preparation of a full set of contract plans and specifications. We [rust [he Engineer can complete the work in approximately 6 to 8 weeks at which time we hope to have funds available to bid [he project. We currently have funds available to complete the design in Account No. 460-46-01-535-3100, Oak Harbor Sever, Professional Services. i Reco®end acceptance of the Gee 6 Jenson proposal A1Tl~ffii Proposal from Cee S Jenson. ,.f///J 1L9Ilp~ EI CIPI IlSAlGFR: ~, f/!Q ` ~ . [~ A.i'®A RL[ 1f1. d ~,-F.u _.,_ _ CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EQUIPMENT FINANCING ANALYSIS OF VARIABLE RATE PROPOSALS (1) BANK NON-BANK LENDING INSTITUTION QUALIFIED QUALIFIED Barnett Bank 74.4t (2) 88.2t (3) Liberty Ndt iOndl N/A N/A Nations Bank 71.481 84.15Et Ponta vedra Bank 100.001 100.001 Notes: (I) Variable rates are quotetl as a percentage of the Prime rate. (2) The Barnett Bank proposal included a $5,000 placement fee, whleh makes the effective rate for their bank qualified loan 86.21 of Prime. (0) The Barnett Bank proposal included a $5,000 placement Eee, which makes the effective rate for their non-bank qualified loan 1001 of Prime. 5 '.`ir:....:.. ri CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACN REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS EQUIPMENT FINANCING ANALYSIS OF FIXED RATE PROPOSALS LENDING INSTITUTION Barnett Bank Liberty National Nations Bank Ponta Vedra Bank BANK QDALIFIED 5.301 (1) 5.336 (3) 5.49066 8.504 NON-BANK QUALIFIED -----5.906 (2) N/A 6.65936 a.soa F,: Notes: c. ______ F (1) The Harnett 'Bank proposal included a $5,000 placement foe, wh ieh makes the effective rate Eor their bank qualified loan 6.63 a. (2) The Barnett Bank proposal included a $5,000 placement fee, whleh makes [he effective rate for their non-bank qualified loan 6.62 a. (3) eased on three annual payments in arrears. it I 8A8KAFP 12/04/92 4 CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH .- FINANCED EQDIPMENT FISCAL YEAR 1992/93 Total FY X92/93 Item Description Dept. Budget Budget Micro-film Reader/Printer City Clerk 10,000 4,000 Patrol Cars (3) Police 45,000 17,000 Backhoe Pub. Works 60,000 22,800 Pick-up Truck Pub. Works 12,500 4,850 Riding Mover Pub. Works 15,000 5,850 Pick-up Truck Parks 6 Rec. 15,000 5,600 Paint Booth Equip. Maint. 12,000 4,500 Dump Body Truck Pub. Works 140,000 54,000 (Cap. Projects) Small Garbage Trucks (2) Sanitation 70,000 30,000 Excavator TBE Stormvater _ 120,000 _________ 46,000 __________ TOTAL $ 499,500 $ 194,600 Under the fixed rate scenario, our cost per year would be $184,555.98 This is $10,044.02 less than budgeted totals. 3 E ~:. G"' - ~: N- Obviously, comparing a fixed to a variable rate loan is not an "apples to apples" comparison. In the current marketplace, the variable rate is certainly more attractive. I have three real concerns about the variable rate proposal. The first is from the standpoint of conservatism. Although my personal belief is that interest rates will rise but not soar during the next three years, certainly the upside risk is greater than the downside risk. Taking risks with public dollars, however well intended, must be carefully considered. The second concern I have is from a timing standpoint. As you are well aware, the strong possibility of Atlantic Beach borrowing in excess of $10,000,000 in calendar year 1993 makes it imperative that we close this deal in 1992. This allows the $499,500 lease/loan to be "bank qualified", or tax-exempt in the secondary market, significantly reducing our cost for the funds. Finally, NationsBank has indicated a desire for Atlantic Beach to pledge a specific revenue stream as collateral for a loan. I believe we can accomodate that request if need be. However, under the lease purchase agreement the assets themselves would be used as collateral, thereby avoiding the revenue pledge requirement. Therefore, it is my recommendation that we seek commission approval to enter into a lease purchase arrangement with the low fixed rate bidder, Liberty National Leasing company. o-w.-~._ . CITY OF rFlla.dc'a b'eaelc - ~lmuda eoo SE.NwoEE aaAo ~ . ~-- ----_.. _ ---- -- .--- ATLAtiTIC BFXJH, FlURaIA J]13}5µ5 TELFPFIONE 19µ)b1'1-590U `l , FAX (9061 N1-51U5 December 9, 1992 To: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager y~II /// I From: Kirk R. Wendland, Finance Director it-[~/+-~n-~ RE: Equipment Financing RFP Attached you will find a brief summary of both the fixed rate and variable rate proposals we received at our November 22, 1992 bid opening. The best fixed rate proposal was made by Liberty National Leasing Company. Although Barnett Bank quoted a lower fixed rate, their effective rate was higher due to a $5,000 placement fee. Liberty National's proposal is based on annual payments in arrears, however they also submitted a bid based on quarterly payments in arrears. The quarterly payments carry a Blighty higher effective interest rate (5.44$). I'm sure they would be willing to establish a payment structure to suit our needs, if we awarded the bid to them. The best variable proposal was submitted by NationsBank. Assuming a bank qualified issue, our interest rate would be 71.48$ of the Prime rate. The bid does not specify, but generally this rate would float daily. With a variable rate of 71.48$ of Prime, the Prime rate would have to be at 7.4566$ to equate the low fixed bid of 5.33$. Currently, the Prime rate is at 6.00$, equating to a current loan rate of 4.2888$. Other factors should be taken into consideration. The NationsBank bid states that they will close within 30 days of the award. Hy guess is that they could accomodate our need to close prior to Jan. 1, 1993, however it may be close. Additionally, although NationsBank's bid did not include placement fees, there would be attorneys fees and closing costs involved. Due to the fact that Liberty National is a leasing company, and their bid is not for a "loan" per se, these costs would be somewhat reduced. Below is a list of the equipment which comprised the loan amount, and the amount budgeted for the year. We were conservative in our budget amounts, using a 7$ interest rate, meaning funds available will be adequate for whichever scenario we select. ~. ~A ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~ A[~IIA P1~1: Action to establish a policy regarding advertising in the city newsletter by charitable or non-profit organizatiors SGHSIT~ a1C: Maureen King, City Clerk R4'!E: Decafber 7, 1992 B11fR(~OOID: At the last regular City Conmission meeting the question was raised regarding advertising ~ charitable and non-profit orc3anizations in the city's quarterly newsletter. It was determined that a policy regarding this matter should he established. ltre following mst data is provided for your inforniation: Printing $1,035.00 Folding, addressing, S processing for mailing 150.00 Postage 600.00 1bta1 Cost (6 pages) $1,785.00 Approximate cost per page: 300.00 Keeping in nird that at least one page is given up to listing board members and addressee information, the remaining space is svrewhat limited. Also, I think we mould want to make sure the newsletter does rot becan? a "mm~uuty" newsletter. 1. Establish a fee for all advertising, including advertising by charitable and mn-profit organizatiDns. 2. Set a limit tv the amount of advertsing allowed in any newsletter (1/2 page, one page, etc.) 3. If a re&~oal rate is approved fnr charitable or non-profit organizations, the City Omission may wish to restrict advastisirg to on3anizations in see way associated with the city, eg., 1bwnCenter, Little laague, etc. / r-; I~VIS~ 8Y C11Y !N!@L~t c~//ri1_~/. ~~ i~/! ~ ~ -.. -. .. , Page '1Ao Ordinance No. 55-92-27 Passed by the City Crnmission on first reading this day of 1992. Passed di' the City Comrtission on secorrl and firel reading this day of 1993. Wrt.r.rnm I. GULLIFOIS), JE. Mayor, Presiding Officer ATTEST: !41[Rffi~2Q RING City Clerk Approved as to foao a:d correctness: ALAN C. JIISSFIi, ESQUIIffi City Attorney s. ~- ~:, ~'~ ]G ORDII,4INCE N0. 55-92-27 AN OADIlNNCE ~' TFO: CITY OF ATLi1Ni'IC BFAC71, AMFSIDING CkWPtER 16, SOLID WASTE, Ab4TIDING SFXTICN 16-8, FEES AND COLLFLTIONS, 1l7 PROVIDE FVR MONTEQ,Y BILLING, PInVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT 0RLV~IINFD the City Comniss>.on of the City of Atlantic Beach, Florida, as fell s: l Section 1. 16, Solid Waste, Section 16-B, Fees for Nllection, is hereby a,m,vLri to read as follows: Section 16-8. Fees for Collection All residents, occupants aid owners of prenises in the city shall have accvmilatims of solid caste retmvrxl aid disposed of by the sanitati~ division of the city, and for the service of solid waste raooval, shall pay the city the suns shown below for each type of service. (1) isidence A Unit. Fbr each residence A unit there shall he a ~9e of sixteen dollars (;16.00) per month, payable to the City of Atlantic Beach for each residence A emit. (2) Residence B Unit. Fbr each }iousekeeping emit in a residence H unit there shall be a change of per~ar6er sixteen dollars (;16.00) per month payable to the city for each such housekeeping „n; t. 13) F~sidence C Unit. A container or du~gister will be fl„-.,; ~>,~,~ airl maintained ~ by the City atd there shall be a charcx of fifty-five dollars and eicfity-three cents (;55.83) P°-r cubic yard per epeeler month for eadt oontairver or dumpster. (4) Cr.~enrial A Unit. Fbr eac3i comoercial A emit, there shall be be a charge of i~67s~9} fifty-five dollars aid eighty-three amts (;55.83) pen cubic yard per gsezter month for each duster. Note: (]large includes dumpster maintenance aid replaoemnt. 15) Canoercial s unit. All businesses, professions aryl ocxupations rot m,,,;,~1 to have a oavrercial dumpster. There shall lie a change of sixteen dollars f;16.00) oer month payable tD the city for each mmrrcial B emit. Section 2. This ordinance shall becane effective imrediately upon final passage. ~~ ~~ ORDINANCE NO. 75-92-10 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 90-B2-7A, BEING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2d OF THE ORDINANCE CODE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH TO ALLOW PARRING OF TRAVEL TRAILERS, MOTOR HOMES, HAULING TRAILERS OR BOAT TRAILERS IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY i17 FRONT OF THE FRONT YARD BUILDING LINE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Chapter 24, Sec. 29-163, (21 be stuck in its entirety and change to read as follows: "(2j Only one travel trailer, motor home, hauling tzailer or boat trailer shall be permitted parked or stored on any lot in residential districts as long as they are located entirely on private property and don't create a traffic or safety hazard;" SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage on final reading. •Rf Rf kftfttftffftfttRttfttffffftlfltfftt lfffflttLfffffttfff Attest: MAUREEN RING, City Clerk WILLIAM I. GULLZPORD, JR. Mayor, Presiding Officer Approved as to form and correctness: ALAN C. JENSEN, ESQUIRE City Attorney r,,_. i Section 23-26 - 23-35 Reserved. Section 2. Chapter 23, Art 3cle II. Rccurnulation of Weeds, title is amended to "Rrticle III. Rccurnulation of Weeds". Section 3. Chapter 23, Section 23-29, Rrticle II. Re- served fcr "Landscape Requirements". Section 4. This Ordinance shall take place effect im- mediately upon its final passage and adoption. PASSED by the City Commission first reading, this _____ day of _______________, 1992. PRSSED by the City Commission on second and final read- ing, this _______ day of _______, 1992. NRUREEN KING City Clerk Reproved as to form and correctness: RLAN C. JENSEN, ESQUIRE City Rttorney -B- ~. WILLIRM I. GULLIFORD, JR. Mayor, Presiding Officer Y chapter shall be made to the Board. This request shall state in detail what except ic•n is being sought and the reason such request is warranted. The Beard shall grant, modify, er deny each such request. (b) During a period of emergency, such as a hurricane, flood, c•r ether natural disaster, the requirements of this Rrt icle may be temporarily waived by order of the Mayer so that private or public work to restore the City will net be i rnpa i red. Section 23-24. Enforcement, Violations and Penalties. (a) Notice of violation: When the Board has evidence that a violation of any provision of this chapter has been, or is, being committed, the Board or its Designee shall issue a written notice upon the violator. The notice shall set forth the nature of the violation and the period of time allowed for correction of the violation. (b) Rny violation of this Chapter shall be corrected as follows: (I) By replacing all trees removed without a permit. The total caliper inches of replacement trees shall equal the total DBH inches of the trees removed. Each replacement tree shall have a minimum size of (4) caliper inches, or (2> By paying a fine not to exceed 6300.00 per DBH inch of trees removed, or (3) If the site has been clear-cut, by paying a Fine not to exceed 61.00 per square foot of the total property. lc) R11 fines assessed under this section shall be pay- able to The City of Rtlantic Beach. R stop work order shall be issued, and shall continue in effect, until all fines have been collected. No certificate of occupancy shall be issued until all required replacement trees have been planted. Section 23-25. Repeals. R decision of the Designee may be appealed to the Board. R decision of the Boartl may be appealed to the City Commis- sion by filing a written statement containing the basis for the appeal. The request for an appeal must be filed with the City Clerk within ten (SO> working days following the Board's decision. The decision of the City Corarnission shall be final. _7_ 5- (a) No attachment, wires (ether than protective guy- wires), advertising pesters, building permits, bench marks or other such items shall be attached to any tree. (6> Temporary protective barricades shall he erected around all trees itlent ified for preservation. The barricatle shall be erected ne closer than the drip line of arty tree, er at a diameter ne less than five (v) Feet from the trunk of the tree at its base- (c) Protected areas shall be rnaint aired at their orig- inal grade, with no trenching er cutting of any roots; there shall be no storage of fill, or compacting of soil; no motor- ized vehicles or equipment shall be allowed to traverse or park within the protected area, and no dirt or any construct- ion materials shall be stored within the barricades. (d) Relocatior. of trees shall be supervised by an indi- vidual trained in arboriculture, horticulture, landscape architecture, forestry or other closely related field. (e) The applicant shall not cause or allow the cleaning of equipment, storage or disposal of materials such as paint, solvents, asphalt, concrete, mortar, or any other material within the tlrip line of the tree that may endanger the life or health 'of the tree. (f> Vehicular movement into and out of the construct- ion site shall be confined to identified crorridors of ingress and egress. Section 23-22. Replacement and Maintenanre of Trees. (a) Tree Replacement: Trees identified for removal may be required to be replared with newly planted trees, trans- planted trees, or trees existing elsewhere on the property, all referred to as replacement trees. The number, size, arxi species of such replacement trees will be determined by the Board, not to exceed the total DBH inches of those trees re- moved. (b) Maintenance of Replacement Trees: property owners shall be responsible for the continuing maintenance, watering arxi protection of all replacement trees. Failure to maintain replacement trees, or to replace these replacement trees which have died, sha71 be deemed a violation of this chapter. Section 23-23. Exceptions. (a) p request for exception to any prevision of this -6-- Section 23-19. Tree Removal/Rlteration Permit. (a) Ne persen, directly or indirectly, shall cut down, destroy, remove or move, any tree situated on property as described in Section 23-18, without first obtaining a Tree Removal/Rlteration permit. Written applications for this permit shall be filed at City Hall in accordance with pro- cedures determined 6y the Board. (6> Ne persen, directly or~ indirectly, shall perfcrra maintenance work or tree surgery on any tree without first obtaining a Tree Removal/Rlteration permit from the board or its Designee. R permit for the purpose of tree maintenance is not required of an owner of a single family or tluplex property. (c) Rny department or division of the City of Rtlantic Beach, or any independent authority or agency of the city whits is authorized to provide utility service, shall oht aim an annual permit to trio trees for nairrtenance purposes. (d) No person, directly or indirectly, shall perform site alterations which affect any tree on property as des- cribed in Section 23-18 for the purpose of deyelopmerrt, re- development or renovation without first obtaining a Tree Re- moval/Rlteration Permit from the Board or its Designee. Section 2320. permit Criteria. In approving or disapproving permit applications, the Board shall consider, at a winimum, the following: <a> Rrry safety hazartl posed by specific trees to-peo- ple, pedestrian or vehicular traffic, acrd adjacent buildings. (b) Rny threat of disruption of public services posed by a specific tree. lc) The impact of tree removal on soil erosion or ret- ention, and on surface water flaw. (d) The land use and ground cover of surrounding pro- perty arW the impact of tree removal on such property. (e) The condition of the natural tree canopy of the surrounding area and the impact of tree removal on that canopy. Section 23-21. Tree Protection Pratt ices. R11 trees shall be protected from injury during land clearing or construction in the following wanner: -5- 4. -- Section 23-17. Tree Conservation Board. la) There is hereby created a 7"roe Conservation 6oartl comprised of five (5) citizens of the city. Each member shall he appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the City Commission. The Board may appoint an ex officio member who is an individual traineO in arboriculture, landscape archi- tecture, forestry or other related field. (6) It is the intent of this ordinance that the members of the Board represent a cross-section of the community w that the board is balanced among the various interests within the City. fc) R31 members of the Board shall be appointed for terms of three <3) years and shall serve without pay. Vacan- cies on unexpired terms shall be filled for the remainder of the term in the sacie manner as the original appointrent. Hoard members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. (d) The wembers of the Board shall annually elect a chairman and secretary. The Board shall hold regularly sche- duled public meetings and may schedule other public meetings at their discretion. (e) The Board shall have the authority to issue per- mits, grant exceptions, levy fines, and require replacerent trees in accordance with the provisions and intent of this chapter. The Board shall have the authority to regulate the protection, waintenance and removal of trees on all property, as defirx~d in this chapter. The Board ray supervise and irr sped all work done under a permit issued in accordance with this Mapter and shall have the authority to issue stop-work orders for violations of the provisions and irrtent of this chapter. (f) The Board may delegate to its Designee the auth- ority to issue permits and inspect all work done under the provisions of a permit. The Designee, under the direction of the Board, has the authority to issue stop-work orders. (g) The Board way designate certain trees as historic trees or as specimen trees, thereby affording such trees special protection. Section 23-18. Replication of the Ordinanre. The terms and provisions of this chapter shall apply to all real property within the City of Rtlantic Beach. -4- Site Rlteration: R change to existing grade of any property. Tree: Rny self-supporting, woody plant, including palm trees, with a DEH of six (6) inches or greater, having a single or multiple trunk, and which normally grows to a mini- mum height of twelve t12) feet or more. Tree rewoval: Rny act causing the el irninatien cr death of a tree or any .change in its site location. THE REMRINDER OF THIS PRSE LEF7 INTENTIONRLLV HLRNR -3- Section 23-16. Definitions. Fc•r the purposes of this Chapter, the following words or phrases shall be defined as: Clear-Cut: The removal c•f a majority of trees, withc•ut a permit, from arty site so that the size or identity of trees removed cannot be determined. DBH (Diameter Breast Height: The trunk diameter, in inches, measured four and one-half (4 1/2) feet above the average ground level at the tree base. Trees that fork shall be considered multi-trunk trees and their DBH shall be deter- mined by adding together the DBH of the two (2I largest trunks at a height of four and one-half (4 1/2) feet above the ground. Trees that fork between twc• (2) and four and one-half (4 1/2) Feet shall be measured below the swell re- sulting from the fc•rk. Designee: A City employee designated to assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities and to act in accordance with specific instructions issued by the Board. Development, redevelop~errt, renovation: Rny construct- ion for which a building permit must be issued. In the case of vehicular-use, any preparation or paving of a site for the purpose of vehicular-use. Drip line: H vertical line extending from the outer- most branches of a tree to the ground, to be no less than a ten f10) foot circle from the renter of a tree at its trunk base. Historic Tree, Specimen Tree: A tree which has been found by the Board to be of notable interest or value due to its age, size, historic association, erolcgical value, un- usual species or ronfiguration. person: Rny irxlividual, corporation, association, or other entity; or any agent or employee thereof. Property owner: The person or entity shown as owner of the property in the county tax rolls. Protective barricade: R man-made barricade designed to prevent disturbance of the tree's growing environment. The barricade shall be substantial enough to keep out vehicular traffic and all construction equipment and material. _2_ qR ORDINRNCE 95-92-53 AN ORDINRNCE RMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINRNCES OF THE CITY OF RTLRNTIC HERCH, RMENDING CHRPTER 23, VEGETATION, HY RMENDING ARTICLE II, TREES, TO PROVIDE FOR TREE PROTECTION, TD PROVIDE FOR A TREE CONSERVRTION HOPRD, TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITS, TREE INSPECTION REPORTS, SITE ALTERRTIONS, RE- MOVRL RND MRINTENRNCE OF TREES, PROVIDE FOR EN- FORCEMENT OF THE ORDINRNCE RND PROVIDING FOR RN EFFECTIVE DRTE, RPPERLS RND EXCEPTIONS. BE IT ORDRINED BV THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF RTLANTIC 6EACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. Chapter 23, Rrticle II title is amended to read TREE PROTECTION RND MRINTENRNCE, and Rrticle II is amen- ded by the addition of a Preamble and Statement of Intent and Sections 23-23 through 23-29 are added to Rrticle II, and Sections 23-16 through 23-19 of Rrticle II are amended to read: TREE PROTECTION AND lWINTENiMICE - The Purpose and Intent of this Article is: ~ To promote the health, safety, welfare and general well-being of the citizens of Rtlantic Beach through the preservation, corr~ervation aml proliferation of trees and vegetation within the City; s To protect and eManre the mature tree canopy of the City as well as to encourage the development of ad- ditional tree canopy; • To promote and i.prove aesthetic integration of the natural ar~d oan-made envirorrents in recrognition of their meaningful contribution to the quality of life of the eow:unity and its citizens; w To promote the cronservation of energy, oxygen produr tion, carbon dioxide absorption, and wildlife habitat through the protection of trees on public and private property; rt To provide for the prevention of soil and beach ero- sion and to contribute toward the reduction of noise, dust and air pollution by the preservation and reten- tion of trees and vegetative cover. ~, , [IIY Df AILAMTIC BEACH /IDDET ADJUtiYEYT [I[\FJt: . M-7 EifECTi VE DATF. 12-1<-9[ il[N: ltlent is IeerJt Wttr Ar9eDM1AT IDYL ESTIMATED IEYEIEIE ALTAYIT [D. ACfLWT iliLE DEIii C[EDIT OE11t UEDIT ADD-OOm-7N-DODO d) Al laotlon of fW Mlerce 11[,%5 AW-EODI-SA-000 leprove~tte ONler Mrt IId1a. 71D,%5 anus one,%s tle,%s o EIIM11YNTi0•S fl) In eaaM~ce o1M plea e.d [pets In Ii0 Yo. 9192.19 ellrrOrO M talulon m 9/1i/92. iuW sere enticipte0 to M ep~lt )n R 1991/92. Mted to reeppropriete to iT i992M. AMDDIm IT: [le lNleecY, City DetYyer IIOA[® [T: [Irt YetOleM, ii:r:ce Director uliluED n: [abrt [aeq, r.v. Dlrecter Tawlssla Anla RWI[FD: Tee DATE reE9AAED: a-a-92 CITY OF l4flartie ~tuelc - ~laalda eee sewlwEE wA~a `.__. _. __. _ _. __._ _ ___ ATI,ANiiC aE1Ca, ElOY1M n2U-SiJS ~\ TEIF.PIIO\E 19BC13~1~5800 t l 1 EV(190I11(1-SI0.c December 3, 1992 To: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager ~y~ Prom: Kirk R. Wendland, Finance Director 71-~ RE: Funding For Watermain Replacement During the Piscal year 1992/93 budget process, Bob Kosoy and I attempted to estimate expenditures for the year ending September 30, 1992, in order to project funds which would be available for the ensuing year. At that time, Sob felt the vatermain replacement for 1st, 9th and 11th ctreets vovld be completed prior to September 30, 1992. We shoved these funds as ^pzojected^ to be spent in our analysis of the 1991/92 fiscal year. Obviously, on the anticipation of spending these funds, ve did not budget for their expenditure in this current fiscal year. The City Commission awarded the bid for the work on September 14, 1992. However, none of the funds were spent in FY 1991/92. This timing difference will result in a higher Pund balance at the beginning of this fiscal year. However, the monies need to be reappropriated in order to pay for the project. Therefore, I have attached a request for a budget adjustment and will ask the City Clerk to prepare a corresponding resolution. ~ t3 RL~9(HlR'iQi tA. 92-39 A R~.QPLW 1RAlSPffimIIiG CHIN lQ~+S BBTiH+N PRi15 WNERE7S, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach r[gui_tvs that the City Cumussion approve all budgetary increases and transfers fran one ford to another, and Wt~'A.S, the natuty of budgetary systacs and those day to day decisions affecting such budgera,y systerts rte,; rP adjustment fmn tyre to time, fXJW, Tf~'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, that the attached Budget Adjw^tnent Mo. BA-7 be approved for the 1992/93 budget. Adopted by the City Camnission Dec~d~er 14, 1992. x x x x • r • x • r r r Willivn I. Qrlliford, Jr. MAYOR Approved as to form and correctness: Nan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen ICinq, City Clerk ~ -:°.. . I.. Resolution /~92-37 A Resolution of the City of Atlantic Beach In Reeard to the appropriation of Funds for the lst_Phase of the TownCenter Pro'ect WHEREAS, the goal of the TovnCenter Proj ec[ is to create a Beaches community TownCenter, which serves as a place of identity for people of the Beaches, as well as a gateway for Greater Jacksonville. The primary feature of TownCenter will be a tree-lined avenue and brick paved sidewalks on the north and south sides of Atlantic Boulevard from Third Street to the Ocean. Additional phases of the project will extend these same streetscape features north on Ocean Boulevard and south on First Street to Orange Street. WHEREAS, another goal of TownCenter will be to create streets which enhance the compatibility of cars and pedestrians. This will be achieved by additional and more clearly defined parking areas. Pedestrian safety will be improved by narrowing the street and the creation of enlarged sidewalks. WHEREAS, by refining the character and ambiance of the key center of the north beaches community, both Atlantic and Neptune Beaches will make an important future investment For all area residents. TownCenter can become an impetus for controlled growth and economic stability for the area. Finally, .TownCenter will give the beaches a positive identity and a pride of place. WHEREAS, the 1st Phase will consist of the area beginning at Ocean Boulevard and First Street to the Ocean in both Atlantic and Neptune Beach with plans to commence construction in the early part of 1993. WHEREAS, this is an appropriation of the convention development tax funds in accordance with the law authorizing such tax; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Budget of 1992/1993 under special revenues, the Convention Development Tax Fund is hereby amended to provide E25,000 as an appropriation for the construction and development of Phase 1 of the~'nwnC.anror o..,; e,.. ATTEST: Maureen King, Wi liam I. Gu City Clerk Mayor/Presiding Approved as to form and correctness: Alan C. Jensen, Esquire City Attorne}• ~f~._ F iS S' M' 0.00.0.ER: G-6 fUD: Cam. Dev. Tu L Cp- Proleats ACONIT Ip- ACCOWT TIiIE 120-0000-211-0000 (1) :om. Ow. Tu - hntl Belerce 120.0000-50.1-9107 Trersfer <o Cpitsl Projecb 300.0000.7!1-70W (2) Tr~:tfer fraR [onv. Dev. Tu 700-0000-SR-6700 Iaprorsenn 0[her [hen 0.1d9s. TorA(s clrr of ATUllnc 6EACx BUDGET AIIJUSTIRMT Ef fER IVE DATE: 12-1<-92 fUMO BALANCE APPRWRIATIDMS REVENUES ----------------- ----------------- DEBIT CREDIT DEBIT CREDIT 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 o so,oao sD,aoo 0 EVWYIT 100.: (1) Truafen Cmeentim Developeert Tu fvd belarce to the Cpitel 9rojects dd9et. (2) ReuivM TM trenafer fra Cmven[im DewloTeeen[ Tu ~ pRroprietea the fm:b to be cmtri D:fted to the Tpn Curter Project to help fmd :ecde6 iprorentnts. APMOVED 0.V: 0.i Lei:bech, City Ilsrper PlA70.ED 0.y: [irk Yedl~d, firwre Director 10.1TIAiFD 0.y: 0.eeelutim 92-37 [YRII0.5101 ACT100. REDOIRED: rK DATE PREPARED: 11-30-92 LR 1~9IHfTfIQi TD. 92-38 A I~DPiQi 1FAl~tII~G CF~IN MQIIPS BSLS~ffi7 PSt-I76 Wt~[EFAS, the City Charter of the City of Atlantic Beach red,; res that the City Cpnnission approve all budgetary increases and trans fens frvn one ford to another, and WHEREAS, the nature of budgetary systems aryl those day to day decisiaLS affecting such budgetary systems require adjustment fmn time to time, NC7W, 4f1EREF'ORE, BE TT RES'~OLVE9 by the City Commission of the City of Atlantic Beach, that the attached Budget Adjustrpnt No. BA-6 be approved for the 1992/93 budget. Adopter] try the City Ccrmission ~r 14, 1992. : • t • r : : : • • x • x William I. Glrlliford, Jr. MAYOR Approvr>d as to form and corrx±ctness• Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen Ring, City Clerk _,_._ ~~~~~ c1rY oe AnwNTIC apwca clTY canassloa MRerINc sTerr Reroer AC,BmA TT@1: REPORT ON USAGE OF ADELE GRACE COMHUNITY CENTER FOR NOVERNBER 1992 SBBIITY® BY: ROSE H. BLANCHARD DATE: DECEMBER 8, 1992 BA(ZGRODA/: REGULAR MONTHLY REPORT The total number of residents occupying the Center, during the mooch of November is 616 people. These are divided between the performances of ABET, rehearsals and visits as yell as regular meetings. NONE ~7sy~g; NONE Y6VI®® BY CITY NAAAGEf; /~ l/V .f/M/i q dGEI®A ITEM ND. ~ U ~_. H C C. 11~ r 1. rr or Ru nr+ne tee.: r.. cirr coMMlssloM Meerluc IRFR c FORT '. ii`^DR IlEii: Pt.. ,-.a ri r.ari U(tGmmi-n doll one. .11U.'1l(IrU UY: U.:vid 1. Thompc on, Chi::t nP Policv a 1: 1: ..1; nllrlr„ ;, :- r_u: n._rUh:.r .. 1`+H F' i;irv Ce^:mi s•. ion Mao ri nq, Ms. Gregg asked :!'. _~ ~,. .,n .:-.,- JI P; cl:-l+i :.,-,. ['+.-!, :. „ us.i nn ~la.~ Fe:.d. end 21 I..+. rr,.r`.., '., +:;,.. ..~ cny,~t Pr.l me. Ur.-c ::nd %1'_, Read r, make it a .,-way stop. .. _. r ....- .. ,, I'u'. [;:... .. ..:y ;:bout the ides. Me indicated _.. ~ ~ .. ,~ .._ i ... .:. -tq- ~ fr.r usage by large true r.s it would _ -.. ,. .... __ _ .. -n.. r._ .nb~r ouC LhaC Che City sani [a tl an Crutke .. .., _ ... r.:,~ -i"~ to~,.~d co n: o....ity, and el imi na ti nq the use - ... _,: r du.: i;urden on f,i1y opt rati ons. Ne also ....•. .. .. .. -,~.: ,- ...,r .. ,,, other Pl:,c es chat have Tried to prohibit such .. .. _.-. ~. .. 'a:~•~p o. cen test Lhe c..>e in court. Res tr is flog such a major ,.. , ...ee :.u.' ..:y would net be practical. -r.~m. a law enfri rc em~:nr perspze ti ve, [he prohibition of trucks on Plaza would not ,: tea sib le. Ihero arc naiyhbo rhoods where access requires driving on Plaza zoos. and we havo an cbliga tiun to allow that access. If City sanitation tr'uc ks vre going to continue to use Plaza, then en fo rc emeni of such a restriction on Cher trucks would be inappropriate. ,dative to the intersection of Plaza and Royal Palms, members of our Police r ratfic Unit and other pau'ol officers have expressed their opinions. They have +bce rued the traffic problems which occur on Plaza, especially in the early horning hours. The tr'afH c sometimes backs up from Mayport Rd. all the way up 'lazy a: tar as the eastern section of Sailfish Orive. The primary reason for Chis back,-up is Che light located at Mayport Road and Plaza. Because of the reavy traffic to the Mayport Base, the light is timed io expedite traffic toward -'he base. Rs a result. the Craffic from Plaza onto Mayport Road backs up. rf fleet ~. have indicated that adding a traffic can trol at Royal Palms and Plaza !ould nor roi.olve this problem. The back-ups would continue. and the estop fights or Stop Siyns would not alter Chis problem. Officers also pointed out 'hat the nrob l.em -<ists for a very short rime over Che cnu r:.e of the week.. and .he addi [i on of rraitic controls would alter the tn,ftic Clow and inconvenience rc nri.s t•. days .: -ek. !~] hours o day. 1 [OMMC MORTICN': ihr Police Dr•parrmenS rcoc,mrnds that we do not prohibit r ur.k=. cn k)cza ~:oed. be Police U~-par tmont rec Dolmen AS. that we d:'. not oAd SCOp Siym~ nr other traffic •,uCr ot~-. t. ,.oral !:n.. :,nd Pla.. .,. it ~:. Pal iro Ur~p,:r ri;,,nC will contact the State Oepa r'tmenC oT Transporta Cion about h- tr ,tlic Gar%;-up cau~.e4 Gy the Uhr ;~ riaza and Mayport Road, and wr. will r~; rn nbl :,[n .eii is.t unr r'• zrivr nq ih r. ninq n( the light. :: ~.'icwul r.. cl,r nowt rLt: - L(-j o - . xF^~~ --- 5A 0 ~// G ni ~IUin tu.M r:u. ~r"._ ~+ A CITY OF r~tlantie " - ~loalda eoo sewvuLe aoAo ATLA.tiTIC wa'efN, FInRIM JS]315M9 TELEPRO~'E 190112lFSI00 FA% 190112(1-SIDS Deca:i6er 8, 1992 1b: The Hororable Mayor and City Conmissioners Fran: Maureen King, City Clerk SLbject: BDAF9) API0IITII3fNI5 The following information is provided to assist you with board appointments which still need to he made. ODDE FIgORCFF2~4IdP BOARD: Dr. John Venn 5 ^- -- Bonrer were reappointed to the Code Enforcemnt Board on Cxtober 12, 1992, ald Itathleen Russell was appointed to the Code FhfozoemPnt Board on November 9, 1992. The subsa7uent death of Crne Montanye created an additirnlal vacancy on this board which needs to be filled. CL,<43R7ITP DEJE[UPMENf BOARD: Na'se ExpiJ3tion Date Pat Pillmore Deoanber 31, 1992 Sanlel T. Bowie Oeoanber 31, 1992 PENBICN BOARD: Rirhari E. calite Decalber 31, 1992 Ronald wirlgate Deoembsr 31, 1992 TPF£ OOtSERVATiOTd BOARD: Carolyn words January 31, 1993 Jim Pelkey January 31, 1993 ltrnus Frohne January 31, 1993 'I ~~ Y. Crnments Appointed 12-9-91 to fill unexpired term of Johnnie Bass Appointed 1-26-87 Appointed 1-26-87 Appointed 1-26-87 Appointed 1-22-90 Appointed 1-22-90 Appointed 10-19-91 to fill unexpired teem of Dearond waters L' Page 2 Minutes of Special City Commission Meeting Wednesday, December 2, 1992 A discussion ensued concerning the possibility of retaining Mr, Jarboe on a permanent basis. everyone agreed that Mr. Jarboe was of great help to the City and~it was unanimously agreed that efforts should be made to try to retain Mr. Jarboe as a permanent employee. A discussion ensued concerning the Temporary Employment Agreement and it was explained the Agreement was an extension of an existing contract which was effective beginning April 27, 1992. It was decided to amend the first paragraph to indicate the agreement was executed on the 2nd. day of December, 1992 instead of the 27th day of April, 1992, and to amend the amount of compensation in Paragraph 3 to S37,000, instead of S82,215. It was decided to indicate in the agreement that no monies to tund this contract would come from Reserve Funds, and Kirk Wendland was requested to furnish a report indicating where the funds would be derived. Commissioner Fletcher made a Substitute Motion as follows: Authorize execution of the Temporary Employment Agreement between the City of Atlantic Beach and James R. Jarboe with the following amendments: (a) no monies to fund the contract would come from Reserve Funds, with a report being furri shed to the Commission indicating where the funds would be derived (b) the agreement would be executed December 2, 1992 and continue no longer than June 30, 1993 (c) the City agreed to pay a sum not to exceed an aggregate of 537,000. The motion was seconded by~Co®eissioner Tucker and was unanimously approved. Ray Salman indicated the Community was aware of Mr. Jarboe's support and assistance and heartily supported h.is being considered as a full time employee, and he asked the Commission to place this in a form of formal motion. It was moved by Commissioner Tucker to authorize the Mayor to engage in negotiations with James R. Jarboe, with the assistance of the City Manager to seek funding for the proposed position of Deputy City Manager, and to inform Mr. Jarboe that the full City Commission endorses this action. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and was unanimously approved. The Mayor referred to the request of Commission Fletcher to close Atlantic Boulevard from Ocean Blvd. to the beach on December 6, 1992, for the Town Center Holiday Fest, "Singing in the Streets." S-- ~' I MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACN~CFTY~COI4fISSION XELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD', AT 6:30-P. M. ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1992 Present: William I. Gulliford,. Jr., Mayor Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher and-..:. _ .. Adelaide R. Tucker And: Trudy Lopanik, Substituting for City Clark Kirk Wendland, Finance Director Alan Jensen, City Attorney Commissioner Dezmond Waters and City Clerk Maureen King were excused. The Mayor called the meeting to order and explained the following items would be discussed: 1. Discussion and related action regarding the City's contract with Jim Jarboe 2. Discussion and related action regarding Town Center's request to close Atlantic Boulevard from Ocean Blvd., to the beach, December 6, 1992. The Mayor asked Kirk Wendland, Finance Director, to explain the proposed Temporary Employment Agreement for James R. Jarboe. Mr. Wendland explained the agreement extended the temporary employment of Mr. Jarboe until June 30, 1993 (copy of the proposed agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof). He added the present agreement was effective until December 2, 1992. iie referred to Paragraph 4 and explained the aggregate sum of SH2,215 referenced in Paragraph 3 included 510,000 of Community Development Block Grant funds, which could only be expended for work performed on projects which were CDBG eligible. He added if Mr. Jarboe performed CDHG eligible services in an amount less than 510,000, the aggregate sum of the contract would be reduced by the amount of CDBG eligible funds not expended- Tbe.Mayor .rP-ferred.to Paragraph 7 and indicated the dates of employment were incorrect and should read as follows: the employee's performance shall commence on the 2nd of December, 1992 and continue no longer than the 30th of June, 1993. Commissioner Tuckez moved for Authorization of the Temporary Employment Agreement between the City of Atlantic Beach and James R. Jarboe. She added the Agreement shall be amended as follows: Paragraph 7 shall read "the employee's performance under this agreement shall commence on the 2nd of December, 1992 and continue no longer than the 30th of June, 1993." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards. Page 11.0 Minutes of joint meeting of City Cnnnission afd Tree Boan3 Mayday, November 30, 1992 The Mayor felt the ordinance discrinunatvd against developers =_ince they were required to ccnply with the regulations but har~eo+mers were i exerted frrm those regulations. fie suggested rte,; ring both developers j aId homeowners to replace :sees on score established ratio. EUrther discussion ensued and it was thy. ga-neral mnseruus that the city did have the right to regulates the removal and planting of trees in a similar manner to which otMr matters are regulated throughout the city. In further discussion the follvring were identified as desirable goals '~ to Ir achieved t}nrough passage of a tree pmtection ordinance: I protect the ~~beaat•~ and~amiqur_ness of Atlantic Beach, provide wild life • habitat, protect property values, and saves the maximum number of trees. , Following further discussion a seco:d ma2tinq to continue discussions of the proposed tree orainance by the City Cartnission and Tree Board was scheduled for 7:00 PM on 'Thursday, DecctNaer 10, 1992. 'there being no~ further dis<vission, the Mayor declazed the meeting adjourned at 30:55 [~f. , Maureen King, City Clerk r !@II1~S GF THE Vi~P lEI.'TRG Q+ TBE CITY ~lQSSIQ7 ATD 1Td~8 PR65tI2HA1TON H[Yi[~ IIi CITY HAIL, 800 58~E IC1~1D, AT 7:30 R1 ON lQIIAY, Ii7VH~R 30, 1992 PRESENT: City Commission: Willi vn I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Ttrker J. DeanDrd Ykitr_rs, III Tree Conservation Board: Carolyn Woods, Chairman Jim Pelkey Thrmns Frohne John Weldon; Jr. Anj: ... Kim D. Ieinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen. City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk ~: TM meeting was called to order by Mayor Clilliford. Fte explained the meeting had been scheduled to provide an opportunity for the City C'rnmission and Tree Conservation Board to discuss the proposed revision of the city's tree protection ordinance. He indicated the purpose of the revised ordinance appeared to be different fran the original ordinanr. arcs M felt the purporr of the ordinance needed to be clarified and a car~ra;ti.se reached that mould he acceptable to all carcer~l. Cannissioner Fletc!r_r felt the major propose of the ne,/ ordinance was to provide for tree protection on residential property as well as property being developed, and to protect and maintain the beauty and uniqueness of Atlantic Bench. Crnmissiorer Waters felt some legal problE,ns relative to the existing ordirranoe needed to be resolw_d. He also indicated he would like to see the revised ordinance written in such a way as to re3uire rro net loss of trees. Following further discussion, the proposed ordinance was reviec~l, section trr section, beginning with definitions. '17w following changes were recamierc3ed: Page 2, Definition of DBH (Diameter Breast Hight ... "Trxs that fork shall be considered nulti-trunk trees and their DBH shall bP determined Iry adding togetlr_r the DBEI of the Me-42} three (3) largest trunks"...; Definition of Drio Line, "A vertical line exte_ndinq from the outermost branches of a tree to the gzorud, to be.m less than , a ten {}g}-feel-eire~e five (S) foot radius fran the center of a tree at its trunk base." Page 9 November 23, 1992 provide the Commission with a written report. Co~nissioner Waters commended the Police Chief for providing the grant that made it possible to improve the facilities in Donner Park, and he indicated the park had been used to a great extent. The Mayor referred to the Newsletter and indicated it would be necessary for the Commission to make a policy decision concerning advertising in the Newsletter. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 10:45 p. m. Maureen King, City Clerk •am .. Mayor/Presiding Officer it i i i ~_ I ' l i. El._.. Page 8 November 23, 1992 and (F) Prioritization of Capital Improvement Projects, contained in the Water and Sewer Committee Report dated November 17, 1992, copy attached hereto and made a part hereof The Mayor explained anything the City would do as a result of the motion would require Commission action and approval. The motion would enable the Water and Sewer Committee to solicit bids for the specific work and to seek financing. In order to enter into any type of agreement; however, formal Commission action would be necessary. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. B. Engineering proposal for Church Road roadway improvements (East of Mayport to Francis Avenue) Bob Kosoy explained Church Road was paved on the West side of Mayport Road and was owned by both the City of Atlantic Beach and the City of Jacksonville. The east side of Mayport Road was a dirt road but was a major thoroughfare, had a signalized intersection, and the City would like to install paving, drainage, and a water line. Notion: Approval to engage Connelly 5 Wicker for a fee not to exceed S7, 000 for design and preparation of plans, permit, and specifications for roadway improvements to Church Road East and a waterline Extension on Francis Avenue to Simmons Road City Manager Kim Leinbach reported he was informed the City of Jacksonville had elected not to participate in improvements to Church Road. The question was Called and the motion Carried unanimously. 9. Citv Manager Reports an~or Correspondence; Kim Leinbach, City Hanager, reported concerning a Legislative session he attended in Tallahassee. He reported cities were being threatened with intrusion to home rule, such as the state monitoring the pension funds of Cities, and many other items. He indicated he would CO~~~ I M S Y N Edwards ~ x Fletcher I x Tucker x x Na ters I x~ x Gulliford ~ x i E Page 7 November 23. 1992 Buccaneer Wastewater Plant Site. Ne indicated the property was 2.8 acres in size and was needed desperately for expansion of the plant. It was determined the City had not obtained an appraisal of the property but it was felt the property, because it was zoned commercial, was fairly priced. It was explained the property surrounded the City's sewer plant, and the sellers were advised the property was worth at least 5250,000. Alan Potter reported Harold H. Crum, partner of C 6 5 Development, offered to manage the mobile homes on the property for a period of one year, to give the City the statutory time to relocate the trailer owners at which time it would be the City's responsibility to offer the trailer owners the nearest comparable mobile home. _ . Motion: Authorize purchase of property adjacent to City's sewer plant currently owned by C fi S Development, in the amount of $225,000 Commissioner Waters suggested setting aside the valuable parcel of land fronting Mayport Road to be resold in the future. The question was call and the motion carried unanimously. (a) Approval for the water and Sewer Committee to seek interim financing for the following items contained in their report dated November 17, 1992, copy attached hereto and made a part hereof: (A) Funding for land acquisition at buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant; (D) Obtain RFP's for wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion; (F) Prioritization of Capital Improvement Projects Motion: Committee items (A) eucraaeer RFP's fOr Approval for Water and Sewer to seek interim financing for Funding for land acquisition at Wastewater Treatment Plant; (D) Wastewater Treatment Expansion; e NAME OF COMMAS. bl S V Y V N~ Edwards x IFletcher x x iTUCker x ~ ~ Waters x x GUlliford x Edwards I x x Fletcher x ~Tuckez x x Waters l x Gullif of d x ,,,~. ~..~,c- _ Page 6 N~EOF v y November 23, 1992 COMMRS. M S Y N meetings, he would make appointments, with the approval of the Commission. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Water and Sewer Committee report B. Update report on 32 cubic yard sanitation vehicle C. Acceptance of water and sewer lines for Cypress Creek Subdivision, Phase I Motion: Approve passage of Consent Agenda Commissioner Fletcher gave a short summary conr_erning the Water and Sewer Committee Report, said report is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It was decided to obtain Commission authorization for funding Items A (land acquisition at Buccaneer Wastewater Treatment Plant); D (authorization to obtain RFP's foz Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion; and F (authorization to prioritize capital improvement projects) as Item 8 (a) of the agenda. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 6. Resolution• A. Resolution No. 92-34: A RESOLUTION URGING THE CONTINUATION OF FUNDING OF THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER (MAYPORT) FERRY Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 92-34 No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. 7. Ordinances• A. Ordinance lf60-92-51 - This was acted upon earlier in the agenda. H. New Business: A. Offer made to the city for proposed purchase of property currently owned by CfiS Development Bob Kosoy presented a request from the Water and Wastewater Utilities Committee to purchase property from C S S Development in the amount Of 5225,000 t0 expand the Edwards Fletcher Tucker waters Gullifor Edwards Fletcher TucKer x waters II Gulliforp x x x i F .` ) `:,•- Page 5 - ~ ~ -- NOVuber 23, 1992 Motion: ~ Approve passage of Resolution 92-36 The question was called and the motion carried by a 3-2 vote, with Commissioners Edwards and Tucker voting nay. item 68 was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. B. Resolution No. 92-37: A RESOLUTION IN REGARD TO THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR THE 1ST PHASE OF THE TOWN CENTER PROJECT Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-37. Motion: Approve passage of Resolution 92-37 A discussion ensued relative to matching funds with the City of Neptune Beach, but it was felt the City of Atlantic Beach should move ahead with the project. The City Manager reminded everyone that this matter would require a budget adjustment. The question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Old Business: A. Appointments to Code Enforcement Board, Community - Development Board, and Pension Board of Trustees Mayor Gulliford presented appointments to the Code Enforcement Board, Pension Board, and the Community Development Board. Mayor Gulliford informed the Commission that the recent death of Gene Montanye necessitated a new appointment on the Code Enforcement Board. He reported Ron Wingate, a member of the Pension Hoard, was a resident of Atlantic Beach.- Commissioner Waters suggested the appointment of Lou Waters to the Code Enforcement Board, the appointment of Mary Walker to the Community Development Board, and the appointment of John Fletcher to the Pension Hoard. Commissioner Waters added that he wanted to correct any impression he might have made concerning the appcintment of Herb Moller; he indicated he would be happy to see Mr. Moller appointed to any City Board. Mayor Gulliford stated he would like to meet with Lou Waters, John Fletcher, and Mary Walker and, following the NAME OF COMMAS. M S ~ Y V N Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker x eaters x x cullifard x Edwards x Fletcher x x Tucker x waters x x Gulliford - I 1 x .I _ .~ 6 F(~ .1 ~:.~., _. Page 9 November 23, 1992 V V NAME OF COMMAS M S Y N ~- and explained how the rates were determined. It was pointed out that most nearby government entities charged more for water and sewer than Atlantic Beach. Edwards Fletcher x Notion: Approve Ordinance 80-92-51 ITUCker on Final Reading Waters x Gullifoca Commissioner Fletcher asked Joe Welch, Purvis fi Gray, if reducing the 50,000 gallons cap of quarterly consumption of sewer to 90,000 gallons cap would have a financial impact to the city. Mr. Welch indicated reducing the cap in the proposed ordinance from 50,0000 to 40,000 wow id not Financially impact the city. Kirk Wendland, Finance Director, agreed reducing the amount of gallons from 50,000 to 40,000 would not financially impact the city. Edwards x Substitute Motion: Approve Fletcher x x Ordinance 80-92-51 on Final Reading, ITUCker x as amended. -Amendment as follows: waters x x Cap of quarterly consumption of Gulliford x sewer shall be 40,000 gallons, instead of 50,000 gallons. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Resolution No. 92-35: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ACCEPTING THE PURVIS, GRAY fi COMPANY FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE ATLANTIC BEACH WATER AND WASTE WATER UTILITY SYSTEMS AND APPROVING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS THEREIN. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-35. Edwards Motion: Approve passage of Fletcher Ix x Resolution 92-35 Tucker x (Waters x x The question was called and the motion carried by a 4-1 Gulliford x vote, with Commissioner Edwards voting nay. Resolution No. 92-36: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH ADOPTING A WATER AND SEWER UTILITIES CAPITAL ~INPROVEMEWTS-PROGRAH, PROVIDING AN. EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Resolution No. 92-36. I z Page 3 November 23, 1992 the improvements needed within the City. The Committee was comprised of citizens, an engineer, and city staff who met once a month and studied the matter in detail. Mr. Kosoy introduced members of his staff who gave the following presentations: Tim Townsend, Atlantic Beach Utility Plant Division Director, reviewed water and sewer capital improvements; Mr. Kosoy reviewed the Buccaneer Plant and collection and distribution lines, and Barry McNally, Buccaneer Utility Plant Division Director, reviewed the Buccaneer water and sewer Capital Improvement schedule. Following the presentations, Mr. Kosoy commended Messrs. Townsend and McNally for the excellent work they had performed. Mr. Kosoy explained the city faced regulatory agency mandates, fines, potential emergencies and higher costs if the problems of the city`s aging and maximized water-and sewer systems were not addressed row. The Mayor explained the Water and Sewer Committee had devoted many hours to studying the proposed work_ He reported increased revenues generated by the rate hikes would be used to finance about 510.5 million in improvements to the city's water and sewer plants. He explained regulatory mandates did not give the City a choice and that fines would be levied if improvements were not made. Following the presentation by City Staff, the Mayor opened the floor for a public hearing and invited Comments from the audience. Oceanwalk residents objected that their bills reflected artificially high rates because much of the water that flowed through their meter was used on their lawns. However, they felt they were billed for an equal number of gallons for wastewater. It was suggested that the city levy a flat quarterly fee equally divided among households rather than increase rates,' but the Mayor explained that method would not be allowed because regulatory agencies required that rates be tied to volume. The Mayor recommended that residents who water their yards frequently invest in a shallow well. Residents of Mayport Terrace and Atlantic Village mobile home park Complained that they were living on low incomes and, because of the proposed raise in water rates, rents were going to have to be raised. Joe Welch, Purvis 6 Gray, summarized the work of his firm r a , , . I I i s.. I '~, Page 2 NAME OF I~~ _ November 23, 1992 COMM{u M S Y N Barbara Bonner, 963 Selva Lakes Circle, referred to an } article that appeared in the Beaches Leader concerning the parking of recreational vehicles. Ms. Bonner advised Comments were attributed to her in error. James DeLOach, Saratoga Circle North, spoke concerning a ~ drainage ditch behind his house, located behind Aquatic Gardens. He indicated the State was supposed to keep the ditch clean; however, it had not been cleaned for some time. Barbara Bonner indicated she had contacted Mr. ~ 1 Mann, Department of Transportation, concerning cleaning ' the ditch and she offered to contact him once again. Bob Kosoy also indicated he would call Mr. Mann concerning ~ this matter. I The Mayor thanked Barbara Bonner for the Care She had given to the garden where the "Welcome to Atlantic Beach" sign is located. 3. AopearanCes- A. Recognition of the Haskell Company (this was discussed earlier in the agenda) Item 7A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. A. Ordinance k80-92-61 - Public Hearing AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ATLANTIC BEACH, FLORIDA RENUMBERING SECTIONS 22-16 THROUGH 22-21; AMENDING AND RENUMBERING SECTIONS 22-22 THROUGH 22-29 AND AMENDING SECTIONS 22-166 THROUGH 22-172 TO PROVIDE FOR MONTHLY BILLING; CHANGES TO THE BILLING RATES FOR WATER AND SEWER SERVICE; CHANGES TO CONNECTION CHARGES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERRBILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Gulliford presented in full, in writing, Ordinance #80-92-61, said ordinance having been posted in accordance with Charter requirements. Mayor Gulliford announced, prior to opening the floor for a public hearing, City staff would give a presentation explaining the work schedule for water and sewer imp-ovements and why it was essential that the improvements were implemented. Bob Kosoy, Director of Public Works, gave a presentation concerning the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. He explained, in order to provide the best possible information to the City Commission, in January, 1991 the Mayor had appointed a water and Sewer Committee to study r h MINUTES OP TH£ REGULAR MEETING OF ATLANTIC BEACH CITY COMMISSION HELD IN CITY HALL, 800 SEMINOLE ROAD, AT 7:15 PM ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1992 PRESENT: William I. Gulliford, Jr., Mayor Glenn A. Edwards Lyman T. Fletcher Adelaide R. Tucker, and J. Dezmond Waters, III, Commissioners AND: Kim D. Leinbach, City Manager Alan C. Jensen, City Attorney Maureen King, City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Gulliford. Commissioner Fletcher offered the invocation and asked for a moment of silence in memory of Gene Montanye, a well known citizen of Atlantic Beach who had served on the Code Enforcement Hoard. This was followed by the pledge to the flag. 1. Approval of the minutes of the_r~ular meeting of November 9 199.2,.. Motion: Approve minutes of the regular meeting of November 9, 1992. No discussion before the vote. The motion carried unanimously. Item 3A was taken out of sequence and acted upon at this time. Mayor Gulliford presented representatives from Haskell Company with a plaque in honor of their commitment to the City in correcting the Fleet Landing drainage problem. 2. Recognition of visitors: Anita Jarvis, 2753 Mayport Road, Lot 39, asked the City for assistance in cleaning Sherman Creek. The Mayor explained the creek was not within the. jurisdiction of the City and, thus, the City had no control. He suggested contacting Councilman Dick Brown for assistance. He also advised he would bring up the matter at a meeting with Jacksonville. Bob Kosoy was asked to Contact Ms. Jarvis to follow up the matter, and City Manager Kim Leinbach offered to contact Bill Snyder, City of Jacksonville, for assistance. ME OF COMMRS. M O T i O N S E C O N D V O T E D Y E S V O T E D N O Edwards x Fletcher x Tucker x x waters x x Gulliford x i i F. Appeal of variance denial by Community Development Board [o construe[ a screen enclosure in violation of rear setback (Margaret Cresson) (City Planner George Worley) C. Appeal of variance denial by Community Deve lopmenc Board request for variance to retain an unpermitted screen enclosure (Lori Neske th) (City Planner George 1lorley) R. Appeal of variance denial by [he Community Deve lopme n[ Board co park an RV in the front yard se[ back (Clyde Asbury) (City Planner George Worley) I. Appeal of variance denial by Community Development Board [o construct a garage apartment on a substandard lot (Townsend Hawke s) (City Planner George Worley) J. Final plat approval for William Morgan (Cicy Planner George Worley) 9. City Manager Reports and/or Correspondeote: 10. Mayor to call on Ci[y Commissiocers, City Attorney and Ci[y Clerk: A. To se[ holiday hours for Christmas eve day Ad]ournmen[ l E CITY OP ATf1lNTIC BEACN REGOLAR !!FETING OP THE CITY COlRQSSION, DECPIBER 14, 1992, 7:I5 P.M. AGENDA Call [o Order Invocation and pledge [o the flag 1. Approval of [he minutes of the regular meeting of November 23, 1992 and Special Called Heecing of December 2, 1992 2. Recognition of Visitors: 3. Appearances: A. Recognition of Continental Cablevision of Jacksonville (Ann Murphy, Public Relations Manager) 4. Old Business: A. Appointments [o Code Enforcement Board, Coamunity Development Board and Pension Board of Trustees ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED TO BE ROUTINE BY THE CITY COi41ISSI0N AND HILL BE ENACTED BY ONE MOTION IN THE FORM LISTED BELOW. TNERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF TNESE ITEMS. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WLLL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION AND STAr'F RECOMMENDATIONS HAVE BEEN PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY COMMISSION ON THESE ITEMS. 5. C¢nsent Agenda: A. Repo r[ on Plaza Road B. Report on usage of Adele Grage Community Center for November 6. Resolution: A. Resolution i92-38 relative to Budge[ Adjus [went BA-6 for [he transfer of funds for [he 1st phase of the Tovn Center project B. Resolution i92-39 relative [o Budge[ Adjustment BA-7 for funding far vatermain replacement 7. Ordina¢ces: A. Final reading and public hearing of Ordinance i95-92-53 relative to tree protection, permits, inspections e[t. B. Introauct ion and firs[ reading of Ordinance t75-92-10 relative to , parking trailers, motors homes etc. in residential districts C. Introduction and firs[ reading of Ordinance i55-92-27 relative to provSd ing monthly billing for solid vase 8. Nev Businesa: A. Discussion and related action regarding a proposed polity for private use of [he Ci[y nevslet[er (City Clerk Maureen King) e. Aecommenda[ion and related action regarding lease/purchase of municipal equipment (Finance Director Kirk Wend land) D. Discussion and related action concerning hydraulic share agreement for Mr. Bro[man E. Discussior. and related action relative [o engineering proposal for completion of design services for Oak Harbor sever rehab (PW Director Rohe rt Kosoy) ia.b~_-. DECEMBER s. n:m..a~ a~ ~.~ . ~.....